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The Oshawa Times, 14 May 1960, p. 7

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FEROWE _) (17% OFC Representing the Women's Wel-| exciting suits has been preci- fare League of Simcoe Hall, Mrs.| sion copied down to the last C. M. Elliott has been asked to| detail by one of New York's speak on the evaluation of field) popular priced stores, bring. services during the conference of| ing high style to the average the Ontario Welfare Council at| American woman. The suit is Hart House, Toronto, next Tues- m------ -- shown in textured silk with contrasting color edging the wide bateau neck, the jacket sleeves and hem. The skirt is short and slim. A silk scarf at the novel neckline is a charae- teristic accessory used by Ric- ci. --By TRACY ADRIAN- Loner, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 14, 1960 7 *11960, at 4 p.m. 2 |Minett, daughter. TO LIVE IN WHITBY St. | ity, the bride is the daughter John's United Church, St. Vin- | oi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Flar- cent Township, were Mr. and | ity of Hespeler, and the bride- Mrs. James Grant Plaskitt, | groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Plaskitt of Whitby. Margaret Rose Winsley Plights Troth With Ronald H. Gourley Married. recently at The marriage of Margaret and attendants designed their > & Ho 300 11) BRIUE-10-BE The ene~~ement is announced | teday of Miss Jill Gladys Fye- Iyn Angell and Mr. Robert Adair Whi'eley, The bride-to- bo is the daurhter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hen»v Angell of Niarara Falls, Ontario, and pre fisnce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ader White. | V2 of Oshawa, The marri~de will tke nlace in Crist "Te. | m-ri»! (Murch on Saturday, Jure 4, 1970 7 dt BOTH TEACHERS and ents in the audience were im- in the dis on on Seated rene plicated elementary schooling. ENGAGEMENT Mr. ant Mrs. oorge' Henr Argell of Niarara Fa'ls, Onta wish to announce the enga~~- mont of their danchter. Jill Gladys Fveiyn, to M~ Rohert [Adair Whiteley, son of Mr. and Mis. Henry Adair Whi'cley of Oshawa. The wedding is to take| [place at Christ Memorial Chireh |0Ocshawa, on Saturday, y ) "Are our children spending too long in public school?" Both sides June 4,!¢ the question were given a good airing at the meeting on Wednes- day night of the Oshawa branch of the University Women's Club. Out-spoken on the affirmative . | side was Mrs. M. J. Sabia, chair- OH the Jn gagement of their man of the provincial Su eom: 1 phi op 'mittee 'on education. greeing RO Pele® Tostian Som of Mi with her, for the most part, was Son. MLE Vic OOM the vice-president of the Oshawa gon, Oniarie, The marriage and district Home and School is J take place on Saturdav. Jure) pone) "Mrs, A. J. Allen. The opposite view was ken by Dr. «at 3 o'clock in Christ Memor- |{C. M. Eliott, superintendent of ial Church V V' | Elementary schools in Oshawa ENGALINEW Hymes, superin- | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Vaughan|and Mr. D. J lannounce the engagement of tendent in Peterborough. |their daughter, Marilyn Joan, to| Mrs. G. K. Drynan moderated |Mr. William Gordon Clarke Jr.,|the panel discussion which was son of Mr. and Mrs. William|opened by Dr. Elliott, explaining |Clarke of Whitby. The marriage!that eight years in public school will take place on Saturdav, June was not too long for the average 11, 1960, at 2.30 n.m anlchild and he stressed average, |Saints® Anglican Church, Whitby, and not long enough for another. Jl, Disagreeing, Mrs. Sabia said with hat the average child could com- rlete the course easily in seven ENGAGEMENT Nir. and Mrs. Charles William Oshawa, wish to an- J. An occasional treatment {petroleum jelly will he p prevent F , |eracking in patent leather. | years if parents took back so | lof the responsibilities they had par- | Panel Discuss'on on Elementary Schooling Bares Need For Better Qualified Teachers me day. Mr. and Mrs. John Verrico of London are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Bert Edwards, Athol street east, and are planning to make their home in Oshawa. The Barvinok Branch of St. John's Canadian Ukrainian Women's Association held a Mother's Day tea.on Sunday in the parish hall. Miss Ann Sabat spoke on the significance of Mother's Day and the program included a piano solo by Valen- tine Petrowsky and an accordion selection by Darlene Stezik. Bou- quets were presented to Mrs. Steven Hercia, the mother pres ent with the youngest child and to Mrs. Adokia Lyson, mother of the largest family. Holder of the lucky tea cup was Mrs, John Stezik who won the floral centre piece. Mrs. Steven Hercia and Mrs. Adokia Lyson poured tea. Guests from out of town at the Gourley - Winsley wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gillis, Mrs. John Cameron, Miss Lorna Cam eron, Galt; Mrs. Harvey Crouch, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cameron, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron, Rexdale; Mr. and Mrs. wo idk a ch YARDLEY ter Shao | Standing are public school superintendents, Dr. C. M. Elliott of Oshawa and Mr. D, J. Hymes of Peterborough. --Oshawa Times Photo with the moderator, Mrs. G. K Drynan, centre and Mrs. M J. Sabia, left, of St. Cath- Mrs. A. J. Allen. Donald Gourley, Brockville; Mr and Mrs. John Hummel, Mr. and| | Mrs. John Hummel, Jr., Mr. | Mrs. J. Murray, Kitchene Thomas Horne, Hamilton; J. Slack, Mr. William Hi Mr. Miss and | ar.nes, items of interest. News of te surprise parties, showers, ar relegated to the schools and if variety in the curriculum and adversaries and comings and fully qualified teachers were em-|vocated a second language which ings are always very accep e ployed. should be French. and for which there is no charge. Mr. Hymes agreed Mr. Hymes replied that the Please write or telephone RA need for more highly qualified|curriculum in Ontario was the 3-3574 local 18. teachers but pointed out thatimost flexible in Canada allow-| wr. and Mrs. E. G. Storie, Mr home life in present order of so-|/ing for many subjects not for-| nd Mrs John Hruska, Mr. ciety had changed and that the merly taught. Mrs. S. T. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. school had to foster the emotional | The debate waxed around Vietor Kitchen, Dr. and Mrs, and physical development of the| Grade 1 reading, the matter andip. Fallon ave ampng those Who child as well as the educational, the system. Mrs. Sabia voiced have made veservations for the in fact, the whole child. [her disapproval but Dr. Elliott|Maytime Dance sponsored by the [ Mrs. Allen felt that the aver-| ag firm in his statement that|women's Auxiliary, Oshawa Gen- |age child was not challenged to] reading has never been better ara] Hosnital, Others are Mr. ¢ meet his full potential and that! ought in primary grades than ityre "A E. Johnson, Mr. and there could be some telescoping | ;o today." 7 T Salaers Dr. ad Mrs of the last five years of elemep | In his concluding remarks, ee. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ro] perinte! t i | Eliott deplored the laxity of the Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Murray " Bol superintendents pointed | MLC ion and explained Powell, Mr. and Mrs. George fo that there was accelercuion|' at education was more than an Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Mor- land streamlining where advis : f k ledie or "air; M1 |able and both rejected super-| accumulation o nowledg |rison, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Kim- rial cra a {package deal". merly, Mr. and Mrs. A. Johan- Fiotal rome cnecial projects| "It is a growing and develop-{sen, Mr. and Mrs. John Perry, The value of special project: ment, socially, physically and|Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Weeks, Mr. with the C. A. Department to send in any lit le| "|FOR MEN..THE BOLD NEW LOOK OF YARDLEY YARDLEY AFTER SHAVING LOTION has the cool, crisp tingle and manly scent that improves any shave! Soothes razor burns, helps heal nicks. $1.25 and $2.00 < CR To TEV [ao] SR Be PHONE RAGS-3546 STORES IN AND WHITBY PLAZA was debated pro and con, the 3 . By) 1 Jaimi 1 1van| emotionally, each 'in step and|and Mrs. .J W. Spragge, Mr. and mentors claiming that children Sroportion. to the other which Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Woods. Mrs. D. H. Wells of Whitby and] learnt by doing, the mothers that ' i cutting, pasting and collecting Just Ios due time. What is the| nw & was so much time wasted. Miss Ada Kelly moved a vote Mrs. Sabia contended that of thanks to the panel. pupils were not getting enough | items WIFE PRESERVER | at the bottom and toward nge end of the case. A fresh sponge makes a fine Rose Winsley and Ronald Harry dresses together. ley was solemnized by the The attendants were Miss Bet- Reverend Frank Swackhammer|ty Dowton, Mrs. Frank Lowry| ') iding the danger All your care in packing may bf fg ng gas i a swing- go-to waste if heavy items shifting washcloth corner. You can in First Bapist Church last Sat-land Miss Brenda Flezg. They| urday afternoon. The bride is the wore identical dresses a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.|crowns in dusty rose and car Sidney Winsley and the bride-|rose carnations and stephan-tis.| groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.| Miss Christine Gillis, the bride's| Harry Gourley, all of Oshawa. |-ousin, was the flower girl wear-| Mr. David Jenkins played the'ing a full-skirted dress of dust] wedding music and the soloist, rose accented with clusters of Mrs. Gordon King, sang "O Per- pastel nylon flowers. She carried fect Love", "The Lord's Prayer" a basket of pink carnations. "Through the Years" Jackson acied as| 4 in transit, wrinkling lighter cloth- cut one in half, too, and give the i |ing. To avoid this, pack all heavy baby half to amuse himself. All Roads Lead To . . . GLECOXT SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH in OSHAWA OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. TO BE MARRIED IN JUNE | W. Minett in and her Specials for Mon., Tues., Wed. fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Postian of London, | CHRISTIES' ¢ Ontario. The ceremony is to | BREAD LOAVES take place in Christ Memorial | Church. | SMITH'S --Photos by Ireland, Oshawa; | KETCHUP 5 89+ MacKellar, London. | HAMBURG 3 .. 1.00 SPARERIBS "3 .. 25° PORK LBS. BACON BREAKFAST SLICED 2 69° RIND ON LBS. POTATOES NEW BRUNSWICK 2 75 50-LB. BAG LJ PLANTS FLOWER AND VEGETABLE 39¢ YOUR CHOICE BOX SHRUBS 75¢ YOUR CHOICE BUTTER ™ 64 LB. Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S We cash Baby Bonus, Pension and Pay Cheques. riage by her father. She wore a Mr. John Hummel, A hn| gown of white silk faille with/Winsley and Mr. Thomas Horne. | full skirt and overskirt that felll To receive the ts in ("e into a slight train. Appliques of reception room of the church,| leaves and seed pearls embellish-|{the bride's mother wore beige! ed the neckline, sleeves and iinen and lace with a large hat| overskirt, A crown of silver of beige organza pets! with leaves and pearls held her veil tou: hes. of lily of the vo! The of tulle illusion and white steph. Uridegroom's mother was in a anotis comprised her snower bou-|Jack2. dress of pure silk in re- auet seda green with insets of match. 2 Gi A ng lace, and matching accéssor- Miss Elizabeth Winsley was ies. Each had a corsage of pink maid of honor for her twin sis:|rosebuds. ter. She wore a pale pink sheath] The honevmoon is bei~= spent of crystal charm with a matching|in Ottawa and Quebec City, pink lace overskirt. Her head. For the wedding trip the bride dress was a small crown of thelVo™® 2 lilac suit with pink ac- . 3 cessories and a corsage of steph- same materials with a short| 0 2 Siep Mr. and Mrs. Gourley will re- y June 25 has been set for the date of the marriage of Miss Nancy Jane Minett and Mr Ronald Peter Postian, whose engagement is announced to- day. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A FEW TIPS ON THE CARE OF RAIN APPAREL With the amount of rain that we are exposed to at this time 11.0Z. veil. She carried a bouquet of} BOTTLES pale pink carnations and white tury to take up residence at 463 stephanotis. Th aid of honor Stevenson road, Oshawa. King Street School Students Present 'Variety Night' Program The May meeting of King|lor, played several selections; S'reet Home and School Associa [Dance, Dale and David Ander-| tion was held recently with the|son; Piano solo, Darlene Ka-| {president, Mrs. Frank Jarvis, |doski. | | presiding. Mrs. George Pearce expressed] | The principal, Mr. L. B. Weid-|the thanks of the association to |erick, welcomed the large at-/the students and teachers for terdance of parents and friends presenting such a fine program. {and introduced Fred Mardryk| Dr. R. C. Ross spoke briefly who acted as '""Master of Cere- on behalf of the present Hospital | monies" for the annual "V- 'v.Campaign. The secretary's re-| {Night Program" which was pre-|port was given by Mrs. Harold] sented by the students of the Davis and Mrs. Lloyd Annis read | school. |the treasurer's report. | The program consisted of:| Mrs. Marion Hart's room won |Pirno sclo, Pamela Miller: songz the annual attendance prize. A} {With guitar, "I Walk the Li ~. picture "The Red Maple" by| {June <uddard; Tap dance, Rys |A. Y. Jackson was presented to zard Tomaszewski; Piano solo, /Mrs. Hart. Linda Johnson. The Home and School Council The school choir under the di- meeting will be held on May 24] [rection of Mrs. Marion Hart in E. A. Lovell School and will be sang "Dona Nobis Pacem", "Mary and Martha", "Old Ark's Precaded by 2 pot luck suppel; |A Moverin", "Guide Me, Oh] [Thou Great Jehovah", *'Carolina| Moon", "The Happy Wanderer" | "Jacob's Ladder" Piano solo, Bonnie Snyder; | Jamborine duet, Anne Butler and ryl * Phillips; Ballet dance, Lyn Fielder; song with gui-| tar, "Robbin" the Cradle" and| |*"He'll Have to Go", Johnny May; {Ukrainian Dance, Marie Klucz- kowski ! The King Street drama club. under the direction of Miss Shir ley Farndale, presented its first tion, "His First Shave'. bi In the cast were John Paynter, oa Barbara Sawyer, Bob Montgom-| " ery, Beverley Morris, Christine A WINSOME MISS {Nash and Beverley Hebb. | Serenade Medley, Christine| the granddaughter of Mr, |Nash and Heather Parker; Char-| and Mrs. Luigi Nave, Oshawa, |leston, Heather McBain and Me. anc MM "onato Brenda Vermoen, Capob'anco of Ponte, Italy. The King Street string ensem- ~Photo by Mary's studio ble, directed by McBarnett Tay-' | 1 ) of year, a rain coat or some form of rain apparel is a necessity in everyone's wardrobe. 1. Don't let your raincoots become too soiled before you have them cleaned. If dirt is too deeply embedded in the fabric, dry cleaning may not remove it. Have your rain coats dry cleaned often. Have your dry cleaner re-treat your rainwear with a water repellent after cleaning. KEEP YOURSELF PRESENTABLE, WITH A SERVICEABLE, CLEAN RAINCOAT Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) and CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS THE-INSTITUTE-OF-ETHICAL-HYPNOSIS AND BUREAU OF PSYCHOPHONICS 11 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA ONT. PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS ALDSWORTH CLEANERS BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS, LTD. HARWOOD CLEANERS -- AJAX GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. The above listed cleaners endorse is now exclusively operated by MR. WALTER MITTLER "HYPNOTHERAPIST" sole successor to: MR. EDWIN HEATH PLEASE NOTE -- All enquiries about the latest "WEIGHT-REDUCING METHOD", should be addressed to the DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE RA 8-0171. Initial Consultations Free. the Oshawa General Hospital Fund Raising Campaign GIVE! Help Clear The Corridors Catherine Amma, one year old, fs the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aurelio Nave, Fairbanks street. Catherine celebrated her first birthday om April 6. She ard

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