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The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1960, p. 5

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Install Window At Whitby UC "WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West "The Response of Declaration" g| Was the sermon title at the Whit- |by United Church on Sunday morning. This was the third in a |series of sermons on the theme | "Response To Easter". The choir | sang tne anthem "Now Let Every | Tongue Adore Thee" by Bach. | IODE Day Camp Here For July =r mde The IODE Summer Day Camp |2eW memorial window recently for girls from six to twelve years installed in the church. and boys from six to ten years| During the past few years the / tes, one of them|case is the termination of the|Street S. west side Athol Street. j,jy at D'Hilier Park through |S° 5 nt ! Aer gue Vokes oo oil has| through street. Euclid Street, south side Beech ine' courtesy of the Town Council. 00 their summer mission fields. Tecan ec hy © ".| Annes Street, south side Dun-|Street, north side Dundas St. W.| plans are almost completed| This summer Mr. Jim Lawson adopted a resolution by the traf-ly, "ge w "north side Miller Henry Street, south side Dun-| and detailed informations will 8 ue sibporied on a rural fic committee which could change, greet, das St. W., north side Victoria St.|appear in the press. The person-| ield at Endiang, rta. the complexion of traffic through| Arthur Street, east side Henry Mary Street West, east side|nel of the camp committee is as Mana~er: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-370 Through Street Bylaw Prepared By Council S.. m " o ions | Street, west side Brock St. S. sh Street st side Brock St, follows: Camp Convener Mrs. R. we yin 4 Rh gin Athol Street, south side Dundas Higa Biren Wes! Bide Langford, assisting convener Mrs. in the form of a bylaw before north side Clemence St. F. W. Browne, phone MO 8-4383, PERSONALS The choir of All Saints' Angli-| can Church held an informal so-| (st. E F 1 Trp on! Mary Street East, east side * rig ro i becoming law. | Eek Street, northerly Town N. east side Garden Property Mrs. G. A. Welsh, pur. Part of the report is devoted | cial last week in honor of Bill| Clarke a valued choir ber | [in | than The combination of inspections and public education enabled) Education For Fire Prevention MONTREAL (CP)--An Ameri- can fire chief whose department has won national recognition for fire prevention today attributed its success to two, factors--edu- cation and inspection, land, Me., told the convention of the National Fire Protection As-| sociation that his departme: |iccreased the of I |tions, adding private homes to tours schools, hospitals, in sti tutions, | such as hotels and mercantile and | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 19, 1960 § ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. Portland to win three national} revention awards in five years. | NEW-TYPE TIMBER H. E. Thompson, engipeer with | the Canad.an Wood Development | Council, said Wednesday develop- ment of a new type of heavy timber makes this building ma- terial one of the most reliable from the standpoint of fire safety. | Mr. Thompson told a section mzeting the timbers are made by joining boards and planks with special glues. He sa.d the new timbers are being increasingly used in churches, schools, offices, auditoriums, factories and other buildings. They are resistant to collapse, he said, because the glue does not melt in a fire. MILD CURED Cut From Young Shank OFF Steer Beef 23: |37: Ib Ib FRESH HAMBURG SLICED BREAKFAST Steak ». 39¢| Bacon ». 39° FRESH BUTT FRESH COUNTRY n. 29° Pork Chops ,, 49°] Sausage PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF MILD CURED Whole or Shank He 49: Chief Carl P. Johnson of Port- nt has h that previously covered) WHITBY WINDOW end FLOOR CLEANING | SERVICE ultiple - occupancy buildings| dustrial buildings, Portland firemen made more] 30,000 inspections in 1959, mits, north side Dundas St. (Brock St. chasing Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, and : 2 Brock Street, south side Dun-| Street. : Mrs. A. Sturgess, visiting Mrs. | to designating through streets ing ¢ of north side Water Street,| Trent Street, east side Henry|p Ww. Marsh and Mrs. J. A. An-| the town. Some changes are not-|"'c, hrane Street, south side 3rd|Street, west side Brock St. S. |gercon. | ed. Also included is a recom-|o,,ceqsion, north side Dundas| Victoria Street W., westerlyl onening exercises, the Minis- mendation that the £pesd smi St. W. Town Limits, west side Brock v Tse Iarriade 1D Tass Maen i areas lowered to 15|" ; 0s ste St. S whos: iage y in school areas be lov Dundas Street West, westerly St. S. cast side Vaughan takes place next month side Dunlop in All Saints' Church. Mr. Kerr presented him with a gift con- veying the good wishes of all the Street S.; east OLD CENTRE The long-famous medical school at Salerno, Italy, was founded in the 9th century. as Hamlet, Jacqueline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bergman of Gil- bert St. W., celebrated her sixth | birthday, the young guests at- - tending her party were: Sally Ann and Linda Garratt, Susan Wainwright, Jennifer Helffering, Carmen and May Bone, Janet Kingley, Frances O'Sullivan and her sister Michelle. Mrs, A. Berg- man, Jacqueline's grandmother WHITBY SPORTS iii PARADE = Mr. Robin Nicholson attended GERRY BLAIR | | | | | | | | | the Nailor-MacInally wedding held at St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa. Colonel G. Hedley Basher, OBE, ED, of Whitby, was guest at a reception at the Toronto Club given by Lieutenant Colonel C. S. |{Frost, CD officer commanding the Royal Regiment of Canada. Later he attended the Batoche |dinner an annual celebration by the Royal Regiment held in York |Armories Mrs. J. G. Anderson and Mrs. P. Doner were co-hostesses one -of the series of IODE ridges. By social Arena, an Red Wings will place at more experienced Meadow- younger Red signed Phil Hall Hall was with the last year's schedule, Tran was also signed Three players, Ken Tu am signed that they may play ' club before it would full fledged Junior. Should the Wings make play-offs, ti season, players of this type could give them ttle added bench strength, providing they were eligible. Don't forget the opening OLA Junior *"A" lacrosse contest next Thursday May 26, starting at 8:30 p.m., with Peterboro h sitors, On Tuesday evening, Whitby journey to Long Branch for the league opener. Whitby Community nvolving the Whitby Meadowcrests take a older prove € able to the n Davie to anager a act | H |at {br w showed cont of € Paul ngs for 0 a Ross, juve Tom an ¥ Plan Repairs For St. Johns Church | St. John Men's Club Port Whit- | by held its regular monthly meet- |ing last Monday evening at the church hall. The president Mr. |Jeff Martin opened the meeting, | Rev. Nicholson was in charge of |the devotional, various reports were submitted and adopted. During the business meeting the members offered their help to do work at the cemetery, A sum of money was voted to re- place eavestroughing at the church and at the rectory. Three members were appointed to be in charge of the program for the next me played following. the > Junio them as a qu the TOWN AND COUNTRY The Montreal Royals continue to flounder in the International Base- ball League basement, suffering their twelfth straight defeat, equalling the club record, set in 1931, Toronto Maple Leafs were the conquerers, last night in Toronto whipping the Royals, 6-2. Steve Ridzik handled the mound chores, and also contributed a timely 2-run homer. Jim King also homered for the Leafs. Buffalo eting. Games were} ha ai Fully Insured and Bonded school courses in this locality will |be divided into general and sci- ence courses V September wi they wish to take in high school. | Previously, made until grade X, SIRLOIN STEAK or ROAST , 79° DIVIDED COURSE CHICOUTIMI, Que. (CP)--High ® Screen and Storms Removed eo Walls Washed ® Janitor Service ® Free Estimates Ph. MO 8-2481 302 DOVEDALE DR. starting at grade] III. This means that starting in grade VII students] ill have to decide what courses | the choice was not | | pe BIG wr: 212 PINE ST. WHITBY Trim... . 1" PINE BOARDS 2" PINE BOARDS I" SPRUCE FRAMING LUMBER 2" SPRUCE FRAMING LUMBER WINDOWS AND DOORS Large Selection: All At BIG Discounts BE SURE TO PAY A VISIT HERE This Sale . . . It's A Real Genuine . . . ARAN MAKES THE DIFFERENCE! Building A Summer Cottage Isn't So Difficult OUR MONTHLY PAYMENT WAY! AJAX LUMBER CO. LTD. will furnish all your top quality lumber ond supplies for your cottage at big savings and arrange easy monthly payments. Stop in this week and get our practical advice and help with the details. AJAX LUMBER CO. LTD. AJAX -- PHONE WH 2-3081 PICKERING -- WH 2-3251 PHONE WHITBY MO 8-3171 a | Bisons meanwhile received a humiliating 9-0 white- wash from the Rochester Red Wings, enabling the Leafs to pull within one game of the league leading Bisons .., . Vern Law of the Pittsburgh Pirates won his sixth game last night in Pittsburgh beating the St. Louis Cardinals, 4-2. Law has suffered only one setback thus far. Last night's victory was the seventh straight at home for the Pirates. A San Francisco loss to Milwaukee would even .up the Pirates and the Giants at the top of the National League. Results of that game were not known at time of writing. With young McCormick on the mound, and undefeat- ed in five games, San Francisco would have to be slightly favored meeting and refreshments were served by the committee and a social half hour enjoyed. Solina Church 'Sunday School Attendance Up By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- There was a record attendance of 121 at Sunday -- ee |School, Sunday morning. Harvey Yellowlees, superintendent was in charge. Helen Knox is pianist this month. The floral tributes gracing the| altar at the church service were in memory of Beverley Anne | Carr, Infant daughter of Mr. and {Mrs. Wm. Carr, Long Sault COUPLE HONORED A social gathering was held Safurday night at the home of J 3 ¥ nn Mr. and Mrs, Everett Cryder- fhe resenied to the new Town... "when a recent bride and ras groom, Keith and Linda Cryder- Services at Home and Abroad man (nee Stainton) were honored had two quilts and several knitted [jy the community. Harvey Yel- articles ready for shipment. The jowlees was master of ceremonies topic for Empire and World af-|and the address was read by fairs was the United Nations. |Mrs. W. Ashton. Through the courtesy of the| A card table and chair set was Town Council the Day Camp will [presented to the couple by Joe again be held in D'Hillier Park. Snowden and Bill Harris. Mrs. H. T. Fallaise was appoint-| Everyone enjoyed seeing slides ed general convener for the Sum-|of the honeymoon trip to Florida. mer Garden Tea at the home of|Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Doner on|PERSONALS June 16. Mrs. K. Lunney in| Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Tink and charge of baking table. An exe- family were Sunday guests of cutive meeting was called for Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston Wednesday, May 25 at 2.30 p.m. and family, Columbus. The meeting closed. with the] Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake Whitby I0DE Chapter Plans Hospital Project sewn silk Union Jack complete with spear head and stand would ways The committee also submitted recommendations re parking areas in the town Their report om parking Jows That erected tions: "No Parking' "No parking between 8 a.m. and fact that the system is be 6 p.m. Monday through Friday |abused. on eas. side of Henry street out-|~ side the High Schoo] KEEP COLOR BAN | The Regent was appointed dele "No Parking at any time" WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP)---F gate to the Diamond Jub e¢ Na signs on Brock street south in|W. Woolworth stores will continue| tional annual meeting being held the Third block, namely outsideito refuse to serve Negroes at in Toronto May 28 to June 1. It the Buckle factory and the Shop-/lunch counters in the southern|wac decided that the chapter's ping Plaza United States, the company pres-|jubilee project would take the "No Parking at any time" on|ident said Wednesday. Robert C.\form of some equipment for the the north side of Gifford from Kirkwood told the company's an-|new Oshawa General Hospital. Cochrane street to Wellington nual meeting that Woolworth The Educational secretary re- sires: " stores will continue a policy of ported 125 magazines and books "No Parking at any Time" on adhering to "local customs estab- DO Me Cpoiines A ns the west side of Dunlop drive ished by local people for the con Ce leve and a fetter of thanks was from Watson street to the south duct of business in their commu- Ly Na, <i Wook prizes hed ed of Duniop Tire plant nity." n ordered and that a hand singing of the National Anthem.|and family, Mr, and Mrs. N. --., ; i - Mrs. F. W. Marsh and Mrs. J, |Fice, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. M. Roblin were tea hostesses as-| Tom Westlake, Millbrook, visited BROCK sisted by Mrs. H. T. Fallaise. MI. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, | r. NOW PLAYING The Viscount Greenwood I0DE Chapter held its general meeting last Monday afternoon in the United Church Hall with the Re- gent W. Browne presid ing were read by the secretary) treasurer and various | committees. "No Parking' MO 8-4927, councillors: Margaret either direction from the school's" pndas Street East, East side Drive streets according to the report.! Dunlop Street, east side Annes ginning of the through street and | Street, west side Brock St. S Watson Street, east side Brock H olds Final Meet meeting of the season Tuesday, Harold Mace, recording secretary demonstrated tumbling gymnas- urer Mrs. T. Yeats, COD | Se---- the meeting with the sen" | Pascoe, Mrs. W. Bentley, Mrs.| Inter 8 reports were read and adopted.|the past president pin to Mrs. | shoold ports were given by the various|port during her term office tish numbers. Mr. Sarles gave members for their vote of oy onto, Royal York Hotel asked for ful co-operation Whitby District High School and | tember were. told that it is neces- were introduced by Mr. Sarles,|as possible. Final fittings will be which proved to be a most in-{Summer months. No money will] behalf of the association. The meeting adjourned and re- One-Way Streets Planned traffic committee are accepted in ed on the north and south side| ent Elm street is. the only one- Kent street and Cochrane street,| report adopted by council this| 'No Parking" signs on' the on Kent street, between Dundas| That Angle Parking be re Mary to Dundas. The committee Angle Parking in the first Kent street, in the above block,| Angle Parking outside Both streets are 40-foot right of to be replaced by parallel park- Angle Parking on Colborne with parallel parking, angle park- in, the. following That the yearly parking ticket rector Mrs, J. C. M. Kirk, phone signated as being 300 feet in|gi.cai Brock St. George. Following are the through Limits. e Street, west side Euclid] Dh designated. Following is the be- Dunlop Street, east side Henry Stree west side Brock St. N Colborne H&S sociation held its annual and last Mrs. A. Scott, vice-president Mr. education class of Colborne school secretary Mrs. G. Foster, treas- President Mrs. C. Hoag opened Executive members: Mrs R| : Marian Hare. The minutes and|Wootton, Mrs. Gibson presented 8:00 p.m, Ti C. Sarle's room. The annual re-/thanked everyone for th sup-| rooro of grade seven danced two Scot-|so said a few words thanking the Convention recently held in Tor-{hope for a successful term and Mr. Donald Tutt, Principal of|Colborne Street school next Sep- the new Anderson Street school uniform dress be placed as soon | students entering High School any changes in size during the| ed Mr. Tutt and Mr. Andrew on obtained. over the installation of officers'E. C. Rivett and her committee. It recommendations by the| "No Parking" signe be erect- two new one-way streets. At pres-| parking at all times between] The committee, in a lengthy and south side of Annes street bound traffic only be permitted; Dundas to Mary street east hound only on Centre street, from tions: co parking on the west side of placed by Parallel Parking of Centre in the above block. Office, east side of Perry street,| installed. fol-|€ast be abolished and replaced) loca-|™ traffic on both streets ing terial Association, the camp di- mph, The school zones are de-imoon Timits, west side Brock! Victoria 27, Tweedie, Joan Calder, Connie boundaries. Brock Street, easterly Town| Walnut Street, east side Coch- vaving {he fool First named is the street so Street, west side Henry Street Walnut Street, east side Euclid the last named street in each' Dunlop Street, east side Brock St. S. west side Dunlop Drive. Colborne Home and School As-|for the coming term: President May 16. The boys of the physical Mrs. T. Rodman, corresponding tic vener Mrs. G. Town accompanied at the piano by Miss|A. Read, Mrs. I. Grant Mrs H. | d the Brooklin The room count was won by Mr. Hoag who spoke briefly and] Club officers. Miss Beverley Rodman|the new president Mrs, Scott al- a report on the Home and School|fidence and she expressed the] The speakers for the evening| Parents of girls returning to Mr. W. A. Andrew, Principal of|sary that orders for the approved | they outlined the work for allftaken in late August to allow for| formative talk, Mrs. Hoag thank- be necessary until uniforms are Mrs. Lloyd Gibson presided freshments were served by Mrs. B - - y Traffic Committee bylaw form; Whitby will have of Dundas street west prohibiting| way street. on the north side of King street | week recommended that north west side of Ash street from and Mary streets; and south-iplaced in the following loca-| aiso recommended that there bey, "50 Mary street east be re- and no parking on the east side Post ing, also that parking meters be street west and Colborne street signs be|ing being a detriment to the flow signs denoting|0! $5.00 be abolished, due to ti rece | beer Busy Month Here For VON Branch the n Phone MO 8-3618 WHITBY Evenings Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. Features Starts at 7:20 and 9:40 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. attended the wedding of the latter's niece, Vivian Smith and {perry Valincourt, at Fleetwood on Saturday | Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ovenden land family, Oshawa, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. |Frank Westlake, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires visited ,/at J. Law's, Thornhill, and Ray "| Bemis', Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, D, Flett and fam- |ilv visited cousins Me. and Mrs. or VON Branch ~ 'oNTRRIO COUNTY FARM CALENDAR port of the Whitby Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses Thursday, May 19, 10.00 a.m., Port Perry, South Ontario Wom- The total number of visits for the month amounted to 119. 73 en's Institute District Annual. Thursday, May 19, 8.00 p.m per cent or 87 visits were made to give nursing care to the sick in their homes. 25 per cent or 30 visits 'were to give health in-|parm of Earl Shirk, Brougham Buco pisos. am dmitted May meeting for the Brougham tor oul New DS oe Mamie 4-H Beef and Dairy Calf Club. LL bs x 3 and 13 vere . : o {Jim McGill, at Mr, and Mrs. N. spent in Industrial Nursing Saturday, May 21, 8.30 p.m., Leach's, Taunton. The McGills re the »-in-charge| TOWnship Hall, Brooklin, Ontario| ] f oil Mrs. Vance, the nurse-in-charge| o y : are home on furlough from mis- spent three days in Toronto at- County Junior Farmer Socialfg. fields in Formosa 3 y 1 1 . Evening ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bray, En- Monday, May 23, 1.00 p.m., Ux-|filed, visited Mr. and Mrs. W bridge -- Annual Kinsmen Spring | Parrinder is Saturday Matinee at 1:30 p.m. THE wgTRIKING" COMEDY SUCCESS tending an informative and inter esting course on the rehabilitation of the Physically handicapped The VON Seivice is avajlasie Meet and Horse Show E. Ormiston, Ebenezer, visited {0 everyone na the Pe IS Se L " '~ z , ed Te Sor ast io id visit Tn Tuesqay, May 2, 83 p.m., at om De G B case of long term illness, arrange. |LO't Perry, May meeting for the| Mr. and Mis. George Bray, To. y U8 Port Perry Junior Farmers. yomto. Drs George yerry i > . carolyn, Oshawa, were Sunda Wednesday, May 25, 11.00 a.m., | visitors 'with the Werry's at CR Concord, W. M. Cockburn Day at|1andvale 4 the farm of Jack Fraser Mr: 2 ments can be made to suit the vision Mr' and Mrs. Stan Millson and May 28, 8.30 will | individual budget Under a doctor's super the Victorian Order Nurse Saturday p.m. | were Saturday visitors at Sunderland, Ontario County Live-/Bill Carr's, Long Sault, and on stock Judging Competition Sunday were guesst of Mr. and visit daily or less frequently, in order to g special treatment Thursday, June 2, 8.30 m. Mrs D. Wilson and family at ' | Whitby g such compresses, Township Hall, Brooklin, J une : if Ts ' Final arrangements are being as dressing meeting for the Brooklin Juni . ) olin Junior ade for the Sunday School an- irrigations and injections in ad- dition to the general nursing care Farmers niversary to be held on May 29. Saturday, June 4, The Reverend Stanley Snowden, sons ve x PETER NSO SELLERS RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH MARGARET RUTHERFORD WITH IRENE HANDL « LIZ FRASER « MILES MALLESON All Victorian Order Nurses are graduate registered nurses and can be obtained by calling the 1.00 p.m. VON at MO 8-5858. required Brooklin Spring Fair. | Millbrook, will be guest minister. CALL TODAY \/ RRL (/ ROKR Serving Metro Toronto, Greater Hamilton, Oshawa, Oakville, Port Credit, Dundas, Bowmanville, Whitby and Pickering DAYTIME or 24 HOUR SERVICE at less than 60¢ a day

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