Y0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 1, 1960 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES ASTRA GROUP | Miss Marilyn Bradley was re- given on the spring fair. The. regular meeting of theiported to be on the sick list, |announced iit 16 visits Astra Group of the WA of Simeoe] July 12 has been set for ihe made to the hospital |date of the annual picnic, {tors ne: <: | Refreshments were served by|George Ford and Mrs. Law: A | Parks. Mrs. L. V. Stope and Mrs. Papi ! and SESE TE ens Wig) "AT ALL ID.A. DRUG STORES The WA of Albert Street United Church held its May meeting in : The | evening's _ entertainment| acs Po Goer pine y MONDAY MAY 30th #5 SATURDAY JUNE 4th. . oped the 4 - " With warm weather, holidays, picnics and Father's Day approaching, here is a real oppor- was an auction sale with Mrs. poem entitled Ns / ( ) 1 | lM tunity to make substantial savings on quality Summer Needs and Father's Day Gifts plus Kenneth Cowan as auctioneer. "promise". The Golden Links and group led in the devotional per- dozens of other specials, Visit vour |.D/A. Drug Store now while the selection is still ot its jod. The scripture was read by best. Miss Cora Harvey. Mrs. William Stall res "The | June 28 at 6.30 p.m. with a pro- "Threshing Floor Becomes a|gram. The Challenger group CR Bah i I.D.A. Heavy grade, - : . "Now 1 Know", OLD SONGS 100-ft. roll L ( or C : The minutes were read by Mrs.| The eariiest fragments of Scot-| reg. 3lc | | d Clayton Lee, Roll call showed 22|tish minstrel songs date back to! | T UW members present. A report was!the 13th century. | MINERAL OIL LDA Heavy Grade--16 ond 40.02. 0 : - regularly 65¢, 1.25 ] . ' EPSO SALT First WOOLWORTH'S || PAPER NAPKINS wie 70 170, 200 3%] BL oi.. Shop MILK of MAGNESIA waioe 3 ¢, 59¢ Delicious & Creamy -- Melts in your mouth lc FUDGE SALE | HYDROGEN PEROXIDE eh) Wg F Buy L bio A 59s | BEEF, IRON & WINE warms 108 lle -- and receive '2 Ib. exira for on | : CT EDEN CALAMINE LOTION ~~ ase 23030] psimresine Qui 4 delicious flavors-- Reg. 2 for 29¢ or 6 for 85¢ ® BRAZIL NUT CHOCOLATE 2 for 25° 1) for 13 1.D.A. Brand A.S.A. for headache & SRAZIL NUT VANILLA IDASAL TABLETS and pain. Bottle of 300--reg. 99¢ 19¢ ® DELICIOUS FRUIT TOP ile quantities last. Pink - Yellow - White abide 00 value Jum! wie sent TOILET TISSUE "c%%<™ 2for 27¢, 6 for TTc| ZoWSR woe ione Father's Day -- June 19th Baie i WPL 12 pe MARATHON AN oe ENSEMBLE eanette Brand 4 BEE: 2 Fy 6 sheets assorted gift wrop Pick Up Your BATH SALTS GOLF BALLS 1.2" 3 = : poser. 20 tags ond 40 match- FATHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS : Reg. 3 for 1.39 early while assortment is complete | 3 Sand Bag 19 "0 * tl In The Hearl of DOWNTOWN OSHAWA || ere) 84 wy: | IDEAL FOR WATERPROOF POWDER : EVERYONE TOTE BAG MULTI-PURPOSE 16-ounce canister ; Hondy the-daulder big & wc bath \ ; : andy over-the-shoulder or carrying ing Reg. 29¢ 23 w Buy several sets for the kitchen suits and towels, sportswear, picnic lunches. Per- and a set for your medicine cabinet fect as a diaper bag, too. Strong yet fine fabrics, Terry Cloth water-proofed inside, colors to suit everyone. Heavy draw rope "You can use it for WASH CLOTHS Shoring Yoo wl. 509 12 inches squore Reg. 19 fo wn 2" 2% BROWNIE ALDSWORTH we VACUUM EY STARFLASH BOTTLES ASSORTED CAMERA OUTFIT pa. C LEAN ERS N EW | SACCHARIN Well insulcted 2 keeps TOFFEE | Takes color slides, black and white or eolor snaps, AND HARD CANDY with or without flash. Outfit includes camera SPACE TABLETS 98¢ Value 19s The Kerr nome guarantees with neck strap, flash exposure guide, four M-2 DRIVE IN LO C ATION 500's 1000's the quality. bulbs, two batteries, roll of VP127 film, Buy several bags for Save Summer fun all year long! Capture it all 9 reg. 55¢ my 7% 2-cell FLASHLIGHT gy oe -- year fong' Sop 39 59¢ Made in Conade. Only 39e 11.55 VALUE only (Batteries extra) FREE We ore pleased to Announce PICK-UP the opening of: e 14¢c on I.D. oe ACCESSORIES FOR MY LADY "EAS SLoss" DELIVERY ANOTHER NEW LOCATION IN THE Hl piastic BiLLFOLD with Plastic Rain ; / GC AR WASH FLOOR WAX Hat -- Billfold features built - in mirror, WESTERN TIRE BUILDING [| i on ovaries, NOSE \ Pon rere LJ] removable case with four clear card ATT BRUSH og. ve (Old Hambly-Coca Cola Building) holders. Assorted colors. : £ wy 45 for 89° Attaches to 2" hose . . . adjustable / : "i Il 145 KING ST. WEST £ J a a RA 5-1812 ET TRS \ SUN GLASS SPECIAL ON THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1960 Cg) commene N99 A 9 ose Approximately 8" x 8" -- zipper top; . Watch for Opening Specials X 7 asi 1 Xi assorted colours ond designs ............ 59 , LAS MAKE-UP CAPE ron =. SAIN Printed Vinyl with sewn-on pleated edges, 98° GOOD QUALITY STATIONERY MACDONALD" ! i : A Message EXPORT | ore | torso | Winer [LEH Soocian TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FF, wie) SPOT SHAVE CAPS Sia @uip | 30 folded sheets and Thank you for your appreciated patronage LOCATIONS Nar -- SPECIAL-294 | 30 envelopes. In in the g TO SERVE SH n= Ti I a REMOVER CREAM Good gush by a -- white, grey or blue. =i: at ; $ " e maker. Your faith in our Dry Cleaning ability, and New Low Pri WE | 4x 910-01. 59° 2 Only Ertl Cellophane 29° a : ; You ew Low Price : |S | Res. 40c V9 Reg. 75¢ 39 59¢ Wrap Package the upswing in business which resulted, has 3 f 69 SR 36 Athol St. E. 25¢ 3 for 69c ss Beacon prompted us to open this new site. rt sicde's Fen Cigorette Such o bronch will enable us 16 serve you JJ] 148 King SEW, TIPS ALARM |JAMIESON'S 241 KING STREET EAST RA 5-1169 Te Tear [)| sor Solis | ae [KARNS 2 KING STREET EAST RA 3-462] P ; CLEANER COTTON swass | 2.29 |LANE AIRPORT PLAZA RA 8-6661 bd safe, hygienically clean for cleans- Makes ma. | To ans [FAY 1204 WECKER DRIVE ~~ RA 5-3525 : -) he QE =v. | toner [POWELL'S 35% SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 3-4734 ALDSWORTH CLEANERS NE he Sal" "| sonp |McCORDICK 218 WILSON ROAD SOUTH RA 5-871 36 ATHOL ST. L. RA 5-1812 145 KING ST. W. 98c| 49¢ [MITCHELL'S 9 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 3-3431 yu