8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 4, 1960 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activit This Week 1960 Bond Mart Canadian Buto | Coffee Break Hits Goes Higher Production Up Market For Eggs TORONTO (CP) -- Camadian| MONTREAL (CP) -- Donald motor vehicle production this Shaver, president of the Poultry By THE CANADIAN PRESS Road 'mated at 10,579 ve-|Products Institute of Canada, Mid-week activity, led by the hiclés compared with 8,674 the|said Friday the coffee break has 38 short - term Canada bonds. previous week. says the Cana- had an adverse effect on the egg Declis tnumbered advances by 2500 40 37 1 Irish Cop 21173 102 9% 97 1 175 4 i re the. Toronto. Stock Exchange this week. Issues un- Belly Da ues ind " » --20 39 go "Pete 13288 Sih os Iron Bay 25 252 200 boosted the Canadian bond mar- dian Automobile Chamber of market changed totalled 188. the Kelvinator 25 $74 Th Th + % Pac Pet wi. 900 600 10 EN RnB 02 ket higher this week with nearly Commerce Mr. Shaver told a meeting of Volume for the week was 7,646,000, up from Pamoil ite all segments showing price in-| Production consisted .of 8,659 poultry producers that instead of This Week 1960 - Stock Sales High Low Close Chan, High Low Stock Sal High Low Close Change High Low Int Moly 12000 6 5% 5% _% 13% w--This Week 1960 Stock Sales High Low Close Change High Low 363 to 28 on Jock C wis 3550 nn TORONTO WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES By The Canadian Press Murray M 639400 M 348486 Mid West Milt Brick M Cont A Trans Can 7150 2 Langis 19315 64 60 61 --3 16850 63 Triad Oil 11035 U Canso vt 2136 Latin Am 63 Latin Am 168500 N Mylama 130150 Bibis 00500 Industrials A and B Abitibi $4133 40% 41 + % 41% Abitibi pr 3 $221 22% 22% -- 5% Acad-Atl $9% 9% 9% -- U Alta Dist 5 35 +10 Alta Dis w 1 5 +3 Alta Alta Gas The Famous Fiberglas Vinyl Reinforced Pool Now Installed By YOUR LOCAL CONTRACTOR RAVIKE CONSTRUCTION (Michael Zygocki) FOR INFCRMATION PH. RA 8-8882 5 39 33 to date are 198,786,559. (Quotations in' cents unless Latar oh Petrol Jaye Expl ge A 875 59% ini i So ks i" " / Phillips § 85 Jellicoe 8 8 The short-term Canada 5% per 1,920 trucks compared with 1,397. |ing eggs many people now wait Bell Phone 18119 $45% 44% 45% +1 Lowb M 7% 1 Th -- Sapphire Alg Cen p $56 55 56 -- 3% Anth 1 A 110 3 30 Ont Loan 25 $27 + 9 4 Am-Lard 3000 Matach 555 7 6 jup y Bh 5 alas {1980 issues were quoted at $98% | ie c Atlan Acc s 144 Parker 1000 325 Ang Hur g 5 3 McWat 8700 39% 35 A hundredweight of coal in marked 1) Lafarge wits 345 100 01 Place 7 6 60 -- Joburke s 9 2 oD A cent 'April 1,1963, issues moved Production fo dale this year is|for the mid-morning pause to 1 Provo Gas 18611 Jowsey 4833 28 2% This Week: 500 p i . 466 25% -- % issues gained 35 cents at $98.75. (responding period last year--|fasi is usually inadequate and INDUSTRIALS = . 1485 BY Rocky Pete 6948 Kilem C wt 1200 27% 25 25 --24 % +1% 2 3 : i dollar with the Canada 3% per trucks compared with 35,807. into breakfasts. Alumini 18033 $32% 31 31% -- Macld A pr 305 22% 2% -- % Sapph debs Kopan Dev 280 37 5 5 -- 5 75 cents at $95 and the CNR 5% M Leaf Mill 195 14% 14% South U Lake Cin. 1100 63 63 63 --3: Pt 8 i x Mass F § Ve 98% 8 Sub Oil 1800 9% 90 % L Osu 1000 14% 14% 14% --1% There was a relatively large | I) 3 Un Oils I i Ly ' 1 92; / : Tidal / 10 350 350 350 Mex LP pr ida 6590 8 La Lyz 510 350 week, caused by the delivery of Mont Loco 300 ¢ Louvict 2000 41% 3% 3% Ir 3 Fo nye der produced an average to 2.92| Moore new 16264 $46 ? s ; 35 5 : Macdon 4000 18 17 17 » {3.24 per cent on the 182-day bills. | N Hos B 00 23 3 5 -- 2 Windfall Lorado wts 11915 6 4% 5 + % Bi . Curb 5 - ; Nat Trust 601 $51 y Madsen 3 20 214 28 ~3 loans at 3% per cent, 90-179 day T n 2 || North St pr 1393 $47 6 Magnet 25050 5 --% |day loans at 4% per cent and | Algoma 5300 $3° 34% 34% -- 3 Nor Phone 800 355 340 355 5 3 5 Abacus 10875 2 25 3 p Maralgo : | Recent provincial issues im- 8 Alum 1 pr 395 320% 20% 20% + % 1 19% 0 to Akaitcho 960 39 - Martin 318486 47% 41 reases ranged from one-quarter Anth Bp 35 Oshawa A 1195 §7 5 + y Amal Rare McIntyre $24% 24% 24% Atlan Acc pr 100 20% 20% + 0% Pbina 1435 $7% Ang Rouyn Mentor ; 7 17 | Britain weighs 112 pounds, and WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS Lakeland 50 210 5d Ponder ; Joliet 20 20 i ) gs 0 2 ahead 30 cents at $103.00, while estimated at 218,471 vehicles have something to eal. 730 28 > Quonto kenville 14000 4% 4% 4% 11452 $12% 11% 11% -- % Os In: 2h > --10 Mid and long - term issues| Made up of 179.461 cars com- suggested a publicity and adver- BA OU 19175 $28% 27% 358 $4434° 43% 44% 1% Royalite i 550 900 500 y Kirk Min 6901 30 27 28 --1 Creativ Tel 17226 $10 9% +% 1% MB.PR 15817 5 1h Savon 3 LN cent Sept. 1, 1965, issues ahead 50 2 + 153 per cent June 1, 1958, issues Dynamie Mass F 12565 $9 9 9% + % Spooner 12100 1 L Dufault 920 52 50 50 --1 Dra 64550 3 28 54 4 . a 189 Mex LP 3 $19% 17 L Shore 1429 40 --10 demand for day loans during the 3 3 2 3 $51 B the recent refunding issue of the 3% % Y 89 LL Lac 2550 165 1 165 + 4 Dec TED Ns h Un Oils 40611 15 120 -- : Leitch 16825 155 148 152 +1 Canada #%2 per cent Dec. 1,| 121 2% Molson pr d u Wayne 1600 7 Lencourt 390 5% 5 5% + % 1962 and June 2, 1962, bills, I 50 $4: : 47 2 2 Mont Trst 100 Macassa 2150 260 255 260 5 per cent on the 91-day bills and | Nat Drug 485 4 Y Y Yi 107 55 Lorado 44770 36 34 34% __ % 30 Finance company rates changed | N St Car 490 : 3 Yan Can y Macfie 1000 4% 4% 4% + % North Star 33 $34 Dalhousie Lyndhst 5000 10 10 --1 loans at four per cent, 180-269 | N St wts 57 7040 360 355 355 37: Malartic 19050 1270-365 day loans at 4% per cent. | Algon B 800 $7% 7% TH -- % : Nor Phone w 250 9 90 Acad Uran 17000 i LC Marcon 13675 | proved during the week and in- Alum 2 pr 350 $43 425% 43 + Ocean Cem 465 $11% 11% Alba Expl 6200 Matagami 520 505 |to three-quarters of a point. The 7 Argus 5 $3 29% 2 -- Yh 3 Overld pr 250 $83 Am Nephe 3016 .53 : 85 McKen 30 $17% 16 17% k P-- - a p---- Atlas Steel 1949 $224 20% Pembina pr 50 $41 Ansil 176 9 3; Merrill 96! 59 64 67 Uran 8 TY | i a hid he ton is 2,240 pounds. 30 30 Lito N week's 5,274,000. Total sales for the year os 3 + Permo pr 5 I Jacobus 107 109 ! previous week's Labatt BW SAL Bh MWh +24 1B 18 creases. jcais compared with 7277, and|the traditional breakfast featur- By The Canadian Pr ayia Jeg. | 05 Prairie Oil Jonsmith s 9 | at : : on 1960 5 3 g's the three per cent Dec. 1, 1961{compared with 208,080 in the cor-| He said the coffee-break break- Stock Sales High Low Close Ch 205 : . Ranger 1500 Ker Ad Reef Expl 9000 3 3 6 3 Kilembe 800 215 215 215 3 3 i [pared with 172,273 and 39,010 |tising c aigr et eggs back Tr Can PL 18903 318% 16% 17% -- % I 725 550 525 Bovalile showed gains of 50 cents to one|P2 9,010 |tising campaign to get egg 800 yalie pr Kirk Town 200 8 8 +1 Maher 25% 25% Secur Free Labrador 4145 $20 19 19 -1 1, Phiuter 5 3 Mass F pr 145 9% Satnwell 11800 Lake Ling 1500 7 6% 6% --% ahead $1 ai $104%. 98 15% 7 Mon Mort Lexindin 14500 2 The weekly treasury bill ten-| Nat Groc pr 100 Lorado wis 11915 6 4% 5 + % during the week with 30-89 day | 34 3 eNor Star A 1208 $19% 18% 19% MacLeod 100 10 --2 4 5 C 1 $17 17% 17% -- % b- Alf Cen id : . " NO NGas 4031 12 1% 12 I Maneast U 8200 3% 3 | Alumini 18033 332% 31 313 -- % Nthid Util 200 S16 16 3 Agnico 10478 Maritime 33200 4 ud Analog 860 S$5% 5S Office Spec 300 $14% Algom 1785 10% 3 : Lynx 6% y province of Ontario 5'%2 May Arg 2.50pr Page Hers 3740 $25 23 Anacon : +14 : McMar 5 bras BRITISH MEASURE Auto Elec 500 S$8% 8% Penmans 100 $29 Arcadia wt 40 4 7 3 Meta 2 Midrim 54 54 54 Bank Mont 3102 $513% 50% > , 25 Area Bank NS 1622 $62% 62 Photo Eng 125 $13 Bath Pow A 325 $43% 4&3 Bath Pow B 64 $32 32 Beatty 825 $7 6% Bell Phone 18119 $45 143 Bowater 200 5 84 Bow Mer p 145 AT% Bow 5%4pr Bright pr fre 3 Rune ihe edhe de pd YES, YOU MAY SAVE UP TO $300 WITH STATE } pee | FARM'S ONE-STEP FINANCE-INSURANCE PLAN ] 3700 50 46 Atlin-Ruf 4000 505 $74% 73 ol 190, 1634 360 305 ate $5000 Moneta 5265 64 62 2823 $11'4 10% - Aunor Mt Wright 36818 : 50 205 $18% 18% 183 gt ; : ; A Multi-M 2500 p Reitman 100 $15 150 15% + 1 % 15 Bankild 9% 7 g Mutray 63500 Why sign up for expensive finance and insurance package deals? Robin B30: Bary Expl ? Nat Fxpl 50) Actual cases in our files prove that State Farm's Bank Plan has helped thousands a A 3 K 3 J se t 3 13 1 9 O O : gr. 2 4 3 Roe AV 345 SU 5s a Bee 3 ; 14 Nes Lab 6800 of car buyers save $100 --$200--$300 and even more--enjoy lower payments, BCE 3 35 8 B=h/ Rover gant Toy Low I % Eom 7: 4 12 ; New Alger 200 shorter loans. How do we do it? State Farm helps you get low rate financing at LIL " 0 -- 0 13 Royal Bris 381% 203° 281 Balen a. B- 5 i New Bid 13450 aleading local bank. It's simple, it's private. Payments are arranged tosuit you. No BC ow Ff $323 3 IN 3 ell 1000 $10% 10% 1 B PY 2 1 - ew Cal 51600 : . . BC pow 240 i Rumen ooo siots 'low : Boveon mia 1 ) 19 New Coli 0 extra fees, no hidden charges. Used cars too? Unlike most financing plans, you don't pay a higher rate even when you finance a used car through the Bank Plan. These low borrowing rates may save you hundreds of dollars. You get low cost careful driver Insurance. State Farm keeps rates low by aiming to insure only careful drivers. Your State Farm agent handles details. No running ; ; around town for OK's. He writes you a cheque for the amount you need, even Can Brea 60 3 be Seen 3 30a 2% Bruna al Jew Seuyn atv. includes credit life insurance to cover the unpaid balance. Call him today. (He's Sun 8 Th a0, Buff Ank 2600 Nick M § 11177 listed in the White Pages of your phone book under State Farm Insurance.) Can Foils $1 9 - 1 Southam 1965 . $21% 21 Buff RL 6300 7% 5% 5 : Nipissin 5370 : . 36' a Steinberg A 2160 $185 4 4 NI phd Northgate 43 1 : $ 3 20300 ) Js -- S Propane 360 $14 13 1: © Nwest 23000 N Colusirm giver 104 Fairbks A 360 9 » Tor Dom Bk 1414 $53% 521% 52% 5 481, Ch 30 29 29 2 O'Leary Fairbks B 500 § 7 +9 Ter Iron A 100 S14 14 17% 13% i 32040 23 3 Opem Arjon 00 5 I Milliken 311 95 88 88 : | Atlas Yk 2000 Brockville 555 1 3 StL. Corp 11815 S18% 17% 4 Bicroft 1833 5 5 od N Harri 2500 Brown, 63 38 134 1 St L Cp Apr 250 $93% 9 9 Bidcop 15400 1 New Hosco 3570 Bruck B 500 25 J St Maurice 1400 80 Black Bay 6900 New Jason 5000 Build Prod 3 Salada 8 2115 $9% 9 Bordulac 18500 N Kelore 1650 Burns $ 3 : Salada wis 495 500 490 0 3 Bouzan 100 3 Newlund 370 Burrard A 300 36 y Shawin $2814 27% 2 308 Boymar 5 , 8 5 N Man 4400 Shawin A pr 5 & 38% 387 3914 71 Bralorne 5 5 55 N Mylam 13015 Cal Pow 6910 Silverwd A 5 $10 10 97 Broul Reef 48900 5 t Newnor 2000 Can Bread 250 Simpsons 3 $30% 29% 3 Brunswick 1400 235 3 - 5 New Rouyn 800 Sn as 1 1 Sounan on ; 1 ca . a Nobis Boi : | Before you buy a car, find out if you can save this kind of money with the Bank 5 3 te s ; 2 "able 000 3 3 a 5 3 | i Q » 3 ole Can Malt 150 | Spartan wis 10 35 33 Stn 0i6 1034 3 Noranda does samy 3 : Plan. How this easy plan works: 1. Pick the car--new or used. Before you 3 Hh i St Wire C 4880 260 22 mb hip 2808 25 90 43 Norgold 1850 0 7 5 y buy, phone any STATE FARM agent. Tell him how much you need to cover the -- 9 v 514 4 J Y y x Norlariic 42 v t 3 PY pa 1 : 3h Bi StPav C1030 sisu 13 Ci € Tungsten 20225 Norris my 2 unpaid balance" --the difference between your down payment (or trade-in) and shih 9 Sted in 100 s aE dn Astoria 1700 A : Norpax 500 che cost of the car. 2. He does the rest! You get a cheque for the dealer. You're 1 5 Steel Can 8852 § 4% 75 7 Malart 37725 ° ; : Norsvne won J a 'cash buyer." The car is yours. is . a S Prop wis 90 300 3 3 50 5 "dn T! 70 450 445 450 +5 0 dn Thor 7000 0 + #5 % 5% Suptest ord 545 $143 13% "andore 2500 12 : 1 ; N Rank dn Celan $20 19% 19% + % 1 Suptest com 400 380 450 'an Erin 44400 3 g Northsp Cel 175 p 200 $:9% 28% 29 -- % 3 ; Switson 1425 300 280 © 280 -- 360 280 aptain 11200 > Nors A wis Chem 4635 $6% Sh 6% + 5 Tto2 ! "assiar 5 North Can Collieries 4050 $9 8% -- % Tamblyn 110 $23 23 28 25% 21% C Norvalie Colli pr 2200 76 73 85 Texaco C 1403 $48% 48 8 - 9 135 Curt W 8650 195 5. 175-10 40 Texstar 100 110 110 110 - 5 re : 9 9 5 9 Obaska Dredge 1220 34 + % Thorneliffe 300 $7% 7% 3 55 : ik 5 y O'Brien Prod pr 205 $335 55 50% 5 Tor Mort 30 $300 300 300 300 "hibM 2000 5 Orchan Hyd Car 19 $1 10% + % Tor Star pr 90 $58 58 58 59 57 Chimo 14400 Orenada CIL 13% --% T Fin A 2250 $36% 35% 36 + % 7% 32% Chrom 300 Ormsby Cdn Ind & 1855 308 390 T Fin B . 25 $36% 36% 36% +1 Coch Will 14950 290 28 9 Osisko Cdn Oil : 20% + % T Fin 5 pc 155 $36% 35% 36% + 14 Coin Lake 9700 4 13 5 Pamour Cdn Oil pr 5 $14 141 © +1 Tr Can PL 18903 $18% 16% 173% -- % © st 3660 1 Paramaq 86300 CPR 5 7% 25% 7 Trans Mt 6545 $8% 8% 8% + % Soniagas 7300 4 5 3 Pardee 10500 Cdn Pet pr 305 10% ' Trans PPL $12%5 12% 12% -- % Sonigyum 8.2 Patino M 523 Cdn Tire 75 $185 181% 185 1 Un Ace 50 S48 48 48 -- 1% etoncno. 0 Patino wis 2000 C Vickers 825 $15 15 15 : Un Acc 32 $9 9° '9 wi C Ban ae aun = Pato 2825 CWN Gas 410 $16% 16% 16% % Un Gas 5065 $13% 13% 13% + % € Callinan 6273 Paymast 4260 CWN G Sp 180 $19% 19% 19% + % 4 Un Gas 5 $51 50 51 + % 52 49% Con C Cad 9000 Pce Expl 1749 C Westng 65 $J9% 39% "39% + Ma U Fuel 5 $5416 54 54 +1 541% 49% © Discovee 16085 Peerless 3000 Chrysler B84 S44% 44% 44% -- % % U Corp 5 S191 18% 19% + 3 21% 1844 ¢ Fen 8455 18 1 Perron 1300 Circ Bar 00 $7 6% 7 +% U Fuel 3.8% 3 38 1% 96 3% . Con Gillies 000 § Pickle Crow 1280 Circ Bar A 125 $7 7 7 + Un Steel 0 is 4 3 Arron S000 = Pitch Ore 23000 Cockshutt 1025 $14% 13% "13% - Vanadiu 165 160 165 55 158 C Halliwell 45690 ¢ Placer 1915 Col Cell 1010 435 410 415 Venez pr 250 250 3 pve) | $3630 Portage Comb Ent 435 8% 8 3 3 Viceroy A 100 $6% 6% 6 C Marcus 900 39 Preston Conduits 235 $12% 12% ' 1 Viceroy B 315 315 Con M s 8000 En 3 Pronto 524 Gon Ges 0 $04 LM 3 Vic G Tr 5.938" 335 3 2 : C Mogui 7640 $0 4 ue Mig Con Gas 5 2 y + Wainwr 185 ; REY ue Ascot 20415 Corby vt 1130 S17 it i Wo GW | 93 3 $C Norris: 1594 Que Chib 12250 Gy 5 Do slew jo2 8 i] Wat Equip 150 $5% 5% - 5 Con Negus 19930 nd bE Crome T 224 Webb Knp 2455 345 315 25 2 L Con Nichol 19000 3 Que Lith 825 cheshire 24 3 ; 4 Westeel 1360 $1 ha 2 C Northld 13000 53 : P ae id Crestbrk 100 125 12 5 W Copper 513. 33 WB M5 Cons Que 300 : x Q Metal 31000 Grown THust 60 : W Plywood B 350 $13% 1314 13% th C Red Pop 7355 y Quiston 10500 grown sum Weston A 1477 $35 4s 35 4 3 29 C Regcourt 3900 3 1 Quemont 2950 bg Re Weston B 850 $35% 3 : / 5 C Sanorm 12036 3 Radiope 17800 Crush pr 'Wen p 44 25 s®7 2 Con Sud 34750 3 3 2 iv 3 Rayrock 19325 Dist Seag Wstn pr 6 5 104 4 Conwest 2750 5 Realm 181600 D Bridge West A wits 570 13% Cop Corp 500 5:16 Renabie ~ 800 White Pass 800 $6 63% Cop Man 8000 Be Rexspar 15200 Wod JA 370 $26 2% 2% Coprand 75410 22 12 : Ris yore "A Woodwd A 7545 $17 16% 16% 4 Coulee 13500 Rr Aah. 3500 D Fndry pr Wdwd Aw 5 575 575 --2 5 E Cournor 3000 Ye y 2 4 Roche 21500 D Magnes 8 Y Knit A 160 160 160 5 Cowich 2830 26 59 26 Rockwin 11700 Dosco 240 $13% 13% 13 57 Zenith 275 265 270 3 Craigmt 1025 55 3 Rowan Con 5000 Dom Stores 1970 0 1 Curb Croinor 1000 San Ant 20611 Dom Tar 5890 13 Ang Cdn 75 $39% 39 Crowpat 5500 2 sand Riv 2700 Dom Tar pr 125 1 Anglo Nfld 1695 $7% 7 4 Cusco 2400 3 54 : Sherritt 23511 Dom Text 25 § 9 1 Asbestos 630 $25 24% Daering 2700 : Sigma Dover 100 ly 11% - e 1 CD § $14 14 a 4 D'Aragon . 9100 : 3 Sil Miller Dow Brew 25 3 . CG $30 29 13 De Cour 2950 94 5 1 Siscoe 11100 C Marconi 17 $5% © 54 Deer Horn 23500 ' Stanleigh 26320 C Paper 965 $4316 41% 4 D'Eldona 6700 4 Stanigh wts 3080 D Glass pr DI $13% 13% E 3 Delnite 9300 5 4 5 Stanrck 1830 D Oil Cloth 25 $373 37% : Denison 11601 875 : Starratt 8000 A 5 5 3 Dupont 1765 $23% 22% 23Y 7 Dome 2100 a 17 9 Steeloy 7000 Fam Play 1 i 1 Int Pap 500 $100 98% : Donalda 9000 6 Steep R 17238 Fanny F 50 §! 15 4 : Lob Ine 1250 $12 12 915 Duvan 6200 Sturgeon 3000 91, - Maclaren 25 $82 82 5 0 Sud Cont 22800 Fleetwood ) 4 4 Ogilvi 50 843% 43 403 E Amphi 650 Sylvanite 44538 Fleetwood 1 10% 11% 1 Price Br 430 $437 3 East Mal 495 Sunburst 21940 5 1 Zeller's 875 $35% 35% 353 East Sull 3275 15 5 55 5 g ) Sullivan 3490 A 77950 Eddy 290 Fed Grain Ford com 205 $1 b 1 73 1 0il 3 1000 : Taurcanis 2500 Foundtn 5 3% F 118 F) 9700 3 4 Taurcan vt 1000 Eureka 8425 + 2% ¢ Teck-H 11 Acme Gas 7000 16 1 21% 15 Falcon 5307 $3 1 3 3 Temag 17: Ajax 36840 4 1 7 5 "araday 38450 hi 3 Territory 38030 AP Cons 1000 4 a7 'west T 1000 7 3 Thom L 15350 All Rox 700 2 2 22 5 Fatima 22000 % + 5 Tiara 0800 Alminex 2950 1 2 3 Francr 1400 Tombill 21500 Am Leduc 15616 1 1 12 Frobisher 22040 142 7 3 Torbit 2400 Anchor 2000 2 4 Frob debs 140 v 7 + 14 R Trans Res 2800 1 0 Gaitwin 850 ¢ HRS 4 Tribag 1920 Geco Mines 2535 5717 E! Trin Chib- 2000 Geco Mines 2535 $17% Ult-Shaw 1500 6% Geo Scien 70 rl U Mining 2048 Goodyr pr Britalta 75 3 2 4 5 Gnt Masct 7 2 2 U Asbest 10900 G Mackay Giant YK 2425 975 Un Keno 2480 G Mackay cdl Ed 3335 $15 5 213% 131, Glacier Un Fort 2200 Paper 5 1344 Calvan Con i 325 5 3 Goldray Upp Can 5950 Power $21% 24% 4+ 3 2% Calvert Grandroy Vandoo Grandue Ventures Goodyear Vespar Gas Gs 2.80pr Gs B w Coal B Great West G Wpg Gas $5% S84 $41% 800 175 850 300 225 5284 G Wpg Gvt 5417 G Wpg 56w 20 275 275 » Wpg rts 78979 7 46 > Wpg 38 w 220 250 200 Greening 150 350 Greyhnd 1 Guar Tr Gurney Hardee Hard Crpt Hees H Dauch H Smith 325 H Smith pr 80 Horne Pit 675 Hur Erie 125 Imp Bank Imp Inv A Inv $12% Sve 339% $86 $14% 180 $19 25 1500 110 35 $M 5 $35 $40% Intprov 59wt 50 Inte 1 > Inv Syn 58 Inv Syn A 2940 Jamaica 59 Jefferson 1200 Jock C $535 Jock C pr "0 Pow w 0 »00 600 yg C Oil Lds 0 5% -- 3 C Oil L wt CS Oil wt CS Pete C Chieftn Cdn Dev C Ex Gas High Cr Homestd > Husky Husky wit Superior ent Del Dome Pete Duvex Dynamic Fargo Fr Pete pr Gr Plains 2 18000 78040 8025 620 2950 Home Oil A 9087 Home Oil B HB Oil G Jump Pnd Jupiter Landa LI Pete Lingpoint Majtrans Marigold Medal Midcon Mill City Nat Pete N Cont N Davies N Superior Northcal NC Oils NCO wits 5022 5082 3500 1000 10420 31100 70200 5400 2700 9507 13000 -35 10% + % Greyhk Gulch Gulf Lead Gunar Gunnar wt 20140 Gwillim 79250 Ya Violam Waite Am Weedon Werner W Malar W Surf In % Broadcast Board 4 Hallnor 530 140 140 38 Villroy Hard Rock 16100 13 12 12% Wilirey Har-Min 1800 6% 6% Winch' H of Lakes 16500 6 6 : Wr Harg Headway 1400 34 3-3 : 23 Yale Lead Heath 950 4-4 Hivh-Bell 500 170 170 149 Hollinger 1010 23% 23h -- ¥ % 21% Young HG Howey C 620 245 245 325 231 Ykeno Hoyle 2360 330 340 290 Zenmac 19 19% Hud Bay 1647 45% 461% 51% 43 Curb Hu-Pam 5200 3 § ~- 8 Bulolo 5 450 Hydra Ex 17517 2% 25 2% Gaspe Cop 1500 $20° 20 Inspiratn 2900 31 30% 31 : 30 Pend Ore 500 250 250 --5 Int Nickel 11646 $55% 54 55% 3 55% 45% Yukon Con 5700 58 ) 450 --28 ) 20 At present, only four categor- . Indian Given ies of Indians have the vote in Hires Researcher | Jtchic sl wlections wa reacting age o - | OTTAWA (CP) -- Appointment Voting Rights 21. They are war veterans and| of Dr. John A. Dawson, 37, of 0 their wives Indians who live off tawa and Montreal as economic| CT1TAWA (CP) -- The parlia-|reservations, Indians in the research director for the Board| mentary bills giving all Indians| Yukon and Northwest Territories, | of Broadcast Governors was an-|of voting age the franchise in|and Indians whe live on reserva-| nouncea Friday federal elections were proclaimed) lions but agree to pay income .ax| His job will entail advising the Friday in the Canada Gazettelon money earned there. governors of the economic impli-lanu go into effect July 1 Indians now have the right to cations of present and future| The bills, amending the Indian vote in provincial electiohs in| BBG policies and regulations,|Act 'and the Canada Elections Briush Columbia, Manitoba, On- ana reporting on the market po-|Act, were given royal assent |tar.. and Nova Scotia, provinces | tenual of each area in which new March 31. They affect between|in which about 60 per cent of the| broadcasting licences are sought.|50,000 and 60,000 Indians. {175,000 Canadian Indians live. STATE FARM INSURANCE STATE FARM Mutual Automobile Insurance Company + Canadian Head Office: Toronto, Ontarie See Your Local Agent Thad F. McCarthy ; DIRK BRINKMAN 130 KING E.,, OSHAWA } NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO PHONE RA 5.5841 AJAX -- WH 2-0840 PRONE 3.67) ZEN WARENYCIA 130 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA -- RA 5-5841