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The Oshawa Times, 18 May 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 18, 1960 § 'Wife Was Fired |Left Accident, | WHITBY and DISTRICT LIC. kFinedsl0 |Pakistan [Sooo Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West 'Hubby Objected hin rte ste De pact from' Fechawar siriod. or any anaver: Tel. MO. 8-3703 away from e of Matiaver: Liovd Robertson A Whitby Twp. man who pro- again. He then ran to the plant an, aceilont ip witeh Be ey goon of Rule, Risela Slats he tested his wife's being fired from and police were called. i on . ° = = an Ajax plant was Tuesday fined| Echevarria, who said that his ud opts and 32d bis Leone 10 S Fl hts down May 1 over the Soviet 1k otarians 0 ive $25 and costs for common assault, religion forbids any violence un-|gwini el ct yaa Te of PY 1g Union took off from Peshawar. SP 1 ewa {David Miller, 41, of Churchill|der any circumstances, said that 909 Centre street orth "a OAT Ave., appeared before Magistrate|he bpre Miller no malice. EEE Pear KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) ba --Pakistan has protested to the CALL US FOR FUR . F. S. Ebbs in Whitby police court.| PC Eric Place, of the Ajax| 4 4 $2 000 To Hos ital | Nicholas Echevarria, of 72 Am-|Police Department, said that he Whitby police court. .. |Onited States: the use of its air & WINTER or (0) . 4 |bassador St., Ajax, said that he|examined Echevarria and found| PC James Hooker, of the Whit- 2 ol" gor American espionage | A unani decisi de bylas 10 t of he patients yeas lor, Bed 3 I cout that torn May 14 Dear. phatiflights, President Moha . a : i : unanimous decision, made by|as per cent of the patients| tronics plant in Ajax. Mrs. : 1 vy 14, - Ayub Khan said Tuesday. Asphalt sidewalks, said 2 someS: 3 He said that asphali Jas the Whitby Rotary Club, added|that used the hospital were from he said, had been an employee had asked the foreman why his|das street west, near Byron ¥ b told ess i erence Suge ors to cost half the price, stood up yory wen: feat py halt|2 donation of $2000 to the Oshawa Whitby, then this area shouldithere eight years but had been|wife had been discharged and street, was struck on the left|, i i Pr pn pio oy Sonorete, mis Week Phin? out, question, lh sail nat aw by| General Hospital "New Wing" contribute 10 per cent of the re-|discharged by the company on|had Echevarria had told him his|front corner, Damage, he said, | o¢ oes Jot ear retails i oh Tom : : r+ haga h A a 5 : quired $850,000. . May 11. wife was a trouble maker. He was about $75. assia. akistan Whitby. On a split vote, councilla different mix than streets and| une : 4 i i i iact aot | : hases have been used for spy wf re : | presenting the motion, Ro-| He said that a $2000 donation] On May 12, he said, he was denied striking the foreman with The other car involved, he cy fave been " 2 favored the asphalt for a safety|the heat does not affect them as tarian Terry Moore, who is also|would fully furnish a two-bed|leaving the plant and met Miller|his fist. aid ot es, he flights, it was "not right" and atvd dik SURED pi Aa St adm a ee Burns obsery-|the campaign chairman for the|ward which would be known as|in the parking lot. He said Miller| His Worship registered the con-arrived and following information Sioa oy hp risk WHITBY CLEANERS the Kathleen Rowe aE plod that the town could put in| Whitby area, suggested that the|the Whitby Rotary Club room. walked up to him and grabbed viction and levied the $25 butihe received, he went to Centre|; er Sal & the United oe School twice as much asphalt as con.donation would be made up of a| The motion was seconded by him and asked why his wife had| Echevarria objected from the|gireet north, where he found the Soave but 150 cous: WHITBY . : Verete for the same mone! three-year pledge. He stated that/Rotarian Ted Sims. |been discharged. He said he tried audience and said he did n0t|accused's car parked at the rear| c 92YS 280 BO ansyer Ye. Ph: MO 8.2345 The streets committee recom-|Crete or the saw re hat hel {to reason with Miller but the want to see accused fined. Crown ¢ {ve house | ceived. oe i iy accused had struck him behind |Attorney Alex Hall, QC, said that| re | (A state department spokesman lekup mended that 60 per cent of tig! Councillor Hostluge gal ; COUNCIL BRIEFS ; cost be paid by residents on the consu a .conraclor mn {the ear and on the lip. |the Crown would wish the public| In a statement made to policein Washington said the formal same side of the giredt a the Se haa been aavised tat WHITBY | The witness said that he fell to|to be protected and that was the and his og ig a hes Said) Yio + Ag y residents) Wa, 02 SC. firs rate job per-| ENDORSE RESOLUTION | FROM GARDEN CLUB | the ground and Miller struck him|purpose of the fine. ri Bonin Th od The same committee report manent curbing wou ave tof § n .| The town property committee {door swung open and he crash- ro ded the hal walk be installed to prevent chipping], Whitly council endorses 2 2%. will study a letter from the Whit- . | Mrs P Howard ed into the parked car. Another but chairman of streets, Council-|along the edges. He said that the cy "oie "of Peterborough, call. |by Garden Club. The club thank- are oot Iver . A. motorist, said the statement, ad- lor Robert Hastings, asked that contractor advised him that alg "ec "5 0" coqeral" government €d the council for the use of the | the report go back into a com-|good asphalt job would cost more yu, oction to increase research| council chambers for its meetings ' Entertains Group i 7 mittee of the whole for further|than concrete, and that in warm." 0 problem of unemploy-| Over the years and expressed the Jailed 9 Days | 4 We PG Tova of G8 EAWLY PRAYER BOOK FISH MIRROLURES FLAT russion, | weather, heels of ladies shoes hope that some -meeting place : i discussio | will be available in the now town ~ [Brock street south, opened her| The first completé prayer book A Bowmanville man, stopped home last Monday evening to the for the Church of England was He said that he did not favor | would pevcitaie the Surface dur. ment asphalt and would recommend| 1" the first two years. | WANT TO MOVE HOUSE [hall oo a - ag t aurch of 1 5 hdr ; Why wait for a report from J : i ro {by police who observed his driv-imembers of the Florence Davey| published in 1549, in the reign of Te tiny Bn ign Ottawa when Mr. Hastings has en Sirests Somes was ElV| OVERLOADED SEWER PUMP ing, was Tuesday jailed for Group. The president, Mrs. F. Edward VI 8 Jus CANADIAN WIGGLERS Ottawa board of works on an'as- heard from the greatest authori-l,& yp, Lb "0c 141 pine st G3 The chief sanitary inspector even days when he pleaded Lawrence, opened the meeting|-- REG. 1.5 phalt project there. He said that|ty in Scarborough?" asked May-|;- asking that 'he be allowed to for the Department of Health re- guilty to having the care and with prayer. The Scripture read-| a. | . 1.50 - it would be unwise to experiment or Stanley Martin. Yiove a HOUSE from 625 Brock' St ported by letter, that he found control of a motor vehicle while fing was given by Mrs. C. Barter. # | THIS WEEK ONLY EACH with asphalt in Whitby. | Councillor Hastings replied that S. to Pine St. The applicant n that the Annes St. pumping sta-|intoxicated. James Grant, of 48| During the business meeting, % he had not quoted the contractor ig Yetter to council said that he tion was overloaded on occasions| Concession street, appeared be- |the members discussed and ENGINEER REPORTS las the best authority. + 58 and the overflow was discharged fore Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in|made plans for a summer picnic, | ' . r : would require permission to re-|; a A] " lw : t i i Rp -e ma | Town engineer Charles Hoag| Deputy-reeve Warren Mowat, fa b a into a field. He recommended Whitby police court. The meeting closed with prayer| | reported that an asphalt sidewalk who had been Sharman of os Jhoy BIND Sees an 14 fake dows that ike pumps in the station be| po Harold Hockins, of the and a social evening followed. A| ATV. SET $0 GRAND ~ [1 LARGE ALUMINUM BOAT NETS had run across the front of the committee of the whole, ca i 4 : v "-lraised; that a warning system). pe OPP, |lovely lunch was served by the| - | bridge to get the house to its new pa jasiallen. and Whitby Detachment of the YOU SEE - CAN BE REPAIRED | 24" HOOP, TELESCOPIC HANDLE new town hall site 50 years ago. for a vote on asphalt or concrete. | A ; ( that the source|_ . that he was on patrol on|hostess assisted by Mrs. G. Stott Other stretches of asphalt, he|He cast the vote which decided|location. |of infiltration of surface water be i Wi lh I April and A ae Be Mil SO INEXPENQIVELY | OPENS TO 6' said, are on Elm St. and Brock|on asphalt. | WANTS WHITBY WATER [traced The sanitation commit- 15 when he observed a car pro-| The June meeting will be held A request by D. W. Wilson, of tee received the report. |ceeding in an erratic manner, at the home of Mrs. Milne of | \ N = 3 N [1 REG. 5.00 |He said that the driver some-|Dundas street west. | . ON SALE ONLY ° FOR HOSPITAL DRIVE | Oshawa, to discuss the .supply of FIREWORKS DISPLAY | Whitby water to a proposed sub-| Mal Femia, president of the times slowed to 10 ph. | | {division on the Blair farm, on Park Vista Gardens Ratepayers| When he stopped the car, he, : | | Garrard Road in Wait Poki Association was granted permis-| Nile found Grant at the | Traffic Increased- ) | EDS OF OTHER BARGAINS |was turned over to the Publicision to conduct a fireworks di col, He said his clothing was| Seek $ 144,000 | Utilities Commission play at the subdivision on the efit and he was bare| At Welland Canal LY | HUNDRED F H A N -- ON BRAND NAME TACKLE. | i he evening of May 23. Councillors|foot He said Grant was intoxi- THANKS FROM HOSPITAL |... oir town residents were invit- foot e OTTAWA (CP)--Vessels pass- | . A letter was received from the ed to attend i |ing through the Welland Canal b; fms C | Cpl. William Warner, who gave ing throug! a y From W hitby spbag Beg lipna VON OFFICE' two breathalizer test, sad that May Io Tncreased. 3 oer Cou ; ; . ment on a capital grant of $50,-| The property committee of|they showed an alcohol count of ister Hees reported Tuesday A member of the Oshawa Gen-|as the maximum capacity for|gop made by the town for the last| council' recommended that -the(l-5: i Traffic movement has been por smans orner eral Hospital board on Monday function at peak efficiency. The aqdition to the hospital. The Victorian Order of Nurses be ad-| In addition. to the jail term, satisfactory with no significant | evening asked Whitby council to new beds will eliminate this €on-| grant was paid in five annual vised that there will be no ac-|accused was ordered to pay court delays, he said in a Commons 105 BYRON ST. S WHITBY approve a grant to the hospital's dition. instalments of $10,000 each commodation in the new town hall| costs or serve an additional seven ah % W. H. McMillan (L-- | id building fund of $144,000, less| '"'According to the percentage for the VON office but also re-|days. His car was impounded for lile 5p. ¢a 1 Block West of 4 Comers Next to Dodd & Souter i ; A : K TE ) is li .| Welland). While no cargo tonnage ' the amount received in voluntary|of use of County patients, le. 20, ASK IMPROVED STREET commended that the VON ap- three months and his licence sus : a | ET donations from town residents. per cent, the County of Ontario] A letter was received from the proach the Library Board to se-|pended for six months. Higuret Dee avallovle Dupe wp APPLIANCES I ® OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 PM. © Addressing the council on behalf would contribute the sum of $320,- |PUC asking that the town im- cure space in the proposed new 1,049 against oe Er compar- M08 3707-118 BROCK STS) of the board was Terence M.|000.00. The town of Whitby pro-|prove Blair St. leading to their library a ile poriod in 1080 | a Moore. vides nine per cent of the pa- installations on that street. The : . a 'Tennis Club dma his . He told the council that the tients for the hospital and con-|commission noted that at pres- HIGH SIDEWALK : hospital board plans a 220-bed sequently should provide the sum ent the only vehicle which nego- The streets committee, at its . addition which will cost about of nine-twentieth of $320,000.00, |tiate the street is a four-wheel Dex! meeting, will study the side- Seeks Aid For $2,700,000. Grants from senior which is $144,000.00 drive truck walk situation on Warden Wilson| vers Ave. In a letter to council, Neil | governments, he said, would pay| "A campaign is presently being| 4 i vi 000 t i g" 3 | ASKS DUFFERIN DITCH Murkar noted that plans aie] N S ' 51,100,000, Wii nil conoucted in the tow fo raise 85! The streets committee will being made for a new sidewalk ew eason | ; us i Jeong. gueh of Shia, Sum 2 Doseinie, study a request by Eunice Kemp, which is 14 to 18 inches higher| The town has been asked to! y 4 "The hospital has a present look to the corporation of thed0f 1701 Daiserin Sl who per, thay en lawns. oo have oli make a grant of $200 to the Whit- rr bed occupancy of 22 per cent town for the balance, either as a (fe: I #& © it BD UNE he oa y NAC 3 ase Reeve Ever. by Tennis Club, an organization | ' / above normal bed occupancy|direct grant over a number of re ie ho ay ne Teo! 207 anit a oot pil ven which has almost one-third as os val ex] have sel|years from the town or through pas oil eoacider ~ irstatlin = take a look at this = before it|40Y anembers as minor Hockey | ¢ 4 a county grant set up on a simi- ditch this year. 8 lis finished." © It/but which has never been forced | . E ing Guild lar basis. year. fio ask lor ouiside assistance be- | 4 "We are, therefore, requesting fore in history. Addressing 7 vening lat this time that the town Sng] | | couneil on behalf of the club was . favorable consideration to a grant astern tar WHITBY {Douglas Williams, the president, | | Holds P ast to {ie Oshawa General Hospital | and ineidenially -& rast minor 0 eferr over a per] of | hockey ster wn. . . years and which will provide that | Welcome Past | PERSONALS He said that the club is oper- President Ni h {hospital with the sum of $144.| | lated almost exclusively om its | . hc g | 000.00 less the toal of voluntary | | Mr, and Mrs. Reg Foster spent members' fees. Membership, he = - (| . - donations. | Of th § i] J] irls | cers e week end on a motor trip tojseid, inciudey 3 hove ami girls All Saints' Anglican Church é pd Naturally, any county pro- Evening Guild Branch held its| 3 ' a 'a "Past Presidents | Night" last| Eram Of grants should make al-| The regular meeting of Whitby visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Fraser.| NCCeSSary to 00 te | d vonite in the mew ¥ lowances for all Whitby funds Chapter No, 248 Order of the | operations, he said, is $200 0 in- % *» Yonday we g he nel Po given whether of a voluntary or hi " Mrs. Ann Keanohan and her|stall permanent posts for the sh e president, Mrs. F.|n, nicipal grant nature." Eastern Star was held in the|son Norman, of Toronto, are nets. He said that the $2 fee paid | 2 1 u Si é Read, opened the meeting with ". "Wp LT ot $850,000 Chapter room on Tuesday, May spending a week at the home of by the youngster not only en- te were read and| .c"oypected through public do-|1¥, Worthy Matron Mrs. Jessie: Mrs, John Beard, 805 Dundas St. titles them to play on the courts ay j phe lection of officers for the Nations. Of this amount, he said, Johnston presiding, and James g, but also provides them with rack- | : 3 1e election of offi or the target of $85.000 was set for Martin, Worthy Patron assisting lets and tennis balls. The mem- 3 oming year was presided over Whitby residents The flag was presented at the| Mrs. Edwina Temple, of Osha-|bership, he said, is about ome-| Ottawa. While in Morrisburg they by Mrs. S. Armstrong. President were referred altar and escorted to the East by wa, niece of Mrs. L. Beckley, of third that of the minor hockey | \irs. Charles Rycroft, first vice-| His submissions olsi Whitby, is convales h Fhe ' ; rk wind "Ito the finance committee for the Marshall Mrs, Elsie Goose, 45 nvalescing at her| association. X eo ve tary Minutes of the previous meet *' the Oshawa General Hospital. active sport for girls during the| % George Gouldburn secretary summer months. Mrs. Ronald Hawkins, treasurer ing were read by the secretary, Five members of the Young| i ial Mrs. Edward, Probert WHITBY {Mrs. Julia Thomas, PM People's Union of the United |, 1 TROY 16 Susi, be sud, : sutivi | | J 'suns rts were |Church at Executive members: Mrs. IL | Sick and sunshine reports were ch attended the Ben Hur}; © Whitby Rotary Club and the ana Scott, Mrs. D. Courchesne, Mrs. | - - |read by Mrs. Mae Phair, PM, Spectacular in Toronto last Mon-| a J. Sugden, Mrs. R. Sheider and) DRY BY DAY anc Mrs. Anna Patterson, PM. [day evening tennis club paid an annual rental. | But, he said, such are the fi Mrs. J. W. Everett. Mrs. A. G. CHAMBER MEETING Past Matrons -and Patron of Miss Marjorie Pollitt attended nances of the tennis club that the | Channen of Christ Church, Scar- bo . ¢ Whitby Chapt t | septi | been boro, founder of the All Saints' Winey iY 3 Heeters ot Me Sohons: er i Stilo ening Teepriou las Sp [rect Bos Sete oe. Je 100 G Il 0 ] Th d F id Evening oul, piney a Sorgage will hold their May meeting on|PM, Mrs. Veronica Manning, PM, Mrs. J. Boem, of Paul St. Osha-| ISLAND TOWER d ons n Y - urs ay, Il ay. atur ay n Y on each ol the past presidents my, ..qay evening at the council Mrs. Grace Blow, PM, Mrs. wa, on the occasion of the christ-| 4 attending the meeting as follows: |, wore = 4 large agenda has|Julia Thomas, PM, in office, ening of their daughter Debiah, Stockbolr's tony Hal, is tower) Mrs. C. E. Goode, Mrs. B. Dill- po prepared by secretary Fred Mrs. Elsie Goose, PM, in office, Anne. Guests were from Toronto, | ing, Mrs. Ron Carter, Mrs. Ed-\oyien . Bittle, including a discus-| Mrs. Maude Boyes, PM, in office, | Whitby and Osha stands on its own island, across ward Brant, Mrs. J. W. Everett, (gion on a museum for Whitby | Mrs. Mae Phair, PM, in office, - is {from the island of the old city. | S Mrs. C. C. Watson, Mrs. Jack {Mr. James Martin, PP, in office, | i : i - oil painting; 3rd prize, pair wool-| I PR Wilsog, Mrs, John Mitchell, Mrs, | FINED $50 | The i i 1 y were given a sincere wel-|len blank i flash | N Jompkine, Mes. W. J. Barton,| Bruno Eskemann Hansen, 33, come by the Worthy Matron, | camera. ois} 41 prize, Sian i} F ilv M Mz Jatt - ~.|of Highland Creek, was Tuesday|Mrs, Jessie Johnston, and escort. J Family Monuments play was presented by theifined $50 and costs or one month|ed to the East by Conductress| Varshall Mrs. Elsie Goose fi oF Guild members under the direc-|in jail when he pleaded guilty be- . A : stated that there would be a tion of Mrs. J. M. Hird, very|fore Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in po Acecirs, 'roienie dsiotediray at the next meeting for re. much enjoyed by all. The eve- Whitby police court to a charge|Louella Cook. WIS. | galia ) / alia. Created To ' ] ning was closed with a buffet|of indecent exposure. The offence ; After the general business was Individual supper, convened by Mrs. Ken-|occurred in Pickering Twp. on| MIS Audrey Mackenzie re- transacted, the meeting was duly Requirements neth Cunliffe, |May 4. : | minded, members that She still closed. Mrs. Jessie Johnston, (had a few oven savers for sale, Worthy Matron, Vi the | |and also asked everyone to sell|well, ¥ gave 1 fates STAFFORD BROS as many books of tickets as pos-| Refreshments were served by| i Phone MO 8-3618 |sible for the draw to be held atthe convener, Mrs. Louella Cook,[] Monumental Works ithe fall bazaar on Saturday, Oct. | : and he: ittee. - | WHITBY | 2 in the Oddrellows Hall. J orimiice, Than § prac 313 Outjas Sant LAST TIME ' : The prizes for the draw are as strated at the next meeting was| MO 8-3552 f vening Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 | follows: Ist prize, deluxe bridge held, Mrs. Mae Phair, PM, Tn Xr Ta ame Xr a ed TODAY Last Complete Show at 8:25 table and chair set; 2nd prize, | pianist, Why...take chances | Any Brush in the Store for 2 Price on Quality SORRY ...ONLY 1 BRUSH TO A CUSTOMER PRODUCT QUALITY IS OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. GUARANTEED WHEN YOU BUY FROM . . . | JUPITERS CONCRETE PRODUCTS | Dodd & Souter QP | LIMITED | PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE x nov 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY MO 8-5231 FREE ESTIMATES. NO OBLIGATION Gin ; w : WILLIAMS 3 KEEL CHAMPION SANDERS PHONE OLiver 5-3311 1 Block West of Four Corners. Next to Sportsman's Corner RS SUARTN--, --

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