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The Oshawa Times, 26 May 1960, p. 8

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SEA RANGER CREW, SRS CRUSADER, RECEIVE WELL-EARNED AWARDS Norma Gower and Kathy Pearse received the OSR badge (Or- dinary Sea Ranger). Enrolled were Mary Collard and Lynda Wilson and Eleanor Bowman and Norma Gower received Smart members of the Sea Ranger Crew of the SRS Cru- sader are seen at a recent enrol- ment and presentation of ser- vice stars and badges. The | highlight was the presentation | of the A.B. Badge (Able Sea | Ranger to Sandra Gaskell, chief | petty officer. Eleanor Bowman, | their second year service | stars. There are four OSR | ing briefly. Seen from left to badges in the crew, Pat Find- :ay received her badge last fall. | The presentations were made | by Skipper Edith Thompson and | Mrs. R. E. Wilson, division commissioner, Girl Guide As- sociation, addressed the meet- right are: Second mate Ann Jones, Lynda Wilson, Kathy Pearse, Sandra Gaskell, Skipper Edith Thompson, Norma | Gower, Mary Collard, Pat | Findlay and first mate Joan Nesbitt. Mrs. Earl Adams Again Heads College Hill H&S Association and girls of the Audubon Club. The mothers of the kindergarten pupils served refreshments. At the annual meeting of Col jege Hill Home and School Asso elation Mrs, Earle Hoy, a vice president of H and S Council in- stalled the following officers " President, Mrs. Earle Adams for second term vice-presi- SOCIAL NOTICES dent, Mrs. William Saxby; re cording secretary, Mrs. Steve) ENGAGEMENT Wozniak; corresponding secre-| Mr, and Mrs, Harold T. Brain tary, Mre. Nicholas Gulenchyn; of Oshawa announce the engage- freasurer, Mrs. Matthew Bell; ment of their daughter, Marlene éxecutive, Mrs. McGillvray| Margaret, to Mr. Anthony Andre. | Shields, Mrs. Douglas Langley, (ficka, son of Mr. end Mrs. | VL C. R. Hurlbert, Mrs. Robert| Andrew Andrejicka of Windsor, acKenzie, Mrs. George Stacey. Ontario. The wedding will take ments for Parents" |urday, June 18, at 11:00 a.m. Mr. Harry Brown, principal, | AT HOME paid tribute to Miss Brenda Tees| 'Stanley H. Cover- end the school choir for their rd Wg Mss, Staniey 3 fold eellent performance at the public|at' home to their relatives and #chool choir festival. They placed |frionds on Wednesday, June 1, Mrs. Joseph Bissonnette, Park surprise parties, 'showers, anni- third among all the schools tak-ifrom 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on Lane Apartments, entertained at versaries and comings and goings ing part in this, their first year.|the occasion of their silver wed-|2 miscellaneous shower last week are always very acceptable and Mrs. Sidney Sheridan and her {for Miss Arlene Sylvia Hastie of for which there is no charge. |committee. write or telephone RA| At the meeting which followed Field Day at the school will be ding anniversary S J m] on Thursday, June 2. Presenta ENGAGEMENT fon of Field Day Awards and| | ®he Outstanding Boy and Girl| An engagement is announced| Award will be. made Monday, |Detween Mary Ann, daughter of June 20 at 1:15 pm. at the V's. George Walsh of Oshawa py |aad the late Mr. Walsh, and Mr. | % Dudevt comiities wes pot up| 052 Barry Black, son of Mrs. | gonsiting of Mrs. Matthew Bell mariage a a h urday, June 11, at 3 o'clock in Lasek end Mrs. William Dear-|ipe chapel of Sf. George's Memo- rial Church. Miss Jane Jones' room won the dance prize with Mrs. Jean lich's room winning the an- sual prize, |will give it a cool look for sum- The annual hobby show was Onimer. When chilly weather re- @isplay with entries including |turns it can be scrubbed off. To painting, mosaic tile work, em-|complete the cool effect of the Wroidery and model aeroplanes, whitewash, set potted plants in or HOUSEHOLD HINT GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES 22ND SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The May meeting of the 22nd Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held recently at St. Matthew's Anglican Church. Mrs. Arthur Davey, president, presided. The regular reports were read president, gave her annual re port. It was announced that the wme of Mrs. Douglas Knowle: Mrs. Donald Brown, retirin wesident, gave her annual re port. It was announced that the {J aycettes would purchase a whee by Mrs. Robert Kinton, secretary, chair for the Oshawa General and Mrs. William Crawford, |.jospital. treasurer, Roll call showed 11] Flowers were presented during members present. Mrs. Davey the dinner to four new mothers: gave a report from the executive Mrs, Robert Dewland, Mrs. Ber- board meeting ram Bec!'nell, Mrs. William Ed- Mrs. Robert Dougherty offered wards and Mrs. Ernest Jones, to act as convener for the Octo. ber tea and sale of work. Mem-| WESTMOUNT WA bers were reminded to sew dur-| The regular of West- ing the summer and bring their mount United Church WA was work in at the September meet- held a the church with a large attendance, | ing. Mrs. Davey introduced Mrs. L Roy Stevenson, assistant dis- mee ing with the Explorers and trict commissioner of Cubs, wuo CGITt aking part in the devo- spoke on cubbing and scouting. tional period. : She stressed parent interest and| ini? fous Jacko, reddgen, the need of a strong scout troop open mi y and stated tha! good spirit and|and a hymn and turned the co-operation was most essential, (meeting over to the two groups Mrs. Dougherty thanked Mrs,|of girls. Mrs. Maurice Love and Stevenson. Mrs, William Holbrook are lead- 'The next meeting will be held on ers of the CGIT and Mrs. James Shearer and Miss Lois Wherry SONS LD. 4 pot Yuck lauch are leaders of the Explorers. The | Junior choir sang "The Lord is BATHE PARK AUXILIARY |My Shepherd" and "In the Gar- The regular mec.ing of the La- den," accompanied at the piano dies Auxiliary of Bathe Park As. DY Miss Patricia Ward. sociation was held in the club The business meeting followed. |nouse with Mrs. Cleve McMann | Mrs. Rupert Harrison read the | presiding. i |secretary's report, executive re- | The iautes were read by Mes [PON 0X, corempondence, Mr Robert hewn wall Shode er's report, Mrs. Frank Owen re- he . * [ported iterature. red den Save the bingo report|" gon made for the straw- . Hewitt gave a report on|herry supper to be held on June the whist drive, The treasurer's|sg at the church. A quilt is beirg [Repo was given by Mrs. John| made at the home of Mrs. Harri | | er. son. Plans were made for the open-| Mrs, Gordon Brown's group The meeling was an affiliation Vliss Lenore Glass read a story| on "Channels of Devotion", and | s. Gordon Magee leg in pray- er, Ars. Lawrence Savery intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Arnold Bowler, who with her hus- band and two children, have re- urned from Kenya, Africa, afer four and one-half years there. Mrs, Bowler spoke of a trip to a native village in Kenya. She emphasized that a nation only rises to the standard its women: Mrs. Magee expressed appreciation to the speaker. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Wagg and her group. ARVILLA McGREGOR AUX. The regular meeting of the Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening, May 24, in Knox Pres- byterian Church lounge, Miss Madeline Sinclair presid- ed. Mrs. George Hamilton con-| ducted the devotional exercises. | The study was presented with Miss Sinclair, Mrs. George Fogal, | Mrs. Stewart Soanes, Mrs, James {Thom and Mrs. Bert Montgom- |ery and Mrs. J. W. Heath acting |as visitors to a mission station in| |Ttu, Africa. | Members were reminded of the bale next month, articles to be ready for the June meeting, this ito be held at the home of Mrs. Mrs, i James W. Hearh. | Refreshments were served by Mrs, Stewart Soanes and James Heath, SA HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Salvation Army Home League was held on Tuesday afternoon, May 24. Mrs. Major Rankin led in the Arvilla McGregor Missionary| ? will receive their graduation bou- quets along with messages such as "We're proud of you" and "To flowers wih cool water. Ol Ibi --Oshawa Times Photo ing on June 18, served refreshmnels. The hostess for the evening put on two contests which were won| by Mrs. Prokop and Mrs. Lloyd| The Harvey Hunt evening aux- nouncements, Brown. Refreshments were serv-|iliary of the WMS of Simcoe| Mrs. Maynard Nelson was ed by Mrs. Ogden and Mrs, Byard |©'reot United Church celebrated|charge of the remainder of the| King. Mrs. McMann thanked theits 36th birthday anniversary last|afternoon, which was in the form| [hostesses on behalf of the Auxil-|week. Mrs. A. C. Potter presided. |of a birthday party to celebrate |iary. Following the treasurer's re-|the Queen's birthday. Mrs. Nel- port, Miss Millicent Luke led in|s0n spoke of planning a party OSHAWA JAYCETTES |a discussion on the question: of|With suggestions for sandwiches, The Oshawa Jaycettes held|finances, and explained that afakes. and destetis, Ste demon their annual election at a dinner|good portion of the administra-|Strated fancy table centres to| |singing of a few choruses. Mrs. HARVEY HUNT AUX. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor emer, Dial RA 3-3474 '8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 26, 1960 ing i i A R {make a party more festive, and meeting in the Corvair Room at|tion costs of the WMS is taken the Hotel Genosha. The new of-|care of by the interest earned then Senovaeiy the wrapping ficers are: President, Mrs. Doug-(on the first six months givings . ymn wi fi las Knowler; first vice-president, which is an economically sound |, 4 ogg Rigg Ring Mrs. Jerald Rutherford; second | policy. The allocation this year|overvone a happy birthday with vice - president, Mrs. Donald (of $2075 for Simcoe Street pro-ithe "words, "The Lord Bless Lowe; secretary, Mrs. Carl Die- vides only for maintaining the Thee, and Keep Thee." Then dericksen; treasurer, Mrs. Victor present need and mo increases in|cjosed with prayer, and the sing- Pratt. ts work. Miss Luke urged that ing of "God Save the Queen." The chairman of "Hydro Show-|new members be -secured to re-| Refreshments were served by time 60", Mrs. William Edwards, place and augment the present the Fellowship group. Next week {reported on this project. |membership, and suggested athe devotional will be led | It was announced that joint in-|Plan of systematic regular giving by Mrs. William Stubbins, [stallation night would be held of a tenth of what is given In| FIRST BAPTIST WA at the Hotel Genosha on Saturday, | trust 2 4 = 1 gy R. Wag : The monthly meeting of the [June 25, and that the regular| Mrs, K. agg whose group wa of First Baptist Church was meeting on June 16 would be ajwas in charge, led in the devo-|;.14 at the home of Mrs. William | PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E.jand serving were Mrs. David ' Mrs, Hoy included in her re-|place in the Church of St Greg. | Scott and their daughter, Mari- Diamond, Mrs, Donald Gilkes, harks a timely "Ten Command-|ory the Great, Oshawa, on Sat- lyn, Kingston road west, attend- Mrs. Eugene Sewell, Mrs. Floyd a | |ed the spring convocation of the | Johnston, University of Toronto yesterday when their son, Lloyd Alvin | Scott, received his bachelor of | science degree in pharmacy. | Toronto whose marriage to Mr. {Kenneth Reid Kent, son of Mr. (3.3474 1} and Mrs. J. M. Kent of Oshawa, will take place in Toronto on June 4. The guests were neigh- bors and friends of the prospec- tive bridegroom. Miss Arvilla Bovaird and Mr. {Donald Joneh whose marriage will take place in First Baptist {Church on Saturday, May 28, were entertained at the home of Blanchard of Los Angeles, Cali- Grierson |fornia, are visiting at the home street, on Tuesday and were pre-|of Mrs. Blanchard's mother, Mrs. Whitewash on your fireplace sented with a matched set of|John Lawrie. Bond street east, the former younger John Lawrie Mrs. Walter Sewell, framed prints by Miss Kathy Lee Wry on behalf of the 36 guests present. Mrs. Mary Jonah and Mrs. George Jonah poured tea |and Miss Madeline Sewell. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little litems of interest. News of teas | Please ocal 18, The tables at The Guild of All Arts were banked with pink tulips and white tapers for the annual luncheon given by the {Ladies Auxiliary of the Oshawa 1960 spring | General Hospital graduation class. for the Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thatcher Frank Markey; treasurer, Mrs. {Mrs | Miss daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. Lawrie. Blanchard is Bernice Lawrie, Miss Pauline Sewell | box social at the home of Mrs. tional period on brotherhood. She Young. | Douglas Knowler. assisted by Miss Beatrice] The presdent, Mrs. Waiter | Mrs. Donald Brown, retiring|Potten who read the scripture; Nickerson opened the meeting -- = i Cg wth prayer, and a hymn, ac- {companied at tthe piano by Mrs. |George Hall. | The devotonal period was led by Mrs. Nickerson who spoke on "God in Nature." She also read a poem. Reports were given by the |'reasurer and secretary. Mrs |Walter Wellman was 1 Mrs. Walter Branch Assumes cy, St. Gertrude's CWL St. Gertrude's Catholic Wom- | Presiden | William James welcomed the new (tion flowers which will brighten members and made the an-|convocations across the country. in(® are still the favorite flower of | Canadian brides. However, roses. This is because the dark "The engagement is announced | the son of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew today of Miss Marlene M. | Andrejicka of Windsor, Ontario, Brain and Mr. Anthony Andre- | holds a Bachelor of Arts degree Jicka, Daughter of Mr. and | from the University of Western Mrs. Harold T. Brain, Masson | Ontario. The marriage is to street, the bride-elect is a grad- | take place in the Church of St. uate of St. Michael's School | Gregory the Great on Satur- of Nursing. Her fiance who is | day, June 18 at '11:00 a.m. Red Roses Are Favorite Flowers For Graduation Bouquets This is the time of year when foliage from the steam, by cover. ndreds of Canadian graduates ing them with a cloth. Your graduation bouquet will |also last longer if you spray the An old or', {perfume atomizer will make an |excellent spray, fine enough not Only a wedding bouquet is a I gger thrill than the congratula-|to bruise the delicate petals. 1 ur favorite Bachel The spray treatment can be |used if your graduation bouquet {happens to be of carnations, peo- ED ROSES nies or 'mums, too. Florists say that roses are still the most popular flowers or graduations bouquets, just as they | Lowly Earthworm Is Garden Friend Chances are you've seen those castings all over your garden and lawn in the early roing. And chances are may even have cursed th donor, the earthworm, for leaving them ere, Don't. There are good inten- tions behind the earthworm's seemingly sloppy habits. Every time 'it burrows, it's doing the soil a good turn. Zoologists of the Ontario De while today's bride generally chooses white or pale pink roses for her bouquet, the sweet girl graduate still carries deep re solemnity of cap and gown makes a good background for scarlet and carmine roses. Also, graduation pictures are usually taken before graduation day, so there is no need to worry about the red roses pho'ographing black, as there is with bridal portraits. If a graduation bouquet looks tired after being clasped in a hand, cl y with .s/Dartment of Agriculture say there are several methods of first iy are may be as many as 50,000 aid. One of the bset is to fill a earthworms in a single acre of bathtub with warm water and soil! They are capable of car- float your roses in the tub until rying more than 15 tons of the dropping heads ere firm earthy castings to the surface again. of an acre in ope year! And in . {twenty years, these castings HOT WATER lcould reach a depth of three Or place the stems of VOUT | in hes! roses in two to three inches of IA LL . hot water (100 deg.) and let them| With this in mind, it's not hard stay there until the water cools, [t0 imagine the tremendous Then, place he flowers in deep, |churning that goes on in the soll cool water for a hardening period [When the lowly earthworm sets before arranging them. If you use to work. the hot water method, however, porous, giving air and water a .| you must protect the flowers and |better chance to penetrate. lens League annual membership {supper was held recently in the parish hall. It was convened by back after her absence through | sickness, A vote of thanks was express- ed to Mrs. Ralph Hopson and her committee, who catered to e |wedding reception recently. The | group is planning to cater for lanother wedding on Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Howard will be in charge, The hostess served refresh. ments assisted by Mrs. John | Darcy. the new executive was present- |ed. President is Mrs. Walter Branch; first vice president, Mrs. Edward Jarrell, second vice president, Mrs. Robert Chapman; third vice - president, , Cleo Ouellette; recording secretary, Mrs. John Polman; corresponding secretary, Mrs. SPEEDY BUILDING l Using prefabricated concrete | parts a four-storey apartment | building of 14 units was built in {19 days at Stockholm early in |James Kraemer. Councillors are: Mrs, William Clancy, Mrs. Angus Neil, Mrs, Sidney Sheridan, Mrs. Gerald Merkley, Mrs. John Adams, Mrs. James Noonan, Mrs. John Dona- bie, Mrs. Roy Bligdon, Mrs. Ar- thur Parkin and Mrs. Frank also bird houses made by boys!around the opening. | West Courtice H&S Re-Eelects Mr. Eric Dunham, President | ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES 34 rei om | man sy ides bs » ¢ Church are Mr. and Mrs George Louis Ulrich, The | *® of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ulrich, all of Oshawa. hic the former Miss Donna --Photo by Soeyd Marie Allman, is the daughter | urer New President {School Association at its annual May meeting. She succeeds Mrs. |William Baldwin who has been | president for the past two years. | The other officers are: Vice president, Mrs. Thomas Kidd: second vice - president, Mrs. C. Twaine; recording secretary, Mrs. Fred Pesarchuk; corre- sponding secretary, Mrs. Harold Jenkins; treasurer, Mrs, Arthur (French; executive members, {Mrs. William Legatt, Mrs. Don ald Roter and Mrs. Wilson Stauf- fer Mrs. George Moss, a member of H-S Council, presided at the installation. She was thanked by Mrs. Earl Campbell and pre- sented with a gift in apprecia- tion Dr. William Grant made an ap- peal on behalf of the hospital building fund. Mr. J. D. Galbraith thanked Conant H&S Assn. Installs And Officers Mrs, Joan Smale was installed|Grade 8 pupils to Toronto to the| henored were: Mrs, William Clan- |as president of Conant Home and museum and announced the an-|cy, Mrs. Sidney Sheridan, {nounced the annual {will be held June 1. field day | This being talent night, the] |group was: entertained by the| {Grade 5 choir who sang two se-| |lections. Gerald Kruzumchuk and | |Gregory Demczak each played a {solo on the accordion. They were thanked by Mrs. Harold Jenkins. Annual reports were read by Mrs. Earl Campbell, secretary; Mrs. {Mrs, Harold Jenkins, correspond- ling secretary, and Mrs. Verdun Reison, kitchen convener. | |" Mrs. loan Smales, the new | | president, presented Mrs. William Baldwin with her past president's pin. Mrs. Baldwin thanked the members and executive for their co-operation in the past .two| |years. | Refreshments were served by {the mothers of the pupils of] |Grade 2. ue Association for sending the Mr. Eric Dunham was re-elect ed as president of West Courtice Home and School Association at its May meeting held recently. The other officers are: Vice- presidents, Mrs. Earl Evans and Mrs. D. E. McLaurin; secretary, Mrs, Wilfred Chesebrough; treas- Mr. Lucien Latour; execu tive members, Mrs. C. H. Brick, Mrs. William Higgins, Mrs. James King, Mrs. William Oke, Mrs. Donald Thompson; repre- senting the teachers, Miss Erma ikon and Miss Barbera Elling- The officers were installed by Mrs. R. Courtice and Mr. Eric Dunham presided at the meeting. Mrs. Wilson Neil read the year- ly report. Mrs. Donald Thomp- son gave the financial report, (Mrs. Neil reported on the recent {convention in Toronto. Notice was given that a work- shop meeting would take place in this district Saturday, May 28 A discussion was held on the| annual School Field Day to be held on June 24 | Refreshments were served by Mrs. Kenneth Greentree and her committee. FROZEN MILK LONDON (CP) -- A record shipment of 10,000 gallons of frozen milk has been exported to the Persian Gulf. It is going to British employees of Middle Fast oll éompanies who camnot get fresh milk. Doreen. The Reverend John Myers wel- comed the new executive and If Youre TIRED MRS. W. R. BRANCH thanked the outgoing executive] for its excellent work. Father Myers presented president's pins to each of the past presidents in |recognition of their work. Those so ed that approximately 7000 hours of work had been contributed by the Madonna Group. She also Fred Britten, treasurer;| mentioned that the Nearly-New Mrs, Shop would move to the old par- Angus Neil, and Mrs. Patrick Rob- ish hall and that she would like ert as well as Mrs, Walter|the men in the parish who can Branch, the new president, A [do carpentry and painting to as- gift was presented to Mrs. Pat. €ist in decorating the new quar- ick Roberts, in recognition of her |ters for the shop. services. Mrs. Gerald Merkley reported The treasurer's report was giv- (that the religious articles shop was en by Mrs. Frank Markey. An-|NOW open. ALL THE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe bothered by backiches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a toxic wo x Bini edi ged wastes, That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate i nd 00 ludlp sostore huis 'emoving excess you feel better, sleep better, work Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. nual reports were given by Miss Eva Bruckner, spiritual convea- er, and Mrs. Walter Branch for the Nearly-New Shop. She report. blemishes $2.75 $5.00 Here THE "THERA-BEAUTICAL® AS IT C Tens OsSix removes those harmful impurities that so often cause blackheads and enlarged pores Bowe Sell 10:08 LOTION THAT BEAUTIFIES YOUR COMPLEXION LEANSES YOUR SKIN ANTISEPTICALLY JUNE BRIDE June 11 has been set for the vedding day of Miss Mary Ann | Walsh and Mr. John Barry Black whose engagement is an- nounced today. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. George Walsh of Oshawa and the late Mr. Walsh and her fiance is the son of Mrs. Alda Black of Winnipeg. The ceremony is to take place in St. George's Memorial Church and the couple will reside in Toronto. --Photo by Robert Aldsworth BURNS Credit Jewellers Ltd. FABULOUS BEAUTY \ THE ENCHANTING a. 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