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The Oshawa Times, 14 May 1960, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 14, 1960 19 YO'IS GIVIN'TH' gry WE'LL HAVE PP NELSON EDDY SINGIN' SRA PUR T] / WAIT AMINUTE-L |i ] f - DANCE yoo NATCHERLYE ) BF. Bonne / THINK 1 SEE POP GETTING i ™ i PMs Split WHO ; INVITED ME . ; AH GOTA ~ A AH DON'T HAF TA E MAKE TO TAKE YO' ELSE'D RECORDY JH RETURN IT, UNTIL \ hy ERTL TD 72) GIVE A ya y HER HAPPY!) At Break-Up Of Meeting DANCEAH'D GIT INVITED KAWENE, Ont. (CP) -- Nine Indian chiefs were asked Thurs- day about the main problems confronting Indians and gave al- most as many different answers. k? The chiefs were interviewed at 'a conference sponsored by the Indian affairs branch. Education was one of the main 1 mentioned by the World rights reserved. JULIET JONES MAYBE IT WAS TOO RASH. IT SURE 16 HARD TO MAKE THE I KNOW HOW TO M IAS, TX H ; TAIN / IDS COME OUT EVEN, WELL, SOLVE THIS THE NEXT TIME I TIE IT Sample comments: BE ory on MATA A Seva WE GO AGAIN... id" PROBLEM... [7] | THERE WON'T BE ANY MARGIN Chief Fred Green, Shoal Lake: IN THESE OLD TIES OF f po ul - / n {"We have trouble obtaining GRANDPA... 1- / ¥. 7 , |further education for our people, Pe TEE | oco000c00N We must induce the parents to know the value of an education." Chief Lawrence Redsky, Shoal Lake: "I disagree with the ad. ministration of Indian affairs. The Indian councils do not have enough powers." Chief Edward Copenace, Nestor Falls: "My people have money but it is now time to encourage members to realize the necessity of education." Chief Frank Pelletier, Fort Wil- ham: "The only problem we don't have is lack of work for the y 4 7 " s of the reserve. But we pe . WHO 18 THE Bm d |--/~ LEAGUE WITH members o it THERE'S SOMETHING f =( LEADER OF THIS OUTEITP 7 HOSTILE do lack proper school facilities THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW... ay : / A INODIANE . E and housing. \ \ 1777777 4 o Chief Emery McLeod, Nipissing: 'We are attempting to start small businesses on the re- serve so the members will have steady employment close to their families, We feel employment close to the home is very neces- sary." Chief Ralph Bruyere, Couchich- ing: "Relief is our biggest prob- . 0 lem. Not getting it, mind you, 'AN. MY IME but we have lots of trouble in whe /5 BRYAN. / ; / J should get it. It is up to the / (1 ) council and it causes ill feeling." S) DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER HOW ABOUT GOIN! HESE TIN CANS AN' } FOR A RIPE WITH ME, ' BACKA MY CAR TO MAKE TWINK Z I JUST THOUGHT ISg! ISN'T THAT /~ Re OF A BRAN' NEW .y PEA / Howte € Foatares Sym ron Syadicate, Jac, Ward rights romero 1850 Tha 1 sm BRAT. Tae £ 180, Xing Pesta THE LONE RANGEP | . ' Parliament i ! [WHAT IF A FREAK THAT SUB, PHIL + wi - v i ACCIDENT" JUST ] areiou BY ("Ernie Vite: i ree" B | At-A-Glance } BLOW THE LID GROUND TO : i You CAN PRO By THE CANADIAN PRESS Thursday, May 12, 1960 The Liberals made four unsue- cessful attempts to amend the government's bill setting out #& payment formula for university grants acceptable to Quebec. One amendment brought an ap. peal for the ruling of deputy grants acceptable to Qcebec. External Affairs Minister TIT fy EEE] HH, DEAR -- } 1 SE elope JIE us \A tmIT My BUDGET \ | H!MIT 2 / v BUDG WHAT . S) A a { i i Je < AGAIN THIS SPEND ~ Ba WEEK LEE, 2) Toe, Workd chemes sam ood +s Spwiicata SECRET AGENT X 9 Green, asked about U.S. plans for underground nuclear tests, reiters ated Canada's opposition to all Mmuclear tests. AUCTION SALE ODDMENTS AUCTION SALE Fe BY CHRIST MEMORIAL MEN'S FELLOWSHIP CLUB a Minister Hn - SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1960 Christ Memorial (Anglican) Church Hillcrest sy Mory Sts. Ey Soproed ender 0 1 wel of picking up. YOU JUST MIGHT FIND SOMETHING YOU WANT This Space Courtesy of: CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED outer Raich Homer (PC Senate not proceed with its pro- 8 i g posed manpower study, suggests f ze MR. SHARP THAT'S WONDERFUL #/ ing many jobless Canadians pre- I'M GETTING SICK AND TIRED, "p= oy lf 3 or PETE'S \[ 7 £48 Ava Vis GAVEUS KIDS | | NOW YOU CAN HAVE =f | KNOW HC PLAY ip fer to live on unemployment in- X icin rE HOME MH SHU! 15 SAKE! CLOSE If me OR OLR 4 ' ho Surance and other government y ITTING WITH / NOT 50 LOUD, fo rab #4 A EN Cdn. ' aid. 5 A SUITCASE FULL OF MONEY. NT a 10p, ie cusiane § A&E DONT LEAVE fa rome | Friday, May 19 9 pee i . by KY, \ Cr) A eo / g ! Sal 2 The Commons meets at 11 a.m. 5 i i ) J 7 3 1 a EDT to give third reading to the university grants bill and debate agriculture estimates. The Sen- ate is adjourned until 8 p.m. Tues- day. Rail Cost Yardsticks tt 7 2 | Hours Lamar ir areroACHES A Moov | IT'S THB ONLY 1 SHADY LAYNE BNTERS A WAITING SPACE OF GALLEAu TX) : : way! THE TIME CRAFT, IT ROARS AWAY FROM 175 BASE, WERE PART OF THE {19 RIGHT {0R0P ME e Eo. | ei ape : < : 7 Lui, 3 ki i OTTAWA (CP)--At least three new yardsticks for measuring the cost of rail movement of West- ern Canada's export grain erop appear to be taking shape before the royal eommission on trams. portation. The publicly-owned CNR and the privately-owned CPR already have submitted their own analy- sis of the cost of handling export grain, Other versions, possibly not as complete, ae expected to be pro- the commission's re- GOODNESS GRACIOUS, ZERO =I 5 JUST LIKE SOME' LOOKIT= THE TIDE IS CARRYIN' US UP THIS Ire A r JUST DOESN'T SEEN POSSIBLE, BUY MYSTERIOUS HAND =1 LONESOME -LOOKIN' RIVER ~ YOU KNOW, ZERD, T gach sk SH, by Sepsis dived by THIS POOR OL' BARGE FOUND AN HAD STEERED US INTD THINK WE OUGHTA GET DOWN ON OUR. by the wheat pools OPENING IN THE SHORELINE HERE »=~GEE- MAYBE ST KNEES AN SAY * THANK You®- (Fn likely his emerge at later Ne cA? I WAS LIKE THAY~ : hearings of the commission Tr which announced Thursday its . 2% ¢ schedule for the mext four ii Ne I . = £1 | months, A session is set for Port = NY | Arthur May 28, followed by hear- \ z 8} [ings in Ottawa May 30-June 17, July 4-15 and Sept. 12 until con- clusion of the public sittings, The cost study is a key to the railways' plea for a multi-million- dollar federal subsidy to offset losses they say they suffer in hauling export grain at freight rates set by statute at a level that originated before 1900, BUZ SAWYER LOOK: + IF ANNTWING- DAISY ++ ARE YOU ALONE g HAPPENS TO THE BOYS WiLL YOU LET ME KNOW? BRICK BRADFORD PRAY, SIRR ... STAND AND DELIVER | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WATER SHORTAGE | HONG KONG (AP) -- Facing jone of its most acute water | shortages, the government of this British colony on the edge of Communist China has signed a contract with a Japanese firm for $3,000,000 worth of steel water i pipes, to boost the supply. | i a SALLIES MICKEY MOUSE ROGERS AND THE YEAH/IM A LITTLE QUEASY ; nse a Asse) Ere RTE en) NN Qi AY KEEP EM FROM GETTIN FAR / LC iad) RA] TRA ED, ROY ROGERS | "I always bring home flowers for the missus--she -------- pe thinks they're DELICIOUS?" 'But we differ definitely; | 2 ow Bie don Bile

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