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The Oshawa Times, 18 May 1960, p. 28

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 18, 1960 AT ENNISKILLEN British Defence Policy | May Come To An End By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times ; : LONDON -- Britains bi-parti-|clared themselves in favor of un- Labor leader is holding meetings| pa] re.affiliation services for the san policy on defence is in dan-|ilaleral abandonment of Jeter: aiiost a panic stations with the| Explorers and CGIT. of being brought to an end as|1ent nuclear weapons. It is only members of the shadow cabinet. i A ' a enh ag the a on the|in the last two years that the He is trying to whip them into aa dent, i e5. rs Toms, ope Labor party against the policies|big unions have changed their line jn support of the accepted all, especially the guests. Fol of the party leadership. That views. Influenced by left wing party policy, to secure their sup- lowing a hymn and prayer Mrs might well be the result if Mr. |leadership in some sections, and port in the coming battle, Thomas' remarks also included Gaitskell is defeated on defence by the prominence attained by Probably he may succeed, but some thoughts for the month of policy at the fall conference of the '"'ban-the-bomb" movement, even that may not be enough to Mey and a reading on Christian the Labor party. And at the mo-|they have made a direct about-|enable him to score the victory he Stewardship ment, with the Trades Union face which is one of the sinister must have at the party confer-| Mrs 4 Boyd wasn charge of Coierctos, coming le thie aspects of the whole situation. |ence 0, (the worship period using ae her ' : KEY TO SITUATION |theme, "Each Caring for All, and may happen. : While the Amalgamated Engin- ™ Al' for Each" and calling our Britain's defence policy, in the eering Union has gone over to the 11) es 0 attention specifically to the plight main is based on having its own gde of the Transport and General f refugees and our duty in this Judependent nuclear Jelerrets Workers' Union in support of ue regard. This policy was Inauguraled jiatera]l abandonment of nuclear The roll call was answered when the Labor gvernment was weanons there is one group) B k S ] |with parcels for the bale for in power. The Conservatives sup-\whoge actions will be watched ad 2] ad e | Pi ported it then. The Conserva-\yery closely, especially by Mr. tives, on coming into power, con-|Gaitskell. This is the General and By MRS. A. L. HOOEY tinued the policy without change, sfunicipal Workers' Union -- the| BOWMANVILLE -- On Satur-|June from Tyrone WMS and pro- |sion it was agreed to accept a and with the assent of Labor. union to which Mr, Gaitskell be-| gay afternoon a successful tea, vide the worship. Our auxiliary |} Even Mr. Bevan accepted without question, POLICY MAY CHANGE %/1ongs, It holds its annual meeting candy and bake sale was held in/is planning to send one of our|' Fd the end of May, and Mr. Gait-| the ions Centre by the Local As-|CGIT to School for Leaders at skell has een javited fo adress sociation of Girl Guides and OLC, Whitby, in August. The A |that meeting, To stand a chance Brownies time is extended until May 31 for t $ ime, however, imi a wae pie . r May a i pre ond in Brit- of winning his way an the party) The room was decorated in the donations of nylons for Korea. ish politics is the Labor policy on tonerence, he must win jhe sup group colors, yellow, blue and| A report by the vice-president defence. Mr. Gaitskell stands on pont of tus Jarge union. But a5} brown, titi est et ca et en the old labor policy. He is firmly lear disarmament. If it goes the Receiving at the door were jeg took charge of the candy table' opposec to the pacifist, neutral-| way this year, in spite of acting district commissioner, which was well patronized. WMS Conducts Regular Meeting ENNISKILLEN -- The regular|ior younger groups, Mrs, W. A.| : " eeper 0 IEXPLAINS BRIEFLY . meeting of the WMS which was|Logan was given, also an inter.| Other Children." The k hd trade cnions, Labor's chief source (of the preponderance of trades held in the church sanctuary was |esting: letter from Mrs, Tom {of strength and support, are union elements at the party con-|yery gpecial on Tuesday evening,|Brown, Angola, was read, |against his stand, and have de- ference later. That is why the May 10, as it embraced the an-|-- |Korea. During the business ses. |p {kind invitation to a meeting in|? The Explorers with Counsellor|Oshawa Presbyterial secretaryjexplained briefly | Affiliated Explorer groups had i who in turn accepted the gift and Friendship project. Virtue had a wonderful display| oi uo priefly with a message of iors, Brenda Ellis, Linda Yeo, Logan and the seniors conducted |Mrs. H. E. Ashton, and Mrs. R.|for which included a miniature Afri-| © = studied in their can village with every conceiv-|" theme, "Sharing Our Gifts with i a : "|tion to the group. All members four special objects able detail. During the re-affilia-| the Explorers participated in| tion service the Chief Explorer)" yiior' hrogram revealing what sented the money gift to Mrs, with the CGIT hymn. Susan Wearn, assisted by Mar- oy. learned in their Mis- Humphreys, Brooklin, who is| A delicious lunch was served. ilyn Yellowlees and Martha Boyd| conducted the worship with Yis| onary Exploration an sang an Oshawa Presbyterial Secretary da- and Cheryl Rowan, outlined the the worship service of thanks. | what the group!members, Betty Jane Werry, World|Muriel Griffin, Leowna Fergu- Three sen- son, Mrs. Humphreys, Mrs. in Africa giving to God and dedication of while Treasurer Lois Ashton pre- our lives to His will, concluding for CGIT groups. Mrs. Hum- CIRCUS MUSIC |phreys added another seal to the Toms gave the World|is forced through whistles of dif- Mrs. Leask, Port Perry, who is|Ashton, President Doris Wright'Friendship insignia to three new |ferent pitch. Ye] ip FESTIVAL ist, unilateralist ideas that would yp, Gaitskell's pleas, then it is Mrs. L. Buttery, Mrs. V. Frank Mrs, H Bennett, Mrs. Baver-|\§ strip Britain of its deterrent wea- 5 atniv ades/and Mrs. L. Lucas. Pouring tea stock and Mrs. Russell were in pons, and leave her at the mereyl?, dead Sertsimty Het Je Tiades were Mrs, V. Storey, Mrs. Craw-|charge of the baked goods table, of a predatory power. oon | 2 "support rr B oy ford, Mrs. , Cowsd 2220 Mrs. The Brownies had a display of More and more, however, he is| py a substantial majority. [Claske. Mis L. 1 i er Yas in articles made during the year standing almost alone on that charge of the guest book. Mrs. J.|and samples of the things they policy, Many of the influential POSITION PRECARIOUS |Cuddabee was in charge of the learn to do and make. members of his own party are| That would leave Mr. Gaitskell| donations for the tea. "The Girl Guides had a camp against him. The largest of the'in a precarious position, because' Mrs, V. Miller and her Brown- site set up. o ! | 004 up Tor a Tune-u @® " The modern high performance engine gander the . hood of your General Motors car or truck takes "know how" to check it properly. That's why it pays ON 0p JelUnen to see the man who knows your car or truck best . .. your GM Dealer who offers Guardian Maintenance. » COMPLETE QUALITY LUBRICATION: Plus Cooling System inspection and addition of rust inhibitor, » SPECIAL APPEARANCE PROTECTION: Designed to repair winter's wear and restore that show-room look to your GM car, o QUALITY ENGINE TUNE-UP: Adjust automatic choke--clean and regap spark plugs--check distribu- tor points and wiring harness. * 10-POINT SAFETY CHECK: In accord with National Safety Month Program, Guardian Maintenance is educated service with factory- trained servicemen, genuine parts and modern scien- tific equipment to do the job right the first time. For a hood's-up tune-up for the peak-driving months ahead, take your car or truck to-your GM dealer! His expert servicemen will do what has to be done --and only what has to be done--to restore maxi- mum performance and efficiency. Guardian Main- tenance--Quality service at the right price! CADILLAC + BUICK « OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC « CHEVROLET + GMC TRUCKS VAUXHALL « ENVOY Guardian Maintenance GM-144808 BEST KIND OF CARE FOR THE BEST KIND OF CARS & TRUCKS! Clearance of Pedal Pushers Reg. 2.99 . . . Broken size ranges Please, no telephone or mail orders Good quality cotton pedal pushers in black, blue or beige. Sizes 10 to 16 in the group -- not all sizes in every colour. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, 1 94 ecch ... . . Wee | SPORTSWEAR, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 IMPORTED 36" Prinfed Rayon Crepe Ordinarily much .higher priced Please, no telephone or mail orders Hand-washable, crease-resistant; fine rayon crepe for dresses, blouses, hostess gowns. Predominant shades of royal, moss, rose, tan, gold, red, smoke -- all with colour. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, yard . Cisne W EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 Women's Baby Doll Pyjamas Exceptionally low priced to clear Please, no telephone or mail orders Dainty nylon baby doll pyjamas with fine nylon lace trim. Blue, pink or aqua; sizes 32 to 38 in the group. 1 11: LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each cvevess RW EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 27" Twill Squares Imported from Switzerland Please, no telephone or mail orders Pretty squares for use as scarves or around your head; in bright patterns, a good choice of colours. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 203 Leather Manicure Sefs Reg 1.95... End-of-line clearance Please, no telephone or mail orders Handsome leather case with dome fastening holds comb, scis- sors, nail file and cuticle sticks. Bone shade. 3] LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 217 Foam Rubber Pieces - Half-price to clear . . . End-of-line Please, no telephone or mail orders Useful foam rubber pieces in a good choice of handy sizes . . . for boat cushions, chair pads, etc. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, i LI 6.25 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 224 Sprinkler Hose Unusually low priced Please, no telephone or mail orders Reg. 1.00 to 12.50 Red plastic sprinkler hose, perforated to sprinkle a wide area. In 25-ft. lengths. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON"S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 imited uantity specials ON SALE AT 9:30 A.M. THURSDAY ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Please, no telephone or mail orders Misses' Better Dresses fo Clear! Spring Stylings . . . Reg. 15.00 - Please, no felephone or mail orders Broken ranges . . . one-or-few-of-a-kind, reduced for clearance. An exciting variety of styles and fabrics -- crepes, taffetas, rayons, novelty weaves . . , plains and prints. Misses' sizes 12 to 18 in the group. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each .......,..... EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 241 [4] | ie " " Wonder Bras' see rurctese. "seconds Please, no telephone or mail orders Mostly tru-lift style bras; cotton broadcloths and a few satin and nylon in the group. Mostly white, with slight imperfec- tions that should not affect wearability. Sizes 32 to 40, A, B and C cups in the lot. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 Misses Rayon Slacks--Reg. 1.98 V2 Price ! End-of-line clearance Please, no telephone or mail orders Good-looking, well-made rayon slacks. In dark shades, sizes 12 to 20 in the group. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each BUDGET FASHIONS, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 345 "Music Appreciation' Records 33 1/3 rpm, Long-playing Please, no telephone or mail orders An excellent way to enjoy such great works as Symphony No. 39 in E flat major by Mozart . . . Symphony No. 5 in C minor by Beethoven . . . and others. . 19 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ceisswiil EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 560 "Colorthene" Slide Boxes Please, no telephone or mail orders Sturdy plastic file holds sixty 35mm slides; protects them from dust and scratches. 1 25 secsssccnss L] LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ... EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 512 Boys' Coffon Sheen Slack ai End-of-line . . . broken size and colour range Please, no telephone or mail orders Shrink-resistant sheen cotton slacks with flap-back-pockets; regular waist with belt loops. Wheat or black; sizes 10 to 18 Limi D QUANTITY SPECIAL for LIMITE ' each 9 1.29 2 2.50 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 232 Specially priced for outstanding savings . . . Steam and Dry Eledric Irons Please, no telephone or mail orders Easy-action fingertip control sets iron for steam or dry ironing. Polished metal finish with steam vents in V formation; dial- setting for different fabrics. Complete with 6-ft. rubber cord. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, 4 88 Teese L | Clearance of Stair Treads Please, no telephone or mail orders Black rubber treads with ribbed surface for safety. Excellent for basement or back stairs, approx. 9" x 18", LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 Odd Dinette Chairs fo Clear Ends-of-lines . . . Reg. 8.95 to 11.95 Please, no telephone or mail orders Chromium-plated and bronze-finished dinette chairs, all up- holstered in washable plastic in a good choice of. colours and patterns. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 370 Medium Grey Floor Enamel Priced very low for clearance Please, no telephone or mail orders Good quality enamel -- suitable for in- terior or exterior floors, cement, wood tires. floors, verandahs, etc. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, quart EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 370 12 Only ! Approx. SPECIAL, each Friction Jet Plane--Reg. 1.29 Please, no telephone or mail orders Handsome grey metal plane with metal 14V4" spread. End-of-line, reduced to clear. LIMITED QUANTITY EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 Imported 2-Tier Cake Plates Please, no telephone or mail orders Smaller plate approx. 614" diam.; larger plate 8/2" diam. Border with blue or yellow; metal handle is gold-coloured. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 long, 14" wing PLEASE SEE BACK SECTION FOR FOUR BIG PAGES OF EATON SPECIALS! | The calliope heard at circuses the treasury, Marie Beckett pre-) The CGIT Re-affiliation was/CGIT Re-affiliation certificate, is a steam organ, in which steam sented the money treasure to introduced by Leader Mrs, O. C. Mrs.

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