9 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, May 30, 1960- - | night. Lift to right are: Paul, Bruce and Robin Dunn. sesh THREE YOUNG BOYS, al pre-school age, play happily in | the Toronto .Children's Aid re- | stabbed Husband Charge As Wife Killer ception centre, seemingly un aware that their mother was to death Saturday J IODE Holding 'Annual Meet By EDNA BLAKELY Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) -- A member- Highway Crashes Kill 28 People By THE CANADIAN PRESS Accidents ranging from a three- death car crash in_Ontario to a light-plane crash in Nova Scotia tock the lives of 52 Canadians during the weekend. Road acci- dens claimed 28 lives. A Canadian Press survey from 6 p.m local times Friday to mid- night Sunday showed that 16 per- sons were drowned. A fall and an electrocution in Quebec, a suffo- cation in Ontario and an acci- dental shooting in Alberta com- pleted the toll. Ontario had 17 deaths, 12 of them on the holiday-packed high- ways. A man and his 2-year-old son were drowned and two small | boys died in a fire at Dresden, | {12 miles northwest of Chatham. MANY DROWNINGS Seven of Quebec's 13 deaths were in traffic. Four were drowned. Four died on Mani- toba's roads and one was drowned. New Brunswick and Alberta each reported one traffic death and two. drownings. Saskatche- wan had three drownings. New- foundland and British Columbia each had a road death and a | drowning. | Nova Scotia had one traffic death besides the light - plane |erash which killed Halifax busi- |nessman Harold Lanigan and an employee, Ray Holland. The men were en route to a summer re- sort. Prince Edward Island was the |only province without fatalities in |the toll which includes mishaps connected with all forms of holi- day activity. TORONTO (CP)--A 84-year-old woman was stabbed to death with a butcher knife Saturday night while her three young sons| slept in the next room. Police said they entered the second-floor flat in mid-Toronto to find Mrs. Christine Dunn dying from stab wounds in her abdo- men. Nearby on the blood-spat- tered floor, police said, was sprawled her estranged husband, Ronald William Dunn, 38, of n fixed address. | Mrs. Dunn was dead on arrival | at Toronto General Hospital. Her| | uppe: single deep stomach wound and | was charged with murder. The Children's Aid Society took over care of the three children-- Paul: Bruce and Robin. They are believed to be between two and four years old. The racket of the struggle which involved two broken win- dows and roused at least one neighbor, did not wake the boys. James Follis, 35, a tenant in the building, called 'police when he heards sounds of the fight. Police found bloodstains in the| front hallway as well as in the r bedroom. The couple is husband survived surgery on a/believed from Nova Scotia. | 4p of neat 31,000 45 0! JOD® lrRIPLE FATALITY ported today by the order's or-| The Ontario dead: ganizing secretary, . G. D.| William Hunter, 38 Earl Leggett of Toronto. |Peters, 42, and Sidney Lambert, One thousdnd delegates are] ------ di hore Ju 5 e Sve otal | 5-Port Strike Close To End Daughters of the Empire na- | tional chapter of Canada. CHICAGO (AP)--The president of the International Longshore- | Public relations secretary Mrs. | |John I. Mills of Toronto said] public notice of work done in| Canada and overseas and work | during the Second World War| 1 A has shortened the name to JODE. men's Association expressed hope She said the public relations de-| partment has adopted the initials reat Lakes ports may be set- and urged members to make tled Tuesday. 51, all of Port Dover, in a double traffic accident near Port Dover Saturday. David Browning, 6, and his brother Clinton 5, Dresden, when fire raced through their frame home Saturday. Albert Strickland, 54, London, when hit by a car in East London Saturday. S William Thompson, 47, a pa- tient - at the Ontario Hospital, Kingston, when struck by a car in front of the hospital Saturday. Mrs. Laraine Verrault, 37, Lon- don, when a car skidded off High- way 25 about 20 miles west of Toronto Saturday. | Mrs. Shirley Wilhelm, 26, | Guelph, in a two-car crash near | Guelph Saturday. eonard Marshall, 70, Hamil |ton, died Sunday of injuries re- | ceived when he walked into the |side of a truck Saturday. ITRICYCLE ACCIDENTS Joseph Stolar, 2, and , Glenn |Wilson, 4, both of Brampton, killed when the tricycles they were riding were streck by ve- hicles in seperate accidents dur- |ing the weekend. Hugh Albert Reid, 20, Rothsay, {who died Sunday of injuries and [James Cameron, 18, St. Agatha, killed instantly after a two - car |crash near Kitchener Friday | night. John Portelance, three mi |Markstay, smothered in his cri {while visiting in Coniston, . near | Sudbury, Saturday. , | Cyril Coulterman, 30, Sudbury, and his two-year-old son Dean, drowned in the Wanapetei River Sunday. The father dived into rapids in a vain attempt to res- cue the child. Soviet Spy Ships Jam | for the annual Toronto Garrison Church Parade Sunday. Cpl. Roy Snow adjusts his son's tie When daddy puts his kilt on so does Jamie Snow, 5, all dressed up in kilt and glengarry LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON manding a Punjabi - J state, hurled stones at police ila clash seven miles from B. 'start of the march at the greatest shrine of the Sikh religion. ALWAYS GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER HOTEL LANCASTER FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Fred's Refrigeration RA 5.6335 MOST HOT WATER _at LOWEST COST with a NATURAL GAS "RENTAL WATER during an intermission. --(CP Wirephoto from National Defence) Mafia Accused Polic In Stock Deal REGINA (CP) -- New federal | legislation to protect investors in speculative securities has been| U.K. Radar that his union's strike at five] LONDON (AP) -- Soviet spy man of the Saskatchewan Securi-| |ships are reported to have jammed ragar tracking instru. them well-known, After a 13-hour weekend meet- {ments at a British rocket range BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP)-- Muiti-millionaire Cyrus S. Eaton said Sunday no propaganda or military force can change the |structure of Communist coun- tries, so the United States must urged by W, W, Cameron, chair- |ties Commission. | He said an underworld leader| |allegedly connected with the Ma-| v Changes Urged By Eaton HEATER spends $50,000,000,000 a year on ts which ultimately only blow us all up." Asked for his reaction to a suggestion by a U.S. senator, after Eaton talked with Khrush- ing of union officials and repre-|in the islands of the remote Outer fia was involved in a recent stock| sentatives of Chicago warehous-| Hebrides. {promotion from Canada to the ing and stevedoring firms,| The Soviet vessels, looking like United States. spokesmen said all parties|trawlers or patrol boats, ap-| Mr. Cameron spoke Friday | National treasurer Mrs, J. Neil | agreed to postpone further talks|peared as American Corporal night to an international law en- Gordon of Toronto said there is until Tuesday. | missiles were being fired, the re-|forcement conference here and |some misunderstanding a the| «we had a satisfactory ses- [ports said. |urged enactment of federal se- {local level regarding outside ap-| ion» caid Capt. Willlam Brad-| There was no official confirma- curities legislation and establish-| communist world will be evolved. [sweet land of liberty now wants for Quebec's June 22 election) Mr, Barrette, campaigning for peale. i . why cha ley, president of the ILA, "and tion of the reports, which ap-|ment of a securities commission| = "These policies will stress that |to tell me how to think, then the continued during the weekend his Union Nationel party in Trois-| oo ua W Tas r there is a good possibility that|peared in two London news-|to replace the present system of there is no point in annihilating |whole constitution would have to with Liberal party leader Jean|Rivieres, said Mr. Lesage Was ile community or PR to| We can reach an agreement when | papers, The Daily Mail and The|10 provincial commissions. leach other as, in my opinion, be revised." Lesage alleging patronage in the seeking support of Quebec after| i... ver extent they feel they we meet again on Tuesday. | Daily Mirror, but reliable inform- He said one of 46 persons in-|socalist countries will remain Quebec Hydro-Electric Commis- betraying the province while he|are able to do either by work About 2,000 ILA members on ants indicated they were substan- | dicted in the stock - promotion socialist and America will re-| gy. a sion and Premier Antonio Bar-/was a federal cabinet minister. |g § gt s such as furnishings or | the Great Lakes are on strike at |tially true. y __ |case was an underworld char- | main capitalist," he went on. Big Readership rette describing the Liberals as| The premier said Mr. Lesage money," she said. Chicago, Milwaukee Toledo,| A war office spokesman said: acter whom he understands is a| Eaton, born in Pugwash, N.S., | "former federalists." had supported the 1942 federal-| At the opening ceremonies Sat- Cleveland and Buffalo. The walk-| "We have decided not to deny high - ranking member of the|is making a tour of eastern Euro-| U S News Mr. Lesa ited the i provincial tax agreement signed |urday night, 128 standard' bear- tuts began May 16. [these reports or to make any Italian secret society which has pean Communist states. | Vande papers sage ed He gy [07 the late Adelard Godbout, ers from all provinces took part,| The international union seeks 8 move. to" prevent their publica- heen linked with crime in the US.| -1 am one who firmly believes | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Daily a leader of the 1939-44 Quebec Lib.| Toronto author Frances Shelley base, wage rate of $2.75 an hour ion." He said nine others indicted were that Nikita Khrushchev Wants or Sunday newspapers are de- rence: nit : eral government. Wese recounted a recent trip to) at all ports. Scales in eifect Wn.) = Canadians, 2) |peace," he declared. "It is tragic jivered to about two out of every rence: m shore. bg i : |der contracts which expired May [PRETENDED TO FISH " [that he now has a lack of con- |g, a Under the agreement Quebec Red China. Because of improve- Securities administrators had|W J 4 ree American households, the He said the provincially-ov |15 ranged from $1.78 to $2.55. The reports said: been advised by U.S. authorities| fidence in President Eisenhower |oencus" bureau reported Sunday. "The service rendered by chap- ters in their own communities is | one of the best forms of publicity for the order," Mrs, Mills said. chev in Paris May 19, that his The touring 76-year-old cham-| passport be withdrawn and he be pion of East-West collaboration prosecuted under an 18th century told a press conference here that law, Eaton replied: the Democrats win the next| "There is a line in our national U.S. presidential election, new anthem about America being a policies of friendship toward the sweet land of liberty. If the adically revise its foreign policy. ONLY 1.7 5 MONTHLY Fully Guaranteed FREE SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION on cases, there a Char Yor ext DINED Water heats 3 times faster Costs less, Too! Quebec Leaders Trading Charges QUEBEC (CP) -- Campaigning CHARGES BETRAYAL Mr e RA 3-3468 SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL DRIVE! a} | TAR I Negro Leader Not Guilty against the sacred right of umi-lo; "gg 900000 annual subsidy. said. . . 1 : : ; yg ot A Cleaning Fluid (a British rocket range, shortly|y., in.oq in North America. Eaton said # was his job and jis in May, 1959. { "1 demand, in the name of the in federal-provincial conferences | tending to fish--in an area where| dian provinces the worst mis- uy pcs maues Belanger and his organizers have of "a veritable Pittsburgh' along|Chinese scientists has completed Resolutions with subjects ranging | {lishment on St. Kilda--homing lawyers, assisted by professional to gain i the: Uni of Se would "be i The report came on the heels| The 125 women delegates from . Dutch Prince Sion Eee ion resis | I ame = ny mulate recommendations to be| «But the waters are .not re-| TORONTO (CP)--There may | published Sunday says British 3 b) the summit of Everest belongs to | The British Columbia council is way of stopping them." Taylor, executive director of the| Commander Crabb's disappear- | after being flown home from Nepalese newspapers said the Perjury Case Au turned over to Ottawa rights in ments, the Red Chinese believe X ; i Quebec Hydro attempted "crimes oo oo ation fields in return for|they have been liberated, she The Soviet Ships aliivel ul the at the Mafia is extremely ac-|8s a result"of the spy plane in-| mye report was based on a na- Ty ef oe Island of St. Kilda, les from io in the speculative securities cident. tional sampling of 35,000 house- versal suffrage" using 10x, 'that the Quebec government - | wh i he 3 od i | allow - Liberal candidate Lucien Lo wher g i they |before the test firing of missiles ™y. "0 "cid he has per- the job of American businessmen | Many of the 17,500,000 house- 0 ! Wart recove ese rights they = started last Monday after a win-| y . : to persuade the "fanatics and |p igs "whi i i Deioget Be ap rT Tee vicidend $263,000,000 annually imnese a e w 1 U d ter layoff. Royal Air Force planes sonally observed over a period of), tins not to destroy us in alos wish iy ™ north of Baie Comeau "Do Vou vish . BY /3Y; d ; e ®| yea at in at least six Cana-|. a ; " Pp spaper represent reader 3 Do you wish to be represented arming Ige |watched the Russian ships pre- (Years that in at least six Cana-|\ nq war." nonetheless. Many people 241 # Jory Du] Noro. Sol Lib Shews fous Sedexaliote ob bY Everest Study {By ELIZABETH MOTHERWELL [there is no fishing ground. Tie |COnC CE in the promation side of OBJECTIVE: PROFIT rT Do inns wiside the eral representatives be allowed those who have always served the Canadian Press Staff Writer |following day considerable radar the speculative securities indu One thing you can say a this Were not ZVeloi, on the sites. 1 demand im the province of Quebec?" he asked. HONG KONG (Reuters)--A 44 {activity caused interference and|tY appears to be directed, and capitalists is that they want to e. name of democracy that Mr.| Mr. Barrette predicted growth man expedition of Communist NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- ying at the British radar es-|€ven planned and led, by certain make a profit. There is not much access to the workers whose the St. Lawrence valley between an intensive study of about 2,700 from poison to peace will |station for the South Uist rocket|accountants " = Vii p names ave on the (electoral) Trois Rivieres and Montreal Square miles of the HimalaYas (dealt with by the National Coun-| ange | He did not name the provinces. " - | lists." through development of the steel around Mount Everest, the New of Women at its annual meet-| o.; British artillery of- B k Cl | He maid eompany officers en China News Agency said Sunday. |ing opening here today. Hove one Tash 2 ry M L C 00 alms FS | | | severely ; "Th are usually several a Te [ ) after the June 22 election." of 'a Chinese claim that three of |across Canada will consider 14|ghipe re all Le in the area ore ung ancer Frogman Alive \ mw 7) | : its climbers last week conquered resolutions submitted by provin-|g, we give warning weeks ahead Seen For Women | \ ) Mount Everest, whose peak iS |cial councils, They will also for-|when there is to be firing. [ LONDON (Reuters) -- A book . China and Nepal. |sent to the International Council i i i se i i 7 be stricted and if Russians want to|be an increase in the number of |frogman Lionel Crabb was \In Hospital bn alae, Ss he of Women meeting in Istanbul in|he there nothing can be done.|/lung cancer deaths among drugged and flown to Moscow hd : | August. While they remain outside Brit- women who have been smoking after Soviet divers Sapteed 2 THE HAGUE (CP) -- Prince |Nenal a Chi | ish territorial waters there is no|for 20 years or more, Dr. H. M. off Britain's south coast in ef Bernhard of the Netherlands was De od hizkse conquest | wraing federal legislation to pro- | | admitted to hospital early today |giohtest difference. vide safety regulations im the The rocket firing was the first Canadian Cancer Society, said | ance touched off one of the post- ; i bulk sale of poisonous carbon|of a series scheduled on the|Sunday night. |war era's biggest spy mysteries. Switzerland where he was cp; a fak thei MONTGOMERY, Ala, (AP)--|stricken with "virus pruemonia." |G ncos, nay have faked their| Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. |an official communique said. t who gained fame as a leader of, The communique added that | ain. Meanwhile, the Nepalese for-| the mass Negro bus boycott heré there was no anxiety over his|aion office received & message unlabelled glass four years ago, was acquitted of condition a charge of perjury by a white jury Saturday. «He was accused of filing a : reporting failure by an eight-man | The prince was flown back w| 2 pra 2! to | Juliana, and two royal physicians | pyimai Jugal Himal false state income tax return in | made a special flight Sunday to| davon peak ar aban- | 1956. {Switzerland to see him and de-|goned their attempt to reach the | The Negro integration leader cided to bring him back to Hol-|gummit because of bad weather. interpreted the verdict as "a real land. - spiked EP ii tit Sonn Pr a : Secien : 7 Thieves Steal Jewelry From 'Sophia Loren to get a in the | after attending Argentina's inde- south." | pendence celebrations. And it also proves, he said,| The royal couple was to pay an that "there are hundreds of thou- official visit to Belgium, starting sands of white people in the today. Crown Princess Beatrix south who believe in decency and | will take the place of her father, honesty." and she and the Queen will leave King could have been sen- Tuesday by plane for Brussels tenced to prison for from 12| LONDON (Reuters) -- Thieves | |broke into the home of movie tetrachloride. range off the west coast of Scot: When purchased in drug-stores|land to train British troops in the He said exposure to smoking | and other irritants over a score He vanished in Portsmouth har- bor while a Soviet cruiser, which Holland after his wife, Queen qiimp the unscaled 21,249 - foot lack of pr the product is labelled poison, but it can be bought in bulk in containers else- where. Several deaths are said {to have been caused through the use of the Corporal missile, now a relatively ola weapon. INTERNATIONAL QUEST The Daily Mail reported that to am Is sent from the rocket tionary |in handling the cleaning fluid. investigation by affiliated 'es An {councils of the methods of sale of this poison in other countries is recommended. Education for creative peace is suggested as a second Canadian proposal at the international meeting. The resolution states such edu- cation must begin at home. It asks the international council to urge its members to make a concerted effort to bring up a prejudice and aware that the hu- generation of children free from | base the Russian ships were us- ing techniques on which Britain and the United States also were working to enable them to de- stroy Soviet rockets as they left their launching sites. The Daily Mail said the Rus- sians do it this way: "Using powerful transmitters, they do a frequency sweep across all the wave-lengths used by the rocket command posts. Thus they are bound to jam or interfere with signals--including those to the rockets. | "It is relatively easy for he ultra-shortwave-lengths used in a Tar indictment | GUARDS WIN REAR ACTION | star Sophia Loren Saturday night land stole jewelry said to be worth $500,000. The value of the loot was dis- closed by Pierre Rouve, director man family is one, with common rocket guidance to be identified necds and aspirations, and then jammed." of years may lift the incidence of | took Nikita Khrushchev to Eng- | lung cancer in women parallel to land, was there. that in men. | The book Frogman Extraordin- Dr. Taylor said smoking was a ary by Czech-born Bernard Hut- contributing factor but not the ton, claims Crabb now is serving only cause of lung cancer. las a lieutenant in the Soviet Dr. A. J. Phillips, statistician |Navy. of the National Cancer Institute| But four former Royal Navy of Canada, told the institute's an-|friends of the frogman said Sun- nual meeting that lung cancer day they are convinced he is deaths among Canadian men in-|dead. They said in a statement creased 3.6 times between 1931 that a headless body dressed in and 1956. |a frogman's . suit, which was | found Jer ho es, was |definitely that rabb. LOA N wax wax | Hufton claims a Soviet sub- " po {marine dumped a body near the figure of Caryl Chessman, shown|ghore to mislead the world inte strapped to a chair in the gas yninking Crabb was dead. chamber of San Quentin prison|writer said Russia believed where he was executed May 2,|Crabb was acting as a U.S. Navy will go on display in Madame spy when he was caught by four Tussaud's Chamber of Horyors, it Soviet frogmen near the cruiser was learned Sunday. |Ordzhonikdze. , ql fk th NP 1 ¢ O oh) : i Jae x PA ° i A -- im a, i i 2 id BE ON THE TEAM | d based on his 1958 income is still pending. The indictment charged the LONDON (AP) -- The proud British Brigade of Guards fought its way out of a deli- minister with reporting some $7,- 000 less than the $16,162 the state cate rearguard action that will not go down in the history books, of a movie he is making here with the 25 - year - old Italian actress. . Rouve said the jewelry com- prised mostly emeralds, diam- onds and rubies. "They were in a leather attache case in a chest of drawers, which was forced." The burglarly apparently oc- curred while Miss Loren was at London airport meeting her hus- band, film producer Carlo Ponti. Miss Loren is starring with British actor Peter Sellers in a film version of the George Bern- ard Shaw play, The Millionairess. The robbery came a day after American actor Gregory Peck re. ported the theft of $14,000 in {jewelry and furs from his French - born wife, Veronique Pasani. Peck is also in Britain |to make a film. TORONTO (CP) -- A burglar | escaped with a mink wrap and a |radio early Saturday from a | north-end mansion where actress |Gina Lollobrigida will make her |home when she arrives to take up Toronto residence next month, The theft took place in another | apartment section of the mansion from the one Miss Lollobrigida | {plans to rent, | claimed he actually earned. Syngman Rhee Leaves Korea HONOLULU (AP) -- Former South Korean president Syngman Rhee and his wife arrived Sun- day from South Korea for what they described as "rest and re- cuperation." Asked about charges in Seoul by the vice-minister of finance that $20,000,000 in foreign ex- change had been improperly ap- propriated by Rhee while in of- fice, Rhee replied: "That's the first I heard of it. It's fantastic." His wife, Austrian-born Fram- cesca, said: "He (the vice-minis- ter) will bring up almost any charge now," The 85-year-old Rhee resigned April 26 in the wake of a series of anti » government demonstra- tions and violence in which sev- eral hundred persons were killed | And injured. ) got its tail snagged on a Guardsman's bayonte. Reinforcements arrived and saved the brigade's honor. It happened Saturday at a dress the troop- ing the color, the annual massed parade of Queen's household troops. The horse went to swat a fly from its back .and got its impeccably - groomed tail caught on the bayonet of a Guardsman standing nearby. The Guardsman, true to tra- dition, didn't bat an eyelid. The horse tugged to get its tail back but it only became more. tangled. The Guardsman's upper lip got stiffer and stiffer and stiffer. He didn't dare move to untie the tail. Then a police man stepped forward, untied the tail, and stepped back. The show went on. > Says Die NEW YORK (CP) Prime Minister Diefenbaker says he be- lieves the damage done by Pre- mier Khrushchev's wrecking of the summit conference can be re- paired without serious conse- quences, He attaches the proviso, how- ever, that the Soviet Union must have an honest desire to restore to East-West relations a "grow- ing atmosphere of confidence." Diefenbaker makes his com- ments in an article written for the New York Herald Tribune that appears in the newspaper's Sunday edition on the editorial page. The article is one of sev- eral on Canadian-American rela- tions being printed by The Herald Tribune prior to the prime min- ister's visit to President Eisen- hower in Washington Friday. U.S. PEACE-LOVING _ Diefenbaker says that ha\ing lived for nearly 150 years in Break Not Final fenbaker peace and daily contact with Americans, Canadians know the U.S. "is dedicated to the creation of conditions . . . in which a stable peace throughout the world will be secured." The prime minister says. he is looking forward to hearing Eisen- hower's impressions of the sum- mit collapse, Its failure has "made it all the more important and timely that we should meet and compare opinions.' "Although Canada is in the foothills and not at the summit, I know that it will be readily appreciated that we can all be visited with disaster by the storms that gather around the higher peaks." It is encouraging "that Mr. Khrushchev's decision to break up the summit conference has {had the effect of strengthening | the solidarity of the western alli- ace," GTROUD 54 SIMCOE NORTH Tuesday and Wednesday Only! Sensational Meat Features LEAN TENDER Ih. c CLUB STEAKS Breakiast BACON 1.29 Lancep seer gts] WAY THIN SLICED PORK LIVER TO SAVE A LIFE Through the facilities of the RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR SERVICE Blood is Free in Oshawa General Hospital More patients needed and received blood transfusions In hospitals in May than during any other month, This Blood was made ovalioble through the generous Donations of our community-minded citizens. New donors are urgently needed because the Blood Bank x Sengerovsly low. nyone between the ages of 18 and 65 with a health can donate. 3 Veie 93% THE NEXT RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC will be held . . . THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. at St. Gregory's Auditorium OUR HOSPITAL BLOOD BANK IS VERY SHORT OF RH NEGATIVE BLOGD