THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, Moy 28, 1960 § WHITBY And DISTRICT Legion Auxiliary |Wet Weather Causes nn wey 77 7 Hostess To Rally County Road Breakup DEBENTURES FOR SALE Unusually wet weather all] "The spring break - up which | fe, The Canadian Legion Ladies fought so bravely and the omes spring has caused trouble with|goiowed departure of the snow| Te piston 5 Je awe ¥ iy Wes for ily, Auxillary held a most successful (who paid the supreme sacrifice the county road system as welll o the most extensive in many|] WN mba 2170 ond 2269 rally last Wednesday evening at|so we could enjoy the same com-|a; the spring seeding, The On- 7 ul id . : I 3 I I with over 200 in|radeship they must have had". |tari a in a re-|vears. Gravel roads were particu-| the Legion Hal p they |tario County Road Board, in a re- Ds a a] Price -- Par ond accrued interest attendance, A cold plate dinner Questions were asked by the|port to the council at a meet- ( X was served. members and answered by Mrs. pot in Whitby, reported that the at certain periods. Denominations $1,000,00--Interest Rate 612% Rev. D. Marshall gave the Tompkin. Mrs. Earl Ormiston|yweatherman had caused a delay| "The three days of continuous -- -- 1961 - 1967 Grace. A toast to the Queen" presented the two guests wilh ap-|,¢ ahout one month in the con-|rain which commenced May 7th Maturity 1 6 yeors was proposed by Mrs, Earl propriate gifts. struction season. created long flooding Sondse Application Forms may be obtained eti=-- Ormiston; & toast to the town by| A draw was made atl many| ne board's report follows: tions with numerous washouts. TOWN OFFICE ed i Bali oy Be til oh" oe 2 TE i TEE the Men's Branch by Mrs. W.|next rally will be held in 'Bow. oUrtitions fave seriously. delay. during Hurricane Hazel. Fortun- x Tes to a Com- menvile, The, Su figries Bion |and repair of existing roads. Jie the rain Hopped Delore anY\l Ww. STAN MARTIN, Meyor JOHN R. FROST, Treasurer mand Geor, , Ajax, Cl t Sunder-|The severe storms of the past(™ Ry a Big To oy rotmpkin. eo on? Uxbridge, naa." Bow. | winter not only made heavy in-| 'The condition of gravel roads Yond (able guesls were io- |manville. ' ? |roeds on availale funds but left|hzs been far from desiralie and os be 2 sable Fhe presi-| The following were the win- extremely high snow banks which ay complaints - testifying to 0 |this have been received. How- orm i- |lners: ka so |prevented water reaching E : dent, Mrs E ston, Drea Hers: es L, Beckely, WhibY, jitches. Many roads were serious. ever, it has frequently been im- wy Please Be THERE dents from eight auxiliaries were Mrs. Murr Claremont, 5 | washed and weakened by this possible, within economic limits, Z A |present. Past Zone Commander Sandford, Ajax, Mrs. Everett, | tuation. to carry out the necessary re- Aj Mrs. W. Evans, Oshawa, Zone Dunbarton, Mrs. Jack Sherid airs. Some sections of road were Commander Miss: Rose Bate, | Whitby, Mrs, Bell, Oshawa, Mrs. | Ia badly broken they would not ot When YOU Are Bowmanville, Provincial Treasur-| Merrick, Uxbridge, Mrs. For- : t h er Mrs, Jessie Tompkin, Brock-|syth, Uxbridge, Mrs. Towner, CLUB CALENDAR Swppirt slime, W ay Svs ville, Rev. D. Marshall, Mayor |Claremont, Mrs. Ashton, Ajax,| terial created damage almost as Stan Martin, Branch President Mrs, Bates, Bowmanville, Mrs. MONDAY, May 30 severe as that which was to be Vern MacCarl, Branch Secretary (Don Sturgess, Whitby, Mrs, J. Castle Chapter (Senior Group) EE Alf Reardon, Sergeant at Arms, Tompkin, Brockville, Mrs, E.| Annual meeting "As of this date. approximate: Mrs, Gordon Brown, treasurer Ormiston, Whitby, Mrs. Holda-| 1, it Church YPU io he Teh pig in Mrs eretary Mrs. | wa shawa, Mrs. Ve sh- | 2M tO : - "It is ve Moore. inet vice-president awa, Mrs. Patficid, Bowmanville, Whitby Baptist Church Explorers ion season has been lost. It is Mrs. W. Hopps, past president Mrs. Fletcher, Bowmanville [ith Scouts and Cubs Mothers' essential that favorable conditions Mrs. George Brown. [Mrs. Kennedy, Uxbridge, Mrs. | Aux, ; - | prevail if planned works are to The meeting followed the din-|Watson, Uxbridge, Mrs. Ru her- |3rd Scouts and Cubs Ladies Aux. be completed. aay ner with the Whitby president ford, Oshawa, Mrs. Stan Martin, | All Saints' Anglican Church i § ----_ % presiding who turned the meet-| Whitby, Mrs. Duncan, Sunder-| Misn | ; May 1 i 3s | 1a TUFSDAY over to zone commander M land. . J R. Bate who asked each auxiliary - 1+ Scouts and Cubs Mothers'|| Family Monuments for an account of their year's| Au . by Baptist Church CGIT | ROR oF work and money raised. Au were| Have Shower For | highly praised for their work. A aith Baptist Church YPA ERIC CLARKE TURNS OVER BATON brand new auxiliary was wel Rita Verfaillie jSlvation Army Men's Fellowship 4iEs/ Cregtea To comed to the rally, Port Perry. Group | / After six years of service as | band's second concert of the | ed with brass bands for 30 Miss Anne King, 310 Centre St. | | Requirements : itbv Distr | years. Eric Clarke now assumes |{COMRADESHIP a, = ala . rere WEDNESDAY, Jene 1 iaadmaster of the Whithy Biase | season In We Vitthy Distict | the position of Junior Bandmas--| Mrs. Jessie Tompkins gave aS. and Miss Helen Lamory were ' Band Eric Clarke turned over | High School. Russell Entwistle i Fh . : leship. | co-hostesses at a kitchen shower Whitby Red Cross work room f | - - ter. The concert was sponsored |wonderful talk on comradeship. co-ho: S & Pi o Nie é the baton to Russell Entwistle, | has been with the band for 18 by the Whitby Lions Club. She mentioned that by working (in honor of Miss Rita Vertailjje) 5. Jo's Anglican Church WA STAFFORD BROS. ana ian é ross 0cCle left, in a ceremony at the | months and has been associat | Oshawa Times Photo Itogether "as our boys did who i, ic 5 be married on June 25g; ng Monumental Works (WHITBY BRANCH) . He) She 318 Dundas East St. John the Evangelist a " | * Church, Whitby, to Mr. Carl H.|THURSDAY, June 2 . Campaign Starts Sept. 20th Objective $4000. Explorer Group Kinsmen Spend $1,000 = i L a a 5 Andrew's Presbyteens a | bride-to-be was presented | Lp © Sane 3 many lovely and useful] g the shower were: |Salvation Army Youth Fellowship Annual Banquet In Playground Gear eo, Co Svs, ine 1, sans Ang cure Gir' Whitby Kinsmen Club pitched parks committee, Kin Jim Gart-| Vivian Spencer, Pat George, Lor-|™ EE The amual banquet of the|Clark, a piano solo by Cynndy into their summer activities onshore, Kin Cec. Thomas, Kin Bob|paine Edgecombe Antje HUNT FROM AIR Whitby Baptist Explorer group|Dilling and the Explorers' Choral Wednesday when they installed | Heron, Kin Clarence Hewson, |Schnabel, Mary Lofthouse, Diane KENORA, Ont. (CP)--Hunters was held on Friday evening in| arrangement of "Song of Peace". over $1000 worth of children's Ki Vie Wilkes, Kin George Cart. |wijlson, Judy White, Helen Lam- shooting from airplanes ac- the Sunday school hall. The tables| Following color slides shown by amusements in Whitby Kinsmen Kin Joe Oftenbrite and a help- ory, Lynda Lee, Anita Verfaillie,|eounted for more than half of the ARN, F D li LY For... Farm Delivery were tastefully decorated with Miss Jean Lewis, the Explorers Park. |ful bystander Waitson Wittick who Rita Verfaillie, Verity King and|177 timber wolves and 35 brush tulips and the place cards were presented a play, entitled "Sonny| Since then the amusements have pitched in with the Kinsmen's Gloria Cooper. wolves killed in the Kenora dis- im the form of windmills. The and Judy Take Over'. been well and truly used by the chain gang. " Ahsisting the hostesses were: [trict last year. Forty-five per-| banquet was served by Mrs. A.| The cast was as follows: |children of the community and as| The Kinsmen Club are not stop- |, "ec 0 King, Verity King mits were issued to airborne hunt- . Mitchell and Mrs, Chas. Baker,|Cynndy Dilling, missionary doc-|many as 60 young people were(ping at this project in ke eping |, Zlizabeth King " 'es. ) Of as0 He members of the Mission Circle. |tor; Bonnie Welling, his wife; seen riding the merry-go-round. [the children amused and off the| pod Se. if ses They were assisted by Louise Dorothy Dair, their son; Judith! In addition the club has in-|streets, 'for they are seeking in-| Pogson and Doris Lowe, mem-|Ann Pinch, their daughter; Jean- stalled a monkey bar or tank, a/formation on a piece of equip- bers of the CGIT nie Glennie, their servant Zolili; new set of swings and soon they ment Jaa : vil alfpant svery) * : \ : ) at the most v. J. M. War s and the parts of the patients and will install a teeterotter, young boy in the neighborhood. ; \ -- 3 The RN el were played by Joyce| Those responsible for setting| They will investigate the possible Y) REASONABLE PRICE CALL: were introduced by Mrs, Wm. G.|Crawforth, Carol Clark, Pamela|the amusements up were Kin'c|procurement and Installation of | Hewis, cl counsellor, after| Smitherman, Hilda Rottini, Ruth vice-president Murray Silvers. Kin a full size CNR locomotive in [ Let's all go to Church this Sunday 1 which each girl introduced her Howlett, Glory Ann Lowe, and Max Hampson, chairman of the [the park. mother |Joanne Slichter. Miss Mary Anne | , Rk - Sry wes he promptr | St Andrew's EMMANUEL | [gS / ' 1 |H | Second stars for completion of | ue tor compen of Me tite eves nev WHITBY PERSONALS | : £5 presented by igs Maryam | onl ri an for a Shinn OV [ I Presbyterian REFORMED nr 78 BOND ST. Ww. OSHAWA ardy, asst, counsellor, to Pam-| : - | i | 3 : ble evening and he closed with| np { Mrs. Walter MacCarl,] A miscellaneous shower was| is . ela Smitherman, Judithann|2€ r. and Mrs, | b | - FARM TANKS AVAILABLE Pinch, Gloryann Lowe Joanne Sr aseptation of the banquet | Colborne sireet Mr. and Mrs, held at He Jowe of Mrs. Ronit Church CHURCH | Slichter, Bonnie Welling, Ruth ars: activib Loyal Pogue, High street, Whit-|~#%t0mh 4 REV, D. MARSHALL REV. GERRIT REZELMAN Ca Howlett, Hits Rotting the year's activity of Loy gue | |of her niece, Miss Joan Edwards, Carol Clark i the Explorer group with the ex- hy, were in Peterborough onlywho is to be married June 10 tol] BYRON ST. S. AT ST. JOHN ST. | 319 Concession West of Brock N. ceived red stars; A } b § | ---- ; ception of a banque!, to be an- May 25, attending graduation ex-|Mr, Ted DeGeer, at Whitby Unit-| ---- ---- Joyce Crawforth received blue stars, and Jeannie Glennie, Dor-|Dounced at a later dale ercises at St. Joseph's Hospital ed Church. Many beautiful gifts| 9:45 AM othy Dair and Cynndy Dilling!| ~~ lheid in St. Peter's Auditorium, ere received from friends and SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m. --Dutch Service their gold stars. 3 when 29 nurses graduated. relatives. A dainty lunch was| | 11 a.m.~Sunday School in | - 11 AM ; a | Amor em wa lece of Mrs. se he hostesses, assisted MORNING WORSHIP English Attendance prizes were present- | S { ty C | Among them was a plece o served by the hos ' | od by Mrs. "Harold Craworth, | aie ounci |MacCarl and Mrs. Pogue, Miss hy Mrs. Gordon Carlton and Mrs. Jr. congregation ond | Temple Morcombe, of Omemee, a| Leonard DeGeer. | Beginners' classes pr Nor. to Dorotlsy Dai ; 7 p.m~--English Service 1} ¢ sst. counsellor, to Dorothy Dair, | ; i i C . graduate the school of Medi-| Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed G h Postpones ce b le Bagi lhe Mrs. Richard Broome and her | 9:45 AM. -- BIBLE CLASS 4 € € Cynndy Dilling, Jeannie Glennie | : dg and Joyce Crawforth yratory Technology They | : E ws were written on the Bik R d af ds were dinner guests at Foe Dias, were guste at SSaYe Te ¥ 3 " y ing 2 Mr: i t home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross the w ing and reception of Mrs. - - FAITH BAPTIST Sven: Ission Study % ele: 1 e 0 eo ehill, of Omemee. |Broome's niece, Miss Gail Ferry, Whithy Baptist INSI DE S i OR Y tered the contest with the foliow- Wiley Safety Some) he Friends of Mr. Tom Barrington)" Torouto. Church 419 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY ing winning in their respective | TIC np on yo hescay with Mrs. are pleased to learn that he is now| On Sunday, Richard, son of Mr. Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th, C BSSes Juniors = 1 _ Joanne Pauline Hendriks in the chair. |} home from the Osh: Gen-|and Mrs. Richard Broome, will Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister a ---- Slichter; 2 Joyce C rawforth; con- 1 Ah tire Napait Hospital where he underwent |be celebrating his fifth birthday. |{ pc Ww < 49 4.15 AM i solation, Pamela Smitherman and | Also. at the meeting y His triends wish him many happy|] M'* W- E. Summers, AT.CM, 4 Judith Ann Pinch Royce Wittaker, the chairman of |SUTEery en Wis um many. appy| - RADIO BROADCAST : the Special events committe returns e day. 10:00 AM Intermediates -- 1. Gloryann|;,. aechaw A v 9. St. John Anglican Church WA : [ Bern) 9:45 AM Lowe: 2. Carol Clark: consola- Ihe Osnays Slvitan Sb 2nd held a most successful spring tea| Miss Mary Anderson, of Trent SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR MOTORS & BOATS tion, Dorothy Dair. | he ide Jams the newly elecl-|,, way 25. The guests were street, left on a BOAC jet plane 11 AM S ed president gieeted by Mrs. G. Nicholson and from Malton Airport for a six- Adventurers' Evangelistic 11:00 AM. AND 7:00 P.M. || -< er Seniors 1. Bonnie Welling; | wf;. Wittaker addressed the d by : ! 2. Cynndy Dilling; consolation, |, et ng concerning bike Mrs, E. Vallant, president of the weeks vacation to be spent in Team Both Services Our. Postor 3 : b+ Jeannie Glennie. These prizes ndeo = : . ) ps 3 3 rodeo and much pundwork . . ted oh : ENN © . : were presented by Miss Jean |... completed for this event ¥ s. D beck | Jathen, Scotland EVENING SERVICE Special Music at both services Hewis, who was the judge. nitive Qatabv. Couyel . + Lars k . BY 9 : : A vote of thanks was extended | 1c Wty Safety Council de-| hitne nd Mrs. A.| Mrs. John Taylor, of Palace One of the reasons | like being a Johnson dealer is that | don't have to hard ladies h y |eided to postpone the rodeo v ons. M al H. Wat 'street, is in the Oshawa General : i i the in hee and girle who from To one 1 ; » Mrs. H. Watson. [treo 8 oe Ce anderwont WHITBY UNITED CHURCH sell folks on the merits of my outboards. Take dependability for instance ly s : ' . . . you've already heard about Johnson's famous dependability from your » . Cpl. William Middleton of the, The Whitby Co-op Credit Union|surgery. tind, yot ) . ' 1 . Hilda Rottini, and a vote of Rev. John M.-Sith, BA. BD. -- Minister friends, if you haven't actually proven it for yourself, a fi .| Whitby Police Department and will be host to the Oshawa and] thanks was also given to Miss Sule | Mrs. E | is 4 idling |TOWn Engineer Charles Hoag District Credit Union Chapter on| Mrs. Edna Hemming entertain. | . Jean Hewis by Cynndy Dilling, 8 iay. May 30. in the Odd Fel. ©d her euchre club at her Mrs. J. Beaton, AR.T.C. -- Organist for the assistance she Fs given WeTe elected. to take charge of Mi WA, In charge of tea tables/England, France, Denmark and 7:00 P.M king ay, N } Cag / TYLIN the magnificent marine styling of my 7 new 1960 3 he ro OUTS low Broc } th. | home, Brock street, Oshawa. The . STYLING? When you see : the group in the past the roadeo course. 0 Ra oe TL So re of the SristE dere Mee MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM. Sea-horses, you'll know these motors were designed to look good, not only Following the banquet an en-| Mrs. Pauline Hendriks was in- ( Cove Conti i tertaiument program followed, Stated as chairman of the rodeo Currie, of ario Credit Union |Ccra Peel, Brooklin; Mrs. Rose in a showroom . . . but on your boat ! o a a ' [committee y : reshments will belB uglon, Brooklin; and Mrs. DR H T ' ang x Ran with Tah Rowen ad kina a Ak pe |Grace Hicks, Whitby. A dainty JOHN LINTON, General Secretary Jeannie Glennie performed a| WELSH PONY lunch was served by the hostess. | The Canadian Temperance Federation Bible recitation of 'The parable] PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. (CP | Mrs E th en, of Toronle, as The Sycine si wi Jeet 3¢ ihe} of the sower", and this was fol-|A colt was born to a 27-year-old |& 8uest at the ho ol Mr. and home of Vrs. I. Hartley, of Wi SUNDAY SCHOOL lowed by a duet by Dorothy Dair Welsh pony here. Experts said it Mrs, Jack Peek, of Palace strest. iam steel, Oshawa, ext week 10 AM 11 AM CAM and Gloryamm Lowe is rare that a colt is born to a | The audience was entertained mare older than 21 years. It was Girls and Boys Girls ond boys Infant Care | 9 years and over under 9 years Junior Worship SEES pus Entwistle | BROCK wurrsy |New Bandmaster | guuaes Phone MO 8-3618 fora i On Thursday night the Whitby] Thomas Broadbent was install- . 7. evening of wholesome Last Time Today Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. District High. School auditoriumed as assistant Senior Bandmas- tun' for the entire family And PERFORMANCE? No other outboard can match a Johnson for speed, power, smoothness, quiet and all-round dependability. SERVICE? Every authorized Johnson dealer is factory-trained. We know how to service what we sell, Two factory trained mechanics on duty from 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. at County Sports, Whitby, Lest Complete Show at 9 p.m. was th escene of the Whitbyter and Jack Wilson is the new Brass Band's second concert of|Junior Band instructor. the season. | From all reports the band play- Playing before a large audi- ed an excellent concert and for ' ence, the band performed under once Mr. Clarke sat back and en- i MORE SAVAGE THAN a uew baton, weilded by their/joyed the musical arrangements| Ff TAR MOST BAVAGE AFRICAI ne w bandmaster, Russell Entwis-/cn marches, waltzes, medlys and| | Hiustrated above is the ARKANSAS TRAVELER CSP 15G Custom Sportsman , of Oshawa. hymns. | + SBE « wETER ASSAULT OF THE DEADLY CROCODILES! In a formal ceremony at the] "It was the first time in almost | 8 P.M. i ic and the 40 H.P. super Sea-Horse Johnson motor. \ start of the concert, former band-/six years that I really heard the 4 naster Eric Clarke handed over boys," he commented after the| ; . ¢ FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY the baton to his successor, and|corcert | y } hen himself became the Junior| The concert was sponsored by ' z Bandmaster. Mr. Clarke was the|the Whitby Lion's Club and all : | The Arkansas TRAVELER Senior Bandmaster for almost six proceeds went to the club's wel- y = ¢ : YEBIS, tie his Docn 8 lay |fare fund. 77 : z On display now ! The new flair in Fiber Glass by Arkansas Traveler. These Mr. Entwistle has bee ay-| -------------------------------------- ¥ . : : 4 : 8 member of trass bands ip i are truly breathtaking boats--in styling--in color--in appointments--and in ingland and anada for 30 years. Nurses Alumnae ood) } performance. They're sturdy, durable and seaworthy for years and years of Oy iy ale Tn ac ra | service. Utilities, Sports, Runabouts and Day Cruisers from 14 to 18 ft. complished conductor, Mr. Ent Pl | P Iwistle first p od the cornet at ans une icnic the age of eight and four years| At an exceutive meeting of the Come In And See Them Now later was playing solo cornet. At|whithby Nurses' Alumnae it 3 t A the age of 16 he joined the British decided that the noon onic, of Mn \ OPEN 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. DAILY S WAREK 7% n byes ' . Championship holding Munn and Sunday June 12 would be held at \ 4 4 s Brass Band. i Pineridge Park on Highway 7, : $ , E 2 ; t war he served in| Brooklin for all graduates, their E AY in y Robear TAYLOR. : 4 |the Re r Force as a navi- parents and friends who attend. |X FAMILY N ; \ FATE \ \ at after demobilization ed the reunion. [RECREATION CT WHITBY d wit the St. Hilda s and ~The Reunion Dinner of June 11/Mom, Dad, and the kids IlLeRS 1] 3 IlITMARJAR jthe Enfield Central Brass Bands. is to be held at the Masonic Hall, [con spend a swell evening COMMUNITY 0 : Mr Entwistle played with ,the| Oshawa for all graduates of Whit- together! Skating is great wm | § Ontar Regime é in Osh-'by Ontario Hospital. Reserva-'fun . .. keeps minds and PLUS: Colored Featurette "ISRAEL" va XK e ye or to join-/tions for tickets should be made bodies nimble and trim. ARENA Frank Carr, Prop. € ith the Whitby Brass hy June 1. Mrs. Henry Perry of Enjo together] CARTOON--SPORT Bard in 1958. For the past year Dufferin St., Port Whitby, should oY Xen SKATING Sviesy 147-151 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 3.5 |he was the Junior Bandmaster. |be contacted. [} TUESDAY & SATURDAY |