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The Oshawa Times, 18 May 1960, p. 17

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MEMBERS OF the winning team CPI the Industrial Bowling League are shown with in RUNNERS-UP in the Industrial; Cornish Constolation Trophy Legion | are: (L-R) Fred Lloyd, Syd Hobbs, Stan Hodgson, Ted | the Carling Trophy. L-R: | Gardain, Art Bryant, Glen | : | Barta (representing Motor City ? Bill Barta, Bill Soloman, Don | Bowling) and Nick Worolec | Bowling League was Henning, Ray Mann, Robert | (capt.). | "B'. Grouped around the Hill THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 18, 1960 17 Oshawa Wilkies Lose First Schedule Tilt Behind a 14-blow hitting bar- rage and stout pitching, Toronl( | People's Credit Jewellers Junior: {laced Oshawa Wilkinson Juve- iniles 10-3 last night at Leaside's Talbot Park in a scheduled Lea- side Junior baseball contest. Righthander Dave Wright sup- plied the pitching, hurling a nifty four-hitter while striking out 11 Oshawa batters to record his initial victory. Keith Warling wielded a potent bat, blasting two home~runs for six key runs batted in, while "scoring three times himself. First baseman Gosling contributed another four |bagger and a double to be an- {other big hitter for the winners. Shortstop "Butch" Dowe had a perfect night for the Wilkies, hav- ing a pair of walks and couple of singles in four trips to the plate. People's, who are comprised Banned Trainer Tozer, Butch Hobbs and Jim | Anderson. | --Photos by Ireland Studio | BIGGEST YET CYO Hockey League Has Annual Banquet Some five hundred men and boys attended the largest annual | banquet ever held by the Oshawa] CYO Hockey League. The large crowd filled St. Gregory's Audi- torium on Sunday evening to honor the champions and enjoy the meal provided by Mrs. Ruth Dionne and her hard-working helpers. | Head table guests - included| many of the Oshawa and district | clesgy along with the CYO execu- tive, representatives of many in- terested organizations, and cial guests, Tom and Ted O'Con-| nor of the Whitby Dunlops "M. C." Bob Branch kept the| program moving along in fine] style. Immediately after dinner, Brother Fabian voiced the appre- ciation of all present for the fine| meal the ladies had prepared. Bob Branch then introduced the| head table guests, before calling] on Brother Zavier for the annual] financial report. The report show-| more money than ever before in| its hockey program. The gener-| osity of the "Dads" present as- sured a bank balance for the start (awards for the of next season President Bob Dionne introduc- ed the men who really make the |The following is a list of the pre-| peaverend sentations made. Jim Piersall, [SOFTBALL OPENS Bob Friend In Comeback Pace | NEW YORK (AP)--Bob Friend| |of the Pittsburgh Pirates and] | Jimmy Piersall of the Cleveland The Inter | Indians will be players to watch |when the baseball comeback of (Skumave presented CYO crests|the year laurels are handed out i |to these teams: Black Hawks, |next fall " i 4 agers of its eighteen teams, ALD Atos champions; the) Friend and. Plersall head: an Piumbing 3-1 in what proved a tremendous hand was given to SH tae) EL ' 80 surprisingly sparkling hall game : |Rangers, Junior Atom finalists; |impressive comeback list which yc" "oto in the season. In the the wonderful gentlemen who car-|§¢t, Mary's, Senior Atom cham-|includes Red Schoendienst of Mil- oh 50 earn y De Inst tight ried on this work during the past|pions; St. Gregory's Tigers, Sen-| waukee, Richie Ashburn and yer oEaine nanded a 171 lacing season. Reverend Father Dwyerlior Atom finalists and St. Greg-|Frank Thomas the Chicago to F lev's Plumbers % also praised the work of the CYO ory's Pee Wee League cham-|Cubs, Dick Farrlel of Philadel-|"' oeys iy > and the leadership given by Bob|pions. phia, Ed Bailey of Cincinnati, A DOUBLES DO IT m : Dionne and Bob Branch and the = Smith and Billy Pierce of the, Three solid two-baggers, y executive, poLither Domigle re Seniel Me Chicago White Sox and Arnie Varga, Melnick and McCabe, in Al Yanch introduced the McEachern, captain of the cham Portocarrero of Baltimore. the 6th inning, gave Tony's two special guests, Tom and pion Black Hawks Friend, who led the National/runs and the vicioly over O'Connor, who played for their p or Fahis diy _ |League in victories with 22 in Thompson's, who had scored own parish of St Gregory's in wrote] renian presented Mise 1958, slumped to an 8-19 mark their lone run in the third inning, the days before the CYO league pi nace x . ie ar for the) ct season, This year he's re-|on an opening double by Stinson was established. In a short talk higher scorer in the Junior, jad brilliantly, posting a 41|followed by an infield out and an 'key players pres-| (1 record and an earned run aver-|infield error on Cole's grounder. to Jae YOURS hockey Miaers ih Carl Knowles presented the| aoe of 1.58 2 Sambo" Smith, a for| i a boc min og a new Norman Beal Trophy for. the Piersall, a veteran outfielder, Tony's, and Lutz, on the mound future hockey star. Ted also Jusior Ao most valuable player is having his best year since 1956|for Thompson's, each turned in a pointed out to the lads the need 0 val igdon, when he played in all of Bos- great performance, especially for a Mike McArthur. presented the ton's 155 games and batted .253. so early in the season. Lutz al- County Softball | League opened its 1960 season's schedule last night on two fronts with Tony's, last year's cham- CYO work, the coaches and man- pions, nosing out Thompson of two Ted | Trophy for the Senior Atom many most valuable player to Gary season. | pion o Reverend Fathers McGough and | 92. SHOOTS 210 1800 Bowlin A dinner, courtesy of Local 222,| was tendered the club, which is composed of re-| tired members. of General| Motors. After the dinner,. the| group, numbering 23, met at the alleys to bowl. Allen Shantz, a youngster of 92 years and a bowler for two years, | led the players with scores of 190, 210 and 208. Also, Mr. Shantz thanked Rus- sell McNeil of Local 222 on be- half of the "boys" for providing a most enjoyable meal Charles Mackie expressed the| appreciation of the club to Ernest Rundle for the very efficient manner 'in which he organized it during the season. It was unani- mously agreed that he be asked to continue the leadership for the next season. "Ernie" stated that he would | LAWN- CRUISER t Awother product of | OUTBOARD MARINE | Corporation of Conade Lod. Fotavarmagh, Cones HILLTOP MOTORS Just West of City 1800 bowling |reins" for another year and an- Consumers tas | g Could ~ Give Youngsters Tips "take over the|prepared for the banquet Dwyer then brought the evening|1671, to a close with the grace after| Eddy Henderson, 164, Washing- | faced and blows by Corrigan and to take the advice of their coaches ' ; uy and others since they would find Joe Flv Top gy Bo) Dionne The next three seasons Piersall {lowed only one hit, a two-bagger out later on that these menistom champions. | batted .261, .237 and .246. His 1960{by Joe Melnick in the second usually knew what they were talk- "Satin wd |output to date shows a .328 bat. (inning, for the first five frames. ing about Gerry Cole presented the Bar-| ino "average after 58 times at bat.| The three doubles in the sixth, After thanking Ted O'Connor for on's Trophy for the Senior Atom two of them after two out, put his very rite remarks {highest scorer to John Salowski. | Tony's in front 2-1 and they add- ey aIpropriste J @ | Bob Dionne presented the A. A. GHTS LAST [et their other run in the 7th MC" Bob Branch moved on to kelly rian ; Smith ned with the presentation of the {frame, when Smith opened with a 1959-60 NIGHT |single, Bill Berwick sacrificed land Mackness singled and Smith Father Quesnelle |scored as Mackness was forced presented individual trophies to| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS |out on a choice play. St. Gregory's Pee Wees, 1960 | Los Angeles -- Alajanxro La-| TONY'S -- Berwick, cf; Mack- Archdi Champi | 306%. Argentina, ness, 3b; Varga, ss; Armstrong, Reverend Father Dwyer pre- [knocked out Jake Williams, 194, 2b; Snow, rf; Melnick, e¢; Me- sented individual trophies to St.|Los Angeles, 6. Cabe, 1b; Hill, If; Smith, p. Gregory's Bantams; 1960 Archdio-| g¢ paul Minn.--Del Flanagan THOMPSON'S -- Cole, ss; Old- cesan Champions, 161 ig St Paul outpointed Wilfie field, 2b; Weldon, ¢; Ulrich, cf; As the Archdiocesan trophies | Greaves 160% Edmonton, 10. ampbell, 3b; Garrard, 1b; Stin- were not available for presenta-| Sacramento, Calif--Joey Lopes, | 500 rf; Dodsworth, If; Lutz, p. tion that 'evening "MC" Bob|135%, Sacramento, outp ointed| EASY FOR HOY"S .|Branch made a final presentation|Hilario Morales, 139, Mexico, 10.| Foley's Plumbing were just not of flowers to Mrs. Ruth Dionne Bogalusa, La.--Freddie Little, |in the picture, in their opening and her committee in appreciation|157, Bogalusa, stopped Mel Col- game against Hoy Pavers, as evi- for the wonderful meal they had |lins, 155, New York, 6 denced by the 17-1 score. Father, Halifax, N.S.--Ted Doncaster, Kornylo, pitching for Hoy's, Sackville, N.B., stopped walked Brady, the first batter he be pleased to nounced that, if satisfactory to| | meals, the group, the play in the future Shearer scored Brady -- but that Inter-County League Starts Off Schedule proved the orphan tally game for the Plumbers in one in the second, for a 2-1 lead Three runs in the fourth made it 5-1 and they added to their total one-sided win gan, 3b; Lowery, 1b; Walker, rf; Beare, p 9 2b Woods, would be on the team basis with] prizes for high scores Orville Howie was elected | treasurer. Robert Wilson asked | the ladies who served to come | forward and they were thanked | on behalf of the club. The| women were given a small mone- | tary gift by Orville Howie "North Simcoe Motors" 1180 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa MOST HOT WATER at LOWEST COST with a Dealer for . . . "PEUGEOT" NATURAL GAS RENTAL WATER HEATER A GREAT CAR -- FAST, COMFORTABLE AND VERY ECONOMICAL DROP IN SOON FOR A DEMONSTRATION Also see our fine selection of . . , GUARANTEED '59 Chev Impala, loaded with extras. '59 Karman Ghia, low mileage. '58 Meteor custom 300, V8 radio. '59 Buick 4-door, hardtop, a beauty. '58 Pontiac 2-door, excellent con- dition. '56 Pontiac 4-door, radio. ONLY $1 Wy 4. MoNTHLY | Fully Guaranteed | FREE SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION (On some cases, there may be a charge for extra piping.) Water heats 3 times faster Costs less, Too! Your Gas company does not employ door-to- | door salesmen nor telephone. canvassers. For | Information about dealers licensed the | Ontario Fuel Board to sell and Jostall LA writs the Sales | © equipment call or partment of "37 OPENING DAY SPECIALS 10% DOWN OPENING DAY SPECIALS 10% DOWN '57 Volkswagen deluxe, like new. '55 Chev 4-door deluxe, one owner. '54 Chev Deluxe 4-doors, a dandy. '53 Meteor, automatic radio. '55 Chev Bel-air, Real Sharp! '56 Volkswagen, radio. '54 Chev deluxe 4-doors, sharp! RA 3-3468 Limits on Hwy. 2 PH. RA 8-689] § HOSPITAL DRIVE! 2 L OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. PHONE RA 8-3011 SUPPORT THE Allows Horses 'To Enter Derby mostly of last year's juniors, sroke into the scoring column in the second frame, after two were out, With Wikkies' hurler Myron Mech having a runner on second »ase, Dave Wright hit what seem- ed to be a routine infield ground- er to Wilkies' first baseman Bobby Reid. Reid fielded the ball, however Wright was safe at first on a close call, with Mech cover- ing the base. The runner, playing heads-up baseball, realizing there were two out, kept on running, to plate the winners' first tally. In the third inning, Reg Whaley opened with a walk, moved to second on Barry Jakeman's single to centre and both were chased home on Warling's blast over the left-field fence. Mech then gave up another home-run to the next batter, Gossling, and that ended his stay on the mound. Dave Waite, a lefty, then took over and retired the side without further damage being done. Peo- ple's weren't to be dneied as they added another four scores mak- ing the score board 9-0. Three walks plus Ron McKillop's double, Warling's second home run and Gossling with a double, spelled the damage. Dublin (AP) Vincent {Monday handed over the care of |7¢ thoroughbreds to his younger brother, Alphonsus O'Brien. This of the means the race horses now can compete anywhere in the world. The Irish Turf Club banned O'Brien, trainer for about a dozen American owners, after charging that one of his winners had been doped. The suspension immediately disqualified any O"Brien-trained herses. from competing in Eu- rope. O'Brien has strongly de- nied that he ever doped a horse Die Hard, owned by John McShain of Philadelphia, now will be able to start in the Eng- sh Derby June 1. Die Hard is nd favorite for the Epsom classic Hoy's got a homer from Wrubel their first inning and added n every inning after that, for the FOLEY'S Shearer, ¢; Kelsh, Mason, ss; Brady, cf; Corri- 2b; Bovin, p; If; Sherlock, Jackson, rf; Wrubel, Tures- ef; HOY'S Stovin Milne, cf; Kuney, 3b Brown, 1b; Cairnes, If; Kornylo, p Cc; 88; Oshawa Wilkies scored in the O'Brien, noted Irish trainer who|sixth and seventh innings. In the| was suspended for 18 months, |sixth, Dowe opened with a single, | stole second base and scored om Reid's double. Wilkies added an- other two runs in the final in- ning on a walk, an error and Butch Dowe's clutch single. The Oshawa team seemed a little nervous in their first offi- cial LBA start. They were guilty of leaving nine men stranded on the bases. Wilkies' next action is this Saturday, in the local open- er, playing Richardson's Sports. WILKINSON'S H RBI Reeson, cof Dowe, ss Reid, 1b Mech, p, Bell, rf | Whitely, 3b | Etchells, ¢ Terwilliger, b-Kirk 2b Wilkinson, I a-Waite, p AB ¥ 0 Totals PEOPLE'S Graham, 2b Whaley, i Jakeman, ¢ McKillop, ss Warling, Gossling, 1b Wright, p McLean, of McKnight, rf 8! weunanauanl Bl compu wuane |woonwnnwo®l ul cooso~ocoommon Slunnovweenll al coconocoonne eloounancsocflul ssconscsmns 2 Totals 10 a-Replaced Wilkinson in 3rd b-Replaced Terwilliger in 6th RHE 014 400 110 14 © 000001 2-3 4 2 Peoples Willkies THIEVES REMOVE No. 6 GOLF GREEN | MINNEAPOLIS (AP)-- Golfers at Theodore Wirth municipal course got a shock Tuesday--No. 6 green was missing. { During the night thieves | using a professional sod- | cutter peeled off 44 square of expensive creeping grass and carted it { feet | bent away. They took the cup too. ARY: Errors--Dowe, Whitely, Etchells, Reid, McKillop, Gos- Gos by SUMM 2b hi i sling; Home runs--Warling (2), sling; left on base--Oshawa 9; Toronto 13 IPR HER S0 BB 2/25 7 4 3 1 Waite 4255 7 4 4 8 Wright (WB) 7 3 4 2-11.90 Hit by pitcher--Wilkinson by (Wright); Umpires--Easton (Plate), Murphy (Base); Scorer--Walter Dowe. Mech .(LP) WRESTLING FINALS MONTREAL (CP) -- Fifty-six amateur wrestlers from across Canada are to participate Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday in the Olympic trials, Free-style wrest. {ling will be staged today and Fri- day with the Greco-Roman cham- pions Saturday. Notice to '55-'60 car owners Goodyear Introduces A New 3-T Nylon Tubeless Tire At A New Low Price--Only $16.45 7.50/14 or 6.70/15 with recappable trade-in. Until now you couldn't buy a nylon tubeless tire by a leading manufacturer for under twenty-four dollars. Sure you could buy a tube-type for less--but you'd have to pay extra for the tube and you wouldn't have all the advan- tages of a quality nylon tubeless. Here's what you get with this new money-saving tire: ® Modern Goodyear tubeless design for greater resistance to punctures. * Exclusive Goodyear 3-T Nylon cord body for extra strength at high speeds for high horsepower cars. ® Latest rubber compounds for extra safety and mileage even at super- highway speeds of 50 mph or more. * Non-skid Goodyear tread design for fast pick-ups and sure braking--even on wet, greasy surfaces. * Complete confidence all summer long --even when driving at high speeds during the holidavs. Size 7.50/14 and 6.70/15. Fits most '55 to '60 cars: Dodges, Chevrolets, Pontiacs, Ply- mouths, Fords, Meteors, Ram- blers, Edsels, Studebakers. PROVED! Goodyear tires offer best value in every price range from $10.88 up. SAVE UP TO $7.50 OVER THE PREVIOUS B THIS SIZE AN EST PRICE FOR D TYPE OF TIRE TOP VALUE AT THIS NEW LOW PRICE 3-T NYLON TUBELESS ALL-WEATHER There is a difference in tires ASK YOUR GOODYEAR DEALER ABOUT CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS

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