THE OSHAWA TIMES, Th , Mey 26, 1960 Dymond. Msesrs. Michell , and; Deputy - President, and Brother | NO PRIVACY 14 5, Thwrstey, Mey Bhatt ant he, Breoas will To Aub Drey Spang, District Deputy| BAD NAUHEIM, West Ger-| | tain their membership in Broug-|Grand Master of the 100F, add- many (Reuters)--An angler at a| hd ham Rebekah Lodge. The others| ed a few remarks to the gather-|pond here had a notice pinned to w= £0 u C will serve in Stouffville, |ing. [ns back: "What am I trying to|| Ba Speaking briefly after the cere-| catch? Fish. Do they bite? No. |} mony were special guests, Sister | CANADIAN OIL Why not? Because they are not (| BS | Isobel Carr, Past President of the] .Canadian crude petroleum|used to spectators." He finally} HB "He in Is) & | Rebekah Assembly, and Sister\ amounted to 57 per cent of the|removed it; the notice was at- |Louise Clarke, Vice - President. record 264,360,000 barrels used by|tracting more spectators than be- # Sister June Michell, District|Canadian refineries in 1959. fore. | BROUGHAM -- Followjng two|gress). Reeve Scott, an active = member of the Planning Board, | Council, to|explained that the township is zone the area in the township be-|not anxious for further residen- tween the Rouge river and Ajax|tial development at this time; south of Highway 401, three pub-|that industrial development is lic meetings were held in the|what is needed mow. area, at which residents asked| All of the meetings were well | questions and expressed their |atlended, and in each case, Mr. | views, Schrieber, of Project Planning| George T. Todd, chairman of Associates, who prepared the by- nship Board, |law, pointed the different a at all A |zoning areas, lad "the 10 PAY OFF A MORTGAGE Roshan: on May Ja. a Frenchr| An Unusual note fnaized the T0 CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR DEBTS n Tenc. n unusual y rans Bay Road Sebo, and ned. meng, when Ji. Prank TOMAKE HOME IMPROVEMENTS | | lal 7 jh A UALITY MEATS In reply to a question asked viding these opportunities for ex- FOR ANY OTHER REASONABLE PURPOSE by Mr. Morris at the first meet. Planation and discussion. ing, Reeve J. S. Scoit explained that an existing zoning bylaw was merely a skeleton bylaw used as| Town Hall a 'stop gap" measure, The pres- | DY ROYAL GOLD MILD fu TE 3 1 (pe ded Borrow ©a% much CIS || | gan, BONELESS, OVEN REA i, 60D, more complete and compre- hensive. He said that the next | xt wi standard, a Towns REPAY AS LITTLE AS fo nd be amr, wd | BROUGIAM The Toni $1600 (iam WITH DRESSING CHEDDAR eventually be combined into one|when visitors from Sunshine | bylaw covering the whole area of Rebekah Lodge, Oshawa; Ben-| the township to be zoned. |evolent, Whitby; Easter, Picker- REPAY AS LITTLE AS Mr. Scott said that services ing; Kinoven, Brooklin, and Al- 35.00 MONTHLY should Je available in the area |berta, Markham, joined Joy Re- within five years. | bekah Lodge, Brougham, in § * Some of ee pevrie present | witnessing the installation of 16 AFFILIATE OFFICES: seemed to ve the erroneous bers. Thirteen of th idea that being in a higher zoning hier be Fy us of © GUELPH ® LONDON ® STRATFORD 12-02. WEDGE category would automatically|a new Rebekah Lodge in Stouff- ® PETERBOROUGH ® SARNIA ® TORONTO designation whatever, gree: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tran, | . Ma ater esa ng Goo. br Seam, Sven AL: ALLIED INVESTMENT €O. Img R saw Limited, who own property old, Mr. Bert Silverthorne, Mr. | 51 KING STREET E. OSHAWA RA 3-3993 : i ous : raise their assessments. It was ville, ® BELLEVILLE explained that assessment was| The Degree staff of White based on actual value, and there Dove Lodge, Ajax, installed the . [J was no connection with zoning|following into the Rebekah De- FRESH FROZEN on both sides of Moore road,|Allen Michell, Mr. Vernon Elli- complained about the higher type coft, Mr. Walter Pipher, Mrs. LAKAS BLDG. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT resideniial zoning on their prop- Mary Breeds, Mrs. Margaret | erty as compared with Consoli- | Bell, Mrs. Gladys Valleau, Mrs. Ridges Subdivision ow Ia ue Shoionk. Pai Bi yid a LEAN, BONELESS, OVEN READY BIRDSEYE ONTARIO'S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS ADAM'S IS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. 11 WITH DRESSING 45: r : F.-Y. YJ Avorher ADAMS FEATURE VALUE! || Pork Butt Roasts 12-0Z. Big 8 Weiners & : 33 55. ADDITIONAL SAVE 12¢ i ON DONALD DUCK FEATURES Grapefruit Juice 4: 49c FRENCH'S INSTANT -- SAVE 4c HEREFORD -- SAVE 6c YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR | MASHED Comed Beef nee Ge | : POTATOES IGA -- SAVE 16¢ . [9 6 60, | Be Salad Dressing na §Yc 1 or a "TEABAGS Angel Food Mix = 49: $50 TRADE- IN ALLOWANCE | 9 69° A TASTY TREAT FOR THE FAMILY--U.S. NO. 1 SAVE 4c ON - : hay ov | SEAT Na sd TOES 59: automatic defrost AUSTRALIAN REFRIGERATORFREEZER | 'Raisins GRADE CORN 5/39: SWEET AND JUICY, ARIZONA ® 50 pound capacity freezer | 2 LBS. 51 GRAPEFRUIT pov 1: Id- i i i ; ALL FOOD FEATURES EFFECTIVE ! Cold-guarding fibre glass insulation MAY 26037 a0 TENDER, GREEN, HOME GROWN ® Dairy bar and ejector ice cube trays hia RR QUANTITIES Ip my ASPARAGUS 3, 29° ® 2 porcelain enamelled crispers OF THE WEEK BILSKY 1.G.A. STORE ® Chromium plated shelves 120° WILSON RD. S. -- OSHAWA ® Glide-out shelf on nylon bearings OWNER AND DYL'S 1.G.A. \ -- AWA ® 2 removable egg racks v OPERATOR 166 ADELAIDE ST. OSHAW. LANSDOWNE I1.G.A. Generous door storage | ; : OF LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE | ; \l REGULAR 3390.95 SOUTH END HOPE LG.A. STORE Moei Ne. 1205 LESS TRADE-IN... 50.00 id SOUTH END 1G.A. ro in 4 Coneds to Adams' Own Rigid Specifications ] BROCK ST. S. BROCK ST. S. -- WHITBY COLLEGE HILL 1.G.A. CHECK THESE QUALITY REGENT ro oa YOU S | sy CUBERT ST. -- OSHAWA PAY . BECKSTEAD L.G.A. h I ORDON WHITE COURTICE -- ONT. | ~ | | ONLY | Gi. PLUS . . . your old refrigerator, in working NOW AVAILABLE i. IGA'S NEW ~~ condition. EET, Me | Gyr pr am | ppp C OCUE © C I EEE me. ree. pooner | CATALOGUE OF FREE GIFT ADAMS: WHITE TE BSH SETI i azess mn | FOR IGA CASH REGISTER TAPES 40 KING STREET WEST RA 56535 "Tawa eme START SAVING TO-DAY