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The Oshawa Times, 28 May 1960, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Mey 28, 1960 7 'Great Work Done By Alfred J Buesche wept. Then God's promise came doctors pronounced them all fit, shining clear to her again. He though they were thin. Now, one would care for the children. She | continued in giving her best in of those boys, James Hudson Tay- presenting the Gospe! to the Chi- lor III, is a missionary in For- nese and trusted God to care for mosa. His gre a t-grandlather ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Treasures in Heaven § *'Lay not up for yourselves ireasures i "Take no thought for your life, what Dociuied by King Fost sponte. "No man can serve fwo masters: Al Ys \ bend d oe A, _ NC ~ r------------ for "But seek oS ye first the kingdom By BARCLAY WARREN A little girl said to her mother after a missionary meeting, | "Mommy, when i grow up I want to be a returned missionary' Well, being returned may appear | glamorous but serving on the field |is a testing task. The person who |leaves relatives, friends and con- |veniences to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people of another tongue and customs in a strange land, merits our admiration. The words of Romans 10.15 are espe- cially applicable here, "How of beautiful are the feet of them Jens Bi -- By Missionaries 1839 they were the last mission- aries to cross No Man's Land tween 'he advancing Japanese and the retreating Chinese army. As they journeyed into North West China they left their four children 1200 miles behind in a school on the coast. God's mes- sage to them was, "You look after those dear to me and I will look afer those dear lo you." One day when Mrs. Taylor picked up the paper she read about Pearl Harbor. She called the others. Her covetry, United States, was at war with Japan. The children mn J con-| the Shillaren salt . founded the China Inland Mis- ee and one half years later, " the war was over. The four chil: 500, 8, WOME, Y¥00 980 Good dren interned in the school were nl of Jesus Christ to the Chis | released and flown by the Ameri- Cov" BS I sion xe : 1 en nese. We sate all missionaries. can Air Force to the air field] -- : nearest their parents. From there, they went by train and then walk-| ed the last five miles. The par- ents were in bed when they heard the voices oi their children. They hadn't known they were coming. What a meeting! The youngest boy who wat six when they had last seen him, was now 12. Army The Christadelphians (CHRIST'S BRETHREN . SEE MATTHEW 12:46-50 invite seekers after Truth to apply for Free Bible (T---- = | literature, God these you, either he will hate the one, and love the other; or he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."'--Matthew 5:24 and His righteousness; and all that preach the gospel of peace, things shall be added unto} i saz Take therefore no thought for i bring glad tidings of good ihings the morrow." Matthew 6:33 I listened to Mrs "James Hudson Taylor on furlough from Formosa. She and. her hus- band spent 20 years in China. In ye shall eat nor what ye shall put on. Behold the fowls of the air for they sow not, neither do they rean vet your heavenly Father feedeth them." Matthew 6:25-26 upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal," Christ said, "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven." Matthew 6:19-20. trolled territory would be intern-| ed. She left the others. She must | pray. She took a towel {rom the washroom. A handkerchief would-| n't do. She knelt to pray by her bed. She could frame no words. For about 15 minutes she SOUTHMINSTER NO OBLIGATION United Church CHRISTADELPHIAN 1109 CEDAR ST. ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 Oshgwe, Onterie recently SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 9:30 AM, C. W. LEWIS 11 AM, Baptismal Serice Rev. W. G. Dickson "YOUR SOUTHEND WORSHIP CENTRE" WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS Minister: Rev. Wm, A. Gibb Marie Taylor ARCT, RMT Organist and Choir Leader Heavenly Treasures Better Than Money i By NEWMAN CAMPBELL + 1 am introducing this lesson by/an account of my stewardship of f quoting from the Rev. Wilbur M (all we things with which He has bY D ' blessed me S s Peloubet Notes, He i's "One of The great Wn We cannot send bags of gold to v factors of our Lord's teaching is|loaver, for heaven does not Jeed ¥that He talks about the problems|them, but we need not hoard our ' , so |Wealth (if we have accumulated + of ordinary life, and in doing so, \ He frankly and constantly faces |! by hard work, as millions of + realiti { laily life, the|People all over the world have wi mgr Bh oe our re. | gone and are doing today). We C aking g : N ty | Cé elp good and worthy causes 4 lationship to money and property an help g 3 #and to others with whom we liv olor friends and relatives who are #and work. He talks about food ' needy 3 drink, labor, wages, Marriage 85 CAN'T SERVE TWO MASTERS well as the glorious themes ol ra ai 4 § God salvation and eternity. In| Jesus Christ said: No man the ses assigned to our lesson, |Can serve two masters; for either ve Ss ass ane of our Lord's{he will hate the one and love we see SO oi *4 JO 3 . : % teaching about our relationship to|t€ other; or else he will hold to ¥ carthly possessions and His warn- the one, and despise the other ings regarding the danger and Yet cannot Serve Gos 20 Inga. tragic consequences of putting| mon (money). --Va 24, } al emphasis upon the things| "Therefore | say unto you, na emp Take no thought for your life, thie sam what ye shall eat, or what ye Jesus said: "Lay ; bid shall drink, nor vet for your body yourselves treasures upon earth.) pat ve ghall ut on. Is not the Carvany CENTRE AND BarTisT STREETS Affiliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canade REV. W. NIVEN AITKEN -- RA 8.8123 JOHN Pastor It is to Him I will have to render that God fed the fowls of the ai and created the lillies of the field such glorious color- "Solomon jn all his arrayed like one HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev, N. T. Holmes, B.A, B.D Minister Ross Metcalf. ARCT., Organist and Choirmaster BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 AM 11:00 AM. --MORNING WORSHIP "THE VISION OF ISAIAH" "ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE NEW LIFE" MR. O. SWENSON, Secretary Briercrest Bible Institute { 1 "CALVARY ECHOES" SAT- 8 PM CKLB, SUN. 9 AM PRAYER FELLOWSHIP ALL AGES which show ings that glory was not of these." 'Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we or, what shall we drink? or, where-| withal shall we be clothed? For vour heavenly Father knoweth that ve have need of all these things Matthew 6: 31.32 "But seek ye first the kingdom | of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you Matthew 6:33. | 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 9:45 AM JUNIOR TO SENIORS SUNDAY SCHOOL 2:00 PM NURSERY TO PRIMARY SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:30 PM YOUNG PEOPLES UNION A CORDIAL 7:00 PM ea." WED., 7:45 P.M 0AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM KINDERGARTEN CLASS 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Fully Co-ordinated Youth Programme THE CHURCH FOR THE FAMILY WELCOME TO ALL We have not space for the par-| able Christ told of the man Who worked hard, accumulated] possessions and sat down| God had great to enjoy told that he would die that night them. but whom 1 - St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TELFORD, MA D.D. Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A. T.C.M | 3 onsider the Lilies The teacher can tell the story if there is time up tor ur th corrupt or where Matthews ™ Christian and Missionary Alliance af not up P | elves treasures in heaver where neither moth aditiac R V. Freemo Pastor through heart and where thieves d there not break Faith and service to God and man are emphasized dedicated your treasure is will 6:20-21 your ife -------------- 11:00 AM.-- "JOHN THE DISCIPLE" 9:50 AM 1M AND 7 PM. MR. CLIFFORD POWELL OF TORONTO and a to Christ s that teachings is Christ reminded them 7 ERIE ST DIAL RA 5-3872 REV. R. E. DARGAN, Pastor Senior, Intermediate end Junior Classes Wed 8 pm. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting 11:00 A M.--Nursery, Beginners and Primary Classes ie THE SALVATION ARMY | SIMCOE AN" IOHN STS MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers entered in Christ Wo nterested SUNDAY SCHOOL d-wide Ir 0AM FOR ALL AM MORNING WORSHIP Albert Street United Church REV. §. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR he Friend am CHML are always welcome ot Listen Every Sunday, 9 76th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Conducted by Lt-Col. and Mrs. Hal TONIGHT, 8 P.M. Homiltor 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP "HOW GOD KEEPS A MAN ON HIS FEET" The Doughters of England will ettend this Service 7:00 PM. --"THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR" BROADCAST CKLB 9:45 A M.--Primary to Senior 5.5 11:00 A M.--Nursery, Kindergarten-Beginners GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST. Beckett * wher th and rust doth cor- ere Moi thieves break!life more than near, and the 4 through and steal.' Matthew [body than raiment Matthew 6 19 6:25 { TREASURES IN HEAVEN T'hen ' Don't wae, sometimes read in . Our newspapers of men or women | ® who hoard money in their homes, vand thieves do break in and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE weal? What was Christ's teaching on FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST EAST this subject? But lay up for Bronch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Sc yourselves treasures in hesyen, ass in Boston, Massachuseits se neither moth nor rust doth -- ghee and where thieves do | SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11 00 AN vy *not break through nor steal. For SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJEC : fwhere your treasure is, there ANCIENT AND MODERN NECROMANCY, ALIAS will your heart be also." --Mat-| \ESAMERISM AND HYPNOTISM, DENOUNCED 7 pM Yew 6: 15:21 " Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes Christ toes Hot say X a testimonials of healing through Christian Science bi comm h 3 . which He is here appealing is READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE " ass 1 SSes- Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m that of *he passion for posses y 3 ri ih sion," writes G. Campbell Mor- Tuesday end Thursday 2: p.m. to 4:30 p gan in Peloubet's Select Notes. | EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS | * The worldly man thinks he himself holds these things but] the Christian starts by saying Ji OSHAWA GOSPEL MISSION || --- 10:00 A am not the possessor of these - things, 1 merely have them on lease and they do not really be- long to me. I' cannot take my wealth with me, 1 cannot take my gifts with me In a sense all these things are given to me, but 1 am a custodian of these things ONE WEEK ONLY Side se And at once the great quesiton n is ow ca I use these MR BAKER J. JOYCE of henge io the glory of God? - HEAR 5 > Ned 74 Study ord Prave Tuesday SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD : / A 4 A Wednesday, 8:00 P.M --Prayer and Praise Meetin MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, B wife of Pastor C. D. Baker Listen to Family Hour CKLB Dial 1350, 10:30 p.m. Sunda ® ROBERTSON : A y ) 0 5 p ind [ ORGANIST -- MR, J. R. ROBERTSON HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL em ite da from the Stratford Revival Centre EES a 9: H -- BYNG VEN E 30 end 11:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL STAL Chicago's Greatest Spiritual Warkshop 11:00 AM "THE CHURCH" PENTECO : M.-- CHURCH Tues / MAY 31st to Fri. at 8 p m, Baby-sitting by the Come Double Club Diol RA 5-1318 INCLUDING SUNDAY, MAY Sth 2:30 P.M.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS 11 AM. and 7 PM. NO EVENING SERVICE the 'co FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB MUSICAL PROGRAM HOLINESS MEETING EVANGELISTIC RALLY Fireside Fellowship Cake School and Bible HOME LEAGUE 11:00 AM 7.00 PM 8:30 PM SUNDAY REMEMBERING THE M LORD" 2:00 NOON-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Cutting of the Anniversary 7.00 PM NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Toronte 2:00 PM Cla Sunday 2:30 PM es p.m Bible Meeting ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH O people of God! The trainer of ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Streets BA, LTh ASCENSION HOLY COMMUNION MORNING PRAYER -- REV. D EVENING PRAYER -- REV, ( 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 PM EVANGELISTIC SERVI 10:00 AM tLNDAY SCHOOL to announce thot nventior os eo se who could not We are happ jreat success ond we express our apologie : get into the building the world is justice for it con 9:50 PM sists of two pillars, reward and retribution. These two pillars are two fountains for the life of the for th Rev. Clinton DP. Cross, 9.00 AM 11:00 AM 7.00 P.M TRANT CROSS people of the world. CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A, Minister Mr K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster EVERYONE WELCOME Information Write: -- SHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY Phone RA 5.7578 For Further R King Street Pentecostal Chure REV, 1. M. McKNIGHT CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillcroft Streets Ven. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone §5- 5795 8.00 AM. -- 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 P.M. 29 Gladstone --- Rector. The 10:00 AM ---SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.-- v MORNING WORSHIP Mr. Charles Lewis, B.A. Southminster United Church YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION EVERYBODY WELCOME GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 Albert St Pastor Carl A. Kartechner SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 AM Lutheran Hour "THIS 1S THE Television FIDST BADIIST CHUDCH AT HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Court and Bafrie Streets, and Block East of Albert REV. H. 6. D. RICHEY, L.th 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 PM ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE The Rev, R. A. Sharp RA 5.7064 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM NO EVENING SERVICE UNTIL SEPT ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, S.Th 4/76 Beurling Ave. -- 8:00 AM Guest Speaker 1TAM. &7P.M; REV. GERRY MORGAN Outstanding Musician - Vocalist Dynamic Fearless Preacher 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL Transportation -- RA 5.0318 Corner & OO" HORTOP GLENWOOD x . A 7PM Re M N: Frank Swackhammaer, B A H. Phillip, Musical Director IN "apg aw AM --"0OUT OF HERE EVERYWHERE" INTO ncumbent: pr, Bsa Conpratitl THE ANNUAL Glisnd 7" BACCALAUREATE SERVICE of the Graduating Class of the Oshawa General Hospital SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. 11:00 AM.--""THE BEST THAT | CAN BE" Third Oshawe Scouts and Cubs Church Parade Broadcast over CKLB SUNDAY SCHOOL 45 a.m--Junior, Intermediate, Young People 11:00 a.m.--Infants Cared For in the Hall 11:00 a.m.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary 41H CFRB LIFE" REV. GERRY MORGAN For 7 AN am. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.--Channe 12:30 a.m. --Channel 8-10.13 Pentocostal Church Rev. Jas. Pierce, Minister -- Telephone RA 3-4477 10:00 AAM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL "IT'S 3-0-1 BEFORE WE'RE DONE" 1221 SIMCOE ST. S, Transportotion RA 5.4558 11 AM. & 7 PM: HEAR REV. WALLACE BRAGG of Spokane, Washington SERVICES NIGHTLY AT 8 PM y (EXCEPT MONDAY AND SATURDAY) WE EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION annel sini J PRT God is moving in our midst 5 with signs following PLAN TO BE The Lord is confirming Hi Priest in Charge ~11:00 AM for the 11:00 AM Bible School at 9 45% WITH US TOMORROW THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SI. PAUL'S ST. LUKE N. (four blocks from King St KING ST E. and WILSON Congregation meeting in the Adeloice Robert B. Mil MA Berek Allen, BA. 1.C.D., Minister Mclaughlin School ober roy Minister 445 Beverley -- RA 8-8014 (Stephenson Rd. N. Ressland Wast) David Jenkins. Musical Diecter Frank Walter Organist and Cholr Master REV. KENNETH J. MATTHEWS 9:30 AM CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM SERVICE 'ON DEDICATION CHURCH ARTICLES 4:00 PM COMMUNICANTS CLASS TON AM Junior Bible Class Nursery and Children's Classes Under 6 vears 7,00 PM --YOUNG PEOPLE: 245 Simcoe Street § " simecoe St The Ren Rey Mr Mr REV. MERVIN A 'BURY MA. B.D. Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams. Choir Director and Organist 9:45 CHURCH SCHOOL 11 AM Service of Ordination of Elders A Disciples IT 9.45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM "HOW MUCH MORE" Nursery and Church School Baby Creche, 11:00 AM CHORAL SERVICE Junior, Senior and Ladies' Choirs Hymns, Anthems, Solos, Duets and Organ Selec tions. All the music for this service composed by RHYDDID WILLIAMS 'outh Department 10:00 a.m SPECIAL 11:00 AM OF Question IS 7 PM AGREEMENT WITH GOD" SOUTH SUNDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL 1» MY Soloists; Mrs. G. Hawker, Mrs Osborne, Mrs. A. Thompson Miss H. Rundle, Mrs. R. Williams, Mr. F. Densham Mr. E. Luke, Mrs. D. Allmar Conductor of Jumor Choir ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT CHOOL Mi R. Williom THE FRIENDLY FAMIL A Cordial Invitation te All HURCH

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