ferry RESON BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM |44--Houses, Apts, Flats | For Rent ONE E furnished housekeeping room, for BENSON -- Mr. and Mrs. John R the birth of a daughter, born Thursday, Who passed away June 4, 1952 June 2, 1960, at St Joseph's Hespital,| So many things have happened Victoria, B.C. A sister for Richard Since you were called away So many things to share with you Had you been left to stay Every day in some small way Memories of you come our way, Though absent, you are ever near, Still missed, still loved and alway dear JOHANSEN -- Ejgil and Mary (nee | McCaffrey, RN) are thrilled to .an-| nounce the arrival of their daughter, | Diana Marie, 6 Ibs., at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on May 31, 1560. A sister for Eddie, Davey, Joey. Deo KNOWLES -- In loving memory of a| Benson (nee Barbara Luke) announce dear wife and mother, Gladys Knowles, sentleman or couple, one block from! | Glecoff's Apply 125 Clark Street |FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom) apartments, laundry facilities, tele vision 'antenna. 101 . Craydon Road, | Whitby, MO 8-4221 ROOM for rent with some land, child-! ren welcome. Phone RA 5.7285 be- tween 6 and 7 pm. $|FOUR - room, self-contained apart-| | ment, private bath, private entrance Gratias. Many thanks to Dr. W. M Apted Ever ri ed and family by her PARROTT -- In loving memory of dear father and grandfather, 4 ozs., on Friday, Parrott, who passed away June 4, SHEA -- Howard and Jean are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Lorna Marie, 8 Ibs June 3, 1960, at the Oshawa General Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. Ross. DEATHS ARISS, Myrtle Roseanne -- into rest at Oshawa General Hospital,| He would not wish for sorrow, on Wednesday, June 1, 1960, -Myrtle| He would not wish for tears, Roseanne Ariss of Ajax, beloved daugh-| But just to be remembered ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas| Throughout the passing years. Ariss of Rosseau, Ont., and dear sis-|--Lovingly remembered by his ter of Gladys (Mrs. R. Pepper) of and family. Ajax, Harvey of Ajax, Florence (Mrs Ba % M. Gonneau) of Deep River, Alvin of SETON -- In loving Ajax, Charles of Deep River, Elsie dear father, Thomas M. (Mrs. W, Griffith) of Ajax, Violet (Mrs. Passed away June 5, 1936. J. Ferrante) of Emsdale and Reta] Gone but not forgotten. (Mrs. A. W. Grenke), deceased. Miss --Always remembered by son Tom, an Ariss will rest at McEachnie Funeral daughter-in-law Elsie Home, 28 Kingston Road West, Pick-| ering, after 2 p.m. Thursday until] SETON -- In 9 p.m. Saturday. Then to the rcsidence dear father of Harvey Ariss, Rosseau, Ont, fiom Passed away June 0 His memory we --Lovingly Lena and grandchildren shall always very dear husband and Thomas M. Seton, Entered On June 5, 1936 wif Seton, loving memory of Thomas M. Seton, wh ge Daniel 1950. And while he lies in peaceful sleep, keep. remembered by daughter SETON -- In ever loving memory of father, who passed away memory of a who 5.3409. Apply 476 Cromwell Avenue |Four room apartment a/trance, heavy duty wiring, King and Wilson. Adults only. A 8-6279; evenin, RA 3-4992 - room apartment, rivate entrance and bath, east end, close to bus. RA 5-7530. FOUR - room apartment, centrally io-| cated one or two girls wanted to share | apartment with two girls. Telephone RA 3-2311 after 6 THREE - room home, tile bath, separate en. vicinity Phone apartment, in "private very reasonable, no children, abstainers only. Immediate; possession, heavy duty wiring. RA| 5-277 before 7 p.m., 120 Elgin Street e | Cast. FURNISHED two room basement | apartment, linen, dishes, etc. Vacant,| south end. Parking space. Dial TWO large, nice, unfurnished rooms, d (good, reliable couple or widow, cheap rent, good district. One or two children welcome. Phone RA 8-6462 a|SMALL apartment, available now, suit-| 0 |able for business couple, $65 monthly. | RA 5-5433 or RA 5-2267. 10 am. on Sunday. Funeral service in| --Ever r the Church of the Redeemer, Rosseau, lis and on Monday June 6, at 2.30 p.m. In. Jim. terment Union Cemetery. ed son-in-law ih «nd grandso Phyl. n NEAR OCVI, three room m_ apartmen it, | tile bath, private entrance. RA 5-9870, THREE - room apartment with private CORY Lodge Whitby on F Bessie Mcl nN Entered into rest in Fairview riday June 3, 1960 widow of the late CARD OF THANKS entrance, in private home, TV aerial, $80, including electricity, heat and water. RA 8-1445. of Orley, at the] CRIDGE va with Mrs hapel Monday h at 3.30 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemete ndness and sympathy, also Dr. J. and the Mc recent bereavement; DROZWIR " intered into rest in tundle and Dr. Taylor ELLIOTT heartfelt thanks and the acts of dness, y utiful floral appreciation fc un n St. irch on Interment eral Home John's Monday Mount , relalives an loss father, onsoling word i nurses eneral Hospita ndent Order of Oddfellow r Lodge, Whi awa, Tk of 197 Chapel fo and efficient E.R. Elliott and family WELCH -- We 1 and tives and kindness and sym in the and father ns We'd HADDIN thank the Rev. Mr. J. § SHOPPING s consoling words, also Dr TRE 13th Guide Mothers' Auxiliary; donors of the many beautiful floral o and ds of and Armstrong's espe ly OSHAWA CEN Grant an - agement of the OSHAWA ZN: MONUMENT COMPANY CIALIZING IN service Please Note Deadlines now this column: Births, Memoriams, Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 1 in effect for Cards of KING ST. E ann or RA 8-8876 ~FRROW FUNERAL CHAPEL _Ph. RAS -- The family of the late Susan Cridge wish to thank their trance, refr any friends and neighbors for their |stainers. RA also the beau- THREE - tiful flowers sent to them during their nent, Intoch and Anderson Funeral Home for x their kind attention and thoughtfulness. | -- We wish to extend our messages of sym- (203 tributes re of our be Elwood s to Rev and , Corinthian manage ment of wish to express our appreciation to friends and loss of our be Frank Fos- bath like to Pierce for all the sympathy; the Funeral me for the kind and efficient man F. Weich and tamily ground floor apartment, adult three rooms, bath, private en- stove, central, ab. COSY, home, room, self - contained apart immediate possession, near Shop- E.|ping Centre and bus. RA 5-6106 ate bath wir after FOUR - room apartment, p | stainless steel sink, heavy d private entrance. RA 8-1723 p.m hed ap. coup! or [FOUT - room unfurni King Street West available immediately CENTRAL, furnished four-room apart ment, private bath, RA 8-5916 after 6.30 p.m s, | THREE bath, entrance, 1, ing Adults near s, 212 Stevenson's Road South TWO bath Houdaille Street THREE room private entrance, 232 nue RA 8-4263 THREE room basement apar close to South GM, $60 month hydro, ava able July 1. Dial RA 3 d room artment room basement apart heavy factory Dr basement apart Greenwoo 1. | TWO heavy dut garage, woman who child. Phone RA 8-5 d | THREE - room apar ette, refrigerator d f-| furnished, heat, water Abstainers. King Street East 81 ONTARIO Street apartment separate MO 85045 Whitby TWO rooms, refrigerator some furniture, share bath information, call RA 5.2389, 15 banks Street ATTRACTIVE. self contained nent, immediate possessic abie Abstainers only, near SGM RA 5-1356 | TIRED. of high rents or looking after | your own house? Write for an explana- tion of how you can live .in a co-op apartment for less money in Whitby to} |Box 629 Oshawa Times. | PRIVATE furnished basement apart sink, cupboards, aitablo couple or two girls. ap ned rooms u care Oshawa, 4 entrance 0omec Samed and stove, For more Fair Call | ment, steel for working 3-9557 Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 KING STREET WEST | APARTMENTS IN MEMORIAM 1 ond 2 bedroom aport- ments, electrically equipped, best location. ond up. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676. Cun Apts., Flats : BUCKINGHAM MANOR 44--Houses, BROCK de3 separate en vicinity Phone FOUR - room apartment, trance, heavy duty wiring, King and Wilson, adults only. RA 8.6279 evenings. RA 3-4992 | THREE - room, fully furnished base ment apartment, private bath and en |trance, central, available now 13-9800 after 6 p.m THREE room, unfurnished apartment, | business couple, adults only, he ing, heated, central. RA 6.30 p.m | THREE room apart | floor, reasonable. Telephone |THREE ment, ground RA 8.607 CLOSE TO SHOPPING BALCONIES MODERN SUITES ng, fully equ oom. Will deco ant were be "Ernie and Bo PHONE MO 8-4547 WHITBY room front bungalow apart. private entrahce, fully equipped |kitchen, heavy wiring, TV aerial, bus ness couple preferred, very central 1208 Bond East, side door MODERN ground floor, priv south end. Call THLE E-room {ment, three-room ate ba RA | TWO room apartment refrigerator, water, cludea. $50 monthly. RA with bath, stov hy dro, WHITBY CLASSIFIED TWO - room furnished apartment, vate entrance, parkir Apply 43 Nassau Street THREF space, centr one EMPLOYME NT WANTED a SOD i rt! Po: MO 8-2466 Bow ing Wes { ing districts 10 8 BOOKCASES, tables china coffee tables, all styles from. Midtc North, MO 8-4981 Furniture, MO 83015. Whitby. ; Roou FOR SALE on Cochrane | CORA 1 wit Wr.te Box 212 Oshawa ¥hitby. {31040 Loor h gar Arte Box 212 Oshaw . suple. Phone . MO 8-5 WANTED two or three in Whitby area Phone 8.3611 during day - FOR RENT -- One GARDEN work PR "Gr, | Contact._Len 390 and $100. Adults prefe Street, With, sid LOST -- Trixie and landscaping tilling. family heart mates. Call 8.3056 WRECKING '50 Chev EXPERT ro.otiliing for gardens an ts for sale lawns. Don't call unless MO 84500 dic ch 4 ae best. Dick Devnich. | oT FOR SALE n estroughing, post, odorles weed est S ers, shrubs, lawns and ga MO 8-4514 CREME cold wave, $6.95 cut, oil shampoo and set appointment LIVE and Walnug Y FOR RENT - board for Street Three Two unf shed rooms suitable f HP 305 with 15 Crowder, roto-hoe brown toy broken. Please : terrier SODDING call Free esti after 4.30 good motor, all reasonable. Telephone For shingling, siding, painting, decorating cash. or finance plan workmanship and material guaran A. Foskett and Sons, MO 8-2341; dless for flow rdens. Phone teed 8.4558 ROOM and board wanted for nine year-old boy, near King Street school elephone MO 3-4340 HOU and bungalow wanted, ¢ ___ down payments W McAuley 800 sq ft, MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 J s. Call SEPTIC TANKS cleaned Whitby Professional Building, MO 8 way, new tanks installed 2731; evenings. MO 8-4003 Feb 12 204 Chestnut West WAITRESSES wanted f rk ard SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes evenings married Bp rred. from only $279.95 For special prices Apply David's Dr taurant. on ranges, fridges, wa MO 38-4068 ers, contact Mid Town Furniture : - Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby MO 24981 or MO 8.5740 WRECKING Chevrolet all parts for sale MOhawk 8-4500 includes style. MO 38-5124 for feathers wanted paid Jake poultry also Highe © market prices Parker, MO 23544 NEW office space in Whitby or less, parking lot 1 ollect Good Realtor the sanitary Walter Ward, phone MO 8.2563 rood reasonable motor, TERFIELD and two cha Phone GRAVEL Cement C Avenue ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS Bayview sravel Gravel arse or - Driveway fine -- also fill. Delivery Monday to Sat noon ERIC. C. BRANTON MOS 2660 Lawn and power to etc WILDE RENTALS SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. MO 8-3226 CALL Dodd & Souter Wallpaper Store South n Street MO 8-5231 Oshawa cabinets, end Lots to, downtown, gentleman at OT ding Andersen HA MO ample FOR C.I.L. PAINT | available J SUBLET tent 1 t June and | 161 or RA Phone | 5 787+ FOUR unfurn located, five available July enings room furnished private parking, close to adults, July 1 RA 8 MODERN uppe and bedro tiled. new 'fri * |KOOM and board for gentleman at 901 boars. A decorated separay shade 3-9114 or entrance trees. For RA THREF apartment, room, y wiring sink, bus stop in front; adults Street North coe ELDERLY "couple two rooms and to suitable party Street ONE apartment, or couple, refrigera gits, water. Apply East THREE - room apartment in cnpboards and sink, h private parking. Vacant Jul 162 Banting Avenue ONF-HALF duplex conveniences. Phone FOUR - room, unfur sink ir kitchen, private ba heat, water, ete. included, Phone RA 8-723 FIVF - room frechiy painted ark.ng. RA TWO - room apar arn 1, suit two gertlemen or couple, No children Telcpkone RA .5-6169 six th varking, $65 monthly. | apartment, very heavy duty TV 5-0081 or RA 5.9341 central aerial SIX-room house, no furnace, $50 a month. 89 Nassau Street. Apply M. Col- | lis Furniture Co., 78 King Street West of RA 5-0332 or RA 3.9210 FURNISHED ~room | ment, all privileges in bachelor RA 5-9630 apart. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT In new office building, mod- erate rent, ce Hy located TELEPHONE RA 5-5132 |frigerator RA || 5.2817 after nt ,| FURNISHED, 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent FOR RENT -- New house, e, decorated, | six rooms, sodded front and back, buses and schools at your doorstep, $95 monthly or $110 monthly with stove and efrigerator. RA 5-8831. W. T. Lamson Real E te Ltd. THREE unfurnished rooms, newly dec- porated, heavy wiring, available now; parking, 130 Tyler Crescent. RA 8-5327. rivate bath FOUR room apartment, wiring, TV and entrance, heavy duty aerial, available July 1. RA 58513. "FOUR room sell - contained | apartment, new stove and refrigerator, close to downtown RA 5-4569. MODERN four room apartment, re. and stove, washer, dryer, TV outlet parking, $92.50 monthly, North distri i 310. ar MODERN t room apartment, | ground floor, near North Simcoe School. RA 8.0445. FURNISHED bed sitting _ro room n and ht en, fully equipped, built-in cup- hoards, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, 45--Real Estate For Sale RIVATE, owner-bull, beautiful five. EXCELLENT building lot, between suburban yellow, brick bunga. Oshdwa and Whitby, 78 x 200, very ale 4 lovely, view, $1700. Apply 2557 Athol Street. 45--Real Estate for Sale 45--Real Estate for Sale |PICTURESQU setting for t for this seven. seven-| {1oom split-level with garage, makes oom. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 4, 1960 13 45--Real Estate for Sale |this home a must for anyone looking gilow four plesn hath, fireplace, ely | tchen, oil heate ful IN as Ia Ck eo Het 1 Sten, 1 ow von wap, omen a BEAUTIFUL 5-room ranch bungalow, features. Four years old. Phone Ral isecus. paved driveway, Near soos). 8-137. DOUBLE house, corner Church "and Silver Street, Bowmanville, 22 rooms, commercial property. Apply Mr. F. Williams, MA 3-2622 2 bedfooms, large rooms, brick an rer 2 TEE x natural stone, attached garage. 484 TROUT stream, with 25 acres s scenic| A eal two-storey bricl ome in a Lowell. RA 5-8769. | wooded land, near Burketon. Asking | nice neighborhood near Simcoe Street room bungalow with car- $13,900. Telephone NEW, six - port, Private sale, RA 13-3167 d Rossland Road consisting of six FOUR room brick hovse Apply even- i) with $1000 down. Call Walter | an ings. 155 'Olive pinoy inh Frank, MrQuay and Kidd Realtors, | | rooms, three bedrooms, living room 3-3393, Bowmanville. with fireplace, private drive with FIVE large rooms, brick bungalow on|- ---- -------------- | garage, See it today. $2500 down and a big fully landscaped lot, very close] OPPORTUNITY for handy man, Tot| joes Ely Possession 30 days. Er- to Ritson school. Apply 213 Banting|30 X 135 four-room Dose: gests some | je Holmes Realtor, 204 King Street Avenue, De ear for cash. APPlY 443| past. RA 5-263 or RA 5-6382 TEN room solid brick home, double garage barn, creek, two acres, fruit trees, two bathrooms, three kitchens -- Rest home, apartments or country home. Ten minutes from Oshawa. Trade on small house or store, $18,000. OL 5-3469. LARGE lot 220 frontage by 100 depth, sewers and water, suitable for duplex) or triplex, with plenty of parking space in well built up residential section. RA SEVEN room home, in South end, near school and transportation, could be sub. let. RA 5-4848 THREE lots on Farewell Avenue. Dial OLiver 5-3055. BOWMANVILLE five-room modern custom built 1% storey three-bedroom brick home with large living roem, four-piece tile bath, patio, nicely land- scaped lot, this home has many extras. Asking $16,500 with terms |Call Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd INCOME home with four self-contained Rea'tors, MArket 3.3393 Bowmanville. | apartments, now rented, close to Shop- = ~|ping Centre. Total price, $17,500, with LOT for sale, 60 by 115, price $4000. | $7000 down. RA 8-4733. Close to shopping centre. Phone RA 5-7677. $600 DOWN, NHA resale, only $12,900 sodded back and front, fenced, rec-room N t droom all Poa stop Business couple. RA 3-967. SAN, bright furnished light 'house- suit one, five minutes keeping room, use of phone. RA from downtown, ONE large furnished room and Kitchen, suit couple. Also single furnished room RA [for gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street|112-ACRE farm, | North FOUR = outlet, and school. 15-5825 SuaLL two room cottage, art] shed, suitable for one or two for I t housekeeping. RA 8-812: . {Two room furnished PASI quiet | | district, central location. Child care for| g mother if desired. RA 8-6034 room apartment, private bath, | heavy wiring, close to bus| Immediate possession. RA { workin BRAND new six cated on Maple | bathroom, kitchen, For further nformation, Annes Sf t. Whitby SIX house, double garage. Oc- o ; F salow, lo- room bung Street, Whitby. Tiled floors. hardwood apply 129 chool and ont room to share LARGE Te or call at 271 Sim OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ator service, Centrally lo area THE TIMES BUILDING L. WILSO Phone RA 3-3474 Apply Ritson Road Sou COMPLETELY kitchen w B tor, mn tle A Apply shed bedroom and suitable for 237 THREE shed for couple. I cluded. RA 5-145 4 | ONE Tove! y "room for gentleman, | in » pri- vate home. Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd. RA 3-7070. BED - sitting room with light ho keeping, close to hospital and dow town, suitable for lady. RA 5-5228. TWO sc for ge or ap FU RNIS SED t e bedroom a t sink, cupboards, parking. 864 Myers unfu rooms, storage space, : room and pan- private en- 478 Park house try, built-in ds, trance, suit wor lady Road South FURNISHED men only rooms Apply Celina Strect, r003 1 to share, large furnished room RA 5 > FURNISHED » room, suit gentle man, central. one RA 3-9225 ean a Boul rooms, un evard North, front 700d bedroom, location, private central RA rent, achine kitchen Clean, use of central RA 5-8150 ed housekeeping ferred Apply 48 Drev et or RA 3 after 5 p.m LARGE one or two gentle. men o king privileges. Ap- ed rooms, adults, pri. ne reasonable, cen- TWO furr rooms for two gentle. men. « Shopping Centre. Apply i kitchen, priv ance. Apply 27 Park Rd furnished rooms, avail 82 Park Road tiled sh RA 3-4641, apartment, furnish- erator. Private en- furnished tre Street s bed sitting ture, in clean home, hopping centre. Men i Fernhill Blvd, RA 5.7295 room, | {45 Real Estate For Sale LOCK! LL PRICE $6400 ACRE LOT bus es and shop- ving room ce, garage, DON'T S THIS ONE RA. 5 883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD FOR SALE IN PORT PERRY three bedrooms, q - dining room. ring, kitchen ement, oil USE 7951 ov 5-2408 Nights | BRA Emon GARDENS | Rd. N. and YUk n YUkon le in N.H.A. r informat RA 5.7272 Ylwith aluminum roof, | BOLAHOOD shopping, $90] | RA 5-6544 suitable | light and water in. ate front | has ceiling and floor completed, with smart bar included. Three bedrooms. This is what you are looking for. RA 5-6544 or RA 3.4164. NJIA G per cent resale. Your oppor- tunity to own a beautiful home of your own, Three bedrooms, wife , decorated, fire- stop. Six - room brick 2 landscaped, storms and screens, place, close to school and bus Apple Hill RA 88649. [Lox Tos' by 166°, % mile orth of city {limits telephone full and gar- age, large lot, vicinity Port Perry. Ap- ply to Box 641 Oshawa Times. NEAR Ajax six-room house, $8000, pri. |vate, best terms accepted. On Y%-acre lot. Whitehall 2187. N.HA. 6% $1,450 $70 MONTHLY ONE MORTGAGE Large six room, centre through hall bungalow, of solid brick construction. This is the last of our 6% homes, lorge open basement with recreation window, sodded front and back. All conveni- ences W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-8831 miles Tom "Oshawa [om paved road, four bedrooms, two |storey home. barn 105 by 30, stream. {Asking $19,000 with easy terms. Call |Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd Real {tors, MArket 3-3293 Bowmanville. two-bedroom brick [saver kitchen, fully sodded lot, alum- 5% per|inum storms, screens and doors, TV aerial, oil heat. Full price $12,500, car- ries for about $75 including taxes. We can talk about the down Payment. w. P. Mittler, Broker, OL 35-3745 1 AM leaving for England within 21 days but must sell my beautiful ranch bungalow on large lot first. I will con- sides any reasonable offer. Naturally there are valuable extras. Call me at OL 5-3745. Full price $12,300. PRIVATE, $13,300, bungalow with many extras. cent NHA mortgage. Any reasonable | down payment, RA 5-1638. LARGE building lots at Courtice, close to public and high schools. Bus serv- completely re- ice. RA 8-5579. Approved. modelled, painted and decorated, all FIVE NHA approved lots, 50 by 100, buildings A-1 condition, big barn, good prepaid services and registered. Ready for beef or dairy cattle, good land,|to build on. Full price $3175 each, 10 plenty of water, Pidgeon River passes|per cent down, balance on 6 per cen through pasture. Come and see. Apply mortgage for one year. RA 5-9478. |FARM for sale, 133 acres, brick house ROSSLAND MANOR Choice residential lots, com- pletely serviced, some wooded, prestige location, For informa- tion, Mr. Jones RA 8-6246 47--Automobiles For Sale "50 PONTIAC sedan, radio, whitewall tires, mechanically good. Reasonable. Telephone RA 8 Bs 49 CHEVROLET, good motor, offer. Apply 564 Oxford Street 8-156 * Gea "50 CHEVROLET half-ton pick-up, good condition. _ Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. 53 CHEV. deluxe coach, in excellent condition, no rust or slip covers, ex- ceptionally clean, Apply 299 Drew Street. 56 CHEV, half-ton pickup, 00d "run ning condition, $295. Phone RA 8-3111 after 6 p.m. 1953 MERCURY two-door, old motor, five new tires. tween 8 and 9. -2725. 5 METEOR si condition. Telephone RA 5.5442. May be seem evenings. 52 STUDEBAKER, mileage. RA 5-4142. "52 METEOR custom line coach, newly painted, $325. Call OL 5-3028 1954 PONTIAC sedan, automatic and radio, excellent condifion. $640. Phone HA 5-1038 Sh 54 PLYMOUTH hardtop, clean, body and engine in good condition, radio, heater, good mileage, MO 8-258 after 5 best RA two years Phone be- good motor, low '55 FORD, automatic, radio, white walls, customline, A-1 condition, clean. 348 Stevenson's Road North. 's5 STUDEBAKER Champion, reason able, private deal. Apply 381 Colborne Street East. '57 OLDS, Super 88 sedan, automatic, two-tone, radio, snow tires. Telephone RA 5-5879 or 278 Jarvis Street owner, S. Hussel, RR 3, Omemee, Ont. JOHN A. J. DRIVE TO BEAU VALLEY TONIGHT JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 HILLSIDE HEIGHTS $1,200 down $12,000 full price, N.H.A mortgage at 634%. Consists of 5 rooms, brick construc- tion. Large living room and kitchen. 3 good sized bed- rooms, 4 pc. tiled bath, To see this one call Ted Cun- ningham aot RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. 'S. BEDROOM RANCHER ONLY $13,950 Come to Brooklin and inspect this wonderful home, yours for $800 down, balance 6% mortgage, Oil heated. Im- mediate occupancy THE ROSTER CON. LTD. OL 5-3745 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR If you earn less thon $5,000 | | | N I EN PBOARDS per year, you're lucky, for | MAHOGANY KITCHEN CUPBOARD: you can apply for an NHA DOUBLE STAINLFSS STEEL SINK loan for the following: 4.PCE. CERAMIC TILE BATH WITH MIRROR OVER VANITY . NATURAL IM OAK AND VINYL TILE FLOORS DIVIDED BASEMENT SODDED LAWN DOUBLE SLIDING WINDOWS WITH STORMS AND SCREENS 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS CHOICE OF COLOUR--BRICK, ROOF PAINT, TILE, ARBORITE BUY YOURSELF AN INCOME only $8,900 full price, only $2,500 down, stock and equipment in- cluded. For further details call and let us show you this really outstanding buy. Ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board payment, For with CUSTOM HOMES By S. GUJDA, BUILDER Modern 3 Bedroom Brick Homes CHECK THESE FEATURES: Stone front Ceramic Tiled Bathroom Heavy Duty Stove Cable Tiled Splash Back in Kitchen Choice of Tile 46--Real Estate Wanted We: have 2 clignts waiting for this type of home, 1. Small home close to bus stop not over $9,000 full price. 2. 6 room house with large lot and would also consider going outside city limits. If you con help call LLOYD AYERS REALTOR -- RA 3-2254 URGENT We need homes for sale, any area. Cash clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE 55 CHEVROLET coach, body end motor in excellent condition, private owner. Must sell immediately for fi nancial reasons. Brooklin OL 35-3019. , good condition. Phone RA CHEVROLET fourdoor, radio, in Bo condition. Must sell immediately. Phore RA 8-0841. 52 PONTIAC coach, two-tone, radio Body sharp and in A-1 mechanical con. dition. Has to be seen to be appreciat- ed. Phone MOhawk 8-2408. 79 VAUXHALL super, radio, excellent condition, $1425. RA 8-1227. 5 FOUR . door Buick "hardtop, h matie, radio, two tome, low Ag Phone COlfax 3-2026. a 1558 BISCAYNE Chev, sedan, with radio and extras, one owner car, in SreTient condition. Best cash offer. RA 55 EER Niag: "two doors, In excellent condition. Phone OL 5-3907, Raglan. 3 56 AJS motorcycle, like new. Phone RA 8-6057 oi '66 GMC truck 9700 new, closed in body, nylon tires, custom radio, west coast mirrors, fog lights and numerous extra Fi i can be arranged. Contact PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES MORTGAGE ARRANGED Taylor Road, Oshawa, Ont. 8-6475 N.H.A. RESALE % MORTGAGE LOOK AT THIS BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVEN Forced Air Oil FREE KITCHEN FAN AND DOOR BELL 1 Aluminum Door ON ATHABASKA -- EAST AREA Shale of uote 1050 SQUARE FEET Price $12,000. 50 FOOT FRONTAGE i DOWN PAYMENT $1545 Colt. Sally Walioce FULL PRICE $13,835 feria If you look for large homes we have lots north. west area 41 Gladstone Ave. For more information call ir John Bolahood Real Estate at RA 5-6544 or Builder ot RA 5-9839 LOOK OPEN HOUSE MODELS AVAILABLE THURS. FRIDAY SATURDAY | 2 P.M. TILL DARK ONLY 3 LEFT FEATURES: SODDED LAWN 100 AMP SERVICE VALANCE BOX STAINED TRIM DIVIDED BASEMENT CUSTOM BUILT BY JESS HANN & SON CALL HOWARD McCABE RA 5.6544 RA 3-4164 RA 59934 DIRECTION CORNER FAREWELL & TAYLOR AVENUE Full -- RA JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 APARTMENT SITES Top locations North Oshawa, cash or terms For further details, call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5.65%4 or RA 5-8342, Members of Oshawa and ___ District. Real | Estate Boord $1170 DOWN No second mortgage year-old, 3-bedroom brick bungalow. Total price slash- ed to $11,700. One NHA mortgage to cover balance. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-4678 AFTER 5:30 CALL: Dick Barriage 5-6243 Everett Elliott .... 3-9290 Joe Maga 5-9191 $1,900 DOWN | COTTAGE LOTS STURGEON LAKE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE Aluminum storms and screens. Aluminum storm doors. Red at Maple Grove Service Station, Highway No. 3, two miles west of Bowmanville, 58 MGA White, low mileage, many extras. RA 86056 after 5. Cash only. 58 VAUXHALL station wagon, tutone, radio, extras, Very good condition. $1475" RA 5-8185 after 6.00 '58 LLOYD Station wagon 8000 miles, one owner, immaculate, 45 to 50 miles per gal. A dual purpose compact sec ond car. RA 57514 citer 6 57 SUPER Olds, power equipped, low mileage. Will consider small ear for trade in. Call RA 5-8471 '57 OLDSMOBILE super 88, two-door hardtop, white and red, full power equipment, custom radio, white walls, 22,000 miles. Can finance, 455 Bloor Street East, RA 8-0708 '58 PONTIAC Laurentian, V8, auto- matic, two-tone blue, radio, extras. Excellent condition. Must be seen te be appreciated, RA 3-4050. '59 PONTIAC metallic green, push but ton radio, back up lights, extras, A-1 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. | RA 5-883] condition. Will take small trade. RA jo Iss DEW 1000 hardtop as new, radio, |47--Automobiles for Sale 58 DODGE, automatic sedan, like new. [Can arrange finance. [s: 462. |"35 VOLKSWAGE wo les, West. RA 57 DOWN door radio, Call kA 8-68 '59 Ford automatic, four Wri directional lights, EV. Le 33,000 miles, orig mileage. One owner. Telephone RA 8 8-3011 North Simcoe Motors LATR Chev. perfect car, radio, Street ite walls, etc., 35 per gal, 17,000 $2653 new, sell $1950, trade, fi- nance. Rev. Kartechner, RA 3-4035, 154 Telephone RA (Albert or 462 Cromwell. '5S B.S.A.- 650 CC motorcycle $250. van, best cash offer | RA 5.7233 by June 4. Arply 99 Richmond Street ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up te 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call R BEFORE you buy any car, check the prices on all the windshields at Var Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery of King Street, one full year warranty 48--Automobiles Wanted 59 FAIRLANE, excellent cor Jaduipped). 449 Ritson Road South be- ore 7 p.m. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.----OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 TEST DRIVE FIAT 600 AT YOUR FIAT DEALERS DON ROBINSON ESSO SIMCOE AND BRUCE STS, RA 3-9531 -- OSHAWA CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. WEST BRAEMOR GARDENS $3,500 EACH Surveyed 100-ft. lot with clean sand shoreline, hydro t o property line. Location 32 miles west of Bobcageon just off paved highway. Salesmon on duty this weekend ROBERT J. LAWES Realtor PETERBORO (Stevenson's Rd. N. and Annapolis) offers everything LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! CLOSE TO 3 SHOPPING CENTRES CLOSE TO 3 SCHOOLS CLOSE TO CHURCHES CLOSE TO TRANSPORTATION Riverside 3-4741 SEE! SEE! SEE! ide 34741 _| HOMES DESIGNED FOR GRACE AND SPACE A. J. SCHATZ THE KITCHENS OF TOMORROW REALTOR SEE SEE GENERAL INSURANCE The Ridgeway The Goldene WHITBY The Family Home Designed for MO 8-3337 8 R or ivi i. Indoor end Qutdoor Living | OPEN FOR INSPECTION CRESTON PARK WHITBY Family Room A kitchen that you must see Location: North side of No. 2 | Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid RA 5-181. FOR SALE: 1959 PONTIAC Hardtop, 4-door, radio, whitewalls, low mileage. May be seen at Archer Motors, Port Perry. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 CLEAN CARS WANTED TOP PRICES PAID LIENS PAID OFF 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. TRADE UP OR DOWN Wilbak Motors 137 KING W. RA 5-0732 DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 50--Articles for Sale RA 3-942] ~ ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality aot the best prices, fully guaranteed. Dounble hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 RA 3-7132 2 Washrooms Patio, etc Carport Priced from $14,425 Highway, East end of Whitby. The very best in "modern Priced from $15,564 SEE homes, several styles to choose from. Solid clay brick The Stoniord The Arnwood construction, divided base- Designed for young moderns Josnss, herdwooy Win 8 bede Conterporety Favorite 2 So ne rooms, ceramic tiled bath- 6 Rooms 6 Rooms room with vanity. Large d lots, Highest loca- 3 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms Senza nes a Dream Kitchen Cute as a button Sion, Sloss: go. schesls, trons. Priced from $13,750 Priced from $13,585 bi Low down pay- MODEL HOMES irtinPhd Ris a TA OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2 TO 6 P.M. OVER WEEKEND mann, evenings, MO 8-3253. '. A. J. SCHATZ Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK Two-door Sedan Delivered Fully Equip.ed ot Once a year clearance of TV floor samples, limited quon- tity, also radio and record players, at prices to clear PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-3043 $2485.00 SABYAN Boat, Motor and Trailer Excellent for family 17 cedar strip, beautiful hand- rubbed mahogany finish. 25 MOTOR SALES LIMITED 334 RITSON, RD. §S. Dial RA 3-3461 h.p. and accessroies, good as new. 61 SANDRA ST. WEST (Continued on Page 14)