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The Oshawa Times, 26 May 1960, p. 27

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(45--Real Estote for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 26, 1960 27 SPECIAL 45--Re | Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale 44--Houses, Apts, Flats |44---Houses, Apts, Flats 8>---neal stoic tus oo. (2a--neal Estate for Sale For Rent For Rent [985 DOWN, three bedroom bungalow 98506 full low down payment buys this |NHA storms, screens, Jecorated: land- | three;bedroom . Dungalon, | large living| inrge unfurnished basement THREE-room heated apartment, ee8-/g.aped, near school, $12,600 full price. and dining room and hen, private three - plece bath, private'tral location, Bowmanville. Phone MA MO 85783. h drive and garage. A good buy, central-| ] 7 "contained are] KNIGHT, Harvey Waller -- Entered entrance, ng space. RA 5.1371, 431/3-3573 -- ee [Gnve ahd garage. A HO0d Bar Hal $7,200 buys 8 room brick [INCOME home with four self.contained|,,, ypygy workable. acres with 80 nto rest at Uxbridge on Wednesday, Ridgeway enue. 56286. 8. D Ryman Real! Estate. 4 é | apartments, now rented, close to Shop- Li Ontario, 1 ' TWO. room apartment with kitchen, | duplex, oil heating, conven- |oio. Centre. Total price, $17,500, with rods frontage on she | iis 0 Jocated A = #60, Harv Waiter Knight rn ------ Sil | i 4 between Oshawa a owman b © years old, Beloved husband of Ann COSY littie £ at, hydro, completely furnished, A J SC HATZ | iences, garage ond over 2 Alle, «Je tale | BIRTHS , three rooms and bath, | heavy duty wiring, RA 33078 $7000 down. RA 83-4723, 3 [ th available June 1. $65 per month. Apply acres high and dry land On just south of 401 Highway. Stone house RA & A N iC ) y a arb ATTENTIO arrival of » daugnter, Cristal Asn, | Rober! Knight. Brother of Margaret , yay trance, immediate posses. T0OMS, separate ent: , in $400 per acre. cal Walter Frank, $ Ibs 11'; ozs, on Tuesday, May 34, |Knight of Oshawa. Service in Uxbridge Bn Call RA Feri) oh 4pm. rong. WH. 35138 ground YOR Quay and Kidd, Realtors, B anville, mo W. McAULEY, REAL ' . / ot : 26 PRINCE ST. and tile floors, oil heated, 5765 low down payment for Glendinning and dear father of David privaie e 2 McLaughlin Blvi Yor Re ADISON AVE overlooks lake, hip-roof barn, 100 x 38 GENERAL INSURANCE BUILDERS aun 1960, at Oshawa Genera! Hospital. Many on Frid lay 27, 1960 at 2 pm - 3-3393 furnished four-room apart - -- TIRACTIVE basement "apartment, .25 hid 3-2 Re Mo further information contact DIEMLY: yal larga n f Av Robert of (ooksville, and |possession and 32 x 238 with silo. This is an excel McAfee) are y ounce the Elizabett of Uxbridge grandfather of THREE oom basement apartment, SF LF - contained Wa $3,500 down and balance at lent investment. Priced at less tham floor, $48 6%. A real bergain. $9,800 full price, lovely ; WHITBY MO 8-3337 five room brick home, ook thanks to Dr. Rom from Uxbridge United Church tor bath, RA B-5916 after 6.30 , CTIvE partment, SERVICED LOTS Hows ana Deanna ines | floo private ra immediate APARTMENT BITES DOUGLAS L. GOWER SAWDON Strowger) are happy to announce the | amt ea earl IN MEMORIAM 7 Ibs. 12 ozs. on Tuesd May 24, 1960. at the Cobourg General Hospital SMITH -- Kemp and Jean smith (nee Monerief' are happy to anne birth of & som on Tuesds 1980, at Oshawa General Hospits DEATHS RLLIOTT, Eiwest RK. (Doo) At Dear Lord A fervent Ted grandchildren snd son MODERN seven room two - FOR SALE storey eri A $50 monthly, 129 Windsor 28-0963. e, centrally located, vacant Jun € geet RA 00 monthly. Call RA 8.5145. Eve nings, RA 37244 LARGE room for one or two nen or ladies, cooking Srivionen: "AD- ply 66 Warren Avenue "THREE oom, sf - contained apart nent, limmediate possession, near Shop 106 P Centre and bus. RA 5 SUBLET two-bedroom apartment LADY to share small furnished house, reasonable. RA 8-5711 after 4 p.m, itle- - THREE - room newly decorated unfur- and nished apartment, heat, lights water immediate possession 8-431 FOUR room, self-contained apart | Guaranteed income in choice location, next to new Shopping Centre to be erec- ted in Whitby. Lots for 9 10 and 12 suite apartm at a new low price. The or place where apartment houses |ment, eholce location, modern, steve,| are all rented immediately "for | ink, refrigerator. Occupancy June July, Call RA 53181 or RA gos monthly. RA 54452. IN NEWCASTLE, fully modern, hea'ed oiqer person or couple, near North! yne-bedroom apartme: $45 monthly. [Simcoe School, low rent for suitable MArket 3.5589, Bowmanvil THREE rooms plus private bath, |tenants. RA ] Sites approved by Mortgage Co. Call now only five left. BROOKLIN $950 full down payment for family duplex, apartment in three locations in For single dwellir.gs, Semis, buildings choice Oshawa Prices start at $2400 per lot with reasonable terms INCOME This is an older 2)2 storey brick home, but ideal for an me in downtown district, Large living room end dining room with good size kitchen, Second floor, three good size bedrooms with plenty' cup- boards, clso third floor com- pletely finished in knotty pine, size 17 x 14, Ideal for 5-385 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 28th 2 PM. TO 8 PM. 9 OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH $18,500 FULL PRICE $3,000 -- $5,000 DOWN 473 FERNHILL BLVD $12,900 FULL PRICE Sodld Barrow, Broker, RA Realtor LIGHT INDUSTRY Zoned right, large lot 90' x 225', near South GM. Very clean, four room bungalow, 3 piece bath. Taxes $126. Full down payment $500 Call Sally Wallace RA 8-4651 After 5 p.m. RA 5.6297 LOTS ® Oshawa General Hospital Tues - . no - a a es, iad Rober PRESCOTT -- In loving memory of & THREE unfurnished newly decorated FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom Midi ye liott of 127 Pine Street, whit: dear father, Sydney Prescott, who pas- rooms, private & , quite ce. partments, laundry facilities, tele-| this 2-yr.-old brick -room a couple as bed sitting room. iy | ' " . Included gorage, oil heat ng, | $1,500 DOWN 33 % 187: Noth Smee 37.55 104 with GRANDVIEW GARDENS ROSMERE STREET In this most desirable loca- wn Ip we offer this beautiful om brick bungalow with lorge living room ond stone HOME IN PORT PERRY oe ih giving room Storey and o half frame, 2 and very modern k 3 bedrooms upstairs, one bed large bedrooms, Tile infty room and bothroom down- | This location offers: schools, LOCKE'S Funeral arrangements ond equirements for oll ; occasions ) mu RA 5.8787 1 " : ASHAWA SHOPPING . rill Wo Ta EH fet = v Je MO 8-33 187 KING ST. E only $30,000 CENTRE nt, dear § ing Centre, electric}; 0." ouple or sf y t $12,500 d 24.HOUR PHONE SERVIC 44 Houlsy, Apts, Flats [70 "400 se Crome oe me ree or a RA 8-4661 MODERN 3 BEDROOM RA 8-6555 or Rent FOUR - room apartment, private Bath. 335 room i CENTRAL stainless steel s vir d OSHAW/ Po tenuis. 'ue, wr Svs sities SRT Real Estate Bord, [Begg MONUMENT COMPA 21_Some RE ad. Dana tg| 100 monthly, inciudes hes ; n a good SPECIALIZIN THRE ir ? ; t 5 ocation, adults, RA veut JOHN A rv close stairs, modern kitchen ond store and transportation, Price lorge living room, oil fur. $17,900, terms ot 52% Mo dir or a een duty wirmg, Pi ath, 3 MODERN iwo - room apartment fo Upper Duplex, two bedroor BOLAHOOD down nen nace, good basement, fairly ge. Call Henry Stin- Sto gh hi 2 - hea r RE as Call RA y large living room, continuo ; new 2 Ise. Rea! value a gon, evenings, RA 5-0243 435 KING ST Aid 4 y ir UNFURNISHED basement apartment hot water, exhaust bar LIM TED CENTRAL PARK $11,500 withy terms : EE Nash pu imenh : REALTORS--INSURANCE | GRANDVIEW Pr. RA B-3111 or RA 8.8876 Abstainers only, near South GM, RA| DOC. curtains etc. Newly de- NORTH LOV/ PRICE GARDENS ' 167 SIMCOE ST. S sted. Tworstorey VILLAGE HOME - immediate pos. wdern brick home Two-storey frame house in : SPLIT LEVEL RA 5-6544 _-shaped living room, dining Port Perry, eight-room, four- Beautiful split level, 14 yrs y 1 with built-in china cab- bedroom Pine and hardwood Id i fagily kitchen. Three floors, large lot. Small barn. ot ing, private corated, two blocks north of SEL ain oom apart h ONE large furnished room and | kiteh | Power Stor cupbonrds, heavy duty C Store; GERROW FUNERAL [ment wil ery aD EF eon : CHAPEL ( vs treat r gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street! session, RA 5-9661 Kindness beyond price A nisned bin tment iat: TWO bedroom apartment in apartme : cher pboards efrigerato sto ilding, Cedar and Thomas Streets vet within reach of all rivate room, nice quiet home. 48 all conveniences Available RA 8.6226 siafbuy ML 90 KING STREET WEST BUCKINGHAM OSHAWA BLVD MANOR Smart, 2-be PRIVATE nished basement apart. THREE rooms, sink in kitchen APARTMENTS ; arg rie err suitable dren welcomed, $55 & month, av b and 2 bedroom ar Pils RA y 1A 8.339. trim families, Close to school and den and powder room on main floor. Also recreation | room and two-car garage. For | | Members of Oshowo and \ . Urg Needed located 5 by, beloved husband of Ola Fretter, #ed away May 26, 1951 Immediate possession, Phone RA 5.5898 |ysior Craydon Road,| bungalow, large living room, Materials f o r . your , enetion blinds, awnings, " For further information [660° x 660° Preston Rd. $4,500 brother of Albert and Osborne of Owe 6.30 p.m South les ate possession, Adults. Fi 5 ¢ rE CARD OF THANKS ome os wins infin of oi eat | Resting at the W.. C. Town Funeral CA A AthT electric hot water tank,|South Oshawa. RA 81343. Evenings| 4.pedroom split level en information regarding Mrs, Serr Tierney RA 8.5125 Col a Gas rT ---- = RA 8-4651 Minister the Rev. J. Smith. 10OF 1 ¥iltiam " th Esstern Star Lodge No. 72 will hold t 8 4 1 to Goctork: rooms, tiled kitchen bathroom, | Working mother if desired. RA 8-6034 " f, alno of America Union Local 397 will hold oll y much. , |39114 or RA 3.7208 for appointment " h | - SRNR i t & service in the ehapel Thursday ever Mrs. William A, Faul. [host be seen to be appreciated NEAR OCVI. three 'Topiu, His path, PICKERING le loan, with der jpaure | Associates Ltd floors, oil heot Pr ate r 5 OU vi r 00¢ sura $50C ' ' v TWO fu I rooms for single ¢ Wo - ished TOWNSHIP nsurance SOCIO driveway. Low dow paov- RA 8-4651 After 5 pm Only 2 years old, 7V2-room brick split-level bungalow, on heating, good value ot $13,- 800 with $4,400 down, co Wyh pay rent any longer? zed bedrooms, two See this at onlyy $5,500 with dining area, ultra-modern tion throughout with convene Decorated ond | terms kitchen, with coppertone iences. Full price only $8,- THRE room front bungalow apa a beautiful home ily room and 2-pc. bath on V OL 5-315% $$ Td PLR ee | ALUE $5 nest couple preferred, very centr tr - on ---- $9,800 full price. A pro ment needed Ad today. Makes mighty wweet musie|p oo" LEE adults. Apply 72 tion throughout. Five end hos many extras. condi excellent condition. Available June 1. geparate ent Girl = preferred. | day for Bill Ratcliffe at RA AND SONS LTD y LARGE storage space, very dry, Kings ' Two . one room has a | a H : Si Dol: RA 5 | Large me with four bed- ---- - RA 5-1726 WHI | BY CLASSIFIED ay Supply, RA 5-002 upboards and sink $35 monthly 2s) $1,500 DOWN $1,500 coms on King Street Fos t in | with 3-pce. both and private A: FURNISHF hres bedroorr wme, Barrie Avenue 5 3 | J et st 1 D . oom hor | 2-storey brick home, hardwood fine residential area. Excel JOHN F AGENTS FOR entrance, forced air oil heat- i reat » week. Live out. Phone MO 849% ment, $47.50 p onth. Ty edrooms, | SMALL two room cottage, Partly cy maAN room or housekeeping room, t br } De seen Dy appointment only. Apply Box ! Oshaw FOUR - room apartment, private b THREE unfurnished rooms, adults, pri- owning this. Call Bill Rot further details please call this YOR RENT -- Furnished room in gq ig rooms . eges, cen ? g t NEWCASTLE PHONE 2341] a District Real Estate Board After Hours Please Coll: List Co-op Through This tage, 1-pce. bath. Cash price - hip-roofed bankbarn, water. FOR RENT -- pdroom apart: | FOSKETT ne t- om, use of kitchen | [INCOME PROPERTY Full price $15,500. Terms screens i lawn, ore down payment, choice of work. plow oto a ) ) ecla ric 9 : FOF dear father of Howard of Whitby, dear remembered by son Jim, daub epee oor Un iurnished apartment, | Whitby, MO sat. | 3 bedrooms, newly decorated, complete building can tio. Valance boxes, low BO veg directions, call Lloyd Realty [50° x 300' Wilson Rd. N. $3,300 Chapel, Whithy servie One enlld "welcome. Telephone RA|RA 32454 eee trance 7-room home, solid plans, mortgages, etc 5.5207 OVER A QUARTER CENTURY ER} N.H.A. RESALE sa service in the chapel Thursday © staf separate entrance, new electric stove TWO root apartment with bath, stove, sh to thank the many TWO furnished roo ' ; Stephen oom" br house with . tien gnbors and relatives, for|man. ; use, cool Janie ouseKeeping wil room bungalow, lot : of d ment, $75 per ha P, FLORIST Fin ham i Bure BE V8 man Boe "A if eniteces MACKO RA 5- 6297 Stone St., hardwood and tile ries for $81.00 mo, P., |. & Be the owner of this 5-room landscaped. Rec- built-in stove and oven, plen- 700 ond open for offers. RESULTS for » song. So whether yo ¢ private ent equipp bee ) ss nd priced just right for a main floor. Second floor has nrough an Oshaws Times Classifie oh opie Drelerrec both Spacious 8-room brick home, 2 THREE-room apartment and bath, pr 440---Rooms For Rent a a oF ST BE SO D | MU L excellent, ; anc 1 prefers doy % heating, attached garage. rooms down with 4-pce. bath, Very ¢ ephone -6544 REALTORS 0 ently located at 7 King Street nvenien located at 37 Ing Street two jarge housekeeping rooms, pri-| and tile floor oil heoting on Large living CUSTOM BUILT HOMES recreation room, foste- gerator and TV outlet pro.|furnished, suitable for one or two for |; "ion at door, walking distance, bus. Easy extended repay- DE WITH FULL. PRICE $15,550 FOR RENT L Furnished light house. and entrance, parking, available June Jit tho tHERE En FOB, A FH IR i | a SIMCOE ST home. Board optional. Phone MO 83485. | tral MOhawk 8.5176 Eo prorat ' office ng, cont 5 hot water L| scaped it trees, ol tet v i i CO! a Jruit 4 , Drew Street S-- - - I 100-acre farm This Office. $4,600.00. Coll Ozzie Ad- 54 every ng park wo bedroom apar nt, on Simcoe eniences, south of Geneva Park. RA OF SERVICE bowls, milkhouse, ete.; mower hice 30 hier HIS DANG Lawn. | wick Totse. on MeMiiian |teman. Telephone RA INCOME HOMES #4696 und floor. private bath. adults only, rye furnished rooms for two gentle Bill McFecters--Vice.Pres apart- 50-ccre farm located 12 heating, 3-pce. bath, garage. Three-bedroom upper | ~#¢ ¢ yor SINGLE furnished room, stove and and back entrance. Apply 2 Park Rd « aki Yoo md | angen NORTH-EAST garages, etc 7 ~ reomed 11 ONTARIO ST. 3-2254 MO B-440¢ ntact Len Crowder Fi close to North GM, hospital.| with ge on lovely la " j chides theek. $ $ 10,600 RA 5.2166 ' . | for two. RA 8.1127 i r cour light and water in. 7-room house, 80' x 45' hip- ferrably live in. Call after 6 MO 8.3170 modern kitchen, close to s apartment, partly E heating, 4-pee. Joh, garage ive-room brick bungalow in ne be nom ge living t 8 tment for gentleman, in he. | and bath, heavy duty stove. Apply 112 : : : se - ireltek . able, 54' r ivi inti i ; Se IPor movi -- i sed fooms, WVAL| gytiac inclu Cin Attractive home. ir, the 'coup. , 54' x 30' barn, drive painting needed. Living room, REALTOR -- RA 3 2254 f bungalow with oil furnace. | bath, Excellent terms avoil- ment, self contained siness gentleman | "Th AE na OF fininst . : CENTRALLY BU ILT T | acres LIMITED ' 0 ORDER € >ankbarn, water on Nearing completion, but still ent sarking. 114 in oh \ $25 00 . ESTATE | TD. 8 ar d of i 4 0 N.H.A 25,000. Terms arranged eo --- " S ls, bus nd shopping ; 100-ccr m lo rth- a O-ccte form located north, | Becuriral kitchen with bust, NORTH WEST C - GH § TRUCTION 423 re $12,50( ith ; m onveni | scr sodde SPACE TOM Tt AE c n urnac many extres, o. e ith &F colors of floor tile and count- ag or clean price $14, jilable Immediately FOR SALE - Rotter nd bungalow wanted. Good post, odorless and weediesx W MeAuley Restor ers, shrubs, lawns. ar 1 PRET y A MO 8.4514 SEPTIC TANKS wn AJAX, ONT CREM} TEMBELRSHIPS id. [Eh une Dias, A ys "irine included, $35 per month. Apply 500| $30 pom FOR RENT -- Room and board, in couple. Phone MO 8.5149 FOR SALE --Rubber tired hand lawn FURNISHED room, a suit gen- all In excellent Rontition Phone MO ROOM and board for gentleman at 901 . rar J Room A MODERN three-room. apartment, |5.30 p.n Reg. ARerPres building onged on Albert St. Large lot, oil after six c $12 900 FOk RENT all privileges. RA 5.9630 ONE room and Kitchen, private front] MUST BE SOLD ors 4 . | ithe ERT | bankbarn, water on tap, 2 coll Ozzie Addison, RA or two single business people Phone GARDEN wo ork HP roto.hoe ONE furnished bedroom, gentleman | immaculate con- rr A $10,000 with $5,000 Reasonable rates Call MO 8.44 \ 2 617 Brock Stree TRished FOOm w : THRES furnished rooms, suitable oor with ing arec 60- acre farm near Bethany 2-storey home, forced oir oil three childre {le mother works, pre t broken. Please call MO LARGE, bright furnishe roo quiet rooms, by week or | $13 900 y ' , nteined down $3,000. Balance of apartment, private entrance, private MO son Roa i miles from Oshawa, all works for you -- no landscaping or LLOYD AYERS . Pe he nson Road § ATTR Al TI rooms, ava od COUNTRY LIVING rive ! pine Free estimates. ( veniences Extra S-roomed modern kitchen, tiled 4-pc. suitable for lady. RA 5.5228 evenings, RA 5 4840 e highway tastefully land- BOLAHOOD workable, stream, L- awns, Don't cell unless ve nt ear King Street schoo DUFFINS CR FEK MEOR?TAR clean room for r a hasemer ve «cellent lot brick 'home with all modern ites, etc. "Three-bedroom bun- RA 5-6544 WHitehall 2-2550 . wv 5 BUILD? CALL would stay ; y decorated on i , water on : LIB: 1 : mor i rer $1500 | arate dining room. Stone 3 5Y2-room ranch style bunga- Pht Harpe MO Md sound and the late Agnes Hutchinson, ing, heated, central. RA 52817 after and bath, vicinity of Athol and Simcoe : p along with any other . ; WHITBY & OSHAWA For further information call 5 & | y -5123, RA 8-5124, RA [75' 200° P 3-3123, ' owell Rd. $2,200 Intermignt Moun! Lawn Cemeiely Faul wishes pppyr duplex Apartment, four large district, central location. Child care for throughout, The one in Osh : us an offer, must be sold : \ United Brotherhood and Carpenters done i times, Thank you 100 F® OReTe vies only, Phone RA| clades, 350° monthly. RA 80968 | before 5.30 p.m. 100 acres workable good oid Bi Your, piace ~ | ath, ardwoo and tile Call Selly Wallece pce. oatr rced Qir - gas Addison, RA 3-2254 uth G.M., very good condi- screens, two-car garage BROOKLIN most important, a lerge fom- 3.2254 SIX om ho all conveniences Sh By} oa] Fh 4 mece at, Ivortt 4 Whe i i ble at kitche r wiring aeria Ar 3 A ughout Asking nly juick sale, Fair down pay- 3 beautiful bedrooms all with THREE La . aired doves ill hb I closets, 4-pe. 2 : nished apa ; : J. A. Wi oud y ' home is nicely decor centrally located, immaculate Dia) RA 2.3492 ( ' vate entrance, TV outlet, on bus line,| CLEAN housekeeping room, | Price Don't delay, call to NOW REDUCED Call Bill McFeeters, evenings room, 3 extra large rooms up WANTED -- Housekeeper for five days FOR KENT New modern apart 7 pm, t0.9 p.m Celina Street, or RA 8-5253 private drive, ideal for two room, dining room, kitchen, Cash price $12,500.00. C ash price $12, .00. Con $3, 150 DOWN PAYMENT rurse preferred. Breakiast availah 835 after § Por SGM. 212 Bloor Street West. RA 5-1238.] ment plan. Just think of ENERAL INSURAN an Rn". G L INSURANCE | 4 )rRY FOR CHOICE LOTS 3roomed ' , room H Nagy and tile floors, 4 throc please. Absininers only. Im for adults, heat, light and water i une | | lor apartment. Phone MO 8.3714 after ; Elgin East TWO large unfurnished rooms, all eon-| OVER A OL NTURY { 4 furnish 3 f JARTER CENTURY 4 steve Macko RA 8- 4661 workable, stream, 80' x 36' ___ District Real Estate Board. ground floor, with garage: suitable for 4 veen 9 a.m. au $9,950 and white, tull siz with mattress Write Box 420, Oshawa Time Bor BA S30 Pewee iy Beeman Insuronce Associates Lid WHITBY wired. 'Price and terms ar- 6-room brick, 2-storey home residence. Phone MO 85637 summer eet. | rere ; i bog hese il hs oom in bachelor "apart. 6 nfel eet A stream, 75' x 32 REAL ESTATE rental area. To inspect Available July eating. garage corner lot ONE bedroom apartment for a couple Beg ¥ toy im t | -yr.-old dern L exterior inting, No Job foo sma nur ¢ m for rent. Phone" ¥ Laie di a | bungal as H R Near King St. 6-room brick, RELIABLE woman wanted to care fo xie, brown toy terrier,|" > du ! rime (0) TOP ST. with coppertone . ! r eavy wired. Price $6,500 BOOM and board end make an offer FOR RENT -- Completely furnished ho supplied. Prive rtrance. ing § tly ste ot ping | RA 3.7070 | "GRACIOUS 33-acre farm, located 10 ond with all the work done pnitt 3 | This children SUBDING Sid landscaping: iol ng [tabie Cotte tab THEN 5 + STORAGE SPACE : BED - sitting room with light house.| GOW Jalance 1A rey home, excellent cond home: with all modern con goodsize | bedrooms, nice N WH 2.51% jax i ) iy ceping, close to hospital and down mortgage, call R eev this home is situated on JOHN A, J after 4X s 5 AT 24 Coibo Street West, single ped lot, Close to schools 200-acre DAIRYFARM, 140 a BROOKSIDE EXPERT rolotiling ard and R wanted for nine choice of 1 buikcooler; 10-roomed 167 SIMCOE pest. Dick Devnich, Ph 61 e 1 134 nar ring mattress, hu, } the ner m $1395 conveniences. Asking price choice of brick, tiles, arbor- golow with attached garage, comed living room and sep- ONE ONLY NEOOM 4 ) BF 10) a c dock | over TA One ortgage planter, patio storms and OFFICE low, NHA mortgage, low EMPLOYMENT wanted I your SPECIAL tc $3,500 Of: lent terms including ine er top, exhaust fan in kitc- CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ; ; el terest rote of only 634%. hen, sodded front lawn, plus ESTIMATES IN BEAU VALLEY the nformanion eall : m, 85 55% | For fuither. information coll | ONY other extros. Put this ESTIM " stream, 60' x this office on your list as a must to see. $3,150 DOWN PAYMENT bankbarn,. large hen house, Call. now and ask for Bill i CE S15 500 | etc; 9-roomed frame hous warbrick or FOR SALE FULL PRICE $15,59( LA VONDETTE Smad tramt oe. EXECUTIVE | Fp . oe ®A sein Ny AND UP REAL ESTATE BROKER with terms arranged HOME prams BT ! gouris ot | a ame, excellent matured treed [HURRY FOR CHOICE LOTS | wi/Ta APPLE yl 0 erat WHITBY MO 8-3322 way near Port Hope, 76 $27,000 5-room brick bun cation in Whitby. Spacious , | acres workable, stream, 122' Mcdern three-bedroom home ! 1 Professional Building } List C 5 Thi : ; evenings, MO §-4ix . f BRANT ving area with fireplace, I y PICKERING WH 2-1100 | | | waterbowls in spotiess condition. Very exhaust THE TIMES ee bedoms dea bose: | OF Sh ene, | re O nent, doubl r \ mber of Osha ar A A ADP ] n house, J c hrot in kitchen dscape MODERN + Po garage, many r "2.388 -roor brick F Broadloc dining a 2 as} price only $13, District Real Estate house with t be sold. To view APARTME! Eve Phyllis, d Ji | ry wir. | J oa of Dir. Robert Elliott of Owen |terinaw Phyl grandson m business couple, adults only, heavy wir-|SELF - - contained apartment, two rooms fully landscoped lot also be arranged Ray 9 es taxes, With $3,000 down (Oshawa) Limited, RA [100'x 471' Nelson St. $5.800 hapel on Friday y ' 3.7416 om fu t, } H 416 TWO room furnished apartment, quiet r herdwood floors through this office Don Howe Real Estate PRR anil out: SERVICE | : awa has lake frontage Make Phone RA 5-3539 OF § : evening at 7 pm friends ar re, for all they have ..4 oidgerator, TV tower, laundry re ator, water, hydro, heat in 150 ACRE FARM Dearly Jew Soom brick m, large 4 and I. Full price $12,500. Realtor floors, 4-pce. bath plus 2 taxes, To inspect, call Ozzie insul brick bungalow, close te oom with bar. Storms MERVYN BIRD ty of cupboards. Also the Call Ozzie Addison, RA natural fireplace in 18' living $125 monthly. May be seen daily yt» entrance, main floor. Apply 2 k ag wi decorated th + [ scorate roughout. IN BEAU VALLEY FOR RENT One room. lady ' Linmedinte possession 1] MO light housekeeping. RA 8.8] ou REALTOR and { n AND UP RA 5.5922 " + A : pi : Right on Simcoe St. S. Lot Fiment,| FOR RENT -- Five.room house, cent. home, led bath, very reasonable. No TWO clean unfurnished housekeeping low rental. Suitable for couple or bach-| able August 1 P ee MO 8.5220 'hone RA 5.2677 before 7 § 0 2 . 7 Jack : Sheriff RA 3-3775 miles from Oshawa. 95 acres Member of Oshawa and dison, RA 3-22 FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished rooms, fully equipped ne RA 5.6343 8.6508 - iL SCHOFIELD roomed home, heavy dut FOR SALE Baby carriage, yellow gyi, Drive, ofl heated able April 18. pooM for rent, for young gentleman ' : HA FULL PRICE FOR SALE -- Lot, toned for general FOR SALE "-- Westinghouse sleciric(south end. Call RA h to Sh / TBLAR pala MILLEN 8 ) se to Shopping Centre. Apply Asking price miles from Oshawa. 45 acres Asking $1,950.00 down. duplex central Phone MO 5.250%. BL NGALOW $10,500, three bedroo ral. Apply or: A two or three home, heavy duty wired PLUMBING, eavestroughing, flashing RA bolure 3, on. 78. Imvis ailiside tor, Thi RA 8-1679 FULL PRICE 1454 tiful ultra-modern ¢ r barn, water on 'pressure, ROOM and board for _sentieman af FOR - RENT » v -- tre Dial 8-008 betwee Church Street | area 100d-s ers: f . 000. Terms Soya, Terms. Inspect this home y i ; we { spotless condition throughout, vasher, aer } home. Apply 444 Fernhill Bivd.| porhroomn. f : Dundas Street Cast MO # No tained apartment. Phone bpd pip doors ond. wir 3 800 4 ey eC Coun shed, etc; 8-rcomed brick full dining room and two Price and terms crranged able to responsible' buyer. West , Soi A rote. warehouse . r Family heartbroken a ter \. Poskett and Sons, MO 8.234 : 4 le furnished light hous Fami : ; je fienluney Bat Bose LOCATED olows. Com milkhouse REALTORS INSURANCE time left to have your own 45--Real Estate for Sale > i SPL. IT. LEVEL HOME oor . Bowmanville, 98 [* in stove ond oven brogd- | NEW AGENTS FOI LOTS | IN WHITBY ng price $18,500 with It ean ma Cal) MO 1] pros or MO ers MO 8:498) or MO 8-5 ROTO-tilling done by experienced Ka 0s lon Reasonable te Tele GT lV GRAVEL 90-acre farm on No. 2 high available BUILDING 2 © Avoly: Owner, M ds { 3 oT riggs ble a aplan: : MBH Swarbrick at RA CUSTOM HOMES secs om op tne | EEL FE an i | Tod HER DEBENTURES b's cu. Bua TRG | REET ETE | het tow PARKWOOD FOR SALE Modern 3 Bedroom Brick Homes | 5,5 hoe Prey oor TR Ey down payment, 7 e Towshp of Whitby | , CHEN. CUPBOAR! $5,000 ow LAW ST QUIET Bs Dodd & Sourer 105 Craydon Rd. Apt 2 Phone RA 3-3474 ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS wire Asking $35,000 wit ¢ i SNS ke con Bree ston. + MANOR Su ns 1g wing DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL S O-acre farm, near Cavan, | aw formation on thi SALE ENDS io ols pve ot CERAMIC TILE BATH WIT rh PAE at Y00 acres workable springs JF vou like the very latest in ty colt Teo Coit A ! pes. Snnum A AL M OAK N VINYL THE dit y bankbarms, machine shed, | "Nome design, we have the 5- or R THIS WEEKEND APARTMENTS $1 2 3 regaycble ¥ G . il AND yy bond 9 8 Ss brick house dream home you have been RA 5.6544 or RA : ENA AVENUE + BE 2oED LAVIN iy WES | Bm leer | vention savs onus N/ AVENU 31.72 *paya { E SLI WINDOW : A aa fv N. RESALE MEN S ALL WOOL PARK RD & A T '8 A Vi STORM DOC R 100 acres land with stream fami | his HA yy : WORST S S TRICT 51,8 VJ repayat OICE OF COLOUR--BR OF P | E ARB 3 located V2 mile from No. 35 ¢ ; 2 ED SUITS Gh g Y a AT THIS Bl » E highway, 7 acres wood. Price | sn and garde wuipment - t ; ge $1 85 repayat KITCHEN FAN AND DOOR BEL $6,000: Terms arranged t ns for inished ; ork done. for Vou oa. ia Jie ar Price $59.50 y Je 8 ON ATHABASICA - "EAST AREA 3-bedro home on Ritson ? with firepiace, two iro ' pec. tiled ate ! 39.3 A debent re- SQUARE FEET " » Oshawa with tios, garage and carport, | hardwood and tiled floors, SALE PRICE $45.00 d f 50 FOOT FRONTAGE til . n furnace londscoped, close | c ed lot sodded. For WILDE RENTALS DOWN PAYMENT $ 1 54° : re: | ols and transportation. h SERVICE & SALES MERCANTILE : he ¢ e FULL PRICE $13 83% ~ r running | i After Hours Colle 415 DUNDAS ST ) } "NJ T nts © 5 N caty p 13,090 Gler. c vith t DEPARTMENT STORE : ould be directed to th ter harae ores & | Winston Bradiey RA 3.2006 MO R.1974 WHITBY ONT vr } re information Sorvall Mouritio A 3.3950 g s.Smith RA 8.8254 e of . " - DA Inn sang | (Continned

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