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The Oshawa Times, 17 May 1960, p. 14

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Ud 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussday, Mey 17, 1960 £2 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [&:5% i Supplies 28a--Trailers 32--Articles Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted 1--Accountants 13--Gardening & Supplies |13--Gardening & Supp NEW BUSINESS i WANTED -- One lawn roller, large|GOOD barber, part time, Thursdays sONALD ¥. », wiuson, caarterep | CLASSIFIED AD RATES LAWNS cut for the season. Free est FOR ALL sour girdes work, you. GOING CAMPING? SEE [dss Phose RA" 34670 Frias; ind rs ER ACCOUNTANT, Oshawa, Ontario. RA. 25 words or less for this season. Call MOhawk 8-3037. : 4 : L pay $10 and up for 1948 Canadian av ne Cosh Chorge [POWER iawh mowers 4 hed, rood ' Hvar dollars, also certain type 47. RA| PRESSMAN for 241 Davidson, familiar BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting (l 3 conseCcUTIVE sharpened. Free pick up and delivery. CEDAR trees for hedges, guaran COOK S sliver do , ce FEESSMAN Sor 0) Davidson, famite Services offer complete bookkeeping INSERTIONS 2.25 248 Call EB Ed's Automatic Car Wash onto live. Any size -- delivered, Plant for right man. General Printers. Call services for small business, 184 Bondi} concecyrive Houd Sivest West, 08, done Nise stimais MA 399% TRAILER SALES |Fianos -- 10, any make or size. Wil sir, 6. Dowling. RA 3-223. . Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397 INSERTIONS 375 412 [LAWN and garden rolo-tiling done by| MANURE for sale. Call RA 56028. ; pay cash. State make and price. Write | = dig Frm Residence, RA 3-7605. > 3 .: experienced And have the time of your |331, Oshawa Times. -- It not paid within 7 days the Nl 4tes Dia) MO 8-3870. GARDENS roto-tilled. Free estimates, DUMONT HUNGRY ? life. See The 16' GLENETTES Mr, 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Cert Charge rate: will apply. rates. RA 8-1388, EXPERIENCED, Tall tme Waller. A tants, 172 King Ab t ly only to original j| HEN manure, 36 per load; horse ms- WE DELIVER Makes travelling and camping 4 ini Fre] tin ALUMINUM "| ri. ana chi, Homburoers | in even" var compere. | CEDARDALE [3h ls op press nie bx 53509. Subsequent insertions © bd A : : as stove an oven, sini I a tind. ADDY Ir rer wre comiiute a new origina! NERS oot sd trimmed, any work CALL GRANT R A 8-1651 chick andes, UGH water tank, pump, 3 types SCRAP COUNTER boy anied, Apply Mr. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, BUNTER der. done with chain saw. Free estimates, A and Co. Accountants and auditors,| *"G7Cc 0 0) ang Business listings JIRA" 5.7754. : ; VOY FOOD SERVICJE | lighting, sleeps 5. Location, IRON METAL LTD FURNISHED basement apartment, Licessed Trustee io Bamkiupiey, 64 $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. GARDENS sad iswhs volatiles, made FOR SOD for information er Interview. al +54 RA 5.8978 Highway 2, Courtice. Open IRON--METALS FL i ie aa oA rriediander, B, Comm., CPA. || Ecch 'additional line $1.00 per HE cE oe ianting and seeding. | evenings and weekends till PAPERS--RAGS RA 5-8364. i h, " BOOKKEEPING. Income tax service|l | Each initial letter, abbreviation, ||Call RA S-8985. Finest Quality Reasonable Prices | 1) ONA DRESSMAKING 10.pm. We buy; sell er trad, OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY [EWO men needed at once. servieas for small firms. Days or evenings. MO} § and c sign, figure, count as a J|GARDENS, plowed; tivated and BARLOW Low down payment, RA 5.3432 Mi iris Bs Raportatios RA 8.2388 .m. TE Ai u La 2 PHONE MO 8-3015! JNO od MOTORS Ee MONTEITH MONTEITH, RIEHL, and|| All 29--Summer Properties FREE PICK-UP GENUINE career arsorianily Mente , Licensed |] MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of s ; Tristees, Ax, Lis publication, office hours: Daily 85, || CHOICE LOAM |14--Household Repairs Sire Ses wel We mn 428 KING WEST § For Sale or Wanted 100 ANNIS STREET [Bos have cor ana be. wling to woe 44) T. N . = |ONE building 12' x 20°, fully insulated ission earning. at - Woah, Call recuLATIONS-- FOR SALE A CLEAN home is a happy home. 42 SIMCOE 8 QUALITY USED CARS: J [and wired, asbestos 'siding. asphalt evenings. Hg COO Oy The Oshawa Times shall rot be I} Ep AVE)...SAND---FILL [ne i exter E BOUGHT AND SOLD , shingles, ie dor small summer | 35__Employment Wanted |tions. Ful hospitalization und pension sh dvert rom treet W WH _2-0890. |] responsible for errors in advertise- . ts and ices for all needs. plan. Call Personnel tel Ror ots. An WO ments submitted otherwise than in Also Back Filling 46: Dawes Road. Toronto, ZE 9.9500 of 38 one 3: E 175 ¥ [15 cedar boat. Sickness forces sale, |HIH school feacher desires employ. 5-6862 or 56731 after 10 a.m. . ore n -. i ¥ 2--Barristers Witing, wor for mote then ong 55156 OX 41946 or phone Claremont 836R11. RA 8-6 Phone J. Stock, Blackstock 2432, [ment during July and August Anything y rister, solici- (| tisement, nor beyond the price Ji RA - CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re " H JOBN 8. CAMERON ban Kin Street [| charged. for a single insertion of covered like new. Get the best for less JAN'S GARAGE FOR SALE furnished cottage on|LADY on pension would like to look Maintenance tor and Notary Public 1 | |Trent River, two bedrooms, hydro,|after an elderly person, on ground East, RA 32269. NHA and private} the advertisement in which error at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe OSHAWA boat. N. Leafloor, 300 Tweed Street, |floor, Apply 15 Westmoreland Avenue. A Sear occurs. And also reserves the right COMPLETE Street North. Call RA 8.6451 for a free| & SERVICE STATION TREE EXPERTS Cobourg. FR 27983, RA 32855. Man Required GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- (| {0 i iy wisn male. (Abert and Athol) 8 - EXPERIENCED carpenter tres | a i tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South. (f '*% OWh ClosECHER GARDEN SERVICE |cuEsterriEips rebuir, recovered, n 0 Experienced in trimming, re) rom SALE Nerd Ee Ol EE Piss ar ITO For maintenance and janitor io, reer, BA. Sor Ra 5.3008; Ter.|| ments The Times will rot be held || Gorden ploughed, disced, [ie new. Why action By Siete Woks srvics To moving and transplanting. | |aerlal, hydro, garage, two boats. RA|NOTHER will give day care for chil.| ork with some knowledge of ence V. Keily, PA, BCL. BA sssz (| fesponsble Tor mote PROGR SR jo dcaped, wood cut, trees |Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Uphoistery| Licenced trech ami ¢ 5-4887. i dren. Monday fo Friday. Phone MO| oil bumers. Steady employ- RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas || occupies. The publishers endeavour removed. Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA RA 8 1629 BUILDING lot, 50 x 326 feet, on Lake- |8-5491, Whitby, ment. Please forward full de- I i - horegOshawa, Stone Street, for sale or hil. 1 home while tails of st experience H G , Associate Barristers and |} to reproduce all advertising matter 5-0311. RA 5 8371 8) WILL mind children in my rails pa p Solicitors, 130 King Street East, RA || correctly but assumes no liability RA 8-1798 PAINTING and decorating. Free esti- | FREE ESTIMATES {_|trade for summer cottage. Phone RA|mother works, fenced-in yard. MO 8-6246, Mortgage loans available. if any inacoutacies in oy form mates, work guaranteed, RA 3-742 20--Cartage 5-0624 gs. 83148, Box 646, Oshawa Times YHOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soll- | of advertisement are containeo YOUR local chimney ¢ WANTED --by reliable woman, baby- Tne 'Notary Public, 26% ' King || therein LANDSCAPING neys built and repaired, gas linings in-|TRUCK, with 16 ft. platiorm, and tarp, BELL DRAFTING: STURGEON LAKE |gtting on or near Oshawa Boulevard. Street East. Phone RA 8-1763. SERVICES stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free estl-(part time work wanted. RA 8- AND Phone RA 8-0157, tes. RA 3-2997. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, barrister, Weed tected, field nursrey mates. GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli DESIGNING SERVICES CEMENT work, done by gentleman REPRESENTATIVE licitor. Money to loan. Office 20 | 8--Buildi CALL Joe, RA 8-6444 for carpentry,|ance moving. Reasonable rates, full with own mixer. Telephone RA 5.7966. King Strest East, Oshawa, RA 8.823 Building Trades sod, top soil, gravel, sand |painting, decorating and -handyman.| insured. Call day or might. RA S.4i06°| House plans, shop drawings, BEEHIVE ACCOUNTANT, office credit manager, Excellent oportunity to enroll nine Residence, RA 5-3405. loam gravel, $1.50 yard, six-yard| fill. Complete service. Weed |Work guaranteed. alterations, additions and in- ster loads. Phone RA 5-2231. ontrol. F timat PLASTERING -- Roofl w and re terior desi For fost PARK A Ris och De SATS, Sxperiet members for O.A.A,, the fore- KE DODDS, Barrister|loads. Phone f ree estimates. -- ng, new an e erior designs. For fast accur- ES | | ES re change, yi or 4 sociation. op BONALD SLAKE wont i pairs, chimneys, cleaned and repaired 9 awa districts, MO 85133 or EMpire| t service association. Ti and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. ; ; So So thw Cha mn ELMLT ED KNOWLTON I rena pmom| CITY CARTAGE | fui py 523s: | edt a erie ong Tuten L ubdivision designed in od 36--F le H Wanted . i MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister, EAVESTROUGHING and all PAINTING and decorating, interior R A 5 2621 Subd ; 'emale Help Wa age income. Car essential. to loan. Asso-|Work d exterior. Best quality materials, - 2 TV Florida motif. The most un- on i Salleltor, Notary, Money vil Henry with reasonable rates. RA 8-5788. HARDSAND po harmony guide for your use, Free 2 Radio & Repairs A GIRL wanted for lunch counter. Ap-| Full or part-time. Your choice Block, 26% King Street st East, RA 3-4697. | ROOFING, chimneys, firepla LANDSCAPING estimates. Call Wiitby, MO 8-4789, Furniture and Appliance mov- Kawartha Lakes. Cleon, safe, |Road South. J. Cought t the Genosha Residence, dial RA 3-4029. troughs, building 1epaits, sew and 'oid FURNITURE rpaired and re-uphol-| ing, Light ond heavy cartage. FAST TV SERVICE sand beach. Large beautiful | AT RESS -- parttime. two ovenings| Mors Dey at the jaenc OREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and | Work. RA 8-51 Power Rolling stered. See our materials for re-cover-| You call, we'll haul. shode' trees. Canals 40-ft a a oy. TarkUme, ie. ev ines Hotel, Oshawa, Tuesday, May MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- Pi ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 78 Charles Street, 2 Pix Tubes $28 ond up Vice Wile eiteren tks for J See appearance, no experience 17th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. Fertil 5 Simess street Norn, na 33408: 7. x] CLIFF BROWN Tractor Roto-Tilling FA sm 21--Personal Services CALL LOU--RA 8-5804 yoo rt ered dock foe [Recemsary. RAS ele or Terao Ereignion, GC; N.C. Fraser, 90; ¢. 8B GRAVEL & SAND Top Soil - Sod - Manure FURNACE SALES SP ndi- TOWERS INSTALLED golf course, three minutes orm. fr liars wi live in. Tele- Help Wanted Flagstone - Patio Slabs vidnually designed. Reg. Corsetier, Mrs, walking distance gages arranged John Hendershot, 30 P N $42 ond up re WOMAN to look after three school age i part time ZT. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solick LOAM RA 5-1721 AND SERVICE OND Bemieratial, 30 Park Youd North: | Antennos Insured $10 per yeor | New, Yu children, while mother works, 1ive In. |v eotleot Mich Krom tare nt household for, etc. 13% mcoe reet North. . - RA 8-6690 after 6 p.m. Woman , car Office RA 53741; Residence RA 5-5542. Prompt Delivery H. M. Mockie Co. Lid. HYPNOTHERAPY CALL LEN--RA 5-7844 tion, electric wiring connected | Tan ror smack bar----sieads--dsys. til. Commission. State amount of time BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici- to hydro, three bedrooms, Must be neat and Apply at|available to Box 740, Oshawa Times. tor. 3% Simcoe South. RA 5-9592. Resi. RA 8-8951 CROSS TOWN RA 5-5954 The answer io your persend) SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT . bathroom with plumbing kite O'Malley's, 922 Simcoe Street North,|S8 NO. 16 DARLINGTON, DURHAM dence: RA Sau provems. ey ec IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! chen with stainless steel sink, [Saturdays and evenings. County requires for school term, Sep- JORN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barris | DODD & SOUTER SOD SUPPLY Cleanit Service-- less anxiety and tension. ¢ stan ess S '| NURSE requires mother's helper, live |tember 6, 1960. A princpal, Protestant, ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street | $7 labor plus parts Lose weight. Stop smoking T.V. and RADIO in arborite cabinet top, large in, Phone RA 5.3734 before 3 p.m. experienced preferred, for senior room, North. Phone RA 88511. PAINT -- WALLPAPER A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut |------ Gain confidence. Initial Con- CALL RA 8 5786 living-dining room finished in Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, approximate en- p-- X : RECEPTIONIST t , doctors of- GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar-| PAINTING & DECORATING fresh daily. Delivered or loid. sultations Free. The Institute genuine knotty pine. Your [fC EFTIONISS yi Tolmept 20 poplls, THis fs 2 Fodern Higtars, Solicliors and, Notazica Public, CONTRACTORS i ive of Ethical Hypnosis, 11 On- 1 Wo choice of exteriors -- log- |pected. Write Box 447 Oshawa Times. |stats ta ot oA 5. Sarohy and James A. MacDonald | For free estimates coll by Phone RA Foason | LEARN TO DRIVE torio_ St, Oshawa, RA AY: Work Guarantesd siding, pine lop siding -- all | yA to wind three pre serool chil: |1ame of last inspector 'te Mrs. Ratp McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, | DAYS MO 8-5231 - : At the Oshawa Driving School 8-0171, OSHAWA , finished in delightful paint |dren, three days per week. North East|Virtue sec. treas, Enniskillen, Ont. Solleitors. funds avallable for EVENINGS RA 5-7426 | Licensed by the Police Commission ELECTRONICS and stain colors. Oshawa. RA 5-8522, , 20 Simcoe Street North A Full d instruct - Prices from $5750 to Br EE, 5s 107 Byron 51.5, Whit TOP GRADE Srandors, Automens on [LAWNMOWER & ENGINE 35ers & Livestock $5,950, including _ large, TWO HAIR STYLISTS ; | CHIRUABUA, registered, black male,| '¢'¢ Of, terms at current BOOKKEEPER wanted for ultra modern HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris | HOME IMPROVEMENTS ir ters. Solicitors: R. D. Humphreys. QC: | REMODELLING--ADDITIONS SANDY LOAM RA 8-0091 Socon funn RO I. tree months oid, #75, Telephone Sum]. rofes OL sation 4 NEEDED FOR Salon in Oshawa Shopping oychyn, man, REC ROOMS | . | y | : Wh High LLB; 6 King Street West. Phone : Id. Auth linton, the Fenelon Falls highway-- Centre and ity. Hig Ofce, 'na S071: Rou. RA $48 ot FAMILY ROOMS RA 5-1905 15--Instructions bi Se Wo ini DETTE SE pig ing OSHAWA PLANT salary. Whitby, MO 8-2761. Money to loan Tile, Hardwood Floors, - PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, dor Service., 81 C 1 pe iti RA 1 3 . ™ entral Park ner on property every after Are you an ambitious woman 4--Dentists Cupboards 16 years' experience, by interview only. Blvd. S. Phone RA 5-4633. BIRDS of beauty, six varieties of) noon, and over week-ends. looking for a better position? 8-6722 Act now. RA 53-1054 fancy pigeons, $3 pair and up. Six varie Loans Arranged ties of Bantams, $4 per trio and up. bh New manufacturing plont in usual and beautiful in the | Fo" lt Neer Grill, 345 Ritson| of farm or city territores. See Open evenings by appointment. Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 5--Nursing Services and up, Bantam chicks 25¢ each and on " school acrobatic, character, Friday, Foliage Plants |Baturday. Masonic Tempe, RA 3.7253. |TV - RADIO servis. All Makes, up. E. Thompson, Port Perry, YUk PRIVATE Spanish guitar lessons given enue. RA 3-9793 (Fred). - PHEASANTS, eggs, chicks, fully|- Ta = Puppy, Diack, part Labrador, women to hendle all book- BOOM 14 board fof two seslemen, OF, a M single Elliott Av- | 52330. . Poy "RA 50716. Goes by name keeping, payroll, monthly [Cooked bods; a No 536 Loraine Street, RA 5-3937 sales and payroll tax reports, |RA 5-168. Ro 4 in student's own home, Will teach in LOST -- Grey striped tom eat, chil N py td : 6--Optometrishs BUILDERS ses (40 varieties), Boman. Wht and rows, vt uo. Srested, Jistom Batol ¢iren's pet. Phone MO 8.4648. » invoicing, efficient typist. |ROOM ana breakiast for one person P Ceramic tiled bathroom sup Shrubs, (29 Varieties), Brookins ares. RA S430, TOWERS, ANTENNAS Port Perry. "Larocque's Pheasantry". |1.,08T -- maroon and cream bike Salary open, Sand Spplice- orig GM hd Phone RA LE F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom- i - 2 ion with complete qualifi- 3 etry, the examination of eyes, contact plied nd a a Shade Trees (15 varieties 16--Insurance : INSTALLED BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for joer Oydle) im Sas Drasiey Street, cotions toa 9 ROOM and board, single beds, lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), I 90 A ian jraiulng, talking strain. Apply Mrs. fb CF seven-year-old boy very unhappy. % cooked meals, central, Apply 748 rd evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191. color range c sq Evergreens (25 varieties) ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up Repaired and Moved road, 114 Elgin Street East. BOX 541, OSHAWA TIMES [ford Street, RA 3-3239. € H TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please. First class tradesman. Phone Vine Ground Cover to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For = FOUND To le alle Seay, vicinity - - HOON Tor two gentlemen. single Pell pay accounts at downtown Toronto| anytime "n, Jersonal servies at your home, calll Residential, apartments, mo- |26--Farmer's Column ickson Road. breakfast if desired. Telephone RA Dominion B 74 Burk Street. % | tels and sub-division, etc. AD promptly, : A . Pyons Ra sie > - RAR 177 on BELL GARD £5 ie. pk Assy oa AR a Phone hs hike Colfax Saar, fa Articles For Rent C REER ui and board for two gentlemen, iles East of Oshawa resentative for Oshawa an et, Fur , Ty: GEMENT mixers, wheelb, " eon 0283 3 Cox, 13 Elgin East, RA 5-1497. ANTENNAS ARE Margwill Farm, Tyrone. gus 2D Xen, pselb eg OPPORTUNITY all onveniences. RA 8. . 21 Glad 7--Surveyors a TT ro and Associates, On- W. WARD MA 3.5757 17. Money to Loan OUR BUSINESS NANTED or iT se bi rrels, well windless. Also for sale, : t mixer, strawbe: lants. RA WANTED to rent three-room furnished tario Land Surveyors, Professional En- WELL DIGGING BY Bowmanville attachments, any make. Will pay top|y 1165. * ny» LOCAL apartment, central, by May 20. RA CLIENTS' 1; & first Fhitby "Mo 8-5091, Ajax 728. MACHINE and second Tae ir, and LEN AND Sas price. Phone OL S313, - MANUFACTURING 8.5836 DONEY .N AND FLEISCHMAN, On. SPECILIZING IN 30" TILE (OPEN EVENINGS) rec ments of sale purchased. Apply ROOM and board for gentlemen, COMPANY NEEDS DL ae tario 1:nd Surveyor, commercial bite: WHITBY, ONTARIO Pubic 4 King East Ovmawn RA LOU'S TV E R HUBBLE RENTALS "GIRL FRIDAY" ed ri dig printing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 5-5632 MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 OSHAWA q 3.4697. » - {Soon id board for tleman to o a - ie § an a) r gentlem. DE vor ariel 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. ° ACME Corr mortgage, sale] ANTENNAS .. RA 5.7844 CONTRACTOR We believe that you can "do- Toit loo ts ee i er. UY rt ent v | agreements purchased and aoid, Hen-| TV, SERVICE . RA 8.5804 it If' and lots of : share wi ' a P.O. BOX' 329 HAULAGE LTD. nek and Hegmick, Be i King AND BARN BUILDER | tf voursel money, but you | hard work. Opportunity for |SGoN and Board; good home ; Building Trodes i rr advancement unlimited. close to North GM and four P g Service Lo LOAM -- GRAVEL CLIENTS" money to loan on first mort. Lominate rafter barns, sheds, cannot afford to own seldom Must be on excellent typist, [also garage for rent. 340 ALL plumbing and heating supplies. |BY OSHAWA's 1argest ful iime FILL -- STONE gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale storage buildings, Henry's ce- used, and Somelimes expen preferably with shorthand, |Street. 3521, Harold R. tark, |! d tal rvi Li . rchased. mortgages arranged. N ' i 1 . i is : king, Foome BA ad Le ad A is dg Boy ~ Call' Stan's, _-- RA 3-3528 Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur ment work, steel staple equ/p- ie bh pl i yo . and able to do the jobs of: Close to. North. GM and Tome Comers: ing. 255 Simcoe Street South. King and Burk, RA 3-3224. doch, ment, stable cleaners, prices reasonable' rate, every. kind Executive Secretary also garage for rent. 240 Division HAVE it done the right way. General [LAWN mower and outboard motor re: WE HAVE clients' monies aval "LET GEORGE DO IT" fucted ise on request. £. R of tool or equipment. 10 do Sales Department Secretary (Street. carpenter, reasonable rates, free esti-|pair and sharpening service, Rossland for loans on first and second mortg Hubble R.R. No. 3 Peterboro, X Sy Inventory Control and ACCOMMODATION for gentlemen, mates, Call RA 5-8007 Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road, West, WHITE d SON and also purchase of mortgages Riverside 5-8161 practically everything! ; room and board, or room, laundry 3 RA 3-7462 an Agreements of Sale. Louis S, Hyman, Towers ond antennes eur : Purchasing y BRICKLAYING, blocklaying, cement Q.C. 37 King Street East Oshawa RA ial - DISTRIBUTORS FOR: Billi ond. A doe 1' desire. 160 Park Road North, work Chimneys built and repaired, (AVOID the rush. Have your lawn| 1300 SIMCOE ST. NORTH |s4sés. specialty 27 --Fuel Wood a 2) SARNIA SAFWAY y NY Sng: Mcoums RA 3954 additions, verandahs, re-modelling of mower precision sharpened. Free pick H all kinds. RA 5-1953 lup and delivery. Bert's and Glen's, RA 3-7922 TOWERS PRY hardwood lumber ends, su'able SCAFFOLDING Payroll and Tax Reports Roos ai i Texaco Station, 380 Simcoe Street : or furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for i SHAWA and DISTRI! mb an : NGM. Vi A Sn, Ya work 4 | South RA 8-0142 Ornamental evergreens, flow- [MONEY TO LOAN As low as $59.00 with con- |[iarge load, delivered. Phone RA sons) 0 nd DISTRICT Initiative, ability to think Gh Cll A S00 or 3 Eh East crete base. logically, and willingness to ROS and Jad 4 Mill Street, Sim. | | OR. G. T. SOTUK. Office hours § #0 x HUGH CROSBY Flowering and Tropical [WLLIAN MAE MAWsH. Dance: Edu |22--Radio & TV Repairs [Setting eggs from same $2 per setting |i30--Lost & Found print mdi il 41--Room and Board | TRST cl hm | after 5 p.m. RA 5.5620 / FIRST class sharpening, mowers, saws,| ering shrubs, fertilizers ond $2,000.00 fo $50,000.00 for : 8S WE RENT NEARLY Phd i . PLASTERING repairs, alterations, out. [2nd all tools. Work guaranteed. B.| fencing, seeds and insecti- immediate loan on First and GEORGE'S 2 mimes Resorts EVERYTHING -- CALL Sccept responsibility assentiel. ROOM and board for gentlemen, Single out- | side stucco, imitation' stone front spe. Mosier. 550 Wilson Rd. § cides. Garden equipment. Second Mortgages, Agree- FOR RENT -- New lakefront (hres: Send application to-- beds TV privileges. Near South GM, 147 cialty. Call David RA 5-6430 [HAVE your lawn mowers sharpened |------ ----| ments for Sale, on vacant and T.V. SERVICE En askesbing Soitaste, lures i ST AN'S BOX 542, OSHAWA TIMES |Mill Street, RA 5-754. now, pick up and delivery. Phone RA M i . ALL types Dullding repairs, roofing, 3-3266-RA 8-6906. PROMPT DELIVERY improved property, residen- boards, double sink, new refrigerators,| + ACCOMMODATION for elderly ladies, tial and industrial city, sub- PHONE NOW RA 3 9525 heavy duty range, hot and cold runm- . private home, separate rooms, conven- Walks, Stoops. RA 80304 Gordon May Eo tes FOR YOUR (EHV, " ning water, f 3 Experienced : " i g water, four-plece bath, screened Sharpening & Rental Service Pp lent to shopping, churches, excellent; FRENCH, Dunphy roofing and sidings, m d Opportunities urban and country, and sum in patio. Safe beach, 35 miles from pening board, care and companionship. MO and repairs. Workmanship fully guar-|SOD business, New sod 8-4363, Whitby, mer cottages, Osh, Apply Mr. Robert J, Parki 227 King St. W. RA 3-3224 . . anteed. RA 5.7780 equipment Owner must dn COMPLETE Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- TV TOWER Phone 36.14 Little Britain, ont. i Cor. King and Burke Sts Dictaphone Typist RON aad board Tor Series Corman / tion Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street ? --- EAVESTROUGHING and flashing, all health. Phone RA 5-8504 5 ARD P ; LONE Maple Camp, cot share, separate beds, good meals, TV, k nteed, immediate attention, STORE, suitable for plumbe: G R EN Sup LIES North, Oshawa. Phone: RA tages, vacancies, Box 28 or Phone 45 Shorthand an asset. Must be [close to Figs; NGM. 252 Arthur able rates. RA 8-5788 4 RA 3-9248 after 6 CALL 5-3568 40-ft. self supporting tower. R 22, Bobcaygeon, Ont G' rieat ick ond cccurcte | |BiTeet- RAS CARPENTER work, framing, trim-|QFFICES for rent, $35 nth, all 1 Hot dip galvanized. No paint. TWO and three bedroom cottages, H WEBBIN S s h K ROOM and board for gentlemen, close ming, kitchen cabinets, custom Work services, plus one car space for park- BEVERWYCK 8a--Mortgages Complete with new Skychief |tricity, excellent fishing, pike, | with @ background of general [to downtown. Apply 33 Elgin Street Mortgages Arranged. Alling, Apply 50 Simcoe Street North. oN FIRST, second mortgages bought and| all-channel antenna. Total [20d bass. $30 - $40 weekly. A HARDWARE office routine. Group benefits, |East Telephone 3-7814. iia 3 | BAS 00 sq central, arranged. Don Hill, 209 Brock Street price, installed and guaran- etc BOON Babe pechog. fo Eg , pply 137 Rose- LUMBIN y South, Whitby. 5 H rire mews she Biss ta groeniti from Juin Sires" Avaty 35 G ARDENS South, Whitby, MO £5¥% Oliver SHU. faud for 1 yeor, - RICE LAKE RENTAL SERVICE APPLY Io Souicvae. septic tan 0 sewer a specialty n indy Bay Camp --- 2- and age Bag Dp 13--Gardening & Supplies NO. 12 HIGHWAY FIRST OR SECOND $59 95 | 3-bedroom housekeeping cot- OF TOOLS STARK . |43--Wanted to Rent of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley. |GARDENS, lawns and boulevards, Foto: - MORTGAGES . tages. lhside conveniences, CLERGYMAN urgently needs house for A-1 PAINTING. decorating by trades. |tilled. Average garden, $3. Experi-| OL 5-3570 BROOKLIN | and boat. $40 to $60 weekly. three or four months. Rent no object. man, interior or exterior, roxatone. enced operator. RA 5.7887. G. Monro, | Fast, Confidential Service. . Good fishin Safe IN A Phone RA 3-3092. ro guaranteed. Free estimates. RA | |i Fa hese go South arora] MO 8-4735 WHITBY Any amount te $5,000, T V Enterprises beach. Write: R SY 15C FFOLDING ELECTRONICS WANTED To rent no piarage. sulfable 5 10 . evergreens, roses, . ( body » inting, between ALL KINDS of building and repairs, shrubs, paeonies, pr "at reason- | rpavdlie 5s low a 330 o Cracker, RR. on Hastings, i And Other Construction WH. 2-2120 Oshawa and Whitby. MO 8-170. kitchen cupboards, recreation rooms, able prices. Collected cedars for hedges | GARDEN h UP To wl 253 DREW ST + |_ Ont, or phone { ' Equipment. B-H Paint WANTED to rent -- House or farm garages, concrete and block work. Free |2' - 3', 35¢ and up. Orchard Nurseries, | Ten with two acres of land or more estimates, RA 56937 [No. 7 Highway, two miles west of RA 3-3553 37--Male Help Wanted June 1. Phone RA 3-9754. id TR SUPPLIES | 5 YEARS TO REPAY RA 5.2905 Lake Huron Fusmshed $30 | UPHOLSTERY AND RUG [TAF mtn for beverage room. AUS | FUBLIC accoudiant requies five rm large tobe, i teh work evar Call for Appointment urn, Fumished 2 Genosha Hotel, Mr. Walter Buzminsii, bungalow, June 1. Call RA 51621 afier El 5 - . Hi he " 3 time. John Lauda, RA 5-452. FOR COMPLETE SO-GREEN OSHAWA RA 3-3993 OUR SERVICE CALL oD Sandy Darth ne $HAMPOOER -- VAC |THO men io work mine hours + day, 3 pam. RA 03 PLASTERING, stucco and all repairs GARDEN SERVICE | EVERGREEN Any Time INCLUDES ALL THOSE ming, ideal for children. Golf, Syto,3 p.m. daily, $50 per week. Box|44---Houses, Apts., Flats | Cali George Abramoff, RA Te Restore original beauty te [507 Oshawa Times. he CALL | TURF SPECIAL EXTRAS amusements _ close your furniture and rugs. Riis For Rent | ALLIED G. Hazelwood, | Hd TWO - room furnished apartment, pri- PRECAST | OSHAWA HOME GARDEN SPECIAL INVESTMENT CO. ! < Jime Soy service _RR.I, Bayfield, Ont. 289 KING ST. Ww. TWO HIGH ea ug, Space, central. LANDSCAPI NG MILORGANITE . Fletyre tube slopnsd HALIMAR, Highlands of TWO light | { SHEEP MANURE 19--Personal . h Haliburton--Friend| mn oo . rooms, newly decorated, very central, CONCRETE | RA 8-6366 BONEMEAL DR to Toronto, arriving down- - Jud set-up Summer oa Winter "ATRO 10SHAWA--RA 3-4373 QUALITY MEN a Sata hn | | SEPTIC TANKS PEAT Phone RA '8.3978 Heo: for Passengers, + 3 months guarantee fRsort ith xtonsie sandy (32-«~ Articles Wanted International concern, wholly Yate bath, second floor. RA 5-156. beac axe asl jawig- ' - SIDEWALK SLABS Expert Garden Planning | AT. MOSS OSHAWA to Montreal, Friday, Apri DO IT NOW Sore Ten ao aig: owned subsidiary of an [kituhen coments rar rank COLORED PATIO Free Estimates HUMILIZER three passengers. RA 5-4930. { Bountiful meals and varied SHAW American firm, requires the [private bathroom, mice, quiet home A ee ee NO. 1 ROSE BUSH AYGIENIO lies (rubb aw, Beautify Your Home | sports including water skiing services of two high li oo DE Tbr DUR STEPS SPRING S E USHES mailed post po io plain po. Sabo | e Ypict r Q lit Contact Bruce & Marion AUTO WRECKING CO The : . o. ee CURBING AL | SHRUBBERY lopes with price list. Six samples, 25 | VPFOV ure ua ly Henry, Haliburton Warts core fo i A then Wen sslected will Sang cusboards, refrigerator, stove. x ; vo - r re » i imi 4 e. EVERGREENS cents; 2 samples, $1.00. Man order] HAVE A TOWER a son hindi, nig be given complete training [share | oy Dept. A-11, Nov: i 3 WELL TILE FLOWERING SHRUBS LAWN SEEDS i mie Ritper Bar 9), Call us for a free estimate 28a--Trailers bow ght. Open Saturday all of our expense. Salary $450 3G room apartment, quiet district, | SHADE TREES GARDEN SEEDS | SAVE woney. Ba waiting, free park BILT-RITE trailer, sieeps four, Jo rea-| d P per month guaranteed, and |central location. Child care for working WHITE BIRCH ing at D. Bruce : sonable offer refused, RA 5. x ere ; i mother desired. RA 8-6034, BROOKLIN BUG KILLERS ik? ro TR.L.O: MoGINRIS hose Saiior Tr ee--siecs | > 23 S9BLOORE.| the opportunity ¥6 qualify for |v vate 1 . apart. DRIVE IN | ld I ge ' promotional advancements. |ient, steel sink, cupboards, suitable for OAILY DELIVERY emit erator, sink, sleeps at least four. X Mini 22 E - r) Ph x CONCRETE Open Sunday | | TELEVISION Salo » Folic oS Joust | North WANTED ruin Ege 2s po x oe one 24 pe ! . A 8 trall r "serv. t located. Aj OSHAWA Cooper Smith Co ELECTROLYSIS | RA 8.6781 AE i ee SORAP IRON, POULTRY to work hard under super [East or call RA S110. | o | ir lifts, loads, hitches, etc., Cole- i PRODUCTS | GARDEN SERVICE oi deg 177 SOND ST.2aST man international duo therm. WHitehat 4\ND FEATHER TICKS vislen Agpliconte to in in- (#80 MONTHLY. A Ti) apart > 3 = {2-34 terviewe: y r ewis, : H LIMITED 86 TAUNTON RD w { 16 CELINA ST | Deans Mey 24th and 25th [23 "Women's Column $5. SELL puppies or other poo 3 People R N 3 TURN? 1 Hotel Genosha, on Wednes- pa RD . | hone senosha Hotel on | t _permanents He 0 Want there schech ets lor. Sale / 3-204 A 3-3374 { da d Thursd M 18 sorry no children. Call Mr. Bradley - - RA - Cold $6.00. P Hairdressing, |in Classified day. Dial RA 3-3493 3 yan ursday," May ring: nings. Milles Real OLiver 5 331 I RA 3-3222 | 3 23 12 these dates or eppointment. 4 Pine Avenue, RA 5.5083, iia an an ae that wails iy . (collect) 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Estate. RA 3.2008, ' ;

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