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The Oshawa Times, 13 Jun 1960, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendy, June 13, 1960 17 DEATHS Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange [zo coon HARRIS -- Entered into rest in Ottawa, Ont., on Sunday, June 12, 1960, TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS Net ot Linda Harris. Committal service at the By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Low 11 s.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Oshawa Union Cemetery Wednesday, Toronto Stock Exchange--June 13 D Magnes 350 $7 Th Th Ryl Bk rts 2180 202 291 +1 100 725 78 1000 he a u - BEELER ivan Review ¥% Quotations in cents unless marked §. Dom Stores 355 $5416 53% StL 100 100 1X 110 1000 1 500 On 12th Anniversary By June 15, at 11 am. will be con- 2--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-Dividend, xr--Ex- Easy W pr 135 16% 1 Salada-8 20 LOWRY Bowles (Dem. Conn.) and Meet ducted by Rev. M. A. Bury of King| T0000 00 ¥0 oo Cr Easy | 1o% m0 CYNTHIA NEW YORK (AP) -- The Ed|the Press on NBC Sires United Church, Owmawa. For Das - on P lars, Ar atineau Funeral 'Home, RA 8.3173. INDUSTRIALS hc" ws SKD fg 100 WILKINSON, Smith--At the Oshawa Net Pi 2 $42 intervi Sullivan show was 12 years old|Governor Nelson Rockefeller of Sunday night. And it would be in-|New York, but none of them teresting to take another look at|seemed to e much to say that General Hospital, on Sunday, June 12, Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 1960, Smith Wilkinson of 122 John St.| Abitibi 150 $41 40% 40% + Gr Wpg vt. 240 Gr Wp 58 wt 100 that first program again. In fact, was new, it might have heen more interest- RR E.. Whitby, beloved husband of Win-| Alta Gas 195 $19% 19% 19% - nifred Harding and dear brother of [> A Gas pr 25 $107% 107% 107% +% Gr Wpg ris 1600 Neal of St, Catharines and Mrs. Warren A Gas wis 987 485 480 485 Imp Bok 110 McKenzie (Elsie) of Omemee, in his| =~ Algoma 00 3% 3% Tiny xa, 220 $3% 61st year, Resting at the W. C. Town Alumini 1210 $31% 31% -- % Imp Oil 2306 $32 $20% 20% 20% Imp Tob 250 ing than what we did see. An adv executive 1 rerfiember the program used to be called The Toast of the Town, that it started off with dancing girls and that there used [be Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in Alum 1 pr 225 rg to be acrobats, jugglers and an-|at an interesting point in a story, Ba B® + : $5 H 833 Bryce gEseiplya gt 5 Suragsafagsh. iz: | ¥ +1 & FF - 0 5 49 335 635 166 12 we + » 12% 35 $13 11 31 290 310 49 42 usggfugtuguall iL TREE #8 8 we Te ss¥sissiiabesusiis §afsugn E8fxrugul.naseayansl. E8Eurugulonagesganstog Lik Lrslils EE EEE Cancer Society. Bk NS ris 10574 460 450 Inv Syn A 350 $27 Beav Lmbr 100 $22 2 2 + % Irog G pr 200 $14% Jefferson 550 $6 Bell Phonxd 1143 45% -- % OSHAWA RS Nw 1: Jockey C 600 MONUMENT COMPANY ew Jook B wis. 500 4 Kelly wis SPECIALIZING IN ns $0% +14 Kelvinator M BC Forest 220 I Labatt Cc oil BC Pow 865 332% 3234 3 " stones, Bruck A 400 4 7 % -- % \ Lafarge wis : 5 3 3 4 Giant YK Statutory of all types, Build Prod z15 ; 343% Ykelang 5 3, 15 2 Gunnar 285 5 5 ur Wee n 24 1 = Gunnar wts 1100 1435 KING ST. E. 6 189 Lb Co A wt 120 Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 25 32 ; = ry 250 9 120 116 116 --=2 $1 bl 100 175 194 194 --8 Inspiratn 1000 GERROW FUNERAL | &2euk com i 2 aie i at Insts 100 CHAPEL Cem A 1% a hI C 50 $1 N Davies nt Nika no i : C Curt W 100 5 E ac Pele Vor § uv Ol Kindness beyond price, CF Prod pr z15 NorSmh %. foray ils yet within reach of all. Lin OF 10 Sov 2 No Dr Gas NW Util pr § 7 7 Ranger 7500 3 + Royalite 225 RA 8-6226 Cockshutt 4 13 250 7 Spooner 4750 390 KING STREET WEST Conduits $ es EB 0 4 Submarine ooo are silted ER Con Gar ma 4, QN Gas wis 3 3 Triag/Oll 700 i The politicians, of course, were|fruit on a "fairly large scale," LOCKE'S FLORIST Cosmos 1 Reichold ] U Ghnso vt 1000 Yellorex out in force Sunday on the inter-|says F. J. Weir, provincial hor- Creative Tel $10%% Robestan : 104 Latin Am 6: Zenmac 3 view shows, ABC had Harry ticulturist. He suggests hardy, 1 Leitch 50 13 EER > Curd 0 00 a Truman on its College News Con-|prairie-grown apple trees with ference, CBS' Face the Nation yaspberries, strawberries or veg- Funeral arrangements and Crush pr 33% 103% 103% Rob 2 pr 1 3 floral requirements for all Dist Seag 5 29% 29% Roe ay Can 4 Yi y ad' U MINES Jorado 5% A " ca ran rado wis Sales to 11 a.m.: 402,000. queried Representative Chester etables planted between the rows. | = # gs th hapel, Tuesday, J 4, 2:30 Alum 2 pr 75 $43% % 43% be rien Mount png i Ming Ang Pulp pr = Sos So Pog %t ii Canadian Legion service at graveside. ATE ee > 24 ris + % Inind G wis 700 imal acts. the irritation of the content of Sunday night's CBS show Was| ion of repeating one He Sui not too typical of today's Sullivan 3 cial over and over and over. A 95 Minister, Rev. David Marshall. In lien + . Bank Mont 898 52 + % Int Util 100 $35% of flowers donate to the Canadian Bank NS 5 59% --4% Inter PL 165 5% 450 '|hour--no drill teams, military choral groups or imitations of our great idea. Almine: $8% 35 x 1 Bailey SA 300 B: ta 300 SSeala = = host. There were, however, his pet Canadian comics, Wayne and Shuster, doing a heavy-handed burlesque of What's My Line?-- say, weren't comedians doing |W! that 12 years ago? : There was Victor Borge in one of his vintage comedy bits. And,|Vright and Ell Wallach of course, there was a prize fighter taking a bow from the WESTERN FRUIT stage and a golf champion tak-| WINNIPEG (CP)--Sandy loam ing one from the audinece. soils in south-central Manitoba to production of small §Zussenifenulalisisdl D Dairies 150 11 '4 ' 1 7 7 ke 5% 5% occasions y Royal Bank 135 $70% 70% Advocate 500 350 345 350 +5 Lyndhst 1000 +% OSHAWA SHOPPING D Fndry 225 a% | CENTRE candlelight wedding Saturday, pink accessories and corsage of NEW QUAKES 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE : iy June 4, 1960 at 7.30 p.m. when|pink carnations. Assisting was| SANTIAGO, Chile (AP)--Earth- RA 8-6555 1S op un Joyce Leona Venning, eldesi|the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Roy|quake-battered Valdivia province THE CAMP FOR YOUR CHILD daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner, who chose a blue or-in southern Chile was shaken by Venning, was unitell in marriage ganza over matching taffeta with|five new tremors Sunday. Noj IN MEMORIAM B eaker with Richard' Dale Gunter, young- pink accessories and corsage offdamage or casualties were re- | 0 I) | Richard G Be aie y- and Mrs. |pink carnations. ported. Fyacustion of Hiousanis | ard Gunter of Coe Hill. | For the honeymoon trip to|threatened by floods in the Val GREELEY -- In loving memory of | pr acierock -- Mr. J. R. Mr. and Mes. C. Smith and Rev. Philip Romeril officiated points east, the bride wore a divia region was suspended be- | at the double wedding ring cere-\mayve printed acetate sheath|Cause of torrential rains and Si he assed away June 13, 1956 a r Sweet little Findlay, lay leader, from Osh-|Oliver spen' several days with She was too fair to bloom on earth. strong winds. Sweet little flower of heavenly birth; lawa, conducted service in 'the Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, Ottawa. mony, i i |dress, matching duster lined with 4 b andma The wedding music was played i gi de uncles| Anglican Church, Sunday mors-| My and Mrs. B. Ford and Rob-|, "nr 00 Th as played mauve, white hat and gloves, ' Butch nd: David. ing. Canon Ashburn of Peterbor-|erta, Toronto, spent the weekend 4 1 er Pe pSon andi mauve shoes and purse and or- SREEDEY to loving sieimory VL ALL wit be Bb eparge jor the| with his mother, Mrs. R. Ford. [y= 0g Ah Bh beter |chid corsage. ov ter, S . qiiext fwe Sundays. BY ; Mrs. Manson, Strat- . o BE ho: nB-Rbt A beloved daughter, Susan, who passed Lil o'moronio Diocese is to belo Mr 80 MEE GS 0at week Tron acy and 1 Love You yeT0ES BID FOR RED SUB May be Warning Safe in the arms of Jesus, [guest speaker for the 110th anni-| "2" well" qa Dempsey, Sun-lp, hy uring the signing of the ; Safe on his loving breast, |versary of St John's Church, tol 40 "ang Misses Jessie and oe er, A NCODVER (CP)--External| Backache is\gften caused by lazy |ar i siven in marriage by her|Affairs Minister Green has re- kidney action. kidneys get out of . There by his love Tershaded, Ibe held June 26 at 3 p.m. at T t t Sw h h res ga | + M nto, en i " A pl : : > Sweatly thy Soul Al WE. ad.iwiicy time there will also be a Bey Meaty, yg Ao, yo father, the bride was beautiful in|jected an aitempt by city coun- order, excess acids'\ynd wastes remain brother and sisters | confirmation service. the weeken Bl . Mrs. |a street-length dress of white silk|cil to get a Soviet submarine| in the system. Then backache, dis- i CAMP PERIODS on JULY 4 - AUG § McArthur and Ardis. organza, over white peau-de-soie, here for the city's Salute the turbed rest or that tired-out and heavy- . headed feeling may soon follow. That's CATHMOIR -- In loving memory of| Rev. Fuller ot Port Perry willl Mrs, P. Chaperlin, - Mr. Erie ihe ; i Cs y dear husband, Robert S. Cathmoir, |, % onfi inn ILL Mrs, | Vith itted bodice, cap sleeves, Tourist Week. Mr. Green said in . o " my dear 0 Foi na Beh coptiiie Wit, the = Mission Chaveriiy i Pele ond Spt and boat neckline piped with|a letter he found it inappropriate the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Y A WEEK MON T0 FRI My lips cannot tell how 1 miss him, Clas § - |Mayes, Toronto, sp! peau-de<soie and full skirt, Her to invite the Soviet Union to send Dodd 's stimulate the kidneys to normal . » My heart cannot tell what to say,| In the United Church Sunday|end at the rectory. shoulder-1 ) hr » God only knows how I miss him | : 's ¥ | 1; i tS length tulle veil was|a delegation "because of prob- ol ; wl |morning Mr. David Romeril de. Mrs. Jean McLaughlin, Grant pioeq Cie on, de pie and 'she lems created by the recent inter-| Kearer pare better: Got Dodd's FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, 6 TO 14 I h that is lonesome today. | + A J 3 Lovingly. remembered by wife Grace (livered a fine sermon on Power and Neil, atlerded Enfield anni-,. oq" 0 Te ind Shel ational situations." MOIR In Yoving memory. of from on High. |versary Sunday and were Supper) ..... Bible. Re Cathmolr, who passed away| Messrs. Dor Sinclair and Har-| guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miss Nora Venning was brides- 10 00 WEEKLY INCLUDES June 13, 1955 lold Swain sang God Will Take|Griffin and boys. thaid for her sister; Linde Ve.» . A Red Cross Swim Instruction His weary hours and days of pain, (Care of You. Misses Joar Venning and Mable ning (younger sister was junior His troubled nights are past, 4 x p " Dor- i The Scouts and Cubs with their(Van Camp, Toronto; Miss Dor-| i . And in our aching hearts we know ; . bridesmaid and Lorr NIAGARA ction » Fort bden, nt the" aine Turner, Riding Instru ioneer Fo And ox found sweet rest at last (leaders attended service ineen Van Camp, Cobden, spe! niece of the brideg uroer, e0000000 LOA A se00000, Riding Inura Howawr Tou Sed Cn ay an d| flower girl. y Stage Coach Rides Archery and Riflery During Comp jzATRaYs Yemenibered > son, Cal, Nestleton United Church Sunday | weekend at their homes, daughter-in-law Jean, and gra i ri. y il was| Congratulations to r. ter Margaret. ir Wa P. Romeril was Bie ey Gunter (Joyce The attendants were gowned Frontier Play Town Crafts, Games Square Dancing alike in [a8 syion Hoek dot over MILK PROVIDED -- REGISTERED NURSE ON STAFF Sunday afternoon Mrs. George Venning) who were married inj v: f f | ited Church here Saturday. |Plue taffeta, with lilac cummer- Wolfe and Mr, and Mrs. Frank| the Uni hu Pd 00 pond oi er, REGISTER NOW MRS. FRED LA SALLE, Director Please Note Staniland took David Ballingal Weekend gu of Mr. and| Sian] ! ; i 1, Sats ing to a V in the back, fitted Little Buckaroo Day Camp, P.O. Box 173, Oshaw Ontario. i ir] \ Gunter and Mr. and Deadlines now in effect for Dongld Saunders, Bryan Stan). [Ms, igo 2 families bodice and full skirt. a, i Please send me inf ti Camp and (ne, ese application forms. this column: land," Donna aid Dorothy Dow- Their : . x . bert headdresses were ney, Bernice Grace, Carol and|were: Mr. and i a Tot bands ADRESS ....ccco0cevvssvacccssiosnscsscosssnssnssscnne Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company BILLS? pay them all with a fast NIAGARA LOAN [| From $50.00 to $2800.00 22 (sometimes more) NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 37 KING ST. E., Alger Bldg. (next to Biltmore Theatre, Suite 22 RA 5.6561 -- Closed Saturdays -- Open to & p.m. Friday Branches throughout Onterle Births, Memoriams, Cards of I Leona Liohrer and Nancy Stani- Empey, Madoc; Mr. Thanks = land to Toronto where they at-|Ivan Gunter, Geoff, Lynn and the same and they carried bou- 9 AM. SAME DAY tended service in St. James' |Stephen, and Mr. and Mrs, Gor- duets of white carnations and DEATHS -- Cathedral foowed by a Sunday|don Campbell and Penny, Coe Mauve mums. Mr. Ivan Gunter, Coe Hill, was 1 AM. SAME DAY Scheol Pilgrimage of the cathe-|Hill. | : iy 3 | Mr and Mrs. Ross Adams and|best man and Blake Gunter and 5 dral. | DIAL RA Ta? {Mrs. Arthur Wren and Madeline,|Wayne Venning, both of Black- (Mr. and Mrs Everett Cleveland stock, were ushers, PRODUCE PRICES land boys, Oshawa; Mr. Rowland The reception was held in the |Ball Tauntou, and - Merrill Christian Education, Centre, Elford, Port Perry, were Sunday where the bride's mother re- -. - N UC Minister TORONTO (CP) -- Churning|ou tie® "My. and Mrs, Fred ceived in a beige lace dress withi © © ® © 000 0000000000000 LJ cream and butter print prices ry ves and family. yore reported unchanged here "yo parold Stinson, Yelverton, il lis spending a couple of weeks gh Ld Criticizes TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright fruit and vegetable prices were|and girls. - reported unchanged from Tues-| Miss Catherine Bailey is visit- H h day. ling her brother Merlin Bailey, | 1erarc y . | Montreal. | | TORONTO (CP)--Potato prices Congratulations to Miss Joyce TORONTO (CP) -- A Unitea| Ve e reported unchanged here | yooey, who received second class| ; jtoday, honors on her first year examin-| > inis eriti- b Chistes of Cateds EE rs. CHICAGO (AP)--Grain futures |ations at Ryerson ; Institute of | cized the hierarchy 0 prices were steady to weak in a|Technology. Joyce is now work- | ination Sunday for laboring a|fairly active opening of the Board |ing for the summer months in the | few critical themes and ignoring|of Trade today. |diet kitchen of Toronto General contributions made by the press| Wheat was % to % cent a Hospital to the community. bushel lower, July $1.84% - S;| : corn unchanged to % lower, July CANDLELIGHT WEDDING Rev. Gordon C. Smyth ofl¢/ ay x0. oars 1% lower to | Blackstock United Church dec- iq) 91. =98; oals lov a | lacks i : Yonge Street Church here said pionér, July 70%; soybeans un (orated with white mums and car- Because of Quality Work . . Low Price . . MOTOR CITY ARE THE in a sermon: "The average hanged to 3% lower, July $2.11%- nations, ferns and candelabra, citizen is better acquainted with, was the setting for a lovely, : what our 'church is against than what it is for. "Our habit of speaking out... The Above Rates DO NOT Include Transportation Harmony and Rossland Roads ndolph 5-2737 e®0000000000OO Samnococoocd®bocss ® on a few themes which we ride to death is, I suspect, a little-men-| H 4 i ian: OSHAWA WOOD | THIS IS WHY All Types Of LOOK AT THESE PRIGES . . . THEN TAKE | = Get Away son for a good deal less than| iia: PRODUCTS LTD. |} omwmss | BLACKTOP |[10% OFF "Si | rrem summer | Py st and' D. 30° Length | 75' Length | 100" Length | 125' Length us." Mr. Smyth said the Toronto] ummm sm -------- 1 OE TR? | 10000 | 15000 | _ 20000 | 250.00 conference of the Unite Sed prose 2 OE BETTER e TENNIS 8 7.00 per month. | 10.00 per month | 13.00 per month | 16.00 per month § With asphalt in your driveway you Eich sna Mai or navi "veon| 2 CoURiS - § SREWRLYS 0 | 700 eum | 1100" | 100 ment 000 mm | Hee I De al eatin laws : EXACT MEASUREMENTS ® CARPORTS __ 7 | 7.00 per month | 11.00 per month | 14.00 per month | 18.00 per month § into your floors and rug. And it is Sd to beer and liquor| iW PATIOS ® DRIVEWAYS 10' Oth ra PR og A 16.00 por month 2000 2 th an ideal clean place for your kid- advertising, but nothing was said ; 4 EXACT COST FOR QUALITY PLAY YARDS ® PARKING mn T3180 | 30638 | as00 | 34878 Ye re en dove &t ove about what the churches in York . ; . WORK x FLOORS AREAS 9.00 per month | 13.00 per month | 17.00 per month | 21.00 per month Keep rock doy it belongs A Township were doing, or mi? TR ) sp ------) V0 Hs TT Tenet V5 oe 3 % do, in the face of corruption, let| > .¢ DRAWING FOR WORK- BROKEN CONCRETE COVERED 12° 10.00 per month | 14.00 per month | 19.00 per month | 23.00 per month howe no MEN'S GUIDE . . . WATER COLORED DRIVEWAYS 13' VD enth] ord 3 oth | 2000 S09 wilh 2800 028 Ls to 15 years as we install it. A alone to praise the press for| 1 fo puis bringing this shocking state of] : : ; DRAINAGE, CURBS, Etc. affairs to public view." 5 J or SRADES CHECKED No Money Down! 22 Reported Dead 2.YEAR WRITTEN Y All The Following Goes With Chart Above: I = i ls GUARANTEE 20M In Pondoland Clash FREE ESTIMATES : onths to Pay! The above chart will be very helpful to the home (5) Complete driveway to be covered with 3" or FONT ELIZABETH, South AL LUMBER & : apne In aimatng is divewey ic hovever ane moe of ht iphelt phali concrete, Drive rica (AP) -- The Evening Post| DISCOUNTS ON GROU Motor Cit Pavin Co La ox okey Te Vays gre installed by our skilled straight edge said Sunday night at least 22 I~ ildi * JOBS x y g a ) / ; / t S . Negroes are feared to have been| building hardware : gives the following operations with above chart): After the asphalt is 'spread severly' over. entire shot dead in a clash with police| Wheth d 4 LOAN ARRANGEMENTS i (1) Complete driveway will be graded with a power area, our roller mon and tamper men. roll out in Pondoland Monday. The offi-| ether you need 2 x 4's or pre- | MADE AT YOUR HOME Makes all financing arrangements tractor and blade (if necessary to use) only all marks, to give your job that extra bit of cial figure was six tribesmen 57 finished window units or doors (No eftorts on ol right in the privacy of your home at minimum grading, any volume of grading a few quality. workmanship, 4 rts on your part) y Y! A killed. heth d i f your convenience. No red tape or both- dollars more, All the edges of the diiveway. ave carefully The newspaper's report was r « « Whether you need just o Te 15 YEARS IN CONSTRUC- | ¢ come trouble. We do all ape o 1 ad ; ped to an. approximate 40 degree level. uble. Ve do a e finance 2 A Pp lication of veg killer to be All loose dirt and asphalt is carefully cleaned TTA |. 262.50 "350.00 437.50 ' VA | 11.00 omit 17000 or ont | 22.00 ar wonth | 27.00 ror wont J: 21 our men end equipment are - fully Rpured. » from Lusikisiki, centre of the| for home repairs or a carload for "TION k ; pp troubled African reserve on the| new construction. we have ever work. ; applied to entire area to prevent weeds and grass up and hauled away. Davders of Cape Province and thin ot Towsst iced y REFERENCES . coming through the asphalt. A Borricads' ic erected: ot. the ent.aice: to the Natal. f i 9" ' 3) C lete dri to be covered wi lea riveway to discourage traffic from 2 to 5 days, Sixty-eight Africans have been HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED we'll P ave the Way stone, fill all Jow spots (only Sr jv depending on sub-soil. arrested, Heavily armed police - DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM CUSTOMERS F Y iy any volume of rock a few dollars more). Bonus cards are left after each job is completed. Whereas if you know of anyone that is interested or rou A TT TI TE SET patrols are moving through the 84 SIMCOE ST RA 8-1617 area 'to maintain order. 0 8-161 ANY, 408 With 25 (4) Driveway to be rolled with a gas power roller in having a driveway installed you will receive emte------ MAIN OFFICE AND SHOWROOM ~_ fo press stone to a tight compaction, @ cheque from Motor City Paving Co. ETHIOPIA POST { COURTICE -- RA 8-1611 QUEBEC (CP)--Claude Lebon, versity" sudonsy po Laval Ua 9 Oshawa Telephones To Serve You leaving for Sovia Shortly ui Bowmanville -- MA 3.2130 Ajox ZEnith 2-9600 | 130 KING ST. E. DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY RA 8-1717 ---- mA a new yg college at Uni- versity College in Addis Ababa. He graduated from Laval in 2 TILL 9 P.M.

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