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The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1960, p. 13

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who is a missionary nurse in during the period until next meet-| - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 17, 1960 13 » {completed and tne Auxihary| in Oshawa General Hospital » J a ection Held undertook this work and financed | {, 1 ASS ans | J. Miller, Mré, Sparks and W. eeting 0 Bella Coola. ing. : E I it, which amounted to $976.60 to Ken? Wednes ; | Mrs. Bennett was introduced by| Ministers of the Eastern Sec li io C ith 1 date. The finances raised duri | spent nesday in St. [1 thanked tion of Oshawa Presbytery and |in Ontario County with livestock TL] h ng "ath | . . Mrs. Ralph Larmer and thanked A a e zing in the field B Ruxilia the year amounted to $1269. ursery ept. |Catharines with Mr. and wes. (Of Mission by Mrs. Glenn Larmer, a cigss-| the wives and Rev. and Mrs. A. oun Y S (gra e , ry The convener of the nominating |F. Tprbar. mate of Miss Bennett's when they| Deryck Moon, from England, en The winner of the Ontario ttee, Gi Lane,| By MRS. R. RICHARDSON | William Perry had ch: were in training in Oshawa Hog-| route {o Jamaica, met at the par- {County competition will be eli- committee, Mrs, George m Perry had charge of| Work In B C pital. sonage on Thursday. vent ann {gible to compete in the zone com- - . At P presented a slate of officers for| ASHBURN -- Mrs. W. Gardiner the service in Burns' Church on The ? ; A ort Pe Y the coming year and the mem-was hostess to the Ladies' Bible|Sunclay. Mrs, Don Sinclair sang a solo. They Hstencd 10 2 iape Teves "The first pasture EomPEtition ia petition and if successful there, By MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR| Pers Were duly installed. They|Class. |" Om. Thursday evening the an- By MRS. R. C. HILL Mrs. Richard Van Camp conduct-| °% 0 © Blog pe Ween atari ot pas Competition .\will have a chance at the pro. ¥. MRS, ES H. REESOR "5 follows . 5 {nual musical recital i ho ed the devotional period. members of a special commission Ontario County was organ zed Jo vincial championship. PORT PERRY -- Mrs. Ben" o> 0° | Mrs. W. Hopkins, president mua musica al was pre: py ACKSTOCK -- Mrs. Charles P of the United Church on the sub-(1959 and was quite successful, 24| plonship Sih, -Mrs. Ben|" poi president, Mrs. Arthur|was in charge and opened the|sent=zd in the Sunday school room f 4 ®| "After the closing hymn and|jec of the bringing together off i ite Entries close on June 1, 1960. Pickard: of Caleb street, Port|. 3 : k : 3 i h-lof B * Church Bennett of Oshawa gave an in ject of the bringing together 'armers taking part. , Perry, was hostess to the Scout Fulford; president, Mrs. J ae kimeeting with a reading on moth-|of Burns' Churc teresting address on mission work prayer by Mrs; Roy Taylor, althe WA and WMS in one organi-| The Past Cc i Any farmers wishing to join the Derry a3 fustess AO die Scout| Cook; st vice . president, MIS. ors, Mrs, N, Anderson} was or There was a good attendance! "Boia Coola, B,C.. at the WMS|lunch was served by Group 4 and|zgtion, ee tee met re-\ Ontario County Pasture Competi- ent pie op Slag Stephens; 2nd vice - presi-[ganist. Mrs. E.. Humphrey read|of parents and visitors. | meeting which was held at the/members then viewed Mrs, Car-|-- ooo oe cently for the purpose of Ye-liio, this year should get in bers present. The president, Mr dent, Mrs. H. Hockins: secre-ithe minutes. Mrs. E Heron and Mrs. H.|poo™0s "Mrs John Carnaghan Daghan's beautiful flower gar- organizing the competition for|ioon with the Department of Arthur Fulford Pl sided: Stary. Mrs. Norman Mairs; as-| Plans are under way to have a|Bath are the leaders, | Wednesday afternoon den. ANCHOR MAN 1960 and revising the rules and Agriculture, Uxbridge. s v presided, | sistant secretary, Mrs. John Jef-|\nursery department = in the Tiking part were: Steven Gar- Mr. Irs PE Veteran commentator Walter| regulations. : : Plans were discussed for sev-|ford;" treasurer, Mrs. C. How-ichurch. Mrs. W. Perry had 'he|dim2r, Michael Gardiner, Barbara Last summer Mr. and Mrs. gNO MEETING Cronkite will be "anchor man"| The object of the competition eral banquets coming up in the|sam" banquet conveners, Mrs. topic. Mrs. E. Humphrey favor- Hopkins, Diane Fisher, Marlene Bennett visited their daughter] The ONO meeting was held at for the CBS corps at the U.S.|is to promote a better under- BORDER LAKE the home of Eleanor Werry Thurs-| presidential conventions -- Dem-|standing and appreciation of the| Lake Memphremagog on the near future and ' also arrange garry Edenborough and Mrs. ed with a solo. The: lunch com Gatleur, Jean Godda, Judith ! ments made to cater at a wed-|Ropert Walker: assistant ban- mittee served lunch and a social Bat tin, Bonnie Hopkins, Beverly Hope, Nancy Platford, Mary day night. ocrats at Los Angeles starting value of good pasture and good Quebec-Vermont border was long During the business period it July 11, Republicans at Chicago na<'nre management. The com-|a travel route for Indians and ding at the end of the month. guet conveners, Mrs. Lloydi{ime was enjoyed Goc ida Joan Gardiner, Margaret Heron, Jim Daw, and Mary The secretary's annual report|Wakeford and Mrs. Al. Craig;| Mrs. Walter Kerr is a patient|Fis her, Judith Bath, Beverly Heron. was decided to hold Hobo teas starting July 25. petition is open to any farmeriseitiers. highlighted the many activities|order committee: Mrs LES: MC | comes eee. free eee porn eric ---- -- - Swit hint which were undertaken during|Donald; telephone committee, the past year. Six regular meet-| Mrs. H Chapman and Mrs, J ings were held with an average|Raines; property committee, attendance of 20 ladies at each|Mrs. George Lane; Sick and Sun- meeting There were five exect-| shine Mrs. Murray Spears; sew- . . tive meetings. Meetings were dis.|ing convener, Mrs C. Ptolemy. 4 continued during the months ofl Mrs. Cook called upon Mrs | 0. July and August. The November! Robert Walker to present Mrs, | meeting was a demonstration to Fulford with a gold Scout pin in| raise funds for the Auxiliary. In|recognition of her year's service December a Christmas tea and|to the Auxiliary bake sale was held in the 1ew| Before the meeting came to a banquet hall at the Scout build! joce the Kitchen Fund draw was ing. The February meeting was| .dqe and the following were cancelled owing te ill health!ipo 1ucky winners: Pair of blan- among the members and the ter-| gets M. Holmes, Dryden; lawn rible road conditions. The Marchi hair Gordon Goode, Port Perry; meeting was in the form of the glen blanket, Douglas Manns, annual party Raglan A donation from the Auxiliary Assisting the hostess in serving] of $100 was given towards the| luncheon were Mrs. C Howsam, | expenses of the Scout who at- Mrs, H .Gibson and Mrs N tended the Jamboree in the Phil- Mairs ippines. A draw was held on a lawn chair, a pair of blankets and one single blanket and $82 FISHERMEN! . . " olololo was raised for this preject. Rep. resentatives were sent from the Auxiliary to the conference held in St. Gregory Church. Oshawa The Sick and Sunshine conven. er provided for the Scoufs, Cubs| and mothers who were reported | Il during the vear and the total for this expenditure amounted to $65.75. The convener for the rag| project, Mrs. H. Edenborough,| raised $25.75 during the year. The| new kitchen has finally been WA ToAssist | . a0 | Wz Refugee Year L=fM 3. | Boo? % See the new 2 3 PONTYPOOL The WA met 8 at Mrs. Curtis McKay's. Johnson | Wm p 7 Cy Praver was offered by Mrs. Jim | Ly 5 : , "yal | SEA-HORSES Aa TA br Somerville, Mrs. W. E. Duff] RLY 1 took the devotional and spoke on Bt0 75 hp WSR er bog h "Purposeful Living'. : oH ay "ity 4b Tn eW fishes Rate arrived at your neighborhood : (8,00 'nds wT and the problem of new plastic A hy Lhd table cloths was Siscussed A Johnson Dealers ze committee was appointed fo pur- chase tablecloth material. The 334910 group will cater to a wedding on May 21 and plans were made. PALMER There was a motion by Mrs. Rennie seconded by Mrs. Nimi- MOTOR SALES gon that the WA participate in the World Refugee Year by help- | 20 King E., Bowmanville ing to adopt a child Lunch wad served by Mrs MA 3.5487 McKay and Mrs. Nimigon . Pinetree Radar SMITH SPORTS Site List Given 353 Ring W. = Oslidwa OTTAWA (CP) The RCAF made public Monday a list of lo- RA 3.9311 cations of the 34 Pinetree radar warning line stations in Canada. Fourteen sites are ed by the RCAF and 20 by the United States Air Force TY The Canadian-manned sites in COUN SPORTS Ontario are at Edgan and Falcon- . bridge 149 Brock N. -- Whitby U.S.-manned locations in On- tario are at Ramore, Lowther, MO 8-5011 Pagua, Armstrong and Sioux Lookout. nl \ ALL THIS WEEK MOVIE SENSATION! Can you find 10 traffic hazards hy : in this picture? Here's the lowest priced sutomatie sucrcinomaannontn | LOOk sharp! This quiz checks more than the acuteness of your vision. marke! « the easiest camera in the world to operate. The miracle of light It also tests yonar judgment of what's right and wrong in this school traffic (Each hazard is located by letter and by number. For example, JB indicates the location of Complete with energy sets the lens for you for perfest PLL YEAR movies every time -- you just aim and shoot ! Built-in filters . s , . OURANTER ot you shor tgs ham, sso me Sino mao. | Situation. Loak again -- then rate yourself against the list. But keep in 1 Distracted driver has his mind and eyss 7 Parked convertible shetructing padastr i d h . : ; off the road (J5, lower center) crosswalk (Ea, left center) Hh - PLUS FREE | | mind that pedxceiving a traffic hazard 1S not enough. A good driver 1s 2 Drver ignoring traffic crossing guard (H4 8 Car entering parking lot improperly (C8, wer center ® Genuine Leather Compartment always prepared to take instant action to avoid trouble. 3 Boys laying fotoat road (5, center) 1 Car going wrong wy.in one-way Wate -- carry case (reg. 8.75) 4 Boy on bicycle disregarding traffic (G3, (J10, lower right) y ve ® 1 Roll Kodachrome Movie Film Like all. good citizens, Shell is interested 1 lower let) : 10 Students in. jal ki (proccssing paid) Bot ; d in safety. We urge you B Double-parked station wagon unloading in (C8, nd cla oPy. maidng Heo ue street (F4, loft ¢ : center) (These are major hazards; there are others. if you found @ Jaywalker in traffic lane (G2, lower left) more than ten, congratulations) the car in the lower center of the picture where lines from J and 5 would cross.) to be alert, drive carefully, know the rules--and obey them. Remember: about 75% of all accidents are 'caused by the driver~not the car. That's why Shell says: Your Car Has Built-in Safety --YOU! Maa TED, SHEL.L OIL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED +28 KING STREET EAST RA 3.4621 |

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