S50---Articles for Sale [SOUSEX aud Hawkes afXophions, lke new, FRIGIDAIRE Shisha mew unit, also other household items, Sl"in good condition, sel reasonable THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Mey 30, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from P. 47--Automobiles For Sale re For Sale *s8 METEOR automatic, radio, power |'5t 15 HP Outboard motor, cruise a day steering, Take tank in perfect condition. Apply 79 older car on trade. RA 8-1716. Brock West. "80 FORD four-door, automatic V8, low [SEWING machine Singer, portable, |® radio, tires, from $25 mileage, , Dew electric, RA 86803 between 12 to 7 p.m. up. RA 52591. evaifion, black | peppy repairs of pasty ine washers, dp motors | ¥ $5 to $10, guaranteed radio, {washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241. tar win Sibasi Havatian sles b The venture is being launched 8 Juiak, Spier, matic tires 95 new. |by Sparks Street businessmen in EE ne Sonirolled partnership with the city and will . (brand new. RA 5.5125, have a summer-long audition, RIGHEST prices pad for used Farol. equip The mall--purists prefer to call ture, Sis i an og mg Contact| Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. it an open-air pedestrian prome- iii Ble RA S111. BOAT, motor and trailer, reasonable. nade -- will open in mid-May RA 8-5810. along three blocks of Sparks Street that will be closed to traf- fic for a period of 3% months, The city and the Sparks Street t Assoni ev ion, a bus- pig a5 ol unig fo be seen io |Inessmen's group, are splitting 8. ap Phone RA (the $30,000 cost of turning the 5- A street into a carefree, car-free CABIN cruiser, 31 ft. complete on trall- but not complaint-free garden er, 100 horse motor, excellent condition. Apply George A. for Laing, Orono, Ont. Phone 34 R 12, TRAFFIC PROBLEM 15, BOAT, 1959, 35 HP Evinrude motor.| piremen wonder about having to run an obstacle course of end, 8 by 5. Ar Ny or Sia potted Plants to aneWer an alarm. N dios, wide range Police traffic control sees pos- B. 7. GOODRICH Siores -- fires, bat of am po baierien for si makes sible nightmares in rerouting the hs » f transistor radios. Me: LR 100 buses an hour carried by isi rifty Budget Plan. RA 54543. | TOS ny Eudgst Flan, Ba S4503./ctrect Went, east-west Sparks Street in peak periods, TELEVISION sets for rent; also radios, sun lamps and record players. Meagh- FINDLAY-. Apartment sis kerry duly ors § King West: RA 3B atic timer. Like new. Reduced| There are arguments that the BOATS, motors and trailers, new and |price, Phone RA 5-8240. between Elgin and Bank streets is fine for shopping and strolling but no benefit to SX a Rr pe -- APPLIANCES 300 Resolutions At Legion Meet budget. See Dominion Tire Store, Church and Bond 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE Brooks was the speaker at this morning's session. KEEP your Savcimiat dry with a de- humidifier from Parkway TV. 918 SALES AND SERVICE Domestic ond Commercial In the executive's resolutions list is one asking delegates to ex- Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3043. RA 5-5332 di; e at the govern Ottawa Will See Sparks Street Mall | [abeolutely new face with sand busy tidi that haven't been touched for half a century and merchants gener- ally sprucing up their establish- | ments. Traffic will be halted from 6 p.m. Saturday, May 14, to Sept. 3. A new asphalt coat will be laid over the entire surface area be-| tween sidewalks--to cover street- car tracks no longer in use--and | the covering will get a painted pattern which the arc architectural | firm in charge says will be re- strained but cheerful, FASHION SHOWS A special-events platform will be built for fashion shows and the like. Colorful canopies will open from the shops and sidewalk cafes onto the painted street, There will be a tourist informa- tion booth, a fountain, benches) for lounging and a play area for children. . An initial planting of 10,000 tulips is planned and more than 50 trees will be accommodated in' concrete pots. The national capital commission is providing the greenery. The decision to give the mall a try was made after Ottawa mer- chants travelled to Toledo to study the elaborate mall set up in the Ohio city, face-lifting as a result of the con- vention. The emphasis has been placed on more legion participa- tion in community projects. While members feel there is stil much to be done (0 heal mental, Sloan and financial wounds of both world wars, they think more can be spent on com- munity projects. The 240,000 members in 2,000 communilies have an annual dues premio of $1,500,000 to work GIBSON Snowbird, upright deep freeze six months old. MO 83-5201 days only. ELECTRIC rasor suv, heads, cords, ete., (people doing business at banks or insurance offices. No locations have been found nearby for use as parking areas and, for all its mixed bag of ing|stores, the area has no shops for buying the family groceries. North-south O'Connor and Met- calfe streets, which cut across Sparks in the promenade area, will remain open to traffic al- though merchants had hoped to have them closed. OUTDOOR CAFES Businessmen say their drive to stimulate downtown commerce with open-air restaurants, shade trees and gay colors deserves support and that the experiment shouldn't be shrugged off as hanging tinsel on a tombstone, "No panic button was pushed," said D. M. McClymont, manager of the Board of Trade, "but there was a realization that something should be done as a reminder that there is a pretty fine shop- ping area in downtown Ottawa." The case for civic participa- tion was presented at a board of control meeting by Alderman Don Armstrong. "After all, $1,000,000 in taxes a year are collected in those three blocks and, against that, $15,000 isn't such g large figure." FRESH FACADES Sparks Street is taking on an By DAVE STOCKAND Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- The Sparks any bedroom |Street Mall, a pilot plan for com- batting suburban shop centres, will be strutted out soon in di Ottawa. $ King SELLING furniture? Well buy it. Re- {rigerators, TV's, washers, planos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131, BENDIX and ily washer, power k the |m! and mower, electri Brooder and 1 Frigidaire and on | Hotpoint stove, etc. MO 8-2785. WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard. ware, 8 Church, RA 3-7624. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. All teed. gloss. colors. Guarani Flat, Electric, 8 12 FT. Keencraft moulded plywood boat, 15 HP Mereury motor, Tes Nee used one for quick sale. "OL'S This is a view of the Villa and Church Street. RA 3-7624. SPECIAL 21' cabin cruiser, 100 H.P. motor and trailer. condition. Apply George A, Loring | Orono 34R12. o A- Phone RA 5-1834 or 114 Colborne Street East. 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 51181. lama of Haiti in the Carib- The Roman Catholic ci holds two three-day re- Family Planning For Indian Cows NEW DELHI (Reuters)--India is working on a scheme of "fam- ily planning" for cows to reduce the number of unwanted cattle in the country. The program is to be carried out through the mass castration of scrub bulls and the mass ster- ilization of unfit cows. Of the 200,000,000 cattle and buffalo in India, it is estimated at least 40,000,000 are useless. These are milch cattle which have gone dry through under- Jour} h t draht bullocks unfit or cart or plow, or stray and General Vanier applauded the |yilq cattle, They roam the coun- legion's growing interest in in com-|grocide ravaging crops, or wan- HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE -UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 CLEAN CARS WANTED CIA TN] "mE ER 2.Unfasten 25, Cry of 3. Pilfering pain 4. Playing card 26. Com- &. Period of yeu time (abbr,)» po 6. Fodder vats (abbr) SEIN E 7. Number De- vl 8.TV's Mr. Garroway 9. Afresh 10. Withered (var.) + 14, Cinchony 16. Smell 20, A sunk fence 22, Islands off Florida 24. Canadian city ACROSS 1. Vigorous 6. Carbonated drinks 11. Come in 12, silly 18. Solar disk 14, Talented 15. By way of 16. Exclamae tion 17. Female sheep 18. Pikelike fish 19. Platter 21. Sacred picture (var.) 23. Andy's NU-WAY Rug Co. has been appointed distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum. RA 8-401 BOAT, motor and trailer, In perfect condition, fully equipped. Phone RA 8-0798. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. 21' colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware aug Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3-762 TOP PRICES PAID LIENS PAID OFF |G vi sige Br SE own Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe Sou! TRADE UP OR DOWN RCA VICTOR stero record players, By HARRY CALNEK Canadian Press Siafi Writer WINDSOR (CP) -- About 1,300 delegates get down to b here today in the 18th biennial convention of Dominion Com- mand, Canadian Legion. SALE SALE SALE Kitchen Chairs, $5; Tables, sizes and colors at your re- quirement; Coffee Tables, $12.95; Step Tables, $12.95; ckname 33. Diminishes 43, Particle | 85, Passageway of addition 86, Comrades 44. Friar's title 87. Guns 46, Siberian 38, True gulf press ment's failure to amend the Pea |" sion Act. 3 Wilbak Motors $49.95. Terms arranged. Meagher's 5 137 KING W. RA 5-0732 50--Articles for Sale TENTS, leeping bags and camping equipment, best selection, easy terms. Dominion Tire Store. 48 Bond West. King Street West, Tel hes, $11.95; Sephorie Benches, 3 The convention, celebrating its Trailer with licence and lifebelts. Phone MOhawk trols. $550 or best offer, 8-3995, 12' BOAT, molded plywood pace ship, all hardware, centre deck and fins. 18-harsepower Evinrude motor and con- Chrome Rocking Chairs, $15; Reclining Chairs, 3-piece Sectional V2-Sofa, curved cen- tre; Rugs: 4 x 6, $14; 6 x 9, $24; 9 x 12, $55; Kit- 35th anniversary, was officially opened Sunday by Governor-Gen- |, eral Gerges Vanier. More than 300 resolutions deal- ing with government legislation now. Take advantage of one of the fine business opportunities advertised today in The Oshawa Times Classified Sec- boo FIVE only complete outfits, new, 1959 THI 35 hp Merc. electric motors, 15 molded plywood boats and trailer, com- Tooms of furniture only $299. EE ft. This. includes chesterfield and chair, chrome set, bedroom suite, mattress, OWN your own business! Get started chen Chairs recovered, $3. AT... HONEST MIKE'S at Unbelievable Prices 184 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH will be submitted to delegates in the next five days. Most of today's sessions was expected to be taken up with the report of the consiitution and laws committee, which had a long list of resolutions. The resolution quotes Mr, Brooks as saying in March, 1959, that the government would go munity affairs and urged them to expand their work, "You are the backbone of this " |country," he said He was made an honorary life ber of the legion. no action would be taken on the act at this siting. The convention will be asked to approve a resolution calling for youth training in militia units. This will be backed by another Eight Busts |der the lanes of city and village. The amount of fodder in the | country is sufficient to give ade- |quate "nourishment to only half the existing cattle population. As a result, almost all cattle are un- derfed, and the average milk yield per cow is only one pint a day, compared with 15 pints in other countries. Attempts to round up unwanted cattle in "gosadans'--homes for partner 27. British commander (1775) 80. Carousal 81. Lima or string 82. Aquatic bird 34, Scotch cap 37. Constellae tion 40. Skill #1, Narrow inlet spring, step and coffee table, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down delivers! "Guaranteed Best Value!" Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. plete $1099.00 each. One only to a cus- tomer. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Slreet West, GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. re] resolution asking the government to restore financial grants fo) mili'ia units. Delegates will be asked also to approve a resolution urging the federal government to amend the Criminal Code permitting sweep- stakes and games of chance by any chartered organization in community and welfare services. COMMUNITY WORK Legion activities may get a Or Call RA 8-6053 between 7 - 9 p.m. REFRIGERATOR in good 51--Swap and Barter cube feet. RA 5-5352. ONE gas, one electric stove, two-inch Two table lamps and 1 Trilite $59.85/8as pump, sump pumps, pressure sys- value, for only 5c with the purchase of [tems. three-piece modern bath sets, any chesterfield over $149, Our 5th|$70; pipe and fittings; lawn mowers; Anniversary Special! Barons' Home outboard motors, boats, office gas F 424 Simcoe Street South.|heater, cash register, Trade or terms. H. Chinn, 288 Hillside, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, brushes, guaran- 52 Legal Notices pa teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- I will not be responsible for any debts my wife (Daphne V. Ibbit- vice, RA 8-0591 anytime. by AWNINGS, plain colors or gay ives, son), May as, 1960. -- William Ibbitson. Prompt service. Free now for early delivery, Chair and Gabie rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cemt down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511 FOR a dry basement, rent an Oasis These remarkable ma- chines will remove gallons of water daily from your basement. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. 1960 GALE outboard motors, nine GUITAR, Gibson electri nd ampli. models, 3 to 60 h.p. at bargain prices . gr pi from $11995 up. Cy Preece Garage, fier, price new, $240, sellin $185. 122" Allan Street, Whitby, 07 p.m. Outward Sales, Saivise sua Rebalts Glids vel 'erdun Road. BED- chesterfield and malching chair, | span" AYenUe an Juntin FiYiie extension Wille, match, CEE Ties mow Bi aon 30 S00. i hai rous , BE Jus chain aid ame 0 8. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 85-4543, articles. RA 5-31 FIBREGLASS your wooden boat for carefree boating or we will do the job for you. We carry a complete line | materials, plus easy to follow nstrue. | tions. Sportsman's Carne, 105 Byron | Street South, 8.9 CUBIC ft. Na Iai, auto- mat.c defrost. Call RA 8-6189. TELEVISION aerial, all channel, months old, $25. Phone RA 8.0917. SMASH savings on floor coverings! of last year's patterns. Many Cenran: designs for home and cottage. Reduced for quick sale, 25c per foot. Harding heavy quality broadloom, rub- berized back and moth proof, six decor- ator colors, large 9 x 12 size. Very special price $79.50. Ends of wall cover- ings, clear out price, 37c per foot. W! son's Furniture, 20 Church Street. SALE Aluminum Products of the best - quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Dounble hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 aged cows--have failed and those who advocate mass slaughter of useless cattle have been routed by the vast majority of devout Hindus who revere the livestock. ind Iv) Big Job For Sculptor ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--For the next two years Hans Melis, Dutch-born sculptor, will be busy working on eight busts of past prime ministers of Newfoundland for the new federal building in St. John's: | Since other sculptors already have completed eight of the I busts required, Mr, Melis unhap- pily is forced to follow the same! style. But because he likes to eat, and earns barely enough to sub- sist from his job as teacher at the | Newfoundland Academy of Art, | he has grudgingly agreed to sub- | merge his own distinctive style | for this project. Unmarried, he lives in a| cramped third - floor apartment overlooking the harbor. There, in his studio, he turns out sculptures | the way he thinks they should be created, "'starkly beautiful, shorn of all , unnecessary lines and curves," as one critic has said. Born in Tilburg, Holland, Hans worked and studied in Dresden and Munich, It was while he was teaching at the Vri) Academie in The Hague that he became ac- quainted with Reg Shepherd of {he Newfoundland Academy of He came to St. John's with lil in 1958. Besides sculpture, he has pro- duced murals, one of which dec- orates the wall of the General Hospital here and has evoked considerable comment. His work has been shown in Montreal art shows and has won one award and several honorable mentions. Doctor Moore Well Off Pace TCPEKA, Kan. (AP)--Finally admitting that it is impossible for | her to reach New York by June 10, Dr. Barbara Moore still plan- ned to resume her coast-to-coast hike today. The British physician covered only 30 miles Sunday instead of the more than 100 miles her Di C d Pr David L, Burgess of Ottawa was to deliver his presidential address this aerial photographer during the First World War, was elected to his first two-year term in 1956, He has not indicated whether he will run for the post again. HEAR MINISTER Veterans Affairs Minister Civil Service May Have Pitfalls By J.C. GRAHAM dian Press Corr 42. Deposit again $4. A gab ceenes 45. Pine Tree State 46. Silk veil (eccl) 47. Snow vehicles 18, Large bundles DOWN 1. Depart NO VOLUNTEERS LYMINGE, England (ZP)-- This Kent village will lose its \fire brigade because none of the {residents are prepared to join. For three years the village has had only five villagers acting as part-time firemen, and only one lof these was on duty during the daytime. i fa NEW tenor, Waverly Street, RA 8-0316. ELECTRIC cream separator, in good Fred Sch Road North of Airport. LAWNCHAIRS 's chairs with tables, lawnswings, picnie tables ge. custom made. 248 Cordova Road --_-- "Immediate inquiries are invited for the demoli- tion of a residence in the City of Oshawa, Contact Thomas M. Rundle, 8-1763 New Chapter For Rangers Of Sarawak By FREDERICK COLEMAN KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters)-- A new chapter has opened in the history of the Sarawak Rangers, the fierce jungle warriors from Borneo who first fought for Sir Charles Brooke, the White Rajah "lof Sarawak, in_ 1846. A unit of these Iban tribesmen, direct descendants of headhunt- ers, has been integrated into the British Army and in future will be available for service any- where in the world. The present unit, engaged in tracking down Communist terror- ists in Malaya's jungles, is only 97 strong. But it is backed by 800 reservists in the British col- ony of Sarawak, LEGENDARY TRIBE The bravery, skill and ferocity of these tattooed tribesmen has become a legend in the Malayan campaign, as elsewhere. They CONSUL model may TV, Al condition, $65. RA FOUR . burner EE, heavy duty stove, automatic timer, Queen electric sewing machine, portable, with attach. ments. Apply 114 Street, iby. MM Brownie movie outfit, contains Hts and bar camera, projector screen anc tripod. Telephone MO 8-5382. against appointment of an out- sider, and in this case appeals were lodged. In such circum- stances, it must be proved that the outsider is "in great degree' more suitable than the appel- lants, or he loses the position. APPEAL WINS POST That. happened in McDonald's case. A public servant, J. P. Cos- tello, won an appeal. An employee of the industries and commerce department for 27 years, Cos- tello was assistant trade commis- sioner in Montreal from 1952 to 1956. By winning the appeal, he automatically won the Hong Kong post and ousted McDonald, The appeal board apparently held that Costello's previous serv- |ice in a trade post, together with his academic qualifications and commercial experience, out- weighed McDonald's knowledge of the Far East, its people and its languages. McDonald was left without a job and without claim to p sation from the government, It was suggested he was hasty in resigning his job. But once he had been announced as appointee to a government post, the news- paper went ahead and filled his job anyway. The appeal procedure is de- signed to protect public serv- ants against political = appoint- ments being made over their heads. Widespread demands now Rank C AUCKLAND (CP) -- New Zea- land has just had a sharp warn- ing of the pitfalls in the way of anyone who seeks to break into the closely-guarded ranks of its civil service. The hard luck story of a man who tried has raised a general outcry, but the public service is fighting back to protect its rights and privileges. The case arose when the gov- ernment announced with a flour- ish that it had decided to open a trade mission at Hong Kong and! had appointed J. F. McDonald as trade commissioner. FAR EAST EXPERT McDonald is a New Zealand newspaper man who for 10 years was Far East correspondent of the London Daily Mail and one of the best known reporters of Far Eastern affairs. For some years he had been editor of the Bay of Plenty Times, a flourish- ing New Zealand daily. Stressing the importance of the new post as a key to Far East- ern trade, Commerce Minister Holloway said McDonald was fa- miliar with the economies of countries of the area, had con- siderable experience with offi- | cials, business men and commun- ity leaders and was well known in several Far East capitais. McDonald resigned his editor- ship and prepared to leave for Hong Kong. But then snags ap- have been made that no an- peared. nouncement of appointments be Public service regulations per-|made until positions have been mit any civil servant to appeal!finally determined. THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 'THE WESTERLY FEEDER MAIN AND BOOSTER PUMPING STATION Boat, Motor and Trailer Excellent for family. 17' cedar strip, beautiful hand- rubbed mahogany finish, 25 h.p. and accessories, good as new. 61 SANDRA ST. W. ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO L 5-3641 six FOOD AND, FREEZER PLAN Complete lines of meats and groceries. Savings of up to 30%. Let us prove to you as we have to thousands of others how we can save the cost of the freezer with our proven plan. Canadian man- ufactured freezers, guaran- teed by Good- Housekeeping. Government inspected meats, Well known branded pro- ducts, all part of our plan Sealed tenders addressed to the Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, 100 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario, will be received until 12 o'clock noon, E.D.S.T., on Thursday, June 16th, 1960, for the construction of the westerly feeder main and a booster pumping station. Once a year clearance of TV floor samples, limited quan- tity, also radio and record players, at prices to clear. PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH hednl to eat better for less. Phone RA 5.3709. No obligation. Freezers $189 up. Compare before" you buy. Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. Alex Vajda RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. BOATING SPECIAL 12-ft. fibre-glass run-a-boats. 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana dian Explorer trailer, come pletely equipped, $895. RA 3-3043 were used in early Sarawak his- tory to guard the rajah's forts All aluminum products -- Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call -- Aluma Seal Co. RA 5-9365 ANYTIME which were built to protect the rivers, along which much of Sar- awak's business flowed, from pir- ates. When the Japanese occupied Sarawak in 1942, the rangers were disbanded, but their reputa- tion as headhunters lingered, and unwary Japanese were decapi- tated by them om many occa- SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and aerial sions. When, in 1948_a state of emer- gency was vn in Malaya because of attacks by Commu- nist guerrillas, the rangers again were sent for. As civilians on six- month contracts, they acted as GAINESVILLE, Fla, (AP)-- Gulf of Mexico fishermen may be startled this summer to see tur- tles with radios and brightly-col- ored balloons on their backs. The turtles may even be star- tled themselves if they realize what's going on. What's actually going on is that Dr." Archie Carr, University of Florida biologist known as the th Biologist Seeks Facts On Green Water Turtle the basic biology of the green turtle and, as an outgrowth, at re-supplying the Caribbean with em as a source of food. He hopes that his turtle-track- ing will support the idea that turtles are in a class with birds, salmon and seals as animal nav- igators. TURTLES HELP TOO trackers for emergency forces and proved invaluable. In 1953, Field Marshal (then Turtle Man, is seeinkg further. facts on the green turtle, fast dis- FOOD PLAN THAT SAVES Government inspected Red appearing from the waters of the world BALLOON MARKERS general) Sir Gerald Templer re- organized them by agreement be- tween the British and Sarawak governments into a full - time The 2x2x3-inch radios will be the 2 would have required. She told a reporter then: "You krow I am so determined to reach New. York by June 10, yet I know common sense tells me that I couldn't possibly make it because my time is running so short now." Dr. Moore left San Francisco April 13 in an attempt to break the 77-day cross-country hiking record. Her two British rivals, Sgts Patrick Maloney and Mer- vyn Evans, who started a day ahead of Dr. Moore, are still much in line for the record, They stopped Sunday night in ih Lerox, Il, and if they keep up their present pace they could reach New York in 68 days for ,022-mile distance. held to the thick shells by screws. The reptile will oblige by coming to the surface to breath and thus poke his radio antenna above the water's surface every minute. With a directional antenna and BIG BUFFERS HEYSHAM, England (CP)-- What are claimed to be the He will bolt tiny transistor ra- world's largest and most expen- main. Plans and specifications with blank form of tender for each project may be obtained at the office of the Public Utilities Commission or at the office of Gore & Storrie Limited, Consulting Engineers, 1130 Bay Street, Toronto, on payment of a deposit by cheque in the amount of 25.00 for the booster "pumping station and 50.00 for the feeder main. Such deposits will be refunded on the return in good condition of the said plans and specifications within two weeks from the closing date of tenders. Each tender must be accompanied by a marked cheque in an amount equal to 5 per cent of the tender sum on the booster pumping station and 22 per cent on the westerly feeder RPT NY The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. radio receiver a boat as far away as 10 to 15 miles thus may keep in contact, The balloons will be at the end of long nylon lines and will be for the purpose of doube-check- ing the turtle's course. Carr hopes the balloons can be spotted at least three or four miles away. By following the radio-equipped turtles, Dr. Carr thinks he will tional Science Foundation is help- determine if they are following ing him in a continuing research the shore line or finding theif way project which he pioneered. It is|home by compass sense through aimed at getting information on|the open sea. military unit which at one point reached a strength of 2,000. dios to the backs of the turtles, tag them with helium-filled bal- loons and send them out to sea. He hopes that by folowing these marked marine troopers for long distances he will establish that the green turtle is able to [navigate long high seas journeys find its way home again to sive ship's fenders got their first laste of sea water at this Lanc-a shire seaport. They will be used by. oil tankers when transferring cargoes to smaller vessels in deep water. 13' moulded plywood boat, .p. motor, trailer, all controls and equipment, $995. While they last -- Canadian Explorer camp. trailers, com- plete. Reg. $405-$319, Trodes accepted, Terms ar- ranged. AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX Ph, WH 2-4080 ond Blue Brond beef. Com- plete line of nome brand meats, fish, poultry, grocer- ies etc. Buy in bulk and save. . with 20th CENTURY FOODS d FAIRBANKS MORSE DELUXE FREEZERS Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping All Models Available CALL NOW RA 81128 Gore & Storrie Limited, Consulting Engineers. William Boddy, Chairman. G. F. Shreve, Secretary, May 30th, 1960 STREET TRADERS LIMERICK, Republic of Ire- land (CP) -- The London-trained barrow boys of this city have been given three months to get|a oft the main streets because s can't pete with their low prices. Under a trading act the council has a right to move street traders to side roads. NO SPEEDING BLAIRMORE, Alta. (CP)--The Crowsnest Pass communities of Blairmore, Bellevue and Coleman are planning to institute radar speed controls at these spots on the Trans-Canada Highway, nest. A $29,200 grant from the Na- ---