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The Oshawa Times, 18 May 1960, p. 9

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CHILD GUIDANCE By G. CLEVELAND MYERS According to the the Manpower Commission of the United States, 50 per cent of Since most of these mothers is away from home. But nearly always the mother's work da longer than her child's school day. HAZARDOUS PERIODS In a few instances, one of the working parents may be home before the child leaves for school however, the school child must fend for himself alone for an hour or more before school and for a are 1957 report of |physicall mothers of school children work.]a ec School-Age Children Miss Working Mother hazardous periods for him, and morally. The public has been pretty well sold on the need of protection by ompetent person or day nursery for the child under school work by day, the child is in|age, even of kindergarten age, school most of the time when she|otherwise left at home alone while both parents are away. Not is|many mothers think of leaving these young children unprotected. Even if they might prefer to do) so, they hardly could withstand public disapproval. NO PUBLIC PRESSURE But there is no comparable and after he returns. Usually,|public pressure on the parent of| the school-age child of six or older for his protection while home in the absence of both par- The New Trend In Slipovers 1's not a day too soon to plan tne siipcovers you want to make for summer use. But look around at new uphol- stery trend. in the stores before you start your sewing. Chances are, you'll come away with some new and refreshing ideas. One of them will be the dress- maker detailing used in covers The nicest fabrics are those that take gracefully to laundry care, And remember that wash- ability applies also to the thread, cording and any other findings and trimmings that are used. Maybe this time you'll want to try a new nylon tape closing as a change from slide fasteners. It's washable, easy to use, cannot and makes a nice, smooth, flat closing. terms of safe washability when obligations without thoroughly ex- selecting the fabric. ploring all angles. Be extra care- ful if signing documents or legal papers of any kind, ' The evening hours are friend- ller and encourage social activ- ity and romance. Community in- terests and cultural pursuits will also be under good vibrations. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that the next three and a half months wili be extremely important where for sofas and chairs. There's special importance in the skirts. Usuaily, you'd expect this sort THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA of detailing in made fur- niture, but this season you'll find it in the moderately-priced pieces as well, Some of the new touches and FOR TOMORROW Impulsiveness or carelessness could lead to serious errors now, accents are highly original and quite charming. SCALLOPED OVERSKIRT or instance, the skirt of a sofa might have a deeply-scal- loped overskirt, showing the plain so make no decisions hastily and do not commit yourself to future your career and finances are concerned. If you take advant- age of all available opportunities, are co-operative with both super- iors and associates and promote your highly original ideas in a |convincing manner, results for 1960 should be better than you have attained for some time. An inclination to override oth- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 18, 1960 § ers could hurt your early in October, however, $0 keep emotions under control and use diplomacy instead of force in pursuing your objectives. Travel and romance will be under fine aspects during July and August and you can look for some ex- ceptionally fine news of a mon- CATS' CASTLE FALMOUTH. England (CP)-- Soldiers stationed at a rastle near this Cornwall town in the Second World War kept two pet cats. Now the cat colony num- bers more than 100, although the castle has been deserted for sev- eral years. Visitors keep the cats fed. etary nature late in N ber. A child on this day will and extremely gregarious. WELL EQUIPPED MAIDENHEAD, England (CP) A £28,000 house that once be- longed to movie actress Diana Dors has been turned .nto a country club. It has its own movie theatre, swimming pool and tennis court. be artistically inclined, ambitious] ROYAL LICENCE LONDON (CP) -- Church of England officials who issued the licence for Princess Margaret's wedding say that more and more people are asking for similar B- cences. With the special licence, no residential qualifications are Fequited, and no are | called. i Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service straight fabric beneath. Chairs] nave kick-pleat detail at the sides] accented with large, fabric-cov- ered buttons. Another type of sofa has aj siraight skirt with hem cut in| wide Greek key design. Such de-| like period after school, and these ents. Some kindhearted neigh- | hors do cluntatily look after a ew of ese C. ren. ' Novel Baby Clothes Practical, Pretty Granted that some school chil- dren, fending for themselves for short or longer periods before or after school, Jean considerable Pr and responsibili I-DA- DRUG STORES ity, PORTRAIT OF ISABELL | { Mrs. Jack Ferriera and Mr, and Mrs. Luis Antonio Neto, all of Natador, Portugal bd decorates the front and col- Two-year-old Isabell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avilio Ferreira, Cubert street. Her grandparents are Mr. and | self-r By ELEANOR ROSS | Small - size fashion plates are taking to white, just like grown-| ups. Orlon or textured nylon sweat- |ers, in smooth or bulky knit, |snowy-white, appear in the tod- |dler's wardrobe just now. © | Little boys will look manly in | V-neck cardigans and little girls will look like something lovely out of a story book in em- | broidered or lace-trimmed sweat- |ers, An embroidery pattern of ber- Photo bY Mary's Studio |}. "of one feminine little number. Talented, Student Dancers {Others have lace collars and cuffs, with something extra pretty such as an appliqued lace basket on the front. Scallops in contrasting color Will Be Presented By Junior Co. [sine te sec oc dain car Artistic director of the newly formed Canadian Junior "Ballet Company which is coming to Oshawa, May 20, is Mme. Diana Joblokova Vorps, a dancer with the Latvian National Theatre. She completed her training at the Riga National Opera House, Latvia, in 1939 and toured Europe with various companies. It was while she was dancing extensively on the continent that she envisioned a junior ballet y to provide talented young students with performing experience and professional -aining. Her principal aims to give promising student dancers an 0p- portunity to supplement their classroom training with regular publi¢ performances as mem- bers of a disciplined company. "It is our way of bringing the between gap the studio and the| stage," she said. "And we would former # tween the buttons. {EASY UPKEEP | No mother need to hesitate about the upkeep of these dainty, | white creations designed for her small fry. The sweaters wash beautifully in either washing ma- chine or basin and can be dried in the automatic dryer or just hung over a towel rack. If a little sweater gets left out of the regular landry load it takes but a minute or two to squeeze it out by hand im warm suds in the basin. Drying time is so short that a white sweater is practically al- ways ready to put on, fresh as new. Since it goes so well with any color dress or pants, white is as practical as anything you ean buy--and prettier, too! As for the baby, the first item of importance in the layette is the diaper. The mother-to-be certainly won't fail to stock them! But there are diapers and dia- DIANA JABLOKOA-VORPS like to think that by this means| .... i oacecraft, make-up, and|pers! we can maintain the young to dancers' interest. débelop, artistically, those who) are talented to a point where We hope bers of professional companies, sald Mme. Jablokova-Vorps. "Dancers, of course, will have| costumes free of charge. One of company's distin- guished by Patrons is the they can become valuable mem-'gonorable Leslie M. Frost,Prem: |ier of Ontario. NOVEL DIAPERS If you're to give a new baby a present, you might {introduce its mother to a few of the latest ideas in diapers, to add her sf . For instance, there are dia- #0 be of intermediate or ad- vanced calibre," she said. They will be recruited, initially, from pers with a new gripping elosure. Pinless and snapless, they fas- ten with press - together nylon | strips. The strips stay closed, SOCIAL NOTICES Ber own studios and from others in Toronto and district. Those who qualify will be given free training in make-up and costumes. They; will be expected, however, i¢f schools they are currently attending Mme. 'Jablokova-Vorps, who stagecraft, |, nnounce heir daughter, . : 10 Mr continue their studies at the bal-|s, of Mr. and Mrs. John Shere-| {holding the diaper securely un- {til the nylon strips are peeled |apart. ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. George Gdovec the engagement Of[SAFE AND PRACTICAL Ann Helen, to| New mothers, fearful of prick- John Sheremeta, ing their infants with a safety pin, should welcome this innova- Mr Raymond meta, all of Oshawa. The mar-|tion and find it well worth the riage Gregory's Roman Catholie| The question has been raised will take place at St.|small extra cost. will do the company's chored- cy,roh on Saturday, June 18, at|that lint might gather in the clo- graphy, feels that Canadians now are sufficiently interested in bal- |12 o'clock noon. sure and spoil its efficiency. But, let to support her venture. She| says that her group will in time | pany and will provide essential since diapers are lint-free and HORSE'S APPETITE ple alinost always washed by themselves, this question seems FORT FRANCES, Ont. (CP)--|t; have been satisfactorily ans- most of them are greatly endan- gered physically and morally. UNFORTUNATE EFFECTS Almost any elementary princi- pal can tell you of the many children who are left alone at home for hours before they come to schg)l, some of them lacking bodily tidiness and cleanliness. Furthermore, while some of these children arrive at school too early, they are often noted for tardiness. Besides, these children miss the warmth and affection of hav- ing a parent see them off in the morning and welcome them home as they return from school. Even the teen-ager misses much if nearly always, as he arrives home, no parent is there to greet him. He, like a younger school boy or girl, often needs to have some sympathetic person to talk with about his day's experience, his joys or sorrows. EMPLOY SOMEONE I wish I might prevail on the mother who works to employ a neighbor or some other respon- sible person to be at home while she's away. And also I wish that non-working parents would have in their home the child or chil- dren, especially of el tary school age, who otherwise would be alone for an appreciable per- fod before or after school. Fortunate is the child who has a parent home while he is there. Sometimes such a schedule can be devised. An increasing number of em- ployers are hiring mothers for no more than four to six hours daily, which makes it easier to organize the home schedule. (My bulletin Working Mothers may be had by sending a self- to me in care of this news- paper.) PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Our only child is seven and has never been required to do any regular chores. We wish to assign her some now. Please advise. A. just one, such as making her own bed and tidying up her room. Be sure she is prac- tised in responsibility for doing this job well before adding a sec- nd Celebrate her success, but treat every dereliction as a very seri- ous matter, with effective pen- alty. addressed, U.S. stamped envelope tail gives a new look to a fa- miliar item. These interesting features are easy enough to adapt to your siipcovers. There is no difficult cutting out or stitching involved and, with proper care and effort, the re- sults will look really special. COOL, GREEN TONES As for colors, cool, green tones are preferred, which is certainly an ideal choice for a summer slipcover. The mcted greens pro- vide such a satisfactory back- ground for colorful summer flow- ers, or for one or two bright splashes of color in pillows, a lamp or maybe a small scatter Tug. Whatever color you prefer for your slipcovers, think also in | | Special Values and Reminders Effective All This Week! Money-Saving SPECIALS! 6 Poper Plates, Serviettes, Fibre Forks, Spoons DUCHESS PICNIC KIT Tri-Sodium Phosphate WASHING COMPOUND BUFFERIN ,, A 39c Size Plus 69¢ Size HALO SHAMPOO ..... .......... ABSORBENT BATTON L.D.A. Brand Reg. 1.23 ..0uressess HINDS "3. CREAM "3: 0D0-RO NO DEODORANT Cream, reg. 1.25 79¢c; Spray, reg. 1.50 SYLVANIA FLASHBULBS 1.23 etn; Press 25 19¢ 98 | 79¢ .79¢ CALAMINE LOTION .;, 23¢ 30¢ 2" 98° 98¢ . 1.63 etn, per with pouring lip mew in most. Polly ed Top REGISTERED S$ "arf A or. pol 2.19 4.25 Other - THERMOS Models = 1.98 up STRONGER TOO WHEN WET OR DRY BECAUSE ms MELOBONDED! Pink Box Men's Size 3-ply 3-ply 2 for 43c¢, 2 for 65¢, 33¢ Ja) BABY POWDER sasy GUARDS AGAINST DIAPER RASH POWDER Absorbs . . . neutralizes irritating \ moisture. 45¢ 75¢ 95¢ 2J&JBaby Oil ....... 75¢, 98¢ J & J Baby Lotion 75¢. 98¢ J & J Baby Cream 75¢, 98¢ mma a Shampoo away your dandruff problems with HELENE CURTIS PAPER NAPKINS I.D.A. BRANDS at regular prices--English style HEALTH SALTS 16-oz. . WAX PAPER 100 ft. roll ........ 31¢c SPOT REMOVER .......... 40c, 75¢ MACDONALD'S EXPORT Plain or ceva BYE .,. 19¢, 2 for 37¢ 20's 36¢ 25's 45¢ PERFECT For the Cottage . . . HOLIDAY BAND-AID TRADEMARK Plastic Strips Stick Better Than Any Other FOR THE WEEKEND Fly-Tox Insect Bombs ...... 98¢c, 1.49 Fly-Tox Liquid . 49¢, 65¢, 98¢ Green Cross Household Spray .....49¢c, 69c, 1.05 Green Cross Insect Bomb .. . 89¢, 1.39 - Filter Tip *°}' bétome a highly - trained com- | vomges Ray Cousinea reported |wered. | ps ve hi Another new dia idea is th hope to go on to a full-time pro- | that ee he ve bis bow 3 "His" and Bo gid . fessional dancing career pile of hay, he returned to find) "ip," are 'piped in blue, with Although the Canadian Junior the animal had eaten instead: a|extra thickness at the front. Ballet Company is a limited barbecued chicken, sandwiches, | "Hers" are piped in pink, with company, its board of directors i vies cake: doughnuts and extra thickness of the diaper. are non-salaried, as are mem- vs Sr -- Ta Te Ladies 'Auxiliary, | bread. The horse had also tried | { Through their efforts the stu-junsuccessfullytobiteopenacan @ BE BE EB SN A BD ES ® dents are able to receive instru-| of oil. I] z Tw NEE Pr » a Adhesive Bandage! 29¢ 53¢ 75¢ JET- action FIZZIES 1 package makes 8 instant sparkling drinks. Just drop a tablet in 6-8 oz. glass of ice water. Watch it fizz . . . no stirring . . . no sugar needed. Vitamin "C"" added. 6 refreshing flavors: PACKAGE OF Cherry, Cola, Grape, Lemon-Lime, Orange, 8 TABLETS Root Beer. 2 Qc Fun! Home or Garden! experience for those dancers who, Hollywood Sani White Shoe Polish 39¢ It White Shoe Cleaner 21¢, 30c tube 36¢ Kleenex Table Napkins . 33¢, 2 for 65¢ J & J First Aid Kits 83c, 98¢, 1.95, 4.25 J & J First Aid Cream ..... .. 63c,98¢ 6-12 Repellent - Liquid or Stick . . . 69¢ 6-12 Lotion Repellent .......... 89% Bronztan Cream .......... 75¢, 1.25 Bronztan Lotion .......... 85¢, 1.50 Coppertone Lotion 98¢, 1.75; Oil 1.50 Coppertone Cream . 1.50; Spray . 2.25 Noxzema Suntan Lotion 60¢, 1.00, 1.50 Noxzema Suntan Oil . ..... 55¢, 75¢ Noxzema Suntan Spray ....... 1.75 Sea & Ski .......... 89, 1.50, 2.49 Skol .................. 60c, 1.25 SpayTan ................... 195 Tantoo ............. 69¢c, 89¢, 1.19 Tat Ant Traps ........ 25¢, 3 for 69¢ "OFF" An Raid House and Garden Bug Killer veins vie 1409 Raid Insect Spray . ........ 69¢, 1.23 RA 5-1169 RA 3-4621 RA 8-6661 RA 5-3525 RA 3-4734 RA 5-871 RA 3-3431 A sport shoe, 80 gay, so light, 80 just right . . . for all day . .. every day . .. And best of all with cushion soft crepe sole. FOR THE LADIES! why Tan Lotion Fizz! New BACTINE FIRST AID FOR CUTS and SCRATCHES DOESN'T HURT THE HURT! Antiseptic -- Fungicide -- Germicide 79: 129 SUN GLASSES Aviation 29¢. 98¢ Glaremaster--Adult Clip-Over 69¢ Polaroid ........ WEE 1.98, 3.98 Sun-Rite . . .... 19¢, 8.98 JAMIESON'S KARN'S LANE LAW POWELL'S McCORDICK MITCHELL'S Flavor! SANDER "The Willioms Fumi quality shoemaker fo eines 1858 Tans like the sun to just the shade you want... LIGHT, MEDIUM or DEEP Natural! Youthful! Suntanned! That's what Vita. Lotion does for you . . . and Vita-Ray does it Re Te Jully because it's made just for your delicate skin. Just for you--with skin-softening moisturizers that guard and protect against aging doyuest, Vita-Ray is not a dye or stain, Vita-Ray is a pure, safe conditioning lotion that tans and pampers your skin, One application a hy eeps the tan you want, Protect your precious skin--with Vita-Ray--the safe tanning lotion developed with skin softening mois. turizers that guard a lady's "or gentle. man's" skin against dryness. Vita-Ray M { | C L L' Blue 7)) Stowe :» Bonnet + SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-3431 o MARBARINE ® ssesssee | Color Harvest Softie AAA to B Sizes to 10 11.95 Other Styles by SANDLER In Wedges and Low Stack Heels 13.95 to 15.95 DAVIDSON'$ MEMBER OF: Operated by B. A. SOUTHWELL | Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" 31 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 35-3312 Help him grow tall es his Dad with Bive Bonnet Margarine. Good fer growth, because it's off vegetable. Famous for is country-fresh, sunny-sweet flavor. Buy it in the handy Yellow Quik package. 241 KING STREET, EAST 28 KING STREET EAST AIRPORT PLAZA 1204 WECKER DRIVE 35% SIMCOE STREET, NORTH 218 WILSON ROAD, SOUTH 9 SIMCOE STREET, NORTH

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