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The Oshawa Times, 18 May 1960, p. 12

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LL A eae Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliott|over 40 years in the West Indies. Elmeroft Farms, Beaverton, The LOST VILLAGE . 72 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 18, 1960 : Resleon and Mr. and Mrs. How-{He said there is no racial dis-/Old Stone Church Beaverton and| HARWICH, England (CP) 0 (0) nnua {ard Malcolnd Yelverton won the crimination and the officials of a drive along the Lake Simcoc|Members of the sub-aqua club of" ; | anniversary dance. |the Islands give credit to the in-'shore at Beaverton. {this Suffolk seaport are going 40 . Many people enjoyed a plea-|fluence of the church for the, The tour concluded with aisearch the bed of the North vi | | * hd i 1 | 1C I est V( 11 sant evening in the parish hall|peaceful method of settling their|wiener roast and picnic suppei (for traces of the 1st village us Saturday when Miss Mabel Van|differences. near Beaverton. | West Orwell. It was swallowed ug: > wan Camp, Toronto, gave a very in-| The special guest on the tour the sea 500 years ago. BLACKSTOCK -- Pupils from chorus, grades 7-8 sang "Spin teresting talk on *'Wills". She was Mr. Alexander Braid, Scot- Cartwright Central Public Schoo: [Maiden Spin" and came 3rd with emphasized the necessity of| F HEA hi Mg attended and competed in the an-|83 per cent. School chorus, grades everyone making a will and gave| I. armers Scotland, now visiting. here. {nual Musical Festival sponsored|5-6 sang "O Dear, What Can the sound advice on what was neces-| a |hy the Kiwanis Club in Peterboro|Matier Be" and stood 4th with 82igary for them to be legal. | ie Oniario County Junior . , aioe y | - ¢ a" ot | Farmer's Association will hold a ee week. I Mr. Victor Malcolm with his| Enjoy Tour Spring Get-Together and Play The prizes won and percentage * Me : x f : ( 3 ¢ |obtained is as follows: Grades| David Hedge won 2nd prize fn [Projector showed the pictures Party in the Township Hall, 13-4, Rhythm Band playing "'Lucy|boy's solo and Nancy Dorrell won |taken by Mrs. Gilbert Marlow| wpe -- A group of On. | Brooklin, on Saturday, May 21, | " din pi : adi | o tat 830 p.m. Frank Barkey, |Lavender' , won 2nd. Grades 1-2{3rd in piano sight reading. jaa Mrs, John Carnaghan, when|,. County Junior Farmers and| Jeanne comida ond [School Chorus sang 2 Te ha Hop DANCE [they were on the Observer Tour|y ior institute members enjoyed|Stearman are the committee (pow Song" and won Ind with 81) . y lof the Barbadoes, Trinidad and a tour by car of the Uxbridge/members in charge of the pro- E - per cent. School Chorus, sonano.| The Town and Country Couples y | ars 1 Acuprry 110, alto and bass, sang *SpringClub had a successful dance Fri.{Bermuda, and each lady in turn and Beaverton areas last Sun-|gram. ® npn #40 {Around the Corner" and stood 3rd day night with approximately 150 commented on the pictures. day. : ; All interested rural young men Elan 0r5cO with 83 per cent. Girls two-part|in attendance. Representatives| Candh Chapulin thanked all| The tour included a visit to the and women are urged to keep leho-pe €ope "Bandon Belle" and|/were present from six other who had contributed to the pro-|Thomas Foster Memorial this date in mind and attend on |were 3rd with 82 per cent. School clubs. Elimination dance was won gram and spoke of having spent, Temple, Uxbridge, Dunrobin and|Saturday, May 21. # yu L&W " % " $, ) i x yn 2 i a pominion | THIS WEEK AND EVERY WEEK UNTIL JULY 6th ot a " » One of Ottawa's big attrac- | miles of the capital's park- | hind the Parliament Buildings | KR tions is the annual spring tulip | ways. A block in contrasting | by William J. Davis, is shown | Lu " VIKING SEVEN CS festival. Thousands of the flow- | colors, the setting for the can- | in this photo by Malak. | 4 ers are displayed along 45 | non fired each day at noon be- --CP Photo | Saskatchewan Votes On Medical Program By R. J. ANDERSON | A 12-member committee has|ness built up in past years and sons 11 Canadian Press Staff Writer [been set up by the government|to finance information centres in TITEL GE -- EERE EEE... SASKATOON (CP) -- Saskat-|to explore the health needs of the Saskatoon and Regina through WIN THIS chewan's CCF government heads province. Its terms of reference which information on state medi- '£ SUMMER COTTA into the June 8 election campaign are: to investigate the exfent of cine is channelled to the public| ; wo DOMINION determined, if re-elected, to in- public need in various fields of and to the membership. | £ "oA troduce in 1961 Canada's first health care; the scope and ex-| The college insists its opposi-| province-wide, government-spon- tent of benefits; implic ions of tion is non-political. No organized | sored, prepaid, compulsory medi- various financing methods and packing is given to those of the | eal-care plan. Against it are methods of remuneration, méth- membership who are running, as ranged most of the province's ods of program adminis 0 private individuals, in the elec- 923 doctors and so on. tion campaign and it says it has Socialist Premier T. C.| The College of Physicians and nc record of the number who are Tgwmmy) Douglas, who has said Surgeons, through Dr. Anderson, candidates ' i é A Clip and Redeem These Valuable he has wanted to institute such one of three college represent: College spokesmen point to the| [Fa i ; : nih a program "all my adult life," tives on the committee, terms the Swift L d Current region in south- Oh ? " | is Imagine how thrilling it would be to win one of these unusual Viking has staked the life of his govern- setting-up of the committee a po- western Saskatchewan as an ex- 3 : ; Sa, Summer Cottages, installed free, with $500 cash towards a lot (any ' ment on the proposal, saying litical manoeuvre by the govern- ample of the operation of state % where in Ontario except Distrifts of Thunder Bay, Kenora and Rainy . that a vote for the CCF will be ment to force through its own edicine. A I os ------_--_ i i municipal medical- River). By simply completing the Free Entry form below, you may be the considered a vote for state med- state plan. care program, covering some x H 0 . t lucky winner of the weekly grand prize--or any one of the other icine. Saskatchewan's doctors < Congratulations are extended to Mrs. A. MacGougan of Parkhurst hex y 1 e-- say that that will just be the be- AGAINST STATE ROLE : 20.000 sroons 3 a3 sported Street, London, by Store Manager Stan. Hazle, Dominion Stores, fabulous prices for er font Enter Wis Snsiling Somieseadtis week and ginning of the fight. i Spokesmen fo the college ar- oi by a personal tax, a prop-| 1500 Dundas Street, London. Mrs. MacGougan is the lucky winner eyery: wee 91 Food Costs too, of ' t i ph, EE Ta erty tax and a small charge for| of the Viking Seven C's Summer Cottage plus a cheque for $500.00 plan yet have bees Mage Fle. because it is a socialist pro- ! l | ; Cottage completely painted inside and out includes a wash basin (ready for LY Mr. Douglas has said only L "We' ainst: any. Coin, | is weekly until July 6th with a beautiful cottage plus many other connection); Fire-chief chimney; TP Fireplace; Miracle Flush Toilet including it must be compulsory, be pre- Posal. "We're against any Mr. M 21d said that & : Septic Tank; Arborite Kitchen counter with Stainless Steel Sink and Taps. paid, be administered by the Pulsory. state-controlled medical Mr. Macdonsld said that In| volucble prizes awarded each week! : = : : Tuality Plan, whether it be Liberal, Pro- 1¥04, house cals Ju 4 ad = government, be of high quality gressive Conservative or any-/002 from about 7.000 in 1947. In] THIS COUPON an be acceptable to both doctors Ye says Dr. len 1953, when a "deterrent fee" of| end patients. i JH. Macdonald. $1 a visi Noisy charged, calls| =i GOOD FOR Wid 3 Er ingerson o The doctors contend that cost 970PPed to 7,725. | 3 # 7 8 { the College of Physicians and will soar, medical services will SEE HIGHER COSTS g . ------ [ ; ~ 2 TINS 28-07. Surgeons and a former president deteriorate and the personal doc To CCF contentions that the] L-) 2d of the Canadian Medical Associa- tor-patient relatiogship will dis- doctors who now oppose state | &es, ol | = i DELMONTE tion: "How can it work if the appear under state medicine. Medicine asked the government | J 3 plan is not acceptable to the doc- They advocate extension of in 1948 to institute such a plan, | eS In Fie : : tors? Mr. Douglas has said that health and accident benefits Dr. Anderson says the medical | = / * JR soup our co-operation is essential." [through existing private insur- men asked for a government-as- A > No details of the government's ; ! DESIGNED AND BUILT BY VIKING VACATION HOMES, PORT CREDIT home and office calls. It has in-| towards a land site on which to build her new summer home. Contest curred repeated deficits. ® ance plans. To the premier's sisted plan, to be administered FIRST HOSPITAL PLAN claims that many citizens cannot Py an impartial, non - political i °F The socialist government, first ;¢iorq adequate medical care un- body and were told then that in- 1 1 : > elected in 1944, introduced in 1947 gor the uae system, a say Sufficient funds were available to | ~ North America's first compul- {nis group is relatively small Put Such a plan into operation. | - = meee = . ; . . OFFER GOOD MAY 19 to MAY 25, 1960 sory hospital-insurance program. arg no doctor has ever refused. The doctors also contend that | (SE LIMIT ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER The premier predicts that ify, {reat any patient without costs of medical care will soar | ; in bi = : ; < a " : SHAS) 08) SANS OAS NNSA Ae Saskatchewan votes in his medi- fq under the proposed government | { . | / AYALA AY RVAUAY AYN AY AYA nS cal plan by returning his admin- All the province's medical doc- Plan. No cost estimates have] ONLY AT DOMINION istration to power June 8, most tors are enrolled in the College been made public but Premier THIS COUPON TOWARDS THE 3 GOOD FOR PURCHASE OF AYA > 8/18 JA JAAN VIX AS other provinces will follow suit imme - t< Douglas has indicated the medi- within 10 years. OF Physicians 30) Surgeons to mi ih if pond will 6 BTLS. 30-OZ. CANADA DRY Opposing political parties are ig |isted as 606 graduates of Ca. Cost about the same as the pres- against the government's pro- nadian universities, 219 from the ent hospital-insurance program-- A L & : ge de oo oe ee cn cn en ee nn ee on posal. The Liberal party urges ypited Kingdom and 98 from $33 for married couples and 2 OFFER GOOD MAY 19 to MAY 2, 1960 IE LT ATTTEHTETRCIIRN © tw one coupon 10 A customer extension of existing private-en-|giher countries. mostly continen- $17.50 for single persons. He also 12 HP SCOTT RCA VICTOR PORTABLE [DRAGOONS 0) 8) TAA | OUTBOARD MOTOR RECORD PLAYER Sees VAVA AYA AYA AY AY \ AA \@/i JA JAYANT) terprise plans for medical care. ts Europe. The college claims has indicated that a sales tax Me? I hate painting! That's why I use P y NZ ara Te McCracken Wo, Ooloran, {ONLY AT DOMINION The Social Credit party plumps that almost all of its members may help finance the program. N \ a S ERWIN WiLLI Nias By 99) Jodo] \ 317 Goulburn Cres., 551 Kingston Road, 2 8 - (J Fy Ottawa, Ontario. Toronto, Ontario. oi @ H AMS : 2) FOLDING PICNIC TABLE-- COLEMAN COOLER 9x16x12%4" FI THIS COUPON TOWARDS THE NTA ANTI DN for extension of existing hospitalionnose state medicine College spokesmen say most of insurance, partly run by the ; STOOLS AND FITTED BASKEY Mrs. Robert Andreychuk, « i 2 Mrs. G. Swift, 180 Rosseau Rd. South, =! 600D FOR PURCHASE OF Sure you can buy cheap house paint, but 1111 Glencairn Avene, Hamilton, Ontario. <y i who wants to paint every year? Indeed Toronto, Ontario. 2-BOTTLE THERMOS PICNIC b2 2 : DELUXE BARBECUE SET SET in CASE 4 BATH SIZE BARS I who can afford to? So-called inexpensive ~«IENNEENEEEEENEEER house paints actually cost you more in FREE ENTRY FORM the long run because you have to paint every yéar. And don't forget your hours 4 Summer of family fun" CONTEST NO. 6 IOYOSOY province. The Progressive Con: INFORMATION CENTRES the 219 British doclors in Sask Mrs. C. H. Elliot, Mrs. J. E. Rogers, =< servatives press for a royal com-| A special assessment of $100 a atchewan left the United King- 36 Pine Street, 3491 Barker Street, 1%) Chapleau, Ontario. Niagara Falls, Ontario. Ci DELUXE FITTED PICNIC BASKET 18" HILO BARBECUE OUTFIT 4 ANB mission investigation of the prov- member has been levied against'dom because of state medicine Mrs. J. M. Knowles, Mrs. J. M. Roblin, ince's health needs before any- the membership, the fund to be and would leave this province if | x £2 ---- and hours of extra labour! That's why RR. No. 2., 102 C Byron Street S., 4 reo Woodbridge, Ontario. Whitby, Ontario. i T A it pays to use Sherwin-Williams quality "7 Wing house paint, For Sherwin-Williams is noted A for ease of application and long-wearing qualities--lasts 5 years or more. Saves -- =a thing is done. used to retire $25,000 in indebted- it went into effect here. WICKER PICNIC BASKET Mrs. Hector Desjardins, Mrs. A. B. Allen, B {6¢ OFF PACK ON 2 BARS) 44 Bowman Avenue, 166 Prospect Ave. S., 3 Kapuskasing, Ontario. Newmarket, Ontario. M4 OFFER GOOD MAY 19 to MAY 25. 1960 THERMOS PICNIC JUG * } Mr. John Mallett, Mrs. B. DesRoches, =~ LIMIT ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER 2 Rankin Avenue, 244 McNeilly Road, JAG) AAG AGAAT AGAIN AES Amherstburg, Ontario, Winona, Ontario. ERAN Sd IRN 0a SE JE 2 MOTOR RUG © ONLY AT DOMINION Mrs. G. Pierce, Mrs, L. McCarthy, wide selection of colours as well as gleaming white. EVERYTHING IS G U A R i Box 32, Bells Corners, p : s - ---- em -------- mg PE a Sule Comars, THIS COUPON TOWARDS THE |S S$-W A-100 Latex House Paint you time and money! [ Fill in the missing letters by w) " a * matching these products S-W Town and Country House Paint alching these products with Beautifies and protects wood siding, trim and the products above metal surfaces for years and years. Comes in a AT DOMINION m uU ® AIR MATTRESS > New! Offers never-before ' ® Name . wears ----. PRONE.......covivases Mrs. LB. Grainger, Mrs. Olive Rycroft, GOOD FOR PURCHASE OF uty, ease of application and a durability. Dries lightning fast. [7 B Address Permanent colours stay sparkling bright. White mn LS ean oe Scarboro, Ontario. Shedden, Ontario. stayt Eling night, Wh | ¢ This Contest Ends 6:00 P.M. Wednesday, May 25, 1960 |] READ THESE SIMPLE RULES - ENTER OFTEN! 4 TINS 20-0zZ. en anup ; EE EE DEPOSIT AT YOUR DOMINION STORE B EEE @® Nothing to buy ® Complete the entry form above or a reasonable facsimile thereof @ Deposit in the entry box See your local SHERWIN-WILLIAMS teal provided at every Dominion Store in Ontario ® A new contest commences every Thursday up to and including DOMINION STORES LIMITED June 30 @ Employees or agents of Dominion Stores J Fancy Cream-Style . Limited d their famili t eligible ter @ All DRAPAK HARDWARE, 124 Wilson Rd. § ., Oshawa, RA 5-5253 will slid be tories aril G Winners will [ C oO R RE McCULLOUGH LUMBER Co. Limited, 1270 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 3-3011 | J be required to answer a current events question to «4 : HARRY D. WILSON, 23 King Street W., Oshawa, RA 3-3622 | qualily for price Newey and gddresiay stl winners Li: OFFER GOOD MAY 19 to MAY 25, 1960 8 : . wi e publishes in this newspaper an osted in every [ SCHITEY HARONIARE. vwiby Jaze, Breck Street S., Whitby, MO hp a6 Dominio Shore in On iL 0 aaron y LIMIT ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER e - RANCH, ond Street East, Oshawa, RA 5- l / without substitutions, : ZA TANTO TAN TON NTA 65 Cornwallis Drive, RR. No. 3, a

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