| SPORTS | Allows One Hit, [Juior A Teams Youth Strong In _CALENDAR T,0ses On Errors a | : T u Is : NACHOS IPAY'S GAMES | By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (of Buffalo which also won a SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--*Power- | Otaris. Assot.- (usiery Put in a vote Food Havaus's Bob doubleheader from Montreal. a Jui ey Phong lh pid Wi Miller as nternational | isons : : : : i : : Peterborough at Whitby, Whitby || ague's "hard luck guy" this); The Bisons had bo 80 an extra ooo A sociation Wednesday By ED WILKS ton. 1-0 and stayed within a half- Tito Francona's two-out single Arena, 8.30 p.m. inning in the seven-inning opener, they must participate in reg Associated Press Staff Writer game of Baltimore. bike up Perry's shutout duel| BASEBALL yon oe allowed he. 3 Map fo 87 md sally ok the rar Junior A tition 10 he Pitching is getting to be a ol ot ted New Yor, for ; 5 Sgbasder Bil ter uni eonide Junior, Lesgye Osh ins only one hit Wednesday night Cop cap 3 Ruck mond Dombed eligible for Memorial Cup play. #y |voung man's game in the Ameri- ,,; peating the Yankees 9-3. And the 11th. 17.50 p.m. Talbot Park. ¢ 'but lost 1-0--and the hit didn't yo 1 ou 53 fanned six and) The CAHA passed a resolution § [can League. 'And if you need a Hoston finally junked its losing] Perry (3-2) allowed eight hits,|' 5 bo ° : even figure, in the scoring. In aj... 0" 0" Ye Fal |Wednesday that requires all ju- iid : pi samp at 10 games oleating|walked tWo and siGCk out eight.| Legion Minor League (Midget) way he has himself to blame be- ya he y ws Re nor teams, with the exception of Somvincer Sake: 4 squint ®t We SND 2h : It was the third 1l-inning shut.|7; Victor's Sports vs Ajax incause it was a walk to Jim( es Save ad? go third vic, those in Alberta, British Colum- {Baltimore Orioles and Cleveland "pqs (3.1), who had a 14-6 ou job of the se in the ma. Ajax, 6.30 p.m. | Busby, a wild pitch which moved . posting 'bia and the Maritime Provinces, Indians, running 1-2 in the pen- ...,.q4"in triple-A at Vancouver ios, all in the AL, and the second| Busby to second and a two-base| iti idn't|to play in a junior league. | r / iors, A ] FRIDAY'S GAMES | : | Toronto, last in hitting, didn't . y nant chase. throwing error by shortstop Leno started until the nightcap, The junior Canadiens, spon- last season, walked four but against the Senators. Chuck Estrada, 22, a right- ciruck out five as the Birds won, Frank Bolling drove in four SOF VBALL Cardenas that got the run home. | : +?sored by the NHL Montreal Cana- handed rookie, allowed only five their fourth in a row. They nailed runs for the Tigers, who won Toronto Beaches League Ll Miami's only hit--a single By a pio six. dicns, will be affected by the rul- [Luts for a 3-2 victory over 40-year- it in the ninth when pinch-hitter their fourth in a row as Bolling, Sony Refreshments vs Depend- Fred Valentine -- never offered it (2° Wot Il PIECE & Thing A powerhouse in junior oly Early Wynn at Chicago Wed- Bob, Boyd singled and came|Charlie Maxwell and Red Wilson|2"'¢ Caterers at Kew Beach, 8.00 anything of a threat. [King's fifth homer drove in the hockey for some years, the Cana- nesday that gave the Orioles a around on Estrada's sacrifice and (all slugged bases-loaded doubles. : LEAFS GET 19 HITS eventual winning run in the diens operated out of Brockville sweep of the two-game series. It Clint Courtney's pinch single. [Frank Lary (4-3) won it for a ~ | But the Toronto Maple Leafs,|opener in which Roch short. |1ast winter. was Steve Barber, a 21-year-old hat gave Baltimore a 9-4 record 22-7 lifetime record against New Bowsfield gave the Red Sox the the league's weakest hitting team stop Rob Kabbes slid into a con-| Sg southpaw rookie, who plunked jn one-run decision and wrapped York. Ralph Terry (2:2) lost it. deciding run in the eighth at|in the averages, belted out 15 crete retaining wall and was hos- Earl Hersh, Allan Jones and [the White Sox out of first place/yp a 6-3 tour of the west. Roger Maris belted his eighth and Kansas City. Bill Monbouquette runs and 19 hits in a 4-2 and 11-4 pitalized with a fractured right!Sparky Anderson. Luke Faster {with a seven-hitter Tuesday. Sherm Lollar drove in both ninth homers for the Yanks. 4-3) was the winner while Don doubleheader sweep over Roch- knee. . |walloped one for Rochester. Pat | And Wednesday night. Jim Write Sox runs, tying it one-alll Don Buddin's second double and|Lars n (0-4) lost his 10th in a|ester. This kept them in first| King also homered in the night- |Scantlebury won his first and Perry, an old hand at 24, pitched in the fourth and deadlocking it'a squeeze bunt by reliever Ted/'row since last June. Iplace, 31 percentage points ahead'cap as did Leafs' Steve Demeter, Bob Keegan (1-4) lost. A | lan 11-inning shutout for Cleveland |at two-all in the seventh with a|- |as the Indians defeated Washing-'home run. Giants Hold | (oominion | League Lead A ss so : % By ED WILKS five-hitter. He blanked the Bucs TIGERS COLLIDE IN MIDFIELD Associated Press Staff Writer jon three hits until Rocky Nelson There was nothing wrong with|homered in the ninth. Detroit Tigers outfielder Al | the fifth inning at Detroit yes- San Francisc Giants that a| Jim Umbricht (0-2) was the Kaline (left) and Neil Cris- | terday. Chrisley got the ball | yr jes with Philadelphia Phil- loser as a replacement for Bob ley (right), collide in the out- | that came to him out of the |jjes culdn't cure. Friend, who failed to start be- pea Pin they my for 3.83 hay for He om and Detroit won | They went into Philadelphia in cause of a throat infection. it by New Yor Yankees' | the game 9-3. Is lace. m Jones, their thirdbaseman Gil McDougald in | --CP Wirephoto Sous Dae sam donee. herr 1ith BLOW IN PINCH the road. Southpaw Mike McCor-| Crowe's first Home run of the mick had lost two in a row after|56ason, a two-run shot off losing Fr a ny winning his first five. And the Nios Dou MeMaon (1-4), was i? 3 hitiers couldn't match the runs us 1th as a pinch-hitter, break- i HE given up by a suddenly wobbly ns a tie with Smoky Burgess g pitching staff. (Pittsburgh) and Gus Zernial % 'By Geo. H. Campbell |" But in Philly Jones won the Detroit) for isd naj » league opener with a four-hit shutout oaTou Tepop " Yaron Ein SPORTS EDITOR that put the Giants back in the rT gl ocr OES ~ Fi b National League lead. Wednesday |; = 8! " only three hits, i s + |night the Giants did it again two were home runs by Ken Everything From Soup To Nuts behind McCormick's five - hitter, wer Jack 45) : . | winning 5-1 in a game cut to eight |, ATTY Jackson 5) won his Badr third in a row, giving up nine hits. (innings by rain and picking up a "iyo Reds socked Cardwell (28) Oshawa Minor Softball Association teams met last [one-game lead over second place |, six hits and five runs, It was | Pittsburgh Pirates . re pi h night, or to be more correct, most of them met, at a Cardwell's first official start since] Los Angeles Dodgers swept a his May 15 no-hitter against St. meeting called for the purpose of handing out certifi- |three-game series against second- Louis FH " i " ; |place Pittsburgh with a 5-1 deci- = eates and deciding "opening games", As Secretary of feion. ofr three home 1ins--ore a the organization, we promised that the "draw" for the |550-foot wallop by rookie Frank 0 h D Cr opening games--next Wednesday--would appear in to- |Howard S awa airy day's paper. We have to back up on that one. Our reason [SETS HOMER MARK ; Wi 0 t a is that the definite entry of teams was not confirmed. anny Carding > oe asad ns pener However, we can promise this much--the schedule for |on George Crowe's record-setting! Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball the opening games, next Wednesday, June 1st, will |pinch - hit home run. Cincinnati Association Bantam League got definitely be published in tomorrow's paper. And further |Redlegs defeated Chicago Cubs under way last night with Osh. --any team that failed to have a representative on hand and Don Cardwell 7-4 in a game awa Dairy defeating Jury and at : . i held to 7 2-3 innings by rain Lovell 9-3. last night can figure right now that they'll be one of The Giants, now 5-0 against the| Three runs in the first inning the "away teams" on opening night. We will publish the |iast-place Phillies, beat Robin Ro- got the Milkmen off on the right schedule for opening night, tomorrow. In the meantime, |berts $5 with wi Rirklasd's foot and jlhey added three more the complete schedule is being mailed to the park rep- two-run homer in the second in-/runs in the tl ird' inning and two pe Teams who oe receive lh ens ning. Kirkland had three hits and in the fourth. Mitchell was the o it 3 drove in three runs. The Phils' |winning pitcher and he had con- Jit i al 15" TUBE TYPE °*NYLON 14" TUBELESS - BLACKWALL TUBELESS = WHITEWALL certificates last night, are advised to call at Victor's |rup was unearned in the third in-|trol of the game all the way. Store, Bond St. West, and pick up their certificates |ning but ended their scoreless| Jury and Lovell got singletons in ¥ DOMINION ROYAL 51 4.9 DOMINION ROVAL $21 80 DOMINION ROYAL $26.75 immediately--since every player must be signed up, slump against the Giants at 31 the third, on three walks and a! . innings single by Nekkers, another in the before he can play a league game The Dodgers won their fourth fifth when "Butch" Brady| " GUARD xchange 6.70 x 15 me in a row, scoring their first four dcubled to score Nekkers and in 15 Exchange 700-14 Suchange BRIGHT BITS: Tony's Softball team, due to open [runs on homers by Howard, John|the 7th, Brady singled to score DOMINION ROYAL GUARD--TUBED TYPE ROYAL their home season at Alexandra Park last night, were [Roseboro and pinch-hitter Don|Johnny Burr TUBELESS Rayon Royon Nylon -- | Demeter Right hander Don Drys-| Corneal, Crossmas, Mitchell Size Blackwall Whitewall Blackwall yen "rained out". These days, that is not unusual. ... | A Mit CAHA moguls this Tian that any team, named [32'¢ W inless for a moma, and Lupel were the big hitters DOMINION ROYAL 670x185 730.14 oii pi to represent Canada, can draw any number of players squared hia record at 4-4 with alior the winners. GUARD 4 ply "$13.45 "$15.98 "$14.95 a 7.0x 18 4 ply (providing the home club is willing) to bolster their roster for World's Tournament play. For Olympic: Games BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS RAYON 51 4 35 = HN' Rd 850-14 action, all players must be of amateur (?) status . " 740215 "$1093 aply "427.25 $30.20 BALTIMORE ORIOLES knocked off Chicago White Sox By THE CANADIAN PRESS [Cincinnati 104 020 0x-- 7 12 1 EXCHANGE 6.70 x 18 - py LE. CO -- yesterday and thus boosted their lead as top club in the American League (Called after 7 2-3 innings, rain) § Al $2.00 without y American League. . . . BILL HARTACK, the jockey W L Pct. GBL Caran) on Dre A yree Add $2.00 witheut trade-in. : who rode Venetian Way in the Kentucky Derby (to | Batimore 3 a a aan "oLish an ioe victory) and in the Preakness (to a lowly fifth spot) |cyicage 14 .563 1% Bailey. HR: Chi-Thomas (7). has been named as the rider for Celtic Ash in the |Detroit 5 14 3 3 Today's Games Jersey Derby on Monday. If he wins, he could likely |New York 5 14 517 3 (And Probable Pitchers) t in t Washington 18 6% San Francisco (Antonelli 3-0) at be figured to ride the same horse in the Belmont SN agmmglon 2 XK 5a Priladeiis (Combes wat 00 Stakes. FRANK LARY, Detroit hurler, scored his Boston 17 393 6% Milwaukee (Buh' 2-2) at St. Louis TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ASK pY:{ol%] - SAFEWAY SAFEWAY "$24.90 '$27.70 2 rict; Jer N.Y. Yankees, yesterday in { . 2nd victory over the Y. Yankees esterda ir Amefican League Mizell 1-2) (N) Detroit . . BOSTON RED SOX snapped a l0-game |. 000 000 000 00- 3 1 Only games scheduled) Alot N losing streak yesterday, beating Kansas City Athletics | ( ( 7 Friday's Games vey Bald? 1/2 Worn? Jominio osing I ating oa . Cle 300 000:000 01-1 » Philadelphia at Pittsburgh (N) Ch arc your tires worth? At i ening larger allowane at C THE TIR 5- . i i E Fischer 0-1) and Battey; Perry ,. . : w . 4 3-5 DAVID JENKINS, world's top figure skater Fred Roman atley; TeITY Milwaukee at Cincinnati (N) haps --you can b het 7 THE ALL NEW LS in the men's division, has turned professional, to star ba 000 111 011 5 11 Los Angeles at Chicago DP Dorynion Ro in the next edition of the Shipstads and Johnson Ice |p2"O8 of oo P80 -- 3 10 J San Francisco at St. Louis (N) Vite inter € YOU, PAY # Follies SPAIN'S International Soccer team has de- Monbouquette (4-3) Sturdivant International League ihor--~" 1's the DIFFERENC ~ i 4 » oy iat a W L Pet. GBL by D ion Tire faulted their Europe Cup quarter-final match, with (7) Bowsfield (7) Fornieles (8 SorORte yx : ur Ties at your nar Russia. Wonder what is the real reason? . . . MILWAU- Borland & and H Suttivant Lar. xBuffale :, Ln AVE MORE KEE bowed to St. Louis Cards yesterday and thus miss- %" (0-4) Kutyna (8) a Rl. gavana 1a 581 3 y i N York 0000011--3 8 1 ny . : ed a great chance to keep up with the National League [p57 +" i 002 li p § 3 Columbus 17 515 5 : . USE YOUR CREDIT » leaders. Terry (2:2) Gabler (3) James Rock aster 3 » oi : : 10% DOWN OPENS A "PAY-AS-YOU-GO" BUDGET ACCOUNT - (6) Maas (8) and Berra; Lary Miami 4 mn Wy (43) and Wilson. HR: NY-Maris yy oi 0. 1 313 11% W[ wsrawr sranr-powee pacxeo CONTRACT RIFT? 2 X-Games behind based my But Baltimore 001 001 001-- 3 10 0 Chute ®t fh ho 33 3" falo's won ot record. " OYALINE Bi ig : (3-1) and Thomas, Buffaio 010 303 01-- 8 14 2 ue Bombers nk in iy Lollar. HR: Chi-Lollar (2), Hacker, Smith (3) Phillips (4) HEAVY DUTY 4 Today's Games Surkont (6) Lehman (8) and Lon- | (And Probable Pitchers) net; Lasorda, Kunkel (4) Hunter | 1 ux Baltimore (Brown 3-0) at New (5) Perranoski (6) Birrer (6) and York (Ford 1-2) (N) Crleman. HR: Altobelli (11), Chicago (Shaw 3: alsas a. i WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winnipeg|he would quit football before he 11s rial Shaw (23) a Kansay Butta i a 3% su 2 Blue Bombers of the Western would play with the Giants. Cas vy) te 0 Rad Interprovincial Football Uren Asked why Delveaux signed Boston (Castle 22 at Washing Green and Lonnett; Chittum announced Wednesday they have|with the Giants, Ausiey said he (oto. te (Ao and Coleman ~~ , ! fullback and linebacker Jack Del-| was offered a no-cut contract and Y Friday's Game Richmond 302 000.400 9 14 0 : veaux signed to a 1960 contract. a bonus for signing. He said Del- Chic ys vames N Columbus 010 000 000-- 1 4 1 }~ We Te ---- . % . . y He signed two weeks ago with |Veaux has not cashed the bonus po. a sansa : in Monroe and Shantz; Jackson, cg ? ¥ 3 m $ glo: { ) Vv 5) , n . - Rol Cop bu By oh i Moe! Baltimore New ork 0 Noelo) Wilms 8 nd Hall § SAVE UP TO $25.00 ON '60 MODEL MOWERS . . . LATEST FEATURES - RUGGEDLY BUILT Football League Ausley indicated Bombers n- 0H : réisi Bombers say Delveaux has tend to press their claim on Del- ' leven ' Detro? (N) Toronlo bi dam lb an a oy "| veaux Nationa! League Gibson, St 4) C 27 » id Hl 1 -- t ' J - a site indiozted in a signed sate. hl. Delvenux: and iro Ne OBL Sol a Rial; ie 4.CYCLE 2Va H.P. Here's a C. 20, 4.CYCLE, 24 H.P. ROYALINE E. 227, 4-CYCLE, 3 H.P, SELF PRO- men tat he vans 0 Pay. fosk- Van Pelt, we could be a third- San Francisco 23 12 6 HR: Tor-King : Chak Ne fot 3 Sesion saving. with new impulse start -- Here's the very PELLED -- This is the ultimate in power Sigh Biggin. sedi place ball club Pittsburgh ~~ 23 14 622 Rochester 300 001 000-- 4 8 2 h wl 5 -- 4-Cycle motor latest design in mowers . . . Priced 15.00 mowers -- all you do is push a button to Tt Tie Tia s afore Van Pelt, who shared quarter- Milwaukee 15 12 5 Toronto 012 122 30x--11 16 1 that eliminates messy mixing of gas and start it--and then steer it where you want eo 3 "back duties with Ken Ploen, is| Cincinnati 3 138 3 5 Keegan (1-4) Donohue (4) oil. Powerful 2 P . " below any eomparable machine on the star of the 190 Grey Cup oHam-|yiry gly certain to be drafted|Los Angeles 17 19 472 6% |Thice (3) and Rick 4 . motor; large 7 P it to go -- Powerful 3 H.P. motor cuts " i 2 ly © 4 5 lem (5) and Ricketts, Canniz i Sr I Pons signed with Winnipeg last this ear no the United States|St. Louis 15 19 441 2 rare; Cicotte, Funk (1) Scantle- wheels for easier rolling, Seluxe chiomé Tar De VIE anes sare avn 30 Slopes. Nike sue You ary is Air Force for a two-year stint,|Chicage 118 IY ly 00 3 nl Thor. handles and recoil starting. safety steel mower with touch of a button -- easy- mower before you buy any machine Ausley said the contract con-|Ausley said. Philadelphia 12 28 343 Jones. HR: Roch - Easter; Tor-l hous: 9, y siee set 'Wheel adigst i heel 17.00 down -- ¥ y oy flict is being discussed by i S---- me National League Hersh, Demeter, King, Jones, An- using. Truly a tremendous buy n ef, 9d)ustors a low: Instant, wide 2 60 ki 109 05 er, commissioner the San Fran 020 100 02-- 5 12 1 derson ; mowers positioning. Add handle throttle control, OU weekly LJ Canadian Football League, and Lansdowne Park Phila 001 000 00-- 1 5 0 Miami 100 000 000- 6.00 down -- 2.05 week 59 95 big 7" rubber-tired wheels -- safety steel Pete Rozelle, his NFL cou . --. (Called after 8: innings, rain) Havana 000 000 000-- 8 , : y bd y Stee F. 20" REEL TYPE -- SELF-PROPELLED, pa trier Utiiversits. of Gets Addition " MeCormick 0 and Landrith; Stock and McCardell; ille housing and you have a machine that's 4-CYCLE -- Pamper your lawn with this veaux, { sity oberts (1-5) Robinson (7) Short and Azc . : Ti. SY OTTAWA (CP1oA new stand tol erie (15) Robinson (71 Shortiams Ave Us Gamer B. 22", 4.CYCLE, 2% H.P. -- Never be outstanding value at Spectacular saving. machine -- Cuts fast without lawn tear- from the "Giants mid-way through seat between 4,000 and 8,900 fans land (7). Mc T (N) ; 7.50 down -- ing -- the ultimate in reel-type mowers. onireal at Toronto (N fore could we offer such a big mower at 2.25 ki 11.00 d "3 A weekly . own -- 109 05 . [ TIREC E THAT DOESN'T SET JW PROFILE vat COUNTS Stor S x your car n put on LTE CICERUEES Add CLE: the 1950 campaign. js Hoposee » the JJoueh Ske of Los Angeles 030 001 010-- 5 8 Richmond at Columbus (N) hol H I | ons . ark. Nts i ( y 'oa . suc . ISSUES IN DISPUTE Ottawa Rough Rider football Drosdots (ng) opt 1.5. 3 (Only games scheduled) jpche low price. ras ell deluxe fecturey: 2.40. weekly or voaux wall 00! rysdale (4-4) and Roseboro, Friday's Games recoil starter, 4-cycle 215 H.P. motor ni es rh 1950 and am Pignatano (7); Umbricht (0-2) Miami at Columbus / ! 08 0 ia i ot he Agreement on the project was Gross (6) Giel (8) and Burgess. Havana at Richmond handle throttle control, safety steel hous- i Tema ™ Oe oa eh le oanesday Et De HE Bei Howard La Roseboro| Toronto at Buffalo ing, chrome handles A must for larger TOR -- Some features as 20' Royaline : H.p, = Yokes on a tig roligh jobs i " econ ' of | (3) Demeter (6); Pgh-Nelson (1). Montreal at "hest ! ; 80%/ly «= reo Hon i ly ge iy gd giving Central Canada Exhibition Asso-|Milwaukee 102 000 000--3 9 0 OY Soca lawns. 9.00 down -- 2.35 weekly soil ! Be oe OE ' services ciation, which owns the park. St. Louis 010 101 002-5 5 3 ' , 7.00 d : n 1960." Winni ae its ) : 5 4 Wednesday's Results B own -- 2.25 week . » x Nr iipet ised The stand will be| Spahn, McMahon (1-4) (9) and Louisville 4 Charleston 3 . y only . 13400 dows == 290 woskly. . Hoe Dx : . a & ready unti, the 1961 season. It will|Crandall; Jackson (435) and Houston 3 St. Paul 2 st vear's rey up cost an estimated $250,000. The Smith. HR: StL Bov 2 (10) 'Der 3 ( IN WwW victory over Hamilton Tiger-Cats, present seating capacity of Lans-|Crowe 1 iid cil Minneapolis 23 Worth 48 B D STREET EST (At Church) RA 5-6511 Delveaux was quoted as saying /downe Park is 20,000. Chicage 000 010 12-4 8 1 ppd, rain hy D. 22" ROYALINE WITH 24 H.P. MO- G. 22" SUPER ROTO-TILLER, 4-CYCLE, i