44---Houses, Apts, Flats [*4--Hlousse, Apts., Flots |44a--Rooms for Rent 45--Real Estate for Jule 45--Reol Estote for 3k THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 28, 1960 15 BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM |For Rent or Rent Tres roomed spimen ih, Gown, paring | 7% | LARGE FG room unfursished SPIRE ins, A gage es oon, bung pies Tong dang in Mary Bux 47 --Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobiles Wented » TWO-room apartment with kitchen, > a a, , een. tehen, hi @ : heat, hydro, * completely Juraighed, wiih Kitchen, r tral, Apply 96 Centre Street, sl 4 2500 down, | EAREIRORE Rute Wreckers ~ want BOISSOIN -- Ron and Sylvia (Wee| LOTT -- In loving memory of & dear|avaiiable June 1 $65 per month. Apply 0, Poongidy, Jf 2 howe Birest after 7 (EO, turniahed rooms, ighi Bossekess gg I rn | es er Avtly 86h Ridgeway "Ave-| cars tor wrecking, Sighest prions poid- ptzal) are happy to announce the ar-| husband and father, Byron » Lolt, who [22 MeLaughlin Le $6332, vd wal of a son, 8 Ibs, 12 ozs, on Thurs-|passed away May 29, 1957 FOUR room upper duplex, near A and bed-sitting room, private entr A "ie y, May 26, 1960, at the Oshawa Gen-|of Ajax and Trenton, bn | FIVE - room furnished apartment, po P and schools. One or two ehildren Ho ital and four corners, RA|T IMO 8-5783, i 51 WASH sedan, Tour door, vadio, 2 al Howital. A brother for David| Gone from our home, so sadly ws|irally located, 'to sublet for July And welcome, TV aerial, heavy WIrog. (sii, d 5 INCOME home ith Tout Se contained Me eliphons Bowmanvile, CLEAN CARS pd Karen. | 1 Blu Yous ay oor We August, Phone RA 57427 after 6 p.m. x oSomervila. bi OW ay courte rods " Lake Boonie i; now 3 rod a 3 ng you dearly, your -- 5 ot Ems a mI S------- - FOUR room upstairs apartment, very TH - room apartment, £round| Phone RA south of , Stone house | P Ry EEE uw i sr nd A, [oy a nt © 6 El BE Re i SCT Ue ce pe ar WANTED rth of their da forget you, els, » kanes, A 5.0023 Figs Fi THREE unfurnished rooms, floor, tr Ibs.| 3% ozs, Wednesday, For deep in our hearts is the place reasonable rent, incl heat sid by pm heavy duty wiring, business couple " Ag] wo ol oa ie soves | vo, I Ounawa General Hospital, A| where you sieep. dro, barun. Must bo soon. AVPly 83 Fw rom furnished, spariment Ee Carty his Pubiness Coumle pre Walter Prank, Ky Jo. , 1 sme pone radio, resonable, TOP PRICES PAID for Edwina, missed by wife Clara and Shik. Etna Street, A a in doruities, central,| Agnes Street, a r pm ---- --e-- dren Dolorls, Ronald, Barbara, Pat: ioaniuN¥ wo IATES, sles ADDI 303 Athol Street East. ONE Tarde room, wuiiale for busingss| RT tis sled fmt LIENS PAID OFF ries 'and Wayne, rooms and kitchenette Sulit in cup W - room house man, close to Shopping - Centre. Private, Vine. be an, nd : boards nd oink, heat, fight and wa ofl heated, Port|s.3z5, PLAN ILD? CALL oe. _Whitehs dua ha DO D OF S One child welcome, Apply B86 "Siow Wig 3 Reasonable. Write Box lin "for rent in quiet home, indy NHOGENBOOM NEW hed & "on, King low, RY door, ot TRADE Up OR WN THANK ast, = ferred, pplied, h 3 d into vest in CAR ONE large room in new home, private | THREE - room spartment, furnished | Phone A Ton "do asd CONSTRUCTION Bol ates 54 4 Whale Cress, -- Enteres 285 Olive Ave- entrance, elose to downtown, suitable or unfurnished, with refrigerator, heavy A CUSTOM BUILT HOMES resed TORREY, deine sed Wi a tors family residence, 325 Olive Ave- ¢| for lady 'or Gontiaman. Apply 208 Mon: uty wishg, Vive path nt Jue |45--Real Estate for Sole RTGAGE ARRANGED idigiig Tre tg huts } hE Suh, . Mary Kosiuk Bessie in her 74th, Wh CR -- We wie te ciation to our| Tove _Avenue. . Apply 543 Mary Birest after 6, TRCN bid" TE. Tele oh ER ving Fou Motors 137 KING W ar. Resting at the Armstrong Fu-| on. "retatives, friends and op Jo ou TWO - room furnished apartment, pri ove two-room Apartment, 3 LL en, a es R Road, Oshawa, n a ier king sie | jis Whik. on pL » ral Home, Oshawa, with for the and shown vale entrance, parking space, central. chen with heavy duly siove, frig, sink OStwi 508 WIE, Thx Athol RA 3:6475 Govern 'Boscs. Heston: RA. $9010. iss VORD, "iiss, "ody, a RA 5-0732 rvice in Chapel, Monday, May|,, i the loss of our beloved husband Apply 43 N Phone RA 53206, 7) FREE ESTIMATES VERY nice, two etosiel a AT eondition, Tn radio, six attached Telephone at 2 p.m. nterment Oshawa and father, Frank Foster Welch. We | jy ent, sent, 1100 square aan Siz - room brick ant OWNeT EAT, 0 hrm od sree ok bungiiew, wun ro 50--Artic inion Cemetery would especially like to thank the He. | eet floor space, electrically equipped, |FELF Lg Rg of " paved drive, fully decorated and. 5 SLoniosiiE, In fs fay sondiian. los for Sele Phone 1, and Soma Mr, J. S, Pierce for his consoling ojored bathroom fixtures, children wel (ment, built-in cupboards, heavy duty, Race, pple Hill RA 8.8649, FOR SALE seaped, fruit trees, only 918,600 rice." Joseph Doses Meallr, RA iv CHB. pick truck. a. ai gman, ain ore 6 bond Went" | HAINS ~ Suddenly in Oshawa, ds, also Dr, Grant, and 13 Guide hly, Vacant , Call|TV antennas, clean and quiet, 597 day, May FA 1960, "Timothy Som Mothers' y Ih all the donors a tome: $10 Zonhly. bye Wadd fa Grierson y aivi 5.987 4 pu ains in year, the many floral an ---- a tT Kit Executive custom ronch-style ibis A running ition. th and Lucille Hains aud dear BRAND new three-room FIVE room furnishe y " a 7 other of Teresa and Marg (Mrs fords of span pe ig yd with private entrance and bath, on|chen cupboards, refrigerator, ROSSLAND MANOR home, excellent matured treed ONE ro FALL veottage. ARR "58 S VAGXHALT, In Sood "condifion, AV-| 16" WAND bench aw and ms MacDonald) of aa ps nd efficient management of the serv. |bottom floor,of new split-level home |private bathroom, nice quiet home, 41 : a location in Whitby, Spacious 5a sas, ply 989, Ghiddon motor, Enquire st ire 8% BA. 5-680 n of Mrs. Florence Hains of Osh-|f Reasonable sent, adults only, RA |Drew Stree Choice residential lots, com- living area with fireplace, | WANTED = party inistested Tn "Pars: "om molorcyels V0. T5583 i TORSO od wood condition. a and Mr, and Mrs. Peter Perrier ~Mrs. F, Welch and family, |5-5342, PRIVATE a basement apart: pletely serviced, some wooded, three bedrooms, divided bose |dire Retreat", 50 mores to High | BA HA Ta RA Ottawa, Resting at McIntosh Fu- i ound floor i| ment, steel sink, cupboards, suitable i ' close Ad ra TTT ral Home, Oshawa. Mass Foss fre rooms, iret, odul for working couple or two girls, RA| prestige location, For informa- ment, double garage, many way, 1 1s, of spring jod siosk. Potential Wr 0, , four-door sedan, ong camping Seni trailer; boo X ved d #8 two-tone, aie & Connles Chel, oh 8X, trance, refrigera stove, central, ab.(39867, tion, Mr. Jones extros including twin win. [A ink Orono +R13 hi fis tres, , front and | Yh t by, One year oid, Cash or terms, oe P38 Comelary, Saws, Please Note | ON furnished housek Tope iat avaliable 3 FRI mies; RA 8. 6246 dows. y Apply: Owner, MO ny servis Oe oe ora, heads condition, $00 or otter, Apoly FIVE nly Someta guile" vow , ay Deadlines now in effect for Jigentieman or eouple, block from (Eovik room apartment, yrivate bath, |. mo ---------- : 8-3127, to build Full - s AIK, he Io. Slacirie ind trafler, AL this column: Glecoff's, Apply 185 "Clark Brest. stinless steel sink, heavy duty wir per cent Gown, balance on 6 ont | iii | Dlete $1009.00 each sch One only to § ous: LOCKE'S FLORIST + | MODERN apartment, reirigeraior and|ing, private entrance, RA 8.1723 after BUY LEASE RANCH BUNGALOW [meriesse for one ima_ yess RA 30478, and radio. os hu F | ements and Births, Memorioms, Cords of fi ioe, tour rooms and Rath, suitable for 3 pi, Pay rent at the same time uneral oi76ng f " Thanks -- teacher or nurse, Prva THREE large room unfurnished apart- y h floral requirements for @ 9 AM. SAME DAY close to hospital, high fry Vacant |, on, heavy wiring, adults. Apply 73 be buying your own home, ONE MORTGAGE occasions. 5 id M, July 1, $38 Mary Street ___._|cadiiise South, Six-room Bungelow, All sor $1450 DOWN Hi "dt weekends. IN DEA COSY little fat, th s and bath,|TWO, furnished apartments, suit busi-| Vices ot your doorstep, For 69 MONTHLY : pcm. OSHAWA SHOPP G 11 AM. SAME DAY [nrivate. omran EELS wiring, ness Midian ro Tay or gentle: complete information, €gll=-- $ FIVE" room brick bungalow, profes wh § FORD, "automatic, "radio, e, iy I We: 2a pos Bi g ft lly decorated, fully ) clean, DIAL RA 3-3492 session June 1. RA 3.3078 men, also three - room apartment, One RA 5-883) Decorated in oils, large open Sona Scoortieds billy Sands wi 's, piracs P E SERVICE THREE - room basement apartment, hid welcome, 128 Elgin Street Fast i monthly J nd to i's oad North, {ove ote, Wor cash olfer, 24-HOUR PHONE § Pp W., T. Lomson basement with recreation taxes, RA 8.0206, | 755 STUDEBAKER Champion, reason. |taet 19 Prines Brest, Phone RA 1 1 vate entrance, immediate posses. BASEMENT apartment, furnished or ma 8-6555 Sion. Call RA 81114 after § p.m. unfurnished, within walking distance of Real Estate Ltd, room windows, Sodded front | oy soyer and water, lose 1 Dib apie, private desl. Apply 991 Colborne| NEW Faneshene: eRsr. Te 41--Room & Board CENTRAL, furnished four-room apart. |SGM Call RA 86-6016 Br . sstt§irl.,L and eek, oy T. Lamson Mine, near, AS Suny, Grad East, Waverly , RA 0, ment, private bath. RA 8-5016 after 6.30 FOUR-room apartment, frig. stove, | eal Estate Ltd, awa, Apply Bian Frevi Fra. 1 LET convertible, red snd LECTRIO m separeler. In Boot NA PANY | Tt boat" eg [E RE te." Son to {| BRAEMOR GARDENS RA 5-8831 STS a, ing En SE | Eo ha, re IMONU NT C Pedlar People, near 401 Phone RA LARGE furnished room for lady, pri-|3088 monthly. Nor Tol (Stevensons Rd. N. and 101 on Pia I By noon bay indie, up in excellent '| Road North of Airport, vate bath and entrance, attached kitch- ~ \CAWNOHATRE = Children's chairs SPECIALIZING IN fi [én with stove and reirigerator, lose THREE-room apariment, unfurnished, Annapolis) LOT one mile east of Taunton JDGE Regent, § gyiinder, ood | Lil Cries law 4 phemie thins Monuments, Markers, ROOM and board for gentlemen, single| downtown and hospital. RA 50128. private bath and entrance; TV seriall Registered lots available in BR K IDE $1300 Terms arranged. RA 39260 for onl bos Robin-| cio custom m ori n), 04 Soutn! | Memorials, Cornerstones, becs, good home cooked meals, close | cioMMODATION for elderly active|and telephoné. Apply 820 Sylvia Street. this prestige location, N.H.A. THREE lots on Farewell Avenus, Dial y to North GM and bus stop. 148 Ritson ,,4. "in modern home, Pickering, een: FOUR - room private apartment. Infor-| C S OL 5.30! Statutory of all types. Road South, tral, reasonable, WHitehall 2-164, maiton 244 Etns Avenue or call RA opproved. For information A RE - adds 2 5 BUICK, §-d00 radio wr Sonsul, ol Cromiey TV, Al 1435 KING ST, E ; BWAPS are (ops in Ofbawa Times Fdoor, » Wal tives. Will | €9% 965. RA 51083, ti » -- - |b 6003, i ; FURNISHED room for two men to|BOWMANVILLE Three-room RA 5.7272 Seven room brick bunga- Classitied. Read the regular evap senile YI sale, 9775, Phone [FOUR - burner Ques: ime ave Hoo MO 8.4817. bia, with Rad RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 [share, good meals, Apply 238 Eulalie|ment and bath, heated, dwood FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom 1 , eee | Avenue (tile won. Phone MA 3.3434 aft Move in| apartments, laundry facilities, plies low on 85 ft. lot now olters every day. neve unusual, ex ove, suiomatie Amar ---- as -- - ee | Kitchen, ne after _|vision antenna, 101 Craydon oad, | 16 FT ---- , GEN van, i A condition, ine, " GERROW FUNERAL |R00M and board to share, separate | ocriomve oii. contained apart, Whitby, MO 84221 under construction. Two (NEw ~sixroom banwaiow, Warmony Vouk DEN van, 'AL condition | ments, Apply 116 Welliagion Sires. beds, good meals, continuous hot water, Heights, aluminum windows and ge, i CHAPEL RA 8.0723 : 4 *|inent, immediate sslon, reason: (FOUL, - room unfurnished apartment, car garage, two baths, [FTE SO eway. Near school,|MO 8-454 tu, ACT . A's. Jbsiatners only, near SGM Call 203 _King JSirest West, couple only,| Grocerteria in excellent loca stone fireplace, customiz- [RA 8.5506, Wh Hh Wagon, excellent pon- mothe 14, 98: Phone i H ROOM and board, "good home cool ng, Ue P ) | 3 ! . . rt ry r---- Ce -- 4 vs motor, mileage, Make | M0! nonths old, 985, pad Kindness beyond price, close to North GM and four corners, [LARGE room for one or two gentle: {HKEE - room apartment on No, 12 Non ond gotd revenue. Loge ed kitchen with built-in JOR oh room brick house, Call oven |dibon able offer, MA 39810, SMASH savings A yet within reach of all. [also garage for rent. 240 Division | mien or ladies, cooking privileges. AP-|iighway, Brookiin, north of bridge. Sore Wi Kom. Qporime range and oven, Choice |MnEs 15 Olive Avenue. le Oe A mite ClgArance of Iast you's + oso Many Street {ply 66 Warren Avenue. __|OL 5-3654, above. - Large room down for f h " FOUR room bungalow, Trull's Road Fol a (eh lok | cheerful designs home and cottage, RA 8-6226 ROOM and board for gentlemen, 13 | THIER = room, sell - coniained Apart: | EASEMENT apartment, with bath, pri-| expansion, Owner has other of color scheme and floors, |North, Courtice, conveniences, tiled Phone COR " Red ood Jor quick i por foot. weekly, lunches packed, Apply 137 Rose. | ment, immediate po lon, near 8hop- (vate entrance, TV outlet. Phone RA| interests, For full, confiden- floors, two acres of price $8500 hid arding y oom, T | 4 u , , ) 390 KING STREET WES 06 Mr | er atic ors col A RA 3-9207 For information call RA 86156, ist DULG BT Teo boat { s or other pets! People| partment oF | SELF = contained apartment, three! Broadbent of RA 8-6228 or ATHOL Gast nes King. seven room, $200 mies Can be seen at 00 foun. 8 pu who want them check "Pets for Sale' | June and yoy Call RA 210 or RA rooms, separate entrance, fn home at ---------- i e------ -- Whit IN MEMORIAM in Classified every day Dial RA 3-3402|5-5767 i inl ground floor, $46] RA 5-5405 ond moke op- garden, Upstairs rented for #65 per|Sireet North, V on SREY -- y ee -------------------- | n xiras, drapes, venetian |i . a o rth -- re-- Sasi to start an ad thal sells pets | TAREE unfurnished newly decorated | monthly. WH 2.5135 | pointment $800 DOWN Mont, Hany ox Wh av ge 'W DODOE, iy ill second GUNS, smmunilion. and Hunting sub ACCOMMODATION for gentleman, rooms, pi nee, quite eentral, ATTRACTIVE basement apartment, | R VICKERY held by the vendor for 10 years, en trade. Must sell, Phone MOhawk 8.5670, | plies, new and used, terms Be oon! CLEMENCE « In loving memory of (room and boar or room, laundry| Immediate posse Phone RA 5-5608 heavy wiring, 1, heated, tile | i sonable price d ble terms, |: i on baie down Dominion Tire 4 Bond "tay [dene if desired. Foo Bark Road Nortn,| ee -- ra mediate Five-room brick bungalow, p v id " CHEVROLET Wall fon vick-up, st West, RA 54811 {wife and mother who passed away May | THREE room, unfurnished ,|floors, private a RE F E Call now, Ph tion. WA 8.0783, rest West, 1957, RA 3.9541 Eis AREER eg BAG possession, 880 mony. 129" Windsor | AL ESTAT four-piece both, ook and tile 520, ood_gonditle ii ARETE FOR 3 dry basement, rent She bathes her happy soul ROOM and board for gentlemen, close |ing, hesied, central, RA B Bt RA a SE S---- "1 T havch Se "DESOTO Pirellite, v Drakes (oo bation, These re BR mee i g -- A In seas of heavenly rest, to downtown, Apply 23 Elgin Street 6.34 » re small furnished house, By Fh brick 2-storey home on|and steering, white walls, radio, back opi or™oul™ serove ga a water h ment. Meagher's, And not a wave of trouble roll Fast Telephone 3-7814. . speuker oct condition, Must sell Across her peaceful breast, as i : [Ger duplex apartment, four 1arge onable. RA 8-0711 after 4 pm. ATTENTION ON LY $12 700 iy sore; eenirgl, Newly decorated, oll He 6 King Street yi in Jour Bhs Ob how it melts my soul to think ROOM and board for two gen lemen rooms, tiled kitchen and bathroom, TWO room furnished "apartment, "quiet / bea » Wow furp a venianes ll ie XK rest West, = Of meeting round the Throne, all conveniences. RA 8.0263, 21 Glad: | oparate entrance, new electric stove| district, central location. Child eare for GOOD TERMS ree-piec = PLYMO stone Avenue main hall, screens and storms, automatie king os of equi Btemal joys we then shall drink Stone Avenue, | and refrigerator, ™ tower, laundry working mother if desired. RA 8:6034, BUILDERS main Oe Al a fin TR Mtomalis tram Bog BB ere Sofrow's never known ROOM and board for gentlemen, con. (room, for couples only, Fivie ---- ; r, Robi : ~Husband and Mildred tinuous hot water home privileges, 34139114 or RA 728 for appointment, WO room apariment ith Bath. stove, TIND ALL fo oF BF rear with an § Aaa ional serosn. (Oshawa) [i Ritson Rd, South, in| 13. White party dress. RA COULSON -- In loving memory of a|Jitson Road South, Must be seen to be appreciate cludea $50 monthly. RA 8:0964, SERVICED LOTS Clostth, plenty of eupboards with shelv. #7 CHEVROLET Ean "fly io GAN oubornd ra 1 dear husband and father, Douglas R. ROOM and | "board for two ladies, In| Wo > Furnished rooms Tor single gentle NEAR OCVE, three "voom apartment, FOR L REAL ESTATE ing thraighout, ay 6 brisk ary floc ml. 3 pa ried For | mod wt "breecs Odrase N 29, te A B-1740, 632 Crerar | man, use, A sane , OV IY . yedennbendodn onde nl en Bem wu spam." ned JA 43 BOND ST, W, [iis Uhr es, tuto, Go ue si a" Wik MA 330 Bow : be with in th old wa; YY RET YT, ae | ose TWO - room apartments, furnished, 7 . wie n, nl Would be our dearest wish today, |1OOM and board, good meals, very|yy light housekeeping. Suit two, willing to| For single fami . pairtment only. Open for offers, A ply Manville, --Lovingly remembered by wife and central. Apply 108 Bruce Street sor 3 to rrp wig -- share, ladies or gentlemen. Very cen- sing y RA 5-0429 507 King Street East, Oshawa, or 71 FONTIAD, four-door hardtop, "Tol. iy {rm EEE le: pars a; Jet rat. RA 53-7113 dwellirgs, duplex, i RA 33617 tone, radio, Al Must be seen to be FED Wi KOOM "and board for gentlemen, close|. RA 5.2 | i tained, i r-- rr ACKSON -- In loving memory of alo downtown and North GM. RA 8.3643, PlAnces. lease available. "or [NEW apartment. ai +a *onained, #| semis, apartment Gladstone Avenue. ar husband and father, Charles N,|or 29 Elgin Street East. FN Aer Por amt To buildings . . . in three 089 DOWN yr who passed away May 29, ONE large furnished room and kitchen, room~ and bathroom. Box 706, Osh i i T ) A. N TT 43---Wanted to Rent suit couple. Also single furnished room JU. "r mes, choice locations in | mile Will eons ~Sadly missed and lovingly remember. - aa a ---------- Osh trade in, Call RA A, - wd by wife Clara and family. ANYWHERE, house, small or large, North, FIVE - room apartment, unfurnished, shawa, : ONE MORTGAGE FRIVATE '5] Chev, Belair Jour-door Hom, uth, Whitby, | willing to decorate or repair, Write Box iflREE - room front bun iow ap ar $80 monthly. includes heat and water, : sedan, two-tone, ae, whliswalln, ks A | atncuson qin loving memory of 8 |728 Oshawa Times. 9% THRER oom front bung | contra location, adults, RA B43, Prices start at $2400 OFFERS SPRING OCCUPANCY |auinmatie, (ender akira 'artim con fo Breviia movie red. aL Mir. 3 sat To Bouse by Towpan- Beit Saupe pret, aba per lot with reasonable While they last, new N.H,A, [lion throughout and 'must be seen to, Ee aars, Rint vould 1 Nive to clasp his hand, | 5) 1. Write Box 619, The Oshawa 209 East, side doo BUCKINGHAM terms, QUIET LIVING bungalows, very limited num- [oi "ibs Mendows do Breet, Timon. ve LL To hear his voice and see his smile| Times ------ EARGE storage space, very dry, Kings: MANOR | 4.room brick bungalow, Ya- ber to be constructed this Wn automatic And | re That meant se much to me. WANTED -- Three or four» am- | Way Supply, RA 5-0020 APARTMENTS Materials for your acre of land ON 4h # OT a aii "auto: | OUTHOARD Martin 7 J "with Fishers ~Lovingly remembered by sen Ken [ment near shopping eentre, Pl one [FURNISHED three - bedroom home, complete building can Within 5 tes of a school year, ci and radio, Your ehoice, um. drive, used v and family, 86323, | conveniently located at 377. King Street) 1 ond 2 bedroom apart 9 minutes 0 00 DON'T BE TOO LATE! Van Heusen Motors, King Str $65 take: (West, §125 monthly, May be seen dally| ments, electrically equipped, also be arranged . . . and church, 57 DODGE Wegent, 6 eylinder, i | 1 from 7 pm. to 9 p.m. : best location. $85 and up. along with any other FULL PRICE $11,995 door, A aT ion Sotiage, party Mors" RA 8.9676, St. North, information regarding GOOD LOCATION ' condition. Robinson plan Lid orm [12 light housekeeping. RA 8-8125 het. 7. plans, mortgages, etc. Va acre lots--single resid- RA 5 8831 pe Pontiac Hall mate THREE . reom apartment, private dence zone, $1900, upwards, hardtop, 24ome, V-8 automatic, with po am fome, tiled bath, very reasonable. No through this office. FOR SALE = All wool ug, ® x 15, FOR RENT ~ Furnished room in quiet|®"/'dren, please. Abstainers only. Im. PARKWOOD 5 HARRY (BT W. T LAMSON Moni' 53000 shor din ar' Alan! shew, "Wh Wis, muved color, also two used lawnmow- home, Board d optional, Phone MO §-24535, niediate possession. heavy wiring Phone RA 5-3539 ) | REAL ESTATE LIp. 1 CTT, Tow wy WED: "charierfiod in] hone RA 5:2677 before 7 120 [ers. Phone MO 83788 ar eal at 7) SEERENT -- Two unfurnished rooms. Figin East ejore 7 PW. or MANOR AFTER HOURS 000 WUIOK, 44-11, low 3 {Brock Street extras, Apply 231 Burke Street Duncan Phyffe Bly pi mateh: -- ground floor, with garaue; suitable OF Fo eq room apartment on Simao before 5.30 p.m. MO 8.3895 46--Real Estate Wanted - METEOR wien atic, vadio, power (INE four onary and numerous household: [vOR RENT -- Two small seif-contain. couple. Phone MO 8.5149 North, fully equipped. Phone RA 5-834) APARTMENTS ---- steering, in excellent condition. Take rio ed, unfurnished apartments, $46 and FOR SALE -- Bab: , yell h 52. Adults preferred. Phone MO 6-3727 apd white, 'ull aldo oaks, Yellow aii ALL mang 8 pa. MeMiifan arge kilehen, three bedrooms. oo tags Sa¢ mn irs. A Say vo ve Ly NESE ye one, X bic THREE . plece chesterfield ile, all in "excellent condition. Phone MO|p;. 0 "on™; ted, avallabte June 13 ON CUSTOM HOMES Apply Box 525 Oshawa Times. 3 PEEYBOLEY i RA "3 a00r, vy cone on, Cal at 'sheet WE Sind wo bed Write Box 420, Oshawa Times WILL exchange S-hedroom brick bun: | io gas joraace=ug © Va, low Troi RC +, and wo-bedroo : b ONE bedroom a onl Tor » couple | apartments on Mary Street East, $85, MODERN three.room apartment, SA SIJENAY AVENUE | By S. GUJDA, BUILDER Mow, near Camp Samue for Thedroom rein doers res. reasonable. Bat, Motor and Trailer Phone 390 and $100. "Adults preferred. MG 8round floor, private bath. adults only, brick bungalow. Phone RA 3-031 after | between 13 to 7 p.m i ' for two single business people. H South end. Call 'BA 58352 (PARK RD. & KING ST. | M d 3 B d B ' k H 6:30, Dn | Excellent for femily, 17 # BIN hi Fi RENT -- New modern apart- FURNISHED room in bachelor apart: DISTRICT) | o ern e room ric omes i ih Coder strip, beautiful hang, exicrior matntiny, No fob Yoo smal}, ment, $87.50 per month. Two bedrooms, ment, all privileges. RA 59630 OPEN FOR INSPECTION. | CHFCK THESE FEATURES: Yel' iia week. RA' 8.1300 rubbed mahogany finish. 25 | Reasonable ra Call MO 84443 or Hove, refrigerator and v outlet pro: SINGLE furnished vom, steve and Oot. ceadertiol ctroat MAHOGANY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS URGENT is OLDIMOBILE, automatic, power h.p, end accessories, good os {RA 52166 8.2625 after 6 § m Possession. Call MO refrigerator, very central. Apply 96 7, 18% DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK brakes, vedio, Phome RA 5.7682 after] NEW. [RELIABLE wom wanied to YAg F Centra: Street Children welcome. w d h f I [] BELTABLY ima oa pter | FOR RENT -- Furnished Tighi house: 1wo-room fonihed "serimssi=sing| |.& 2-bedroom Apartments, | 4-PCE. CERAMIC TILE BATH WITH MIRROR OVER VANITY e need homes for sale, any 10 pm. = -----| 61 SANDRA ST. W. | ferrably live in. Call her 8. MO S170 Aout Monawe'8 Jome privileges, cen: in Kitchen, centrally located, reason: Stoves, "frigs, JV. outlet, NATURAL TEIN. OAK AND VINYL TILE FLOORS area, Cash clients waiting, 8 DEW » : [ROOM and board for gentleman of |=. able. Apply 242 Court Street, rapes, parking, ete g Act now! Phone RA 5-883) 1080, trade, fi: {901 Walnut Street Ia gd th Fiero house, cent-| Two furnished rooms, with Kitchen, Rents from $85 monthly SODDED LAWN + [mies Sts en eV sash, 15: ROTARY POWER MOWERS |sopDiNG od Tandsc al TRIE Lied. eoathrooms, decorated, land: | suitable for two. RA 8.1127. 378 King PHONE DOUBLE. SLIDING WINDOWS ITH STORMS AND SCREENS WwW. T. LAMSON Agree at © Cromwell, i $37.95 up " i 1 N 7 y | " 1 oor id bi a os, ta JAX, able August 1. Phone MO 85220 AN RA 5.7272 RA 5.5787 | 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS REAL ESTATE A wondthield rea RWI FOR RENT -- Room and board, in pies bain a a four rooms ~and| ---- | CHOICE OF COLOUR--BRICK, ROOF PAINT, TILE, ARBORITE Oat tone: rotivas Ra! + MARINE STORAGE [FOR RENT ro Ddroom apart home, close to everything, parkin 44a--Rooms For Rent | LOOK AT THIS BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVE 3.9322 & SUPPLY LTD, {West yMo 82070 Hd d near King and) FREE KITCHEN FAN AND .DOOR BELL WANTED SOWNTOWN GEN dolime, Tadlo| v, oom and Goard Tor gonlieman st 901 | Division, e RA 56353 TWO Jarge unfurnished Fooms, east| ON VOLKSWAG eluxe, radio, 0. aot BROOKLIN, ONTAR x | EXPE} RT rolotilling "for gardens ad Wilnut PRIVATE ment, three roomas,|®"d elose to bus. Phone RA 5.6304 ON ATHABASKA -- EAST AREA | LOCA Rear, un ron, Colborne Sire Street East, X ! 10 inn. Ben's ca You want the LE = Westinghouse SIoctric| ow! fon ecu, hati washer, serigl, park; TWO rooms, unfurnished, bedroom. 1050 SQUARE FEET We are wig for @ Street AUTATE Ri | FATE Rl Taran i OL 5-364! | "FOR BALE -- Hollen manure oF som: fuse' phony vio aes OF Summer col: Centre. 312 Stevenson Road South. |ing. "suit 'suinesn. couple Apply "uo 50 FOOT FRONTAGE oe catia ine down 30 per eent. Six months lo pay. For | post, odorless and weedless for flow tage. Phone Mo 43499 alter ai. | --_ -- Oshawa Boulevard South, Fy | d DOWN PAYMENT $1545 foun ares, Out requirenienty rionsl vies ot Jour home eal Now is the time to | ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone| GARDEN work with 15 HP rotohoe. TWO large are from 2,200 te 3,000 sq. RAS 5-2002. [MO 8-4514 Street: Wiihy Crowder, 305 Anderson THREE Lh oi By Il) To FULL PRICE $13, 835 ft. of space. We have been in bay an my ar, check Jie have a beautiful home yp n In is a al CREME cold wa e. $598 Rina ore tarsi soon torrent. pions] FURNISHED ROOMS A RA 53243 if no an: If you lock for large homes we have lots north west erea business ih Oshawa if LY ousen Motors, opposite Brewery onl with aluminum doors appointment, Hi Ou 1487 or apply 617 Brock Street Bedroom, living room, extra |AT 21 Colborne Sireei West single | For more information call yeats and ale prepared 1p ing Street, a io full year warranty. d wind best THREE-room apartment, available im- sen "Tr b t t room and bathroom, IV. furnished bedroom, use of Kitehen if | John Bolahood Real Estate ot RA 5-6544 or Builder of RA 3 983% Sonia Bong JW Jean. oe oN th wy a oh nGovs, 4% di -- Trixie, brown toy terrier, dos bt 4 ba OICR , : : | North Wit eavtiny, PYTOR Street) lly Teart broken. Please call MO end Zhone outlet, Eperaie a RA $4933 i eatenan| ; Tan ne Motors gpponite| Quality, lowest price in | EMPLOYMENT wanted--For all you {T-4008. gentlemen or two | die BOOMS by fhe ou led rr BRAEMOR GARDENS 47--Automobiles fo Sole eked To LE: 3 town. Quick Service. garden work, plowing, vototilling and BOOKCASES, hina ca binets. end RA 59661. OCl€S. path, maid service. RA 3.4641 Gen 750 PONTIAC, good runnin Ke its Ton tow truck with 13 fon power > landscaping Or elean up jobs. It can't (ibles; Coffee tables, all styles. Lots ta] _ osha Hotel. (Stevenson's Rd. N. and Annapolis) Cheap for gash, Telephone winch and 0 feet seated cavle, BOY) Alex Vajda RA 3-985) be too small, Call MO. 64880 or MO jit Co MO. 8.4081 FURNISHED beautiful large bedroom OT ope |FOSKETT -- For shingling, siding, and kitchen, with sink, cupboards, offers \everythin, Every job guaranteed. | ROTOR Go BGreg oc enaaning, puri ein STORAGE SPACE [fair sisss "svi Whar sth yin CASH BUYING OR SELLING SEE iby | MO 83870 all workmanship "and material guaran: duit . m itches LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! FOR YOUR CAR TED CAMPIN OLD HOUSE LIVE poultry also. feathers wanted. |teed. A. Foskett and Sons, MO 8.2341; Available Immediately TWO rooms, one room Wav iiehen | ighe: "market prices paid Jake 84550. Burnie Avenue. 'RA srry 2) CLOSE TO 3 SHOPPING CENTRES VAN HEUSEN MOTORS Parker, MO 83644 collect. | ROOM and board wanted for mine. J Separate warehouses, each |-- ic AYE CLOSE TO 3 SCHOOLS | Wi 0 rooms, T BE MOLISHED SE he i FL Eel wb 1000 0 Ae [30 i I CLOSE To CHURCHES MOTORS 407 KiNG ST---osawa | WUT BE DEMO veni 4 HOUSE and ated. Good RT lk CLOSE TO T ust East © ilson Roo eh 0 BT FS iran oon DUFFINS CREEK | a of using rom RACRTATN [JOKING STW. | guys. vue wire | [REE FOR REMOVAL Nos a Tmen RA 3 i SCM." 212 Bloor Street West RA 5.12% SEE! SEE! SEE! Phone RA 5.8312 cleane 6 sanitary dults, . 4 j- pen animes water ward! ESTATE LTD. THREE UR Ss 2, Wh HOMES DESIGNED FOR GRACE AND SPACE SPOT CASH SABYAN N MOTOR! QUIET APARTMENT | SHIPS being received for fui. RA 51007, foie THE KITCHENS OF TOMORROW PAID FOR SALES LTD Between 6 and 7 p.m. ried activities, Club room and AJAX, ONT, TWO large unfurnished rooms, all con- Good, clean cars. Trade up . Friday All day Saturday wns cine EESTI vg assy [OE SLSR AT tt | Eo a | sme TWO furnished entle- : Q APPLY FPRGIAL. sow Kelvinator doen Trosies Ty a aanes fame doe twa quelle. The Ridgeway The Goldene 314 PARK RD. §. L 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH | 105 Craydon Rd. Apt. 2 (ss. gosh ges: washers | and gy OFFICE SPACE 52 GraneB SUN, | ink The Family Home Designed for RA 3 9421 QSHAWA, ONT. BOATING ---------------------------------------------------- 0 N E vate t - » Newest Appliance Dealer Whit y. lf ng ee Ch eT 8 Rooms Indoor end Outdoor Living Tel: RAndoiph 3 46) ------) SPECIAL MO 84981 or. MO 8 South 4 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms FCA TENTION FOR THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable | Family Room A kitchen that you must see TEST DRIVE FIAT 600 ANDY NAGY'S { 12: fibre-gloss run-c-beats. SERMEN anD GRAVEL RENT Hein, aap See au water 2 Woshvooms Batic, #5 AT YOUR SAY BODY SHOP | 12 ha Scart motor, Cano: Fah a | arpor Priced from $14,425 EALE | dian Explorer trailer, com. tere en? wip | Set 1 Brewer Bw rot onl purl ¥riced from $15,564 CEE | Le | MRR | our seuinres 3S it now, o = P. I or unfurnished, 174 Church Street, 13° moulded plywood boat, Jom. now, ioroord Toit Yl. Delivery Monday to Sat. Foengn Lect service, ORE Tovely Tos fiF geillesa Tah SEE DON ROBINSON SALES & SERVICE 25 hp. motor, trailer, all ew building. Centrally lo= The Arnwood ESSO 408 KING 39135 OSHAWA | ¢ 3h trols ond equipment, trailers, cabin trailers, tents, ERIC. C. BRANTON vate home. Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd T| h cated in downtown area. |RA 37070. he Stanford RA 3.7132 $995 Designed for young moderns SIMCOE AND BRUCE STS. While they lost = Conadian all camping equipment. MO 8 2 TEE A EE nea - 660 Moderate rent. Leases mow |ATTRAGTIVE furnished rooms, avail- Contemporary Favorite Split Level 2 plit Leve RA 3.9531 -- OSHAWA We okt rent | ang able in private a, Park Road G Rooms % Recs 48--Automobiles Wanted Explorer comp trailers, com. Lown and garden equipment, - 3 Bed ete, Reg. $405.8319 with Usht house: edrooms 3 Bedrooms : wer tools, n ixer MN BED sitfing roo re pos tools, cement mixers, FOR CLL PAINT THE TIMES k fh close or "hosoita and downs Dream Kitchen Cute as a button [SAZYAN MOTOR HOUSTON GARAGE ed. occepted. Terms ao town, suitable A_8-3228., Priced from $13,750 Priced from $13,583 AND SERVICE STATION STADE RENTALS Dodd & Souter | BUILDING | closet, very central, parking. 114 Elgin | MODEL HOMES SALES L1D. PLETE RARE SERVI id | AJAX MARINE 1415 DUND, Paint & Wall I © [Sixeet East. RA y387 STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN PLETE BRAKE SERVICE NDAS ST. E. aint allpaper' Store | ontact T..L. WILSON ING ao: | an MOTOR TUNE.UP AND | » ¢ 107 Byron Street South SINGLE Svoms a OPEN FOR INSPECTION { 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH GENERAL REPAIRS NG, n Ania . Ww ou! reakfas shawa vi | MO 8.3226 MO 8-5231 | Phone RA 3.2474 [Zimirietid™se Sis 2 TO 6 P.M. OVER WEEKEND Tels RAndaloh 3.9461 RNS STW |-- Cora a Tore 301