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The Oshawa Times, 16 May 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey .16, 1960 3 WEATHER FORECAST Sunny, Warm, Thundershowers TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- Georgian Bay regions, Windsor, Back | " i H 1 t casts issued at 5 am.: London: Sunny today. Tuesday Synopsis: Another sunny and mainly eloudy with scattered : warm day was promised for most showers or thunderstorms begin-| mopoNTO (CP) A police strictly punished as the gravest of Ontario today. A disturbance ning in the afternoon, Continuing ¢. oi hijacked Friday after de- criminal, spy and war provocat- in western Kansas will move into|warm. Winds light today, east 15 {octives had loaded .it with aleur." The guilt of the American Illinois Tuesday morning and in-/to 25 Tuesday, seizure of stolen goods was found U-2 pilit is not arguable, said an creasing cloudiness followed by pake Ontario, Niagara, Hali- Saturday. A large quantity of|Izvestia article written by P, S. scattered showers and thunder- pyrton regions, Toronto, Hamil- hardware and electrical goods Romashkin, head of the legal in-| storms will spread eastward|ion: Sunny today. Tuesday in-was removed before thieves stitute of the Academy of across Southern Ontario during creasing cloudiness followed by abandoned the truck. Police said|Sciences, and S. A. Golunsky.| the day. The north country should scattered evening showers orithe value of the twice - stolen|The language used by the two continue to enjoy fine weather. tgunderstorms. Continuing warm. goods was not known. |jurists appeared to mean they fa- Regional forecasts valid untillwinds light today, east 15 to 25| |vored the maximum sentence of midnight Tuesday. Tuesday. SWIMMERS | death, I \CAPSULE NEWS Truck Comes CRASH KILLS 12 BERLIN (Reuters) -- Twelve persons were killed and 60 were injured in a collision between twe trains outside Leipzig Station Sun. May night, the East German news agency ADN reported. A train leaving Leipzig collided with an express and several cars were de. railed. ALWAYS GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER HOTEL LANCASTER FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 4 4 RA. 8.6201 FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Fred's Refrigeration RA 5-6335 "ir OIRS TO FEATURE PUBLIC SCHOOL FESTIVAL Hamilton ,. Muskoka a MASSED CH Looked forward to with no | Public Schools will be presented anticipation choir of ing the massed choir at this Lu : SAVE NO 5 | Lakes. Erie, Huron, southern Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk-l OSHAWA. (CP) Two non- | mY land Lake, Timmins - Kapuskas-| swimmers from Brooklin, whose CANADIAN KILLED . | KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) Fire Damages | Mainly sunny today and Tuesday. fished in Buckhorn Lake were|--Canadian engineer Jerry Sex- Continuing warm. Winds light, |rescued semi - conscious by alton was crushed to death Satur- {nearby fishing party Sunday. day while working on a joint Forecast Temperatures {Stanley Harding, 61, clung to an|Canadian - Pakistani-hydro-elec- - Fire fi A Windsor ... ees ses . 50 |keld up in a life preserver for Killed by a wagon in a tunnel Oshawa fire fighters were call- of ta 45 |five minutes before being rescued'at the project. His home town) ed to a fire in a double garage" . in the lake 60 miles north of was not knqwn, | on Kendall ave., Saturday at 10 7 "00 -* {Oshawa [ p.m. Damage was estimated at|Wingham . e zarate ! Tr : 5 STRIKE OF 2,300 ENDS LONDON (Reuters)--The Brit- Lamon, Ball oe and A. rennin inner | SHAWINIGAN, Que. (CP) --ish union movement is facing the| [Waners, 2a Sendal Ave, : {Agreement was reached Satur- Worst financial crisis in its his-| There were two false alarms day ending a one-week strike at tory, according to a Trade Union| over the week-end and two grass | ! vere Sudbury |pany by 2,300 members of the In-|The survey disclosed that 75] | the selections sung by a massed | Young, director of music, lead- Cedardale, and in the rear of ond AEA [ternational Chemical W ork er s/unions spent more than they re-| little by pupils | in the OCVI auditorium at 7.30 nm « last Ny aaa Whi iv {Union (CCCL). Discussion of sen-|ceived from their members' con-| aot parents alike the annual | p.m Thursday. One of the between 200 and 900 i There were seven' ambulance White River . liority grievances, a main cause|tributions in 1958, and 32 unions|f : calls during the week-end. Moosonee | - - ai -_-- ; = : | within 15 days. |by drawing on reserve funds, By Popular . . PAY A Tih | DEATH FOR AIR SPY? SAYS N OU.S. GOOF Demand " 4 MOSCOW (AP)--Two of thel N YORK (AP)--Vice-Presi-| OoSPp1 a 1ng |Soviet Union's highest legal au-|dent Richard Nixon said Sunday | J h MeMann Fund 9 601,7 68 Herb He ot the ORGAN Nightly 9--12 | HOTEL LANCASTER ing regions, North Bay, Sudbury: motorboat overturned. while they| { Double Garage | Low tonight High Tuesday loar, and Willis Connor, 58, was tric project at Warsak. He was Tom UNIONS | {$300. The garage was used by J. Toronto voces BROKE é Barlt |{the Shawinigan Chemicals Com- Congress survey published today. fires. The grass fires, were at|™arllON .ceceeervvece music festival of the Oshawa | features of the program will be | pupils, Seen here is Wallace | year's festival. . 4 th of the strike, will be resumed were able to pay their way only [thorities declared Sunday that|night that he does not believe the| Powers must be United States 'goofed" in the] ----------|timing of the U-2 spy flight over| {Russia. Interviewed on a tele-| vision program, Nixon said the] ns |U.S. can not afford any gap in| lits intelligence information about| Russia. 20.0( H 20.00 ager pital nounced contributed total reported $590,849.90 I'he list previously M of the Oshaw Building Fund, ha $601,768.80 ha The previ Smith, campaign a General Hos- man 20.00 0,00 20.00 | Protest | TV Series FIFTH MISSILE PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (AP) The fifth U.S. ballistic missile] submarine, the Abraham Lincoln, | was launched here Saturday. |M Mary Lincoln Beckwith of MONTREAL (CP)--More than Manchester, Vt., 60 - year - old| 800 'members of the Canadian 8'¢at granddaughter of Lincoln, A a Cammisies { | Ukrainian Committee massed in SWung the traditional champagne meve St." Branch. Employees 4 po { {front of the CBC's Montreal|bottle. { " {|studio Sunday to protest a IHR | sins | French-language television series REDS CHART BASES | | dealing with the 1927 assassina-| COPENHAGEN, Denmark| TABLE (Reuters) -- Soviet trawlers and to | during the presentation of tro- | phies are, left to right SUB that radian Bank of Commerce 5 Branch, employees Saturda ol mtribution acknowledged foll Ars. Clevels and Buffald GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING John EH Edmund Jeff Toronto Dominion Bank King street east, Employees: E. Mumberson R. Singletor Joan ( Evelyn Inwood Imperial Bank of Canada wi TENNIS CHAMPIONS RECEIVE TROPHIES Fith, Miss I. Wolek, John Sjy- | bread (winner of best individual manski, Stan Swinski (receiving | trophy), H. Socha, Peter Sy- n Doreen N Clement Zave Fitchets Clark y Siblo sina- tion of Ukrainian leader Simon Petlura. The protest began with arke ; : locean research ships are chart- rophies were ling the coastline of the Faeroe] the winning team in the Bant- presented Employees and Mr Norman Down Ralph S. Jones Thomas H. Gree Mr. and Mrs. HG The Robt. Dixon Co. Ltd McCallum Transport Lid Employees: A M w Johnstone Knigh Marquette H. Murdock T. McDougall Stafford M. Warrington A. E s R. Crit r L McQuat Ron Moffatt Frank Granger EJ P Blakle MacDonald Coppins 0 o0| Ing avenue, Polish Hall, Table yoo Tennis League, Sunday. Shown +2 Swim Pool '+ Campaign Due 5000 AJAX (Staff) "To be or not Emplovees bo, to be." that is the question facing 18.00| the Ajax Kinsmen club regarding 18 00 | its project, a swimming pool for ' Kara 1a (o| the town Sas i 18.00] Many hours have been spent by Fimo Wherry 12.00! Kinsmen in committee investigat- Brown 800ling and planning this project. Ji 3 | Much remains to be done before James Dobbins 18.00|a start can be made Wallace Hal ool To begin with, the club must Norman Stephe {ht raise $65,000 to finance the deal. ; 18.00| To do this, the club will require 1360 (the full support of every citizen "00 and all service clubs and organi- a no | Zations A meeting will 0,00 000.00 | 00 400.00 B ( He Robert Pixon Co, Lid My A.M 00.00 be held in the Community Centre this evening, Monday, May 16, at 8:30 p.m. The topic 'Swimming Pool" Sveryone is invited CITY AND DISTRICT CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT Why spiritualization of thought is essential to the peace and pro- | mankind was explained Ma TOTAL 10 DATE NATURAL TALENT the great in Ital 1921 spe Enrico Caruso 3000 1an tenor who died 20.00 20.00 20.00 cial achieved fame without any musical training. ss of Miss M. Skotnycky, march through the streets follow- a|Islands for possible use as sub- SIMCOE ST. N. | Dlugosz F. Malory, Bob son (presenting trophy), trophy), berek and Ray Romanczyk. Miss L. Wolek, George White | --0Oshawa Times Photo marine bases in case of war, an -- | cRirches {island newspaper says. No gov- " {ernment comment on the story ing mass in several Ukranian OBITUARIES The three-block long parade/was available. The Faeroe Is-| {with the Union Jack and flags of lands are in the North Atlantic | 9262 RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 OSHAWA {the Ukraine and Quebec at the|due north of England, {head, proceeded in orderly fash- | ALFRED (JOHN) COPPING I Seriously sick since May 6 Al- fred (John) Copping, beloved hus- |band of the former Kate Sykes, |died at the Oshawa General Hos- (pital Saturday, May 14. He was in his 66th year. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs Charles Copping, the deceased was born at Norwich, Norfolk, England, April 7, 1895 and was married in Oshawa Dec. 21, 1920. Before coming to Oshawa more than 40 years ago, Mr. Copping lived in the Frankford district. He worked for many years as a salesman for the Weston Bread Co., and in recent years was a parcel post contractor with the Oshawa Post Office A member of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion, Mr. Copping served as a sapper |with the 11th Battalion of the |Royal Canadian Engineers dur- {ing the First World War, ion to the CBC building. March- -- <iindeian Girls Are fof Foresters and a former mem- ber of the Sons of England. 0S S Mr. Cryderman was twice mar- |ried. His first wife, the former | Annie Lord, died in 1912 and his| second wife, the former Lilly Mc-| ers carried placards bearing {such slogans as '"Radio Canada D CI {insults the Canadian citizen" and Lean, whom he married in 1920 "The directors of Radio Canada should be fired." | Committee president Basil Dan- predeceased him in 1955, | By KATHRYN LEARMONTH Shysitn sald Livi series was an He is survived by two daugh-| An unusual activity took place ians eh Comin nist Viera ters, Mrs, Harry Jose (Louise), of lat Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate series wa 1g! d ie word The Newcastle and Mrs, Jack Boddy Institute Wednesday when each] s produced in France. (Beatrice), of Toronto and two|girl in Grade 12 took charge of WAS BARRE \ Ic I sons, Howard and Harry V., of her younger sisters and broth-| «pe FRED N paance i Bowmanville. He was predeceas-| ers, and provided them with a de- ¥ orice ly. In ed by a son, Lawrence, 11 ye: s | lightful party in the school audi-|¢s.io concerning the assassina-| ago. |torium, ; = tion of our national hero and the| Also surviving are 11 ,. and-| This was the first activity of |trial of the assassin Sewartzbard. | children and five greal-grand-|this type to have taken place in|The series is aimed at pitting! children an Oshawa secondary school. The| Ukrainians against Jo hel The funeral service will be participating' students did an ex-|gaiq "The film was barred in| weld at the Northcutt and Smith cellent job of making the children (pian a "two years. ago and we) Funeral Home at 2.30 p.m., Wed-| very happy. want it barred in Canada gh wel nesday, May 18. Interment will TR xs : | Marlier ! . 21 crib be in Bowmanville Cemetery, OR( HESTRA 'ENTERTAINS Tie 8 Sokssman had said; Rev. William K. Houslander will] On Wednesday, too, the orches-| J eS oriliny Schwarte: conduct the services. |tra entertained the regular stu. bard, a Jew. LEAN TENDER SLICED CLUB STEAKS | Breakfast BACON TROUD! CES Tuesday and Wednesday Only! correct in its presentation of the! Sensational Meat Features Ib. 49. Ih. 2 H. Besides his wife he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Allen Gunn (Sylvia), of Oshawa Also surviving are three ters, Mrs. Reginald Marjoram and Mrs. George Sayers (Lilly) of England and Miss May Copping, ot Australia, and a grandson FUNERAL OF MARTIN JASKOT High requiem mass was sung in St. Hedwig's Polish Catholic Church at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 14, for Martin Jaskot, who died sis- |dent body at assembly. Mr. Ricer deserves much credit for his training of the various members of the orchestra, Soft muscles are aching as a result of the heavy training sched- ule being undertaken by the stu- A seven-man delegation went into the building to discuss the! matter with CBC information di- rector J. Trudeau i Mr. Trudeau said he had no authority to make commitments] and could merely meet the dele- LEAN MINCED BEEF SKINLESS 3 Ibs. s1 TV-RADIO COLUMN : B Christian Science services on at the Oshawa General Hospital,|dents preparing for Field Day on WIENERS David Gunn gates and pass along their re-| Many Shows On Shelf For Possible Production By CYNTHIA 1 NEW YORK (AP United States televis stockpile programs tional Broadcasting ( probably will have the shelf than others next fall One out of three succeed--if you're 1 Alan Courtney, NBC dent of program ad 'In television it hs custom on the that you're on e to put ire at an mn stablishir think prepared January for are e shows we are failures by Courtney cited over Barbarians we are 10 nste ies a ser un a et Sunday, May 15. Keynoting the Losson-Sermon on the subject 'Mortals and Immortals" was Golden Text Irom Romans (8:6): "To be carnally minded is death: bul to be spiritually minded is life and peace." WRONG NAME William Newman, of Pickering, was wrongly identified as William .awson in the cut lines of a pic- ture whch appeared on page three of Saturday's issue, Mr. New- man was shown with Attorney General Kelso Roberts. The Osh- awa Times regrets any embar- rassment the error may have caused Mr. Newman. STREETS CLOSED following streets will be closed for, construction today: Wilson road south, closed from Olive avenue to Shakespeare av- enue. Whenever possible, these streets will be partially opened to permit movement of local traffic. LOWRY All three ion networks cause but the Na- These 'ompany more shows Pg ither of Rome. One it is on the shelf is be of production problems hould be solved within a months, he said, and The 'harians 1 be one of the re ment shows of the approach w season in TV takes around 12 weeks to series ready," sald Court "Even if you have the con you must get the script in it and shoot it. In at we've had to rush ugh. Next season, we'll and produced in of reasons ow ng ne It get a ney ( ept shape ther ye new shows ucky Says vice-presi ministration been the shelf show But we t nvent Vv ol | The 1s cast yout 1d) 0 that . the Recommended tonight: Steve Allen Show, NBC, 10-11 ex- pm. EDT Ginger Rogers, Tony The Bennett and Erroll Garner, times top replace Sealaters Call ance IS called ncient guests COMING EVENTS Off Protest PROGRESSIVE ple. Tuesday and lunch CPT BINGO ton 5 games $25 Wealth. (Corner A SPRING tea ing and a d the Legion Ha May 19th und Oshawa Euchre May 17 ) spec of "Albert Silver ST PAUL B R T KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, MA FRE ADM! EXTRA Bl 57 fancy work DETROIT (AP)--The Seafarers International Union called off at midnight Sunday its protest in Great Lakes ports against what it calls "runaway flag" vessels, Fred Farnen, secretary-treas- urer of the Great Lakes district of SIU, said various officials in- cluding senator and congress- men have asked that the protests be called off and meetings be set up to discuss the matter I'he union said earlier it, was| picketing all ships of Liberian, | Honduran and Panamanian regis-| try which come to Great Lakes ports. It said all such ships have sub-standard working and safely| conditions and are sailed under these flags to avoid American shiphoard standards Farnen said the SIU will eall| for an immediate meeting of all marine trade union groups to take part in a lakes-wide confer-| rence to develop further strategy and co-ordination I'he union official said that the Great Lakes action.'in no way the present tie-up' of ves- sels elsewhere Tem: RUMMAGE on Tuesday, May 17 cents 2 pm, King Street Church Orange 5. 30 rummage sale, 144 King all good used clothing, furniture, a {i household articles 1:30 ¥ HADASSAH $8.!5t F the lat 1 and Jacksor Tuesday, May 17 at home bak Sale at Simcoe 0 p.m Memorial Hal under - the Church " RUMMAGE M at Guild HOME demonstration to be held Ma - YTERIAN 6. All intere phone MO 8.5170 Free gifts to everyone WOODVIEW PARK MONSTER BINGO $1,300 PRIZES $100 DOOR PRIZE | JACKPOT NOS. (53-57) TONIGHT RED BARN gers Rd EA Y 17th effects ond 50 The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 17. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. W. G. Dickson, minister Centre Street United Church, will con- duct the services. MRS. J. FRANK JEFFERY Following an illness of a year the death occurred at the Osh- awa General Hospital Saturday; May 14, of Mrs. J. Frank Jel- fery, 11 Rowe street. Mrs. Jef- fery was in her 76th year. The former Blanche Yeoman Richards, the deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Yeoman, She was born at Bowmanville Aug. 15, 1884 and had been a resident of the dis- trict all her life. She was a mem- ber of the Daughters of England Pred by her [first hus- band, Wesley J. Richards, in 1948, Mrs, Jeffery is survived by her husband, J. Frank Jeffery and one son, C. Wesley Richards of Osh- awa Also surviving are a sister, Mrs Kate Payne, of Toronto and four grandchildren, Joan, Gail, Earl and Deborah Richards The memorial service held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 3.30 p.m. Tuesday, May 17. Rev. M. A. Bury, minis- ter of King Street United Church, will conduct the services. Inter- ment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. FRANK M. CRYDERMAN Following an illness of eight weeks the death occurred at (he Bowmanville Memorial Hospital this morning of Frank M. Cry derman of Bowmanville. He was in his 87th year Born at Hampton, the deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cryderman A lifelong resident of Bowman- ville and Darlington Towaship Mr. Cryderman farmed in the township for 20 years and later operated a blacksmith shop at the corner of Division and Queen streets, in Bowmanville, for 30 years A member of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, the de ceased was a former membe: of the board of stewards. He was a of will be imember of the Independent Order 'and parts of Russia. William Hanlan Hutchison, who average Wednesday, May 11, in his 61st| May 25th, Observers state that it is doubtful if any: future Olympic quest to CBC head Alphonse Oui-| year Ib. 29. met in Ottawa. | Rev EE, Felix Kwiatkowski sang Champions are likely to show up| the 'mass. Interment was in St, in the competitions. However, the Gregory's Cemetery. spirits are willing and it re. The pallbearers were J, Budzyn- Mains to be seen if the bodies ski S. Dulny, S. Bernas, Pp. are able. Wiech, J. Dlugosz and P. Soltys. TO TOUR OTTAWA - x . Students who have signified WILLIAM ALBERT FAUL their desire to go to Ottawa on| The death occurred at the Osh- May 19 are eagerly anticipating awa General Hospital Sunday, their tour of the capital city. May 15, of William Albert Faul, They will travel by train, stay at| beloved husband of the former the Lord Elgin hotel, tour the Lily B. Taylor. The deceased, city, see Parliament in session who was in his 78th year, had not and lunch as the guests of the enjoved good health for several Honorable Michael Starr. months, - D E 3 i " On May 12, 13, Grade 11 stu- Bo tm wa des vere given an rosin born at" Frankford. Ont. and tour of the Royal Ontario Museum Was marvied br Rev. J. ar Jew Toronto. The tour was sponsor- oll at Hilton. Ont Jan. Y 1913 ed by the history department. | i : a J 913.! et rosa f A resident of. Oshawa for 45 years, Mr. Faul previously lived at Brighton and Georgetown Prior to his retirement in 1953] he was an employee of General Motors for 36 years. He worked in the stockroom of the body de- partment, He was a member Street United Church. Refinery Beats | Water Pollution OTTAWA mines, Besides his wife he is survived mittee c by a brother, Kenneth A. Faul, Trafalgar oil refinery returns wa- (CP)--The Commons forests and waters com- was told today that a of Simcoe RR 2. Belleville. ter to Lake Ontario in a form The funeral service will be held 'purer than when it left the lake] at the McIntosh Funeral Home at in the first place." | 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 17. Inter- R. J. Hall, president of Cities ment will be in Oshawa Union Service Oil Company, outlined | Cemetery. Rev. John K. Moffat operations of the company's re-| will conduct the services. finery, He told the committee he| felt the key to overcoming water | FUNERAL OF pollutfon is an enlightened public MRS. WILLIAM H. HUTCHISON opinion, Mrs He said liquid waste from the oil refinery is "black, | died at the Oshawa General Hos-|sludgy, noxious and foul smell-| pital, Friday, May 13, in her 70th|ing." | year, was held at the Armstrong) "One of its most stubborn con- Funeral Home at 3 p.m. Satur- tents is phenol, which is so pun- day, May 14 gent that one pound of it can be Rev. John K. Moffat, minister detected in 12,000,000 gallons of of Simcoe Street United Church, water." conducted the services, Interment! The company spent $3,000,000 was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. on "housekeeping" arrangements The pallbearers were Hiwhen it built the refinery. Rrayue, « oo Sepison. O, Dees, "It is my personal opinion that ort ye , more industries would benefit be --_____|from investing their funds in ac- | tually good works than by spend-| FINE WOOL ing money merely to tell the pub-| The cashmere goat, which lic how good they are." I yields wool of very fine texture A partial text of his submission | 1s a small animal native to Tibet was issued to the press before 'delivery. The memorial service for Sv aP MEANS DFPENT AB Small Link Pure Pork SAUSAGES THE OWEAT ATMAWWE & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY (VD, per Markets Iniry

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