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The Oshawa Times, 14 May 1960, p. 15

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: : Money borrowed must be paid THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 14, 1960 15 The Christian in Society ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON by Atred J. susschns | Corporation Tax (y.ci Vii interest." he ad, ot : ing that corporation wi Scriptrs e--Matthew 3:10.16; 13:31-35, May Be Increased bring in $19,000,000 this year. PLAN UNIVERSITY | g : "Having taken a look at esti-| ARVIDA, Que. (CP) -- Council HARMONY GUELPH (CP) -- Provincial |of this aluminum - smelting town Treasurer James Allan hinted tes for nm. ! ow An has ly deciared seit] UNITED CHURCH Thursday that corporation taxesi58't going to in favor of establishing a univer-| Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A. B.D. may soon be raised to meet in- said. "I feel sure we are going sity for the Saguenay-Lake St. Minister ereased provineial expenditures, tc need $1,000,000,000 this year." | John area. Plans for . university Rous Metcalf, ARCT., anking and cri {have n discus: or several gonist Choirmaester officials attending a week - long| Mr Allan said the farmer is| o. banker's school at the Ontario! [petng turned into 233 SUNS Agricultural College that money by tremendous changes in HOO Ay from a sources: iment, (echnigues and the quip. If every man, woman and child 11 AM. 'Taxes and borrowing. cost of overheads. {will join in the nation-wide drive KINDERGARTEN CLASS [to prevent forest fires -- if each 11 AM. (one of us will use extra care this MORNING WORSHIP 17 ERIE ST. DIAL RA 5.3872 REV. R. E. DARGAN, Pastor [year -- we can surely cut down Sacrement of on the needless destruction EARTY WELCOME Ti Vital resources by forest fire. AW D AR "Blessed are 'they which are perse "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile "Ye are the gh of the world. A shy 0, Zur light so sine wires. FREE METHODIST CHURCH cuted for rightooumess sake, ox their's you und persecute you an | hall 309 0) 8 1, 0) ghia" candle puis and oily your Father Which a BYNG AVENUE || SOUTHMINSTER is the kingdom of heaven. said Jess . ol My sake. Rejoice, and be gad" it on a candlestick where it gives light --Matthew PENTECOSTAL heaven 3-16 he to all.--Matthew 5:14-15. MEMORY VERSE Matthew 5: 16. i . ; tening to Him. --Maltthew 5: 10. athew 5:10-1 |. Centered in Christ , . , World-wide in ficepe . + CHURCH | United Church Interested in vou Diol RA 5-1318 1109 CEDAR ST. 10 AM. --SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES. UND 00L LESSO : saat ut y SUNDRY SCHOOL Lesson : | ™ Christian and Missionary lance | 1H A 4--MORNING, WORE | oan -- Richmend St. §. ®t Cadillac -- Rev, C. V. Freeman, Poster 7 PM --THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR | MORNING WORSHIP MORNING WORSHIP i Vou are olwoys welcome of the Friendly Church ef the Light 7:00 P.M, f ew n 1 & Life Hour. Listen Every Sunday, 9 am, = CHML Hamilton. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE "The U tar: Chore" 11 AM.--"THE PANTING SOUL" 10:00 AM. | Service 9:30 and 11:00 em. y ' el ,_.-_e-he. SUNDAY SCHOOL S uffer For Beli He 7 PM--"FULL SALVATION! | EVERYONE WELCOME "YOUR SQUTHEND WORSHIP 4H Is it possible this side of heeven? 245 SIMCOE STREET ; | CENTRE" By NEWMAN CAMPBELL neighbour, and hate Sine enemy. [ust ad on He hy Fo hat --- | i i tI |! , Love your love em whic e 2 7 . i final, beatjoide gives cro B Bg Tri bi that curse fi reward have ye? . . . Be ye there: | WED., 8 P.M, -- MID-WEEK PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY |i Panteco ) tal hu rch Topic: FORGIVENESS l ll i ou, and pray for them which lore perfect, even as your Fa-| pagal le i fu Joe tefully use you, and perse-{i ther which is in heaven is per- REV. JAS. S. PIERCE, Minister Call RA 3.4477 GRACE WESTMOUNT I sake: for their's is the ha che ul Xe ay ee fogt, = Mattiew 5: hi difficult | _ EE ,,,-- LUTHERAN UNITED CHURCH of Heaven." Then He says - "Bles ¥ : in heaven: for He maketh Hisy of all Christ's teaching for us to 10: M --SUNDAY SCHOOL rDgucs xe ye Wiket nen sha sun to rise on the evil and on thes obey, byt with His help, we must | 10:00 A SU C CHURCH FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS ' I Cradle Roll Sunday -- Transportation RA 5.4558 Minister: Rev. Wm. A. Gibb | i 'evil good, and sendeth rain on this /strive to do as He would have us | ' 0 FAITH . "Ye ARC A a - | THE BAHA'I WORLD 11:00 AM. --THE PENTECOSTAL DYNAMIC 150 Albert St | "rg" and Choi "Laoder Pastor: Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; - | Children will be offered to the Lord in Carl A. Kartechner for great is your reward in I Service of Dedication | 11:00 A.M. maven or peeied worl CHRISTIAN SCIENCE That one indeed is a man [J , | THE LAST COUNT DOWN | suwoav seavices J CRE omncr e prophets w 3 ime. ' -- i A "" » you." --Matthew 5: 10-12. FIRST CHURCH -- «4 COLBORNE ST. EAST who today dedicateth him y NG. 30 AM | THE YOUNGER BROTHER Yes, the prophets were per Branch of The Mother Church, 'The First Church ef Christ, Scientist If th : 4 the en- TUES, 7:30 P.M OL Oe Stes, OF EN DEPICTING secuted, and many are fhe oy in Boston, Massachusetts self to the service o I Wid SoRK oF THE WORLD LON Ele ko AcyE unisy AM oo [ nS rs ples of the world since then who * . : , 8: Me | have suffered tortures for Christ's| SUNDAY SCHOCIL -- 11:00 AM. | =~ tire human race. THURS., 2:00 P.M.--WOMEN'S PRAYER i 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL sake. Thankful we must be that SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: : FRI, 6:30 P.M.--CHILDREN'S CHURCH worms RB 2c0rm in fos Sountzies of or Tory j "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" For Further Information Write:-- 8:00 P.M.--MEN'S FELLOWSHIP "THIS. 15 "THE LIFE" JURSERY TO PRIMARY worl ere are few, if any [ ' . 4 ' : | SUNDAY SC! A ffer for th religious beliefs. Wednesday evening mees'ing aot 8:00 o'clock includes Y i J HOO AE heir gious ytd of healing through Christian Science, OSHAWA BAHA | COMMUNIT We Extend a Cordial Invitation to Worship With Us | py 7:30 PM. Wi Rev, Dr, Wilhur. M- Smith, READING ROOM HOU JRS IN CHURCH EDIFICE 29 Gladstone -- Phone . ; : ' ' YOUNG PEOPLES UNION tor and commentator of 1'e- Monday 7:00 p.m. te 9:00 p.m p------ ; i loubet's Select Notes, tells us, Tuesday end Thursda y 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL "We are not sure of the exact . location where the Sermon on the Excerv iG HOLIDAYS So i [THE SALVATION ARMY | RECRLCARCUCIEE parables of Matthew 13 were ut-| tered." SIMCOE AND JOHN STS KEL Mh, MetRiGn St And ; U it d Ch h "Ye are the salt of the earth; GOSPE.L HALL MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers . rew s uniie urc but if the salt have lost his| MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A., D.D , wh vith shall it be a , . - . . ' M.A, B.D, salted? It is thenceforth good for 40 M'ASSAU ST. MISSIONARY SUNDAY 3 1 A M . / p M Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. nothing, but to be' cast out, and| Services eonducted by Senior Maja sod Mrs. Ceeil Dark, REV. JAMES MacKNIG! to be trodden under foot of men." ----- former Missionary cers. 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL ~Souten mean that those) " $JUNDAY ' 11:00 A:M I ee NAR SERVICE | For Transportation -- RA 5.0318 | REV. ERIC SMALLEY of us who profess to believe in|| 10:00 AM.--"REMEMBERYNG THE LORD 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC RALLY \ of Toronto 30 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLES' FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP | posi Bi in re 12:00 NOON--Sunday Schr sol end Adult Bible Class : FILMS OF SALVATION ARMY WORK IN KOREA A 8 2.00 PM--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR BIBLE CLASS 9:50 A.M.--Senier, Infermediate end Junior Classes ligion we profess and fail to fol-|| PE y p ; TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M.--HOME LEAGUE Ie Christ's teaching in our daily | 7:00 P.M. --GOSPEL SERN 'ICE. Speoker D. Telfer of Toronto Lo 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING GREAT Ne lamelessy, n ewan Wed. 7.45 pm. -- Riible Study end Prayer Meeting REVIVAL nia HA "50 Xun spake #3. A HEARTY? INVITATION TO ALL CRUSADE "Ye are the light of the world. fm, | wis coun Bt YOU! | | on ||" Albert Street United Church EVANGELIST * bushel, but on a candlestick; and GELIS REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister it giveth light unto all that are FInRsy DIADYISY CHURCH . GERRY MORGAN | MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader in the house." HORTOP AT GLENWOOD "Let your light so shine before | - 4 | F I STARTING T7750 Ah --NORNING WORSHIP | \ | ll I 11:00 AM.~Nursery, Beginners end Primary Classes men, that they may see your | 4 ; 33 Rev. N. Frank Swackhammaer, B.A, re not ssociated with a : : you are not a 2 Yutsday, Moy 17th REV. H. A. MELLOW, of Northminster United. Church ood k nd glority Y k nf b y Mr. H. Phillip, Musicel Director Father which is in heaven'-- i ff Of -- oe Church in Oshawa or District ¥ 7:00 P.M.--"THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR" Matthew 5: 14.16, 8:00 P.M. BROADCAST CKLB «This does not mean that we INS 11:00 AM. - REV. GERRY MORGAN should boast of our good deeds, \ y THE FORM OF YOUR RELIGION WI LY not try SY. LUKE' S ON GIVING GOD A CHANCE H Hear Him Sing Your Gospel but that we should so live that anew Presbyterian | Favourites mth Vis FiFidohty Enemie Guitar Westmount Public School choir will sing others may say of us that we « 3 0 7:00 P.M a IR Doral We Prac R14 7 : SAE: a ate Church Se He will Sing His Way Right into Your Heart 9:45 A.M.--~Primary to Senior S.5. REV. M s : --- ; Beai tice Jesus' teachings. (3) A LOOK INTO HEAVEN E MORGAN 4s @ noley Evavgeliar 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten-Beginners oi piace 4 tot, Womast will be welcome any Sun- | "A MODERN DAY BILLY SUNDAY" | who sowed the grain of seed in| FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL AT 9:48 day at Adelaide McLaugh- Inspiring AYER FOR RE Sie" - Piane the earth we do not have space a lin School. | NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH INCLUDE TEACHING as I SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD We must, owever, include --- MINISTER -- REV. arene Calvary BAPTIST IF TH/5 DOES MEAN YO ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SAAN "in Rr in weed, and our attitude towards L] COME AND WORSHIP WITH us. SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 end 11:00 AM, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL those who are our enemies CENT RE AND JOHN STREETS ne at 11:00 AM.--REV, S. C. H. ATKINSON, p heard th it hath | | . beast Jave ean that La ta Affiliated rer Ra ha Sn ha Sa in Conade 57. GEORGE'S CHURCH $7 Mount St. Chvingh, wil by, guest speoker. entre anc agot Streets The BIBLE "SCHOML -- 9d AM. = ALL AGES Rev. Clinton B. Cross, BA, L.Th RA $-2386 Boby-sitting by the Come Double Club Christadelphians 11:00 AM --MOR NING WORSHIP ' J FOR CHRIST EASTER IV 7:00 P.M. NO EVENING SERVICE 9.30 A M.--HOLY COMMUNION (CHRIST'S BRETHREN SEE THE UNEQUAL YOKE" 11:00 AM.--MORNING PRAYER Rev. P. Trant 9:50 P.M--FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLS MATTHEW. 12:46-50 7.00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER--Rev. C. Cross Invite seekers after Truth [| 7:00 P.M.--"PRC)IVISION FOR THE NEW LIFE" THIS SATURDAY MAY, 14 : i f [ : ! fo apply for Free Bible Hl yen, 7.45 »m--nvissioNARY RiGHT 7.45 PM. | CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH . $ : NO OBLIGATION Mr. and Mrs. Normen Gentry -- Philippines . Mary and Hilleréft Streets NIT = { re el 11 1 { © 0 1] yh N| Write: "CALVARY ECHOES" SAT. 8 PM Presenting the Rector: The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone §- 5795 : CHRISTADELPHIAN || cK sun. sam PRAYER FELLOWSHIP CLIMAXING RALLY OF THE SEASON 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 P.M. ------_ ECCLESIA Fully Co ordinated Youth Programme with . -- -- Evade Willlems, Chelr Director Hy ina Post Office Box 121 THE (1 4URCH FOR THE FAMILY DR. HARRY FAUGHT HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Te Beprimr Bursery snd Church Sched Oshawa, Ontario TOAIRNAN OF TORONTO. Fe Corner Court wd Bote Streets, and. Block Eest of Albert 11:00 x " $ M. VICE-CHAIRMAN OF TORONTO CBMC . H. G. D. RICHEY, L.th, : .M.--PREACHER, REV. T. W. F, G. Dr Fought is @ youth favourite throughout Ontesie. 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. ANDREWS - ' | R i . ALSO YOUNG MEN'S OUARTET -- TRUMPET TRIO | ] Represtoting we Ontaris Temperance | ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH "Solo: "God Hath Not Promised" (Rice) ONTARIO FOR GCiD CRUSADE SPECIAL TEEN TIME WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Mr. £4. Luke Anthem: "0 L f God" (Thiman) Calling All Faiths Together That Believe in I This Saturday May 14, 7:45 p.m. Incumbent: The Rev. R, A. Sharp -- RA 5.7064 | ALWAYS A WELCOME Bok huh THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Revival -- SALVATION -- HEAL ING -- DELIVERANCE i AT 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. NO EVENING SERVICE UNTH SEPT. 41TH CONVENTION MAY 23 | CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH | ST MARK'S CHURCH | CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner Centre and Athol Streets i STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. Inter-Deneminati smal THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, A. Mini ty A 4 Place to Bring Your Friend , S.Th Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A, Minister HELD AT THE OSHAWA G OSPEL MISSION | ens: STEVE ZURDA 476 Beurling Ave. -- Priest in Charge Mr, R. K. Kellingten, Orgenist-Choirmaster 1221 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa , Ontario a 3 ANN m 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM, -- 2.30 P.M, -- 7 P.M, 11:00 A.M.--"MAKING YOUR LIFE COUNT" MEET THE \ KAY. A Message for all Young People. Noted Evangelists of M ge vs THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA 11:00 AM.--MISSION BAND i? 7: PMY N 'whom we are bringing up from Chicago by plane 00 OUNG PEOPLES UNIO! KNOX ST. PAUL'S ST. LUKE EVERYBODY WELCOME 4 8 I § St. N. (fi g KING ST. €&. ond WILSON Congragation meeting in the Adelaide Ministers' Break fast McKay Party Gospel Tent ese Sour Dlosky fom King S03 1. (ING Allen, BA. TCD, Minister MeLaughiin Sen hoot : in Honor of the McKays he Rev. Robert 8. Milroy, M.A. Minister 445 Beverisy -- RA 8.6014 (Stephenson Rd. ossland West) mee Meetings | Frain s oEEDEE | wR ee 'GWCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH 9:45 0 AM. 9:45 A.M. The Church in the heart of the city with the World en its heart RESERVATIONS MUST BE IN n x. ; ATION Ist QINTARIO CRUSADE CHURCH SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL TR waht ©, MorraT SA Ministers, Free - all others 1.00 JULY. Ist MR. PETER GILBERT 11:00 AM | MISSIONS SUNDAY ALL ARE WELCOME Oshawa, Ontario will preach at both services MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM 11:00 A.M.--" GLAD NEWS FOR A SAD AGE" Children's Meeting ot Church ' "THE ML "HOW IT EFFECTS ME" : sabe | a eX uioraty_ Society Service 9-11 -- Films -- Refreshments : ION OF LIFE" 1 AM. ' i bur sc CH _| 20 C ruse, Toronto, Ontari ra rs BE GODS LONG || | SEAR Rr en ve 4m hd i A lasses ' { L ' "THY KIN " ursery ol | con's "" Further plans to be decided at Conventior + Crusades, 147 LaSalle Ave., 9:30 AM anna, iy tity & wer WAY AROUND REA ONDA "senor Shwe. Oshawa, Ontar io CHRISTIAN FAMILY SERVICE Thornton's Corners Sunday School 9:45 a.m--Junior, Intermediate, Young People ARENTS WELCOME 7:00 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S A_Cordial Invitation, te All I 1100 am ==lnfonis Cased For in he Hall H o.m.~Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary

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