THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Jume 11, 1960 15 44--Houses, Apts, Flats 45--Real Estate for Sale 45--Real Estate for Sale [15--Reo! Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale For Rent HOUSE, 10 rooms with four apart: | $13,500 NINE rooms, = Y SEVEN - hor 0 acres, mod-| FOUR Toor sari nt. all sonvenl.{mepts. Three stoves, two refrigerators, home, with private drive and garage. ih ert house, BD "tile floors, 45--Real Estate for Sale FOUR . Yuom Jprtuient, two rooms furnished, close to downtown This house has been Tecently decoral- (fireplace, forced air with oil heat, 57; MONTHLY payment includes taxes, LOT for sale, in Westwood subdivision. . and shopping centre. §: wa, nside and out; four bedrooms on easonable downpayment, low monthly An extremely well cared for six-room|Cail RA 5.6679 after 5.30 p.m. FIVE room, two bedroom brick bung. |Piese RA 3-2479. seecha floes iso use ly [payments. Port Perry YUkon 5-235. |brick bungalow, completely decorated, alow on Cadillac Ave, S., oil heated, 5p i ai | f-- TAT rey 8 9 ni 9 i blinds, TV yess recreation FFAUTIFLL room ranch Dangalow, ing and dining room, kitchen, sun-(NHA re-sale, north-west section, Gief{latdseaped, stusme and awnings, yaved room with piano, $95 a month. RA 8- natural st " ttached ea age. 484 porch and pantry. Oil heating, many forest Street, five room brick Janch drive, Priced Deny Tari: Ville ar & Pan ataral stone, attached garage. extras. Landscaped grounds with fruit|style. Must be sold at once. Cheap, gage. ! pa pa. aL A_5-8769. trees and shrubs. RA 5-9168. |three bedrooms, large lot. Phone Jack|for quick sale. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. TWO-room furnished basement apart- RA 5-9870. ment, available July 1. Four room house, close to SGM. RA 5-3486. - room brick bunga-|no He -- rr | Appl#p, at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. id a ---------- RIVATE sale -- $4500 down, three. et Tar FOR SALE _. Building lots, on paved THREE-room, unfurnished apartment, business couple, adults only, heavy wir- , A P at - low, just $300 down, located in APPle|ves oid ranch style bungalow, NHA|NEW six-room bungalow, Harmony Hill, many man; extras. To inspect), cage "payments $86 monthly in- | Heights, i windows and|road, twenty minutes from Oshawa. call Lack Appleb; at RA 5-654 or RA in ®0 0 VN acents, RA 5.4995. screens, paved driveway, Near school.|APPly George Walton, Newcastle. hn| a - 8-520. Phone 3261. ing, heated, central. RA 35-2817 after = 6.30 p.m. : THREE - room Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398 Jol iris... and bath, private entrance, immediate DON HOWE 2-9 Boanood 11d. Realior: BH down he gd si gin lot 220 frontage by 100 depth Tr own, ful price ,200. ot rontage 1 epth, PRIVATE sale -- $10,500 immaculate 3-9183 after 4. |sewers and water, suitable for duplex 5 BEAUTIFUL th ree - bedroom sohd oF triplex, with plenty of parking space possession. RA 8-1114 after 4 p.m. FOUR - room, unfurnished apartment, R | sink in kitchen, private bath parking, €a tor heat, water, ete., included, $65 monthly. RA 5 7732 67 KING ST. E. and Whitby, taxes $120. Finished rec. EL a vig ool yo [In well built up residential section. RA RA 8-4723. i bar, 1 ainted inside. | FOOm WH a NY : chen, finished recreation room. Home |3-3807. 170 Household Products, Write Raw-|three room private apartment, newly TWO - room furnished apartment, prl-| payee i Roum nville East Beach, 50 Ideal is this 4-bedroom brick and out, landscaped, double parking wos area, down payment and payments completely decorated, drapes included, | NgA 6 per cent resale. Your oppor- all aluminum screens and storms, tunity to own a beautiful home of your leigh', Dept. F-310-RR, 4005 Richelieu, decorated. Apply 730 Simcoe Street|Vvate entrance, parking space, central.|, ooking lake, monthly. MA Montreal South Apply 43 Nassau Street. 3.2607 or NE 4-5625. home with attached garage in a choice district, only 1% can be arranged. RA 3-2663. 5 paved drive, tower TV antenna, private own, Three bedrooms, magnificent wife BEAUTIFUL six room, 1% storey.(sale. This house a steal at $16,000, easy caver kitchen, fully sodded lot, alum- EXPERIENCED bar man with refer- TWO Toom furnished apartment, SUBLET two-bedroom apartment fOF|yuppE room basement apartment in ence. Apply Queen's Hotel, Newcastle. modern, private parking, close to down. |June and July. Call RA 52161 or RA years old. Living room 14 x 21, large dining room and basement apartment, with private en-|terms and information. Call Ajax, inum storms, screnes and doors, TV trance, almost central, in good area,|2.4010. | aerial, oil heat. Full price $12,500, car- apartment building. Apply 103 Wilson | = te ania Phone 2536, Newcastle. town, adults. July 1, $70. RA 8-0369 5.5787 Road North, Apt. 3. Immediate posses te a Moe: Reatior, 35 Prince F119, AT PICKERING BEACH, 6 roomed | CE wr - - a - gerne -- TE-Toomn Rous no paved AL Ad . MOBILE home, 40 ft. by 10 ft., on lot home, tile floors, paneled walls, natural SUMMER employment, young man be- MODERN upper duplex, large living, |375 FIVE-roo jouse on pi | i, laundry TV, parking space dryer, available immediately. APP acre of land, %-mile, vacant, posses: den land, $5500 cash. Write L. Nixon, |peasonable. Will 'consider low down 38--Male or Female [Secure Asin Fh RE a eats kg ing pg 25 pL. cB _|sion. Phone now Jack Appleby at RA |Port Perry Post Office or phone Black-|avment Phone Ajax WHitehall 2-4376. 2 a , » 1a eav, g. Ys i Help Wanted ? Fp ohn -- jandscaped, oil heating, tiled walls in|lows. 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. ied Daly athr bool, third |ReWly decorated, pleasant home, good | AVAILABLE July 1, one or two-bed-|[two kitchens, twe bathrooms, Park kitchen, large rooms, taxes $130. Close stained doors and trim, s awn, furnace, hroom, near school, rd! district, suitable for couple, reasonable near King Street West, Simcoe North location. RA 54452. (3-328, EA 5.6544. John A. J. Bolahood J. od L Ritrs, (month_possession, Call | ong Me [PIVE-ro0i,; 1X9. « bedido: tained, all conveniences, central, adults| MODERN, two-bedroom apartments, | niles, Realtors. LOT for sale, north end. Approvimate-(A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Realtors modern kitchen, Beautiful Ee vent room has floor and ceiling completed] large bedrooms, finished rec- bath, TV outlet and garage, '°¥eh strictly private 3. piece bath, TWO - bedroom Avene. OLiver 5-3055. with smart bar included. Taree bed- onth. RA 3-947 EXCELLENT building Asking price $22,500. Con- tact Rolande Tierney, RA home in good repair or in need of repairs by a young trich Realtors, P.O. Box 126, |__ Peterborough, Ontario. 37--Male Help Wanted RELIABLE man to work time cutting sod and chauffeur's licen- ce.. MO 83015, 110 Palmerston Ave. ASSISTANT manager for furniture store. Good salary. Stale qualifications and experience. Write Box 804 Oshawa Times MAN wanted for meat counter, . part time. Apply 272 King East. RELIABLE Whitby man to work part. time cutting sod and chauffeur's licence TWO men needed at once, serviging Watkin's route, transportation furnish. {44--Houses, Apts., Flats |44--Houses, Apts., Flats rt For Rent For Rent THREE - room apartment, being newly APARTMENT a' 174 Colborne Street, decorated, private entrance. RA 5-4918. [four -ooms, $50 adults. Janitor apart- 2 Wi ee -- -- -|ment at 46 Fairbanks Street, Heat, FLOOR space to rent close to Osh-| oer, and electric supplied, $25, awa, intersection of double hi, hway, adults. L. Hancock, 1389 King East, RA a growing community. Suitable for |g 7g restaurant, ladies' wear or shoe store| or men's wear and shoe store. Apply |SELF - CONTAINED, two - room, sun- Box 707 Oshawa Times. ny dry basement apartment, Kitchen, - TR ------ -------- | bathroom. Family with children wel AVAILABLE July 1 One or two bed-| oe or singles. RA 5-4170, {room apartment, yevonilofioor, modern | ---- -- -- ---- stove, sink and refrigeral®:8 i m c 0 ¢ MODERN, four - room apartment, Street North. Phone RA 5-4452. |bath tiled floors, decorated heated, Ri 7 -------- We -------- iring. Immediate posses- ed, average $2 per hour. For appoint: SMALL, furnished apartment, private | Leavy, duty wists LD venir vin ment, RA 8-2383. entrance, and bath, fully vequipped ivi lle. 19 Division Street. RELIABLE Whitby man to work part kitcher for ladv only, centrally lceat- time cutting sod and chauffeur's )i.(ed. RA 5-0128 ONE large furnished room IN dieren; TTT oo | suit couple. Also single furnis! room cence. MO 8.3015. 110 Palmerston Ave.| FURNISHED two - room apartment, |for gente ARE TR heavy duty stove, refrigerator, cup- wiht Ea or gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street reste 3 & ful) or SPare | boards, parking, near bus stop. Call RA North time Sales Plan by which you can earn | | FURNISHED room in bachelor apart $10 to $30 » day? Take orders from |5-3206 { J 3 - ----- ment, all privileges. RA 5-9630. beautiful Display Book featuring over FIVE - room private apartment, also JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. §. RA 5-6544 $1,000 DOWN $1,000 One of the cleanest 4-room brick bungalows we have had the pleasure of listing. 4-pc. tiled bath, professionally landscaped grounds, front and rear. Private drive. Located close in to schools, shopping, ond bus. Owner will toke back the mortgage on easy terms. If you would call Jack Appleby | will be pleased to show you through, RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. CELINA ST. é-room, 1Va «storey brick home, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen and very clean home throughout, Owner transe ferred. Asking only $11,900. See this home by phonin Jack Appleby at RA 3-339 or RA 5-6544. GLENFOREST ST. rug brick N.H.A. re. sale, 6% mortgage pay ments of $93.00 interest, principal and taxes combined. This house must be sold at once, reasonable down pay- ment, to inspect phone Jack Appleby, RA 3-3398 or RA 5-6544, Members of Oshowa and District Reol Estate Board THANK YOU FOLKS For the wonderful reception given to our model homes in BRAEMOR GARDENS For all the people who were unable to visit us lost weekend. Treat your family and see the MODEL HOMES 10 AM. TO 9 PM. THIS WEEKEND ONLY BRAEMOR GARDENS Stevenson's Rd. N. and Annapolis Has Everything CUSTOM HOMES By S. GUJDA, BUILDER Modern 3 Bedroom Brick Homes CHECK THESE FEATURES: MAHOGANY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK 4-PCE. CERAMIC TILE BATH WITH MIRROR OVER VANITY NATURAL TRIM OAK AND VINYL TILE FLOORS DIVIDED BASEMENT SODDED LAWN DOUBLE SLIDING WINDOWS WITH STORMS AND SCREENS 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS CHOICE OF COLOUR--BRICK, ROOF PAINT, TILE, ARBORITE LOOK AT THIS BUILT-IN STOVE AND OVEN FREE KITCHEN FAN AND DOOR BELL ON ATHABASKA -- EAST AREA 1050 SQUARE FEET 50 FOOT FRONTAGE DOWN PAYMENT $1545 FULL PRICE $13,835 If you look for large homes we have lots north west area For more information call John Bolahood Real Estate ot RA 5-6544 or Builder ot RA $-9839 RENOVATE YOUR HOME = NOW. ~ '® Kitchen Cupboards @ Built-Ins ® Garage or Carport ® Sun Porch $6000 FULL price buys a near new LABORATORY TECHNICIAN IMMEDIATELY 5-Day Week . Apply: Superintendent, Ux- bridge General Hospital, Ux~ bridge, Ontario. apartment, self-con- Oshawa and Whitby, 78 x 200, very nice |for. Call Howard McCabe at RA 5.6541 view, $1700. Apply 255 Athol Street. |or RA 3-4164. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Adult home, central, RA 5-56 Reasonable rent. Call Mr. Hoiner, RA und down. Apple Hill, reasonably ce and bath, ----------= | Realtors. OR REN eo ---- ; |5-8702. priccd Low down payment, You must FOR RENT = Ofle_and two bedroom) [See this buy of the year. Phone Jack 41--Room & Board as e July 1. din duindhitsodhon Avenue ROOM and board yet THREE parking |_ r iti .|SELF - contained three - room apart- A a -- ee Avply" gp Sartments, lawedly [actus ic: ment, all conveniences, $35 monthly, Appleby at RA 58544 or RA 33308.|3i0,000 full price, tidy sixroom brick) Whitby, MO 8-4221. | suitable for two adults. Phone RA 3.7463|J0hn A. J. Bolahood Lid. Realtors. home in North Sad. tasty $157 yearly, hroom fiat. self. -- eee NT p or ol eat, low dow ent. Telephone RA 3:7504 5 eon DE A THRFF - room, heated, unfurnished SIX - room ranch style bungalow, close YEN. 1 py lo in Bosco Realtor. RA 5.9670, ROO aod Bored dood -- contained, washing ies, heavy o. tment, self-contained, TV aerial.|to bus, shopping and south GM. Imme. COS€ "0 SCAO® S00 2 TERE 58. rr PTT PY Xoo® oar i Se ng, cupboards in kitchen, TV an. SR IIRCEL Sr FEC Wiring, Kitchen diate possession. Apply 1218 Wecker| reasonable r it. Telephone RA 5-108. |gyx room house, all conveniences, pm. Py sii gil. $60 monthly, adults only. APPIY Gini hus stop in front; adults. 880 Sim- Drive sale -- Family home, 2%-|outside city limits, close to bus ser. TTT I gO aren | 1 ROWE Street : Ts __|coe Street North FOUR - room apartment, private bath|storey brick, garage, paved drive, six vice Owner transferred to To Room and board for Zenijermen, close THREE. or four - room apartment, | ore or ate bath, [and entrance, very c A 5.1820. rooms, plus large room completely|RA 3-3579 after 3:30 pm. b Dd North GM. RA 83643, heavy wiring, private bath, sink and | oiniec 'steel sink, heavy duty wiring,[TWO - rcom, fur artment with | finished third floor. Close to schools {NGOME home with four self-contained pr 29 | Street Ea . cupboards in kitchen, child welcome. private entrance. RA 81723 after 5|refrigerator and stove, central, also 40°'|and communications $2500 down Pay-| anartments, now rented, close to Shop- FOR YOUNG woman, Simcoe South RA 3 ladd A 5-7936 {ment Monthly $69. Will also consider in; Centre. Total price, $17,500, with vicinity, home yileges, laundry done - p.m. ies | Se -- : lier home. RA 5-5207 | A 8-4733 vicinity, home privileges, ry SUALL two FURNISHED bed - silting room and|ONE - room and kitchen, furnished or stolid adh sopra | 7000 down. RA 8-473 i: if desired RA 39218. - fu : table kitchen, fully equipped, builtin cup-|unfurnished, private front and back en-|/IN WHITBY -- two lovely high bulld-|55; 009 or best offer, well built bunga-| ROOM or Toom and board, Pleasani ball housekeeping a boards, stove, refrigerator, TV. outlet, trance. RA 80429. 27 Park Road South. |ing lots, with trees and hedges, on jw with attached garage. Broadioom| np orivate home ay work-| Two yom furnished apartm BeSs. 2967. | Ep ---- |paved street, with sewer an -|throughout, two bathrooms, electric <2 een ep ---------- » CER VE VI, apart _|apartment, priva a ce. - . na { DATION for gentleman, | Working mother if de NEAR CYL, {mes Tom HA 5.9870 Apply 292 Huron Street. SEVEN - room house for sale. Phone be arranged. Call Howard McCabe. RA| and board, or room, laundry THREF h, private entrance, 70. | Ton Ne RA 5.0167 after 1 p.m. 58544 or RA 3-4164. John A. J. Bola ae | | NT, Ltd., Ritrs. dene if desired. 160 Park Road North, path, refrigera | LARGE building lots at Courtice, close Jood 1 Es RA 3-9541 30. Telephone RA 3.9182 GARDEN Home for retired or convaies EE to public and high schools, Bus serv: STORE FOR RENT BUCKINGHAM |ice. RA 8-5579. Approved, cent person. Phone MOhawk 8-5746 FIVE NHA approved lots, 50 by 100, CENTRAL LOCATION, suit- MANOR oble for beauty parlor, record APARTMENTS COTTAGE LOTS On beautiful Chandos Lake, north Peterborough. One mile from highway, easy terms, choice of cottage plans, large selection of lots and cottages for sale on many other lakes in the Kawartha fully modern inside, Many extras. RA y - I ries fi bout $75 including t: Wi ix room, four year oid ries for about inclu axes. We 2.0089. aig iT in Oakville tor similar |can talk about the down Sayment. w. house 'nm Oshawa - Whitby area. RA|P. Mittler, Broker, OL 5-3745. fi treet i nveniences. Occupancy pose Strut. RA 3.2512 or MO 3.5765, app! y % acre, 5 miles east of fireplace. Pressure system, 4-piece bath, | dt dro street, all col . MENT -- . T 2 id " 3 . 4 ath, hoe: BB Bg By a stain oy 4 Grooms, i apr bath July 1. Apply 296 Monash Street. Ct tiitee © oom OPEN Jor of'er -- four - room attached | Port Perry on 7A Highway. Good well, zag furnace, gas hotwater heater. Lot cations. Telephone RA 5-8024 boards All rooms newly painted and| NEWLY decorated basement apart : ; garage, three - piece bath, oil furnace, septic tank, all conveniences, £00d FAI-|50 x 200. Tool shed, gas stove included. . ar?s. All rol NE eo > | ce, TWO - room furnished apartment in|5-6543 ar RA 3-3398 John A. J. Bolahood [stock 11 R 3. a ee shade trees. For appointment phone ,pie june 15th, Call RA 8-5455. private home, nice and quiet, self en.|Ltd., Realtors. a pe Erg 5 price, new NHA bunga- RA 39114 or RA 3-7202 = = eee -- | trance. Apply 378 King Street West | et i soap A--------> $1000 DOWN, four-room bungalow, | BR room Bouse Yardwood Heors. oli THREE - room furnished apartment, . ho uit od INT rooms -- new house, two-storey, r . tt S r luminum storm yy room apartment, modern stove, sink|Road South, to schools, shopping, open to offer. Call 100 amp. service, a | house, E Raglan. "hone Brooklin, rent, immediate possession RA 3-3882.|and refrigerator, wasaing facilities.|seil or rent. Call Jack Appleby at RA |Howard McCabe, RA 56544 or RA door. Only asking $1900 na One OLiver 5-4755 hse tintin' ---- 4 % John A. J. Bolahood Ritrs.| month possession. Call Ho; | FIVE-room two. bedroom i THREE - room apartment, con- 3-4164. John A, B od y 1 "NC preferred. Phone RA 3-2180 or apply available July 1 and August 1, Je se | FIVE large rooms, brick bungalow on ly 60° x 150°, city water. Telephone RA| _____ ee rater ineiiied. adults or swuple Withizes Ritson. Road: South, required. Montrave Apts. RA 3.4379, big fully landscaped lot, very close 5441} [S000 DOWN. NHA resale, only $12,500, one child A 8-6 AE -- ki CL SER | 7 vont, fe A c- is room apartment. electrically Airactive 3 - room apartment, street | RA 5-0191 to Ritson 'school. Apply 213 Banting | rues Tor on Farewell Avenue, Dial sodded back an " outlet 3 : $ bins A, : room. French doors opening stove refrigerator supplied. Abstainers, tained, very central, garage included. NEW duplex, five rooms and bath, up lot, between rooms. This is what you are looking to patio from dining room, 2 three bathrooms, Many extras. 5-5207. Urgently required -- Small k couple, around $7,000. Con- district. Phone or write Fran tact Rolande Tierney, RA Patterson, Rishor Barnes Die- 5.5207 . partly or two for 8-8125. room rnished RA 1. Child care for sired, RA 8-6034. |} central, Available June tment, "a near posses- rree-bedroom bungalow, shopping centre immediate -- sion, Phone RA 8-3958 | THREF room apartment, heavy duty |stove Apply 83 Ritson Road South MODERN three - room apartment, re- frigerator and stove. Apply 79 Centre| Strect jroom apart- |TWO room apartment with bath, stove, Ob Spa refrigerator, wate hydro, heat in- equipped, [cludea $50 monthly. RA 8.0964 and up. North, ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, nice locaticn, close to downtown. Abstain ers. Phone RA 5-5565 ROOM and. board for gentlemen tinuous hot water home privileges. Ritson Road South ROOM and board for lady or gentle man, willing to share, Call anytime after 5 p.m. 353 Verdun Road or phone RA 34 0? two - room apartment, also one sing and double room, central and quiet. Gentleman preferred. Apply J Church Street ROOM and board for gentlemen, single beds. good home cooked meals, close to North GM and bus stop. 148 Ritson Road South ROOM and boara for gentlemen to share, ciose to north plant, lunch pack Passenger ed. RA 5.6727 i | prepaid services and registered. Ready shop, variety, or ony type to build on. Full price $3175 each, 10} per cent down, balance on 6 per cent of business. Reasonable rent, parking. mortgage for one year. RA 5.9478. RA 5-0081 RA 5-9544 homes, For re- con 2m telephone, | or Alex e St THKEE-room apartment, unfurnished, RA 8-8676 at and ent aerial | Apply Street. | private t e; and telephone. 820 Sylvia CLEAN, unfurnished apartment, two | OFFICE SPACE largo rooms and kitchenette, built-in | FOR and sink, heat, lights and | water, $55 monthly, Apply 586 Bloor ) East and nice area. Wacko, Realtor, g Choice residential lots, com- pletely serviced, some wooded, prestige location, For informa- tion, Mr, Jones RA 8-6246 | BRAEMOR GARDENS (Stevensons Rd. N. and Annapolis) Registered lots available in this prestige location. N.H.A. approved. For information RA 5.7272 $1650 DOWN 6% N.HA. MORTGAGE Three-bedroom ranch type brick bungalow. Carries for $85 monthly, Apply: 39 Fer- guson Ave. Meadowcrest Subdivision, Brooklin, URGENT We need homes for sale, any area. Cash clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE elevator service, Centrally lo- area. now BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS coted in downtown Moderate rent. Leases 2-be trically equipped, best tion. $100. Apply: Simcoe St. North, Apt. RA 8-8676. 44a--Rooms For Rent ROOMS by the week, tiled shower, and , maid service. RA 3-464], Genosha om Apartments, elec loca- 498 15; Ho! THREE clean, unfurnished rooms, third floor, heavy duty wiring, adults, cen- tral, $45 monthly. Apply at 143 Agnes Street. CLEAN, furnished, housekeeping room, separate entrance. Girl preferred, very central, Telephone RA 3-9503, all con- veniences. WHITBY CLASSIFIED EXPERT rolotilling for gardens and ROOM and board for lawns. Don't call unless you want the 901 Walnut best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 82614.| HGUSE FOR RENT -- 227 Dovedale, FOR SALE -- 1. registered male Apply McQuay and Kidd, Real Estate, Springer Spaniel, age 5 years. Trained | Whitby Plaza. MO 8 4 | on duck. Chocolate and white, good With | FoR RENT -- 2, 3 and 4 roomed apart. children, Has had needles, Must sell bY | ments. close to° schools omed apart: | week-end. MO 85170. = rent. Phone MO 8.2328 after 6 p.m. | FOR SALE -- Kitchen cabinet with FOR RENT -- Smal Apply 840 stainless steel double sink and faucets,| Dundas Street East | wood and coal stove. Phone MO 8.4491 Whitby FOR SALE -- 1 pair of lined drapes 4 widths), floral on grey ground, 84" long, four matching cushion covers, reasonable Phone MO 8.2276 "30 CHAMPION Studebaker, new licence running condition. $100, or be offer, ea-y terms. Phone MO 8.2274 Whitby FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished rooms, f giouna floor, with garage; suitable for couple Phone MO 8-5149. FOR RENT -- One., and two-bedroom apartments on Mary Street East, $85, and $100. Adults preferred. ) - - FRESE | 8.5591 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary| new tanks ed. Walter Ward, | 204 Chestnut one MO 8-2563 SPECIAL furnished housekeeping room, uiet, very central. Phone RA 04 Athol Street East. TWO furnished bedrooms, also Kitchen for light housekeeping, RA 3-5683 or 261 Celina Street | choo! 764 or cottage. - Whitby New building MODERN SUITES | 43--Wanted to Rent BALCONIES WANTED -- four - room apartment by July 1, Write Box 711, Oshawa Times. | lable A build db WANTED -- two . bedroom apartment,| OO! C0'¢: A building you ou be near business section, reasonable rent 1D ud 12 live in, pave 3 park» Phone RA 5-6160. | C ing ully equipped, laundry on eTesam THE TIMES | room. building tes ust been them. Fast, low-cost! Sell any kind wl | painted inside and out. Ate real estate by dialing RA 3.3492 G tractively landscaped, will dee TWO family home, close to school and | BUILDIN corate to suit new tenant. bus, reasonable rent. Call RA 5.3083 Close to shopping,. you should or RA 39861. Ra f . T WILS see to fully o Frente the ex- SELL puppies or other pets? People | Contact T. L. WILSON tros in this apartment. MO who want them check "Pets for Sale" | | 8-4547, Whitby. in Classified every day Dial RA 3.3492 = 4 . to start an ad that sells pets. Phone RA 3-3474 -- WILSON RD. NORTH AT LANDSDOWNE One and two bedroom apart» ments for rent, $75 to $105. 0 ' Large living room, dining Street gentleman at! grea, beautiful kitchen, tiled | bathrooms and good = bed- tne --------Lap rooms. Two bedroom aparte FURNISHED front room for gentleman, ments with balcony, stove, SEAL, Jeasonable. Call after 5 p.m. refrigerator, washer, dryer, ONE TV outlet. Immediate passes- cle sion, Call Frank Hazlett RU 8 3-1733, 3005 Bathurst Street Toronto. Evenings RU 7-9387 FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com- post; odorless and weedless for flow- | ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone Erm ortation to Toronto REAL MODERN "5's om APARTMENT arriving by | will 'suit business couple, TWO furnished rooms for two gentle. | , close to Shopping Centre. Apply 63 Grenfell Street ONE room and kitchen, private front and back entrance. Apply 27 Park Rd. South ATTRACTIVE able in private North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671. {AVAILABLE now -- three furnished | rooms, second floor, $70. Two furnished | rooms, third floor, available July 1, $60. Heat, lights, central, RA 3.9180. THREE - room, self - contained apart. nent, immediate possession, near Shop- ping Centre and bus. RA 5-6106 Ranch-style homes as low as $15,000. full price. distric arming by 5 MO p.m irnished rooms, avail- home, 82 Park Road| toy terrier, Please call MO e, brown broken live ing room and bedroom, walle carpeting, drapes, etc., supplied. Ultra- kitchen, table-top stove HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good | down payments W McAuley Realtor | MO 38-3231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 | to-wall curtains, modern wall oven, South end of > from on i ) city (only drowback), private |p rr reRed ApAHmeRt Hill, and surrounding districts. Phone "0 y 4 or special prices . | . urnished apartment, MO 55005 Wnty 8 on rar s, washers and dry entrance, air conditioned. [203 King Street West, couple only, p : Furniture, The ENPLOYMENT WANTED Se p R |available immediately. A E 4 --- Lady st n er in Whitby A 5-3556 - wishes position as housekeeper, part MO FOUR > Joom Sratunent, Separate a Phone MO 8-2466 : rance, heavy duty wiring, vicinity time. Pho; 8-2 : King and Wilson, - adults only. Phone MODFRN six-room bungalow for sale al ON See Our Furnished Model Home or rent, $120 monthly, near high school. MOhawk 84 FAS IT svoningt, Ba adi -- - u. JONES, Realtor Appl. Bowmanville, MA 3.2512 WANTED -- THREE - room furnished basement SAGUENAY AVFNUE (PARK RD. & KING ST, A ha Re tment, private 'bath and entrance) Modelaire Homes Port Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa. [n Whitby vicinity after 6 p.m BY FRED R. JONES DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION SOD, 20c square yard. Delivered to Port Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering, West vinator deep freezes *50 Chevrolet | sale, good motor, reasonable. Phone In Whitby we have a Triplex that is a pleasure to see. Sit- uated in the most desirable location, it has balcones on which to relax and enjoy the view. Modern in every way; wonderful kitchens and many hidden features. Apartments now renting at $110 month- ly. Asking price $32,000. Discount for all cash. ® Recreation Room @ Dormers ® Add-a-Room Adults, Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering, West Ajax [TWO room furnished apartment, re-| RA 5-6412 RA 3-3383 Hill »nd surrounding districts. Phone MO 8-3015, Whitby. I |frigerator, laundry facilities, central, ROOM and board for gentleman at 901 |No children. apply 253 Athol Street d | East Wilnut. SODDING and landscaping. rototilling Free estimates. Call WH 25134, Ajax, after 4.30, CREME cold wave, $6.95 includes style- cut, oil shampoo and set. MO 8.5124 for appointment. LIVE poultry also feathers wanted Highes: market prices paid Jake nt apart. hydro in- ds in Kitchen, child welcome. MO three-room bas 5 pe sink GE n b ded ipboa ndry 2-440, FOR SALE -- bungalow, Com. pletely finished and landscaped. Would | accept building lot for down payment. 118 Hopkins Street. Phone MO 8-2261 FOR RENT Four-room apartment, | private entrar ilable June 15 Phone MOhawk 53 after 5 p.m Quiet, residential street, and c facilities JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED 167 SIMCOE ST. S. FOUR - room apartment and private bath, TV outlet, and heavy wiring, close to bus and ool, immediate posses- ion. RA 5-5825. | THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for couple, heat, light and water in. cluded. RA 5-1454. | | BED - sitting room with light house- BN iA LIST WITH US! WANT TO BUY? CALL US! Bedroom apartments, electric- ally equipped, be location, | heli Y Pp y 3 ire farms, businesses. $100. Apply 498 Simcoe St. | (GOOD throebedronm togse farm, bu in, | Kennedy RR 6, Lindsay, Ont. JOHN DE WITH |BARGAIN, Port Perry, eight room FOR RENT " 3 NEWCASTLE 3341 conveniences and garage, only $7000 PRIVATE 3 BEDROOM | with half cash down or trade for small- OSHAWA F HUNTER i {er house in Oshawa. W. McAuley Hea) PICKERING VILLAGE ' RA 5.2974 BRICK BUNGALOW jor Prince St. RA 3-2512; MO 8-5765. | ROSSLAND MANOR | $19,900 RANCH D. MOUNTJOY Calt_John BUNGALOW |. wvagsaso | RA 5-6569, = CUSTOM BUILT 4 BEDROOM Treed lot, huge living room, 2 fireplaces, hollywood kit- chen, walk-out basement, ONLY $13,950 patio. Lots of extras. Call Come to Brooklin and inspect collect WHitehall 2-6273. this wonderful home, yours Come out, lock at it-- mortgage. Oil heated. Im- mediate occupancy. PICKERING VILLAGE THE CRESTWOOD OL 5-3745 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE veneer, featuring redwood kitchen, ceramic tile bath- RA 8-6228 room with vanity, storms, 2-bedroom brick homes. Bev- gi Price $13,890, down erley St., Hortop St., Division 2,579. ' s $1,000 down. JAMES O'MALLEY es owns 4-bedroom brick homes, Osh- RA 3-7122 awa and Whitby, from as low LIMITED New duplexes, fully rented, just south of No. 401 High- way at Farewell. $19,900. 167 Simcoe St. S. ; 18 every way. Fully Serviced iscount for all cash. N.H.A. Approved RA 5-6544 5- to 14-suite apartment homes from as low as Jones Sub-Division| APPLE HILL fully rented. Invest in any of these apartments and you New, 3-bedroom brick bunga= are assured of a sound return. lows, 6% N.H.A. mortgages. Check these features, large Le rooms all oversized. Modern kitchen with exhaust fan. Completely decorated through- basement. Aluminum storms and screens, Fully serviced lots. Sodded front and back. this area. Call Ted Cunning- ham at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358, WANT TO SELL? APARTMENTS We speciclize in North, Apt. 15, RA 8-8676. very reasonable. FR 4-2091 | brick home, 2% acres of high land, all Realtor---insuronce | tor, 1] N Lin | | BOWMANVILLE Near school se RANCHER rented basement apartment, for $800 down, balance 6% 114 CHURCH STREET ROSTER CON. LTD. Five room NHA. brick 46 KING ST. W. iron railing on porch. Many and Hibbert Sts., from as low CONTRACTOR as $1,500 down, Lots For Sale REALTORS INSURANCE Modern is every way. Good $41,000. All new and some (King East ot Athobasca St) | $14,100 FULL PRICE shaped living room. Bed- out, Finished rec-room in To see these and others in OWNER SAYS SELL For a One-Stop (all trades) Efficient Service, Call Ajax: 2V2-storey frame home with detached garage, nice garden. All services on. Close to everything. Full and down Parker, MO 8-3644 collect rine -- ---- [FOR RENT -- NEW office space tn Whitby 800 sq ff. |. poi or less, parking lot facilities, Call oo. able Whitby Professional Building, MO 8. 1670 Whitby 3731: evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12 Badly FURNISHED single room in private Basement apartment, livin kitchen, June Phone MO room 16th FOR RENT -- 2 rooms for | home. Telephone MO 8-4864 before 7 rent , in quiet home, stainers, five | p.m. day week. 304 Dunlop Street, East, | ---- - - Phone MOhawk 8-2429, TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring. i Children welcome 1 & 2-bedrcom Apartments, Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, etc. Rents from $85 monthly PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5.5787 share bathroom. Also one furnished FOR C.I.L. PAINT room for gentleman. Telephone MO CALL Dodd & Souter PRIVATE Sale -- $12,800. Three.bed room brick bungalow, close to separate and public schools. Down payment Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 pee "SPECIAL | THIS WEEKEND! heat, light, water, $65 monthly, 91 Athol Street. May be viewed Friday, CLIMBING ROSE 'TRIUMPH' bright all summer 7-8 p.m., Saturday, 3-5 p.m FOR RENT -- Furnished light house throug Regular $1.50 keeping room, home privileges, cen SPECIAL 75¢ tral. Phone MO 8.5176 or 10% OFF BY July 1, 3 or 4 large room apart. - ment, centrally located in Whitby, On all Evergreens Shrubs handy to school. Phone MO 38-8347 Shade Trees PICKERING NURSERIES 1 mile west of Dunbarton ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS Reserve your holidoy Ow, utboard blooms late fall equip- motors, cabin trailers, tents, all camping equipment. We also rent Lawn and garden equipment power tools, cement mixers, etc WILDE RENTALS SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-3226 Phone TE mple 9-2111 TIRED OF HIGH RENTS OR ALL THE CHORES AROUND THE HOUSE iF SO INVESTIGATE CO-OP APARTMENTS DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $3,900 All carrying charges and run- as low as 7 monthly. 25-year NHA mortgage AT ONLY 5% Modern, centrally located in Whitby. Why pay rent, when you can own your own aparts ment for much less op living the carefree way wing sound investment, tand the fost ex- ation FOR DETAILS WRITE BOX 746 OSHAWA TIMES keeping, close to hospital {town, suitable for lady. RA 5.5228. JRNISHED bedroom, suitable for two | 1s or gentlemen, very sonable rent Charles Street. 38 Nassau Street. keeping, sink, suitable for girl, RA 5-9683. ROOM for one gentleman single beds, corner Willlam and Telephone RA 5-0906. and washing machine, central rooms, couple preferred Drew Street or RA 3-4152 after 5 |TWO clean rooms for light Apply after 6 p.m. 165 Road South for girls or couple. RA 5-0744. TWO furnished rooms, sink and erator in kitchen, central, $13 weekly. Phone RA 5-0230. TWO sink, cupboard, side entrance, included. Day car |desired. Phone RA 8-1255. ROOMS for rent with or without Athol Street East. Kitchen, 'with refrigerator, one gentleman, central. East. Elena or call RA 5-2316 ROOM to «hare, large furnished | RA 5.0575 TWO large single rooms, breakfast if | desired, reasonable. RA 3-2690 LOVEIY furnished front room in house. five minutes from close to GM office, for Phone RA §-8312. room for gentleman, central FURNISHED double room, light house- to share, room for rent, use of Kitchen quiet home. Telephone RA 5-8150. TWO partly furnished housekeeping Apply 48 entrance, south near Pedlar's,gsuitable suit couple, furnished housekeeping _ rooms, FURNISHED room, cooking fac male or female, $8 weekly. Apply 29 central, | Phone RA 8.5526 { NISHED bedroom. Apply 75] | Phone Mary Clean, p.m. house- Ritson refrig- lights, for child if -- single and double | board. Apply at_260 COMPLETELY furnished. bedroom and | suitable for| Apply 237 Athol | ilities, room 1 quiet | downtown, gentlemen. RA 5-6544 NEW HOMES 6% N. H. A. mortgages, lovely 3 bedroom bungalows, with or without attached gar- ages, located north of the Grandview Golf Club. Fully decorated throughout, mod- ern kitchens with exhaust fan, built in oven and counter top range. Large L shaped living rooms, 4 pc. tiled bath. These homes have all the extras and then some. To see these call Ted Cunning- hom at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358 NEW HOMES NORTH-WEST $12,990. full price with low down payment. 52 room brick bungalows with large kitchen, your choice of brick, asphalt shingles, floor tile and counter top only 2 left. Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342 NORTH Top location, new N. H. A, ranch style bungalow, low down payment, good size lot, close to shops, schools and bus. Many extras. Put this down on your list as a must to see. Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342. MEMBERS OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD Large ranch style brick bun- galow, 5% rooms, large modern kitchen, partly fin- ished rec-room, patio and landscaped. Aluminum storms and screens and paved drive. Must be seen. Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-65449 or RA 5-8342, ONLY ONE LEFT Yes, still 6% NHA mort- gage. Brick bungalow in top location, complete with storms and screens, plus many extras, Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342, 7Y2 ROOMS - GARAGE In good location, brick con- struction, all gleaming hard- wood and tile floors, close to shops, schools, and bus. Full asking price only $12,900. Priced to sell, better call for inspection. Ask fcr Bill Swar- brick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342. $2,000 DOWN Now is the time to buy. 6- room brick bungalow with asphalt drive and garage, This home is. very nicely dece orated. All large rooms, property completley land. scaped, front and back. Terms can be arranged to your con- venience For appointment call Howard McCabe at RA 5-6544, Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. price $8,300 Substantial down payment required. 5 acres -- 3-room bunga- low, lock-up booth, situated on No. 12 highway at busy crossroad. This property has good future possibilities for a MOTEL or GOOD - CLASS RESTAURANT. Asking price just $6,000 cash. 2Y2 miles East. of Orono: 2 acres, bungalow, lots of trees, small trout stream, rus- tic bridges. Situated among the hills, this property makes a quiet retreat, Asking price $3,500 cash, We have building lots in Osh- owa and the immediate vicin- ity for as low as $1,100 full price! Come in and check the plans, New bungalows, now under construction, Park Rd. N. You'll like the large modern kitchens. Built with good ma- terial and fine workmanship. Here is value. Full price $13,500. We can help you arrange a mortgage. Duplex Lot 60° x 115° on Cromwell Rd. Very close to new shopping centre. Asking Price! $4200. We have others! For further information phone evenings: Evelyn Walker RA 5-1442 Alice Broadbent RA 5-5405 Ernie Allin RA 3-3053 Vic Walker RA 8-6228 Office open 'til 8 p.m. JOHANSEN MODERNIZATION SERVICE 202 Rosedale Ave. RA 5-1273 46--Real Estate Wanted PLANNING TO BUILD? CALL HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES MORTGAGE ARRANGED Taylor Road, Oshawa, Ont. RA 8-6475 FREE ESTIMATES 47 --Automobiles For Sale CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 47 --Automobiles For Sale 149 KING ST. WEST SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 RA 3-4494 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just East of 'Wilson Road) Res. 35-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] TEST DRIVE FIAT 600 AT YOUR FIAT DEALERS DON ROBINSON ESSO SIMCOE AND BRUCE STS. RA 3-9531 -- OSHAWA (Continued om Page 16)