thave done, If ever there is any- tert, near Nijmegen in'the Neth- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, Moy 26, 1960 13 o thing I can do for you, or for|erlands where 13,000 Canadian your magnificent Canadian Sold-| soldiers had been killed. fers, you know that you have| « , Ag a young girl of 19 only to ask. years, living in this powerful ® "Yrs always and big world, I wish to inform "Monty," [you about my happiness and to thank you. It was you, General | : OTHER LETTERS Crerar, and your Canadian There were other letters for troops, who liberated the greater By DAVE McINTOSH | On May 5, Col. - Gen. Johan-| "I feel that on this day I mus! Gen. Crerar. One came from Ha-'part of our country. WIL 5 ON Canadian Press Staff Writer [nes Blaskowitz surrendered his|write you a note of personal OTTAWA (CP) -- On the even-|25th German Army to 1st Cana- thanks for all that you have done ing of May 2, 1945, the Ist Cana-|dian Corps in the Netherlands. for me since we first served to-| Eo ii dian Parachute Battalion|The surrender took place in the |gether in this war, 7 ARTY reached Wismar on the Baltic| Hotel de Aereld at Wageningen. "No commander can ever have me / coast, cutting off -a Russian ad-| At, 2:41 am, May 7, in Jl more loyal subordinate than I ? 5 HIGHWAY NO. 2 vance into Denmark. schoolhouse at Rheims, the G r-| f ; / . The unit's diarist recorded: mans capitulated to the 'Allies have had in you. And under your Vv 7 3 7 ' "All resistance had collapsed, be-|and the Second World War in/command the Canadian Army 7 7 4 ANADA S FINEST QUALITY BEEF cause the Germans wanted us to Europe ended the following mid-| nag covered itself with glory in| / - 7 PERFECT - man troops lined the roads and| The diarist of the Queen's ow} A ACCEPTED- PERFECT! a despondent - looking mob." but bod: h [4 The parachute battalion, first| [es by HDG rs sarod ald nrediot Rayon Celasuede | BONELESS SIRLOIN w | SIRLOIN STEAKS : any Canadian formation into {preme accomplishment we shall Ib ¢ ¢ Marshal Montgomery announced that they also held that no sacri- 1,837 in the Navy. of them fatal ing disability pensions. There are "MAL go as far as possible. They rea- night. the campaign in western Eur-| i li 2 y oy YA soned that the more territory we Thus V-E day, May 8, came ope. I want you to know that I| STARS IN occupied, the less the Russians|to the world 15 years ago. {am deeply grateful for what you| ° ) vour Favor BONELESS ROUND Et, Bi FOR SUPER VALUES 4 bing crowded the vilases, tome even Ries 'of Can ad4 recoric == STEAKS or ROASTS Ib, € cheering us on, though most were|gimply: '"There is no celebra-| V Canadian unit to land in Nor- 3 message to all ranks of mandy on = Day, June 3 rd First Canadian Army in which ns Tw Ls | | SLIP AND PANTIE ||| or roasts TIP ROAST Germany. |remember the friends who have } i At 8:50 pm. May 4, Field|paid the full price for the belief | SET a ceasefire on 21st Army Gr roup fice in the interests 2 the prin-| LEAN MAPLE LEAF -- RINDLESS 1-18, front for 8 am. May 5 and or- ciples for which we fought could A ' ' s I MINCED BEEF . 39° BACON hale 65* dered all offensive operations to|be too great." | ASSCRTED COLORS--SIZES §, M, L PKG. cease "from receipt this signal." | Neatly, 2m Couaiim foi S [vicemen had been killed--! : 4 I B DIED 60 Canadian Army in the Army, 17,100 in the RCAF VINEGAR bs Reg. 1.29 C casualties May 4, a third of on 105,000 veterans of the Woe Special A TA EEG a i POWER GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES them fatal and 10 on May 5, three| ~'"* y. gy T 4 CIDER, Second World War are still draw WHITE YS ; ling dis 1 i | | FLORIDA NO. 1 CRISP One of the last Canadians oy 1990 killed was Protestant chaplain|™ore than 2,000 amputees; 1,530 RY & gataviisned vy id , leg, 89 both legs, | K Ad Capt. A.E. McCreery of the Can- men lost one adian Grenadier Guards. He and|410 one arm and 10 both arms; i 2 STORES T0 SERVE YOU BETTER SIZE 48 Lieut.N.A. Goldie had set off on|198 were totally blinded; 242 are|| STRENGTH -- FLAVOUR -- PURITY STALKS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Be afternoon of May 4 to bring in MONEY New, handy, flip-open some wounded Germans. Both ] = a Cap is hinged fo OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- ! I ONTARIO NO. 1 FIRM HOT HOUSE officers were killed in circum-| On V-E Day itself, ld |) bottle. Tamper-proof seal. 158 stances which remain obscure to| {wrote this letter to Crerar: U.S. NO. 1 FULL O' JUICE VALENCIA this day. "My dear Harry: DOZ. LARGE SIZE 163 Special! KOUNTY KIST TENDER PEAS GENERAL ELECTRIC 1 ~ () || ixgcarnie 5 23 * SHORTENING i. RL rorrasic 11 REPS | es NC | x : : ] ST - E Cl i A L K BREAKFAST | 0 . CEREAL QDs 3000 Other PRIZESS Special ! DONALD DUCK ORANGE JUICE * 33 Special ! YORK el ahd Lhe tantis ; , di iq | ® i ..&| BEANS with PORK 2: 29: eth Wperscink fe eeeeeeee ew oc) ; y 7 4 fo enter this easy" . hu. Erb Special ! 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