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The Oshawa Times, 13 Jun 1960, p. 12

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The runner with the greatest! towed back to Plymouth harbor BRING UP CATCHER 32 TUL SSNAVIA VINES, Mander, Ju ii Shamrock A hg of Benth dl ins Mast Broken In 2 hours later with a mast NEW YORK (AP)--New York arb ee whos a cots oT {snapped by high winds. Yankees brought catcher Wilmer ee er wore "at| 17aNS-Ocean Race | or. pavia Lewis, skipper of me SIE PORN SLES FET PUBLIC INVITED : : : = be held at Al d Park at 'Ready To Start 230, the o espn bil PLYMOUTH. England {Reut- Te Yous > club of the International League 7.30, the only exception being the I 3%.mile road race, which willl €rs)--One of four yachts that set|y = iooy hy jocal boatworkers, Saturday. Shantz, 32, is the | Tro h Races |start (at 7.30) at "Five Points" sail Saturday in a single-handed He has a two-we k period in|brother of Yankees' lefthander nnua C 00 ames P Y and finish at the same place. !Plymouth-to-New York race wasiwhich to start. Bobby Shantz. og The races for the Shamrock | Athletic Club are about to begin. : ® These are for the E, F. Farrow eln £0 £2 ! 18S a Co. sprint series awards and for ' the Legion Trophy distance series. The Annual School Games,.the|Each school is allowed to enter|compelition, respecting the reg- Bearer, the burning Hat through-| mye first event will be the 100 Oshawa Public Schools' Inter-/two contestants in each event ulations which govern them, and out the contests and the entire, op, Tuesday, June 14 fol- School Track and Field Meet will|except that four runners and two, desirous of participating in them student body repeating thej,uaq hy the one-mile run on be held at Alexandra Park on|spares are chosen for the various|in the true spirit of sportsman- Schools' "Olympic Oath". They ne 16. The sprint series will Wednesday, June 15th. Mayor relays.' ship for the honor of our school main purpose is to inaculate injcontinue next with a 220 yds. Lyman Gifford will officially | or idea hy and the glory of sport. the minds of our pupils the real sprint on Tuesday, June 21, fol- open the meet at 1:15 p.m., sharp, [POINT SCORING OF SCHOOL GAMES h-2ning of the ideals of theijoyed by a two-mile run on June The committee -in charge is In the scoring system, there HISTORY 8 IL. GAMES Olympic Games: --"To win fairly; los To complete the 1st group. a eomposed of various 'men and| Will be points (5-4-3-2-1) will be. The Annual School Games, con. To lose gracefully; To take 440 yds. race will be held on June women teachers throfighout the|given for the winning five in each ducted by the Oshawa Board of part" And that you always win, (2g and a 31% mile road race on 21 Public Schools along with a event, and in the relays the sgor-{ Fducauon, were first held inlif you can lose with a smile. July 1. number of key personnel, ailing will be (10-8-6-4-2) for the first| June, 1929. They have been an NEW SYSTEM The remainder of races: for under the directorship of T. w.|five winning teams in each class.| annual feature of the program in|! 'W SYSTE) both sprint and distance series] Cotie and J. B. Henderson, De-|At the end of the day, those the Public Schols since that time This year a new system of| will be held before the final track {pupils who won the most points|till 1932, and were resumed again grouping of the schools, based on meet of the year. \ ¢ 7 4 Barman of 3 vsical, Jean), aud will receive crests; the schools|in 1949, to tie present time. enrolment, grades and ages, has|-- reenter | ; D Schools |amassing the greatest aggregate City School Champions are de- heen set up in order to provide - i | points in each group will receive|clared in many athletic events petter and even competition. Our| Mon Wonted To Train A v \ Sy z 5 ; |" Rose Bowls" donated by four!after a series of elimination con- 21 schools are divided into four en Wanted lo rain As LY 2 5 ty COMPETE IN CLASSES For this meet, the pupils are Service Clubs, --Kiwanis, Kins-|tests at each school. This rep-|groups, namely: --Group "A" (E.!| DRAFTSMEN! arranged in groups or classes men, Lions and Rotary, respec-\resents the participation of alA Lovell, North Simcoe andl Top pay, unlimited opportunity. such as Novice (6-7 years): tively. Of course, ribbons will be/minimum of 7.500 pupils in ath- Ritson); Group "B" (Dr. C. F We wont men and women to Mi ; i : ( Bantam (8-9 years); Junior (10 awarded to each of the first five|letic events each spring and Cannon, Gertrude Colpus, Corona- Vrain 3 home . in tae ' Soule ; iy / ; and 11 years); Intermediate (12 winners in each event. | summer. tion, King, Adelaide McLaughlin, 8 57, for 9004 poving jobs. in B ' NH . and 13 years) and Senior 14 years One of the crowning features! This program has been pre- Sunset Heights, Westmount, and ih9 big poy. cheques, » All books i and over). The events are 34!is the colorful "March Past" of pared without any interference Woodcrests); Group "C" (Cedar and instructions for as little as track and 14 field types, such as all contestants from the 21 Public|with school routine or loss of dale, College Hill, Conant, Har- Fai a month. We are ore of the dashes, ball throws, jumps (high Schools and followed by the re-|school time. There have been no mony, Queen Elizabeth, South ioigest. Ho ving institutions in and broad), relays, etc. citing of the Schools' '"'Olympic rehearsals. This has been accom- Simcoe, and Vincent Massey): AMERICAN SCHOOL The teachers and pupils in each Oath", which will be conducted| plished by limiting the program Group "'D" (Albert, Duke of Edin. 00 DUNDAS ST. school have been busy during the by J. C. Fetterly, principal of work that is regularly carried burgh and Mary). DESERNTO, ONT. past few weeks conducting their Ritson Public School. on in all schools in this phase The public is cordially invited Send without obligation, infor- own "Field Days", to find who| The 'Olympic Oath" is as fol-| Again, this year, styled after to attend this school closing event| fnetise on Helning checked ord will be selected to compete in the|lows: "We swear we will take|the Olympic Games, the School 4 come of the dignitaries inl so De 'opportunities final "Annual School Games".|part in the school games in loyallGames will include the Torch attendance will be. Mayor L Yor men and wemen viffor ak sduaati DRAFTING -- AUTO MECHAN- Gifford, Board of Education ICS -- ELECTRICIAN -- | members; the Superintendent and MACHINIST -- DIESEL -- Inspectors of Schools; Home and PRIVATE SECRETARY, ALSO } ' A : ;ovell Scl ] ool School Associations; St. John|j§ HIGH SCHOOL. . LJ Ambulance Corps; office staffs of Name the Oshawa Public Schools as welll, 44ess hd as a host of outside visitors in- nnua 1e ay terested in track and field meets. | Exceptionally keen competition| BANTAM GIRLS |Donna Wannamaker, Susan Van- was the main feature in alll gp Yards--Bobby Todd, Kenny derkeyden. : events at the E. A. Lovell Pub- carolyn Garrison, lasmalee Pin- Broad Jump -- Mary Southw ell, lic School's annual field day on!gqar. Jacklyn Mitruk, Ruth Pascoe. Friday. Ball Throw -- Audrey Mullins, _ JUNIOR BOYS : | Awards in the form of ribbons Virginia Loek, Carol Loyst. 75 Y ards Jack William, | were provided by the Home and BANTAM BOYS Ronny Jckunrs, Joby Todd He School Association. 60 Yares -- Bobby Todd, Kenny 'para Too Ho Moon | The winners in the various young John Bardark. . Sone *errison, Mar clon- events are as follow: Ball Throw -- Gary Tutin, Joe Broad Jump -- Gordon Vander NOVICE GIRLS Glover, Jimmy Short 7 CEP tap . | 7 80 Yards -- Louisa Stark, Wen- JUNIOR GIRLS yalker, Gary Clarke, Brian x dy Williams, Jane Dingman. 75 Yards -- Jacklyn Mitruk, INTERMEDIATE GIRLS NOVICE BOYS Louise Bondaruk, Mary South- 85 Yards -- Beverly Gibson, $0 Yards--Jobn Krbyla, Geof- well Carolyn Green, Carolyn Bisebois. #rey Crook, Carl Muirhead. Ball Throw -- Ruth Pascoe, Ball Throw -- Carolyn Green, ~ EH Gloria Vanderwalker, Lynda Sweet. Sunset Heights =a aanes Athletic Meet SET de the SUCCessor Ball Throw -- Ray Graham, | David Clarke, George Lakas re i J '® Sunset Heights Publie School SENIOR EVENTS Broad Jump -- Joe Vanderhey- held its annual field day amid BOYS den, Charles Gooding, Ron Mas- 0 / J slear, sunny weather | 100 Yard dash -- Orval Wood, ters. Mr. D. Sutton, principal, greet-| David Johnson, Bob Slute; Fool-| High Jump -- Charles Gooding, ed the many parents present. The ball Throw -- Orval Wood, Jim Bij} Zufelt, John Wilkins. teaching staff and members of Gazdik, Bob Slute; High Jump --| SENIOR GIRLS the Home and School Associa- Bill McCullough, Orval Wood, 100 Yards -- Wendy Parks, tion assisted with the events. |Bob Slute. {Karen Bell, Lynda Sawyer. 3 GIRLS | Ball Throw -- Lynda Lion, Max- Mrs. E. Kelvin James, presl-| "gofipa)) Throw -- Linda Mul-/ine McMahon, Sandra Nichols. ; dent of the Home and School Asso-| . : rs | ; " : : # pi : ville, Joan Huston, Ellen Krasin-| High Jump -- Lynda Sawyer, ' ciation, presented the prize rib-| _,. | A a bons to the winners of the follow-| 3X Lynn Lee, Wendy Parks. hg Cont | BOYS RELAY RACE (440 Yards)| SENIOR BOYS 8 events. | 1. Dean Harrison, Bob Slute,| 100 Yards -- Bob Kemp, Fred DASHES Orval Wood, Dave Johnson; 2. Luke, Al Tunneycliffe. - 80 Yard, Kindergarten -- All| Bill McCullough, Bob Knapp, Jim-| Football Throw -- Rick McGar- boys and girls entering this race my Gazdik, Wayne Robinson; 3. ry, Ralph Robinson, Bob Kemp. received candy. David House, Ross Foote, John| High Jump -- Bob Kemp, Al 50 Yards, Girls, 6¥ -- Kathy Krasinski, Tom Russell. . - 'Tunneycliffe, Ralph' Robinson, Slesson, Cathy Neal, Margaret icons Gamble, Devs CROSSWORD PUZZLE Haughton. 8 Yards, girls 39 -- Janeite : y ' u ' Kuchma, Frances Foote, Jo-Anne 5 Shei " v RITIOIRIE MAIR IE " Kot. Boys, 89 -- Zan Whistitt,! . xT JAIMIA [Al John Wilson, Michael McCul- 3 n ATTIRE) A [A] IN lous 30. Ripped inch [ELTIAICHIE (L] 75 Yards, Girls, 10-11 -- Cathie 38. Moses ' A[SISIE] Scorgie, Teresa Kuchma, Sharon brother Father Ell SEP ES Clifford. Boys, 10-11 -- Kenny, 2% Mester of McWilliams, Teddy Clarke, Bob-| ceremonial by Houghton. 3 4. Hesitate i Alii Cana JAIT ITIL K IOlU]L. 25 Yards, Girls, 12 -13 -- Caro-| 38. Girl's Tork EBNEMEKES ivm Faint, Joan Tisdall, Penny nickname Van Courte. Boys, 12-13 -- Bob| 3. Father Knapp, Leighton Akin, Garry| 39. Withered 88. Spike pI / Stemerdink (var) of oon § 8. Tibetan Uu an a SPONGE BALL THROW = Avie. _~ 8. King fp - priests : ; ' Girls, 89 -- Karen Summers,| = - Slope Portugeu® Susan Neal, Janette Kuchma. | 2% T¥pok suler 31. Right of ' . . Rasdy Jackson, Michael Motus 5. Primos cattle Ti ndy Jae , Michael McCul-! tough nut J y a : : 9. Krupp RQ / *Y &] FINA PREMIUM GASOLINE gives premium " SOPTEALL THROW Xr 4) ere S LOW ™ performance at regular-grade price and is de- = ail ay Eyey. #1. Toothed mgned for all the ears that can use a "regular" gasoline. But Fina Premium is va, . wheels more than just a "regular. 1 has the highest road octane in its field and delivers Scorgie. #4. Ridicule Boys, 10-11 -- Kenny McWil-| 3g Celebes om performance thal rivals many of the ordinary "super" grades. Hams, Teddy Clarke, Dean Tay- 37. Hekime Fina Premium also contains alkylate the cream of petroleam. Alkylate is a lor Knife pure, high octane, sulphur free fuel, normally reserved for the production of high a, 1h Sn Ee B. Rina of toy performance aireraflt fuel; but now utilized by Fina in blending this great new Boys, 12-13 -- Bob Knapp, Die- Bawevulle jrasiine 'The extreme purity of Alkylate helps keep your engine clean -- un- ser Anlauf, Jobn Krasinski. | 49. Girl's name indersd by harmiul deposits ---- and produces the highest road octane. BROAD JUMP 44. Sailor If yoni ear normally needs a "regular", try Fina Premium. You'll get road Girls, 10-11 -- Sharon Kent, 46."Yes"im performance vou ednnot get with ordinary or cut-rate regulars. Best of all, you'll May Jahn, Sharon wil 47. Beetle' save mbtey, ton because Fina Premium means extra miles in every tankful. y -- ny McWil- . liams, Bobby Howard, Billy 49. Winged 2 HERE'S WHAT EXTRA MILEAGE MEANS TO YOU Mulville. 61. Biblical Entra vil ) Girls, 12-13--Penny Van Courte| name '1% E hie Miles - al + ld aa he €arolyn Faint, April Carter. | 88. Stove 3 per g | ? Extra Miles ~~ 4 10 8¢ per gal. saved HIGH JUMP : ®. Slave Fannd on an average range of 15.20 miles per gallon, Boys, 12-13 -- Leighton AKin,| gg gicin John Krasinski, Bob Knapp. affliction You will save anfely, too, hecause you will save without sacrificing what RELAY RACE (220 Yards) DOWN representa Lhe best "insurance" for the large investment you have in your car -- Girls, 10-11 -- 1 Barbara 1 Church spies aunlity ml service. You will miso be getting performance that ordinary or bargain Storie, Sandra Cook, Marlene Cle-/ pwolines sannol give you Wilson, Susan Nell: Jo Wg Vill wp with new Fina Premium --- soad test i yourself -- the results will d i : arpews vou, ' Ld cholls, Teresa Kuchma; 3. Jean | . 'White, Sharman Lott, Sharon Clif-| he 4 D & i T S ford, Linda McLennan. Ry 2 -- LL etny McWil- X sams, Rickey Gresik, Dougie insmen Stadium in Event of Rai h Walker, Dougie Yawn: 2. Bc | "TUESDAY. JUNE 14th, 8:45 Pp. ziejezak, Michael aus; 3 A -- : Also ol Fina Decilers Diensthurber, Richard Cowley, Yony Harrison, Glen Clark. BIG JUMBO 517 LBS SUPER 100 ALKYL RELAY RACE (440 Yards) The finest motor fuel ever mode vs. ron a be Yar a0 J BIG ED MILLER 310 LBS. Comins fest seed ouby 100 octane alkyl and the aint, Heather ilson: ai % i att I ------ A } N + 1 k Knipe, Tena Pernokes, Jud y| 'Bouncin' Burke & Dandy Moore enr enn wae. If Arh needs a super octane there's Skelton, Sharon Mowbray; 3. aa o 1 Cheryl Rusnell, Linda Reader, no finer fuel than this ionary pew Racy pases. wins Muse. | $B | Irish Jackie & Tom Thumb poien Finest In Norte America Leighton Akin, Lona Woods, Den: me 1g » nn Ss, n-| 4 2 8 tan mis Ewart;' 3. Jobn Thiebaud, P One Other Sabibition eo John Krasinski, Harrison, © Pat Flanagan vs. Cliff Phiede Tom Russell; 3. Paul Wilson, Mi- a oe ehael Astrop, Garry Stemerdink, John Switzer. | SIAVIR Tickets--1,50--1.25--1.00 of the €asine R Pat Milesh, P

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