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The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1960, p. 4

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TOP AND BOTTOM 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Vridey, Mey 20, 1960 Stalactites are the rock spears Te Teo owmanvi e that hang down from a cave |roof; those extending from the Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Load Growth 8 ot Net ToioN1e 3 al ii Sek Sales High Low 11 a.m. og " Sook Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge MINES Stock Sales Wigh Low 11 a.m. one ( Frosst A 100 $14% 1 + 8 Propane 210 i Net Mentor 300 17 7 17 | -- yur - - ¥ Toronto Stock Exchange--May 20 Gatinean % # Propane pr 725 Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Milliken BOWMANVILLE -- From a which show that there are now Quotations in cents unless marked $ a Dyoam % +1% Switson 200 325 5 gus iy Aced Uran %00 7 7 7 Moneta ' humble beginning in April, 1961,(2580 rural customers served lot, xd -- Ex-dividend. xr--Ex 80 $25 ' Advocate A700 M5 M0 UO 5 Mt. Wright when the Bowmanville Rural|by 320 miles of rural distribution z t GMC 3 3 Tamblyn xw--EX-WRITADLS OM at yr 1 ', SIE Tobisa pr. ib Algom 300 12% 12% array ) Operating Area came into being, line and the load has soared tof INDUSTRIALS Grafion A xd 3 3 Yancord 120 330 33 A Arcadia 1100 3% 3» 3 this area, which is now part of over 5000 kw. H " +00 : A Texaco Can 100 % -- % Aumague LO 1 1 Central Region, has grown stead-| when Bowmanville ROA had Net r Wp 8 5 25 Tor Dom Bk 213 3 arnat N 1 ] -1 {ily and indications are that there. I flock Hales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge s 178 1 5 $i 36 v 3 3 New Hosco will be ! the| ts genesis in April, 1951, quar-| Abitsh 195 $39% Wh Wh + WH : 2 $3 7 37 7 18% 1 : k iw 1 New Jason A 5 : gresiet sxpayon 8 | ters for th ff ! i 1 ® 4% 01 3 1% ' . y ' 900 * 3 2 8 +2 N Mylama 53 98 3 future rs for the staff were in a back| Abit : S ob : y n Gi 13% 13% 13% 4 18 1 1% Sh SW +3 Noranda 1 9 room of the Bowmanville PUC. Acad-Atl A imp Tob pr ' 4 30 8 0 3 ; + Norlartic 500 2 0 20 The sector served by the Bow- fom present manager, Rex Wal Alta Dist vt X ¥ 1 inland Gas ) 0 J 3 fr : 300) 171 4 Normetal Boo 3 manville ROA formerly was part 6 80 $28 : Northgate Ellis y part| ters, took charge of the fledgling Alta Gas ' 0 4 Inind Gas pr 52 $I " | amp 3 53 3 5 2 Northsp : % of the old Seymour Power Com-| ROA. He had a line crew of two - t . . ] 3 Can-Frin b 3 1 Opemiska 0 . pany System and its power Was men and a clerk, and this was hE PRN hl gE Tem Vending sul eve nor sai | AWNINGS C Callinan 6 YE Preston Db pel 65 miles east on the Trent| . =o : f Card C Disevs 345 6 250 250 Ri + p Thi In November, 1951, Bowman- ) orb ; C Discvry 2 5 3 5 0 25 5 7 River, north of Trenton. This ! WINDOWS Atlas Mont $50% 50% 7 ne 0 8 ) ' ob Angiv. Nate : CS Y ¢ Halliwell J 52. Guo b 5 4 MH eystern eventually Was taken| ville ROA staff took over renov-| PE #0 + Lakeland 0 CG Inv , C Mosher 5 us Radiore 10 5 |over by Ontario Hydro and the Sued auarters iding at 5 Teny| DOOR I 8 ' Lambtn_L : C Paper L $ 1% + M Con Negus 22500 +1 Rayrock 3 {rural area was operated by Bow-|E2Per uilding a Tem: Dupont © h ws ma Con a |manville Public Utilities Com.|PCTance street, which was for.| Lob Ine = an Sn : Sherritt To 20 mission, Extensive rural growth) cry fhe old organ tactory.| FACTORY PRICES De Cour I 0 1 Si Mille 9M 3 4 | scion during 1929-30 oR the| The staff has steadily grown | bG 1 I n » ! ; X "7 1 30 925 91 5 Stanieigh | dh since that time and the Bow MB and PR Han Va Wear Falcon 1% 31% 3i Stanigi wis 108) town of Bowmanville me at a wre] CALL RA 8-371 Mass ¥ ow 2 . ; % + Ammer, . : 210 isd : 50 van 00 145 143 143 At the end of 1950, just prior| sponsibility of looking after the| FREE ESTIMATES Mass? 5a Bata ; 1000 ) 10 : 3 163 ~ to the time that Bowmanville/low tension, high tension, com-| C5 pete 2 3 M0 12 Gunnar 6 12 13 1 THAR os. Y , } a ROA came into existence as a munication lines, and the fores-| 5 5 C Ex Gas 9 ) 190 2 High-Bel ( il Un Keno 625 25 eparate entity, there were 1,447|t-y operations for both Bowman-| NO NGas 115 $11% 11% 11% ' C High Cr 10 : 5 5 2 Hud Bay 5 $4 ¥ " Ventues 43 AY customers served by about 242 ville and Oshawa ROA's, The Nor Phone w C Husky wis 1 3 ( 0 I Nick new Tau 35 4 5 34 4 4 + YE tbat ts " Ea A Fem Eid IE E 3 fr rm a Sen eran nt x2 2), PRODUCTS C Dragon 5 i J Waite 20400 v 4 15 i 1 1 e 108 i as s( sons ere 1s a orestry c y Cree wh 9 3 3 56 Jacobus 0. 115 { ¥ : 100 4 1500 kw. The growth that has of 10 men, 12 line crew mem- 328 SACO $7. SOUTH Dev.pa Ty y 00 $30 20 20 taken place since them is reveal- bers and 5 persons In the office, Home Oil A 220 0 DA 5 K 35 2 2 Sales to 11 a.m.: 334, led by the present statistics, as well as a stor rekeeper. Home Oil B 2 25 5 Opar 1 so 3 ---------- -------- - -- ------ -- -------------------- - momedie HBOILG 500 1 7 Jupiter 80( 3 hore o 0 4 Veda! 400 17 7 17 : Pac Pete 300 $10% 10% + LL Lag 16 6 167 \ ) » Place 1000 2 Lorado wits 4 . 0 Ponder 1000 2 1 Madsen 300 280 5) Prove Gas 2200 1 + Maralgo 7 1 11% % ' A os § 2 Rocky Pete 6100 5 5 Martin Stafford Sarcee 500 J Matatch St Pav 2 . 1 W Cdn OG 1500 1 1 Mcintyre Stedman $36% 36% 3 - Wsburne ) + McWat The SPRING CARNIVAL is in full swing at Ontario Motor Sales. All clowning aside, this is really your golden oppor- tunity to enjoy the care-free, zest-filled pleasure of holiday motoring. We have assembled some of the finest recondi- tioned cars available, all checked out mechanically, bearing that guarantee that says this car is OK for your instant pleasure. Drop in to- day or tonight and let one of our courteous salesmen help you select the car of your choice. AT x | THE BEST FROM '56 TO '59 SD. E Six high schoo! s u S STUDI NTS GUESTS OF KIAX ROTARY CLUB Watchorn, Ajax; Alan "on. ALL MECHANICALLY CHECKED ouT their final year at Oil City guests at Thursday's Rotary | crete Pipe in Ajax. The group | City; Darleen Pic} and Nor- | Levine. Oil City Mm Ball Pa., are visiting Ajax as guests | luncheon. They spent the morn- | is shown in the photo, front | een Pickell of Ajax. Bac oo of the Rotary club. The young ing touring General Motors | row from the left, Heather | Row, Rotarian *'Chuck" Walk- Ajax; Dave Claringbold, Ajax, The OK Seal Is Your Guarantee sters with six counterparts | plant in Oshawa and the after- | Peterson, Ajax; Barbara | er, Stuart Greer, Oil City; and Rotarian "Bert" Hill, Ajax. 67 CHEVROLET @ '57 BUICK from the Ajax high school as. | noon visiting Dowty's, Bayly | Ossoff, Oil City; Nema Grey, | Charles Samonsky, Oil City; | --Photo by John Mills SEDAN 2 DOOR TO by Jobe 56 BUICK Radio, Automatic According 90 PC Parker the would appear nowadays the way Attendance Youth Draws pri I hicied Wards dhe a young drivers handle cars STOCK MARKET : .M, SEDAN f | Radio, Automatic ! i § times." as it came onto the road. that there is more horse power Hits 94 PC Fine Of $100 iri, itn oc serve por of ae i NET EARNINGS 19 {roll over on the first lurch. there are braine under thelr By THE CANADIAN BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- ir." ) 'ANADIAN PRESS Leach was stopped and taken hair Gordon McKay Co. Ltd . > y Magistrate R. B. Baxter this \ lave 3 Peas . " yea ORONO (Staff -- E. G. Withe sud i a to Cream of Barley where in his! His Worship warned if any| : er 1p spoon, Orono High School prine week 'made an example" of a, acence skid marks measuring young drivers come into these ended Jan, 31: 1960, $57,951; 1959 Y : Port Perry district youth after go ot " 2 i ( o Js $157,131 i ' pal, - told the Durham Distr 3 g . : | Allergy feet, four inches, were meas-|counties (Northumberland - Dur-®%0 L] : 0 C 2 High School Board at its May evidence was introduced that the ied. Thirty-seven feet of skid ham) and intend to drive a car! High-Pam Porcupine Mines 56 CHRYSLER : 57 P NTIA z meeting here Thursday night, the Scented Sh De uses aig marks were off the travelled after the same fashion as that Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1939 SEDAN : SUPER SEDAN school had a 94.35 percentage at- : yn 1 1 STATION WAGON i Power steering, and brakes. ding onto Ki portion of the road described to the court, they had net loss, $43.130: 1958, net loss : tendance during April while Li ® oo 0 10g a > The accused and a passenger De bring along $100 with'$100,620 Fully equipped : Automatic transmission, radio, 2nrol t ron. Hi 1g | €8 pm of Barley Par > En " ; : $ Egroment a Dreme High 8 Russel. William Ye 2. RR James F. Tremble attempted to 'De Woodward Store Ltd ar 3 : Si: om. ac +h ne De p ai 4 Port ; Pe ov v = ned sigp EP am that the automatic trans ended Jan. 31; 1960. $3,203.¢ $ th, no teachers were abser or ITY, W \ n 02 t y lure SY : $4.15 <h 3 Mr. Witherspoon, presenting his|and costs or 30 days when found i 5 ont caused the cer 0 Juroh . BUSY SUMMER 4.15 a share: 1950, $3.723.043, monthly report told the board guilty of careless d 1 on " Summer stage engagements fc they Id peel x " the June examination timetable] Toun Constable Ron Parke \ Phi oud eel rubber "|Gene Barry, star of the "Bat has been published and this time (14 the court that while check- hour TD Masterson' series od TV, include met" followed by eight weeks in y the staff is at empting to concen-'ino a oar ahead of him for > v ,., the St Louis municipal opera "Destry Rides Again" at Las 51 OLDSMOBILE trate the examinations in a f speed. he saw a oar driven by Magistrate Baxter said it company's presentation of 'Kis-/Vegas '57 PLYMOUTH - | '59 PONTIAC day period Jone T1017 elu ne. accused swerve. from. tie : Seong SEDAN i es) ; i 2 DOOR REDUCED ° DELUXE SEDAN 3 driveway into Cream of Barley Grades 11 and 12 are planning $ their educational trip to be held ; : ] June. This vear thev|at the school, Mr. Witherspoon re-| h i ] said they did not know $1.37 -- A include the fortis on ported the G Club went to he Lake, Queens- | Toronto Sunday Apr 24, and A -- nara es we etl YOUR HELP DOWN 0" Mention ng schoo! equipment Spring" concert June 2 and the PAYMENT" GAS SA VERS o a 0» The Best For Less! Mr. Witherspoon told the board athletic societies have ar ranged baseball games with the gi the Underwood Company has es . k X imated repairs to the school [and boys ns: at cislock I ' 3 VAU A adding machine which was In addition 3 planning a 5 XH LL smashed in a break-in at the|lrip to the golf course school last month at $130 | L. W. Dippell, principal at Bow-| SEDAN The insurance company has manville High School, reported] Reduced Only 12,000 miles agreed to pay for the repairs|12 students left school between and Underwood has agreed to|April 1 and May 1. This leaves | provide a new machine at the aitendance at BHS standing at $295 same cost 704 The Underwood company offer The school juni é p THE . " i nn ] ed the school an electric ma-| second at the iwanis sic x chine for an additional $67. The|Festival in Peterborough Tues PRINCE PHILIP i H board voted to accept this offer day. The band obtained 84 points '53 MAYFLOWER : '55 FORD '58 VAUXHALL In exira - curricular activities|in the competition | CHARTER '55 AUSTIN | '57 MORRIS MINOR CONVERTIBLE | 3 -- Sb TR Very deo : ZEPHYR | STATION WAGON 6 cylinder IKRES 4 j | $195 a | $1595 Dustin Gl io 5 | T a g D a y "SUPER SPECIALS" " EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE Come a'running to get in on these buys. '53 DESOTO | '54 PONTIAC | '54 PONTIAC FOR ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY MAY 21 SEDAN i SEDAN DELUXE Dark blue 2-door, radio BALL GLOVE |i] senvice $225 4.363% 1 9878 NT I Left and right hand models, This is your opportunity to help the |.O.D.E. in ths effort to raise '54 FORD v '54 BUICK : '55 BUICK regulation size, oxhide with tunds for their many charitable projects. When the 1.O.DE rawhide lacing REMEMBER 2-DOOR, RADIO : SEDAN COUPE tagger approaches you . , . WE'RE : Automatic and very clean : Radio, Automatie SPECIAL PRICE HERE 395 i 745 995 FOR SATURDAY ONLY 3 98 UNTIL $ 3 $ PLEASE BE GENEROUS hii 2 Stores To Serve Y Stores To Serve You Better §| WITH YOUR DONATION || ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6507 140 BOND STREET WEST RA 5-6508

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