| Tne Reverena Maroy Saison {officiated and the bride was given |{in marriage by her . She wore a two-piece dress of white brocaded cotton with Javen- MELLON-COURTICE at the Women Dial RA 3-3474 | | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 1, 1960 7 PERSONALS | | Able Seaman Bruce Alexander Courtice was honored at a mis- | Christy, HMCS Cayuga, Halifax, |cellaneous shower arranged "by is home on a month's leave visit-| Miss Gloria Phillips for the Cour- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs, [tice Girls' Softball team and Allan Christy, Rossland road other friends. Mrs, Archie Muir, west, {Sr., the bride's grandmother, held a family party at which Out - of - town guests at the wedding gifts were presented to Thomas-Miller wedding on Satur-|the couple. A community shower day afternoon included Mr. was held at Ebenezer Sunday Ernest Klein, Mr. Paul Klein, School with Mrs, Angus Mac- Miss Suellen Klein, all of/ Donald and the girls of the Sun- Traverse City, Michigan; Mrs, shine class as hostesses. Mrs. Gertrude Klein Pontiac, Michi- Garnet Goyne was hostess at a gan; Mrs, Arthur Klein, Sault pantry shelf shower for neigh- Ste. Marie, Michigan; Me, and | bors of the bride. rs. Eugene McWeeney, Toron- en Mrs. Frank Me. | Miss Judith Nelson whose mar- Namara, Highland Creek; Mr, riage to Mr. Ronald Reinkoester and Mrs. Leonard Pickering, |took place recently in St Orillia; Mr, and Mrs. Jack San-|Andrew's United Church has been ders, Ajax; Mr, and Mrs. Joseph honored at several Jresuptial Dean, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. events, Miss Jacqueline Hanna, 2 land. Port Hope: Mr./maid of honor and Miss Ruth! 3 / J Ronaid Dew)al Batty, Brooklin, |Yeo, bridesmaid to the bride, wedding anniversary , recently| Flemming, Mr. Donald MecCul- were co-hostesses at a pantry when they were honored at ajlough, Miss Phyllis Glowaski, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Drynan shower held at the home of the |Party arranged by their daugh-|Miss Ann Lamers and Mr. An- and family are in Strathroy to-|bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Fred- ter, Miss Shirley Drinkle, and |thony Lamers. day to attend the funeral of Mr. erick Reinkoester, Mrs, S'anley their two sons, Earl and Fred | Mr. and Mrs. Drinkle were y Among the many gifts received both born in Oshawa, Mrs. Drin-| by the honored pair was a chest|kje nee Miss Maud Smith, is the PEEK FREAN'S COFFEE CREAM = soz PACKET 0O¢ AND MRS. ARTHUR DRINKLE --Photo by Ireland 'Honored By Family And Friends On Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Drinkle, |Mrs. James McCarthy, Mr. and Gibb street, celebrated their 25th|Mrs, Jack Smith, Miss Joyce MR. 8 refreshing sandwich biscolt with a coffee flavoured cream filling. A delightful treat for everyone anytime. Look for Coffee Cream at your grocers in the golden yellow packet, PEEK FREAN'S FOR OVER 100 YEARS Makers off James BISCUITS Mr, Peck & Mr. Freon MR. AND MRS. RONALD HARRY GOURLEY of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gour- ley, all of Oshawa, | ~Photo by Ireland | mer Miss Margaret Rose Win- At First Baptist Church re- sley, is the daughter of Mr. cently, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald : Harry Gourley exchanged nup- and Mrs. H Sidney Winsley tial vows. The bride, the for- ' and the bridegroom is the son nia Drynan's father, the late Mr. Sargeant entertained the bride at B James H. Dryman. her home, with a miscellaneous 4 | Patricia Anne Tane | shower. The hostess was assisted | of silverware from their immedi-|gauohier of Mr, Harry Smith of Trousseau Tea And Showers | Mr. and Mrs. John van Did, [by is, ind Menzie, Sha Mrs, ate, tae te party included: | Toronto and the late Mrs. Smith, 1 | Thornton road north, are observ- Stephen Meich, neighborhood oy : In :|Mr. Drinkle is the som of Mrs, . : Much Entertained Fig 50th wedding anniver- shower was held at the home of Mr. gd Mrs. James Smith, Mr.|Fred Drinkle of Oshawa and the Honor Miss Gail Gra Dd ICC ling thelr ih wed Mrs Jack Hodgson, She was ax (04 Mrs. Jamos Flemming. Mr. lye Mr. Driake | Prior to Wedding Pied in Orillia and came to Osh-|sisted by Mrs. Wilfred Hubbard rs. William Smith, Mr.|" mo '00ole were married at St. Leon Victor and Miss Mar-| Miss Patricia Anne Tane, a%2 |and Miss Brenda Vermoen. Saint and Mrs, George Smith, Mr, and| | J Lor" Hd a roronto| Mary's parish hall was the scene|Mrs. Albert Harris, Mr and | George's Memorial Anglican Assisting in serving whose marriage is to take place sons, John, Gordo Rusu Miss Gail Gray, whose mar-|Mrs riage to Gerald William Burrows|lene Mayne a shower at which the bride-|Mrs. Donald Urquhart, Mr. and to-be was presented with a liv- Church on May 23, 1935. Donna and Lindert of Bowmanville and | will take fllace on Friday, June 3 aL 7:00 p.m. in King Street Unit-| ed Church, has been feted at sev eral pre-nuptiai events Mrs. G. W. Gray entertained at a trousseau tea for her daugh- ter in the bride's future nc mn Kingedale Crescent Assisting was the mother of the prospec tive bridegroom, Mrs. Frank Burrows To receive, Mrs, Gray chose a pure silk dress of French blue paisley, with white acer sories The ' future bride was wearing a dress siyled I maker lines of sky blue silk or- ganza featuring a full embroider ed skirt and white accessories. various pieces of Corning ware. Robert Beers and members of Reinkoester, Mrs. Burrows was wearing light were Miss and at King Street United Church on Mrs. Carl Schoenau. Prizes were gatyrday, has been entertained won by Mrs. Douglas Vice and|g geveral pre-nuptial events. Mrs. FG. Williams. A miscellaneous shower was A presentation shower was held given by Mrs. Charles Eder and by Mrs. Mervyn Cryderman and Miss Margaret Eder, assisted by Mrs. Chester Robinson in the lat- Mrs. Hans Diedericksen at the| fer's home on Masson street, former's home on Fernhill boule vhere the future bride was given| yard, The making of a bride's pieces of her crystal book was one of the features of Another presentation shower the evening was held by the future bride's Ms, Arthur Thompson arranged unt, Mrs. G. F. Cooper in her a kitchen shower at her home in nome on Colborne street east. Peterborough. Members of the Assisting were Mrs. V. M. Burr|prospective bridegroom's family and Miss. Susan Cooper. The fu-| assisted | Mr Mrs. Ralph Reinkoester, Miss Miriam | ture bride was presented with] Mrs Charles Dew and one daughter, Mrs, Ernest Sim- kins (Margaret) with whom they make their home. Mrs. Simkins entertained for her parents on Monday when relatives and friends brought gifts and felicita ns, Mr, van Driel was born in Holland and Mrs. van Driel, the former Christine Caldwell, was born in Collingwood and grew up in Orillia. Out-of-town guests at the Rein- koester - Nelson wedding were Herman Reinkoester, Mr. Cleveland, Ohio; ing room suite along with other | miscellaneous gifts, The shower| was arranged by Mrs, Shora | Shelenkoff, Mrs. Boris Shelenkoff, {Mrs. Stephen Melch, Mrs. Jack| Menzie, Mrs. Stanley Sargeant,| Miss Shirley Shelenkoff, Mrs. Boris Melch, Miss Dawn Nelson, Mrs, Frederick Reinkoester, Mrs. | Stanley Coolidge, Mrs. Fred] |Shelenkoff and Mrs. Leta Nel- | SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT A miscellaneous shower was|ihe staff of the Bank of Nova nm A E. Hennessey, Miss Lois| YOUR FOOD VALUE HEADQUARTERS beige linen with toast accessor- ,.iq in Toronto by Mrs. Lens Scotia gathered at the former's| Ixer the tos. Watt aid Mrs. Arthur. Sevifer: 1, iome for a mistellaneous show-| Her irs. Ben ira rio: [their daughter, Marilyn Jean, to| Pouring tea were Miss Florence the former's home, Assisting in er pr. a Bry 3 a George | Mr. william Richareiaon | Hurst, Mrs G. F. Cooper, Mrs. R. J. Hold- Ethel Sutton, Mrs. serving was Mrs. Thomas White A pantry shelf shower was| A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Doug- Brynzan and daughter Cathy, Ll v Hampton; Mr, and Mrs. Russell away Mes Sonan Nias ' Mis. held in the home of Mrs. Leonard las Des witlopars Jotmeton avenue Watt, and Mrs. V. M. Burr. Serv-|Stoneburg on Simcoe street south. fsuisiing He hos uss were Miss ing were Mrs. R. H. Elston, Mrs. Assisting in serving were Mrs. | Daynard, Miss. Doris 1 and Carl Schoenau, Miss Donna RuS-/ne.ar Parker and Miss Doris| Mrs, William Tane. nell, Miss Marlene Mayne, Miss Gihcon, d 45 nei etd friends Donna Cooper, and Miss Carolyn| Aroun: ghbo! Lomax. in the trous- neighborhood shower was gathered at the home of Mrs, seau room was Miss Sandra Scott/held by Mrs. James : bur Rusnell of Vimy avenue and in the room containing the and Miss L. R. Power in the for-iand presented the future bride gifts, Mrs. William Laskaris,| Mer $ home. Assisting in serving with a number of gifts; the high- Miss Susan Cooper was in|/Was Mrs, K. C. Garrison, (light an electric floor polisher. charge of the guest book. | A dinner shower was held in| Mrs. Harold Babington was the A shower was held by Mrs, | Club 401 Restaurant by the girls co-hostess. Assisting the hostesses Earl Sutton and Mrs. Everett of the Engineering department of (were Miss Donna Rusnell, Mrs, Spires aunts of the prospective General Motors where the bride-|Alan Skaife, Mrs, David Collins bridegroom. where fhe future/!0De Was presented with a din-land Mrs. Douglas Terwillegar. bride was presented with a bridge|!08 room fixture. | The bride's mother's bridge set. A mock wedding was held| Following the rehearsal this club presented the bride-elect with Mrs. Robert Bent as the evening, the wedding party will| with a bedspread and foam pil pride Mrs. R. H Elston, the be entertained at the home of the lows. Attersley, Mr, Stanley Attersley, Mr. Edward Attersley, Miss Mary Attersley and Miss Diane Atters- ley, Weston; Mr. George Kuipers, Bowmanville; Mr, and Mrs. Wil- lam Hanna, Miss Jacqueline Hanna, Mr. Jack Hanna, Miss Anne Hanna and Robert Hanna, Scarboro; Mrs, John Mazanik, Mr. and Mrs. Kola Mazanik, Mr. Robert Mazanik, Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Atkinson, Miss Barbara Atkinson, Miss Greta Jane Atkin- son, all of Toronto. Prior to her marriage to Mr. Charles Mellon, Miss Carol Anne former's home on Switzer Drive {for the bride-to-be and her fi- {son of Mr. and Mrs. William J.| {Richardson, all of Oshawa. The| {marriage will take place at St George's Anglican Church on Sat-| urday, June 25, 1960, at 3 p.m. | and neighbors on Wednesday, June 8, from 7:30 to 10 p.m, on| the occasion of their 25th wed-| {ding anniversary. | TOUR ENDS LONDON (Reuters) -- Queen Mother Elizabeth was met by a party led by her daughter, the Queen, Tuesday night when she |retarned from her tour of the| | Rhodesian Federatjon. The Queen hoarded the Britannia air-| bridegroom, and Mrs. ton the minister A personal shower was held by Pretty Wedding At Grace Lutheran | | The marriage of Trudhilde| Armbruster and Karl Wolber,| both of Oshawa, was solemnized recently at Grace Lutheran Church. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Arm- bruster and the bridegroom is the | son of Mr. and Mrs. Georg Wolber, all of Germany. The Reverend Carl Kartechner officiated and the wedding music was played by Mrs, Carl Kartechner, . | Given in marriage by Mr Erwin Ig, brother-in-law of the| bridegroom, the bride was gown- ed in silk organza over taffeta featuring a deep V neckline with a large portrait collar. A crown encrusted with rhinestones and sequins held her short white nylon veil. She wore short white gloves and carried a cascade of white feathered chrysanthemums. Mrs. Erwin Ig, the bride's only attendant, wore yellow with white accessories and carried yellow and white chrysanthe-| mums. Mr. Erwin lig acted as best man 'The couple left for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls following a reception held at the bride groom's home. For travelling the bride wore a blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of white carmations and red roses The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa "DRAPERY TRACKS *RUGS - SPREADS Ethel Sut.|/future bridegroom's parents, Mr, and street east. Mrs. William Sheridan Frank Burrows, King|/Mrs. William Waddington |{co-hostesses at a dinner at the sented, and|ance. A number of gifts includ-finer that carried the Queen were ing crystal and money were pre- Mother to London airport and | kissed her on both cheeks. | Mrs Relax! Let these and other refreshing dairy foods keep you and your kitchen cool==all summer long! DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO MILK =the summertime refresher. Serve it icy-cold! Free! Marie Fraser's exciting new Ice Cream and Cottage Cheese recipes. Write ls {.L£ CHEESE 80 delicious in sandwiches or with crackers--= hourishing, tool ICE CREAM = everybody's favourite dessen, especially with fresh fruit. COTTAGE CHEESE--~ good with salad greens orJresh fruits, eso You'll Save $%% and $$$ when you shop consistently at Buehlers, because here you'll find that our Meat Prices are the Lowest in the city. WHY PAY MORE? . . . when you can buy the BEST quality Meats for LESS at BUEHLER'S COMPARE THESE PORK MEAT PRICES! 2 Ibs. 8c POT ROAST Boneless Rolled PRIME RIB ROAST CUT-UP CHICKEN © LEGS © THIGHS © BREASTS Ib WINGS 4 lbs. 1.00 NECKS 2 Ibs. 19° Special [ SKINLESS WIENERS 2 Ibs. 79c| Ip, 25 COOKED HAM End Slices Removed Thurs. Only ! FRESH KILLED BOILING SLICED SIDE | SLICED Breakfast BACON 2 lbs. 85c¢ 1b. 49¢ lh. 69¢ LEAN MINCED BOLOGNA | price By-The-Piece Fri. Only ! PORK FOWL CHOPS Ib. 33c 3 lbs. 1.00 STUFFED & OVEN READY--FRESH PORK SHOULDERS Ih. 39c Saturday Only ! SHANKLESS, SMOKEP PICNIC SHOULDERS Ib. 35¢ STUFFED & OVEN READY SPARERIBS Ib. 49c BUEHLERS Tender EAT'N =X TRUE -TRIM BEEF Fresh Made VEAL PATTIES 2 ws. 69: 12 KING ST. EAST RA 3-3633