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The Oshawa Times, 16 May 1960, p. 11

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Opening With the weatherman lending Day Held | At the traditional team which |followed, - club president Dr. his peration, s of the Oshawa Golf Club held their offi- cial opening day on Saturday with 22 couples turning out to participate in the annual spring mixed two-ball tournament. After the heavy rain for almost a full week, the fairways were in a "heavy" condition byt this didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the players, even though it did eliminate the "long roll" on dis- tance shots. Dave Henry, accustomed to water in the swimming - pool business, teamed up with his mother, Mrs, E. Henry, to take the first prizes in the low gross section, with a fine 42. Ray Gibb land Jean Crawford played the {nine-hole course in 45 while |Jackie Germond and B. Turner had a 47 card. | Low net prizes went to Ted Stone and S. Kessler with 34. E. |Stone and T. Kessler matched {them with a 34 also while E. {Furey and T. Lang had 34%. SAR, NEIGHBOURHOOD DART LEAGUE -CHAMPIONS, NDIVIDUAL, RECEIVE TROPHIES |Chas, Mecllveen welcomed the members, distributed the prizes |and introduced the convener, {Mrs. Bruce Ross and Mrs. O. Crawford, the ladies' president. Mrs. Crawford then presénted Mrs. C. E. Mcllveen and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, who super- vised the "tea", along with their assistants, Misses Kerry Clifford. "Pam' Peterson, Judy Greer, Dale Calhoun and Vera Moyse. Course superintendent "Joe" Roberts, reported that the entire course would not likely be fully playable for at least another cou- ple of weeks. | One of the finest courses in |Ontario, the Oshawa Gold Club |property was somewhat "scar- {red" by the Oshawa Creek floods, |caused by last week's heavy rain. | Most serious loss was the ®de- |stroying of the various bridges |across the creek, a hard-work |program which "Joe" Roberts |and his staff had just nicely com- pleted, prior to last week's rains. Neighbourhood Dart League 'Countess Adios' Wins Me Closes Successiul Season The Neighborhood Association Dart League brought a very cessful season to a close Se day night, when they held the annual banquet, presentat.on ol awards and a dance at the Wood view Community Centre. President "Mike" Wilson kept things moving along at a fa tempo and kept all speech-ma wg down to a minimum. Head table guests luded Mr Mrs. J. Goul the Canadian ( Ward, representin and Ja e CRA a Neighborhoo the Jim Ward, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Robt. Germond, led the gathering in a sing-song and while these two were asked [very and; representing ac warning, the sin popu The ladies of St. Paul's Chu tered for the er and th neal was delicious, from the tur- key, r > pie President c entire executive for the hey did throughout the with special thanks to Mrs. M j the treasurer, and Mr. se Parker, who y ar official tha fine job Parker was n€ nd unable to and voiced his hopes for I speedy recovery Mike not only had the the head table in pres irophies, but also called on all team captains to present the dividual trophies help o! nt'ng n- euter the Trophy the Capt Corps to do so, with very little advancel At the conclusion of the banquet 92. ging proved to he'the tables were cleared away for| dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cor-|Crawford, Eastv.ew. ish, B.Clark and Mrs. D. Clark| on the lucky spot dances, while Mrs. J. Major and Bill Miller vere the winners of the door { his prizes. All the teams present indicated year, they w ill be returning next year,| several new teams have t they would like to ague. of both team and in- while signified tk The list lows: League Champions (Robson Leather Trophy) Rundle No. 1, Capt. M. Wilson. Consolation Winners Woodview Cornish. Team Baseball -- Trophy) Storie, (CRA No. 2, R (Can. score High Ladies Single Champion -- Dora Most Double-Outs (Men's) -- Bill Clarke, Woodview No. 1. Most Double-Outs (Ladies) Marg. Muir, Southmead. Most Double-Ins (Men's) Jock Houston, Rundle No. Most Double-Ins (Ladies) Flo Williamson, Woodview No. High Three Darts (Men) Jack Geulding, Fernhill, High Three Darts (Ladies) yressed his dividual trophy winners is as fol- Jean Craighead, Store. High Baseball (One Inning) (Men) -- George Parker, Fern- hill. High Baseball 'One Inning (La- dies) -- Greta Houston, Rundle No. 1. High (Men) -- High Baseball Ralph Baseball Nine Innings Hopson, Storie. Nine Innings (Ladies) -- Olive Clarke, Storie. | | WESTBURY, "She's a rough, filly." That's how Del Miller charac- N.Y. Oshawa Golf Club present TROPHIES 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, May 16, 1960 11 The league held its annual banquet in the Legion Hall on Saturday, to close another suc- cessful bowling year. Congratulations go to the Irague champs, Haven't a Clue; captain Anne Landry: Jim Smith, Harriet Johns, "Tab" Parish, June Kerr and Jack Strank. Tro- phies weré presented to the team by "Red" MacDermaid of the Sunday Bowling at the Motor City Lanes. Consolation winners were the Wild Cats: Captain Muriel Roz- nik, Art Cocker, Florence Bracey, Frank Johns and Shorty Davies. Trophies were presented to this team by Don Iverson, Branch No. 43. Trophies were also presented to the following: Women's 'High Average: Anne Landry 195 and Men's High Average: Bob Skelton 205. Special mention of Denny Brown (223) who missed the first part of the season. Legion Bowling Closes With Annual Banquet president of the Canadian Legion] Ladies' Handicap: Men's Handicap: High Triple without Rita Hughes 683. High Triple without Art Parry, 783. Ladies' High Single without Handicap: May Whiting 273. Men's high single without handi- cap: Herb Bathe, 343. Ladies' High Triple with Handi. cap: Muriel Roznik, 698. Men's High Triple with Handi- cap: Ernie McKenzie, 738. Ladies' High Single with Handi- cap: Eileen Smith, 322 | Men's High Single with Handi- {cap: Doug Kerr, . Congratulations to all of you {and to the rest, better luck next year! We were glad to see Aletha Grant and Bill Lock both at the banquet after a stay in the hos- pital! Executive for 1960-61 season is as follows: president, Eloi Lan. dry; first vice - president, Len | Holt; second vice - president, |Herb Bathe; treasurer, Rita SPORTS IN BRIEF FIGHT POSTPONED ssenger BALTIMORE (AP) -- An out-| terized Countess Adios who wonton, Ont. for $25,000 as a year- | because of ran, | harness racing's richest race--|ling in 1958, paced the mile in the for her Canadian and American | joint owners at Roosevelt Race-|jog of pacing's triple crown, but|SO ; 2. 3 [Countess Adios won't sweep it|of Rankin, Pa, With the veteran Miller handl- (jie Hodgins did with Adios But- 10 rounder. ing the reins, the only filly in the (jar a year ago. She's eligible for | way Saturday night. field of 10 top three-year-old | $142,782 Messenger Stake-- 2:02 1-5. The messenger was the firs! the $65,000 Cane Pace at Yonk- | Jordan was scheduled to meet {Candy McFarland of Phi'adelphia n was to face Pedro Gonzales in the semi-final BPEAKS OWN RECORD | pacers scored by 1% lengths over|ars raceway next month, but not| TOKYO (AP)--Japan's No. 1 |the 9-to-5 favorite, Major Goose. for the third and last leg, the Olympic swimming hope, Tsuyo- Before the race, Miller said he pile Brown Jug at Delaware,|shi Yamanaka bettered- his own planned to get out in front as isoon as possible and stay there. | That's what happened before 40,-| the largest crowd of the] year. The daughter of Adios-Countess Vivian broke in front coming into the stretch. She held off the closing surges of Major Goose land Betting Time, driven by| | Clint Hodgins, a native of Clande- | |boye, Ont. Major Goose got the place by a head. Ohio, in September. "It wasn't an oversight," Mil- ler explained. "I didn't put her in the Jug because she's such a little thing. I didn't want to push her too much." Countess Adios paid $11.60, $5.60 and $4.10, $3.70 and $2.80 and Betting Time $3.60. Major Goose | {world mark for the 200-metre| {freestyle Sunday with a time of {two minutes, 1.1 seconds. The {listed world record is 2:015, !which was .set by Yamanaka in| {Osaka July 26, 1959. | RACER KILLED METTET, Belgium (AP)--Dave {Chadwick "of Britain was killed |Sunday night when he crashed |into the crowd during the 500-cc |motoreyc.» race here. One spec- | SEEKS MATCHES Hughes and secretary, Edna Elliott, LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED 43 King St. W, Oshawe makes it easy for you fo have a BRAND Ww NEW OIL FURNACE NO MUSS...NO FUSS NO INCONVENIENCE «o.and 5 years fo pay! TORONTO (CP)--Matchmaker (AP)-- (near Pittsburgh and purchased door boxing show featuring wel- Jack Allen will fly to New York | tough, great/hy owners Hugh Grant, of Brad-|terweight champion Don Jordan today to seek a name-fighter to ford, Pa. and the brothers, J.E.|and Sugar Ray Robinson was meet Toronto's George Chuvalo,| land C.E. Armstrong of Bramp- postponed Saturday until tonight Canzdian heavyweight boxing champion, here June 6. Allen hopes to get Pat McMurtry of Tacoma, Wash., Chuvalo's last t |in the 10-round main bout. Robin- conqueror, Nino Valdes of Cuba Phone us for an estimate or former British Jeavyweight champion Brian London. | Nearly Sets Speed 'Qualifying Record : | INDIANAPOLIS (AP)--Johnny ers, vice-president, Gord Long; Thomson, a nerveless New Eng- secretary, Bob Murphy; treasurerijand driver with 22 years of rac- "Red" MacDermaid and your|ing behind him, came within a press reporter, everything pointsiclock's tick of breaking the In- [to a bigger and better season for dianapolis Motor Speedway quali- 1 1960-61. {fying record Sunday. | Any mew bowlers desirous of| Thomson, whose engine fell |participating in the: new cam-|apart in Saturday's trials for the |paign should get in touch with 500 - mile Memorial 'Day race the executive as soon as possible|May 30, came back with a re- as it appears that the 1960-61|built engine and zipped through season will see a bigger league.|the 10-mile trial at an average In conclusion your press re-| speed of 146.443 miles an hour. porter would like to thank all] His time of 4:05.83 was just] the members of the league and all| one-fourth of a second under the| others responsible for the wonder-| track record set Saturday by Ed- |tul transistor radio which he re-|die Sachs of Allentown, Pa., |ceived. It was a big surprise and|Whose average speed was 146.692. {much appreciated. See you all The day's delay, however, will again in the new season. {put Thomson in the sixth three- Congratclations are also in Car row on Memorial Day. order to Bud Henderson and his| company for the color movie of| TIES DAD'S RECORD the 1959 Grey Cup game which| HAMBURG, N.Y. (AP)--Har- was well received by the mem-|ness driver Eldon Harner, 26, bers of the league. A specialireined five winners at Buffalo thanks to all the team. sponsors, Raceway Saturday night to tie who also contributed to a most the raceway record set by his successful season. 'father, Levi, in 1946. yt ' S » ( ALL THIS WEEK MOVIE SENSATION! |tator wa killed and two other | people were injured. One of them BOUGHT FOR $25,000 had a leg amputated, | Countess Adios, home-bred by Miller at his Meadowlands farm 5 SERA SIGN TACKLE WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winnipeg |Blue Bombers today announced the signing of 22-year-old tackle Paul Casperson from Small Augs- burg College, Minneapolis, of the Minnesota intercollegiate athletic |conference. | FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Clarkson, Wash.--Jimmy Grow 140, Lewiston, Idaho, outpointed Jimmy Walker, 140, Portland, Ore., 10. Havana -- Chuchu Gutierrez, 120%, Cuba, outpointed Ignacio | Perez, 122, Cuba, 10, | [a a shave ever had! | THERE'S MASCULINE FRESHNESS IN Ol Spice AFTER SHAVE LOTION New York SHULTOMN Toronto MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE CHAMPIONS RECEIVE TEAM TROPHY AT ANNUAL BANQUET PLAYOFF CLOSE College Hill 5-Pin Team Men's Major League Champs 1018, A 5-/ Plate 1147, 1042, 1103 988, total 52¢ 5288. MILLS MOTORS WIN CONSOLATION The Consolation series Mills Motors 1149, 1204, 1218, 1208, for 5897; Ed Wilson Furniture 1161, 1025, 1224, 1111, The Oshawa Men's Major Pin League season came to an end Saturday when the playoffs were conducted at Motor City Lanes, with six clubs competing in the championship series and the other six teams participating in the Consolation series After a most exciting series, the College Hl) 1.G.A. emerged as the new champions with a respec- table total of 5927 for their five- game set, coming from behind in the final game in true champion- ship form Dove's Fina Station at one time appeared headed for the title and the Oshawa Auto Trim en also looked like a real threat but both clubs jus faltered enough to let the College Hill squad move in There were no stars on the LGA. club and it was strictly team effort that tipped the s in their favor, with all their bow ers being very much in the fight The team scores were: College! Hill IGA 1036 1285, 1201 29 1276 for #027; Dove's Fina Sin 1199, 1166, 1256 1041, 1201, total 3863; Oshawa Auto. Trim 1107, 1149, 1248, 1251, 1102, total 5857 Hyman Real Estate 1074, 1116 1161, 1252 1109, total 5712; Lucky Strike Grill 1030, 1067, 1105, 1204, 1152, total 5558 and Photo bers of the club along with their|bute to the ladies who handled sponsor were presented to the|the very enjoyable dinner and the group for well-earned applause. |complaint dept. was completely The members of the Lucky|ibactive. Strike Grill club were present-| The officers for the season just ed with cigarette lighters which concluded were congratulated on was the OBC award for finishing a job well done and with Presi- h team in the final league dent Dave Reynolds back in har- 1111, for 5632; Dunn's Clothing standing. {ness, ass'sted by the new offic-| 1122, 1154, 1043, 1203, 045, total High triple award went to Ervin | z | 567; Bolahood Real Estate 1103, Brown 95¢ and Bill Galbraith got| BACKACHE 1088, 1177, 928, 1216 total - 5512; the high single with 388 while Jubilee Pavilion 991, 1079, 1253, the high average prizes went to ry 1105, 1026, total 5454 and Ritson Bob Gallagher 252, Ozzie Keeler b Ww Drugs 1120, 1033, 988, 967, 971,-245 and John Trott 243. ay ¢ arning total 5079 i Backache is often caused by lazy SPECIAL AWARD kidney action. When kidneys get out of "Red" MacDermaid, while ab-| order, excess acids and wastes remain ent from the banquet, was con- | in the system. Then backache, dis- lated for his untiring efforts| turbed rest or that tired-out and heavy behalf of the junior bowlers| headed feeling may soon follow. That's ind was selected as the OBC spe-| the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better--sleep c.al award winner, for his valu- able work with the local kids. better --work better, Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 59 results: 1118, Individual rolled by Orest high scores were Pidwerbecki 1342 for five, Wilf Ross 1329 and Matt Bell with 1272 Following the playoffs, the nual banouet was held at Gregory's Hall, with a full attend- ance of members and their spon -/sors, in one of the most success- ul - bahquets every by league The program was handled in a very efficient manner by Mel Whyte, who was the MC for the might and did a terrific job "Bud" Henderson, the Molson representative, presented the Mc son team trophy to Harold Bz lem, captain of the College Hiil IGA club after which the mem- an St The bowlers, sponsosrs and everyone in attendance paid tri-| held the Jr) 3 fast F2 lenses $15 DOWN Pi) Here's the lowest priced automatie Electric Eye turret camera on the > TT: : market = the easiest camera in : BA the world to operate. The miracle of light od energy sets the lens for you for perfect movies every time -- you just aim and shoot Built-in filters fet you shoot through haze, use same film indoors and out, PLUS FREE!! ® Genuine Leather Compartment -- carry case (reg. 8.75) ® 1 Roll Kodachrome Movie Film (processing paid) 5 cents will buy only half-a-cup © TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE © T0 CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR DEBTS ® TOMAKE HOME IMPROVEMENTS TOMEET MEDICAL BILLS FOR ANY OTHER REASONABLE PURPOSE Borrow as much as . . , $1600 Repay as little os $30,00 monthly $2000 Repay as little as $35.00 monthly AFFILIATE OFFICES: e LONDON ® SARNIA If you're not completely satisfied with the cigarette you are now smoking -- try mild good tasting Buckinghams -- get the real taste of a real cigarette. Bucking Available in ® GUELPH ® PETERBOROUGH o BELLEVILLE ® STRATFORD ® TORONTO hams 20's and 25's ALLIED INVESTMENT CO. Sioa LAKAS BLDG. 51 King Street East, Oshawe CANADA'S LEADING RA 3-3993 28 KING STREET EAST RA 3-4621

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