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The Oshawa Times, 28 May 1960, p. 3

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NEW EXECUTIVE OF OSHAWA DOwr Seen here are the members |Association. Standing, from left, of the new executive of the Osh-'are Ray Weeks, chairman of the awa Downtown Businessmens' membership committee: Lorne CAPSULE NEWS $101,983 Award In Auto Crash PRAISES VOLUNTEERS TORONTO (CP) Volunteer were praised Friday TORONTO (CP) -- Mr. and| Mrs. Fred Begley have been 2 awarded damages totalling $101,- agencies 983.10 for injuries they suffered nigh{ by Health Minister Mon- in an accident near Almonte teith as pioneers about 30 miles north of Smiths strate the need and practicability Falls on Oct. 26, 1958. The Su-|of action in various health are: preme Court of Ontario assessed | People want and need them he the damages against Garry John-|told the annual meeting of the ston of Carleton Place, whose car|Health League of Canada. veered across the highway into : : a the path of the Begley car de- WALSEN THDRAWAL ™ i rausk its occu- Ab NG ® e guoving # and causing is occ | United States plans to withdraw ants serious injuries, its Newfoundland fighter base at RESEARCH GRANTS the Stephenville Harmon field TORONTO (CP) Research next August, a U.S. Air Force grants valued at about $50,000 spokesman said Friday. Follow- have been awarded by the On-|ing withdrawal of the No. 323 tario Research Foundation to 24 squadron of F-102 fighters, the graduate students, it was an- area will be protected by a small nounced Friday. Winners of the detachment of planes taken from $1,000-81,400 scholarships include: American forces stationed at D. J. Fieldhouse, E. B, Tregunna Goose Bay, Labrador, he said. and G. G. Davis, all of Kingston; | E. C. Appleyard, Brantford: G.| DIPLOMATIC BREAK H. Keech, New Liskeard; P. E.| QUITO, Ecuador (AP)--Ecua- Morrison, Guelph; J. R. Whit- dor broke diplomatic relations taker of Cornwall. Js DENTAL CREDIT |course taken by five other Latin QUEBEC (CP) A dental American countries against the credit plan will be put into effect Trujillo regime. The others: Ven- in province this fall, Dr. ezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Bolivia | Jean-Paul Lachapelle, president and Peru. of the Quebec College of Dental Surgeons, said Friday. Under the v SEARCH FOR SUB | plan patients will be able to pay ASHINGTON (AP) Jental | U.S. Navy said Friday night anti-| FR an". Dy instalments. A cubmarine vessels have been| been disclosed -- is charged to Searching the Atlantic near the operate the plan. |Florida Keys for several days, presumably for an unidentified! PLANTING PREMIER |submarine. In reply to 'questions, ! TORONTO (CP)--Fresh fromthe navy confirmed it had been| lanting trees on his own cottage investigating a sonar contact off at Sturgeon Lake, Ontario the Florida Keys for the last sev-| Premier Leslie Frost accepted|eral days. Sonar is am under Friday a hand-carved totem pole water sound detection device as a conservation symbol from used in tracking subs. | the Ontario Forestry Association. | . ; The association's Canadian class-| __ BRIGHT OUTLOOK room on wheels, is on a cross. NTAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP tour presenting totem |James W. Kerr, president of poles to provincial lea. rs. Mr. Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Ltd. Frost said he has about 75 varie-| Friday told the charter conven- thes of trees at his cottage. tion of the Gas and Petroleum of ELECTRONIC POLICE TORONTO (CP) -- Traffic at nine intersections on Toronto's Eglinton Avenue west came un- der control Friday of an electro- nic policeman three miles away. It was part of a program put on by electric specialists and traffic to show Metropolitan Toronto and city councillors how remote control of in'ersection signals can reduce traffic conges- TAKE CHILDREN HAMILTON (CP) -- Wentworth County Children's Aid Society Friday took custody of three sur- viving children of a couple ac- cusde by a coroner's jury of neg- ligence in the death of their two- year-old son. The jury found Wednehday that gross negligence and ill-treatment by Mr. and dent Capt. William V. Bradley, Mrs. Raymond Rippingal of who said the internatic---' had nearby Winona contributed to the not approved it. death May 3 of their baby, Roy.| | SEND AID | VON ELECTS TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian TORONTO (CP)--Col. R. M. Red Cross relief supplies worth Dillon of London, Ont, was nearly $30,000 were to be flown elected president of the Ontario'in two shipments to Chile earth- division of the Victorian Orde quake victims today. One of the of Nurses Friday at the annual!flights, an RCAF North Star meeting here, E. P. Thompson of transport from Trenton, was to Timmins is second vice-presi- carry a five-ton load of clothing, dent, Sarah Shannon of St. Cath- quilts and biological products. arines secretary and W. L. Alex- The other shipment was from ander of Chatham treasurer. Vancouver, Announcement. CHANGE OF LOCATION C. E. MILLS | Association Ontario 225,000,- reserves will be discovered in Ontario in the next 30 years. He also said trans-Canada expects gas consumption in Ontario to reach 115,500.000,000 cubic feet in 1960 and 551,800,000,000 cubic feet in 1988. John W. Ostler of Milton was chosen association president. HALTS PICKETING TOLEDO, Ohio (AP)--A court order barring Longshoremen from picketing Toledo Marine Terminals was issued Friday by common pleas judge John Mec- Cabe. He granted a temporary restraining order against Local 1317-A, International men Association, which Thursday | signed a strike-ending agreement | later ruled invalid by ILA presi- To Introduce | Pupils At who demon-| | with the Dominican Republic F'ri-}| The ' severance follows | 000,000 cubic feet of natural gas Longshore. | = Report On Mail Gets Criticism By DAVE STOCKAND Mr. Denis included what he said Canadian Press Staff Writer |vere previous pledges for twice- OTTAWA (CP)--William Me | 'ally mail delivery, elimination Lean Hamilton posted an exuber |/f extravagance and theft along ani report Friday as Canada'|?ith higher pay for postal work- No. 1 mailman, but the opposi-|"rS: tioa refused to seal it with a kiss.| he Quaiiiis bit lito the post Especially Azellus Denis, whol, agriculture department. es- gets in the best Commons licks timates, first to clear the House at the postmaster - general as|,.:." occion postal critic for the Liberal party.| a. Hamilton sald the post of- Mr, Hamilton introduced his fice will extend a new delivery 1960-61 estimates, totalling $172,-| ory i00 on parcels to all parts of 047,000, saying "that never since Canada within a month. The Coctederation has it been Pow service, now on trial in limited sible for a postmaster-general t0|,,0,c "would make it unneces- record in one annual report [sary for patrons to go to the lo- such a wide range of new devel- cal post office to pick up parcels opments and progress both inter-|i¢ they are not at home when the nally and in service to the pub-|m aij is first delivered. R Mr. Hamilton said: "While this st Denis; ig go course of action is still open to 1 » Denis: e (MI.\the pafrons, they will have the Hamilton) made dozens of prom-|, iio, now of having the item ises while in opposition and we gejivered a second time at a pre- defy him to mention one he has arranged time for a fee of 25 kept. cents." The greatest area of disagree-| 1.' aid some $3,300,000 has ment between the two men is the pach spent hy the government on question of automation in handl- development of an electronic i Canadas mail flow. mail-sortation machine destined y FOR Ir or operational testing in the Mr. Jamilon is an enthusias- | Montreal post office later this i amaion fat and ln th year "Auolier $510 is ear : pend {marked for this development this much time with electronic "play- year. TOWN BUSINESSMENS' ASSOCIATION Nancekivell, promotion chair- ing commiitee; Don Brown, wan. Seated. Wom Jeit. are H chairman and Ollie Hart, secre- tary4reasurer. Walmsley, chairman of the park-| --Oshawa Times Photo 'New Teachers A two-day program will held Monday and Tuesday to in- troduce new teachers fresh from the province's teachers' colleges| {to Oshawa's public school sys-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 28, 1960 3 ~ JAYCETTES PRESENT $100 CHEQUE A cheque for $100 was pre- | Fund, Seen here, from left, as | ness manager, Oshawa Gen- sented this week by the Osh- | the cheque was presented are | eral Hospital and Mrs. Don awa Jaycettes to the Oshawa | Mrs. Dom Olynyk, Jaycette | Brown, Jaycette president. tem The teachers will meet the su- perintendent of public schools, . C. M. Elliott; the school in- pectors, the supervisors and their principals, see their new things" at the expense of worker|---- secarity. | Mr. Hamilton argued that ma- 3 chives will allow more efficient Skiers Iepare servicing of the Increasing mail volume without adding to the . » staff but that increasing automa-! [' QF ext inter { entral tion .won't be allowed to throw| existing full-time employees out| To ski enthusiasts the first ski- be of work. {weekend of the season always Mr. Denis said the fact is that|Seems just around hte corner. ow or 28,000 of the department's 50,000( In spring, summer and fall, empioyees are employed on a|Skiers" thoughts and deeds turn By PAT HRAYNK part-time basis and will suffer|to getting the hills ready for the ibi from automation next winter's invasion. The exhibition held at Central|™* : 3 | Osh Ski Club : A Summing up the post office de-| Oshawa in $s are Collegiate Institute Friday night oy : 3 N i busy every Sunday, weather per- went off very well. On display Partment's attitude, Mr. Hamil-| ing combing the 50 acres of he 5 : {niaritOn said: "The issue on mechan-| ' : were projects of art, industrial ization is the improved efficiency hills, removing rocks and plant- arts, science and home econom-|, i's. dling of the mail, not the|N€ trees along the ridges. {reduction of staff ..., ." Mostly poplars and small pines General Hospital Building | treasurer; C. K. Wright, bugi- --Oshawa Times Photo honors graduate and winner of the Governor-General's Medal for CITY AND Judge Stricken prs at the University of schools and each will spend part ics, of the time with the classes they Last Wednesday, drama was SCUSSE : are used to form snowbreaks 1 tas st Septemt the theme of both assemblies, AL | DISCUSSES PATRONAGE which will improve future skiing | |will teach next September. though the plays were not Central Mr. Denis raised the matter of conditions | Monday morning, the teachers Presents material, the students? JI'tical patronage, saying a fly- : will meet in the E. A. Lovell » p sis is ing squad of part-time workers Y 3 seemed to enjoy them. In the : i Scho t kings : 3 a : Socal Where be Wulkiigs ot die junior assembly, a group of that exists to deal with sudden with their program calling for oH , ;_lincreases in mail flow comprises ,= will be explained to them. They Sie y Suerte de the di women who had been recom- 240 hore. packing machine be- will have lunch in the Masonic| "wha Seventeenth iid mended to a large degree by ing to the club is used for| Temple where they will meet man" The senior "N¥sembly con- Progressive Conservative MPs, ¢ their new principals and later sisted of plays in Latin German although five were recommended be taken to the schools they have , French The teachers who di.|Py, Liberals [Ty been assigned to. rected were Miss Sissons. Mrs.| Mr. Hamilton replied that the attention all year round. The program Tuesday, will be Stewart, Mr. Peckham and Mr. squed was organized by the Lib-| New club projects include ex- somewhat similar. The morning Hagerman. : 'eral government. There was no tending tows and widening exist- will pe spent in the classrooms| rhis year, Ruth Yeo, a Grade| In poor health for the past/'hat you haven't the time to 16, 1886, she had lived in Canada that the junior and senior bands| And Even Sunny fel Service ai the funerdl home ~ |ince today and will plague On.|:dmonton apuskasing {Neral heard in the Commons Fri- pected by Monday, Donald B. Marsh, Bishop of the deal with divorce petitions. intervals and a few scattered Montreal work two years ago end estab-|five minutes jn B83, Toronto NE NOERS OR ---- ----|the state of undress of the per-| White River, Timmins-Kapus- Bathon .. logs and heavy stones. conflict with other types of work} ers. But he said he would investi- AFRICAN MINERALS gate Mr. Denis's assertion that| The Union of South Africa pro- the squad members frequently duces about 43 per cent of the {worked up to eight hours a day. mineral output of the entire Afri- Promises broken as seen by'can continent, 2E82 | BLA | LLORES A: > £23 Good luck, Ruth. And council, T hate to be a | miisance, but there are one and] |a half weeks left until vd WEATHER FORECAST MRS. MARY KOSIUK BESSIE Are all of you so busy studying Cloud, Showers her 74th year. | Bom in Czechoslovakia, Aug. week, it was inadvertently stated Ukrainian Greek Orthodox gaimers directed the Ukrainian Church, will conduct the memor-| fance | rich weather system began edging| Tieden dance group. linto western parts of the prov-| .. toria 5 White River ...... in the 70- to 80-degree range with |S: 8. Marie ....... OTTAWA (CP)--The king of | Slowly improving conditions ex- Friday. : est round of a CCF filibuster| Windsor, London, Hamilton, Tor-|Toronto -.. He was ordained by Rt. Rev.\against- Parliament having to|onto: Cloudy with a few sunny | Ottawa miles north of Winnipeg, Mark Drouin, 1" Sout Geo 3 He became interested in church] The visitors, who stayed only Fagen a iburton. Kirkand Rn 5 2 ; r oi the Eskimo language and dis-|vorce committee concerned in-|.; . t tributes it across the Arctic, |vestigations of private detectives, Aoki ard Sunday. Litle change Killaloe .. : . Eariton .. light construction and moving| Margaret Alsecz, 498 Simcoe's, N. street north, 'ows and tow ropes demand stolen from a rented parking| __ space at rear of 130 King street east, early this morning. She said i the car was locked but there was a spare key in a coat inside the | pe | answered a call to a smoking | television set-at Rutherford's De-| partment south, Friday. There was also a false alarm, Friday. There were two ambulance calls. street south, received no injuries, | Friday, when she was struck by ca car on King street east, be-| tween Simcoe and Celina streets. | The car was driven by Eldridge Perrault, RR 1, Hampton. | 300 Monash avenue,, bump on the head, Friday, when he was struck by a car on Ritson | road south, at Monash avenue. The car Marilyn Moore, street, Oshawa. She told police she was backing from a parking {lot on Ritson road when the acci- |dent occurred. | Somerville s'reet, winner on the "Fun to Learn" | program, TV. Hershel submitted an answer to a science question regarding how fish swim. When the winner was announced name attached to his address, He has now written to the station giving his name and school. is a Grade 7 student at North Sim- | coe Public Schoo. | HANNAN MARINE SALES ing of a section of the east pier at Cobourg has been awarded to the W. B. Bennett Paving Co.| Ltd., of Oshawa. DISTRICT On Golf Course a bar in 1924, he EXCHANGE VISITS TORONTO (CP)--Mr. Justice practised in partnership with his Mayor Lloyd Burrows, of Lind- Rene Alexandre Danis, 60, of the| brother at Cornwall where he was {say, has announced that Whitby Supreme Court of Ontario, died|a municipal councillor and for To date, club members have|r uy Council will visit Lindsay, |Friday while playing golf at sub-|two years deputy-reeve. planted more than 10,000 trees June 13. This is the first of an urban York Downs Golf Course. | exchange of visits between the councils of the two towns. He was appointed district court The French - Canadian jurist|judge at Cochrane in 1939, serv- | collapsed after teeing off on the|ing also as chairman of the fed- | sirth hole while playing with an-|eral commission dealing with nat. other Supreme Court justice, Hon ralization applications. He was Scharz cheirman of the Timmins police Born in Cornwall, he was an commission. AUTO STOLEN reported her car BOTH Safety and Manoeuvrability in One Boat THE 15 FOOT BRUNSWICK SEAFIRE ar, SMOKE SCARE The Oshawa Fire Department Store, Simcoe street [ STRUCK BY CAR Mary Znudski, 16, 1292 Simcoe BUMP ON HEAD Two-year-old Scot Morrison, received a Py rr The 1960 Brunswick * Beafire is the runabous you've been looking for, Here is the perfect combina tion of modern, streamlined beauty with deep-hull safety and manoeuvrability. The Seafire is a sturdy 15 foot Fiberglasboat precision built with Brunswick's guaranteed construction. The result is consistent strength plus years of maintenance free pleasure. Standard equipment on the Seafire includes: windshield, steering wheel, bow and stern lights, rub rail, custom upholstery, transom well, and all necessary deck hardware. by Mrs. | Cloverdale driven 1131 was CONTEST WINNER Hershel Stemeroff, 12, of 759 was a recent conducted by WBEN, See the luxurious Brunswick Seafire soon. It's on display now at there was no He GET PAVING CONTRACT | A $5322 contract for the pav-| 20 RAY STREET RA 8-8853 |and, during the afternoon, they is ¢tudent. was chosen to repr hE . : f ' 2 epre- will meet again in E. A. Lovell | sant Central at the United Na- School. {tions Seminar which is held at {Queen's University, Kingston. year, Mrs. Mary Kosiuk Bessie' make up a few hundred ballots died at her home, 285 Olive ave-|so that we can vote for the Pre- nue, this morning, She was in|fect System? | Because of a printing error last and Oshawa for 34 years. |at the school's spring music fes-| The remains are at the Arm-|tiyal were under the direction of TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts is-| TORONTO (CP) -- Tempera- SHTOng unera) Home) Re D. 0. Salmers. They were, in fact, |sued at 5 am.: tures: Luchak, pastor of St. 0'S directed by E. Winkler. Mr.| gq. + moving) Max Synopsis: Another slow-moving | oon 69 at 2p in, Monday a x. Jnier. M h H tario wih unsettled weather| Regina ment will be shaw ic oh i V inni Cemetery. onarc ears throughout the weekend as it on 2 wanders slowly eastward. After- hid noon temperatures will continue] . {North Bay ... Anglican Church ; ; [Sudbury 5 L ay the recital of boudoir evi. Regional forecasts valid until Muskoka TORONTO (CP) Armand dence in a divorce action, {midnight Sunday. Huntsville . Tagoona, 36, became the first| Arrival of King Mahendra and| Lakes Erie, Huron, Niagara, | Windsor ... priesthood when he was ordained his party coincided with the lat-| Western Lake Ontario regions, London .. Arctic, at a special ceremony at| The monarch was escorted to showers or thudershowers today Halifax the church at Rankin Inlet on the|the Speaker's gallery of the Com-|ad Sunday. Little change in Forecast Temperatures St. James Cathedral. _|mons by House Speaker Roland|temperature. Winds southeast 15| yow tonight High Sunday Mr. Tagoona has heen serving Michener and Senate Speaker today, south to southwest Sunday.|windsor 55 75 , were all but unno- ogi N - the help of his 450 parishioners | ticed : [Lake regions, Nord BBY Su. Trenton lished a mission at Rankin, With| Testimony being read from|jay. Cloudy with a few clear in-|St. Catharines monthly Sunday school paper in evidence heard by the Senate di- tervals and a few showers to-|Hamnilton ...... Muskoka {sone involved when the investi-| i COBOURG Tenders were (gators made their inquiries and kasing, James Bay Xegions: opened at the United Counties|establishment of identities of the Cindy Poy a ew, A in'er- Nore Bay : Building, Friday afternoon, for! parties. [Vals an; & lew scallerec showors ap SUATIIE roars {today and Sunday. Turning cooler| White River ...... Moosonee waans LRT RLLIRLEE paving five miles of the Hamp-| After the king's departure, the Sunday. Winds light ton - Taunton road in Durham|CCF filibuster team of Frank County. It may be some time be-|Howard, Skeena, and Arnold] Tender EAT'N fore all the information is col-| Peters, Timiskaming, iet one di TRUE-TRIMBEEF lated as the engineer's office re-|vorce petition squeak through to A ~ 12 KING ST. E.--RA 3-3633 ported Thursday that some 21 approval after hour-long critic bids had been received for thelism that held off consideration of work any other divorce bills. | NOTICE W. Crawford Ltd. Construction has signed an agreement with Local 597 (Laborers) Signed F. Beackstead--Sec. Treasurer Meat Specials for Mon. & Tues. FRESH MADE VEAL PATTIES 2 ...69* FRESH MADE SAUSAGE MEAT 5S ..°1 WATCHMAKER MONDAY ONLY! FROM 22 ONTARIO STREET NEW LOCATION 13 BOND ST. E. Where we hope to meet our old customers and make new friends. PHONE RA 5-9070 THIN SLICED w 3 BEEF LIVER 2 LBS. 2 MEATY TUESDAY ONLY! PORK HOCKS SMALL LINK--PURE GARDEN TEA & BAZAAR STONEHAVEN Home of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Irwin, Whitby WED., JUNE 1st, 1960 RAIN OR SHINE ADMISSION 75¢ LAUREL GROUP, ST. ANDREW'S W.A. || PORKSAUSAGE 2 ..65* ---- ENJOY LIFE... --/---- EAT OUT MORE OFTEN Special Sunday Dinner SERVED FROM 11:30 AM. TO 8 P.M. ys For ¢ your added pleasure and enjoyment | Dine by... C Il ni " > 4 FROM 5 P.M. UNTIL 8 P.M. GENOSHA HOTEL Completely Air-Conditioned FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA 3-4641

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