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The Oshawa Times, 28 May 1960, p. 8

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TO BE WED NEXT MONTH an- Mar- Mr. The engagement is nounced today of Miss garet Sara Dancey and Robert Grant Aldsworth, The bride-to-be is the daughter of * Mr. and Mrs. John Gardener Talk On CAC Features Meeting Golden Jubilee Ch. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 | | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 28, 1960 | Graduation Festivities Snowball As Big Day tor Nurses Approaches This week has seen the begin- Mr. and Mrs. George Stone, Osit-| ning of a round of festivities|@Wa boulevard north; Audrey ; : |Marie Vail, daughter of Mr, and| honoring the graduating class of ly "x "Ww Vail. Nassgu street; | the Oshawa General Hospital, Barbara Shirley Dobroshinsk On Tuesday the 33 nurses were daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John the guests of the Women's Auxil-{Dobroshineky, ER 3, Courtice i i N saild | ose from out of town are: iary al a luncheon at The Guild Ruth Irene Brown, Peterborough: Inn. Last evening at a dinner Maureen Allison Coulter, Lind- and dance in St. Gregory's audi- say; Frances Yvomne Curlette, torium they were honored by the Picton; Norma Elaine Dyke, Alumnae Association of the alma Jamaica, B.W.I.; Dorothy May mater. Fraleigh, Bloomfield; Meta Mary On Sunday evening a bacca- Unetuey, Hloomiieia; Peggy laureate service will be held in" : AT . the First Baptist Church and the day Marsaret Martin, Se graduating nurses and their 5: °° pn ky | friends will be the guests of the Picton; cartle Ape Osbotie, [Women's Auxiliary in McLaugh-|pepcvile; Mary Jane Patton, i {Cobourg ; Florence Geraldine lin Hall afterwards. ; | Quinn, Toronto; Mary Margaret An afternoon tea in McLaughlin g, ceell, Ajax; Barbara Elin Tur- Hall for the graduates with moth- pin, Bloomfield; Dorothy Cathe- ers and friends has been ine Van der Bent, Richmond arranged by the head nurse staff pi) nurses will entertain their fa- thers at a Father and Daughter be held in the O'Neill Collegiate Pleasant Mon. on Friday evening, June 3 at for next Tuesday, May 31 and in CLUB CALENDAR banquet at the Flying Ditchman. 8.30 and a reception for relatives TUESDAY Dancey and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Grant Aldsworth, all of Osh- awa. The marriage will take place in St. Andrew's United Church on Wednesday, June 29. --Photo by Rupert Aldsworth PERSONALS Prior to her marriage this af- ternoon to Mr. Gordon Lloyd | is the daughter of Mr, Walter Dowe and groom is the son of Mr Mrs. Thomas Willoughby of Oshawa At Northminster United Church recently Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Ernest Willoughby ex- changed nuptial vows, The for- mer Miss Grace Marilyn Dowe, the evening the graduating The graduation exercises will MONDAY Aft, Club Photo by WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY ° and Mrs the bride- , all Ireland ha HEARTY EATING | HOUSEHOLD HINT |Shirley Hutcheon | Melton Mowbray in Leicester-) Never put articles containing 4 shire, England, has long been foam rubber in a clothes dryer Feted Bride-Elect {noted for pork pies and Stilton'as # might damage the appli- Miss Shirley Ann Hutcheon| cheese. ance. whose marriage to Mr. Edward | EW Harry Gilroy took place this after- noon in St. George's Anglican] {Church has been entertained at| several pre-nuptial events, Mrs. Dennis Parfitt, RR 2 Osh- |awa, enfertained at a kitchen and | |pantry shower. She was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Aubrey Hurst, Grierson street. The Eva Alexander Group of St. Stephen's United Church WA arranged a shower in the Church | (hall. The gifts included a bridge set, pottery dish. electric fry pan and a cup and saucer. Miss Hutcheon was also enter- tained at a dinner held at Sandal- weod resaurant, afterwards at the home of Mrs. Meredith Jones, | Rosedale avenue, when she was | presented with an oil painting. From the group committee of the 5th Oshawa Cub Pack of which she is the Akela, the bride- elect received a pair of matching table lamps and from the 5th-B Cub Pack she received a set of six sterling silver "wolf cub" cof- fee spoons and a pottery vase and dish, THE Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING Present Its ANNUAL RECITAL y, June 10th, 1960 7:30 P.M. ~ Frida bh) O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute CHILDREN 25¢ HOUSEHOLD HINT Arrange your clothes closet so you can find things easily. Put skirts together, blouses, | dresses, etc. Then sort each group by color. ADULTS 50c and Thomas, June Aileen Miller was follow in Lawn Cemetery in memory of a Class Re-Unions For OGH Graduates and friends will the SA Home League Hospital Cafeteria 0 hrist Church WA Members of the graduating Canadian Legion Aux. deceased member, Joanne Tim- mins Crouch. A family picnic will follow at Mrs. Walter Johnson, president entertained at a cup and saucer of the Oshawa Branch of the Ca- shower when Mrs. Stanley Fudge rs was hostess at her home on King! Holy Trinity WA Association of Consume was the guest speaker at the regu- lar meeting of the Golden Ju- vilee Chapter IODE held recent- ly at Adelaide House In her talk Mrs. Johnson said that formerly the father of the household did all the buying but now that the wife had taken over she must take the responsibility seriously and know how to buy economically. The housewife must acquaint 'herself with products nadian and prices and being a member porders of the Canadian Association this. By supporting the CAC she conl¢ get information on new products, and see that all prod- vets were properly graded, in-|C spected and labeled. The CAC was ( also working toward a forward stating of fact tising and the abolishment trading stamps Mrs. Johnson by Mrs. A. W R. C. Day thanked her The regent, Mrs. J. E ton, presided and the minutes t were read by Miss Evelyn Tur ner, secretary treasurer's repert was gi Mrs. E. R. Munday, tre The reg of ( was introduced |! Banfield and Mrs. ¢ Hough- ¢ and Mrs. W D Burns, immigration and citizen- ship convener, attended the re- ception given by the Lt -Governor and Mrs. J. Keiller Mackay May 16. It was held in the Lt.- Governor's Suite at Park, Toronto, mark ship week Mrs. F. E. Turney made an appeal on behalf of the cerebral palty school for a piece of equip- ment that was needed and the members agreed supply the school with this Fducational John Vivash the Chapter's adopted thanking the members for par- cels sent 'previously. The Osh- awa Girl Guide Association re quested a piece of equipment for the new camp they expect to open this year. It was decided that an outside flag and the equipment necessary for raising and lower- ng it be donated on behalf of the Chapter Mrs. William Lock gave a re- port on the spring rummage sale. Mrs. Edward Bind, con vener for the fall dance, held a discussion with regard to the dance and many members offer- ed suggestions. Mrs, Bind and her committee will announce further decisions at the June picnic SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT and Mrs, John Dancey announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Margaret Sara, to Mr. Robert Grant Aldsworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Grant Aldsworth, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Wednesday, June 29, at 7 pam. in St Andrew's United Church, Oshawa ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Clifford Stillman of Oshawa announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Joan, to Mr. Mancel Henry Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs Henry W. Davis of Quebec. The marriag place at St Church on Saturday, June 25 3 pm. to citizen- to item secretary Mrs from schools read letters Mr Gardener AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Earle Sandford, 873 Masson street, will be at home to their relatives and friends on Saturday, June 4 from 3to5 and 7 to 9 pm. on the occasion of their 25th wedding an- niversary ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Valere Ve of Whithy wish to announ engagement their Rita Jenny, to Mr of Whitby. The marriage is to place at St. John the Evan- golist Church, Whitby, on Satur- day, June 25 of daughter, Carl H. Wels tak ake AIR TIGHT Frozen foods must sealed in moisture containers and w the moisture say Ontario Department of culture specialists, be tightly vapor - proo appers to keep and the air ou Agri A Of time viewing the hostess' exten- Consumers could aid her in doing sive garden and kennels at Rouge straight- W in adver- Pellow ( ( giving reports and joining a panel Irene Boes and Miss Ruth Brook- ing attended the annual tion of Ontario Library tions this week On| Department to send in any little Queen's surprise parties, showers versaries and comings and goings are always very the h class are as follows: 1 Lr TOPS Club joy RR 2. From Oshawa and district: | A "a : Margaret Sylvia Canning, daugh- Mu-Phi-Mu Chapter ter of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Can- WEDNESDAY ning, Division street; Donna Jane| =~ . Chamberlain, daughter of Mr. Northminster WA and Mrs. John W. Chamberlain, |Lend-a-Hand Club Churchill avenue; . Lillian Joy Queen Mary Lodge Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mus. |All Doubles Club George Ford, Huron street; San- Rundle Park Aux, dra Gail Fraser, daughter of Mr,|Holy Trinity WA and Mrs, W. H. Fraser, Somer. Harmony WA ville avenue; Beverly Carole 10th Sap Commitee Grant, daughter of Mrs. Haroid|%00 STOMP COBO tee Grant, Athol street east; Bar Y » a Eileen Hartley, daughter of Mr, | Ukrainian B and P Aux. street west. Mrs. Clifford Howarth assisted. Also entertaining was Mrs. Kenneth Diaz at a miscel- laneous shower at her home on Evangeline drive. She was as- sisted by Mrs. William Ross and Mrs. John Bint Mrs. John Daniell-Jenkins was hostess to the Garden Study Group of the Oshawa University Women's Club on Wednesday I'he members discussed annual and spent a pleasant Graduation time brings in its Oshawa. The train class re-unions. At the ban- quet last night given by the Alumnae Association of the Osh- awa General Hospital the class of 45 held its 15th anniversary reunion and the class of '50 its 10th The class of 1950 is carrying the celebration over today. Meet- ing for luncheon at the hospital cafeteria the members will take tertained at tea today a tour of the hospital afterwards home of Miss Mary Wilkins, and then take flowers to Mount | Lane Apartments. scerap-book. including = Mrs North Vancouver, Esther Matheson, sary Chatt, Miss Bay, and Mrs miskaming, Quebec, After Hill ome of Mrs. Murray Mount- has also prepared a biographical Twelve out of 14 of the class of '45 gathered for the 15th anmiver- Virginia North Corinne Alp, Te- ing the hospital they will be en- at class B.C. tour- the Park and Mrs, L. Hartley, Mary street. THURSDAY Dianna Marjory i daughter of Mrs. Valentine Ivan-| 4, Group Committee off, Dunkirk avenue; Edna Ann jo} "goout Mothers' Aux. Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.'g;nheam Chapter, OES Edward Jones, East Glen drive; |g; George's Eve, WA Kathleen Ruth Keenan, daughter Happy Doubles' Club of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keenan, | pilot Club Colborne street east; Marylin Calvary Baptist WMS Theresa Kelly, daughter of Mr.|Simcoe Street WMS and Mrs. P. J. Kelly, Wilson road Christ Church Eve. Guild south; Adela Bernice Labus, St. George's Aft. WA daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Challenger Group Labus, Olive avenue; Bonnie King Street WMS Jean Mary Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everette Long, FRIDAY Wilson road. south. Christ Church Aft, Aux. Mrs. G. K., Drynan, president »f the University Women's Club f Oshawa and district, with Mrs J. Salter and Miss Margaret is attending the Regional "onference, Eastern Ontario, "FUW, at Belleville. Miss Pellow s taking part in a panel on High- r Education and Mrs. Drynan is Ivanoff, 54 50 C1uh FURS... FREE ESTIMATES! ! liscussion on French in Elemen- ary Schools Miss Abbott Charlotte Miss 26 Simcoe S, "FUR SALON" conven- Associa- Repaired ® Remodelied ® Restyled Fashion Village RA 5-2722 held in London, Ontario,' Sheila Marie Manual, daughter Simcoe Street WA (Grp 3) of Mr. and Mrs, W, F. Manuel, | -- te Gladstone avenue; Dianne Noma Spencer, daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Spencer, Division street; Barbara Joan Stacey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. | Lo ' sis Stacey, Park road south; Geor- 2) JAR AY | Your ¢ ARET LS... You are invited by the Social tems of interest. News of teas, anni- acceptable and is no charge. telephone RA for which there gina Loraine Stone, daughter of | Please write or 3-3474, local 18. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCaffrey and 'daughters Catherine, Pat- ricia and Teresa of Elgin street east, with Mrs. Carmel Hamlyn spent an enjoyable Victoria Day weekend in Rochester, N.Y. as guest's of singer Ray Price and family Nashville, Tennessee. was headlined by Ray Price for whom Mr, and Mrs. McCaffrey operate a fan club. With Mr. Price the show consisted of top artists such as singers Johnny Horton, Stonewall Jackson, Wil- ma Lee and Stoney Cooper, | Grandpa Jones, Mac Wiseman | and Minnie Pear], all recording || artists. from the "Grand Ole While there they attended a bene-| Opry" in Nashville, and "The || fit show for cerebral palsy staged Louisiana Hayride", Shreveport, by the Lalla-Rookh Grotto which Louisiana. 7 Glecoff SUPER MARKET Thrift Corners 174 Ritson At Eulalie Specials For Mon., Tues. and Wed. GLECOFF Supermarker WHY DOES YOUR FUR COAT CHANGE COLOR AFTER CLEANING? Your winter coat had been cleaned, stored at home, then when you wanted GOLDEN RIPE to wear it, it had changed color in several places. It was not improper handling BANANAS NO. 1 QUALITY 2 - 29+ BUTTER FIRST GRADE " 64° EGGS GRADE A LARGE 39+ BREAD CHRISTIES 33¢ on your drycleaners part that caused your coat to fade. The damage was caused by 'fume fading". This occurs when certain types of dyes in certain types of materials are subjected to combustion of gases in the atmosphere. These oxides of nitrogen are in the air whenever gas, oil or coal are burned for heating and cooking. DOZEN SLICED LOAVES FOR SAFE KEEPING, PLACE ALL YOUR OUT-OF-SEASON GARMENTS IN STORAGE WITH YOUR CLEANER. DON'T PUT IT OFF, DO IT TODAY! Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERER'S INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) and CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS, LTD. HARWOOD CLEANERS, AJAX GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS ALDSWORTH CLEANERS BROOKSIDE 2 POTATO CHIPS ,. 15° BEEF BOLOGNA "°., 29° MARGARINE 2 ." 57¢ SKIM MILK ... 26° BOXED PLANTS "<> 39+ RENNIES SEEDS 12 , 51 OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. SKIM MILK FROM IDEAL DAIRY LIMITED Mom has . .. No Mixing... No Mussing IT'S DELIVERED RIGHT TO THE DOOR IN THE POPULAR QUART AND HALF GALLON PURE-PAK THROW AWAY CONTAINERS REDUCED PRICES ON THE HALF GALLON BULK PURCHASE CONTACT OUR ROUTE SALESMEN Phone RA 8-6241

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