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The Oshawa Times, 18 May 1960, p. 22

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EA A A A A a 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 18, 1960 Today's Stock Market Listings TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadisn Press Toronto Stock Exchange--May (Quotations in cents wu ; ---0dd lot, xd Ex-dividend, rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS Sales High Low 11 a.m. 2100 $40 1065 $21 20 $34% 1196 $32% 20 343% 2 29 51% $624 $44% Stock Abitibi Alta Gas Algoma Alumini 2 n El 2 4% » 2 51% Alum 2 pr Argus Bank Mont Bank N§ Bell Phone 60 230 Burlington Cal Pow Cal Pow 5 pr C Fndry 210 € Pack B 50 C Safe 4 pr 50 $8! C Bank Com 95 Cdr Brew 925 $36 Cdn Can A 2100 C Cel 175 pr 110 C Collieries 200 C Curt W 500 ) 23 Col Cell nless marked §, , xr--Ex Bock Seles Nigh Lew Dom Tar 125 Fanny ¥ 0 Fndtn 5 Gatineau G Dev G Dynam » LL] 0% 400 Net . Ch'ge WE Wh + WH 3% --~ % mM ou 1s un Stock Bales Wi, Southam 7» Stafford 100 Steel Can 25 Switson 100 Tamblyn 100 Texaco Can 50 Tr Can PL 1340 Trans-Mt 200 Un Gas 100 Un Gas A pr 100 Walk GW 670 Westeel 300 Weston A 100 West A wt 130 Waite 1 pr 2 Wood J A Net 1 am. Ch'ge i" $11% 11% $36 33% sl 495 Kclvinator Labatt Lakeland Laura Sec LobCo A 25 250 324% 1450 =10 50 Lob G B pr 300 $20 MB and PR 10068 Mass ¥ 7s Mass F 8% p 25 Moore 750 N St Car 225 N Star 57 wt 1774 Oshawa A 140 Page-Hers 300 Pow Co $43% $14% 360 43% 43% 14% 14% 355 360 6% 2% 2% 45 11 5 + FFE ¢ Superior Cent 1 xd C Mic Mac 1110 2 5 ++ + ++) FF 6% 2300 1025 5 Dynamic Gr Plains Home OIl B 45 + 1] $13 $26% Cree wis 58 1000 360 i gh Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge $8 65 » "5s us 4s $76 » SU 48% $19 Stock Advocate 7% 1 + % 8% 18% % 13 50 8% 50 $35% $16 $33% 16 33% 12% 0 Brunswick Camp Chib C N Inca Can-Erin Chester Chib Jae Chrom C Bellekeno Deer Horn Denison Dome Faraday Frobisher Geco Mines Geo Scien Gient YK Glenn . Uran Grandue onT Sales High Low 12050 oronto Exchange Net Iso 11 a.m. Ch'ge 300 325 325 325 +5 500 68 +1 Kerr + % Kilem - + % -2 - +1 Stock Sales Jacobus Jaye Expl 1500 Add Net High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 400 53 852 52 2 800 110 107 107 ~3 17 15 17 970 $12% 12 12 C wis 2300 40 1000 35 2000 Kirk Min Labrador Cl Ma Merrill M:. Wright Miygray M New Ath New Hosco N Mylama Nickel MS Noranda Norgold Norlartie Normetal Norpax N Coldstrm Opemi. ska Orchan Patino Pee Expl 2000 500 510 955 125 700 Pronto QMet. Slocan Sianlel, Rexspar Sherritt xd Pitch-Ore Preston 234 238 41 al 49% 49% --1% 32 32 -~1 -5 VR gh +2 Stanigh wis Steep R Sulliva +5 n +5 BUSINESS SPOTLIG HT HALIFAX (CP) Canada's navy--50 years old this month-- has grown to the point where it pours $1,000,000 a week in wages into the economy of Halifax and district, Employing more than 16,000 sailors and civilians at its instal- lations in Halifax and nearby Dartmouth, the navy ranks as the area's largest industry in terms of numbers employed and wages paid. The service also is the sustain- ing force of numerous small in- dustries and countless merchants, landlords and tradesmen, Since the city was founded 211 years ago--because of its stra- tegic position in British naval tactics -- its economy has been closely and vitally linked with sea trade and wartime activities, Forty-four of the navy's 62 ships are stationed here and their upkeep provides much of the em- | and the marine slips in Dart mouth, Three of the sleek Resti- gouche class destroyers -- each valued at $20,000,000--were built in local shipyards. BUSINESSES AIDED Large firms which receive a considerable part of their busi- ness from the navy are Fa'rey Aviation Co. of Canada Ltd., Cos- sor Electronics (Canada) Ltd. and Imperial Oil Ltd. Halifax Thriving Through Navy Aid products are used whenever pos- sible in maintaining the fleet and shore installations, In a recent message to the navy in connection with its golden jubilee F. H. Kernaghan, presi dent of the Halifax board of t:ade, said the navy "in the last 20 years raised $100,000 for local charities, Navy personnel are good citizens, They take active leadership in home and school On the domestic side, the fed- eral government constructed 510 apariments 10 years ago at nearby Shannon Park for mar- ried navy personnel and another 300 five years ago at Shear- water, At Cornwallis naval base, near Digby, the navy has established its largest training school which annually consumes, among other Maritime consumer products, 20,» 000 tons of Nova Scotla coal, Navy officials said Maritime associations, cubs and scouts and {church and civic affairs." 315 318 400 400 11% 11% 5% 5A 68 68% 268 260 11 11 17% 17% 9 9 2% 26% 10% 10% 235 235 ployment at the Halifax shipyards Industrials Failed In Seasonal Benefits Rising Bid Only Dec. 1-May 15 TORONTO 9 -- Industrials TTAWA (CP)--Seasonal bene- (attempted a rally in the stock ar 1 S app e fits are paid to unemployed market Tuesday bu ialled to -- " workers who other wise can't|™ose trading on the plus side, WINNIPEG cP) i Finatice in the decisions lify for regular unemployment| Index changes: Industrials off| Bailey Selburn and Pacific Minister Fleming said Tuesday but only be-|.62 at 493.94; golds up .17 at|Petroleum were off 30 cents at night, in effect, that the six- (79.09; base metals up .47 at $5.70 and $9.50, Hudson's Bay was nation European Common Market Taurean Teck-H Tort Trihag U Asbestos Ventures / Am Greyhk Gunnar 525 Gunnar wis 5500 H of Lakes 2500 Headway 500 Hollinger 275 SU Hud Bay 299 Inspiration 1000 I Nick new 1230 Irish Cop 1200 Iron Bay 700 Long Point Pac Pete Pamoll Ponder Frovo Gas Ranger Secur Free Un Oils Wayne Wespac Ww Cdn 0G 2000 100 2000 6000 1900 100 Conduits Con Gas Corby vt Cosmos Crain RL Creative Crush Pr Dist Seag 365 z16 30 161 161 26% 26% + 2 26 380 80 Roe AV C z10 Royal Bank 25 Royal rts 2100 Russel] 200 StL Corp 1045 Salada-8 415 Shawin 88 Silverwd A 100 SKD Mig 200 7% at 28%. Imperial Life was off 1% at 73% and Canada Malting lost a point at 49. Abitibi gained 3 at 39% and Great Lakes was ahead % at 40%, Anglo-Canadian dropped % at 37%. Hollinger and Falconbridge were up 1% at 24% and 32%. Noranda moved ahead % at 40 and International Nickel im- proved % at 53%. Giant Yellow- knife lost 57 cents at $9.55. Denison lost 15 cents at $9.60 and Algom went up % at 11. -1 +15 + & 370 L A 100 Tel 1000 2% 0] 0% 9% 9% 104% 104% 20% 29% 20% 20% 45% 5% 5 5 Wate Willroy Young HG 5 6 Zenmae 0% 20% 20% Sales to 11 a.m.: 317,000, + F +H 100 3 500 1000 1500 1200 0 4 53% 5 103 270 6 +4 2 +5 +" Dom Stores 10 25 -- a Senate Will Hear Divorce OTTAWA (CP)--An effort tojdivorce committee, of which he widen the grounds for parlia-|iv chairman, regarding the case mentary divorce 'hat may have|of the Quebecer seeking divorce repercussion in the Commonsjon grounds of desertion. He sad Plant Closes 1960 CHATHAM (CP) -- The Can ada and Dominion Sugar Com- pany's Wallaceburg plant will not be operated in 1960, necessitating a lay-off of about 50 employees, W. H. Punchard, vice-president, sald Tuesday. Holiday on VICTORIA DAY week-end May 23rd © travel In comfort ® go by train © no highway traffic jams important factor would be the extent to which the qua common market deprives Cana. insurance benefits-- dian czporters '"'of advantages tween Dec. 1 and May 15. which they previously enjoyed, or| The benefits are paid for a pe- for which Canada has paid in|riod of 13 weeks to those who four rounds of general tariff ne./have made payroll contributions gotiations in GATT." for 15 weeks while employed pre- "Our aim will be to ensure|viously. that the existing balance of trade| The Canadian Press errone- access to markets among mem. ously reported last Saturday that bers of GATT is at least pre. seasonal benefits are paid for 16 served and preferably improved," | weeks. Mr. Fleming sald that estab. lishment of the common market, | Unless there were "significant with its averaging of member na- reductions" in the higher tariffs tion tariffs to create a common yf France and Italy, the averag- external tariff, will create some|ing of common market external tariff disadvantages for Cana- tariffs would prejudice Canadian dian exporters compared with|szles by increasing the tariffs of competitors in the six countries, Germany and the Benelux coun- About 75 per cent of the $500,-|tries, 000,000 annual Canadian exports Mr, Fleming sald over 80 per {to common market countries cent of Canadian exports to the went to West Germany, Belgium, area are accounted for by 20 The Netherlands and Luxem- products including wheat and bourg. Canadian goods entered other grains, aluminum and other| those countries duty free or at metals, wood pulp and various relatively low rates, |chemicals. LESALE 10 Package of TIGER SPARKLERS Retail 10c. At Oshawa Discount House a dat 7 w v ay TO NATIONAL At Your Drug Counter VIIA: 5 Worm LPrwders BLIG CAMPING SUPPLIES 9 x 9 Tourist Tents Specially Priced 19.95 from Coleman Stoves Specially Priced from en 1.95 Sleeping Bags Specially Priced 5 50 from Air Mattresses 3.50 Specially Priced from ...... Plus many other Camping items selling at Wholesale Prices 2.50 FAMILY DISPLAY by Dominion Hands At Oshawa Discount House WYNCREST TOASTERS 10.90 Automatic. At Oshawa Discount House G.E. 100 WATT LIGHT BULBS At Oshawa Discount House Two for 50° Four for 95° NATURAL GAS iS YOUR BEST BUY fo HOUSE HEATING cesses BLACK AND WHITE ROLL FILM 127, 120, 620, guaranteed fresh. Just look at the price , . . it's no mistake . . . only MOVIE FILM Specially priced at Osh- awa Discount House. discounted to 3.00 3.60 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 ALBERT ST. (Between Gibb and Olive) RA 8-0311. FISHING EQUIPMENT Mosquito Head Nets Sell anywhere, anytime for $1.50 and we're letting them go at only NOTHING DOWN" No Payment Until September !! Easy payments over 5 vears on monthly gas bills $14.00 jz oes Tackle Boxes Unbreakable, cannot floats, guaranteed for a lifetime At Oshawa Discount House, Only Short Wire Rod Sure Strike. Can be used for troll- ing or costing. Extra Special ... Mitchell Reels Top quality, Well known. Retail $32.50. This Week Only be destroyed, It 5.00 PARTY DISPLAY by Dominion Hands $5.60 CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE Your Gas company does not employ door-to- door salesmen nor tel canvassers, For Information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natural equipment call or write the Sales rtment of RA 3-3468 SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL DRIVE! 1 9.95 We have many other fishing needs all at Wholesale Prices discounted t0..0 157.81, and western oils off 1.42|up % at 10%. Senate He sald It was decided to sus-|should come to the international at 87.49. Somes to a head in the he will have more io say bog pend operations for this year be-|bargaining table before making Volume was 1,310,000 lay. \CF MPs maintain|report comes up for adoption. cause the present sugar beet|tariff changes that hurt Canada with 1,487,000 Monday. f 'While two CCF MPs NY His summary of the commit. acreage of 18,331 would not per [and other traders, : Westeel dropped 1% at 15% Mother their blockade against passage 0 " Us 8 ny ton as. being mit a two-plant sugar run next| In a speech to the Winnipeg and Canada Iron Foundries and bd divorce bills in the Donon, He ee's Jeconnnandation 4 brought | fall. {Chamber of Commerce, Mr. National Steel Car were off Y%. upper chamber will del de 1 8} Again oF ing oree ough A few employees at the com.|Fleming indicated Canada is pre- But Atlas Steel went ahead %.|[}§ Is your child irritable, restless ation of Ks Slvonee a OD (PC--Mani-|Pany's Chatham plant were laid|pared to take reciprocal action Canadian Wallpaper A was off ond picky with og oA Pe ivarce alleging de-|toba) who said the committee|Olf to provide openings for key|in the impending shuffle of com- BR he PR dat or th tig os voted 12 to 3 not to consider the|Wallaceburg personnel. Mr, Pun. (mon market tariffs on goods WH To Hold be easily destroyed sorties ae Oe of adultery. [petition for divorce. chard sald employees laid off|from other countries, : Sw tee and expelled with Millers Worm gi gp a of the Commons| Senator Thorvaldson said the|Nave been paid a liberal service Al ie Nez} T0und ©) anil Be FALSE TEETH Powder. Used for generations filibuster Pr Frank Howard | committee reached no decision allowance to assist them in Yo Bo a al by Canadion mothers. At your (CCF Skeena) and Arnold|on whether to grant divorce. It locating. | Agreement on Tariffs and Trade More Firmly in Place [| Pwo Counter. CCF--Timiskaming) has merely decided no grounds ex- The decision not to operate the |} I a I a ace Dn o DE ur von entic A adul-|isted under its rule of recogniz.| Wallaceburg plant this year willlle 88.C, anacé Wo leHe "PLO Barras by ShbpInK AroDPINE oF ops Dee ER eo cdr) |also affect about 300 "seasonal |CONsideration any common mar bling when you eht, laugh or talk? Wry Sst Betially bl has| Meanwhile, in the hour devoted | Morkers normally hes during Conada. yn : Jun I Tag oa ili sugar run, " ¥ " i wder holds fal of CE Re RA Mec hagg pd ge en a oe Tvey Wil socal Love 8 Err. nina ts Re ry Hi y HE 3 8 ake , PAS A the Commons for final approval. |embroiied with Robert McCleave AUSSIE UNIVERSITY |about - alterations in Canadian fed poole Hd pati di Both have stated they would|(PC--Halifax) and Leon Crestohl The University of Melbourne, rates of duty." pa e Sot, RASTERTR wisy @h | rather Parliament be relieved of| (Ls -- Montreal Cartier) for his|Australia, was founded in 1854. | But he also warned that "an | responsiblity for granting divorce references to Ottawa lawyer for residents of Quebec and New. H. Lieff, counsel for a, divorce foundland, which have mo courts Petitioner whose bill was under to handle such cases, and that|detailed study. they believe desertion is a legiti- LEVELS CHARGE mate ground for divorce, Mr. Crestohl charged "charac- { s ter assassination" by Mr. How- Ae Ruesdyy night, ard after the CCF MP said hel Senator Arthur Roebuck (L--On. (thought Mr. Lieff was lax in mot tario) sald he disagrees with the bringing out all the information | action of the upper chamber's OD the divorce case when it was examined by the Senate divorce committee, " | The wrangle and discussion of i ort ct the evidence of one bill occupied OPEN [] . the full hour provided and no Ld . i bills Joel, leaving 309 pi up on the order paper. 1 Discussed In another development the Thursday till 6 p-m. Commons gave approval in prin- Friday till 9 p.m. ciple, second reading, to a bill . C |Increasing membership in the Saturday till 6 p.m. Nn ommons elected Yukon Territories Council |to seven from five and establish. OTTAWA (CP)--Doubts about|ing a territorial court of appeal. the need for wide government powers to control imports were expressed in the Commons Tues- | day by George Mcllraith (L--| Ottawa West), However, his viewpoint clashed sharply with that of Erhart Re- gler (CCF -- Burnaby - Coquit- lam) who urged the government to use its export and import con- trol authority as a "more ad- vanced' way of regulating inter. national trade than through tar- iffs. The two spoke as the Commons geve second readng, approval in principle, to a government bill extending the life of the Export and Import Permits Act under which the government controls movement of strategic materials and other commodities. Later, the Commons gave third and final readifg to the measure, John Pallett, parliamentary secretary to Trade Minister Churchill who was piloting his | first government meascre| through the Commons since as- suming his new post last fall, said the act is heing extended three years to July 31, 1963. REJECTS PROPOSAL | He turned down Mr. Mell raith's suggestion that the whole act be studied by the Commons banking committee to determine especially whether the govern. Ment still needs power to control {mports. Mr. Regier and Harold Winch (CCF Vancouver East) ex- pressed "neredulity that an export permit is required for shipment of arms or munitions to other Commonwealth countries while pone is needed for such exports to the US. . Mr. Pallett said the reason is that exports to the US. do not go by ship and therefore are not 80 easly diverted to some 'other destination. The U.S. had strict controls on reshipment. He also named South Africa and South America in a partial list of areas receiving arms ship- ments. from Canada under the act There were 10 permits for ex- porting arms and munitions to South Africa covering aircraft parts and spares, he sald, and six permits for shipping tank spares to South Africa, There were 10 export permits for South America, covering aircraft spares and parts, plus three for tank spares and one for trucks. There was none for Central America. . | Nobody applying for an export petit to a foreign country has d his bid rejected, Mr. Pallett

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