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The Oshawa Times, 21 May 1960, p. 18

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Please Note this column: Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 Deadlines now in effect tor Births, Memorioms, Cords of DEATHS IN MEMORIAM For Rent 44--Houses, Apts, Flots (44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent OVERLOOKING 4 beau Delightfully different, TWO- room unfurnished ground | MeNEILL -- Isobel, at her urday, May 21, 1960. Lakeshore, Oshawa), BIRTHS 729 Milverton Bivd., Toronto, on Sat- I Isobel' (late of | ue beloved wife of the late James McNeill, dear mother KUCHERIK -- In loving memory a dear husband and father, Kucherik, who passed away May home Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain, NORTHEY -- Mr. and Mrs, Ja Samuel | apartment, built-in eupboards of stainless steel sink, heavy duty wiring, Cadi children welcome. RA 5-6457. THREE laree alley. owner OLiver 5-3055. floor| THREE large room unfurnished apart-|p ie" chalet - 20d melt, heavy wiring, adults. Apply 72|ya) fireplace. Attached garage, rec. c , room, Joseph Bosco, Reator. {galow in east SMALL apartment with private en-|5-9870. pleted UPPE 100) tiled duplex apartment, four large West. RA 8-1584. $176 down, immediate possession, spark-| kitel separate entrance, hen new electric stove HI |r detached six - room bungalow, 5ePh Bosco, Realtor, RA 59870, 45--Real Estate for Sale | 45--Real Estate for Sale ful green THREE lots on Farewell Avenue. Dial (ype, spllilevel with fulllGyiayiinG three bedroom Tamch bun RA end, decorated and land. |scaped, walk-out basement with eom- room. ra mice trance, three-piece bath, Taunton Road | |home, $83 monthly includes taxes. Jo-|grave, halfway Lindsay. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 21, 1960 17 45--Real Estate for Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale brick house, bar , SUBLET two-bedroom apartment for ---- HIGHWAY 7 frontage, 30 acres good Glenn Moase, COUNTRY home, must sell! Six-room house and |rods 55 acres pasture with woodlot odio} 5a Ses, tween al a price $10,500, Terms | overlooks lake, hip-roof Damm, 10 119 LEVEL workable acres with 80 on a -- arranged. Apply of Mrs, T. McKeag (Kathleen), Mrs.| we who loved him sadly miss him |and refrigerator, laundry | june and July. Call RA 52161 or RA| NEW six-room bungalow, Harmony (io. asking $16,500, down payment not|&rave. Phone Yukon 5-2042. lent ggg Priced at 8. Edwards (Margaret), Jamen, alll put trust in God to meet again, Soom, for svuples only, Phone RA!5.5787, Ld | Helghts, ST aD gow 2 important Owner OL 5-4930, NMA 6 per cent resale. Your op and Kidd, pT ats Ba , Willi of 145 Rox-| e issed . or 3 hee <----- | sereens, J fusca, Quay Realtors, Eig St, Bs at the er Semele, Sl) I Must be seen to be appreciated. mores y pit roon anbartment, | RA 8.5306 FIVE = 2 De ey decor. ny asa gg home of Your|MA 3330. | Giffen-Mack Chapel, Bo Dinivith Ellen. BEDUCED rent, June, July, sublet|south end. Call RA 56352. ony. VE - room brick bungalow, Most oa and os caved. Close i outs suave: kitchen, fully sodded lot, sum. WHITBY «~ Private deal, Axemie i Cf Inter.| IRWIN -- In loving memory of Rob.|Parkwood, two-bedroom apartment, ap- | FURNISHED room in bachelor apart °c! immediately, Apply 325 Annapolis| conf, 53500 down. RA 8-107. th stor. IS y Soars, Bd electric or y. ¢ Irwin, who passed away May 21,|pliances, lease available. RA 5.2161 or i y {Avempe, CoC . Et ee gem a -------- , heat. Ci Fag TS Foi, ment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa, ost | RA 5.5767 ment, all privileges. RA 5-9630. SELL parpics wr otior pets' People NORTH district, woud sized rooms, |ries for about Fo Jucloding ta: 3 We includ A Ontario. ; bs So , ™ A : "family brick home, , |rar talk about ownpayment. W. P. evenings weekends. -- L enly your memory, dear father THREE or five rooms, stove and wash-| 10" want ther check "Pets for Sale" | . 5 Phi my whole life through,|TWO - bedroom, ultra modern apart-|ing machine Apply 813 Sylvia Street. |in every day Dial RA 3.34902|°% Zod condition, Sarage, pang drive, Mittler, Broker OL 5-3745. INCOME home Tour But the sweetness will linger forever ment, near Shopping Centre, electric-| N furnished Too, ve and|to start an a0 that sells pets Ia onl: offer. i, Site (apartments, now rented, close os het Sma nerad by Aaurhos Nan, Int. ADE & 200 Crome | "To (Ielieraior, vers cenirel. "AVP 98| WELK hep sx ror bw storey Ors pl sme ame. BRAEMOR GARDENS [Fie down: mA 4s 3 . . 4 Ci well, . 3 ept, six-room two-storey home ce "an. son miaw Murray. and_grandehi fio TAP 3H tm Centras_Bireet on a quiet street in north end, oil RA 5-5207. Northey (nee Bobby) are happy to aounce the safe arrival of their son on| Thursday, May 19, 1960, at the Oshawa memory of a dear mother and grand. General Hospital. A brother for mother, Bertha Teressa Staety, who| ar father and grandfather, Tommy |passed away May 22, 5 3 , who passed away May 21, 1957. REYNOLDS -- David and Heien (nee| Surrounded by friends we are lonely, Mio knev: that he was suffering, Bu 's gif | In the midst of our joys we are blue.| my. ihe hills were hard to climb, tt), God's gift of a son, Michael] Tha 4 ith. a smile on our face and . , on Tuesday, May 17, 1960. the Oshawa General Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Anderson COOLING MeCormick) wish to announce the gat heartache, ~lovingly remembered da -- Royce and Marion (nee Ona, son-in-law Alna and grandchild safe | ren. arrival of their son, born May 19, 1960, | at the Oshawa General Hospit 8 Ibs. 5% ozs. A brother for "Heather. weight DODD ~-- In loving 1950. DEATHS The depth of sorrow we cannot Of the loss of one we love so w BLAKELY -- In fond and cherished Longing, dear mother, for you memory of our little dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. A. |B odd, who passed away May 23, Bobbie, Bruce and Nancy. 80 He closed his weary eyelids | And whispered "'Peace be thine". ~Always N = In loving memory of al MORTO! i remembered by his daugh- frigerator, TV aerial, washer, Available June 1. ou stainless steel sink, heavy duty ing, private entrance. RA 8-1723 5 pm dryer ret or two single beds, ughter ter Thelma, lowen and gr Clare and Trevor. May 22, 1956. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. tell ell, --Sadly missed by son Grant, {inlaw Wilma, ALEXANDER, Robert Lindsay id into rest at the family resi- DODD -- In loving memory of a dear ed away May 22, 1956. dence, 5 Maple Street, Ajax, on Friday, (wife Guy and Laurie. and mother, Jessie Dodd, «| Lovingly r d by wife Viol grandchildren Glenna, RICH -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Carl Rich, whe passed away and sink In kitchen, near hospital 3.3177 T let. RICH -- In loving memory of a dear |RA father and grandfather, Carl, who p who| Nothing can take away The love a heart holds dear, FOUR-ROOM apartment with stove re. | yy Gy oni furnished Foom RA 3.2734. {modern kitchen, elose to shopping cen- "tre room apartment, private bath LARGE room, newly furnished, for one to grocery store and restaurant, in heavy wiring, private bath, cupboards ment, unfurnished, ate entrance. Main et South Telephone heat, only $10,000 with low down pay- ment. Joseph Bosco Realtor, RA 5.9370, n - Bix _- room brick bungalow, decorated,|of shopping centre, landscaped, storms and screens, fire-|fenced lot, extras. place, close to school and bus stop, |5-8903. and and Dial 8.0028 between 5 and 8 p.m ROOM for two gentlemen, single bed: aiso one single room Second floor, Near ATTRACTIVE five - room elapboard i north garage, patio, 0 agents. RA (Stevensons Rd. N. end Annapolis) Registered lots available in this prestige location. N.H.A, wi after Apple Hill RA 8.8649. FIVE. Wilson OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE North GM and downtown. Apply 204! Bond Street East TWO furnished rooms for single gentle. man, in mew house, cooking facilities, parking, close to Shopping Centre and m house, all of land, nine miles from Oshawa, lose 4 down payment required, c: French Canadian home. 841 Simcoe|SGM, RA 81439. 76 Rosehill Boule. monthly, 5% per cent. OL 5-3485. Street South, RA 56068. ____ |vard. 1 AM leaving for England within THREE or four room apartment, PRIVATE apartment, (hree Tooms, days but must sell my beautiful ranch four - piece bath, washer, aerial, park- ing, $80 monthly, adults, near Shopping Centre. 212 Stevenson Road South. ALBERT and Elena streeis -- seven. sider any reasonable offer. there are valuable extras. Call me OL 5-3745. and roo; conveniences, garage, large chicken house, one acre paved road, off No. 12 Highway, Small arries $60 bungalow on large lot first. I will con. Naturally approved. For information RA 5-7272 WE INVITE YOU TO NN SPECT THIS ONE AND ONLY REALLY SPACIOUS HOME 3 EAST EIGHT ROOMS at| Here is a home you would be proud to own. A 2Vs- room house, close to school and shop- ping. Vacant, reasonable rent. 5 Bloor East, RA 5-6588 'RN two - room no children. Call R rent, after 5 RA 3-7596. apartment for | A 32233 or|at 67 King Street E ce for rent Apply R. ROUND floor, Office CUSTOM BUILT HOMES CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES |Holden, RA 5-3514, |Two "= room, unfurnished apartment attractive, Abstainers only, near South GM. e . passed away May 23, 1959. : after 5 K ee pera aay fri J Our lips cannot say how much we| Fond memories linger every day, UNFURNIS. Melntyre (formerly of Ottawa) and miss her, Remembrance Juels Mm BERK. let self-contained, dear father of Samuel Lindsay Alexan-| Our hearts cannot tell what to say, Ever remem bored by. aunts der of Ajax, Beverley (Mrs. E. J God alone kno ow we miss her, Doreen, : 3 eith, g 5-1356. Whittmore) of Perth, Ont, and dear| Ir a home that is lonesome today. ' aren Wayne and Kerty. grandfather of Patriela, Karen and --Sadly Dlused and lovingly remem her: Kitchen, Three.) «Vincent Alexander of Ajax and Rol Whittmore of Perth. Mr. Alexander is resting at McEachnie Funeral Home DODD «in loving iemoiy of out 2 Kingstgn Road West, Pickering, dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. A funeral 8 pm. Funeral Play fur Hulse Ottawa, and for then to Home, service on Monday, May 23 at 11 a.m Interment Beechwood Cemetery, © tawa. MARSH -- In Oshawa General flosp-| ital on Friday, May 20, 1960. Ged Marsh (18 Patricia band of Jane Hannah Clay sh in his 73rd year the late Hean Church on Monday, May 23 at 30 am. Interment St. George's Ce service on Friday evening at H. Dodd, who passed away May 23 50 Ave.) beloved hus Johnson and loving father of Miss Lillian Mae - M h is resting at the McIntosh Fun eral Home, Service in St. George's Ang- bert ed by Lola and son-in-law Owen. fair (H- ther ot And her hand we cannot touch Of the one we love so much. Her memory is our keepsake, With which we will never part, God has her in His kee ing, We haye her in our hearts, Sadly yrge Mr. Grant and Gail. Anne, 10. Estelle, me- EF wife and mother, Ruby |passed away May 22, 1959 Mother, vou LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24-HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 SHAWA 0 MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types. 1435 KING ST. E. Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 -- As you always were before, --Lovingly remembered by hu and family. IRWIN -- In affectionate dear father, There will be a glorious morn Or that resurrection morn. wife Marie. of our dear father Robert (Bob) Irwin, who passed suddenl, May 21, 1954. Keep him, Jesus, in Thy keeping, Till we reach that shining shore, » De HART -- I wish to express my (tubs sincere thanks and appreciation to my Then, O master, let us have him To love him as we did before. --Lovingly remembered by his loving! relatives, friends, neighbors and Local son, Jim, and daughter-in-law, Marion, 1817 GERROW FUNERAL : CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST Though her smile is gone for ever, Still we have so many memories missed by daughter Norma, uvelly 1 desire to x son-in- Howard. grandchildren Lee sincere anks for iy Bg treatment and care of my late wife, during her Ie GILROY -- In memory of a dear|longed illness in Oshawa General Hos- i i who pital, under the care of Doctors Tod also to the relatives and (== _ many friends for visits, flowers and| THREE room to the nurses and entire staff dren welcomed, who contributed to her care and com: now. RA 8-5304 are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us, remem- |brance of my darling husband and my Robert (Bob) Irwin, who When we meet, to part, no never, IRWIN -- In fond and loving memory and grandfather, and grandsons Robbie and James. CARD OF THANK heavy duty ing, | children welcome, heated, RA 5-6705. $70 monthly, HUMPHRIES -- I wish to thank many cards | my visits and gifts, dur Thanks also flowers stay in hospital. nursing staff of 1E and special thanks to Dr. J. E. Rundle. RUTCHISON ~-- On behalf of the fam- ly and myself, I desire to express our friends and neighbors for their | --Alfred Humphries. Mg NORN: : | TWO bedroom apartment in apart building, Cedar and Thomas Modern, all conveniences, now. RA 3.4368, WANTED elderly woman or ma couple. Free home for company middle aged lady. YUkon 5-2031. | Myrtle A. Hutchison, and-Rowsell, mail, dort, Ward 2A. shand | services, alsy pallbearers. 'nk Jeffery, Wes Richards family. friends and relatives Funeral Home. USWA for their thoughtfulne yifts, cards, flowers, visits and pho chen, --Mrs. Mabel Weeks. a NICE three - floors, sink, built-in cupboards, Byng Ave. RA n k 55 a month, av reasonable, | with kitchen, third floor, suit adults, ES Sm pe OUSE -- coms, living room, | FIVE ' Tn os gas TOO: lye en cupboards, refrigerator, stove, close to school, |Private bathroom, nice, | |ONE Targe furnished room and Witeen, and the |oult couple. Also single furnished room |Share bath. {for gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street |5-2389. room apartment, to Supetmarket and bus. Apply d4o|'a8e, pest residential district, Whitby, 1, chil inside and out. Rent will include' stove, MORTGAGE ARRANGED Taylor Road, Oshawa, Ont. RA 8-6475 FREE ESTIMATES RA [$45 monthly. 22 Rowe Street after 7 |evenings or call RA 8-8403. room, furnished apartment, At Prices You Can't Afford to Miss 9 Beautiful Models PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL HOGENBOOM storey brick in on excellent locality and in immaculate condition from top to bottom, All rooms are large with a living room 16 x 20. Hard- wood floors throughout with natural trim, forced air heat- ing ond oil, double garage. Price $14,000. Only $2,500 down ond one mortgage for with extra features at no extra cost quiet home. un- 81 Drew Street = 5 IRR TWO - room apartment, kitchen sink cupboards, refrigerator, stove, 15 Fairbank Avenue. RA Storms and Screens Ceramic Tile Bath (4 pc) Space-Controlled Kitchen |THREE - room newly decorated unfur- with Dining Area : ? . ment (nished apartment, heat, lights and] Sodded - Lawns prestige location, For informa- Streets, | Water, immediate possession, | Garage tion, Mr. Jones Available | 8-4311 A > [FOUR room, self-contained apart FROM: $1 3 000 { . ' rried | ment, choice location, modern, stove, for |%nk, refrigerator. Occupancy June 1, |3¢5 monthly. RA 5-445: "file| MODERN, brick, three - bedroom bun-| tached ga-| DOWN: $1,450 I= Open Evenings and All Day Saturday |finished recreation room with bar, a -- | beautiful home in immaculate condition CRESTWOO HEIGHTS close | #alow, three years old, lable | refrigerator and washer. Adults only, ilt omes n wi | Phone evenings after 8, MO 8-3053. built h ond we THREE - room front aj EFFERY -- We wish to express ment, private entrance, fully equi Fh thanks to our many friends, kitchen, heavy wiring, TV [neighbors and relatives, special thanks |to doctors and nurses of 2A of the Och- |awa General Hospital, Armstrong Fu- passed away suddenly on May 21, 1954, nera: Home for their kind and efficier We shall part but not forever, aerial, {ness couple preferred, very 209 Bond East, side door. REE - room { WILLIAMSON -- 1 wish to thank Elgin East. --Still missed, still loved and very dear neighbors, to his loving wife and son, Bruce and their kindness to my mother, also the nurses and aides of 2C, Oshawa Gen era' Hospitai, and for cards and flow- ers sent to me during the loss of my {dear mother, Eliza Williamson. Special Away thanks to Rev. McKnight and McIntosh | evening, after 6. district, three bedrooms, central. FURNISHED room, central apartment, private |¢ NE - ome, tiled bath, very reasonable, no refrigerator to share, suit one or two| June 1. Apply 543 Mary Street, any Men. close to Shopping Centre. Apply ATTRACTIVE brick bungalow, quiet| SINGLE furnished room for lady or modern kit- |#entleman, Plerson sliding windows, storms| Ping centre HORSE FARM Fieldstone home with city conveniences on paved road near Bowmanville golf club, Barn 40 x 60, winding part-| -- pped mi] pred) 449--Rooms For Rent a Dp , suit gen-| tleman. Telephone RA 3-9225. room and kitchen, furnished, | stove and oven. 63 Grenfell Street RA 3-7 1 22 ; Bowmanville, MA 3-3393. new home, close to Shop- downtown, kitchen priv. 5-8513. furnished -ooms, light BRAEMOR GARDENS (Stevenson's Rd. N. and Annapolis) reens, full basement, laundry ileges. RA 5 nd large lot. RA 3-9258. |MEN" &hily, LARGE f m ished semi-| . ss, Dasement apartment, full bath, larg !|windows, on bus line, non drinkers. ni|Must be seem to be appreciated. 303, . RA 8-5683, 261 Celina St DNE_room and Kitchen, private front offers everything RA |and back entrance. Apply 27 Park Rd. "| Sout! |call during my five weeks in hospital |." I ST fs : LOOK! LOOK ! LOCK [] IRWIN -- In loving memory of a dear and now while convalescing at home. eee eee | ONE hed bedroom, gentleman y father and grandfather, Robert Irwin, With specia. thanks to Rev. Nicholson | ATTRACTIVE, comfortable apartment, ul I preferred, close to North GM, hospital Close to 3 sh " {who passed away suddenly May 21, and Rev. Smith for comforting visits. [two rooms and kitchen, bathroom, com- frie lose to shopping centres p RA 55879 before 2 p.m. 278 Jarvis 1934 |And Dr. F. A. Cuddy, Whitby, nurses|pletely furnished, mo children. Close 0 Street Close to 3 schools Days of sadness still come o'er us, |and staff of 1-E and 2-A of Oshawa Gen- bus service. RA 8-1720 after 4 p.m. I= Et omsiostg Ais assem - Close to churches Tears in silence often flow, eral Hospital for their wonderful care. |: I -------------- yt < THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable . For memory keeps you ever near us, Thank you everyone, FUCR © King. en any Wil for couple, heat, light and water in- Close to transportation a isda Six YAIS SEO. a | 1088 De Hart, Port Whitby, duty wiring, adults only. 555 King|Cluded. RASIS. ~~~ 0 SEE! SEE! ' y f 4 Street East. CLEAN, quiet rooms, by week or . : SEE! son-in-law Mark and randchildren Fi pric RY -- - h + Roberta May and Billy, 44---Houses, - Apts., Flats (356 and tree =~ oom furnished | month, tho. 0] offartment,, partly Homes designed for Grace and Space For Rent apartments, close to Shopping Centre, OF Unfurnished. 174 Church Street. The kitchens of tomorrow NY ir i 7 Street. RA 8-1776. SELF.COXTAINED oom, Private bath TWO - room apartment for rent, sul THREE d balf room remodelled for gentlemen, Apply 20 Harmony Roa couple or two gentlemen, No children apartment, close to downtown and |SOUth SEE SEE WHITBY CLASSIFIED please. RA 5-6169. schools, r RA 8-0445, THREE room apartment, GARDEN work with 15 HP upstairs, unfurnished. Apply 491 Howard Street, A 5-2256. THREE-room heated apartment, | (tral location, Bowmanville. Phone The Goldene Designed for Indoor and Outdoor Living ONE lovely room for gentleman, in pri- cen. | Yate home. Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd. MA RA 37070, The Ridgeway The Family Home 8 rooms roto-hoe. FOR BALE -- Iron fireman stoker, and | o> 2: 13-3573. | ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, - Contact Len Crowder, 305 Anderson !furnace, good working order. Good rea-| TWO . room furnished apartment, quiet IN api nt ouse, large newly dec.| able in private home, 82 Park Road 4 bedrooms 3 bedrooms Street, Whitby. son for selling. Will demonstrate. MO district, central location. Child care for |g. af? ih contained, two-room apart. | North, 5-7 p.m, 'RA 8-8671. Family room A kitchen that you must see Shed | 8-3539. working mother if desired. RA 8-6034. and ki i Rige: | BED sifting room eek i FOR RENT -- Completely furnished > § mother ment and + stove and fridge; BED - sitting room with light house- 2 washrooms Patio, etc apartment, private entrance, private FOR RENT Small three-room self- | FURNISHED private basement apart. |three-plece bathroom, closets, furnish- keeping, close to hospital and down- Carport ' : bath, heavy duty stove. Apply 1121|contained apartment, reasonable rent,|ment, steel sink, cupboards, suitable for ed if desired, laundry room, parking, (town, suitable for lady. RA 5-5228. Priced from $14,425 Dundas Street East. MO '8.3692. No adults only, Phone MO 8-3727. | working couple, Phone RA 3-9557. reasonable. Apply 23 Gibb Street, Apt. | ------ og -- iris Priced from $15,564 t r------ eee | ee -- (1, Simcoe Street entrance. AT 24 Colborne Street West, single ' + [FOR RENT -- Apartment, ground FURNISHED (wo - room apartment, |. -- Pensh --- furnished bedroom, use of kitchen if SEE airlane Ford, two floor quiet, one. bedroom, large living: [centrally located. Apply 20 Elgin St. [NEWLY decorated basement apart-|ogired Young business - gentleman SEE , radio, no reasonable room, kitchen with stove, bathroom, or call RA 5-4150, |ment, four-piece bath, separate en- preferred, RA 34935, The Arnwood offer refused. Apply 1009 Centre Street hot water supplied. Private entrance. oT oo Bedroom aoart, |Lrance, heavy duty wiring, TV outlet, RYN mre _- The Stanford South, Whitby. MO 8-4440 MO 8.2433, Sy MONI I avy Yedroom apart $60 a month. RA 8-5455. JCOMPLETELY furnished bedroom and Designed for young moderns ssid Bb be ah i aN , clos ' 3 a -- a a > i THREE - room apartment, separate THREE . roomed self-contained main | room, kitchen with ridge, stove, laun. |THREE-room apartment and bath, TE ian: Co Atal for ne Contemporary Favorite Split Level entrance. Available immediately, $65.|floor apartment, $45 monthly, garage|dry facilities, parking private entrain [vate entrance, TV outlet, on bus line,|gaiy § 6 rooms 6 rooms iso one furnished bedroom. MO 8-487, available. 209 Brock Street South. MO sorry 1c children. Call Mr. Bradicy excellent condition. Available June 1. Re --_ as a. 3 bedrooms 3 bed 817 Brock Street South, Whitby 1984 mornings or evenings. Millen Real | RA 81445. |TWO large housekeeping rooms for Dr " Kitche edrooms EXPERT soiotiliing for gardens and | HOUSEWORK ia Wit Estate. RA 3-208 FIVE-room apartment, heavy duty wir. "it: five minutes from downtown, eom kitchen Cute as a button lawns, Don't call unless you want the a Week best. 'Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8.2614. |5ry FOR RENT -- Modern 2-bedroo apartment, stove, refrigerator, outlet, heat 'supplied. Immediate session, close to schools and shoppin, Call MOhawk 8-2625 after 6 p.m INVESTMENT opportunity, Beautif new custom built Tri Plex fully rent. ed. Ideally located, fully landscaped. | iy N0, 82178. | ROOMS Dy. the week. Hicd shower md | TV Principals onily, Phone MO 82786 BOOKCASES, china cabinets, end pty mod ori. ped Tio co Whitby for inspection tables, coffee tables, all styles. Lots to| osha' Hotel Fe - 111 - FOR 8 TV [cluding heat and light ~ Rotten manure or com- Call | FOUR - room m | cation, | po-| 4494 Whitby, 8. |days. Call MO 85226 ul| FOR RENT -- Three rooms, self tained apartment. Phone MO 8-277 --|choose from. Midtown - Furniture, PO ody angtten nallire Or cOm- Brock North, MO 8.381 ONE light housekeeping room, va LE lonssicenty ms, View, Fan, many ebay 3 redles | Ee p-- ---- May 10 Suitable for lady or gentlema 3 » erator, private en- | Ow . down payment. all ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone FOSKETT -- For shingling, siding, | oY. n \ (trance and bath. Suit busin oupte. REAL ESTATE BROKE : 7 Suh |esvestouhing Painin, decorating. S103 0 hospital, bus and north GM. mae co and bath. Suit business couple OKER EXCELLENT OSHAWA LOCATION Joe Mago ot 5-9191. ree estimates, cash or finance plan, eee ----e LAWN mowing and gardening. Phone | ait workmanship and material Ya, TWO rooms, for gentlemen only. Phone| WHITBY, new bungalow for rent or FULL PRICE $10,900 BUILDERS TERMS $1,700 Down -- New N.H.A. OL 53/46. ____ (teed. A. Foskett and Sons, MO 82341; (RA 3-9651 after 5 p.m. 467 Ritson Road|S3lc, three bedrooms. very lovely, $110| Six. room, three - bedroom 6-room bungal CREME cold wave, $6.95 includes style. |8-4358. | South. Ys hous ule, aM iv storey and a half, in spot- igh ungelow r= norhe oe ------------------- s----------------1 IC oro. ) " lo cut, oil shampoo and set. MO 85124 for| WoO "3nd board wanied for tine. FOUR unfurnished rooms, heat, hot | > RENT -- One 35d two bedroom| 1e55 condition. Close = to SERVICES IN west area ppoi! nt, - --__ |year-ol oy, near King Street school, Water, very clean, private entrance, o -- | ROTO-tilling ©, reasonable rates, Telephone MO 8-4340, i Dussession Muay 1, couple only. 203 King apartments, = laundry Jasilities, Mai Bn BLL | READY FOR IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION 3,925 Bown ~ newb, Som. Call J Mulligan, OLiver 5-4659. FOUR + oom enter mami Street West, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. i . + e n, | plete 7% mortgage N.H.A. petro iti . m apartment, newly d "lyre ------ ee. | Whitby, MO 8.4221, i | A HOME owners, shingiing, siding, in. (ated, spacious yard, central jocation,| LARGE housekeeping room and pantry, |oooioy: MO 8.4221. ~~ ~~ garage, fireplace, venetian | WRITE: bungalows complete with sod- stallations, eavestroughing, painting. [$65 monthly includes lights and water. |PUilt-in cupboards, private entrance, ing : room furnished apartment, pri-| blinds, some carpeting. Car- g ded front lawn, = storms Phil Harper, MO 8-458 {Apply Eric Johannson. MO 8.4494 Whit. | Suit working lady. 478 Park Road South Aly pr ce parking space, central! vies for $75.00 a month | screens, fan in kitchen, cera EMPLOYMENT wanted--For all your >. {MODERN apartment, refrigerator and ei . principal and interest. One | BOX 545, OSHAWA TIMES mic tiled bath, etc Immediate garden w K, plowing, rototiling and HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good Flove: Jour roves and bath, suitable for Trigeas. Sol Phyllis Jubb emcee no landscaping or clean up jobs. It ecan't'down payments W MeAuley Realt urse, private entrance, at - 5 -------- Pp M be too small. Call MO §-4880 or MO MO 3231, Oshawa RA 3.2312 MO | close to hospital, high school, vacant| Upper Duplex, two bedrooms, | co hin SEPTIC CR Es July'1. 333 Mary Street. ~~ | large living room, continuous ATHOL ST. EAST | U 33,000 Down -- 6-room fom- APARTMENT for tent, four large |Way, new tanks Installed Walter Ward, [FOUR - room apartment and privae . Near Kin, even- in- lly home -- garage, storms, rooms unfurnished, refrigerator and 204 C bath, TV outlet, close to bus and hot water, exhaust fan, bam. 9, seven-room in ' 4 stove supplies. Private entrance 231 Palace Street. ROTO-tilling done by experienced gar. den er. Reasonable rates. 3870. MO 8- ed RA LIVE poultry also feather ert market prices Parker, MO 83644 collect. NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq, ft, or less, parking lot facilities. Cal Whitby Professional 3781; evenings, MO 8-4003 "wanted ers, cont Feb 12) Newest being received lawn space available. FOR RENT -- One or two bedroom | w= reser arr: re HL ME $8s,| TWO room apartment with bath, stove, Mo | refrigerator, apartment on Mary Street East, id $90 and $100. Adults preferred. Pang Jake soy Peas ,|SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep free 1/from only $279.95. For special MODERN QUIET APARTMENT EXCELLENT LOCATION APPLY 105 Craydon Rd. Apt. 2 GRAVEL Cement Gravel -- Driveway Gravel coarse or fine -- also fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. noon. ERIC. C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 FOR RENT Boats, motors and trailers, water skis, surf Boards, canoes, box trailers, cabin trailers, tents, coleman stoves, lonterns and coolers, sleeping bags, cots, garden tillers, post hole ers, cement mixers, , wheelbarrows, lawn rollers, seede nd mowers, hedge clippers, chain and skill saws, electric drills, 'sq we paint sprayers, vacuum clean- | ers, pipe dies, etc WILDE RENTALS | SERVICE & SALES 141 DUNDAS E. MO 8.3226 {MO 8-4981 or MO 8-5740, itby for three days 8-2466. Eerie ns. | IY WANTED -- Roo; and board fi ORE Forni Trea eee m and board for 7 ONE furnished housekeeping room, for|S/mcoe School, low rent f [gentleman or couple, one block from |tenants. RA 3.7156. : hestnut West, phone MO 8.2563. APPly MEMBERSHIPS |elub -- varied activities, Club room and [TV : For information | 9uiet couple. Also for sale --- gas stove Telephone | Write Box 608 Oshawa Times, { prices Building, MO 8./07 ranges, fridges, washers and dry.|trance, refrigerator, stove, central, ab- act Mid Town Furniture, The stainers. RA 5.5676 Appl Dealer in Whitby. NEAR OCVI, separate schools, ee nonth. RA 8-687! con- | Glecoff's. Apply 125 Clark Street. ns | NEW three - bedroom house, Teliden| ment in central lo. | heavy duty stove, and refrigerator, tel. a spacious yard $65 na in. | ephone, heating, hydro paid, basement |HOUS! Phone MO 8. apartment rented, close to public and [$95 monthly. RA 8-5895. South GM. $100 per THREE rooms plus private bath, older person or couple, near FOUR - room unfurnished apartment, antenna, near schools, One or two | Gen. | children welcome. 1121 Somerville Av- we, RA34 G. MILLER | TWO Tight housekeeping rooms, far: | . enue, RA 3-4948. + Possession June 1. . RA for Sw - ERTS TWO rooms newly painted, suit and ice box. Apply after 6 p.m. | 165 | Ritson Road South. water, 0 monthly, hydro, heat | cludea, RA 8.0964 SY, ground floor apartment, a ome, three rooms, bath, private three rooms, tile " | FOR C.I.L. PAINT | CALL Dodd & Souter 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 private entrance. RA 5.9870 TWO - room apartments, furnished, light housekeeping. Suit two, willing to share, ladies or gentlemen. Very cen- tral. RA 5.7113. NEW apartment, self - col minutes from Oshawa on highw. 1anch . Private t t room: and bathroom. Box 708, Osh. awa Times. TWO, furnished apartments, sult busi- ness couple or single ladies or gentle- men, also three - room apartment. One | Paint .& Wallpaper Store | | FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL | | Dodd & Souter Paint & Wallpaper Store | 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 28, 1960 Household furniture, consists ing of bedroom suites, rugs, tables and garden tools, etc. The property of Mr. Allon Colwill, of 224 Brock St. N. Whitby, 1:30 p.m. Auctioneer: Loyal Pogue. { | " child welcome. 128 in Street East. SIX - room house on Drew Street, very nice home, hot water heating. Apply 562 Drew Street, after 4 p.m., except Saturday and Sunday, anytime. PARK LANE APTS. ult| ing, four-piece bath, Apply 304 Albert Stre for rent, July 1, six rooms, Yate Quiet home, parking. 308 North or suitable very reasonable rent. Phone RA 5.4175. ROOM for rent, suit gentleman, pri- Elgin | Pticed from $13,750 Priced from $13,585 MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION OVER LONG WEEK-END West or phone RA 5.7854. 45--Real Estate for Sale suit | | |LOT one mile east of Taunton 76 x 218, - $1300. Terms arranged. RA 3-9269, ROSSLAND MANOR Choice residential lots, com- pletely serviced, some wooded, The 1960 trend is for custom are following this with a variety of appealing plans available discriminate buyer, Featuring the exclusive Red- wood kitchens with built-in the balance. WEST FIVE ROOMS Modern throughout and only 4 years old, a lovely 3-bed- room brick bungalow with a well-planned kitchen, nicely decorated throughout, com- plete with aluminum storms ond screens plus a two-room basement apt. with toilet. Price $13,900 with $3,000 down, NORTH SIX ROOMS Just north of Rossland Rd. on Jones Ave. we offer a nice family home of brick construe- tion in a splendid neighbor- hood. Living room down- ana |Mildren please, abstainers omly. Pos: persons. Apply 25 Quebec Street, near| stream. This is. a country Priced from $13,500 with stairs is 12 x 15, has a not- session June 1, heavy duty wiring. Simcoe. he § distinction surround $2,000 down. ural fireplace with adjoining |Phone RA 5-2677 before 7 p.m. or 120 gi ie rae 1 me ot distinction surround- book: Hardwood fl ROOM for rent, for young gentleman. | 1 case, ardwo oors Elgin : im {Phone RA 5:3309 between 10 a.m. and| ¢d by tall trees. Full price JAMES O'MALLEY throughout with staifway car- for THREE - room apartment, furnished 5.30 p.m. $19,500 with terms ar- > tin Private drive with or unfurnished, with refrigerator, | oo furnished rooms for two gentie-| ranged. Call Walter Frank, Contractor peting, heavy wiring, private bath, Vacant ' r McQuay & Kidd Recltors garage. Price $12,000. 4 sltors, Terms $2,500 down and one mortgage tor the balance ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR | 204 KING ST. EAST RA 5-2363 | KELLY BOLAHOOD RA 5-2363 or RA 5.6382 NOW IN FULLY BUILT A AREA. LOADED WITH TRAS 100 AMP SERVICE SODDED LOT. OIL HEATED, SCHOOL AND CLOSE TO SHOPPING. $1,000 DOWN GO DIRECT AND INSPECT Meadowerest Subdivision BROOKLIN The Roster Construction Ltd. OL 5-3745 ES -- FOR SALE Executive custom. ranch-style home, excellent matured treed location in Whitby, Spacious living area with fireplace, three bedrooms, divided bosé- ment, double garage, many extras including twin win- dows. Apply: Owner, MO 8.3127. S acres of good garden lend Some fruit trees and berries 8 yr. old 3 room cottage and seperate lock-up booth. Large drive in and out. Very good summer possibilities. Situg- ted on No. 12 highway. Get your bid in right now. For further information ard inspecion phone: Mr. Walker at WH 2.5253 or RA 8-6228 R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE ~ A.J.SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE | RANCH BUNGAL?Y | ONE MORTGAGE $1450 DOWN $69 MONTHLY Decorated in oils, large open basement with recreation room windows. Sodded front and back. W, T, Lamson Real Estate Ltd. RA 5-8831 304 Dundas Street West Whitby MO 8-3337 MOST PROFITABLE INVESTMENT AVAILABLY MODERIN APARTMEN'I BUILDING IN WHITBY Eleven suite, two-year-old, large londscoped fot 120 x 120. All suites equipped with range, refricarator, exhaust METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 8-4678 | Open Evenings and Saturdays MILTON STREET 5%2-room ranch bungalow -- 5% NHA. mortgage, FIVE PLEX BUILDER'S LOTS boo curtains etc. Newly de- corated, two blocks north of Power Store; immediate pos- session. RA 5-9661. only $57.47 monthly, Most ottractive home with beauti- ful grounds end "panoramic come home, all rooms are a good By S. GUJDA, BUILDER 3 Bedroom Brick Homes size. Modern kitchen Modern AT LANSDOWNE | One and two bedroom | apartments for rent, fully equipped. $75 and $105 in duplex with balcony and private garden, close to Power Store, bus and Coronation Public School. Immediate occupancy. 549 Lansdowne Drive -- key at 551 Lansdowne Drive or call Frank Hazlett, RU 3-1733 Toronto, or write 3005 Bathurst St., Toronto. WILSON RD. NORTH and bath. Private drive, gar- | age. Back yard beautifully | landscaped with rock garden | CHECK THESE FEATURES: Call Jan Miller ot RA | MAHOGANY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS 5.2993. DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK We list Photo-Co-op. Open 4-PCE. CERAMIC TILE BATH WITH MIRROR OVER VANITY every evening and all day NATURAL TRIM OAK AND VINYL TILE FLOORS Seturdey. noel RA 5-2993 DIVIDED BASEMENT or - DOUBLE SLIDING WINDOWS WITH STORMS AND SCREENS | | | SODDED LAWN 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS A. J: SCHATZ | CHOICE OF COLOUR--BRICK, ROOF PAINT, TILE, ARBORITE VEN | LOOK AT THIS BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVE REALTOR FREE KITCHEN FAN AND DOOR BELL GENERAL INSURANCE ON ATHABASKA -- EAST AREA WHITBY MO 8-3337 1050 SQUARE FEET 50 FOOT FRONTAGE DOWN PAYMENT $1545 OPEN HOUSE | FULL PRICE $13,835 THIS WEEKEND | 7 > ok for jorge homes we buve 25 "rth ey, dee OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT | OSHAWA'S FINEST | CONTACT RENTAL AGENT DON HOWE REAL ESTATE RA 5-7732 67 KING ST. E. | (Opposite Hotel Genosha) Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON | AFTER "HOURS PLEASE CALL RA 3-9692 Phone RA 3-3474 CRESTON PARK | Johd Bolehood Real Estate at RA 5-6544 or Builder at RA 5-9839 WHITBY LLOYD REALTY FEATURING: | | | OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE. FIRM | Highest location, close to schools, divided basements, fully decorated, NHA finon- cing 6%. Sidewalks, best construction, solid clay brick, 3 bedrooms, colored céramic $49.00 ° FULL DOWN PAYMENT -- NO HIDDEN COST Six room brick bungalows and Six room two storey brick homes. | screens, etc., Oshawa Blvd. N. Lots -- $1,200 to $3,200-- large size--in the city and suburbs. Call office or salesman for Tri-Plexes, Five-Plexes and larger apartment investments. | AFTER 5:30 CALL: Lyold Metcalf ..... 5-6983 Marion Drew «eo. 57610 Everett Elliott .,,.. 3-9290 | | Joe Maga ........ 5-9191 | Dick Barriage ..-.. 5-6243 | | Wes Elliott ..,....8-0581 ATTENTION BUILDERS SERVICED LOTS FOR SALE For single family dwellings, duplex, semis, apartment buildings . . . in three choice locations in Oshawa, Prices start at $2400 per lot with reasonable terms. bath, natural trim, services, etc. Location--North side of No. 2 Highway on East side Including ceramic tile, forced air oil heating, sodded front lawn, choice 'location (opposite Oshawa Shopping Centre), Only two prices, Bungalows $10,500.00. Two storeys $10,800.00, carries Materials for your | of Whitby. How about a drive up this weekend? Even- ings call W. Schatzmann, MO -3253, A. J.SCHATZ Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, for $68.50 interest and principal. Balance on one NHA, mortgage. Construction starting immediately. Limited number, so call; LLOYD RFALTY LTD., RFALTORS 101 SIMCOE ST.-N, | RA 8-5123--RA 8.5124 RA 8-5125 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS complete building can also be arranged . . . along with any other information regarding plans, mortgages, etc. = | through this office Phone RA 5-3539 fon, drapes, etc. Yielding net profit exceeding 20%. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR SALE Excellent locations, West te East and Central Whitby, All within 300 ft. of Dundas Street (No. 2 Hwy), Fully serviced. Ideal locations for HOMES and APARTMENT Buildings, ete. May be pur- chased by lot of 50 ft. or more. 126 ft. frontage Cedor St. + 198 it. frontage Ash St. 395 ft. frontage High St. 198 ft. hontage Welington t. MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES, BUILDERS TERM} AVAILABLE For details contact: J. A. Daly evenings MO 8-4775 A.J. SCHATZ Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, DONE HOWE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RA 57732 67 KING ST. E. Opposite Hotel Genoshe CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN Oshawa Blvd. N. close to King St. 6 room bungalow in Spots less condition throughout. Private hedged back yard with patio and fish pond, garage, paved drive. New forced air oil heatire, storms ond screens. Clear property. List- ed $13,000 with bir % to suit buyer. Call Jay Goyne, 5-7732 or 5.5378 evenings, KASSINGER HOMES IN BEAU VALLEY CONTACT DON HOWE RA 5.7732 MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD before 5.30 p.m. (Continued oa Page 1s, | 1 1 81 | 1 | i A

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