Few Foreclosures Et Home Mortgages | There were about 150 limes house foreclos S. last more mortgage ures, per capita, in the U than in Canada Mitchel year David vice-president, Ontario region builders Association Oshawa association night, there were only 33 fore closures in Canada. last year. He said there were 45.000 in the Unit ed States, in the same period Mr. Mitchell Fred O'Grady the Peterborough was guest speaker at the meel- ing. He outlined briefly house building industry In * ada He said, builder has a tendency estimate himself, though National House told Monday the wccompanied by vice-president of association, Can- "The Canadian house- to under- he be- Pupils Placed In Business The Lakeland Chapter, Nation Office Management Associa- will place commercial stu in offices, around Oshawa May 1 nd May 25 work experience second annual work experience program ponsored hy the chapter. The aim of NOMA to assist educators whenever possible The program ha conjunction with department at and Vocational Oshawa Busine TAKE PART About 54 studen to take part in the gives prospective opportunity perience to supplement work The various have an operations They will for the remainder of given a chance to apply learned in the classroom. This nclude taking part in actual operation, such as taking filing, and other er al tion dents Wednesday to give them T'his 8 8 a 1p in a been i re O'Ne Institute ss College 0m me Colleg and ate the M pr raduates an tical ex- ademic to n pra idents office opportunity vith an expe pu vork the day and e s epo manage and discuss rs then be sons will office dictation cal dutic Both educators and olf agers feel much c he that can not be C ce man E: gained taught in clas PARTICIPATING FIRMS The firms taking with of part to them, Ad.,, M Mar and Fred Mar- Robert Ltd Martin Miss C and Miss Printers Ltd student ned are: Alger Pres garet Andersor in; Bank of Nova Scotia Reid Dunlop (Canada John Newell and Miss N Duplate (Canada) Ltd Clary, Miss G ex D. Koblak: Genera Miss M. Paton and Miss G. Pal- terson; Oshawa Clinic, Miss D. Norris and Miss B. Smith: Osh awa General Hospital, Miss G 1 the| » from a dead man DUCATION BOARD NEWS IN BRIEF I'he Oshawa Fair board will be allowed to deliver free fair tickets to public school children, the Oshawa Board of Education de- cided at their meeting of public schooi committees held in the OCVI1 boardroom Monday night, CAMP PAMPHLET Pamphlets advertising the| YWCA's camp for girls may be distributed in the public schools, the hoard members decided, INDUCTION PROGRAM A request from the superinten- dent of public school education Dr, C. M, Elliott, that an induc tion program for new p hired from Teachers' Colleges be held May 30 and 31 was granted by the board TO MOVE PUPILS Dr, Elliott has recommended that Grade 7 and 8 pupils, living to the south of the middle of Col- borne sireet, be moved to King Street School from Coronation] School and the board approved | the recommendation HONOR CERTIFICATES Honorary certificates will bef printed for presentation in future to the students who receive the Fanny Hyslop Award for being top of their class in Grade 8, the Board decided TO CONSIDER REPORT The annual report of the super be placed on the next meeting of mmittees S FENCE Bourgeois, 107 Jongs to the largest industry in anada "We are just one-tenth the population of the U.S. According lv, when they have built one mil lion houses a year, we have pro { duced 100,000 | "Because so many US, house magazines flow across the bor |der and some articles tell of the | builder who builds 3000 houses a the Canadian builder be { comes envious and feels he is not building enough | The speaker pointed the | figures he mentioned prove dif | ferently. He said it should also be | remembered we have a short building season in Canada system in Can ada, though often criticised by us," he continued, "is not work ling without thought for Canada's | future." | year out 'The housing Offices Hickson and Ron will the ( ntendent agenda for public school REQUE A letter from R Brock street east, asking for a ence veen his property and School was deferred members until their meeting on public schools TO BUILD FENCE fence pt ded for in the expenditure for the Vin Si will be built chool and the prop Lick at her re Fulton, Miss L ald Alward Utilities Com Roach and Mis Times, Miss and Miss G. Mos People Ltd., Miss ( Katocs and Miss Toronto-Dominion Bank, King St. E., P. McLaugh lin; R. Wallace, lawyer, Miss L Werry: J. J. Kelly, lawyer, Mi M. Kolynko I'he National fice will also take Jailed For Theft From Dead Man Lavoy, 18 no convicted of stealing $60 was sentenced Public Miss B Oshawa Oshawa mission H. Robins E. Pasiuk The Pedlar Puskas, Miss M B. Moon; The het Street next A capita elwe ( of of Miss E Employment erty two girls quest APPOINTMENT CONFIRMED It was moved by the board that ale of confirmation be sent to dent of the Janitors' he appointment of Don chief custodian of the on Wilson the Union for Harper 1) pre Ernest of fixed sen public school address oad south TO EXPLAIN PROBLEMS te II be o Capt Murray of the Oshawa Fire asking him to ex problems which he with the board A le sent W. R Depart Monday to six months in the On tario Reformatory At an earlier hearing Lavoy statement to police was read into the evidence. In he admitted going into the man's pockets after he was not able to arouse him by haking. 1 man believed have died of natural causes while visiting a hootlegging establish ment . I'his S men ple the wanted to discuss TO STUDY REFURNISHING A committee, consisting of the jairman of the property I' tee W. Werry, ( Lee and Trus- will investigate the teachers' he ce tee My W. Shaw refurnishing of yom at the Mary Street School 10 REPLACEMENT DESKS The hoard approved a tender $260 for the replacement of Ipi desk in 10 classrooms The requisition was approved in omm u s terrible Ma ate Ebbs told the accused You shouldn't even have been that place Lavoy told to a girl and F he gave $20 01 $40 for police ¢ kept him sel the budget MAY MOVE LOT by the principal of Hill School that the be moved will be the budget for AUTO STRIPPED A stolen car was found aban doned and 'stripped', north of Brooklin, Monday, by Ontario Provincial Police, The car been reported stolen by Rypstra, 84 Elgin street, Bow manville, Thursday, May 12. He sald It was taken from the Gen eral Motors south lot, A request he College parking area considered when 1961 drawn up CAN PARK TRAILER Premission was granted to James McKay and Sons to place, supply trailer and portable on the north east corner senior public school site had Eelke the ifice of the COMING by week basis on the the an in contract the city on a condition veek sign with that EVENTS iemnity Wednes v nder the Heights WA RUMMAGE sale Simcoe Hall day. May 8, at 1.30 auspices of the Sunset KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, MAY 17th Er M » XTRA BU A No and pecial meeting is bei held at Harrptor 9 Hal Townst Sat., May 28th if WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYR Wednesday, May 18th, 8 E awa ve OsF SPECIAL james a TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 20 54 ADMISSION Pr Pre 2nd )0 0 ze ond Ff To eed Monste UAW. HALL MAY 18th 16 Games $10 a game | Game each of $20, $30, $40, $50 Share The Wealh 1 Game 3 Cards Admission 4 Terminal GAMES OF NCLUDES ree olicitor A SPRING ing and a the Legion Hall at May 19th under the Oshawa Silver Cross fancy: work prize wi tea draw TO OPEN TENDERS ommittee consisting of the man of the board, the chair- man_ of finance. committee and the vice chairman of the building and planning committee vith Mrs. W. Shaw a member of the building and planning commit-| enders for the Ceda ddition and the Ade- aide McLaughlin addition and re port the board POWER TO ACT hairman of the board was zed tigate and act a atercourse Lo storm sewer senior public A cha pm auspices of Chapter the | Radio Park Bingo | May 17, 8 pm HA Tuesday at AVALON tee open dale 6 ackp Wealth Game to $40 Share The Sunnyside Park : ive MEETING of o inve of the and » (ase W erted at prope TO PAY ARCHITECT The Board moved pay an wccount of $11,248.31 to the archi Clifford and Lawrie, for nm of working draw the a the choo ty ece « at n Otticers and public. school GLADIOLI SHOW Hladioli Society the use of the Il School auditorium Aug. 13, for its annual ng pecifications for senior NEI May 18th EV ED A. Love Saturda how REMINDED OF I'ru were the public ch would be H t 7.30 orium 0 PROBE GRANTS The hairman of the finance committee will investigate and re- port to the board about its grant the Cerebral Palsy School the School for Re- dren in Oshawa FESTIVAL reminded that music - festival Thursday, May 19, in the OCVI audi: Lees on ON SOUTH, WHITBY p.m. Return $250 $150 a games at back ful lo $20 card and 20 tarded Cl MANAGEMENT COMM. The home for the aged building committee will become a man- committee to help carry operation of Hillsdale of $30 ( nsolation ONE CART Admission Tickets Building Fund r Bingo BOND ST. E. 8 O'Clock agemen on the Mano project PAY FOR TELEVSION Oshawa Firefighters Associa- ill give ) Hillsdale for purchase of a following completion he tion Manor televi Ww to the on set DONATE SEWING MACHINE A cheque for $100 from the Osh awa District Insurance Agents Association ill toward the purchase of a sewing machine for Hillsdale Manor PRESENT PACK FLAG I'he 4th Wolf Cub Pack of Andrew L Church last night did its good turn for the year: by presenting a pack flag o the 24th Wolf Cub Pack. The atter 1¢ chil dren who attend the Oshawa and District Retarded Chil w 20 | St ack na 1p of Schoal for LIONS SEEK LAND aw Club is interest- obtaining land to develop Unable to erect a wimming without outside | lassistance, the Lions requested a locatipn where sewer and water ervices are available so that if ible in. the could be construct e. Osl ed a Lions in as park area of $50 for $1 Cards for $1 pool funds became a future |ed on a pool he HOMEMAKERS TAKE COURSE AT OAC | Cross. Some of the students are Thirty-two Red Cross Home- makers from various parts of the province are taking a train- ing course this week at donald Institute, Ontario cultural College, Guelph, spon- sored by the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross These are the Red Cross ladies who come into a home where there is sickness or emergency § thus rendering a most ssary and valuable service Mac- | Agri- | | to many homes at a critical ! fime. Many a distracted father has looked upon these kindly women as 'angels of mercy". The ladies are studying such | subjects as food and nutrition, home management, and child care under the guidance of members of the teaching staff of Macdonald Institute. Direct- ing the school is Miss Nancy Mellon, Director of Homemak- ing Service for the Ontario Red New Phone Book Out This There is a new look to the 1960 telephone d tory which is be ing distributed to homes and busi in the Oshawa area this LessSes week J. W manager that the ( Lowry, Bell Telephone for this territory, said hawa and district tele phone dirdctory is among the first in the Bell Telephone Com pany"s territory to be hound in a multi-colored cover PICTURE OF OL The front of the new tures a sketch of the Ontario Ladies' College at Whitby, It was done by the well known Canadian Bouchard The black on white book fea Lorne in artist sketch background a is are green and yellow The back cover features 12 illustrations of colored telephones which are available in nine colors: red, green, beige, ivory pink, blue, white, yellow grey The Bell use of colored covers on the 1960 directories is a completely CITY COUNCIL NEWS IN BRIEF The Cobourg Construction Co with a $25,901.74 bid, got the con- tract for sewers and watermains| original one over last week end, in Oshawa Union Cemetery the property| " subdivision east of Ritson road committee, M. Brown, told mem-' qo in a section of the Beau Valley and south of Rossland road TO PUBLISH AUDIT The city auditors, Gunn, Rob erts and Co., have submitted the Oshawa Audit Report for 1959. Copies will not be available for about one month, according to city treasurer Harold Tripp TURN DOWN PURCHASE Council agreed with a planning the hoard give its approval for months. hoard recommendation that .8 acres of park land on the north side of Florell drive, east of Har mony road, not be bought but that nearby used supplement park quirements for the area RAIL CREWS CLICKED J. W. Stewart, superintendent of the Trenton division of the Canadian Pacific Railway, sent a| to council in which he re-| vealed crew are being checked that the Ritson road south crossing is not black ed for periods of longer than five minutes at any one time, Mr Stewart promised periodic checks will be made POND HAZARDOUS Somerville street residents to see urged council to take action 10/§100,000 a year to the city but it at 2.30 p.m. Thursday, May 19. In- bad language in the police sta- improve drainage behind their Week new concept, replacing the use of the traditional beige covers 70,750 BOOKS As an indication of the growth of the area. more than 70,750 of the books are slated for de- livery in this territory this year This is an increase of more than 4700 over last year In Oshawa alone more than 25,300 copies will be distributed I'he 1960 edition of the Oshawa and district telephone directory| serves a total of 23 communities including Bowmanville, Cobourg, Port Hope, Whitby, Ajax, Picker- ing and Port Perry Mr. Lowry reminded Bell cus- tomers that the old directories The remaining two should be discarded as soon as the Armstrong Funeral Home at colors on the front of the book! the new ones are received. Con-|2 p.m. Monday tinued use of the old he said, will result in wrong bers and unnecessary calls "Information" Telephone users are advised to ones, to and bring their lists of frequently|\p Norris, W. Hayward. W. O'- called numbers up to date. To manager said that assist you with this the Bell have a iiton ki Blue Books available for the ask- ling at any Bell busin office. Board To Replac | Protective Wall A new wall would have to be built at Coronation School be- cause children had pushed the the chairman of bers of the Oshawa Board of Edu- cation at their meeting Monday night A temporary wall had been erected which protected the chil dren from a steep drop beyond the wall Construction of among a number of which Trustee Brown the wall was items, to requested the superintendent of building and maintenance to proceed The hoard approved quest. Among others the re- dale School Trustee Criticizes New Subdivision Trustee M should that the said about Brown more be said proposed city subdivision for the|a daughter, Mrs, J area, north of Adelaide street east, after board of education members were presented with re- vised plans of the development at their meeting Monday night. It was supposed to bring that' it would appeared instead num- approved Ont, and was ry i . married there citv-owned land be was the moving and. relocating 1903. ere in re- of a portable classroom at Cedar- awa 43 vears ago she lived of the Oshawa Christian Science Church I | CITY AND DISTRICT NEW COMPANIES Letters patent have been is- ued to the following Oshawa and district companies: Davis and | Adam Manufacturing Co. Ltd., | Pickering: Dean Kelly Enter- prises Ltd, Oshawa and Tropica Swimming Pools, Ltd.,, Whitby VISITORS AT ROTARY , Visitors at the meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, at Hotel |Genosha on Monday, included Fred Johnston, W. A. Dewland and Arnold Stapleton of Osh- |awa; Rev, Douglas Latimer, of| Uxbridge and Retarians M. Mar- tin, of Bowmanville and Rev. / John Van Harmelen, of Whitby. | BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED Three members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa were honored at the club luncheon this week. The members celebrating their birth-| |days were James Skinner, Rev. | IC, D, Cross and Roy Day. FALSE ALARM The Oshawa Fire Department answered an alarm from the box near the Duplate Canada Limited | plant shortly before the noon hour today, The alarm proved to) be false and is blamed on chil-| dren who pulled the box on their way home from school PAVEMENT COLLAPSES An oil truck, parked on Prince streets, between Colborne and Brock streets, had a rather pro- nounced list to the starboard after the pavement collapsed un- der its right rear wheel, Monday. The truck had been parked to jeliver oil and had to be towed rom the hole by a truck YOUTHS SENTENCED Two youths, who admitted breaking into two Oshawa schools last week, were sentenced in Osh- awa Magistrate's Court Monday. Barry John Porter, 16, of 317 Gliddon avenue, was sentenced to the Ontario Reformatory for| ix months definite and three months indefinite, Eugene Swell- ing, 21, of 272 Haig street, who has several previous criminal con-| vietions was sentenced to 15 months definite and five months| indefinite. FORGERS SENTENCED Two men, convicted of forging a cheque to buy more beer and then trying to cash it, were given jail sentences in Oshawa Magis: rtate"s Court Monday. William John Evanden, 28, of 512 Dean avenue, was sent to the county jail for eight months, William John Gordon, 38, of 171 Nassau sfreet, received a six-month sen- tence. The pair wrote the cheque in the beverage room of a local hotel after they found a discarded deposit slip with an account num- ber filled in. TRUCK FIRE The Oshawa Fire Department ed answering an alarm to a minor truck fire at Simcoe street and Bloor street, at 2.50 p.m Monday. There were four am- bulance calls reported. STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed for construction today: Wilson road south, closed from Olive avenue to Shakespeare av- enue. Whenever possible, these streets will be partially opened to permit movement of local traffic, HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending May 14: admissions, 251; births male 32, female 29: discharges, 254; newborn dis-| charges male 32, female 30; major surgery, 47; minor sur-| gery, 99: eye, ear, nose and throat, 53; treatments, 57, exam-| inations, 44: casts, 13; physio-| therapy treatments, 304. seen reviewing the latest liter- ature on the subject of nutrition with Miss Louise Poole, left, professor of nutrition at Mac- donald Institute, left to right, Mrs. T. Corrigan, Sudbury; Miss Nancy Mellon, Toronto, Director of the Course; Mrs, M. McLean, Oshawa; Mrs. A, Polski, Sarnia; and Mrs. E. Farnsworth, St. Catharines -OAC Photo OBITUARIES VERAL OF MRS. JOSEPHINE BAILEY The memorial service for Mrs Josephine Bailey, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital last Friday, in her 92nd year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 3.30 p.m. Monday, May 16 The services were py Major M Rankin of vation Army. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were T C. Cathmoir, T. Burney 'ow, W, Reid and L « f { conducted the Sal was in Coull J. Lud Halliday, FUNERAL OF ALBERT RICHARD BECKETT The memorial service for Al- bert Richard Beckett, who died at the family residence, 285 Burk sireet, last Friday, was held at | May 16 A. Gibb, minister of Vestmount United Church, con ducted the services. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery The pallbearers were S. Cook, Rev. W Regan, D, R. Rowden and G report FUNERAL OF MRS. EDITH MARTHA HOBBS The funeral service for Mrs Edith Martha Hobbs, who died on Thursday, was held at the Gerrow Funeral Home Saturday afternoon, May 14 Rev. Niven Aitken, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, conduct- ed the services. Interment was The pallbearers were W. Lane, _Sharrard, J. Dugan, S. Lager- quist, T. Collen and C. Hooper. FRANKLIN ON The death occurred at the fam: ily residence, 387 Masson street, this morning of Mrs. D. Franklin Johnston, The deceased, who was in her 82nd year, had not enjoy ed good health for several A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pentland, the de ceased was born at Dungannon, Two Convicted | Liquor Charges Two men were convicted of liquor offenses in Oshawa Magis- frate's Court Monday. Frank Csakvard, 34, of 425 Al- bert street had a charge of drunk driving reduced to a lesser charge of impaired aftes a doctor| testified he was a borderline] case. He was fined $100 Herbert W. Bould, 13 Wilson won road south, was fined $50 for be- hn ing intoxicated in a public place. The funeral service will be held Desk Sergeant A. Alexander from the McIntosh Funeral Home said the accused was using such| | Prior to to Osh- al and moving Owen Sound, Burlington Mrs London, Ont Johnston was a member She was devoted to her home and her family and was a lover of flowers and good music Predeceased Nov. 18. 1958, by her husband she is survived by E. Durrant (Helen), of Toronto and a son, Murray P. Johnston, of Oshawa Also surviving are four grandchil- terment will be in Oshawa Union tion that a constable had to clap homes, complaining that a near-\, aan 5 $25000 to $50,000 deficit,| Cemetery. Lorne B. Bonham will his hand over Bould's mouth be-| by pond, a result of improper drainage, is a hazard to children and a potential breeding ground for disease ALDERMAN Ald. Hayward Monday night for conference at the Defence College is sponsored by the federal gov ernment. It was called to ex plain the Emergency Measures (EMO) program which is an en larged civil defence program in Canada. ON COURSE Murdoch left a three-day Arnprior Civil The conference OPPOSE BOWLATHON Only three aldermen voted for a King street west bowling alley manager's "bowlathon" idea Ron Kennett wanted permission| to remain open from 6 p.m., Fri day, May 27, to 9 am. the nex' he said 'I should like to say publicly that it is a poor thing that the city council should get involved in this thing when they kick out| others that would improve the| city," he said "All this does is increase the size of the city but does nothing] to improve its quality. We'll have | these lousy roads another 10 years," he added { day. All money collected would] be turned over to the, Oshawa | General Hospital Building Cam-| paign TENDER AWARDED Franklin Brooks Co., of Whit by. will build a headquarters for| the Board of Park Management. | The successful bid was $49,847 In Meadowcrest School, B 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Classes commence Sept. required. The Board of T.S.A. No. 1 WHITBY Announces: KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Children who will be five years old, on or before Dec. 31st, 1960 are elegible. rooklin, Friday May 20th, 6th. Proof of age will be conduct the services. cause there were women present. | BUEHLERS 3, Tender EATN AT TRUE-TRIMBEEF (+ 12 KING ST. E. RA 3-3633 Meal Specials! Wednesday Only! SHOULDER PORK CHOPS 3 LBS. 1.00 Freezer Special ! BEEF FRONT 39: QUARTERS (Cut and Wrapped Free of Charge) Buy 5 Ib. of Sausage FREE vie > % GET 5 LBS. FREE! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 17, 1960 3 WEATHER FORECAST Warm, Clearing On Wednesday TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- casts issued at 5 a.m.: Synopsis: Scattered showers and the odd thunderstorm will pass across the province from west to east during the day fol- little change in temperature, Winds east 15 to 26 today, north 15 Wednesday. Timmins-Kapuskasing: Mainly cloudy with scattered showers to- day, Wednesday sunny with little lowed by partial clearing Wed- change in temperature. Winds nesday. Another weather distur-|light. bance in the Dakotas will bring| more showers lo western regions w by Wednesday evening. Y INCSO! Regional forecasts valid until|St: Thomas midnight Wednesday. |Loudon pres Lake Erie, Lake Huron, south- Yinghum : western Georgian Bay regions, |p anon Windsor, London: Cloudy with st oh dy scattered showers and thunder.(S%: Catharines ...... storms today. Wednesday partly| Hamilton cloudy with a chance of evening| Muskoka showers. Little change in tem. Earlton perature. Winds southerly 15 to Sudbury 25 today, light Wednesday. {North Bay Lake Ontario, Niagara, north. White River , castern Georgian Bay, Hamilton, | Moosonee Toronto: Increasing cloudiness to- day with scattered showers and LAKEHEAD. HISTORY thunderstorms this afternoon and through tonight Wednesday| A trading post was established clearing with little change in!in 1678 and a"fort in 1717 where temperature. Winds southerly 15 the Lakehead cities of Fort Wil. to 25 today, northerly 15 to 25|liam and Port Arthur now stand. Wednesday. Haliburton region: Increasing| cloudiness today followed by scat- tered showers and thunderstorms | beginning late this afternoon, end-| ing Wednesday morning. Partly| cloudy Wednesday. Little change in temperature, Winds southerly 15 to 25 today, northerly 15 to 25| Wednesday, Kirkland Bay, Sudbury: Increasing cloudi- ness today with scattered | ers this afternoon through to-| night, Wednesday clearing with Forecast Temperatures tonight High Wednesday r .. 50 70 Lo Wind 0 70 70 70 68 70 70 65 65 65 65 65 FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Fred's Refrigeration RA 5-6335 Lake region, North 2 Attempts To Break-In | Are Reported Did You Know , .. In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have ao Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95¢. | Two attempled breakins and a| break, enter and theft were re-| ported to the Oshawa Police De- partment, Monday. John McLean, reported some- one broke into his office at 130 Court street, early Monday morn- {ing. He said a small amount {of merchandise was stolen, En- {try was gained through a window forced open on the north side of the building. An unsuccessful attempt to break into a building belonging to | Thomas Mikolash, on Simcoe |street south, was reported at 10.20 a.m., Monday. He said an |attempt was made to tear the | weatherstripping from t he rear |doors, A crowbar was used in an at- tempt to enter Pat and Don's Clover Farm Market, 432 Simcoe street south, Donald Black re- |ported Monday morning. | He said the moulding and a pane of glass had been removed from the rear overhead door. | His mother-in-law, who lives over the store, told police she saw sus- picious looking characters across the street between 11 p.m. and midnight, Sunday night. She said| she heard them leave in a car.| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FRIDAY Only! SATURDAY NO ADMISSION CHARGE PERFORMANCES: Friady 6:30 p.m, -- 7:30 and 8:30 p.m, Saturdey 9:30 a.m, -- 10:30 -- 11:30 -- 1:30 p.m. 3:30 ond 5:30 p.m. FROM OUR MALL SEE . «* F SKY Wim § AWNINGS WINDOWS DOORS FACTORY PRICES CALL RA 8-371 FREE ESTIMATES | RAINBOW PRODUCTS 328 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA < Photographers Invited TO TAKE PICTURES OF CHIEF SKY and HIS WARRIORS otographer Posing Sessions for 10 Minutes After Every Performance EXCITING AMUSEMENT RIDES FOR THE CHILDREN ITs FUN TO SHOP AT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Pd a,