THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Moy 30, 1960 § Frances Zayette Is Wed | In All Saints Church In All Saints' Anglican Church, |scoop neck, short sleeves, street Whitby, on Saturday, May 14,|length skirt and full pleats, white Rev. S. Armstrong officiated at|accessories. They carried nose- WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manaver: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 the wedding of Miss Frances Pat- ricia Zayette to John S. Brant. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Zayette, Whitby, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brant, Whitby. Mrs. F. W. Marsh was at the organ and the soloist was Mrs, Doug. Williams. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and she wore a full length slight train gown, scoop neck. short sleeves, bodice of pleated nylon chiffon over taf- feta, skirt of nylon chiffon over taffeta. Her bouquet consisted of white carnations, sweet peas, lily petals and ivy. A beaded crown held her illusion fingertip veil. Miss Wendy Butt was maid of honor. Miss June Heffering and Miss Linda Spall were brides- ® maids. Miss Betty Brant was junior bridesmaid and Patricia Stark was flower girl. All wore lilac chiffon over pink taffeta, gays of carnations, lily petals and ivy. Mr. Lorne Brown, of Waterloo, acted as best man, Mr. Neil Wil- son and Mr. Joe Haluika were ushers. : For the reception, held at the parish hall, the bride's mother wore a sheath dress, bodice of periwinkle blue chiffon over same color taffeta, sheath skirt taffeta with chiffon half over- skirt. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother who chose a coffee colored silk shantung sheath dress, brocade cumber- bund of same color and three- quarter length coat brocaded same. The couple left for their honey- moon trip to Washington, the bride wearing a fitted Blin and Blin suit, beige hat and gloves, dark brown shoes and purse. Mr. and Mrs. Brant will reside in Toronto, E County Endorses Statute Change Ontario County Council has en- for the preservation of its life as dorsed a resolution calling for| certified by two duly qualified | medical doctors may forthwith KINSMEN PROVIDE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT Whitby Kinsmen Malcolm Hampson and Murray Silver seem to be enjoying themselves girls merry - go - round in Kinsmen Park On Wednesday, the Whit- on a newly installed in pushing 50 Whitby boys and | by Kinsmen Club installed over $1000 worth of children's amusements and it is evident, by the enthusiasm of the chil- dren, that their efforts were greatly appreciated. The Kins- ! men .Club is now investigating the possibilities of installing a veed CNR locomotive in the perk. --Oshawa Times Photo changes in the statutes of On- tario which would make it pos- | sible for a child to be given a| blood transfusion, despite objec-| tions of his parents, without in-| stituting present legal proceed- ings. The resolution came from the city of St. Thomas and was ap- proved by council following a recommendation by the finance committee. The resolution states: "WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas did on the 22nd day of December: 1958 resolve as fol- lows: THAT the Legislature of this) province be requested forthwith to enact legislation whereby any child hereafter requiring a blood transfusion or other treatment Liverpool Road 'To Be Cty. Road that assumption of this type of | The closing' of one access to Highway 401 by the Department | |of Highways has led to a new |county road being included in the Ontario County Road System. Access to the four-lane highway from Brock road was closed, making the next nearest access, west of Pickering village, the Liverpool road. road was not in accordance with their policy and therefore would | not be considered as a King's] Highway. It was recommended | by officials of the Department of | Highways that this road . which | would, in effect, be an extension | of County Road No. 22 (Baseline) | should be assumed as a county | receive such treAtment notwith- standing any objections thereto or non-approval thereof on the part of the parents or guardians of any such child. AND WHEREAS no legislation| | was ted at the last of the Legislature which would give effect to the said resolution. AND WHEREAS a recent case in the City of London, Ontario, has again pointed to the need of some expeditious legal means of providing emergency treat- ment by way of bldod transfu- sions for infants requiring same notwithstanding the objections of the parents thereto. AND WHERAS the legal means presently employed to pro- vide necessary assistance to a child has been to institute' pro- ceedings under the Child Welfare Act to have such child declared a neglected child and made a ward of the Children's Aid Soci- ety and the Society authorize the necessary transfusions. . WHEREAS the time taken in following this mode of MR. AND MRS. JOHN 8.1. BRANT preservation of the life of an in- fant requiring immediate atten- tion, particularly if such emer- gency arises on a Sunday or other holiday. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of St. Thomas peti- tions the Government of the Province of Ontario to forthwith| take or cause to be taken such| legislative or other measures as may be necessary to assure that in any case where two qualified medical practitioners certify that immediate blood transfusions are necessary to safeguard the life of any child such transfusion may be given to such child without the necessity of wardship pro- ceedings first being instituted Eisenhower Plans To Extend Visit GETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) -- President Eisenhower will ex- pand his tour to hte Far East next month to include visits to the Philippines and Formosa, United Slates government sources said Sunday night. The White House several weeks ago that Eisen- hower will visit Japan and Korea June 19-23. SHIRT LAUNDERERS' MOTH AND BURN: HOLES REWOVEN WHITBY RA 5-3555 There's no j Substitute for- Experience! . and notwithstanding any objec- tion by the parents or guardians of such child." procedure may be fatal to the The Brock road, in its entire length, has long been part of the county system. The road board, |in a report to Ontario County Council, recommended that that | portion of the Brock road be- tween Highway 2 and 401 be given back to Pickering Twp. hk |and that the Liverpool road, be- 7 |tween the two highways be taken : lover as a county road. The board's report to council road while at the same time the | portion of the Brock road be-| tween K.H. No. 2 and KH. 401] now closed at K.H. 401, be re- verted to local jurisdiction. Your committee has inspected the section of road in question and given careful consideration | to all facts pertaining to the as- sumption. We would, therefore, recommend as follows: | (a) That a bylaw be passed for the assumption of that por- A scale model of a semi- permanent Scout camp is the topic of discussion between the Scout and Wolf Cubs. Scout Terry Fallow, of 521 Palace was the centrepiece of many displays of Whitby and District Boy Scouts Association open house in the Whitby Arena on Saturday. --Oshawa Times Photo ig) explains the camp site to itby 4th Pack Wolf Cubs Billy Foster, left, and Robert Banks, right, both of Lee ave- nue, Whitby. The model, made by the 4th Whitby Scout Troop, Prince To Pay Toronto Visit TORONTO (CP)--Prince Philip will visit Toronto June 8 and 9 for discussions on the coming] Commonwealth study conference on the consequences of changing industrial environment. There will be no formal public | at Oxford in 1956. will be greeted by Premier Frost| at Malton airport and by Mayor Man Stabbed, Nathan Phillips and Metro Chair- pan Fred Gardiner o we Tod [)aghter Held Most of Prince Philip's time will be spent in private talks mel OTTAWA (CP) -- An Ottawa the arrangers of the conference, Man was critically injured Sat- to be held in Canada for three | Uday when he was stabbed weeks in 1962. It is the second |2Pove the heart. His 15-year-old such conference, the first being daughter was arrested and held for juvenile court action, Police said the knife penetrated the 44 - year - old man's chest, |severed major blood vessels and Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, for- mer governor-general of Canada, heads the conference council. cut off a portion of his lung. He underwent a six - hour emer- gency operation that saved his lis as follows: | As a result of the closing of County Road No. 1 (Brock road) at its intersection with K.H. 401, the volume of traffic on the Liverpool -road has increased. Due to this fact and the diffi- eulty of .maintaining the short section, of the Liverpool road be- tween K.H. 401 and No. 2, the Township of Pickering made rep- resentation to the Ontario De- pariment of Highways to have the connection assumed as a King's Highway. This contention was supported by the county. However, the Department of tion of the road allowance be- tween Lots 22 and 23 in the . + + « See for yourself why scores of homemakers end up at § Independent Sales and Service (Whitby) Ltd. -- where new Township of Pickering, Con. 1 extending from the north limit of | K.H. 401 northerly for a distance | of approximately 0.23 miles to | the southern limit of K.H. 2. The | their lowest. furniture values are always at their peak -- Prices are at aforementioned section of road, if approved, shall be bered | County Road 22. (b) That the portion of County Road No. 1 being the road allow- ance between Lots 18 and 19 ex- tending from K.H. 2 to K.H. 401 as described in Bylaw 1750 be | deleted from the County Road | Highways stated conclusively system, Many Other Floor Samples On Display At Reduced Prices ALGIERS (AP)--French offici- als today hailed a S55-per-cent turnout for the Algerian local elections as proof that the nation- alist revolt is on the wane. Under the protection of French troops, about that percentage of Algeria's registered voters elected 452 members of regional administrative councils during the weekend. | Rchel terrorism failed to inter- rupt the elections, even in the appearances for the prince, who Phone MO 8-3618 BROCK winrsy Now Playing si Sg eg we ©) T THRILLING ii of Hihe may motion picture history! METRO -GOLDWYN- MAYER presents An ANDREW and VIRGINIA STONE Production Tue LAST VOYAGE suring ROBERT STACK - DOROTHY MALONE ] : 3 NI GEORGE SANDERS - EDMOND 0'BRIPN _ - | flv TAMMY MARIHUGH . mereo COLOR (life. "zomes of insecurity." By unoffi- Detectives said the slabbing cial count a total of 17 persons followed an argummet in the |were killed and 49 were wounded kitchen of the family home. The |in terrorist attacks during the man's wife was at work and a|last week. younger son was playing in the In Algiers, an artillery shell backyard. The girl was charged with as- [Sunday night not far from the sault causing grievous bodily | town hall where the returns were harm and will appear in juvenile being counted. No one was hurt. court today. FAVORABLE INDICATION | Gi 1 S 1 d Early election reurns indicated 1r trang € ence in religions. Marianna was . Presbyterian. Daruty, an import- Suitor Char ed |er's son, was Syrian Orthodox. g | But her mother, Mrs. Marian { Hatch, vice-principle of Gompers say a rejected suitor strangled anna had recently ended 3% a beautiful co-ed and dumped her |years of dating with Daruty be- body in a fishpond during a week- [cause she "just wanted to date end house party. |other fellows." "I never got mad at a person in my life," officers quoted Emil | CALL US FOR FUR et & WINTER GARMENT STORAGE Daruty, 22, an engineering stu- | Ident. "I never struck a person in | my life. I don't know what came | |over me, I can't explain it." He was booked on suspicion of {murder in the slaying of Mari- |anna Kathleen Hatch, 19, a stu-| dent dental assistant at Los Ang- | eles City College. | | Police said Daruty, a crew-cut | |student at Pacific States Univer- | |sity, readily admitted choking the | girl in the kitchen during the | party. The girl's father, Collin Hatch, |a maintenance man for Los Ang- eles City Schools, said the couple REFRIGERATED STORAGE WHITBY CLEANERS T LTD. 150 COLBORNE E., WHITBY Ph: MO 8.2345 geared as a time bomb exploded | LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Police | Junior High School, said Mari, Vote Seen Sign Revolt On Wane continuing strength of the move- ment favoring Algeria's integra- Pierre Lagaillarde, wife of the imprisoned leader of the unsuc- cessful uprising by French set- tlers last January. The vote was an indication of the attitude of the city's European settlers, who oppose President de Gaulle's promise of a self-determination plebiscite to decide Algeria's fu- ture. Other integrationist candidates | scored victories in a number of | areas. Neither the Europeans nor the 1 showed enthusi f or the election. The rebel leadership called for absientions. European right-wingers also ordered a boy- coit of the polls except where Mme. Lagaillarde was running. French officers countered with a massive campaign to get out the vote. Wisco i { Specializing in | 4 : REPAIRS & PARTS to all makes | =F muy * [INDEPENDENT } | i | Sales & Service i "=. Whitby Plaza > MO 8-2081 iM |had 1 because of a differ.! Free Pickup and Delivery INDEPEND (WHITBY) LIMITED We Move, Repair and Install T.V. Aerials WHITBY PLAZA -- WHITBY June Special 3-Pc. Kroehler Bedroom Suite @® Dust-proof Drawers ® Bevelled Mirror ® Mar-Proof Construction Reg. $315.00 SPECIAL, NOW ONLY ........ House of Values" FREE PARKING 259 ENT SALES & SERVICE MO 8-2081