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The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 20, 1960 § 'Thailand Student [Winning Essay | ---- === = WHITBY and DISTRICT 0 of Homelanaleser himiiin, 22 Council Contest OTTAWA (CP)--John Mellin! cil was told. Tel. MO. 8-3703 This week members of Whitby said, "is similar to the British | lof Toronto, director of the Indian- - Rotary Club heard an informa-|sysiem with junior and high| Miss Margaret Coutts, 16, a/Eskimo Association of Canada, AIA tive address on modern Thailand. schools and universities. grade 10 student of Whitby Dis-|said Thursday discrimination was ? ; Speaking was Miss Prayoon Sai-| She said that the schools were|trict High School won six free| practised against some 50 Indians CALL US FOR FUR 2 phatena, formerly of Bankok, who|operated by nuns and priests and| driving lessons for composing. the|who helped develop a uranium & WINTER has studied in Thailand and Aus-| English was an important subject. | following essay on highway safe-|mine site at Uranium City, Sask. GARMENT tralia and is now at the Ontario| gp. oid that the Siamese were|lv. The Whitby Safety Council| "Indians were hired for the de- STORAGE Ladies College. an easy going and friendly peo- announced that she had won the| velopment work, but only one "Siam is in the south eastern|ple and she pointed out that/essay competition at a Safety|was kept on a regular job when section of the Asian continent,' |when one family visited another Council-sponsored dance in the|the mine began operation," he she said, "and it is bordered by|no invitation was necessary. The high school last Saturday. {told the joint Commons - Senate Indo-China, Burma and Malaya." visitors offer gifts io show their| 'Highway safety! How often committee on Indian affairs. She said that the population) affection, she said and, as ajhave you heard the word? It is "This is discrimination." | | € was 20,000,000 which were rejed mark " Sesbent the Shiidres flashed daily across countless -- | REFRIGERATED STORAGE by a constitutional monarchy. he | calle the adults auntie and television sets and radios. Eye- ov re | added that the King of Thailand | uncle. catching billboards, advertise- The HELPFYL pag was WHITBY CLEANERS would visit the United States at| Miss Saiphatena pointed out ments and pamphlets constanly|e,,nded by William Booth, a the end of June |that marriages in modern Thai-|remind us to practice it. Yet oinodist minister who began in-| Miss Saiphatena said that thejland were not necessarily arrang-|in spite of this campaign to keep] 1enendent evangelical work in| climate of her homeland was |ed and the young couple plan-|the public safe, thousands are England in 1961 [ generally hot with a summer ning marriage had to get the killed or maimed each year. . from January to May, a rainy | approval of their parents, There| "Why? Mostly because of al season from July to October and was no such thing as going steady driver or pedestrian's unobserv- . a very short winter lasting from|in Tailand she said. |ance of the rules of safety and i Dial away November to December. She said that the main relig- courtesy. Each year a multitude |of cars are put on our highways. "The languages used in Siam," |jon in Siam was Buddist and she i r hig . she said, "are Siamese and Chi-|added that there were many bud-| Each car is a potential killer or debt worries i inese." She added that the major-|dist temples in her country. | destroyer, unless handled correct- is H0 £ ly and alertly by its driver. d "But all the blame for these to ay {I Ce ? ¥ May 7 i Vii ity of business in Siam was own- a Konig | fur . aa ed by the Chinese. | YOUTHS STUDY pr "Our education system," shel Miss Saiphatena pointed out accidents does not rest solely on 1 -- Cr |that the Siamese males between |the motorist. Many times it is a| : "- j the age of 20 and 30 had to go|pedestrian who causes an acci-| > y | linto the temples to study their|dent through foolhardiness, stu- : { ear faith as part of a fulfillment to|pidity or plain unawareness of / . vr amt their parents and their God. She safety rules. Mana~er: Lloyd Robertson LTD. 150 COLBORNE E., WHITBY Ph: MO 85-2345 Free Pickup end Delivery said that the Siamese did not go| "What can be done to make a | to church every Sunday but were motoring public more aware of| i AT ui ah 4 Retarded Childr en ] {governed by various phases of the rules of nmonsence and| 10 31 Associa tion ior DE moon. She said that in all|safety that may often save their| houses there was a special wor-/ own lives?" « | 4 : / vo * . Rl i Wi v ih 4 : [ ship room for everyday devotion. 1 By 11 ; p G ; 1Ssion In concluding, Miss Saiphatena | DWARF TREES | 4 ' a fteeny HUD fg a set inn am. EXDressed. the desire that tel yyy owNA B.C. (CP) -- A 12: ] a rr An ji ect' ; Wor Christian Tem- Rotarians could someday acre resea orchard will be set Co 2 / 7 4 ne e Unio eld it ezular her country e . thsi rata ih i 7 phone for t Tuesday| On behalf of the Whitby Rotary|YP 2 h government and| bc . i monthly meeting F: L 1 |] v Cll | Se T v . } Y lagriculture society support, one 4 y {evening i the nited Church|C! sar J obso px-{ 2BFICI oo * 1 | ¥ ven n the 1 lub, Roarian John Rohson, ex of its main objectives being to| oii CASH AMMOTH CHEQUE TO AID RETARDED CHILDREN eromng a the Unled, Chursh club Ro on io ie main ovjctves bei ars XH uid |Quantrill, presided and opened t 's address. I plat hiss wr Ajax, Pickering and | Ontario, York and Peel Coun- | sociation, District 5 Inspector A tie with a hymn. pened phe ena's ad ress. [tree in the fruit industry. from res in three counties. | ties. Shown above with the | Eric Hand, and PC Barton, of |, reports were given by Mrs. by he Ontario Provincial Police 3 ' . i and bri ; b dhe iris . - | r h ents the pro- | cheque are left to right Edward | Whitby Detachment, chairman |Gianney. Mrs, Whithurst. Mrs. Canadian Birthday y, CITIZENS trict 3 will assist the Re- | ids 3 of District 5 assist the Re fas ance arrang- | Kerr, Regional 8 Chaiman of of the Provincial Police Asso- [Ruth Pickering was in charge of tarded Children's Association | ed by the Provincial Police of | the Retarded Children's As- | ciation of District 5. [the worship service. . | | - a a ------ ree ---------- Ee ~~ | Mrs. Quantrill introduced the Suggestions Asked UPHOLSTERING One quick telephone call to Citizens, and you can arrange a loan of guest speaker, Mrs. Parrot, of| | $50 to $2500 for any good reason. A down payment on that houss, cash for car bills, money for. spring shopping . . . it's yours easily, a | o J = : Pro ressl Part [ S . Her topic was "'Mission-| OTTAWA (CP)--Prime 'Minis- Odd Fellows Due g ve Y WHITBY ary Work." her daughter being ter Diefenbaker Thursday invited A. ZAYETTE | conveniently. Rely on the courteous, confidential service of your Citizens A cheque 506, presented | of Whitby a Missionary in Africa, Mrs, Par-|all Canadian associations and in- Loan office. Choose a repayment plan to suit your budget. * For FBYPA PERSONALS rot gave a general idea of the dividuals to i in suggestion Recovering and repairing ' : work accomplished and so much|for Cz s 100th birthday ce le-|| for old quality value with or ITIZE NS Whitby Plaza, Whitby, MO 8-5821 4 ar na 5 On Tuesday evening the young) nic G. DePratto, of Lee Ave-|left to be done. Mrs. E. B. Kil-|bration in 1967 troderh. rettvli \ WTIZENS Ray 5 Pit Mon thru Thurs people of Faith Baptist Church|nue. entertained her group of lens thanked the speaker on be-| He told the Commons the gov n re-styling. INANCE So PM Fr Pelee 1 I Mrs. White- [ernment wants to be certain that EE a Loans mo nd 8 Ajo, ne Special low prices on any odd ond all nearby towns | 1 | { . . 4 , ie eekly meeting. The ladies last Monday evening. The half of the group. | ndependent Order of Odd|rur n the last four innings. fc weekly ; id " sada av wfasrrk 4 : | I iv We er of a v x he 18 Jom ; ing | group first met at the church and| winners of the game were: M s. | hurst read a poem. : every opportunity is given to con- pieces (in ends) | ie oy eting) The: dart aseball president, |then visited the first home of the A. Ockenden and. Mrs. H. Rich-| At the close of the meeting a (tribution of ideas. He asked that od Brother Stev-|Cs French returned from |€Vening, the Bakers. |ards. A buffet lunch was served SO al half hour was enjoyed. Tea|suggestions reach the centennial Phone MO 8-2344 | 1 oning in t th and, with, Choruses were sung and Barry by the hostess Jostessel were Mrs. Quantrill and senrelriat & the Privy Council | as ar . . "i : - Ai Mrs. Detlor. ice here Aug. 1. - i and Jones opened in prayer, The girls| wes Annie Colson, of Oshawa, -- oT jotiice y " ne ther follower tl s nas g rill th a ore dries i siness be other followers 3 Spo a sword drill with a score of ; spending the holiday week end ft ver until the oc week. | through his able manner of handl Cheese and crackers were ici M > Rickell 0 Ld : ® due to in re ions to take ing big events of this nature, a|served, Mr. and Mrs. Baker were aS ng Mrs. E. Bickell, of Byron *» ® place in the lodge room later this )d day shoulc xperienced | thanked for allowing the young|™ o evening by every one attending | people to visit their home. | Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Borchuk, | Bro. Swain, reporting for the = ES The next progressive party|recently married in Richmond sick commiitee, stated he had| GAME RULES home was the Tracy's in Oshawa, |[Hill, have returned from their | Loan Offices in all Principal Cities shor meeting assistant, .ymer, visited some of the hn n sick| For the benef of Hipse nok 300 Choruses were sung and the girls eneyroon trip to Florida. | ® . an thers who, for various rea-| °c Nolan IM Hs pS i 3 i i 2 not find it possible to|would explain that the darts are bra nother Sule ji 2 So Mrs. J. Wilkinson, of Dufferin! attend lodge regularly. Every one [thrown underhand from a dis-|.; 4 40anks offered to the Tracy's. | St» Port Whitby, entertained the 1 members of the Clove Leaf Club ] FER -- tance of 15 feet, or more if de- The last h f th i sired by any individual, and soft-| e last home of the evening s¢ 5 hot Juncheon on Wednesday. ball rules are adhered to. The|Wwas the Dales where Barry Jones The table was prettily i and found y good | : : Fils ps Tos fo y to|target has a bulls-eye centre for (led in a singsong after which|with a basket of mixed spring o hd leaving the hospital in about an-|home runs, as well as 1st, 2nd, (Diana Jones led in prayer. The/flowers, Only one member was other two weeks. 3rd and foul sections. Outside of announcements were given and|anhcent, After lunch a brief meet- the target or the hitting of black (the offering received. The speak-|ino was held at which time the ® was reported on favora . Bro. Couke reported "Doc" Elliott was It was anticipated Information | la q > would be available this evening | lines are automatic outs. This er for the evening was Ron Kirk-| members arranged to donate a from Brougham lodge verifying game, in a few short years, has land. Sandwiches and cookies A that they would have their can- | produced some very proficient| were served and the meeting vo eoy gift, Flas Were ade sof didates in Whitby next Tuesday |plavers and is very interesting to dismissed and thanks expressed | Toronto for a day and visit vari- evening for the second degree play and watch. [to. the Dales. |ous gardens. This will take place exemplification. However nothing Last Friday evening, the regu-| Next week a wiener roast is/June 22. Social 'games followed definite was available but may lar euchre turnout found several planned. with prizes awarded to winners. be forthcoming by this week end. tables of players again attending - . The CP and T committee re-|and another good time was had ported that their annual tag day by all would be held on Saturday, June| This coming Friday eve g, R h this year and requested the May 20, another euchre will be eo a | I'l ge ssistance of members and cars held and the public generally are for that date invited to attend : : . diene FlAS ANNIVErsary DART PLAYOFFS ed last: week af then the The inter-d t dart baseball usual 10 and the wing win playoffs are ¢ for Sat- pers resulted The 47th anniversary of Bene Numerous birthday cards were v, June 11, between Linden! i Wilson, L 3 ill volent Rebekah Lodge 132, Whit- received and read. Birthdays of] Hamilton district No. Browr Mrs Rora k 1. by, was celebrated Wednesday he mot re Sisters Edith| Whithy Eastern Star of Brown, and Mrs. G. Sm he 100F Ha Noble Grand Hoar, Glad McConnell, Dorothy| No. 41 and at the mo- Grace Harris opened the|Wickett and Grace Cait. One of t is very difficulf to predict ssisted by Vice Grand the guests having a birthday that | the outcome Conciliation Board ster Greta Campbell. ; 1 st + Clara Beatty, had | inter. have. lagi Linden 'have la je With an escort of a g f € hitters plus _some new aye! On SIU Winds U honor carrvin spring . J was closed in the usual| v have pr nf 1S i P many guests were welcomed, Mm A very enjoyable pro- win 1 i orts, to MONTREAL. (CP)--A abelle Saunders intro-| gram was given, being opened by andy fashion Bg in .|tion 'board 7 fuced sister June Michell, DDP, | Sister Violet Burdge singing *'God En) a ion, i i 3 ns ship of H. Car sa Oshawa West No. 7. Sister Mabel | Bless this House." Then a read- » changes due to los- - pn Lis a gs by Sister abe] : ach Wicket: 5 pl and Cr. I into the I PP, was introduced by/Ing » Sister Isabel Meier. A f 7 who had a combined total |o0 = between the Sea. Sister Lena Pellow. Sister Meta|number of old country dances fo : he aan » or a ' Ta . stley. PP, was introduced by|were portrayed by members. of with Wickett ayin \Wo © !land the Lake Carriers Associa- 'ister Dorothy Wickett. Sister Isa- the Whitby Chapter No. 248 of ao» Icke pla off é tor sel Car PP. and Sister Isabel|the Eastera Star, Mrs, Jessie nly, in N 1ayoils SI " 1 1 n TOT - three 'members have been The SIU gave its arguments eles rod Sister Clara 70 inson w orth Matron, Mrs. r e argur NY oT Fry. Bg v Inkpe rs. / ar- semi-retirement this year and Thursday for an immediate 10 , PI 1 Gr and Lodge off na pe 5 Ire Am Paiter have been replaced by younger Def-cent increase in wages and a| Cr Past and presen Other son v Luscombe. M ong ; Hoi members who could stand the 40-hour work week, with double $9" ere from Queen Mary 187 i Mr Mar: Jean pull hardships of the strenuous sche- pay for Sundays and holidays Lodge, Osl 3, Sunsiine, Rin.|Shand, urs. Wargare Mustard, stter t an the old \ The Lake Carriers Association oven, Easter, Joy, and White ™rs. Audrey McKenzie, Mrs. vear in Dundas t nd- repres ting five inland sh pping Dove lod : Margaret Connelly and Mrs, Mar- i game companies, earlier prese ted its| Sister Wanda zdard was ad-|3aret Barnes, Mrs, Mae Phair i of fe 10 Dera lh |i mitted as a me nsfer | ac companied them on the piano. ] i a per-cent ir : ak a = I f a a} Whit- | wages ov 2 thro "w and was welcomed by the sis- AM a sing song led'by Mrs. 1 h vaye wer a ree-ye period N args > Si by finally vin 1 1€ 1S wd 0 week paid vac on | ers Margaret Browning, Sister Tena| 9 odin hes aL tO abi ei Roberts gave a reading innings 28 to 27, with tu at after one season's ployment Sister Greta Car || ort G ai : i 7, with two ou after one season employmen ter Greta Campbe €po Noble Grand Sister Grace Har-| 1€ ird game was all hitby Bo sides have agreed to ac-/ed on the sick members AnkK |. 0s awl { ter the fifth: ign at which leet the beards. find vou CBTds. Were reid. Rebu cah (51S, VG, thanked the entertainers| A the ches a ; 2 ons Ix ngs. = nero ial flz os will Te vibeed on for their contribution towards a| . ; on boa o 16 - as = v very pleasant evening ng in bette « 1 Athy |¢ 1de wdvisemernt & ¢ to the graves of deceased members Sister Harris w started to « collectir h Lat Minister Starz Decoration Sunday. A letter ister Har! Ss a A i t condole ioe sent lo th Sister Greta Campbell a of condolenc: S [0 De sent e ¢ tails of the c Fai Myrtle| Delicious refreshments were Hutchinson, : itis served by Sister Jean Wickett| ; and committee including a birth-| Phone MO 8-3618 A donation will be sent to the day cake made by Sister id WHITBY Salvation Army. | Wickett, | NOW Eveni ' | 1 | PLAYING Evenings Shows 819 ond Ss St. John s WA | sor ES CUANGE acc | IDB, the exclusive C-I-L ingredient, makes Trutone the whitest house paim at /:40 and ¥: Pl S . T | flourishing industry of Eo | you can buy--and it stays that way year after year! You'll enjoy the whitest and : hg, 3 : ans pring ea rafts of timber down the. Rhine t protected home on the block when you use Trutone with IDB. It resists blistering » } 0 t Satu rday Matinee ; St. Joht's Avglicas Charch WA [has almost died out and only one and yellowing to give you 4 or more years of all-weather protection. 3 AS / \] 3 3 i w] - | held i ' |firm, at M 2 inue: | » . : at 1:30 p.m. : ield its monthly meeting last jrm, af Mainz, continues the old} Trutone's special formulation enables you to paint smoothly and evenly, and gives fee \ ] L > all l= Wednesday eveni (tradition. Declining use of wood| 4 " COMEDY SUCCESS all. The y vv ng ot the Shares for audin and development of| maximum coverage. One coat does it, saving time and money. 4 nt r te dno Frode rans ha 13 in| : . : lant, opened the meeting with a |T0dern transport has resulted in) Trutone with IDB comes in 3 types: Trutone Self-Washing White, Trutone White and hymn accompanied at the piano disappearance of the old custom! " . : : by Mrs. A, Gower, Rev. Nichol. | which saw gay wine parties, with| Trutone Trimm White. Consult your paint dealer for the one you should use. son was in charge of the devo. Music and dancing, travelling on| Buy Trutone White House Paint, with IDB--the dazzli i i : - 4 . -- azzling white--at your neighborhood tional. Various reports were read|the big rafts of timber. | C-I-L Paint Dealer's Store, 8 y To f 0 team wo the f to 7. The second game battle from s to finis and adopted ------ pans were finatised tor me u| Rally For Peace ' nual spring tea to be held May 2 4 x 5 > o 7 { BP | at the cron' nai with ve In N.Y. Gardens | i utls- of Piees- x £7 5 } following nveners: tea tables| . ' . i ORES ON Sg Bae J ; Birbeck; kitchen Mrs. NEW YORK (AP)--A capacity P i] an; baking table Mrs. S.|crowd of 17,500 filled Madison A IAN CARMICHAEL and Mrs. A Gower; | Square Garden Thursday night in ; On pio Hille Mrs. H. Watson. a Jen fo Dede, disarmament] . 2 1} Miss Emma Goldring, Mrs. M, (aD an en to nuclear bomb| A rg TERRY-THOMAS 1 Gouldburn, Mrs. T Thorndyke | tests | | 24 (57 and Mrs. G. Nicholson who had| The rally was described as| A been attending the annual meet- |nonpartisan and sponsored by the | : ng of. the WA held in Toronto National Committee for a Sane gave general account of this Nuclear Policy. Admission was } PAINTS AND 9 é ec ng. ol Cen SC led from $1 to $10 a PAINT AND RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH MARGARET RUTHERFORD oe : Ab h Log Ly Eleanor PATTE WALLPAPER DODD & SOUTE WALLPAPER with IRENE MANDL + LIZ FRASER « MILES MALLESON nd En ra oe hi ¥ Fe arian 5 Michigan aud pres 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5.3529 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH, WHITBY MO 8-5231 committes. United Auto Workers. |

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