THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 27, 1960 19 Slaughter Steers, Heifers Steady At Stockyards TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Neb Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge -1 Bs --1% 75% TORONTO 11 AM, STOCKS Stook Sales High Low 11 SE By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--May 27 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. 3---0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) - INDUSTRIALS } Stock Sales Stanwell 500 1000 § Stock Dom Tar Dom Text Fam Play Fanny F Frosst A Sales High Low 11am 120 200 100 § 'ge " % 9% 9% + % 19% 5 gs EhEER & 2.9 shied Llslds SHEEN x} = 88 14% 35% -- 95 Ya 14% 1% -- % 3% + % 8% 8g E | ++ tv Ontario public stockyards. Open- ing sales were on a par with last week with the d d as the week Cows opened fully 50 cents per hundredweight lower but re- gained part of their loss. Bull prices and veal calf prices were fully steady and replacements| were actively steady. Hog prices closed 50 cents to $1 per hundredweight lower while sows were 50 cents higher. Sheep and lamb prices were unchanged. Cattle receipts were 1,700 head fewer than last week and some 800 head less than the same week in 1959. Western Canada receipts numbered 168 head while stock calves totaled 37. Industrials, EE - w Sa IS proving FRE SEE 3 | +11 4 whe £3 Ed Hi-Tower Hughes o a Imp Imp Tob Ind Accep I Ac wis Inland Gas pr Inind Gas wt Bn SeiEBEREER 1: " Begregld EsBuceBelctaibonit $e ta fo 1 - 1) 52 41 39% -- % 305 +5 100 620 12 400 § g HE Bt SL Baseutongnetinle, §eg=¥;8 Swgggogupes 3 £14 ++ FER BF good 21-22; good A tops at 17.50; medium 15.50-16.50; |common 14.50-15.50; canner and cutter cows 12-14; good heavy bo- logna bulls 18-18.50; common and medium light bulls 14-17.50. Replacement cattle: Good han- dyweight stockers mostly 23-24 with sales to 25; common and di d from 18-22, Calves: Good vealers 28-31; choice to 32-34.50; medium 23-27; efuael sseizsnd BEES C'N Inca Cdn NW Cassiar Cayzor Cent Pat Chester Chib Jae Chime Coniaurum C Disevry C Halliwell C Marben Con M and E¥uEnt The appointment of ¥. James Skinner as a vice-president of Houdaille Industries, Inc., Buffalo N.Y., was announced today Peo, President. -y --10 gies EES BEE eg un BY 5 255 % 12% 12% 40% 41 +1 ggg SusBouselal ° C Wire B xd 100 C Bank Com 125 S5xg8e Houdaille Industries of Canada, joined the company in 1947 as Plat Xugioot; having obtained is Bacher Pry degn Mechanical Engineering at : Queen's University. He was ap- 25.25 and closed at 23; sows 17; | pointed Factory M in 1949, lights 19; stags 11 on a dressed Assi G 1 M in weight basis. 1952, and has been President and Sheep and lambs: Good handy-|General Manager since 1955, Mr. weight feedlot lambs 24.50; com-|Skinner is active in Oshawa's Base Metals mon and medium 16-23; good|community life.' He is a past Made Gai a e ans | heavy lambs 22.50; sheep 4-10 ac-| President of the Rotary Club, TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials cording to quality; spring lambs past Vice President of the Oshawa and base metals made gains 28-30 per hundredweight. Chamber of Commerce and is Thursday. now President of the Greater Industrials were ahead .98 2 STOCK MARKET Oshawa Community Chest. Mr. NET EARNINGS : Skinner, who is 36, lives with his 498.19, with golds up .01 at 80.23 | : x hil Os! and base metals up .94 at 157.49. wile and two children in Oshawa, By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cochrane - are 1959, Sales to. 11 a.m.: 247,000. Western oils were off .50 at 86.52. Dunlop Hardw: Ltd. year ended Dec. 31: 5 Board Denies easonal Benefits 'Merritton Bid Volume was 1,424,000 compared with 1,230,000 Wednesday. $340,683; 1958, $473,453. Distillers ion Stanleigh Stanlgh wis AEREERRERSERRRES 134 4 g North Star pr 2z5 Oceap Cem = 275 Oshawa A 200 Page-Hers Pembina Pow Corp Premium QN Gas QN Gas un Reichold Royal Bank Royal ris StL Corp 200 St L Cp A pr z10 Salada-8 125 Shawin 187 Southam new 100 8 8 5 F 3] ¥® 80 100 475 200 400 z15 zl 25 3420 slnBysulis Frobisher Gaitwin GF Mining Gulch Gunnar Gunnar wt 2 Big Rail Systems Creative Tel Crestbrk §8EuszslsBeavl 6 690 Zenmac 1200 20 10 EHalal Provo Gas Secur Free 500 bd 20% 20% + % Legislators Pai Parliament At-A-Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS Thursday, May 26, 1960 The Commons sat only briefly before adjourning out of respect for Gordon K. Fraser (PC-- Peterborough), 69, who died sud- denly in Ottawa, The Senate gave final approval without a recordde vote to the government's university grants aaa (CP) -- A total of 1228,551 persons at April 30 were| S1. CATHARINES (CP) -- The| The ¢ i i | . | » continuing decline in the [Sawing seasonal wieipioymen Ontario Municipal Board has re-|Canadian dollar premium again May 21, Labor Minister ed jected an application by the Town Tuade Dapers the most active in- of Merritton for the annexation of|"US™a. ¥ went ahead a point | Er 850 acres of Grantham Township. Great Lakes a ht formed the Commons Thursday. ms Litd., 9 mos. ended A at 43%, Crown Zellerbach was up|20; 1960, $20,019,000; 1959, $20,- Lorne Cumming, deputy min- 8 tra $10,000 and the opposition] ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--The ont-| He said i ; Canadian Press Staff Writer [$25,000 salary as prime minister |leader $3,000. (line of two major rail systems | Cheyrier Prey ow Lind x: 1 Legislators in Ontario, Mani-|and $2,000 taxable automobile al-| Prince Edward Island: $1,950|in the eastern United States|that number of those unemployed |; ih : min-13, at 43%. Others made frac-\""r Wor Mines Ltd, 3 mos. toba and Alberta voted them.-|lowance. He has the use of the|(s450 tax-free) for seven-week|emerged Thursday from the an-|for four to six months at April ister of municipal affairs, said in|tional gains. _|ended March 31: 1960, $1,125,000 selves salary increases this year |prime minister's residence, 24| session; $6,000 extra for premier nual stockholders meeting of the|30 this year was 36.9 per cent of a -ruling released Thursday that Imperial Bank was up,a point 32 cents a share; 1959, $2,373,000 but there is no prospect of higher| Sussex Street, Ottawa, and a|and $3,000 and up for ministers. New York Central Railroad. |all jobless. Number of those un- the board has before it an appli- at 57, while Canadian Vickers 68 cents. pay for federal members of Dar-| Sunes Jome at Barnes) Nova Scotia: $4,600 ($1,600 tax-| Alfred Perlman, president of/émployed for more than six fation a 2d gered 1% at 183, ge Molson's Brewery Ltd., 6 liament. |Lake, Que., but pays %, free), raised in 1958 from $3,600,|Central, placed his Toad at the months was 12 per cent of the bin Wile ID el ag " Ag op ended March 31: 1960, $2 f P 4 if i 984; 1959, $1,876,714. town of Port Dalhousie. The in-| Noranda and International see) mL terests of all concerned would be Pacitic Petroleums Lid, year best served if this application 'is Though the MPs vote the ap-| Wards their upkeep. [for seven-week session, plus ~12,-|head of one system and claimed total. Nickel were both ahead % at 40|ended Feb. 29: 1960, net loss $3, allowed to proceed unhampered, | propriations to cover their own the Pennsylvania Railroad was| and 55%, with labrador up % at|g21 895; 1959, net loss $4,278,166. he said. Sea- By JAMES NELSON 1$2,000 tax-free allowance as MPs, mos. 457, | Federal cabinet ministers get a(000 for premier, $10,000 for min- indemnities and expense ac-|total of $27,000 and the same is|isters and $6,000 for opposition|assembling the other A counts, they cannot raise the pai Perlman said Central otticisis| Bank Of Canada 2 United Auto Parts. 1Ad . ni a ., year ended Dec. 31: 1959, $728,610. d to the leader of the main|chief. - Ot-|o ition party. The Speakers of| i i esenta 3 present $10,000-a-year rate in ppos party pe. were conferring with repr aman ; New Brunswick: $3,600 ($1,200 tawa until the government agrees|the Commons and Senate receive to introduce the necessary legis- $23,000 each. |tax-free), raised in 1957 from $3,- |000, for seven-week session; $7,- 500 more for premier and minis- tives of the Baltimore and Ohio and Chesapeake and Ohio railroads "with the idea of join- Interest Rate Up Merritton sought the Grantham land for industrial and residential $24.28 a share; among golds, Giant Yellowknife and $23.68 a share. 1958, - $710,602, bill. Prime Minister Diefenbaker announced a Cana- Hollinger dropped % at 10 and 24 Gunnar had a 55-cent drop at $7. Algom was off at 11% and Denison was off five cents at $8.95. In western oils Calgary and Ed-| monton lost % at 14%. Canadian Superior was off 40 cents at $9.6%0. Hudson's Bay was up % at 10%. OTTAWA (CP)--The Bamk of Canada interest rate edged up- development. Grantham and St. Catharines protested because of their plans for wider amalgama- tion. Mr. Cumming said that if is- sues raised by Merritton's appli- cation remained unsolved by the disposition of the four-way amal- gamation proposal, the town could make a further approach to the board. lation. None is in sight until after [PRIVATE COMPLAINTS ters and $3,000 for opposition/ing them in a mutually satis- = the next federal general election. Pallant ott raived dem) A cross-Canada survey of legis-| .: ci of a |leader. |factory arrangement." : erin Cam lators' salaries by The Canadian plies in She I Quebec: $8,000 ($2,000 tax-free),| The system being assembled |e © "0 Foley w 320 por cult Press shows that, for the time... speaking out in public raised from $7,000 in 1958, for by the Pennsylvania, Perlman of $95,000,000 in 91-day a consumed in parliamentary ses-.po.¢ raising their own salaries|5ession lasting' more than 30|told stockholders, "includes the| ~~ LLL bills sions, MPs are paid less than|, .'v.o. 1" hesitation in press-|days. In shorter session, allow-|consolidation of the Norfolk and he Tot . members of the legislatures of ling their claims in the privacy of |ance is $20 a day but most ses-|Western and the Virginian, A . rate, an indicator of con- . {sions run three months. Ministers) Last week Baltimore and Ohio ditions in the short - term money and Chesapeake and Ohio direc: Market, had risen last week by most provinces. | party meetings. | hr The federal session lasts six| 4 |and opposition leader get addi- . Douglas Fisher (CCF--Port Ar-|tional $10,000. tors approved a stock exchange more than a quarter point follow- they said was the first step to-|ing @ five-week drop. weeks to three months. Indem- wand merger. | nities range from $1,950 in Prince thur), father of three, spoke In| (piario: $7,000 ($2,000 tax - Edward Island to $7,000 in On-|Parliament a year ago, $ayingfree) raised this year from $5,- tario and $8,000 in Quebec. [$10,000 is insufficient to draw|so0 for two- to three-month ses- Of Divorces good- men to Parliament: This|g. -. | MORE FOR MAYORS |, Eowerel. le med montjsoms JIS0N0 mete lor premies OTTAWA (CP) -- The leader of the CCF filibuster against S ful advertisi uccessful advertising must carry the ring of truth!! RESTORE BEACHES BOURNEMOUTH, England {CP) Counch of this Hampshire tempt to rebuild beaches washed away by tides. A mechanical scraper will be floated out to sea and as it is pulled in it will col- lect sand from the sea bed and deposit it on the beaches. dian government contribution $10,000 to the Red Cross for aid to Chile's earthquake victims and provision of an RCAF transport to fly urgentiy-needed drugs Friday, May 27 The Commons meets at 11 a.m. EDT to debate agriculture es- timates. The Senate sits at $ p.m. pays its mayor $10,000 a year,|paid now--some of them, per-| by . Vaneouver pays $12,000, Mont- | haps, too well paid. | Manitoba: $1,000 Wonedhind poof real $13,500, Winnipeg $11,800, Art Smith (PC--Calgary South) 606s Tel 24a" up to 60 days Toronto $13,000. sajd it is ridiculous to expect away from home, for average "Bit 'MPs really envy their us. 3s to maintain two homes in|ioothonh session; premier gets counterparts. Members of the of theleio 000 extra, ministers $10,000 widely-separated parts U.S. Senate and House of Repre-|country on $10,000. He is reported sentatives receive $22,500 a year to have been ticked off Jeported and opposition leader $3,500. and are given $40,000 allowances by the government for embarras-| Saskatchewan: $4,800 ($1,600 for secretarial help. |sing it. jinx dre), raised 1b 193% sao 2 Included in the $10,000 paid to| f 0, seven- 4 Ses- MPs and Senators in Ottawa is oa Crowe. Co B 8 eryative sions $9,500 extra for premier, $2.000 expense allowance which is|jand and a father of four, says| 35000. for ministers and $5,000 for| tax-free for Commons members he could not give them a proper |CPPosition leader. but not senators. Their steno-|education on his $5,000 income as| 'Alberta: $4,500 ($1,500 tax-free), graphic help is drawn on a first-|an MLA. He receives an addi-|raised this year from $3,600, plus come-first-served basis from ational $3,000 as opposition leader.|$15 a day for members living out- pool. If they employ private sec-| |side Edmonton and automobile retaries, they pay. |JOB ON SIDE allowance, for session about eight All legislatures also give ex-| Dan Campbell (SC -- Comox), weeks; $6,500 additional for min- pense allowances which are tax- father of three, said he has to isters and $2,500 for opposition free. In addition, Manitoba, Al-|teach part-time if he isn't to|leader, being divided among the berta and British Columbia have starve on his $5,000 income as a four opposition MLAs this year daily living allowances. MPs get| member of the British Columbia who represent different parties. free railway passes and one free house. Don Robinson (SC--Lillo-| British Columbia; $4,400 ($i.000 trip home by air each session ifloet), in addition to asking more, tax-free), plus $15 a day for 40 they live beyond Ontario and Que-|money, said B.C. should provide|gqays also tax-free, making a to- bec. offices' for legislators in their|{a]" of $5000 raised in 1957 from home communities to carry on|gs ogo: premier gets $15,000 ex- government work while away tra, ministers $12,500 and opposi- from the capital. tion leader $3,500. "The indemnity certainly isn't|-------- lenough," said John E. Ahern | (L--Halifax North), who receives . : $4,800 as member of the Nova| IPSWICH, England (CP)--Ani- |Scotia house. "The Halifax mal protection officers have county warden gets $5,400 . . | Warned Subiors: Su age fare organ ia v 3 izers a offering anima: This is the province-by-province 1/06 & Bowling ne a pig Sw ficers. salary situation: favorite competition," said a Prime Minister Diefenbaker re-| Newfoundland: $5,000 ($1,666) spokesman, "but often the wnner ceives a total of $37,000, com- tax-free) for session of six weeks| knows nothing about pigs and has posed of an $8,000 indemnity andito four months; ministers get ex-|no accommodation for ome." By way of comparison, Halifax | people think MPs are well enough position leader. divorce bills in the Commons said Thursday he is willing to end it if the government promises to consider some new plan of hand-| ling divorce bills at the next ses- sion of Parliament. Frank Howard, Skeena, made | the statement in a speech he re-| corded here for broadcast in his | B.C. constituency. "We have made it very clear to the government that we do not intend to allow the whole backlog of divorce bills to go through Parliament with a rush at the end of the present session," he said. "We intend to maintain our objections to the present system until the government changes the system, (A highly - placed government source told The Canadian Press the government does not intend to break the CCF filibuster, nor propose an alternative method of handling divorce bills. Church leaders of both Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations in Quebec and Newfoundland, where there are no provincial divorce courts, are said to be against any change which might make the granting of divorces easier.) Ghd + DOCKED FOR ABSENCE Most provinces and the federal Parliament make reductions for absence 'but it is usually left to the individual to admit when he has missed a sitting. Parliament and all legislatures make special allowances for cab- inet members and opposition leaders as well as presiding of- Customers must believe in a product before they will buy it!! PEOPLE BELIEVE WHAT THEY READ IN THE DAILY PAPER! People believe what they read in their daily newspaper. Media "profile studies" carried out by independent re- search organizations in several cities in the United States and Canada show that the public rates newspapers above all other media in "'believability". That is understandable -- newspapers exist only by seeking out and reporting the truth. LIVE PRIZES A reader studies an advertisement in a daily newspaper with a mind preconditioned to believe the message is true. He is not think- ing "It's all faked anyway." The ring of truth precedes the ring of the cash register. That is why the daily news- paper is the basic advertising medium. Ad- vertising is judged not by glamour, but by sales. DAILY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SELLS! dhe Oshawa Times IT'S GETTING CROWDED Longshoremen's strike of 2000 | not a ffected. Detroit's new city. Meanwhile, vessels, as | <hown here, anchor and await dock space, The Port of Detroit is getting stevedores against foreign ship- erowded as the result of a |..." Take vessels hauling seven day - old Great Lakes ' grain, ore and bulk cargo are river docks expanded only this year to handle new Seaway shipping, were loaded to capa- --AP Wirephoto