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The Oshawa Times, 16 May 1960, p. 4

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COOKIE SALE IS BIG BUSINESS finance company projects, the annul cookie sale is a big Job each year. Pictured are four Guides and Brownies of Picker- Girl Guides from all over Canada are very much in the news this year as t'ey cele- | son, Margaret Dwinnell, Eve. lyn Blizzard and Sharon Huycek. ~Photo by John Mills ing Village, who did very well in the recent cookie day sale. From the left, Heather John- | her mother at the Hague for 10 wroks, Mrs. J, Doull, Riverside drive, Piciering, who flew to Scotland {last weekend has arrived in Edin- | borough, to spend six months with her daughter, It is hoped the change will improve her health, | Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Mills, AJAX PERSONALS AJAX -- Mr. Devolin, Windsof avenue, | family, spent last weekend visit. fng in Meadoc. and Mrs. D.| nl Mills, Glynn rord, and Mr, and Kathy, Howard and Robble, Eto- bicoke, visited Mr. and Mrs. John r. and Mrs Fred Cruse and Mrs, Cliff Mills, Beech sireet, on | Bowlers Hold Big Banquet By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- Ending a successful] bowling season, the Thursday Niters Bowling League members held their banquet on Mav 7 in beautiful eandy dishes went tc members of the team: Captain Jonny Johnston, Orpha Krick, Mildred Smith, Elva Lambie, Joe Galloway and Ken Beeby. These bowlers also received cigarette lighters from the Ontario Bowling Council. The consolation winners were "Ken's Girls" with Captain Ken Gert 'Lindsay, Ray Brock, Rosemary Flindall and | Davidson, Open House Day Ajax Hospital By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- National Hospital Open House Day was observed at the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital "on Thursday, May 12 with tours of the Hospital being Ruxiliary |conducted by a group of the nurs ing staff, from 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. There was not a very si, ar tendance. nerhaps due to the very wet evening. TEA TABLE The Women's Auxiliary served refreshments in the lounge at the nurses' residence, to all visitors The tea table was centered with a large silver bowl of flowers in the hospital colors, blue and Pp white, Blue mums and white gla- dioli, flanked by pale blue tapers By GRACE MILLS in silver holders, Pouring tea were AJAX -- The May meeting of Mrs, W. Parish, wife of Mayor the Hospital Auxiliary was held Parish; Mrs, C. Morley, wife of on Monday evening with the Reeve C. Morley, Pickering; president, Mrs. W./Griffith in the Mrs, K, McInnes, wife of the chair, business administrator of the hos- Reports were given by the pital and Mrs, Maunsell Gerrow, dance convener, Mrs, G. Mcll-\wife of the Director of Nurses, veen, who reported a very suc-\Mr, Maunsell Gerrow, cessful evening and by the rum-| A highlight of the evening was mage sale convener, Mrs. R./the presentation of the cheque for Scott. This was also a very suc-/the payment of the Voll g . CHICAGO (AP) -- Four Nobe! peace prize winners urged Satur day that Dag Hammarskjold, sec- retary-general of the United Na tions, be seated at the summ! conference in Paris this week. L. B. Pearson of Canada, Lib- eral party leader who won the Nobel prize in 1957 for his work in setting up the United Nations Emergency Force in the Middle Fast whle he was external af- fairs minister, sald telegrams urging UN representation at the conference table were sent to leaders of the four major powers participating in the summit talks, The telegrams to President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Khrushchev, President de Gaulle and Prime Minister Macmillan sald the UN official's presence would serve as 'a living re- minder of the purposes and prin- ciples and the existence of the United Nations, and of the vital interest of all mankind in the cessful project. Both conveners hug to Mr, Kenneth Morley, expressed their appreciation to|chajrman of the hospital board. all those who had donated ard by Mrs. W. Griffith, on behalf i tops who hi worked 50! 4¢ (he Auxiliary. ' hard on the projects, | The following summary of fig- The June Jeti ing we a ures shows that the hospital is election of of oels or g WH runctioning at its fullest capacity. All conveners ol stan ing com- 4.) figures, January to and in mittees are requested fo have | to oF. Gd "oan Asan {their reports In for this meet- (ad 10 81: t iri * 156; S, ing. A sale of potted plan's, roots, ay ) aL births, 59; major etc., was held, following the busl- operations, 72; minor operations, | ness meeting, which brought in a 859; total EOR, 600; Average bed fit. Donations of gifts capacily, 100, 115 per cent, Staff sui'able jor chien, ete also pt 33 Re a yen g1a003tes, brought in for the gift bar, eight ¢ © ses' assis : ous . served in 12 nursing assistants and others, nice pro ge. A total of 45, This was sub- summit dis Pearson's announcement came at a press conference following a $100,000 Damage In Ottawa Fire OTTAWA (CP) -- Fire that {burned for more than four ho..s Sunday night des!royed two build |ings, housing three business con- |cerns and at least 12 apariments. Damage was estimated un. officially at more than $100,000, Destroyed were J, N, Berney Nobel Prize Winners Ask |Birthdays Seating Of UN Secretary Observed this past week were: May 8 -- Steven Packie, Kings Court, five years old; May 9 Marlene Wes!, Windsor avenue; May 10 -- Mrs. A, Albert, Borcher road 'hree-day conference on world ensions a* the University of Chi- ago, land John' Stratton; May 11 -- ROMULO PROPOSAL Geraldine Andrews, Pine street, UN representation at the sum- May 13; Joanne Haynes, Brock mit talks was proposed at a ses- street; May 14 -- Laurie An. sion of the Chicago meeting by drews, Pine street, one year Carlos P. Romulo, Philipines old; Richard Siega, King's Cres ambassador to the United States cent; May 15 -- Mr, Horace Play» znd a former presidest of the UN| ford, F'm sireet, 80 years young; General Assembly, {and Mr, C. A. Jghnston, Ri'~ut Paul G. Hoifman, managing di- street, 82 years young; Jim Pat. rector o' the UN special fund,r!ck Fores' rood: Monday, May told reporters that Hammarsk-|16 -- David Scollick, Billingsgate jold's presence in Paris would Crescent, 7 years old. demonstrate that the UN repie-| ERE sents 82 nations and Is master of | INCLUDES INDIANS no nation or small group of na: LA RONGE, Sask. (CP) -- A tions. {number of Indians were among Hoffman was not a signer of|the 20 persons who altended a he tiogram. DE Typ Tiory tod ere, sponsored by the Saskal Mid dy ho fy Partie chewan mineral resources departs France and Britain, represent | Tent only one-fifth of the world's popu- lation, Another peace prize winner, Philip Noel-Baker of the United Kingdom, discusses summit {conference issues, sald he felt disarmament was vital, Another United Kingdom Nobel laureate, Lord Boyd-Orr, sald he hopes that the "gloom of fear of war wll be replaced by hope for the future." The telegrams were signed hy | Pearson, Noel - Baker, Boyd-Orr and Arthur H, Compton, Chicago| yy physicist. the Joun Helen De Hetre, This team re | ceived pen and pencil sets and| ch street, attended the wedding of their niece, Fay, in| the Legion Hall, Whitby, George Simpson, local representative of mitted by Maunsell J. Gerrow, |and Sons equipment firm, the Sunday. Terry Machinery Co, Ltd, and Mid'and on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W Parish and family, Admiral roed, visi'ed th cottage at Sturgeon Lake, on the weekend Birihday congratulation to Mr Horace Play ord, Elm street, who : was 80 years young on Sunday.| AJAX -- Following are statist. May 15, and Mr. E. A. Johnston,|!cs for April at the Ajax and Ridnit street, who was 82 on Pickering General Hospi'al: Sunday. Total in-pgtients admiited, 215; LAC and Mrs. Ivan Reid have Number of babies born, 43; to'al re'urned from a two week honey-|oul-patients, 2% Inngt moon trip to South Carllina,| ays, 117; Out-patient X-rays, U.S.A., and will take up resi-| gh La aN oratory in 1 ments, ; -pa- dence Bt Trenion, tien! treatments, 64; blood Li. s OVERSEAS BOUND Statistics At Hospital fucions, 20; minor operations, 30; Mrs. William Bosch and the /major operations, 19; ear, eye children flew to Holland to visitnose and threat operations, 53. the Ontario Bowling Counell, spoke briefly, and installed the Individual prizes were award ed newly elected executive for the|to the following -- Ladies' higl 1950-61 season as follows: presi. |average, Chris Edwards, 162; ont. Earl Krick: secretary, Tom high triple, Bernice Blacquiere Clarkson; treasurer, Ber. 080; high single, Jean Rudkin, [nice Johnston and league cap-|308; high triple, with handicap, tain, Johnny Johnston, Madeline Pogachar, 805; high | The retiring secretary, Chris single with handicap, Gwen Edwards, was presented with a| Kemp, 328. lazy-susan tray, and the treasur- | Men's high average, Ken Bee- r, Bernice Johnston, with a sil-|by, 211; high triple, Bill Hill, 834; ver cake dish on behalf of the high single, Don Kemp, 370. league. The president also re-/1ligh triple with handicap, Keith celved a useful gift, a bottle of Rudkin, 859; high single with aspirin tablets. |handicap, Jack Woods, 335. |" The "Champs" won the League] Dancing after dinner rounded "Trophy, and individual prizes of out an enjoyable evening. - ong TE ATTEND WEEKLY BOWLING SESSION is very safety eonscious so she heads the class at the end of a rope which is knotted each three feet. At the teacher's command each child takes a knot in hand and is ready to travel. This group, the teacher save looks forward to their bowling. They not only roll "Have Knot Will Travel" | eould be the appropriate cap- gion for this picture. These youngsters, pupils from Lord Igin jumior school, Ajax, once a week attend a bowling ses. gion at the bowling alleys on | North Harwood avenue. Their teacher, Mrs, Gertrude Hood, | | Public Meet "4 % | | foot ei Ml | | "| ~ |therstone, Mrs. C. sets of tumblers, | Chairman Appointed PICKERING -- The Rev. Mel ville Buttars is being congratu- In'ed by his congregation on his being elected chairman of the Oshawa Preshytery at the recent meeling held in Oshawa, Mr, Buttars was one of some 30 ministers in the Presbytery, who were eligible for the office. Nominations were received one name only was submitted -- Jean Lesage 'Campaigns In North QUEBEC (CP)--Liberal leader Jean Lesage carried his election campaign into the Lake 8!, John region during the weekend with Rev. Buttars. One member nom-/a blast at the Quebec govern inated, another seconded it and| ment's unemployment policies a third sald: "There is nothing|while Premier Antonio Barrette left to say as this was the one I|discussed his plans for hospital wanted to nominate", A fourth|insyrance, asked that the nominations be| Mr. Lesage, |elosed. It is said to be one of gverflow erowd {the shortest and fastest elections hall in the battle for June 22 |Svee taking place in the Presby-| votes, said the only proposal Mr, ery. | {unemployment problem in Que- bee is to provide direct relief. "It's a Tory idea , . . archaic," Mr. Lesage s2id, referring to what he termed Mr. Barrette's "long-standing rela'ions with the | Scheduled | Conservative party," Mr, Barrette said in the East- ern Townships clly of Drum- PICKERING -- A public meet-| mondville Sunday that he favors ing of the newly-formed Picker- discussions with federal authori- ing Village Recreation Associa-|ties about the possibility of Que- tion will be held tomorrow night, (bec joining the national hospital Tuesday, in the basement of the! insurance scheme, United Church, here at 8.00 p m. | At the last session of the legls- to hear a speaker on {he subject.|lature before dissolution, Mr. Officers for the association| Barrette sald Quebec would set were elected this week as follows: (up a hospital plan this year but President, James Pat'erson, vice- he did not say whether it would president, Bill Rimmer; secre- be within the national scheme of tary-treasurer, Clare Holter; com- entirely separale, mitlee, Jim Pyette, Ron Marley,| He told his Drummondville au- Don Kerr, Alan Betts, Bill Fea-'d'ence the Union Nationale gov- Holter, Mrs. ernment had not wanted to go W. Pearson and Miss Eve Bun-| ahead until it was sure there ker. were enough hospitals, good games for their ages, some have scored 200; most are in the 100 score group, but in marking their scores they improve their arithmetie. --Photo by John Mills | | NATURAL GAS : rate i$ YOUR BEST BUY for "HOUSE HEATING Anniversary Gift FREE gas-lite with a (olema Forced Air Gas Furnace This handsome Gas-Lite is yours as a gift for ordering Coleman Gas Furnaces during Coleman's 60th anniversary celebration. Act now! Coleman. heating means satis. faction. Back of every furnace, there's a $500 Warranty Bond. Only with Coleman can you get this bonded guarantee. - SHORGAS LTD. SALES and SERVICE ON PROPANE end NATURAL GAS EQUIPMENT VICTORIA & GALT STS.-WHITBY MO 8-3328-9 A Genuine Coleman NOTHING DOWN The effective ROYAL BANK ERSONAL LOAN does not exceed PER IY ANNUM simple interest® of interest on WHEN YOU No Payment EN YO! EACH MONTH YOU REPAY THE LOAN oR COSTS YOU Until September !! Easy payments over 5 vears 6 months 12 months $20.00 $10.00 on monthly gas bills $1460 jr mace, in gluding labour and ma- terials to connect with nearest existing base- ment ducts. $240 : 6 months 12 months 16 months 24 months $40.00 $20.00 $15.00 $10.00 monthly installs a conversion burner. most furnaces, $5.60 CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating ts $600 12 months 15 months 20 months 24 months 36 months $50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $25.00 $16.67 $29.93 $35.30 $50.80 FREE BURNER SERVICE Your Gas company does not employ door-to- door salesmen nor telephone canvassers, For | mrormation about dealers licensed by the | Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natural | be arranged. Loans for smaller or larger amounts, and for varying repayment periods, can, of course, as equipment call or write the Sales | epartment 59-38 Consumers' (tas RA 3-3468 | SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL DRIVE ! loan does not exceed $26.00 Ove. [: [ < 3% subject fo a minimum charge of 81.00, and where ths THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA the minimum charge Is 60¢ r 880 branches Coast to Coast Cathy's Lunch Bar, all on Duke St. in west-central Oltawa. Both buildings which were burned had apartments on theif upper floors. It was not known exactly how many people were left homeless, The fire took place in a dilapi- dated area called the Flats, not far from the Otlawa River. An unconfirmed report said it began in a storage shed and was started by a small boy playing with fire- crackers, Guernsey Breeders Meet In Toronto TORONTO (CP) -- More than speaking to an'400 Guernsey breeders from the at Alma's city| United States and Canada are ex- pected to attend the three-day |annual meeting of the American |Barreite can make to solve the Guernsey Cattle Club opening here teday. Make sure to pay when due. Don't take chances, Prompt payment of Hospital Insurance premiums safe- guards your future protection. It may be a blessing fo you some day. READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE ~--if you haven't one, ask your employer or write ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO mailing 7 explore ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HAVE YOUR BEST SUMMER EVER Really live. Enjoy the funof going places, doing things, Its so easyinOntario.Start your best summer ever by the coupon below. " ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE ~Shows you where to £0, where to stay at the price you want to pay. Mall to: Ontario Travel, 762 Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, Name. Address Post Office Prov. KNOW ONTARIO BETTER ONTARIO TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY, Hon, Bryan L. Catlhcary, Minister

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