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The Oshawa Times, 14 May 1960, p. 8

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Dyer, Alice Hinds, Mary Jacklin Mrs. Mervin Perkin as vice-presi-|Mrs. Mervin Perkin whose pro. and May Bunker. |dent, Mrs. Percy Bradley as re- gram was "The Printed Word and |cording secretary, Mrs. Bryan| Your Life". Mrs. Stewart Banner BETA SIGMA PHI LODGES AND SOCIETIES {Cole as treasurer and Mrs. Percy man thanked the speaker. The regular meeting of Ontario McBain as corresponding secre-| The next meeting will be held REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 ter Nelda Thomp president,| Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Beta tary on May 17 at the home of Mrs, The regular meeting of Re [presided assisted by Sister|Sigma Phi was held at the home Mrs. Kenneth Young introduced Mervin Perkin. bekah Lodge No. 3 was held on|{Gladys Blyth, vice-president, of Mrs. Kenneth Young. Wednesday evening, May 11, inf Sister Gladys Blyth gave thel The secretary read the minutes) the Lodge rooms. Sister Ann Holt [sick report and visiting and flow-|and roll call showed eleven mem-| presided assisted by Sister Elsic|ers sent to those in hospital and|bers and five guests present. Crawford. lat home and anniversary cards. Mrs. Stewart Bannerman - the ] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, May 14, 9th Guides and Brownies Hold Mother, Daughter Banquet The 9th Guide Company and; Guide Badges: second class Brownie Pack held its mother|laundress, homemaker, home and daughter banquet recently at|nurse, fire brigade, first aid Guide House. emergency helper, Jo-Ann Top Harry Blanchard, presi-|ping; second class, fire brigade dent of the 9th group committee home nurse, child nurse, laund + 20th CENTY t) convener reminded the welcomed the guests. May Day|ress, emergency helper, thrifl was the theme of the table decor-|homemaker, Cheryl Kreasu ation, and miniature Guides and|home nursing, emergency helpe Brownies were depicted dancing|laundress, child nurse, Secor around a Maypole. |class, Marilyn Stolaryk; chilc Mrs. James Young, Chaplain nurse, laundress, second clas: said grace and Brownie, Alayne|Diane Boyd; laundress, secon Elliott proposed a toast to thc |class, Susan Graham; little hous Queen. The toast to the mothers|emblem, cooks, Carol Stezik was proposed by Guide, Marilyn|second class, fire brigade, laund Stolaryk and responded to by|ress, emergency helper, first aid. {Mrs. James Stolaryk. Brownie [home nurse, child nurse, Jo-Ann |Maureen Lee proposed a toast to Zak: Little house emblem, {the 9th group committee, and Dianne Merrill. |Mrs. Frank Lee responded: Mrs. Frank Higginbottom, hon- Mrs. Alayn Elliott thanked the orary vice-president of the south {16th group committee who served district committee, remarked on at , the banquet, and Mrs. the date as a memorable one, Leonard Jackson thanked Mrs: being the wedding date of HRH Elmer Lesenko, who convened|Princess Margaret; also the 50th the banquet, and introduced the anniversary year of the Girl officers of the 9th group com- Guide Movement. She told a few mittee: Mrs. Harry Blanchard, amusing incidents of the 40th an- president; Mrs. Adrian Hill, niversary which she had spent in treasurer; Mrs. Gordon McQuaid. | England, and gave three read- secretary. ings, 'Let's Pretend", 'The The head table guests were in- Mourning Veil" and "The Base- Mr. James ball Game". Brownie Ferrol iroduced as follows: Young, Chaplain; Mrs. Young, Watts presented a corsage to Ann|Mrs. Higginbottom, Ruth Young; Lieutenant Jones; Lieutenant Sylvia Bilen-| Mrs. Hayward enrolled two duke; Mrs. R. D. Peel; Captain mothers of Brownies, Mrs. Otto Sister Nelda Thompson read| I'he sick list report was given by| he vice grand. | ing memory of the late Sister Brother James Norsworthy, one of the older members. It was announced that a dona-| tion of $25 is being sent to the Women's Welfare League at Sim- coe Hall. i Refreshments were served by| Sister Alice Hinds and her com-| mittee. | LEND--A--AHAND The Lend-A-Hand Club held its| regular business meeting in the] |Oddfellow's auditorium. The, | meeting opened with prayer, roll| icall and reading of minutes. Sis-| | CLUB CALENDAR | the minutes and cards of thanks. District 61 Oddfel church parade on May 15 at Sim- coe Street United Church at 2 The Charter was draped in lov- o'clock. Viay Ralston, past president of bingo and refreshments served the Rebekah Assembly, also for(by the hostesses Sisters Mary An invitation was received from (social lows. to attend members of the pot luck supper on May 24. Mrs. Arthur Bilton installed the new executive as follows. Mrs. Harry O. Perry as social sponsor, The mesting was followed by Mrs. John Wilson as president, PERSONS INTERESTED IN EMPLOYMENT AS Swimming "Instructors AND/OR Supervisors are asked to contact Mr. Gerry Gelette for further information. MR. G. K. GELETTE C.R.A., 100 GIBB ST. RA 5-1111 DANCE PARTY DON PIERRE and His Orchestra + I crirron wes \ Amst lb DOLPHIN, CiNemaScoPE coLom by oELUXE, MoNDAY[[T TLE Los Dong The Savage hus Tropiczone ex» J Stooges MONDAY 1st Scout Mothers' Aux. COME and DANCE Marilyn Peel; Mrs. Frank Hig-| Young and Mrs. John Stezik, as Tomes Hospi) Any ginbottom: Mrs. R. S. Hayward, members of the group committee. yep coon Mothers' Aux. South Dale Commissioner; Mrs.| The program was turned overioin goout Mothers' Aux Harry Blanchard, President, 9thito the leaders. Four Brownies\p A fovell H and S Assn. group committee, and Heather flew up to Guides, Maureen Lee, Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Blanchard; Mrs. Alayn Elliott, |Alayne Elliott, Ferrol Watts and|p sc and Prof. Women's Club Tawny Owl, and Alayne Elliott; Joyce Cousins. Captain Marilyn|g(h Scout Mothers' Aux. (DANCE TONIGHT Modern-Square TO THE to Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra WELCOME HOME * EvLvis PRESLEY You're the Greatest! ailhouse @ cope Rock Pd at the An Avon Production POLISH NATIONAL { WEDDING PRINCIPALS Mrs. Leonard Jackson, Brown Peel welcomed the Brownies into|Conant H and S Assn Owl; Pack Leaders Helen God-|Guides. |College Hill H and S Assn, frey and Bonnie Leavitt. Mrs. Robert Lewis, vice-presi-|willing Workers Mrs. R. S. Hayward presented dent of the 9th group committee, [90th Scout Mothers' Aux TORNADOS (NOW ON Pictured after their marriage | recently in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church are Mr, and Mrs. Robert Garry Booth. The bride, the former Jean Angela ziej of Oshawa and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Booth of Ajax --Pholo by Ireland 'the following Brownie badges: presented a gift to Captain Peel needlewoman, collectors, toy- who has requested a leave of ab maker, Alayne Elliott; needle- sence from the Guide Company. The evening closed with a sing- GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES | song. MEDITATION GROUP The regular meeting of Meditation group of Cedar D United Church was held on Wed nesday afternoon, May 11, with the president, Mrs. Frank Singer presiding, and conducting the worship service. The minutes and the roll call were read by Mrs. Albert Porter nancial report of Mrs. J. F. Norton gave the fi- WMS group at byte 1 churches, which met on June and formed the United Church of Canada. Mrs, Singer said the United Church is a truly national church that reaches out to every part of Can- da. and is a missionary-minded church It was decided to invite the WA | & the church to meet with the ts final mee on Wednesday, June 8, when An invitation was received to is hoped to have a special spea attend a supply tea being held er by the Women's Missionary Sc cie'y of Ebenezer United Churcl en Monday, June 20, at 2.30 p.m. and prayer A reques'! wa: received from the Overseas Relief department of the United Church, for clothing and blankets and quilts The group plans to make quil during the summer months Mrs. Albert Singer é speaker and based her talk Crest of the United Ch Canada, which appears bulletins, legal documents all graduation certificates 1sed of and layette The was closed by the inging of missionary. hymn the president. | | by JESSIE PANTON AUX, | (East Group) ast group of a A n Missionary Aux I) i ' E: | in the 'ladies parlor St ew"s Church, with race Anderson presiding. It was decided to sew on at the next meeting. Reports were submitted by the ry a the ministers of the church, and secretary and treasurer is embroidered on the scarf of the moderator, This crest tians, and contains appropriate symbols of the Congregaticyal is| convene the study likened to the secret symbol of at the nex the fish, used by the early Chris- Panton Mission Mrs Mrs. Murray Miller offered to] book chapter| t meeting of the Jessie Auxiliary. meeting were Mrs. Harold| Hostesses for tt Sidney Lang ists, the Methodist and the Pres-iISweet and Miss Grace Anderson. -. Weight Watchers Be Warned Cocktails Are High in Calories How many weight - Canadians count what they drink what they eat? Research Foundation is the au thority for the statement tha there are more calories in twc beers or a double whiskey than in that extra piece of apple pic a cream puff, an order of griddle eakes, or a candy bar Yet how many business men piously deny themselves a lunch- time dessert and happily tos down their accustomed daily ra tion of alcohol? How many lad rly a martini at 3 ible even they ously discuss their latest dieta deprivatior hake the ited n watchin the calories in well as The Alcoholism vi 1 and wretty heads at the SO LITTLE, SO MUCH By tal n only 100 calo par day more than one ne medical scientists say, a may in as much as 10 pour of extr eight in a year. And in liquid form, calories are ¢ tremely easy to swallow -- eis ounces of beer adds 105 calorie 132 ounces of gin 100 ealories, 1% d per Ritson H&S Assn. Re-Elects Mrs. Carl Creamer, President Mrs. Carl Creamer was re elected as president eof Ritson Home and School Association at its annual meeting held Monday _ evening, May 9. The other officer a presidents, Mrs rie ( Mrs. Garth Gillespie; « ing secretary, Mrs. Flo elak: executive membs William Paynter, Mrs Butler, Mrs. Jack Kewin, Mrs, Ralph Shemelt, Mrs. J. R. War- nica, and teachers, Miss Barbara Morrison and Mr. Thomas Park, The officers were talled by Mrs A. Marshall. pas dent. 'irs. S. G. presse thanks to execu Mrs er, and Ir retary, e: vice per and espond- s, Mrs. Gordon ar wge Ci ert, treasur- Geo ge Jones, sec {1 their annual reports. Chairme« repo were read by s. Goi don Butler (social); Borden Slack (member- : Mrs, Laverne Devitt read program for Mrs. Bourne. . Garth Gillespie Mrs. George M Carl . Creamer, the convention held in- April, gave re eport Alec Mu im Toronto ports The principal, Mr. J. C. Fe!- terly, stated that kindergarten resignation was larger this year and that (he new Wilson road school was not expected to completed by September sa Ril- ne ounces of calories, nicalories, two ounces of sherry 76 (nutrition, m Tom- § JEANNETTE LOUISE | is six months old. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Charles Pogson, RR 1, Oshawa. ~Photo by Mary's Studio 105 106 rum or whiskey two ounces of port A happy wee miss is Jean- neite Louise, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Randall, Taunlon road east. Jeannelte fou ounces of cham I 120 calories Calories are units of energy derived from burning food or al cohol in the body. The body burn only enough fuel for its daily energy needs, and any excess is stored, mainly as fat In people who eat and drink in moderation, any alcohol taken calorie Spring Frolic in St. John's Hall Is Gay Canadian-Ukrainian Event with the diet is burned more ea The annual Spring Frolic ar-| Mr. and Mrs, George Gay, Mr, ily than some of the solid foods.|:anged by the Barvinok branch|and Mrs. Karpiak, Mr. and Mrs. at' an equivalent quantity ollgl St. John's Canadian-Ukrainian/A. Horruzey, Mr. and Mrs. S e foods becomes surplus and Women's Association was a fes-/Hercia, Mr. and Mrs. irned to fat tive occasion on Saturday night.|shinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Willi NO BENEFITS The guest of honor the Honor- Andrey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharko, col able Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr Wr nd Mrs. Lueyk, Miss Sonya were received by Mr. and Mrs. |I Mr, R. Cook, Mr. and Walter Kuch. president of the Mrs. J. Masiewich, Mr. and Mrs. auxiliary. The conveners, Mrs. William Holyk, Miss Dora |Steven Gonta, Mrs. Walter Gr Lc k, Miss Ann Sahat, Mr, orenko and Mrs. John Kostu William Sholdra, Mr. velcomed the guests and Mrs E. Skinulis. | Nicholas Semenuk and Mrs and Mrs. P. Dobroshinsky. Alex Stec kept the registe and Mrs. M. Black, Mr. and | The spot dance pri T. Ptak, Mr. and Mrs. Ni Dr. and Mrs. Robert Starr;|chols, Mr. and Mrs. John Gore- the Reverend and Mrs. Dmytro|clad, Mr, and Mrs. George Mi- Luchak won the door prize and|losh, Mr, and Mrs. M. Sirko, Mr, | the lucky number was held by the|and Mrs. J, Pasgas, Mr. and Mrs, Honorable Michael Starr. A. Nikiforuk, Mr. and Mrs. R. Guests from Toronto included/Harman, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cirka. r. and Mrs. W. Sametz, Mr.|Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid, Mr, and snd Mrs. J. Kulalyk, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kavanugh, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. F. Slywka, Mr. and Mrs. J.|J. King, Mr. C. Knohovich, Mr Zurawel, Mr. and Mrs. Hrynka|land Mrs. Dittrick, Mr. and Mrs and Mr. and Mrs. W. Choli Halodryzuk Others present were: Mr Mr. and Mrs. J. Waters, Mr Mrs. S. Kisil. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. M. Siblock, Mr. and MacArthur, Mr. and Mrs. L Krawee, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lington, Mrs. Olga Topping, am Musoronchan, Mr. William P. Wybyran,' Mr. and Mrs. R.|Olynyk, Mr. and Mrs. S. Gonta Fry, Mrs. Sophie Sahol, Mr. N.[Mr. and Mrs. J. Kostuk, Mr. and Kowalko, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shol-(Mrs. P. Plishka, Mr. and Mrs {dra, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fry, Mr. (Walter Kuch, Mr. N. Chonym and Mrs. A. Stec, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G Reegar, Mr W. Grigorenko, Mr. and Mrs. N.|and Mrs. J. Maga, Mr. and Mr Semenuk, Mr. and Mrs. W. Po King, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ducha! sacki, Mr. and Mrs. T. Manilla. {Mr, and Mrs. William Iwaskiw ol co d and Mrs. M Mr e was won!Mrs many of t ompany g chronic alcoholism are direct v attributable te this unbalanced and Ww A. Dobro- am Coronation H and § Assn. | TUESDAY sughters of England . Peter's WA | TOPS Club {SA Home League Christ Church WA Fellowship Group | Canadian Legion Aux. |Holy Trinity WA |Northminster WA |Helping Hand Auxiliary Courtice H and S Assn, St. Joseph's CPTA Westmount WA |St. Paul's Guild | Victoria Lodge, LTB |Albert Street WA Knox Presbyterian WMS Mu-Phi-Mu Chapter WEDNESDAY Queen Mary Lodge 7th Scout Mothers' King Street WMS 16th Group Committee Cedardale WA Patriarch Militant Aux, Pearl Group St. Christopher's CPTA Aux UNION HALL 168 Banting Ave. FUN FOR ALL! EVERY SATURDAY 8:30 - 12 CHATEAU RECORDS) CALLER, BOB FOWLER ADMISSION $1.00 RED BARN ONTARIO'S FAVORITE FUN SPOT BLACKBOARD JUNGLE FING TRAVEL Now is the time to make reservations for your summer vacation by Air, Steamship, Bus, Rail, Hotels, Car Rentals, Theatre Tickets. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY Whitby--Oshawa--Brooklin MO 8-3304 Toronto EM 3-8958 ANNE FRANCIS LOUIS CALHERN Centre Street WA | THURSDAY |Court Charlene, COF Pilot Club Happy Doubles Club Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild St. George's WA St. Andrew's WA Harvey Hunt Auxiliary Sunbeam Chapter, OES Challenger Group {17th Scout Mothers' Aux. |St. Mark's WA Jaycettes | Mr. and Mrs, Murylen, Mr. and |Mrs. T. Sadowy, Mr. G. Calca- |terra, Mrs. Lysyn, Mr. G. Seauga. Miss J. Onishchuk, Mrs. Lima- : chowsky, Mr. P. Mroul, Mr. and Mrs, Kury, Mr, and Mrs. M. Do- boski, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dubchak, Mr. and Mrs. R. Keeler, Mr, and Mrs. J. Olest, Mr. and Mrs. E.| Huculak, Dr. and Mrs. P. Zak-| arow, Dr, and Mrs, N. Ostafi- chuk, 'Miss D. Lukasywich, Miss| D MacLean, Mr. W. Douglas,! Mr. T. Petroier, Mr. and Mrs. | |Shody. | Be Popular! JOIN THE FUN AT ARTHUR MURRAY'S SEE FOR YOURSELF how fast you learn to dance and enjoy nore good times--the easy|| Arthur Murray way! One les- || son with an Arthur Murray ex- {I pert will prove it to you. Conre in now for |Ibig Special Offer-- WiLL YOU ACCEPT A Dancing Tonite AT DNIPRO HALL EDITH ST. One block East of Corner Ritson & Bloor ° DINE AND DANCE to the music of "THE CAVALIERS" ® EVERYONE WELCOME eo ALL COLOR SHOW ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST CINEMASCOPE SCREEN PLUS ADDED ACTION! THE HELL-HORDE DIANE BREWSTER LEO GORDON *GALE ROBBINS AN AULD ARTISTS MCTURE Central Collegiate PRESENTS A SPRING FESTIVAL OF Music and Dance IN THE AUDITORIUM Wednesday, May 18, 1360 Admission: 50¢ Time: 8:00 p.m. [Cioscape COLOR A LIMITED SUPPLY OF BUMPER CLUB MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE + + » BUY YOURS TONIGHT! Membership admits Car. and Driver free every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (with the exception of holidays) A $40.00 value for only $1.00. CARTOON JIWES STEWART JUNE ALLYSON GLENN MILLER STORY oe | 'ond these Moskcol "Greats" os Goes! Stars | [FRANCES LANGFORD + LOUIS ARMSTRONG + GENE KRUPA * BEN POLLACK - THE MODERNARES 3% HOUR soe TRIAL LESSON? ARTHUR MURRAY, Open Daily T to 10 p.m, 11v2 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1681 CHICKEN IN THE MRS. CARL CREAMER dn would be having extra classes o® for the beginning of the term also that field day to be held on June 15. William briefly on the campaign Rn call was. won Vi Scott's Grade 4. Refresh me were' served by the moth- was Holland hospital spoke appeal by Mrs Y000 gp 517 WTSON B.S. PRA. 5897 (7 Kg We Deliver Hamburgs, Fish and Chips, twickgn wm Rousy ers ol the pupils in Grade 4. M-G-M presents ALEC GUINNESS He took another man's name. ., lived another man's life... loved another man's woman! An amazing dual role! also starring { BETTE DAVIS as The Countess On T™ E Ed 1 SAME PROGR am The Ady, enty, of Arsene ks f a FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE z oar "TARZAN THE APE MAN" IN COLOR Y: Also: "THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN HAWKS" N, ee hl le. iu di STARTING MONDAY SIGNORET WINNER OF THE ACADEMY AWARD For the BEST ACTRESS of the year! LAURENCE' ADMITTANCE | | HARVEY PLUS ADDED ATTRACTION The Most Heartwarming Story Ever Filmed "THE SMALLEST SHOW ON EARTH!

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