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The Oshawa Times, 16 May 1960, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 16, 1960 A REAL RHUBARB -- the | as pitcher Robin Roberts of the | squads in the 8th inning of the biggest yet for this season,' of | Phillies and Cincinnati "irst | first game of their double- course, occurred yesterday in | baseman Frank Robinson | header yesterday. But these Cincinnati as the Redlegs and | tangled out on the diamond. | two renewed their scrap later, the Phillies both piled out of | The pair had been separated | Roberts has his hand pushed . a/Orioles Fly SPORTS Bally Ache Wins lB To Top Rung | CALENDAR For New Owner TODAY'S GAMES OCCER : NEW YORK (CP)--Sold a few ened up much of a lead until he By JACK HAND loaded, and rolled to an 11-2 romp| Osh. and Dist. Assoc. -- Hol- (hours earlier for $1,250,000, Bally turned on the whip in the streteh, Associated Press Staff Writer over Washington behind Art Dit-|{landia vs UEW at 6.45 p.m in|/Ache romped home by four Bally Ache returned only $2.80 The "baby birds" from Balt- mar's pitching. Kinsmen Stadium. lengths Saturday to win with ease and $2.20. Divine Comedy was Ho th wh to put the accent Kansas City "blasted Detroit's TUESDAY'S GAME his preparatory race for this Sat- second and paid $3. dl |imore Hue: ten a League | four-game winning streak by tak-| BASEBALL |urday s $150,000-added Preakness) In New York Saturday, Yes |o ith the. help. of one 21./ibg both ends of a doubleheader, "1 acide' Junior Lea gue -- Osh. |2 Pimlico in Baltimore. ~ [You Will, an invader for Mary- jrace. 3 idk iS hey Of 22. the/3-0 on Bud Daley's three-hitter| aus" Wilkies Juv. ve People's Bally Ache led all the way inMand, outfought the favored Mail |Orioles have flown into a first- and 5-4 on Harry Chiti's 10th-in-|creqit Jewellers at Talbot Park, the 1 L-16-mile rate--an eighth of Orie in the final furlong. to win ie oh To on aie: Coe (Hil clutch single. ' Leaside. Game at 7.90 bon. a mile shorter than the Preak-|the $59,700 Carter Handicap by a 4 Sy 1 2 In Saturday's activity, Cleve-| ness. The runner-up in the Ken- half length at Aqueduct. cago White Sox. Jand defeated Chicago 10-9, De- tucky Derby a week ago, Bally| Yes You Will paid $8.40, $4.10 Steve Barber, a lefthander, is|(. it peat Kansas City 7-6, Balt- Ache carried 122 pounds, four un- and $3.20. 'Mail Order returned , |the 21-year-old. Vaulting from the; downed Boston 5-2 a M h t der his Preakness weight. {$3.80 and $3.00. Dunce was $4.50 low minors by his 'tremendous |i 7 shut out New York| anc es er A syndicate headed by Joseph to show, a : work in spring training, Barber|, L. Arnold of Lexington, Ky.,| At Inglewood, Calif, Clown {won his second for the Orioles ~~ |bought the colt from Leonard Prince ($18.40) won the $28,750 {with a three-hitter against Boston FIRST BIG-TIME HOMER earts |Fruchtman of Toledo, Ohio. Ar-|Debonair Stakes at Hollywood in the 2-1 first game of a double-| Rookie Marv Breeding hit his {nold said, he hoped the horse Park: at Garden State Park in {header Sunday. first big league home run for |would become the world's great- Caen: N. pi Be oo" ous "huck Estrada, 22, wasn't on| Baltimore leading off in the first est money winner, 80) won the $25 elsy Bi Sate, ig -- inning of the opener Sunday. n - Taw Although Saturday's prep race Ross Stakes; Pappa's all ($3.40) i was for a first prize of onlybroke his own track record for + : show i Courtney's sacrifice fl [spring but when he showed up|Clint Courtney's y TORONTO (CP)--Manchester|$3:200, Bally Ache jumped into five five furlongs by 3-5 of a sec- |there was no sending him home. drove in the deciding run in the f urle A Atop nis § "hased Frank| Unit t of Midlothiap|the lead at the break and rodejond in winning the $29,950 Bay LT BR gi gen Ee ng a hey ad Heart of Midigisn the rail all the way around. But/ Meadows Futurity at San Mateo, with the bases loaded and none|Sullivan in a six-run first inning|soccer teams Saturday night L Meadow bs Ly out in the sixth inning of the sec- ic the second game. played to a 2-2 exhibition tie be- jockey Bobby Ussery never op-|Calif., in 0:57 3-5. ond game at Boston and struck! Chicago took a 3-2 lead into the|fore close to 20,000 fans at Var- lout five men in a four-inning ninth inning of the second game sity Stadium. workout. but the Indians tied it and won Heart, champions of the Scot- Boris Cops Annual 5-Pin 3 " ; A ul . jictory On Kuenn's first homer of the tish League, scored the tying | gn, de, sar, around Brown go ced he kr ar I sn "Femi. and so sat th amos nin Gee Mauch 4 A : pig their way to a 7-4 victory when he Jimmy Persall on base in the squad at the 30.minute mark. of : 0 Connor Bowl Fee Wanch, cower niga, 12 : y 10th. it was ace reliever Staley's the second half. The game was £ 0 Oonia trying to pull Roberts out of left. the first for each team in their | the fray. first defeat. 'WNN FIN ; WINS 3 3 T, { exhibition tour of Canada and : their dugouts to join in the fray | after a wholesale brawl of both | into Robinson's face and Robin- | AP Wirephoto WYNN FINALLY WINS Gil MeDougald and Tony Kubek the United States. Play Continues LJ {4-0, in his first complete game of |ington Heart ped pal HA Jor Deoige FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP) -- 300 out-of-town bowlers partici the year. However, the Indians, Bob Cerv smashed three home Neson hd Ten a Julius Boros, the man who's pated during the weekend in the ' came back to beat the veteran|runs for Kansas City, two in the noted for taking the big ones, annual O'Connor $12,500 five-pin Early Wynn. Chicago's 40-year- homered for the Yanks and Earl " Jd ACH inallv hi Ss side. | Battey and Jim Lemon for the Alec Bawson and John Giles ou ame od ace, finally hip Nis sire, baitey and Le x ° scored for Manchester, while the In n TORONTO (CP) -- | blanking Cleveland with five hits, Senators in the game at Wash- H More than fully organized. : i 4 i ; «flicked a 20-foot putt into the cup During the game a collection on the 17th hole for a birdie to!©°PED bowling contest here. was taken up in aid of World| i, 2" irotch duel and first place] Each contestant bowls one 10. | Gerry Staley in the second game first game to back up Daley's fine 16-3 on a three-run homer by pitching. Chiti drive in four of Harvey Kuenn in the 10th inning.|the Kansas City runs in the sec- * [1 ' : 1 est O jg ears | New York scored five in the ond game with a two-run homer, Refugee Year. ___|in the $30,000 Colonial national game string and highest score first inning, in which Elston|a double and his game-winning {invitation golf tournament Sun- will take first prize ¥ , day. He had 280 for 72 holes. ake firs) prize of $2,000, A a . Howard tripled w ith the bases |single. ae Lakeshore Minor Boros 'shot a closing par 0 to tion continues this week with the rs -- . meee | CINCINNATI] (AP)----Billy Mar- | in, a good second baseman, has 2 DAYS AS CUB {been trying to live down his | reputation as a brawler. He's try- {ing a comeback with Cincinnati's Cardwell Hurls Pe the fists were flying again | Sunday and this time Martin was tagged, he says, trying to be a First No-Hitter |= run breaking up a fight," said the for- By JACK HAND pinch - hitter Carl Sawatski mer American leaguer. "Sucker Associated Press Staff Writer slammed a long drive to right|punched--that"s what it was." Don Cardwell is a shining ex-|field that George Altman caught| Billy said pitcher Gene Conley ample of the old baseball cliche against the wall. With two out gave 'him the wallop. He wants 3 that a change of uniform is good and a 3-2 count on Joe Cunning-|return engagement. for a man now and then. ham, the batter hit a low liner| = 0 during the biggest Unable to last more than six|to left which Walt Moryn grabbed ¢ Aion TN Elvin § : . nto free-for-all brawl seen in Crosley innings for the Philadelphia Phil- for a shoestring catch Field io years, in the GEhth iz through with a no-hit, no-run| St. Louis had won Its first game games with Philadelphia game Sunday in his first start as/on the road with a 6-1 decision) The Phils won 14-3 though Cin- a Chicago Cub. in the opener. Two home runs by |cinnati won the more sedate Cardwell retired the first hit-| Ken Boyer helped break : 12- nightcap 5-1. ame losing streak away from - ter, walked Alex Grammas on ag g BEANS THREE 32 pitch and then set down 26 home. ; ; : St. Cardinals in succession Orlando Cepeda's two - run| Reds reliever Raul Sanchez had i victory. triple in the eighth gave first-|trouble finding the plate and = roule 2 nis 19 visio the place San Francisco a 2-0 de-|three times he hit Philly batters National League since Sal Mag- cision over Los Angeles. Johnny with low, erratic pitches. The lie of the Dodgers, then in Brook-| Antonelli allowed only six hits, third one hit Conley lyn, threw one against the Phil-(boosting the Giants' lead over| philly manager Gene Mauch lies in the waning days of the|Pittsburgh to 1% games charged at Sanchez. Redleg first 1956 pennant race. The Pirates hopped on Warren paceman Frank Robinson drifted Spahn for four runs in the first| ver to intercept Mauch. So did LOST IN 13th inning and Jook te opener £4 but | prartin. Pittsburgh's Harvey Haddix, of bowed to the Braves in the sec-|" is 5 tmiena course, pitched 12 perfect innings/ond 4-2 on Hank Aaron's three. | Al 1,04 Noy to; A last year to give up a hit and run homer off Bennie Daniels in 0 rat te . : J A : : Ay him, but from behind, somebody lose the game to Milwaukee inthe first inning. } slags me the 13th. The last American| Cincinnati and Philadelphia |® ugs 4 Sa : League no-hitter was pitched by|players engaged in a free-for-all I turn around and it's Conley. JHoyt Wilhelm of Baltimore|in the eighth inning of their first Brave, isn't he. Sucker punch- against New York, Sept. 20, 1958. game after the Reds' Raul San-|iDE. Cardwell"s only previous 1960|chez hit three Philly batters. The] Mauch tangled with pitcher Sanchez and that emptied the nose out Kel Nagle, the Aus- | final day of play May 21 dugouts, Relief piichers streaked Ball Association tralian Open champion, and Gene| Best score so far is 2,934 by aimee ve BUIECQ1O FOLLOWS [501 naval Talk H2/5 om wo 5 vi sims fo mi ) tled scores recorded durin and punched in groups of four or | Nagle and Littler started the the weekend by out-of-town uh five, or squared off, man to man. , The: Lakeshore Minor Baseball |. : it dy : Finally peacemakers prevailed Kn W n Path Association (Ajax to Cobourg) |final round tied for the lead withers included: a. of 3 ure |209 while Boros was a stroke pg Roberts , BOs. No one was ejected held their annual meeting Thurs. |} "Boros win was worth $5,.| 0 nobertson, Thorold, 2,605; . 1a ight. Mor an 60 TSons | i : : | Ge Mac é i - ONLY MARTIN HURT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | Dick Ricketts' clutch relief Soy MEY Tore than 60 persons ggg Sswine Macdonald, Kingston, 2a Martin was the only combatant! Tpe Buffalo Bisons are becom- Pitching protected Roches-|™ pour divisions will make up Littler and Nagle each birdied|zjoc pawelko, Galt, 2.577: Bud visibly 'hurt. There was a big|jno victims of habit it would ter's victory for Cal Browning.| the league this year with a total|the 17th hole to pull even with |r ia. Sarnia, 2,522: Robert swelling where Martin's jaw was|geem A late May rush last year I'our hits and a walk, capped by|of 29 teams entered. There will|BOros but the big fellow, who| Gallagher, Dundas. 2.52: Ray broken by a pitch last year. X put them atop the International Bob Sadowski's bases loaded be four Junior teams, two Inter Was National Open champion in|peayre Port Colborne, 2,490; Al- rays later showed no break League and. except for.a brief Single in the sixth, topped the| mediate, four Juvenile, nine Ban-|1952 and has won eight be {Our fon Toneri, Ottawa, 2,445; Billy, 5-feet-11 tall, fumed over ee June. they never were winning rally off loser Al Cicotte|tam and six Pee Wee. naments out of nine in his ca-| Ss 7 yo ; ; Conley's height Be in winning the pen- 22 Soke Visa and Jim King The league will get under way [TOR SecSpind De Sanenst A) prank Telter, | aon 2411. iomered off Browning, also 2-2.|May 18. a Son Percy Sweet, Oshawa, 2,395; Sven 8 guys," he said, "but just gimme Now Manager Kerby Farrel's Jim Archer's nine - hitter for|™ CR ; |Rautio, Sudbury, 2,355; William a stool troops have a 2%-game lead over Miami beat the Sugar Kings as CRU Cc . ti : They all parred the last hole McPherson, St. Catharines, 2,345; "I hit him once in the neck," |the Toronto Maple Leafs and a the Marlins got two unearned onstitu on and that was it. __|Ray Carriere, Cornwall, 2,330; the second baseman said. modest four-game winning streak Uns to overcome an early 1-0 | Nagle and Littler got $2,500 Don Lamontague, Welland, 2,324: "'Cripes,-hie's so big I can't reach|that has ended, for the time be-|Havana lead and added two in- Altered Sat. each. . Bob Knowles, Barrie, 2,317. Boh his face. ing, the Leafs' thoughts of "eep-/Surance runs on Ron Samford's . Stan Leonard of Vancouver had Burns, Chatham, 2,295; Ron ing first place triple in the eighth. Orlando Pena To Admit WIFU a final round of 70 for a 288 total,|Smith Bracebridge, 2,181. 4 Montreal took the loss. good for $498. BASEBALL STARS po iialo Danded Be loss Nini Tornay's solo homer got TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- Sunday, 9-2 while Toronto lost to Columbus off to a flying start in|/dian Rugby Unions constitution . Rochester 4-3. Miami beat Hav-|the second game after Jesse Gon-|Was altered Saturday to admit Chuvalo Required 3. "It's tough hitting them 6-foot-|nant. By Tne ASSOCIATED PRESS ana 5-1 and tied Montreal for sev- der's home run off Diomedes the Western Intercollegiate Foot- . MOST Jhatting Bob Cerv, Kansasi., place. Columbus and Rich-|Olivo broke a 5-5 tie in the/ball Union. To Defend Title City, hit three home runs in 50, =o split a doubleheader, the eighth inning. Eli Grba, who lost _ At a special meeting here, the, y 4 : 5-4 doubleheader sweep over De- Virginians taking the opener 6-3 Saturday night, gained the Rich- Big Four and western conference] QUEBEC (CP) -- Canadian HOT WATER trot and the Jets coming back in the mond victory in relief, while Curt clubs were given 14 of the union's|h e a v yweight champion George Pitching -- Don Cardwell, Chi-| nightcap, 5-3 Raydon won the nightcap for the|2) votes. The Ontario Rugby Chuvalo of Toronto must defend at cago Cubs, pitched no-hitter in| 'Bufralo's Don Erickson (4-3),/Jets. Jim Pisoni hit his fifth| Football Union has two and all|his title against Montreal's Rob- first start since trade by Phil-|,cually a reliever, got his first|homer for Richmond in the Other member - associations one|ert Cleroux in June or July if T lies, retiring 26 Cardinals in suc-| oo and held the Royals hitless opener and drove in four runs. |€ach. ja promoter can be found, Gene, L WEST COS cession after walking second hit- go" 7 9.3 innings. finally settling] -- ass | The Big Four and WIFU gained|L e t o u rneau, national commis-| ith ter in first innng. for a three-hitter. Fred Kopke's voting control a couple of seasons|sioner of the Canadian Boxing with a rm r a : or ; . ago by holding 10 of the 15 Federation, said Friday. ory novo, ar, sam oer st + 200 Senators, Tribe Miu atin suo oF ni core gum: Barracks as permanent build- son's job easier. Dick Teed {required to make changes in the pions are supposed to defend) NATURAL GAS . , rioks = constitution. heir titles every six months, if ings for soldiers were not known homered off Erickson, who re- P 11 St ht Sp oy their v ery s until about the end of the 18th/tired 15 consecutive batters at u Ialg asvever, the adriission of he there is a logical contender," he ree wselern colleges, Tits! | said, adding "in Robert Cleroux century. cne point. Tom LaSorda lost it. Columbia, Alberta and Saskat-| i "» - | chewan, left the professionals one|™® have a logic! wontender, R E MN TA he win was in relief against Mil- Phils won the first 14-3 for Gene waukee. He had lost to Pittsburgh) Conley and the Reds got even 5-1 and Milwaukee and failed to go/behind Don Newcombe. BASEBALL the route in four starts. Over the! Stan Williams pitched a two- Pla er Trade | vote short SCORES AND STANDINGS |.olo. rade Snore" BASIEALL WATER years he has had only fair suc- hitter for Los Angeles Saturday | . cess in the majors, never get-|as the Dodgers defeated San| By THE CANADIAN PRESS ting up to the .500 mark for a Francisco 2-1. Pittsburgh de- National L ml! season. He said he never be-|feated Milwaukee 6-4, Philadel- | go i GBL fore had been close to a no-hitter. phia beat Cincinnati 52 while San Francisco . 19 It wasn't easy. In the ninth'Chicago shut out St. Louis 4-0. Pittsburgh 8 10 " (Milwaukee 12 10 545 4% | Children Make Cardwell fe i: i St. Louis 10 16 .385 8% Realize No-Hit Possible "=... 2." ° 5 : Los Angeles 000 000 101-- 2 7 1 CHICAGO (AP)--"Some kids| "I never saw anything like that|San Fran 000 000 100--1 2 0 yelled at me in the fifth that I|demonstration after the .game,"! williams (1-0) and N. Sherry; could get a no-hitter, so 1 went beamed the perspiring Cardwell.|g'Dell (1-3) and Landrith. HR: after it." "I didn't know what to tell them. |gp.Kirkland (5). And so, righthander Don Card- I guess I'm just lucky. But, Tipgh 030 010 000 02-- 6 14 0 well, only two days with the Chi: Was scared when they sent in yy) 000 010 210 00-- 4 7 3 cago Cubs, got his no-hitter, He Musial to bat: he's a terrific hit- Law, Face (2-3) (10) and Bur- blanked St. Louis 4-0. ter ie of W : gess, Oldis (10); Burdette, Mec- The 24-year-old Cardwell was 'cle Price of | ingion - Salem, \nrahon (1-3) (9) and Crandall making his first start Sunday in Gani tie rs' no: A eainst HR: Mil-Crandall (5) Covington a Chicago uniform. He came to ip lv ram YES 'B Mantilla (1) Adcock (3) the Cubs Friday from the Phil- coe. (Ooo Ee ri t -- > on Phila 103 060 100-- 5 8 1 lies. (Moose): Morvn 31. ade Then Cincinnati 000 020 000-- 2 7 0 Friday Cardwell said: ,._|catches to help me," Cardwell] Meyer (3-1) Farrell (9) and This is the first time Ive iq wMoose's shoestring catch of Neeman; Hook (3-3) Nuxhall (4) ever been traded on Friday the j,o Cunningham's low liner for|Bronsan (8) and Bailey. HR: Phi- 13th. I was shocked at the news." ihe Jast out was wonderful. Bui, Curry 2 (2); Cin-Bell (2) _ Sunday, 33,543 pushing, shov- oyorvpody helped me, including|St. Louis 000 000 000-- 0 6 2 ing, cheering fans wanted Card-|/y. 10.4" {Chicago 000 130 00x-- 4 10 1 well, who won nine games last -- ------|Bridges (5) Duliba (7) and Joa 2nd taco del . |Smith; Ellsworth (2-0) Morehead surrounded their new hero. Davis Cup Teams 18y-ang Texlor. Scores of Jets and policemen Pp T E otis vias sl po Civ needed a half hour to get Card- | oh = 4 well into the Cub dressing room. repare 1o nter {Milwaukee 001 000 111-- 4 7 1 Haddix (2-1) Face (7) Green 'Quarter-Finals (8) Umbricht (8) and Burgess; A V | |Spabn (2-1) Rush (9) and Crand- Ique alues LONDON (AP)--Italy, the 1959|all. HR: Pit-Skinner (6) Stuart|! {European zone champion, and!(1) Hoak (2); Mil-Crandall 2 (7) F B i | Sweden, Belgium and Denmark|Aaron (7), or a 0, won their way into the quarters- Pittsburgh 100 000 100-- 2 11 1 ; finals of the 1960 European zene Milwaukee 300 001 00x-- 4 10 2 T t A Davis Cup tennis competition Sun-| Daniels (1-1) Giel (8) and oron 0 reas day. They Joined France, West Smith; Pizarre (2-1) McMahon : sermany, rea ritain and|(7) and Lau. HR: Mil-Aaron (8) ) - 3 / i ir H SOCHESTER A bionn Chile ho had elinched their (Los Angeles 000 000 000-- 0 6 1 tional Baseball League, says the| Pre in the round of eight Sat-|San Fran 000 000 02x-- 2 7 1 Continental League has made an! The, quarter-finals, which ¢| Podtes (2.3). Sherry (8) and indemnity offer of $120,000 for |pe con iotes nals ie must | Pignatano; Antonelli (2-0) and the league's Buffalo and Toronto|gy ede pet Y eme LZ. Dajr/Schmid:. oe Satu Sweden, te surprise winner IniSt Louis 000 023 001-- 6 12 2 The minor league has set a/Germany: Ee, against Dent | Chicago 00-00) 010-1 4.0 $1,700,000 compensation figure for| may. AT . pans ium. | oJackson (2-5) and Smith: Drott loss of the two territories. and Italy a painst \8lum, (04) Anderson (6) Elston (6) Horton, president of Rochester guoden won over . in, last|Seccarell' (8) and Taylor. HR: Red Wings, told reporters Satur-|y oie Euro Da ASL |StL-Boyer 2 (8). day that the league presidents y pi, pr sm go gg 30 300 Wo. 0 § 4 Frank Shaughnessy, and Harold|jer finals by beating Hung ay. | Chicago 000 012 10x-- 4 7 0 Cooper, general manager of the $s by 8 Hungary 3-2. mMoDaniel (1-2) and Smith: Columbus Jets, met unsuccess-|y; : fully in New York Thursday with Vienaa a Belgium defeated | p,nys (7). heads of the new league. Taz 2) Me same margiy. | Phila Horton said it was the first high-level meeting between the) TENNIS STAR RETIRES Conley (1-1) and Neeman: Me- leagues. aimed at thrashing out| NEW YORK (AP) -- Mrs.|Lish (2-3) Osteen (5) Bronsan the indemnity issue. He said it/Beverly Baker Fleitz, the No. 1/(6) Sanchez (8) Hook (9) and was. completely unsuccessful. United States woman tennis|Bailey, House (6). HR Pha- Horton said San Francisco and piayer has withdrawn from the Callison (3) Curry (3) Neeman Los Angeles did not draw as well| Wightman Cup team and has in-|(1) Herrera (3) Gonzalez (3). as Buffalo and Toronto when dicated her retirement from com- Phila 000 000 100-1 7 0 they were minor league clubs/petition this year. She will be re-/Cincinnati 010 101 20x-- 5 70 and added: placed by 18 - year - old Karen| Robinson (0-3) Farrell (7) and "If they were worth $500,000 Hantze, the U.S. girls' champion Dalrymple; Newcombe (2-1) each, then Buffalo and Toronto and sixt: - ranked .among the Henry (7) and Dotterer. HR: Cin- 310 122 041-14 15 0 ere worth more." 'women players. 'Robinson (6) Bell (3). JHR: Bal-Breeding (1). !Archer and McCardell. Denmark got past Austria 3-2 in Cardwell (2-2) and Rice. HR: Chi. (lev Cincinnati = 010 000 011-- 3 8 0 Chicago 000 003 000 0-- 3 2 1|Richmond 000 201 0--3 6 1) Today's Games | Baltimore 600 010 000-- 7 8 AspromontetoCleveland In-loperato n until it is known (And Probable Pitchers) {Boston 000 200 002-- 4 9 0 gions Sunday for outfielderLete| whether a Kitchener - Waterloo San Francisco (Jones 4-2) at Cin- Brown (3-0) Estrada (6) and Whisenat in a straight player/team will participate. [ cinnati (Purkey 2-1) (N) Courtney: 'F. Sullivan (1-2) Bor- transaction C------ __| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Los Angeles (Koufax 0-3) at Mil-lland (1) Hillman (6) Fornieles (7)! At the same time, the Senators waukee (Buhl 2-1) (N) and Gile, H. Sullivan (7) announced they have asked waiv- Winning Shot Top Maris, NY St. Louis (Mizell 1-2) at Phila- New York 511 101 002--11 11 1jers on righthander Ted Aber- . Hansen, Bal delphia (Owens 2-3) (N) Ditmar (2-0) and Howard; Cle nathy with the purpose of giving A (Only bribe scheduled) venger (1-2) Lee (1) Kralick (6)/P'm his unconditional release In Ultimus Stakes Rimnels, Hos Americas Leacte Fisher (8) and Battey. HR: NY-| Waivers on Abernathy will ex-| TORONTO (CP) -- Winning(po.." ny merican ¢ agu McDougald (2) Kubek (3); Was: pire Tuesday. His departure will Shot, ridden by Avelino Gomez, Runs--Mantle, New i o Battey (5) Lemon (8), reduce the Senators' roster to 26,|beat Wonder Where by almost Runs batted in--Skowron, Ne Baltimore 10 ¥ Today's Games one above the player limit of 25/two lengths fo win Saturday's|y "oq i hicago 583 -- a 'Hira vhic a ToBg 7.5 Mtimus S . . : New York g 9 , (And Probable Pitchers) : which must be reached by Wed-|$7,500 Ultimus Stakes at Old Hits--Lumpe, Kansas City 34. > : 22. Baltimore (Wilhelm 1-2 or Es-|nesday Woodbine Park Doubles -- Lollar, Chicago,| Cleveland 3.10. at; , ° |trada 2-1) at Kansas City (Garver| Whisenant, a 30-zear-old right- Tvhawk, which fought Wonder Skowron and Allison 9. {ONLY $ MONTHLY Boston 10 0-2) (N) handed hitting outfielder, was Where for the lead most of the ow a aod Chicago 4 LJ (gas extra) Detroit | 12 9 3% ( , ) purchased by th S way, finished third, three lengths riples--Itox, BO 2. 3 : Only game scheduled I y the Indians only| = 5 3 Washington {Es 4% : " oak Hg Y behind the leader. Home runs--Lemon, Washing ashingto Aa o% International League three weeks ago from Cincinnati. [behind the leader ton 8 uly varantee Kansas City ¢ 15 3B 5 ot. G In s nch-hi i Winning Shot, owned by J. S. s ai : W L Pct. GBL|In six pinch-hitting assignments, "I! ; Stolen bases--Aparicio, Chicago American eague Buffalo 16 6 .727 -- |he has delivered only one hit; Evans. Jolired orto Sonrec is. : # RE E Chicago 210 005 100-- 9 9 1|Toronto 632 214 |Aspromonte, 27, has appeared bv: 18% WOU US TWO SACS OU" pitehing -- Brown, Baltimore, Cleveland 322 120 00x--10 Li Columbus y .522 41, |three times as a pinch-hitter and Ne 5 ason. Sia for Wonder Hall, Kansas City, and Coates,| SERVICE, MAINTENANCE ye 3 Fe rra rege 2 Richmond 2 12 500 5 |failed to hit Safely, Where which won at Fort Erie/New York, 3-0, 1.000. : and INSTALLATION gore {4 Garcia tv) A Havana ' 7 "land in last Wednesday's Whim-| Strikeouts -- Pascual, Washing- @n some cases, there may be and Brows; J2tmay Thomas Rochester ; A450 6 FAMOUS CASTLE sical Stakes ton 53. 8 charge for extra piping.) (+0) (2) Klippstein: (6) an "| Montreal 9 BB J Warwick Castle near Birming.| Windy Ship w National Le i - "hi Rp } Minne : D § g-| Windy Ship won the second ational ague pan HR £ Hi Browedl Vinos Miami 9 18 ham in England includes one|feature, the Frankford Purse for AB R H Pet. Water heats 3 times faster 2 er A i Today's Games tower dating from the late 11th|three-year-olds, with Men at Play Mays, SF 100 22 38 380 Costs less, Too! Kansas City 310 200 000-- 7 go o Rochester at Buffalo century. Isecond. Burgess, Pgh 58 10 22 .379 Your Gas company does not employ doers Detroit 101 400 10x-- 9 2 Columbus at Havana Clemente, Pgh 115 21 43 374 door salesmen nor telephone canvassess. For Kucks, Johnson (0-2) (4) Trow- Richmond at Miami Curry, Pha 50 8 21 .356 Information about dealers licensed by the lee : voile : ; Ontario Fuel Board to sel Tr rac semper a) sn] (only games shee | \TALIMY THOMAS JOINS Aaron, Mil 38 13 30 341 i saupnent cal or 'write. the saos (5); Foytack, Semproch (2) Sis- International League Runs--Skinner, Pittsburgh 27. | ont of Lad ler (1-1) (5) Aguirre (9) and Ber-100,mbyg 502 100 002--10 12 1 Ru S *. Herzog : 3 = ns batted in--McCovey, San Consumers Clas beret, Wilson 9). HR Re ig 208 Richmond 000 000 020-- 2 4 3 'DAMAGED DIGIT CLUB | Francisco 28. | (3): Det-Kaline (4) Chrisley 2 (2)! "yeale Bauta (8) and Hall: Hits--Clemente 43. g Bolling (1) Cash (2). ' ioslar (4 Mowers. (7 % tox ma : Baltimore 000 000.005-- 5 9 1 roa Yriesler 51 lovers on BOSTON (AP) -- It didn't | Baltimore's regular catcher, Doubles Bally. nati oh. Boston 010 010 000-- 2 3 2 Montreal 000 000 020-- 2 4 2 take Valmy Thomas long to Gus Triandos, underwent sur- Skinner and Clemente 3 ' RA 3-3468 Walker, Fisher (2.2) (8) andi, gi), 200 201 00x-- 5 5 0| join the "damaged digit" | BeLy on his sore thumb. gone rong" "Aaron, McCovey Courtney: Monbouquelte, Biter. Valdes, Chittum (5) Hunter (7)| catching staff of Baltimore OF: | stan bens they Made his first oq Boyer, St. Louis 8. ield (0-1) (9) Brewer (9) For-| 4 mae. Mahaffey and Davis.| jes Ing s 0 e start behind the plate Saturday Stolen bases--Pinson. Cincinnati| a nieles (9) and H. Sullivan Toronto 100 000 120-- 4 6 1 OC : | after a long siege with an in- |. : | SUPPORT THE New York 000 000 000-- 0 4 0 Rochester 300 130 10x-- 8 13 1 Purchased from Indianapolis fected index finger. | Pitching ~. McCormick San| Wash 004 000 00x-- 4 7 Mathias, Chakales (2) Heman © the American Association Another catcher, Gene Green, Francisco 5-0. 1.000 2 HOSPITAL DRIVE! Gabler (1-3) James (8) and oy" 4" 50nac Sadecki and Can Wednesday, Thomas joined. the | lost his spot on the roster be- Strikeouts--Drysdale Los: An-| Howard; Pascual (3-3) and Bat- nwizzaro ' Orioles here Saturday. He was | cause of a sore arm and is now eles 61 ; ' | Sam, ~ tey Havana sent to the bull pen with | in Miami. Still healthy and on gees b. American League 040 000 000 000 002-614 3 knuckle hall pitcher Hoyt Wil- | the roster is Joe Ginsberg, who Kansas City 010 000 202--5 9 0 Miami helm, and 10 minutes later was | sometimes wears full equip- Detroit 000 000 000-- 0 3 0 020 00! 001 000 000--4 10 2 2 training room case ment when warming up Wil- B. Daley (2-2) and Chiti; Mossi] Nunn, Arroye (2) and Azcue: "lI was catching that flutter helm. 2 (1-3) Semproch (9) and Wilson. va : 1! ball fellow and he bounced one We're going to get our pro Valentinetti, Luebke (3) Kay (8) off my thumb," Thomas | catchers a suit of armor," L] > HR: KCy-Cerv 2 (5). and McCardell. , i KCy y 020 100 010 1-- 5 11 1 re wal League moaned. "I've caught knuckle- | manager Pacl Richards com- Detroit 101 000 011 0-- 4 10 2 Montreal 000 000 020-- 2 3 1 baflers hefore, bi 50 one like mented after the J . Erbe ) srbart. (8) " 5 i im. He's too mue omas is expec 0 - Hall, Kutyna (7) Herbert !8 Burigle aan 1e Thomas was purchased after ' ready for game action soon. : {gion Senators traded infielder| action will be taken on the year's LEADERS MH EAT E R Trowbridge (1-1) (9) and Chiti;| Burnside, Morgan (8) Foytack!(3) Chittum (6) Hunter (8) and (1-3) (10) and Berberet. HR: Teed; Erickson and Davis. - KCy-Cerv (6) Chiti (2) Det-Chris- Columbus 012 100 100-- 5 12 2| TE, LE NaTions Top sTars| fF ithe land 000 000 000-- 0 5 1 Hall; Monroe, Grba (7) and Gon-| 8 : . Wed. 8:45 pm Whitby Arena : -- convenient Wynn (1-1) and Lollar; Perry der (1-2) Grant (9) and Nixon Columbus 010220 0-5 6 0 : | TAG TEAM MATCH Cle 000 100 101 3-- 6 10 0, Raydon, Williams (7) and Tor-| g | The Team of Don Leo JONATHON Donovan Baumann (7) Staley nay; Blaylock, Flowers (5) and] gh { . (3-1) (7) and Brown, Lollar (6); Gonder, Hall (6). f i 1 And His Partner Big Ed MILLER Stigman, Bell (6) Klippstein (1-0) | Toronto 000 300 000--3 7 0 : vs (8) and Romano, Nixon (8). HR: [Rochester 001 003 00x-- 4 8 1| f i Cle-Kuenn (1) Cicotte, Ridzik (6) and Jones; aoe reem of GALLAGHER ke Baltimore 100 000 100-- 2 6 2 Browning, Ricketts (9) and Can-| ike an oe / pac age Boston 000 000 100-- 1 3 0 nizzaro. pr Mike Valentino vs. Nobby MacDonald *Suggerted Price Barber (2-1) and Courtney; Ca- Havana 010 000 000-- 1 9 2 - Drak Ti T sale (2-1) Borland (8) Sturdivant Miami 000 200 03x-- 5 9 1}, 3 fi Goerst ora Sh 5 or ue (3) Fornicles (9) and Sullivan, Pena, Avon (8) and Azcue,| DON LEO JONATHON Leber songines, i Sxbibton, ot the

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