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The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1960, p. 7

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TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH The engagement is announced today of Miss Brenda Louise Naylor and Mr. William Rob ert Holden who plan to be married in Northminster Unit ed Church on Saturday, June 18. The bride-to-be is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William John Naylor o. Oshawa and her Auxiliary, 27, UAW Re-Elects The regular meeting Ladies Auxiliary No 7 was held in the UAW Hall, Sister Alice Reardon presiding, Brother Malcolm Smith, Presi dent of Local 222 installing officer at the tion ceremonies of new and executive as follows: installa UAW acted as officers emer Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 20, 1960 7 Many P.e-nuptial Showers Held 'For Marjorie Ellis, Bride-Elect Miss Marjorie Helen whose marriage to Mr. Howard Noble McCabe will take place in Albert Street United Church to- morrow at twelve o'clock noon, has been feted at pre-nuptial events. Mrs. James Lavender held a miscellaneous shower at her home on Marian avenue. Those guests being present were Co- PERSONALS workers of the bride from the Diane M. Davis Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Greer, Kennedy Mohawk street, entertained at a Dzenis, Miss Margaret Adams, |coffee party following the May-|all of Toronto; {time Dance at the Jubilee pavili- Alexander Kantor of Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. DeShane, | whose marriage to Mr. Stephen d Mrs. Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. G. E, o/ Weber, Paris, Ontario; and Mrs Tinie Gollop, Etobicoke. | on last. Wednesday. Mrs. S. A. Cross an E. G. Storie are co-convening th annual tea at Stonehaven for the and Mrs. Laurel Group of St. Andrew's foance, son of Mr awa, is a graduate of merchan- dising administration of the ogy, Toronty Cc: D ~--Photos by Ireland, Oshawa and Mrs. E. F. and Le Roy Toll, Toronto. Cuthbertson, Canadian Junior Ballet Company | will be Mrs. Vernon Singer, Mrs bett, Mrs. S.. Palmer, Mrs and Mrs. H Francey, Mr. and SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT and Mrs Mrs, J. E Mr at Among the out-of-town Visitors ¢iately homes for the debut performance of the fine old trees, Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs Mr. William B. Venini of sister, Mrs. Leo Karnath Venini confused by and Miss Eileen Joyce Clark whose A. S. Birenbaum, Mrs. P. Cor- marriage to Mr. Wayne Everett J H.|Byers will take place in North- Barezowsky, Mrs. Lidia Sire, Mr. minster United Church tomorrow Halpern, Miss Diana afternoon has been feted at pre- nuptial Boivin and Miss kenzie were ¢o-hostesses at a mis cellaneous shower latter's home, Mrs. Donald Glover : at a neighborhood shower at her Douglas Nesbitt home on Beatrice of Brooklin wish to announce the Morley Mollon and Mrs Miss Eleanor Denise Mac parties held at Westmount street was Mrs WwW. G street Eric v Van- Robert Hartley Holden of Osh- [Woman's Association. Mrs. Neilloouver, B.C., has been visiting Felt is acting as ticket convener jis and heading other committees contre street, after an absence are Mrs. Ewart Nichol, Mrs. S. J.|of 40 years. Mr. was Ryerson Institute of Technol- Nobbin, Mrs. George Werry, Mrs. somewhat > TTY, the Lowe, Mrs. Neil Fraserichanges in the appearance of Oshawa and not a little chagrined the disappearance of many avenues of the hostess Feted Bride-Elect Miss Diane Margaret Davis, Remego will take place in Albert Street United Church tomorrow afternoon has been guest of Honor at several pre-nuptial parties A miscellaneous shower held at St. Mary's Hall, Bloor street east, arranged by Mrs, Steve Remego, Mrs. Thomas Laughlin and Mrs. Michael Ko- lynko. Serving dinner were Mrs. Maurice Lucyk, Mrs. Fred Me- { Knight, Mrs. Michael Zaver, Mrs Samuel Pawlenchuk, Mrs, Eva |Eyman, Mrs. Joseph Crosmas, Mrs. John Hrehoruk, Mrs, Wil liam Prehorek and Mrs, Peter Blackwell. Miss Margaret Leyden, Mrs. Themas Laughlin, Miss Beverly Garrow and Miss Carelyn Hard- ing were co-hostesses al a mis cellaneous shower at the home of Miss eLyden. Serving were Mrs Matthew Leyden, Miss Ann Patte and Mrs. Harry Fayle. Mrs. Claude McPhee and Miss Marlene Laytor arranged a mis cellaneous shower at the home of the future bride, on Alma street. Miss Doreen Laytor and '|Mrs. George Twaites assisted in was Elis, Customs department of General 13 non-fiction, 83 pocket [Clare Elliott who announced that a few tickets were still available, . were requested for trans- {porting nurses to the baccalaur- |eate service May 29. | Mrs. Neil Fraser, library con- vener, reported that 58 fiction books Motors. Miss Marie Leddy and and 155 periodicals were given out Mrs. Robert Farndale assisted|in April. There is an urgent need the he s in serving. for donations of paper-back books, Miss Beth Dean and Miss and anyond having some to don- Marian Ellis were co-hostesses at! ate were asked to leave them at a miscellaneous shower, at the the hospitai. home of the bride-to-be. They} Plans were further developed were assisted by Mrs. Gordon|for the annual "Festival of Gifts" Mast bazaar and the date chosen was ] Victor Hartwig and Mrs. November 18. Mrs, A. W. Arm- James Ellis were co-hostesses at strong asked for conveners and a miscellaneous shower held at|helpers. the former's home on Greenwood Reports were given by the con- avenue. Among the gifts the bride|yeners of the standing commit- received was a set of copper bot-\tees: Mrs, H. B. James, cards: tom stainless steel cooking ware| nes' Earl Mann sewing; and from her neighbors on Barrie|pyg JG. Carter, gift shop. Mrs avenue. A buffet Munch was\p ¥ "Miller will staff the shop served, Mrs. Arthur Atkinsod was ost. Oo es ess at a kitchen and bathroom... ang magazines, The resigna- shower. She was assisted in serv iio of Mrs. J. P. Mills as co- ing by Mist Janis Hill and Mrs. |. nvener of the shop was an-| Florence Hill. | . A Sunday school meeting at the| JUNE ith regret, Mis. $2 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES FRIENDSHIP GROUP The June meeting is to be in The May meeting of the Friend-|the form of a social evening in ship group of Northminster Unit-| Toronto. ed Church WA was held at the| Refreshments were served by home of Mrs, Emerson Salter,(the hostess, assisted by Mrs. rierson street, with 11 membersinonald Olafsen and Mrs. J. A. present. : Schell, Mrs. Salter led in the devotion- ai period, assisted by Mrs. Don-| ald Olafsen. | Mrs. Walter Alexander gavel the treasurer's report followed by| the secretary's report by Mrs.|evening, May 16. The leader, Sybil Creech. Mrs. Frank James, presided and Plans are being arranged for|cpened the meeting with a pray- the Maytime dessert luncheon er and bazaar to be held at the, Mrs. Harold Buckler took church on May 25 at 1.30 PM. charge of the worship period Mrs. M. L. Morris and Mrs, Max|" Crozier for lending for social hours after theatre par-|; ties. ings. Tea was served by the con. Mrs. Alvin Hicks vener, Mrs. J. 1. Metcalfe, with|tréasurer's report. Mrs. John Domink at the tea| Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Spencer served refreshments, SUNSHINE GROUP The Sunshine group of the WA King Street United Church met in the church parlor on Monday , aking 'Christian family life' as her topic. Mrs. A. E. Jones and Mrs. Fred Spencer gave read- gave the home of Mrs, Geo. Ford, took| the form of a social evening when volunisered hod Shot Mrs. Darter, the bride was presented with a , od ies 3 wore Intro- laundry hamper from the staff 9UC® (A ie, Ten + 1p Son. and officers of Albert Street Unit-| "fen Wis. Je Ho cConkey, ed Sunday School. iamely f ree isocintes, Mrs. From the Customs and Draw-| = = Jolson, 8 Ts. a E. Mur. back 'Departments of General ro a Se. es Lngsle n, Motors, the bride received a spun | pichard: Martin » MIs. aluminum canister set, lll, Following rehearsal this eve-| The president felt that a ning, the wedding party will be committee should be appointed entertained at the home of Mr.|and Mrs, H. B, James will con- and Mrs. Clarence Ellis, Barrie|vene this with Mrs. A, W. Arm. istrong, Mrs. F. J. Rundle, Mrs, | C. D. Rundle and Mrs. Claude : ] A ili Vipond Mrs. George Telford on behalf Hospita uxi lary {of the Student nurses, thanked : the auxiliary for its many kind- Seeks Donations [nesses. and especially thanked Of Pocket Books Mrs. R. W. Bassett, president, presided at the May meeting of avenue SAPPHIRE Tourist Accommodation ROOMS . . . By Day or Night ""TEA-CUP-READING" (8 to 10 evenings) except SUNDAYS 193 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH (Opposite Y.W.C.A.) FREE PARKING AT REAR OF NASH JEWELLERS engagement of their daughter, gottre]l assisted in serving. Miss serving Diane Elizabeth, to Mr. Lynniya, ence Clark, who will be the A niiscollane sighborhiood Harris Middleton, son of Mr. and|maid.of-honor, entertained at al A miscellaneous neighborhood Mrs. Harry Middleton of Oshawa. niccellaneous shower at her as a 0 ot Se ppd The wedding is to take place onihome in Port Perry. She was ye a Thad eicY Friday, June 17, at 7.30 p.m. IN gqsisted by her mother, Mrs.|sarved by Mrs. Jake Shaw. Mrs Brooklin United Church, Leonard Clark, in serving. From'p A= Kirby, and Mrs. Edward ia LS the members of the staff of the ggllest ENGAGEMENT National Stud Farm where she| following the rehearsal last posed changes and additions. Mr. and Mrs. William John ic employed, Miss Clark received evening the bridal party was en The Guild Inn luncheon for Naylor wish to announce the en- 5 pregentation. tertained at the home of the graduating nurses to be held on| gagement of their daughter, future bride's parents May 24, was spoken of by Mrs. | Brenda Louise, to Mr. William! You are invited by the Social Robert Holden, son of Mr. and Department to send in any little Mrs. Robert Hartley Holden, all items of interest. News of teas, of Oshawa. The marriage will surprise parties, showers, anni . . Top Quality Spring Plants ALL VARIETIES the Women's Auxiliary of the| Oshawa General Hospital. | A discussion was held on the newly revised constitution and it was decided to hold this matter over until September to allow more time for any member to express an opinion on the pro-| President, Sister Alice don; vice-president, Sister Turner; secretary, Sister Frances Bradley; financial secretary, S ter Hazel Farrow ter Marjorie McNeil Sisters Mary Slater and Irene Amey; Sgt Sister Florence La S Ellis IT'S COTTON PICKIN' TIME AT rustees, Ann Black at Arms, tor Guide, ter A welfare vas set up munity health ational services old Rose Ce committee help build com- welfare and recre for young and serv to RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS SPECIAL! 4.98 VALUE SALE PRICED Secretary's and treasurers re- ports were given by Sisters Fran- ce Bradley and Marjorie Me- Neil. Committee reports were also given A letter Oshawa General ing Fund thanking the Auxiliary = 2 + for its generous donation. It was The nexl ir meeting will decided that Sister Alice Reardon De held on June 7. with no fur and Sister Marjorie McNeil at- ther business meetings until Sep- tend a dinner in Toronto as tember guests of Auxiliary 384. UAW June 4. A family picnic will held on Saturday, July 9 An announcement was made in reference to the Ladies Auxiliary Weekend Institute to be held at Port Elgin Summer School in September. A delegation to at- tend the Institute will be elected at the June 1 meeting. It was agreed. that the group would not cater during the General Motors| take place on Saturday, June 18, versaries and comings and go- at 4 o'clock in Northminster ings are always very acceptable United Church. and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone EMENT RA 3-3574 local 18. Howard Hoskin wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Betty Doreen, to. Mr. Douglas Gordon Greentree, son of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Greentree, all of Osh- awa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 18, at 3 p.m. in Harmony United Church. MRS. ARTHUR REARDON was received from the EN and Mrs Hospital Build holidays first two weeks August the in Mr regular Superfluous Hair Refreshments were served by Sister Muriel Guy and her com- mittee, on be ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Helen Johns wishes to an- nounce the engagement of her daughter, Joan Veronica, to Mr. Robert Winter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winter, all of Osh- awa. The wedding is to take place at First Baptist Church, | Oshawa, on Saturday, June 18, 1960, at 3 p.m. PERMANENTLY REMOVED rossment, By Electrolysis and Kres "Cantury Series % 4 iy recon a your true tp FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe ot the Genosha Motel, Moy 24 - 28 PHONE RA 3-4641 of worry and embar- for appointment en these dates We Grow Our Own 120 ARLINGTON AVE. (OFF SIMCOE ST. NORTH) Circular Driveway Legion Auxiliary Plans Activities The Ladies Auxiliary, Cana- dian Legion Branch 43, met on Tuesday evening, May 17, with President Mrs. Herbert Bathe, {presiding. Mrs. T. Beatty was initiated and welcomed into the Auxiliary. A donation will be sent to the British Sailors Society and a RA 3-3243 RA 3-3243 YES ah an a» a» AIDS REVIVAL A fainting person should be laid on th floor with feet raised. donation of four hundred dollars to increase the flow of blood to |to the Oshawa General Hospital the head. ito be used for the purchase of a -- refrigerator | The chartered bus for | for the Zone Rally terminal at 6 p.m. sharp next {Wednesday May 25. The dinner is to be served at 6.30 p.m. Mrs Robert Williams is convener for transportation, RA 3-4962 CENTRE week and a social evening is planned for May 31 with visitors Mrs. Clifford Pilkey is in charge of entertainment and refresh- ments will be served. The 25-year-membership dinner will be held in June 14 and i tickets are now on sale at 50 Mrs. Herbert Bathe gave a cents from Mrs. Robert Williams catering report. This was for These may be purchased on May three banquets and the conveners 31 au at the Teen on June : ames may also be given in bert - o Cl ; Ro dep wil for the visit to Sunnybrook Hos- ifford - Pilkey and pital on June 22 and fare is one Bathe. A substan- dollar was given in to the Members were Mrs next Mrs Mow! FOR A SOFTER SMOOTHER WAVE... EW/ Zutte WITH "CASUAL PIN CURLERS" THE CREAM OF THE COTTON CROP Whitby will leave the "EVERGLAZE" COTTONS! Sizes 12 to 20; 1614 to 244. Attractively styled, for Summer smartness and eool eom- fort. Great variety of eolorful prints. Easy to launder. Grand Value! for theSe were Mrs liams, Mrs {Mrs. Herbert |tial profit reported in hospital treasurer William Beaton and Joan Westlake. em GREAT MAY FESTIVAL OF (UNBEATABLE) There will he no meeting Ll ih--,e SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LUNCHEON GUEST Guest speaker atthe dessert luncheon to be held at North minster United Church next Wednesday will be Miss Lillian Foster, fashion editor of The Telegram. Miss Foster has a fund of stories garnered on her travels to the of the world vious ZELLER'S WILL GLADLY CASH FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUES | | | | | fashion capitals and on her visits fo Oshawa her wit and wisdom has been relished by all who heard her pre Franklin -Simon All Coats and Suits NOW 15 Price COTTON HOUSE DRESSES 2.98 Great variety of eool Sum- mer cotton dresses. Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 44 ond 1614 to 2412. Washable, mony ettractive colors ond pot- terns Similar to style sketched. Zeller's Thrift- Priced OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §. ZELLER'S LIMITED Phone RA 3-2294 HANDBAGS 1.87 $2.98 VALUE Summer smart imported Straw Hond- bags speciolly low priced for May Sale shoppers. White and beige "Casual Pin Curlers" ond 6 neckline curlers a EE "THE CENTRE OF ACTIVITY" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. $. Phone RA 3-2209 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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