] HE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 17, 1960 Mrs. Ross Edmunds Re-Elected SMART BEACHCOMBER ¥ you are favoring the bikini for swimming this season you'll peed a bit of coverage for lounging by the pool or on the beach. Here's just the blouse lar and button front, it comes in a wide variety of fascinating colors. Two huge patch pock- ets placed below the waist are change purse, lipstick, cigarets and spacious enough for for it, jgned by Macsh e. | Sleeveless with a Johnny coi- NEWS IN BRIEF Finland, | JAPANESE PIANOS SWEDISH SCHOOLS Schools in Sweden provide (ree checkups and free dental treat- ment FEWER POTATOES Average potato consumption in West Germany in 1959 was 197 pounds compared with 275 pounds in 1950 INDOOR PLANT . The cyclamen, which origin- ated in old Persia, is one of the | previous year, FINE MATERIAL Merville in France for centur- jes has been noted as a pro- ducer of damask, linen and em- | broideries. DANISH SCHOOLS Education has been compulsory --By TRACY ADRIAN oldest indoor decorative plants in | e school lunches, free medical| times the number exported thetaught at the Collegiates. It is President, Gertrude Colpus H&S Mrs. Ross M. Edmunas was re- elected as president of Gertrude Colpus Home and School Asso- ciation at its annual meeting held recently. The other officers are: vice- presidents, Mrs. E. M. Brown and Mrs. Mervyn Anderson; re- cording secretary, Mrs. G. A. Wandless; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Donald Munroe; trea- surer, Mrs. Stanley Russell; ex- ecutive members: Mrs, Clarke Sheppard, Mrs, Leon Davey, Mrs. Joseph Babiarz, Mrs. Alex Repa, Mrs. Lloyd Perry. Publicity chairman, Mrs. A. H. Glecoff; citizenship, Mrs, Lloyd Weiderick; program, Mrs George Luhtala; social, Mrs, Percy Smith; assistant, Mrs. Aus- tin Sudsbury; parent education, Mrs. R. V. Sheffield; childs' reading and visual aids, Mrs. A. H. Glecoff; membership, Mrs. R. A. Beharrell; hospitality, Mrs, Victor Mazar, and Mrs. William Renison; health and safety, Mrs, Charles Bolton; publications, Mrs. Harry McCabe. MRS. ROSS EDMUNDS The officers were installed by Mrs. William Goyne who was| Mr. A. H, Glecoff presented on presented with a gift by Mrs.|behalf of his wife and himself a Ross Edmunds, |large trophy for the display case The meeting was presided over and a sma!l one for the outstand- by the president, Mrs. R. M. Ed- ing boy athlete of the year. munds. Mr. E. M. Brown presented, on Dr. S. H. Witzel spoke briefly behalf of the H and 8, four large on thc hospital building fund. dictionaries and a cheque to cover Annual reports were read by|field day expenses and a senior Mrs. R. A. Beharrell, recording|class graduating party. Mr. Red- secretary; Mrs, R. V. Sheffield, |dick thanked everyone on behalf treasurer; Mrs. George Luhtala,|of the staff and himself, program convener: Mrs, Lloyd| Mrs, Edmunds thanked Mr. Perry, membership; Mrs. Reddick and staff, Home and Charles Bolton, social; Mrs. |School members and executive Harry McCabe, publications: | members for their efforts in mak- Mrs. R. A. Beharrell read the|ing the past year such an out- correspondence, The room prize standing success. was won by Miss Kylie, Grade 1| and Miss D, McGillis, Grade 2. |the mothers A report was given by dele- Grade 4. of the pupils in Refreshments were served by| GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Papuan Wife Costs Many Pigs, ST. ANDREW'S WMS The regular afternoon WMS of €¢ A drpw's prayer. worship tary, read the minutes and Mrs. Morley Wyman read the trea- surer's report. Miss Millicent Luke, guest ORIENTAL TURBAN luncheon on Thursday, June 9, at one o'clock. NORTHMINSTER WMS ster United Church Women's Missionary Society was held re- cently at Northminster House. dent, presided, The secretary, Mrs. E. S. Dafoe and the trea- surer, Mrs. Roy Nichols read the month was discussed. Mrs, Herbert Basley and Mrs. Stanley Carkeek were in charge of the program and led in the devotional period and a resume of the final chapter of the study book, Northern Rhodesia was the topic of the chapter. Closing prayer was offered by There's an international look ( jade green shantung, it is high, about this turban. built on | bulky but light-weight -- a per- | Oriental lines and designed by | fect face frame. | Jean Patou. Made of glossy | --By TRACY ADRIAN | | | Travelling Overseas Mrs. George Lavender, who at-| tended the convention in Toronto. | The group was entertained by ry, Sars, Lavender, wie 3+ =I PRESERVE WHY NOT FLY ithe junior mixed choir who sang two selections, "In The Plaza"| and "They All Call It Canada". They were directed by Mr, James Hutchinson. Mrs. G. A. Wandless introduced | |Mr. R. V. Sheffield, head of the , . {English department at OCCI, who | Japan's exports of pianos in | 1959 reached 3,297, almost fiv narrated a film that was taken [in Oshawa of the curriculum {currently being shown to Grade 8 |pupils in preparation for high school. He was thanked by Mrs. Perry. Mrs. Mervin Anderson present. ) . se ed to Mr. G. W. Reddick, on be-| Boil a vinegar solution in your half of the association, a large teakeitle to remove a light lime [trophy for the display case and a|deposit. Repeat at intervals, us- | for children 7 to 14 years old in|small trephy for the outstanding ine tn, i i schools in Denmark since 1814.girl athlete of the year, |" g,the same Vinegar solutjop. 'The modern way to travel is by air.' For information regarding any form of travel . .. DIAL RA 3-9441 We have a direct Toronto telephone line for prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Owned and eperated by Thomas Meadows and Co., Conade Ltd. 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3-944 the president. meeting of the United Church was opened by the president, Mrs. Lloyd Pegg with M:s, J. E. Fetterley led in the Mrs. Clarence Sadler, secre- » Pr a y the study book "Africa Disturb- ed". The next meeting will be a The May meeting of Northmin- Mrs. H. M, Mellow, the presi- their reports and the business of] Pigs Mean Wealth By PETER SMARK ready married as husbands. of a poor bachelor. A woman gains prestige igs. TWO YEARS SAVINGS The desire of the Chimbu their inland home villages in New Guinea, a territory admin- LIVELY PET CUDWORTH, Sask. (CP)--Pe- ter, a red squirrel, is a daily visitor to a ward of St. Michael's Hospital here. The Sisters of St. Elizabeth, who operate the hos- pital, noticed the squirrel play- ing on the window sills recently and coaxed it inside with nuts {and candy. Now he has the run {of the ward, PORT MORESBY, Papua-New Guinea (Reuters)--Many women years, of the Chimbu tribe, a primitive people in New Guinea who use pigs as currency, prefer men al- "Most Chimbu women," said patrol officer H. S. Pegg, who has led many patrols among the Chimbus, "feel that they would rather be the fourth wife of a wealthy man than the only wife "The explanation is prestige. marrying a man who already has a wife or wives because he in- variably has a large number of pigs and much of the payment a man makes for a wife must be in women for wealth and prestige is driving many young men from [tied by Australia under a United Nations trusteeship, to the coast. here they Work 2s contract laborers on plantations until they have saved enough money and obtained possessions to buy a wife when they return home, often at the end of two Chimbu people, Di every bit as much a commercial bar- gaining match as it is in many more civilized tries. DIVORCE. REFUND If the desire for divorce is mu- tual, the husband is entitled to recover all the money and ar- ticles he paid for his wife as bride price. If the woman alone wants a |divorce, he is entitled to a re- turn of his bride price. But if only the man wants a divorce, he can take back only part of the bride price, the amount becoming less with the number of years the couple have been married. Regardless of which partner seeks the divorce, the children of the marriage remain in the care of the father, FIRST Woolworth' s May Sale 1 WEEK ONLY MAY 14th TO 21st TUESDAY Ladies' Cotton Brassieres Sizes 32a to 38b 2/88¢ WHILE T HEY LAST Great Savings throughout the entire store NEW Sm High fidelity skin tones never possible before MAX FACTORS AMAZING FLUID MAKE-UP For true natural beauty... Try hi-fi TODAY! THE OSHAWA TIMES "HOME OF THE WEEK"! Alvi Rug Co. Specialists in all kinds of Floor Covering Goll us for @ free estimate on well te wall floor eovering. 34 SIMCOE ST. 8. PHONE RA 5-9332 Service you can depend wm on. AT Sesto RA 3-3425 MEAGHER'S § KING W.--OSHAWA Al Dearborn Shell Service Stn. Tune-ups for all Makes of Cars Licenced Mechanic HIGHWAY NO. 2 & THICKSON'S ROAD Oshawa Fur and Cold Storage Ltd. Fur and Cloth Garments ® STORAGE ® SHINERIZING ® CLEANING ® REPAIRS Free Pickup & Delivery Phone 3-3012 81 Williem W. RA 5.4321 HIGHEST QUALITY! LOWEST PRICE SHOP and COMPARE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Reliakie Furniture Co. (Next to Plaza Theatre) 96 KING EAST RA 3.7928 Beauty Salon Look Young Fgel Gay Go To Jutta's Right Away | WEEKLY SPECIAL OK USED CAR PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR $1095.00 Ontario Motor Sales LTD. 140 BOND ST. W. RA 5-6507-8 BRAKE RELINE SPECIAL 19.95 c.. Cars Reline all 4 whee|s. Full contact ad- justment, Re-pack front wheel beor- ings. STORES 190 King St. E. RA 5.6566 VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 MILES EAST ON 2 HWY. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5757 OPEN EVERY EVENING Roses--42 Varieties Evergreens--20 Varieties Shade Trees MOSIER SHEET METAL 292 KING W.--OSHAWA Oil Burners Heating Units Sales and Service PHONE RA 5-2734 RICKSHA CHINESE FOOD 42 King W. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET Home of Fine Foods Open Every Night Till Ten p.m. WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE KING at RITSON Friendly and Expert Service You Will Appreciate. RA 5-8507 We cash Baby Bonus, Pension and Pay Cheques. SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawe HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. Your Polaroid Headquarters WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC OPEN THURS. TILL é P.M. FRI, TILL 9 P.M. SAT. TILL 6 P.M. Oshawa Discount Housel 290 ALBERT ST. RA 8-0311 Gifts For Every Occasion Two Stores to Serve You Better 20 Simcoe St. S. and CLEMENTS Supertest Service Your Downtown Location For PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 102 SIMCOE ST. N. Oshawa Shopping Centre MOTOR CITY CAB 9 PRINCE ST. RA 5-1127 Fast-Efficient Service. Get your coupons on the "Polaroid" by calling us for service ED WILSON sez: "This Week's Special" BABY CRIBS Full panel. a 24.88 Large size ... WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. SCOTT Outboard Motors for Sales and Service see TED'S WHITE ROSE and MARINE R.R. 4 OSHAWA King St. E . RA 8-5924 PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS For trout and smelt fishing, we carry o complete line of finest tackle. See us for personalized service 589 ALBERT ST. PHONE 5-5798 EDGAR'S Paint & Wallpaper NEW EXTERIOR LATEX FLAT COLORED ALUMINUM ASPHALT ROOF PAINT 34 King St. W. RA 3.7351 LATE SHOPPERS Do Your Shopping at KINGSWAY SUPERMARKET TOWNLINE, RR.4 KING ST. E. JACKSON & RAIKE HARDWARE LTD. TORO POWER MOWER 948 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-0514 GOOD AT ONE OF THE PLACES OF Yohnson DO YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE? IF YOU ARE THE HOUSEHOLDER OF THIS HOME, CALL AT THE OSHAWA SUDDARD TIMES OFFICE AND YOU WILL RECEIVE FREE A $5.00 PURCHASE ORDER It Pays to Shop at I. COLLIS & SONS Your one stop shop for the entire family 50-54 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 5-6311 WEEKLY SPECIAL TROPICAL FISH 3 Pearl Danios $1.00 THE PET CENTRE 9 Celina St. Oshawa Ont. RA 8-0403 E. C. CROXALL & SON FUEL AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Fresh Cement Always In Stock. Glazed & Clay Tile & Fittings OL 5-4841--Brooklin STATHAM MOTOR SALES YOUR ESSO DEALER Repairs to all foreign & American Built Cars. Dealer in Peugeot and Skode Cars, International Trucks, KING & CENTRE STS. RA 3-7712 BUSINESS SHOWN HERE. 497 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH MOTORS Sales & Service MITH PORT Yes, you too might win a Polaroid to buy, no jingles to write . . charzs of winning. BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE WIN A POLAROID LAND CAMERA ohe of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There's nothing . simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good C.C.M., RALEIGH BICYCLES KEYS--LOCKS REPAIRS Phone RA 5-3979 Land Camera, Simply visit any MACKIE MOTOR SALES KING EAST--OSHAWA For Oshawa's Best Deal in New and Used Cars RA 5-5743 THE GREEN DOOR PAINT & GIFT SHOP Featuring C.LL, Paints, Free Estimates on Wallpapering or Painting PHONE OL 5-4531 Brown's Marketeria Your Friendly Red & White PHONE OL 5-4521 GENOSHA HOTEL FOR "FINER" FOOD COFFEE SHOP COMPLETELY AIR-CON. OPEN 24 HOURS Oshawa Fixture & Lamp Supply 12 CHURCH ST. (at King) ® Sponish Imported Chandeliers ® Modern and Danish Creations e Ceramic and Opal Glassware. ® Walnut end brass room dividers ond pole lamps, with plonters, book shelves, cabinets MOTOR CITY BOWLING AIR CONDITIONED Special summer rates fully automatic pin' setter's 78 RICHMOND ST. W. PHONE RA 3-3212 Always over 150 quality Goodwill Used Cars to choose from, BERG'S Ladies' Wear "The Store of Better Values" 15 courteous salesmen to serve you Cliff Mills Motors Ltd. 266 King St. W. RA 5.6651 3.4634 3.4638 YOUR PONTIAC, BUICK & GMC VAUXHALL DEALER 8 KING ST. WEST RA 5-1932 DUMONT Aluminum Products 377 Simcoe St. S. Oshawe This Week's Special Feature! 20% DISCOUNT on all WINDOWS & AWNINGS RA 8-1651 HACIENDA DINE and DANCE SPECIALIZING IN STEAK ON A BUN OPEN 11 a.m. to 4 a.m. HOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LIMITED 90 Simcoe Street South RA 5-5332 Specializing in FRIGIDAIRE Domestic and Commercial Sales and Service. YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER IN OSHAWA FOR 23 YEARS. SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN OL 5-3301 STAN'S SHARPENING AND RENTAL SERVICE 227 King St. W., Oshawa RA 3-3224 WE SHARPEN & RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING SHEPHARD'S FOOD MARKET Prime Meat & Poultry Fresh Vegetables RA 5-3564 46 SIMCOE ST. N. Crysler Furniture Co. 3 Rooms Completely Furnished. secon. 289.00 Easy Terms -- Free Storage Free Delivery 29-31 CELINA ST. OSHAWA Stephenson's Garage OSHAWA'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALIST 15 Church St. RA 5-0522 - DRY CLEANERS SATISFACTION FOUR STORES TO SERVE YOU CALL RA 5-3555 for Free Pick-up and Delivery VIVIAN'S B-A SERVICE Groceries & Confectionery B.A. Gas & Oil Greasing & Washing NONQUON ROAD RA 3-4872 SHIRT LAUNDERERS GUARANTEED WARD'S FOR FINEST IN DRY GOODS! 31 Simcoe St. S. PHONE RA 5-1151 Buckingham Groceteria TO SERVE YOU Where Candda"s Choicest of Red Brand Beef, A Full Line of Smoked ond Cooked Meats Supplied by Canada Packers. 28 BUCKINGHAM AVE Limited Time Only ! HELENA RUBINSTEIN Color-Tone Shamnno RD ins 2.00 Jury & Lovell Lid. COSMETIC DEPT. OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE WHITBY PHONE RA 5.2213