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The Oshawa Times, 21 May 1960, p. 3

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4 ROTARY OFFICIALS At a recent meeting the| $9000 contribution to the Osh- tiembers of the Rotary Club | awa General Hospital Building 6f Oshawa decided to make a | Fund. Here H. M. Smith (left), building fund campaign man- ager, is seen accepting the pledge from Dr. D. E. Sturgis, PRESENT $3000 CHEQUE |SAYS NEGOTIATIONS SNAGGED | Board was criticized today for {its handling of salary negotia- {tions between itself and teach- ers under its jurisdiction. David F. Dineen, chairman of the Oshawa Separate School teachers negotiating committee said recent news items had in- formed taxpayers of the costs of new schools, additions and equipment, but had not told of ithe efforts of teachers to pro- {ceed with some form of salary | negotiations since last December. | In a statement today, he said: | "I would like to commend the {Separate School Board for its I new press policy. However, why {not go all the way and let the | Separate School taxpayers know {what is going on between the board and the teachers regarding salary negotiations. "There was no negotiating done : at all!! In fact, the very night | president of the service club. the Board received a letter from At right is Russell T. Wilson, the Teachers' Negotiating Com- | Rotary club treasurer. {mittee requesting a meeting to Teachers Spokesman riticizes SS Board The Oshawa Separate School | open negotiations, the board de-|stepping of the basic issues of cided what the salary scale for|the teachers' pr d schedul {1960-61 would be. An unethical] "These issues involved 2 dis- procedure to say the least! tinction between staff members "Certainly the $300 increase to!who had extra qualifications and each teacher must have seemed responsibility, and those who to be a generous offering by had none. board members. But in a system| "Teachers realize it is their where pitiful salaries have been dg yty to continually . develop| the rule for so long this increase qualifications where possible. falls far short of the more real- But why should this board dis- istic schedule proposed by the criminate against its teachers teachers. | when most boards hind give extra i " {allowances for these courses, | 'NO COMPROMISE come and|and thereby provide an incentive wialk" about the salary schedule/t0 their staff to become better which they desired the bohrd to| consider, the Teachers' Negotiat- ing Committee agresd to com- is on severa | heir schedule. The board re- Ottawa recently said the mained firm. There was no "thorniest, most delicate and question of compromise on their most fundamental problem in part, because their scale of Canadian education concerned salaries had been set earlier. [the defects of the teaching pro- "Continued efforts of th e/fession itself. Canada has far too teachers at negotiations were many unqualified, unenthusiastic met with the usual adept side-|time-servers posing as teachers "Teachers and taxpayers alike desire teaching to be of a high Ex-Member Ratepayers At Of Church Ig4 5 rmy Meeting Makes Charge BROUGHAM -- Pickering meeting on Monday night, and a | | | Three members of the Seventh- township ratepayers who crowded Committee meeting on Wednes Day Adventist Church on King|the council chambers in Brough- day night to state their reasons Si. E. were charged Friday with'am to hear discussion on turbu-|for resigning, assault and occasioning actualllent staff matters brought to| Councillor Harvey Spang de- bodily harm to a former member public notice at a stormy meet- clined to discuss the resignations of the congregation at the dedi-ing one week ago, were specta-in question,' but moved that they cation of the church April 23. (tors at an orderly meeting, due be not accepted at this time The charges were laid by J. T. to the opening remarks of Reeve Deputy - Reeve Ross Nawitome Milton Smith, an ex-communi-J. Sherman Scott. amended the motion to read that ca'ed member of the church, who| The reeve reminded the as-the resignations of Mr. Bakes but they declined. alleges his arm was twisted dur- sembly tha this was a meeting of SHOULD BE HELPED "Our own George Roberts in Oshawa has said, "If standards His solution--improve standards. Miners End |WEATHER FORECA 'Four-Day Walkout SUDBURY (CP) -- More than| moRONTO (CP)--Official fore- 2,000 employees of the Falcon- casts issued at 5 am. bridge Nickel Mines Limited] Synopsis: The sun was ex- "ri { reak through in many went back to work Friday, end- pected to break gh i any ing a four-day wildcat walkout, | Southern Ontario areas this after 4 noon to send the mercury climb- The walkout followed a com-,g wel] into the 70s. There was and Mrs. Spang be not accepted pany ruling that men in all de-|still a threat of showers or thun- must indications were Fine And Sunny On Victoria Day imply a low regard for scholastic- ism, this can't help but be trans- mitted from teachers to pupils." Those teachers interested enough in the profession to develop their qualifications fur- ther would be attracted and held by the proposed schedule of the achers' negotiation Committee. "However, it died a quick death. There was no considera- tion. Those board members favorable to the schedule won't have the opportunity to cast a vote in its favor, because the |issue has been shelved for the second successive year. Kapuskasing regions, North Bay '© and Sudbury: Mainly sunny to- day. Cloudy with showers tonight and Sunday. Little change in temperature. Winds light today, southeast 15 Sunday, shifting to northwest 20 during the day. Forecast Temperatures points of level. A University Director in|' ¥ | V2 i GEORGE FREDERICK SHREVE PUC Manager Hard Worker Descendant of a pioneer Cana-'sion days, of remaining as staff dian family, George Frederick member of the local system. Mr. Shreve, general manager of Osh-|Shreve, like most of his fellow awa PUC, was born on a farm in workers, decided to stay. Raleigh township in Kent Coun-| That year Mr. Shreve was ap- ty, the 200-acres for which had pointed pro tem Secretary to the been granted to his grandfather,|, ew Public TTtilities Commis<inn Abraham Shreve, by the Crown. an: this position was later con. George Shreve Oshawa | knew what hard firmed. The new PUC efor ay 30, but that they be partments wear safety dershowers but pote ya i at a regu- goggles. Miners claim ed the that these would not develop un- w ] 55 lar meeting of Council, unless glasses were uncomfortable and til late today. A vigorous storm Thomas ... they see fit to meet with an open unnecessary except in certain/pow over lowa is forecast to|l,ondon or committee meeting of Council|cases. The issue is to be fully| move through Central Ontario| Wingham on May 24, to express their discussed by the union and com-|Sunday. This will induce a west- Toronto . views, and that Mr. Turk, Office pany. |erly circulation of drier air over Trenton Manager, be in attendance. The| Men at the company's Hardy|Southern Ontario Sunday withigi Catharines amendment carried. [mine were first to walk out Mon-|clearing skies. Prospects for Mon- | 4 amilton Mr. Osterhout asked council to/day. By Tuesday, the strike had |day are for sunny skies and aj;ckoka "As Mr. Roberts, past presi- work on a farm meant. With his manager, C. T. Barnes, passed |dent of the Canadian Teachers two brothers he helped his father away suddenly in Februa=v 1932 {Federation, says, "It is object-ito work the 200-acres of land'anq Mr. Shreve was named to {tionable for school trustees to after school and during the sum- eed him as general maraser treat teachers as "hired hands" mer holidays. He attended the my. vear he will be completing |rether han Tsellswiticlont pro- little red school house in Raleigh |, = "" = 7 otto Hudro | fessional people." Township and high school in AA . ini | "If professional status is to be Chatham. Mr. Shreve also grad- smployee atl Shey os an official |accorded to our teachers, those uated from business college in Of '1€ Oshawa . {among us aware of the need, Chatham. council, a democratic institution elected by the people of the mu- nicipality. "We will not make it a circus," he firmly announced, "nor give anyone an opportunity to go into a tirade to discuss members of council, or items discussed by members of Council." Low tonight, High Sunday ing an attempt to keep him from FintsOF 5, pr attending the dedication serv- ices Charged are Dr. A. E. King, member of the Church Adminis- trative Board; Stanley Hartwig, foreman of the deacons; and Alpha MacPherson, another member. They will appear in vrars an Mr. Scott reminded the tax- payers that they had always been heard with respect, and asked that the same respect be shown to council. Sheldon Osterhout told Council that he represented a group of ratepayers from various sections of the township, saying that as a democratic institution, council] was responsible to the rate- | payers. [CUT IN HALF Mr. Osterhout inquired about what he described as rumors that an : the tax bills had been incorrectly GETS ONE YEAR printed. He said that he under-| Clarence Kaus, 20, of no fixec stood a school budget was cut in| address, was sentenced to a year h d i § half, and had to be corrected, and|in jail definite and three mon'hs 8 d that the assessment had been Jett} Indefinite day, for breaking ff dl that he thought that nto a Pickering jewellery store OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern-|f: Pelle ih, Bo Ce Rized in| May 4 and stealing a quantity of ment was urged Friday to renew qn, pj) |jewellery. The stolen articles its efforts to get a larger quota wy beli that the tax bill this| Vere all recovered when Kaus from the United States for ship- Sve toa x |was picked up soon after the in- ments of Canadian cheddar year is fllegal," said Mr. Oster-| ony cheese. hout. : The plea was made by Osle| Villeneuve (PC Glengarry-| Prescott) and echoed by Tone township solicitor next day. Chevrier (L--Montreal Laurier).| Mr. 1 A : Mr. Chevrier formerly repre- know from Council what dictator-|officers saw his car sented Stormont, a Cornwall area jal powers the Office Manager Brewer's Retail Store ar constituency where a consider- had, after expressing his opinion two cases of beer in it. able amount of cheese is pro. of the tax bill. : duced Mr. Osterhout suggested an in- PLAN SERVICE Agriculture Minister Harkness quiry into the work and efficiency | _ Funeral services for the late somewhat dampened their hopes of the members of the staff who George Marsh, 18 Patricia St., by saying that when he has taken resigned. | will be held in St. George's Angli- this matter up in the past, U.S.| Reeve Scott assured Mr. Oster-|can church at 10:30 2 a cintosh ru- Mildred neral Chapel as previously an cabinet ministers in reply have hout that E. G. Baker, the tax|day and not at the tains a complete ban on import Spang, his assistant, resigned of nounced. consider very strongly the posi- tion of Office Manager, "to see if we really save year (Mr. Turk"s salary)". He asked that efficiency experts en- gaged to analyze every job, and get rid of discord and in- efficiency. CITY AND DISTRICT Oshawa Magistrate's Court June 10 Mr. Smith said he was ex- communicated by the Seventh- Day Adventists church six vears ago because of differences with the church authorities on the ap- plication of doctrine and pro- cedural matters. Quota Plea Made For be FINED $50 Charles Teno, 19, of 160 Gibbon |street, was fined $50 Friday for Osterhout demanded to obtaining liquor under age. Police leave the nd found Reeve Scott said that an opin-| fon would be sought from the ad to five other mines, bring- pleasantly warm temperatures. ing operations to a standslill. | pegional forecasts valid until Company management Thurs-| midnight Sunday. day night obtained an interim in-| : : . junction order from the Ontario| Lake Erie segion, Winder Supreme Court Tesiraining strik-| VERE A a few 'scattered - i a) 4 A [2 fom Pickellng company | 1 undershowers developing this pan od ' bers of Lo. | afternoon, clearing tonight. Sun- | A meeting of members LO-| day sunny and a little cooler. cal 598 of the International Union| wi a." contherly 15-20 today, be- i A | F1 M 3 fof Mine: Ny ow Smelter Works coming west 15 tonight and Sun- | . . |day. ga to lawyer to contest |Sae 3 Toronto Wyer to fonte Lake Huron, western Lake On- The court order also prohibits | 1270: Niagara regions, London [ y ilton: Extensive fog counselling of breach of contract| Joromo, Tiamilton: dispersing between the company and its em: | 4 ring the forenoon, Variable |Fjoyees. 5 200108 king en. | cloudiness, warm and humid is 5 is "| afternoon with a few scatter trance to company property. | thundershowers d e v e 1 0 ping by OBITUARIES poo many. |Sunday mainly sunny and warm. FUNERAL OF Winds light, becoming 'southerly 15 this afternoon, west 15 Sunday. Eastern Lake PATRICK E. O'DONNELL |DUrton, Georgian High requiem mass was sung day. Cloudy with a few scattered in St. John the Evangelist Roman | thundershowers tonight. Clearing "atholic Church, Whitby, at 10 Sunday with a little change in a.m. Friday, May 20, for Patrick temperature. Winds southeast 15 Idward O'Donnell who died at today, west 15-20 Sunday. the family residence, 333 Ke wood road, Whitby township, last Wednesday. | HOT CLUE The mass was sung by Rev. L.| wiNDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- J. Austin. Interment was in Gregory's Cemetery. The pallbearers were Bolahood, Stan Campbell, Hamilton, Bill Badgley, Fisher and Bob O'Donnell. spre: Detec. St. tive John Welch returned home |to find his chesterfield afire. The John | cause was quickly determined: Tom the sun's rays had struck a John! magnifying glass and focussed on 'the chesterfield. pointed out that Canada main- collector, and Mrs. of dairy products their own accord and were not| The present U.S. quota is 468,- dismissed. He said that they|} 000 pounds a year, an amount| Were asked to appear at a public? which Mr. Villeneuve termed "in- | § significant." Canada should make a bid during the negotiations this| Fact fal! on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade for a bigger quota In Uranium City C. A. Milligan (PC--Prince Ed- ward - Lennox), questioned Mr.| OTTAWA (CP) Richard Harkness about efforts to enlarge| Thrasher, parliamentary secre- Canadian sales of cheese in Brit. {ary to Labor Minister Starr, will ain. leave Monday for Uranium City, To Mr. Milligan's suggestion Sask., to conduct the same kind that a special agriculture depart. of fact-finding inquiry into the ment salesman be stationed in town's troubles that he recently Britain for this purpose, Mr did in Elliot Lake, it was learned Harkness replied that this matter Friday. now is handled by the agriculture, Mr. Thrasher, Conservative MP counsellor at the Canadian high for Essex South, will be accom- commissioner's office in London. panied by officials of the trade Mr. Harkness reported that and commerce department, and Canadian cheese makers had the|the National Employment Serv- best year in history last year in Ce. the price their Brit Uranium City faces heavy lay- ain, largely because of a drought offs of uranium miners and an ir Europe that seriously affected economic setback similar to that dairy production experienced at Elliot Lake. TV-RADIO COLUMN a Democratic Convention | yc orriciats Political Showpiece 1960 By BOB THOMAS . podium will be on an elevator to HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- If the adjust to height. Also there will Democrats have their way, home be lighting from underneath to viewers will see an American eliminate chin shadow that is un- political show July 11-15 as slick [complimentary to speakers." and exciting as a TV western. The show has been planned for -Finding Probe olf saies lo CES studies a feature of a basement | fallout shelter displayed at the | Civil Defence College at' Arn- prior. They were delegates to the Ontario Mayors and Reeves conference on civil emergency planning which was sponsored | by the federal and previncial | Emergency Measures Organi- A group of municipal officials | | | must continue to work towards | that goal. | Killaloe Karlton Sudbury North Bay Kapuskasing . White River . Moosonee Yours sincerely, DAVID F. DINEEN, Chairman, Teachers Negotating Committee. | CAPSULE NEWS Life Sentence For Break-Ins 44, w |imprisonment on 16 charges of|Green, |housebreaking. The sentence) {handed down by Magistrate Fred| LEAVE SCHOOL TOO SOON | Thompson is one of the stiffest in Mann's record, dating back completing their education. ANOTHER BOMB HOAX | TORONTO (CP) -- |BOAC Comet jetliner for 77 min- cil, which concluded Friday. |utes at Malton airport Friday| night while officials searched the] PAPER MILL CONTRACT London-bound plane and the bag-, THOROLD(CP) -- Signing of gage of the 59 passengers. An a one-year contract covering 1,100 anonymous telephone caller told employees of the Ontario Paper the Trans - Canada Air Lines Company's Thorold mill was an- switchboard operator there was a ncunced Friday. It provides for a bomb in a suitcase aboard the general increase in all hourly plane, |rates ranging from 15 cents to 28 | |cents per hour during the con- RUSSIANS INVITED |tract year. TORONTO (CP) An invita-{ tion has been extended to Russia] PRAYERS REQUESTED to be represented - at the 1960] TORONTO (CP) -- Most Rev. Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Howard H. Clark, Primate of the with an international jumping Anglican Church of Canada, has team, president J. Harold Crang asked Anglicans to offer special announced Friday. Also invited prayers for the Union of South are the United States, Mexicd, Africa on May 29, the Sunday Ireland, Korea, Venezuela, Bel- closest to the May 31 anniversary gium, Denmark, France, Sweden, |of that country's golden jubilee. Italy, Spain and Holland. : NEHRU VISITS TURKEY MAHARAJAH IN OTTAWA | ANKARA, Turkey (Reuters)-- , OTTAWA (CP)--The Mahara- police used tear gas to disperse Jah of Mysore, a prince who gave | anti-government demonstrators as up his ancestral throne for a gov- premierAdnan Menderes drove ernor's chair, arrived in the cap- through Ankara Friday night with ital Friday as a simple sightseer. visiting Indian Prime Minister The portly prince, a pianist, phil-| yawaharlal Nehru. Nehru arrived csopher' nature-lover and animal for a four-day official visit conservationist, plans to spend i three days here. | | POTENTIAL A-POWERS PARIS (AP) -- A report pre- ARRESTED IN BEIRUT pared for the Western European ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- A'lUnion said Friday that 11 non- United States citizen has been ar-|atomic powere, including Canada, rested in Beirut, Lebanon, in con- have the ability to produce nection with the robbery of nearly atomic weapons in the near fu- $1,000,000 in securities from the ture. The other nations named: Premier Trust Company here in Red China, Belgium, West Ger- January last year. Police Chief many, Czechoslovakia, East Ger- James S. Anderson said more many, India, Italy, Japan, Swit- than $89,000 in securities has been 'zerland and Sweden. TQRONTO (CP)--Robert Mann recovered. The arrested man was as sentenced Friday to life identified only by the name of rio, Hali- ( y regions: OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minister Sunny with cloudy ¥atervals (o-\years for this offence. He said Starr says he is appalled at the to/large number of young Canadians | 1937, warranted the severe term. who are leaving school before He made the statement to a meet ! : A bomb ing of the federal-provincial Vo- ndal-| Kirkland Lake and Timmins- hoax delayed departure of a cational Training Advisory Coun- HANDLES RURAL AREA | However, his duties have a . i unique aspect since Oshawa PUC In 1911 George Shreve took a , handles the affairs of the position with the North Bay Light. Rural Operating Area Nn. and Power Company and| : continued with that firm until the 270 Hydro and in a sense he y 'i i still works for Ontario Hyuio 1 First World War. He joined hte wis dial eanacity as general mane Canadian Army in 1915 and went ager for Oshawa PUC ahd area overseas the following year. He anager for Oshawa ROA; This served in France am de many. gear he had another system add- and Jose t rg ihe renks, gain- og to his administration when the ing Ais CONIISSION, , City of Oshawa took over the Posted to the Royal Flying) a) t-ansportation system from Corps in 1917 as a lieutenant, he the CNR. and others had a period of "all Sind i too brief' training, then these| Mr. Shreve bas had a busy life, neophyte airmen were sent to but he is still interested in com- France into combat with the munity af'airs and is active in German Air Force. Lieutenant several local organizations, in Shreve remained in the service cluding the Oshawa Rotary Club | with the Allied Occupation Forces and the Chamber of Commerce. in Germany until the fall of 1919, He is 'married and the Shreves then returned to Canada. have three sons and a daughter. | Oe enn Fdward. is a dis'~ibu- [CHOSE OSHAWA tion engineer with the Oshawa When he learned that Ontario . vwnher gon, John, works | Hydro was handling the Northern in the meter department, and the Ontario properties for the pro-|tiird son, Robert, is on the staff vincial government, and had of General Motors. Their daughe taken over the North Bay {or 3 Light, Heat and Power Com. Joan, a former high school teacher, is now married. pany, Mr, Shreve went to Toron- to and sought a position with On-| Looking back over his long tario Hydro. He was offered an career Mr. Shreve admits that he accounting position at head| _ ., n ic Ii office, or a post in Oshawa simi- has krown hard work all his life, [lar to the one he had held in but he seems to have thrived on North Bay, Working as an ac- it because he is vigorous and ac- countant for the provincial com- '¢ mission. Ontario Hydro during Yive; and his-whole staff is hard the war also had taken over the Pressed to keep up to his pace. Seymour Power Company prop- erties, which had snonlied Osh. | awa with power, and Mr. Shreve] i became one of the members of The oe A the small staff handling the af- 2 fairs of the power service for Oshawa. | In 1930 he had another decision | to make when Oshawa PUC was | formed to administer and operate the affairs of the local Hydro system as well as the water- works. Fortunately all the On-| |tario Hydro employees who were | hamtiling the Oshawa system at] {that time were given the oppor-! tunity, during those dark depres- CONCRETE OUR NEW PLANT AT AJAX Now Serving-- AJAX -- PICKERING -- HIGHLAND CREEK CURRAN & BRIGGS READY MIX LTD. PHONE: OSHAWA, RA 5-3516-7 {SERVED OVERSEAS | <0 fon ONCE SACRED a wading bird re- storks, was venere ated in ancient Egypt. NOTICE Reed Gillard's a": ~npica. ment on page 19 and soive your sUmmer clothes storage problems. IT IS ALL FREE INSPECT SHELTER | zation. From left to right: War. | den W. J. Heron, Sunderland; Deputy Reeve 0. Chambers, | | Wilfred; Ald. A. H. Murdoch, | | Cshawa; Mayor Michael Wia- | dyka, Port Hope; Ald. L. Keen, | Cornwall; R. C. Wilson, Port Hope publisher; Reeve V. | Bruneau, Hawkesbury. | --Photo Features, Ottawa TONIGHT! COMEDY AND ACTION SHOW BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:30 MLL LY DRIVE-IN JOIN OUR BUMPER Says J. Leonard Reinsch, direc- tor of the 1960 Democratic na- tional convention: '"My colleagues (the Republicans) in Chicago are having a tough time making their affair exciting. We're much better off. We've got a script." viewer impact, he said. Speak- CLUB AND SAVE ers will be asked to curtail their|™ oratory--"you can't hold a TV {audience with a political speech over 20 minutes." Demonstrations ! {will be permitted, but not to un-| |realistic lengths. Sessions will UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Royal Conservatory Summer School I's A Double- Barelful Of High Wide And Ransom Hilarity! MONEY ! ONLY $1.00 FOR MEMBERSHIP -- ADMITS CAR AND 9» ALIAS / JESSE JAMES = ~~ WENDEL CRE = WARNERCOLOR MONDAY! TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! BROADWAY'S BIG BOY-LOVES ® PAJAMA-GIRL SENSATION IS ON THE SCREEN! : aGiame WARNER BROS. | The Democrats also have the start at 5 p.m. in order to draw spanking new sports arena here prime viewing time across the to add glamor to their attraction. |continent. The blue-and-white pavilion is the | While the Democrats are joy- first political convention site built [fully awaiting their big moment, to accommodate the searching | some TV people are not. CBS eyes of television cameras {long ago nailed down Westing- Reinsch breezed through the house to spomsor its convention | erena this week to show off its|coverage, but ABC and NBC were assets. 'It's superb," he said.|dying on the vine. This week | "Every seat in the arena will|NBC finally came up with three| have an unimpeded view of the bankrollers to foot the bill, needs proceedings." three more to break even. UP-AND-DOWN PODIUM ABC is still prowling Madison | "The speaker's head will al-|Avenue for angels. Coverage of ways be 11 feet, 4 inches above the two conventions and pre-emp- Ettore Mazzol JULY 4- INSTRUCTION IN ALL Examinations (Practical, Grade X, A. week of For further information: TEACHERS' COURSES in piano, voice, theory, music history. ORFF METHOD, "Music For Children" (July 4.9). MASTER CLASS in piano (Pierre Souvairan), CHURCH, ORGAN MUSIC, CHOIR TRAINING (Charles Peaker), OPERA WORKSHOP (Barbini, Torel), Office of the Principal, 135 College $t., TORONTO, Ont. leni, Principal Outer by DF LON nes oe [0 0 re fa DRIVER FREE 23, 1960 EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, BRANCHES OF MUSIC RCT. only) for out-of-town students, July 18. 4 | the delegate floor, no matter how tions of '"vegular shows can rum tall be is," Reinsch said, '"The|$5,000,000 or more, DREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (COLOR CARTOON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ! (EXCLUDING HOLIDAYS) COME AS YOU ARE! NO NEED TO DRESS-UP WHEN YOU GO TO THE DRIVE-IN! Dori CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR (AR S Day i Raitt: Carol Haney- Eadie ey. PLUS HAPPY ENTERTAINMENT ! - pr M-G-M's hilarious, song-studded comedy hy on, Se RED SKELTON -SALLY FORREST- MACDONALD CAREY ~*~

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