THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 16, 1960 25 . (pienie lunch. The Journey was continued to Rock Gardens where TOO 1n a guide provided by the Royal Botanical Gardens, met the group : at 1.30 p.m, to conduct them on Grou Meets | a tour to Iris Gardens, Tulip Gar-| ( dens and various points of inter-| : est and beauty in the grounds. | BROOKLIN -- The June meel- for its' weekly session of games Arriving home in Brooklin at 6.45] ing of the United Links Couples in the basement of Township p.m. safe and sound, all voted Club hi Brooklin United Church, Hall, it a pleasant trip. | was held on Wednesday evening, Highest scores, duplicate ALS : { June 8, at "Grendale Farm" pridge, tallied as follows: 1. Mrs, PERSONALS i George Boake, | home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clark, Mrs. Drew, 51%; 2. Wal- june and Ralph, visited relatives gackson.. ter Wadell, Jack Patterson, 48%; in Toronto on Sunday. A large crowd of members and|5 Mrs, William Medland, Mrs. ws R. V. Young, Mr. and friends enjoyed the outdoor meel-| Siewart, Mrs. Cyril Davies, Mrs, mrs. Long attended - decoration ng. 4 in the "Scayenger|R, Heron, 46; 4. Ted Heron, John gay services held at Erskine Unit- Hunt" and various games led by| Millar, 42; 5. Miss Forsythe, eq" Church on Sunday. l 'comniitiée, comprising Mr. and' Mrs, William Heron, 38%; 6. Mr. mrs. W. G. Doidge has returned Mrs. Ray Ingleton, Mr. and Mrs. snd Mrs. Morris, 37%; 7. Mrs. pome: after month's visit with] Douglas Jackson and Mr. and Mrs Walter Wadell, William A. Heron, relatives at Montreal. i Harold Dennis. Av impressive gs), Mrs, Victor Parkin spent past worship,' service was CON 4| Members are re d to note week visiting at the home of Mr, by Mss. Ingleton. The presidents, Bridge Games will be continued and Mrs. Noble Stevenson at Bur- Mr. a Mrs. Jobn Medland, pre-| ii" the end of June each Wed- lington. at a brief business meet. nesday evening in the Township Miss Jessie Webber, accompan- ing. . . Hall. ied by her niece, Miss Mildred / 1 . A lively sing sug closed an Webber, leave Malton Airport on| EC 9% / | enjoyable evening. The presidents BUS TRIP Wednesday, June 15, for flight to £4 : : pnd committee, extended hearty An enjoyable day's outing was London, England, to visit friends fote dt Shaul to Bostess, followed held on Thursday, June 9, when and relatives in various parts of A # A / -- Zpal enediction. approximately 30 members and England, returning to Canada %, 7% 7 /4 hdd BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH | friends of Brooklin Horticultural on Ey 16. g / / mindy Rev. S. J. Hillier occupied the| Society, joined in a bus trip to| "Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pilkey » nn : : pulpit at the Sunday morning the Royal Botanical Gardens, and Roger of Buglingfon, Mr, ; 2 Run 3 VEGETABLE worship held at Brooklin United Hamilton. and Mrs, Fleet Bedre, of Green- / ' march choir led processional Leaving the church corner, bank, Miss Violet MacMillan of * So OF 90.00 OR MORE -- LIMIT ONE PER OUSTOMER Po est Brooklin, at 9.30 a.m. a stop over Oshawa were weekend guests at} 5 % hymn ov SAoy 4 Be Jp God the! ae made at Dundurn Park, Ham. the home of Mrs. Charles Pilkey, | : 5, 4 QOUPON WALID UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 14, W0 Father" followed by responsive jo, where the party enjoyed al Durham street. | geading of Psalm 122, tuto SER | | "Only Begotten Word of God _ : " | Eternal" by Wollf, was selection || Pavorite Froplesl Fruit, Me. 1 Grade by choir, directed by organist, 4 4 Offer! Mr. E. A. Winkler, Ajax. Sermon 7 was based on 'Past, Present | and Future of United Church of : C SAFEDGE Canada". Ibs LIBBEY JT aman GLASSWARE The Woman's Association of y ' Brooklin United Church are spon- | v shel @alifornin, No, 1 Grade, Salmon Flesh, Jumbo Pack, Bisse 36 a soring a "Dessert Luncheon" to -_-- i 4 y . » Bo boss PATTERN be held on Thursday, June 16 at | | ROTTEN FOOD FEATURE er earnl KA | oie | ¢ |e wanes ver Ste ERY STRAWBERRIES od wor [ | ¥5-0z phos (4 ' "Adventures of a News Re- porter'. i The 35th Anniversary Services! > | Reg. pkg 39c -- SAVE fe | No.1 Grads, Fresh, Round Stringless Fresh, New Crop, No. 1 Grade ot "Brovklie Eiuited Covreh sw Legon a "7 GREEN BEANS 2-25 BLUEBERRIES pint box Mh Ge ; ro Kn yi Su. : oo" BEAL FATHERS DAY SIFT 5 Ontario Grown, No. 1 Grade, Fresh, No. 1 Grade, Firm, Mand Selected oy [ { v 4 i : | The guest preacher will be Rv. : | SPECIAL ~-- 3 DAYS ONLY! CABBAGE NEW @ROP och 10 TOMATOES eetorbe 2 5c James A, Fraser; assistant sec- Garton of 200 California, No. 1 Grade, Sweet Luscious €alif., No. 1 Grade, Fender Pascal, Bxira Large Size \ blanl If PURCHASE retary of the Board of Pensions, Popular Brands 3 09. GRAPES 2 Seedhoe +29 CELERY STALKS 29 ok --- | Toronto. Senior choir will lead ° Qalifornia Valencia, Faney Grade, Sweel, Juicy Favorite Tropical Fruit, No. 1 Grade Buy a psa aedt Baier oroanst ete 4 ing Yo ih lay Sind ve r ettes ol gr ik NO MUSS..NO FUSS == he wala of your LSP roel | ORANGES sheiobos 33¢ WATERMELONS + 99¢ ands wok leader | SCOUT MOTHERS il The 1st Brooklin Scout Mother's | | VENIENCE Sime, NO INCON - . the Township Hall Brookin, | 00d 5 years to pay! i -- COME SEE... YOU'LL SAVE ON THESE EXTRA SPECIALS AT Asp to all mothers of Scouts and | So, if you're thinking . . . dedide new fona (Colour and Pectin Added) Reg. jar 46c--SAVE be Lido Gookies Reg. phg 3c--SAVE to Purex Coloured Reg. phy Wo--SAE In | | / evening, June 16, at 8.30 p.m. at Auxiliary will meet on Thursday Cub h hering. . . hid foal sem mat | | mene | m=imneers | RASPBERRY JAM TV. SNACKS um29: TOWET TISSUE reset 25¢ mittée appointed. The Brooklin 'Women's Insti- tute 'will meet on Wednesday afternoon, June 22, at 2.30 p.m. 8t. Lawrence Meg. thn Mo--BAVE 108 Mag. phy 40e--0 had 10.00 | TTT... | Giieese SPREAD xe CORN OL war@9: SPAGHETTI DINNER down payment it roquieed end yor |} pineapple Grapefruit Reg. tin 36o--8AVE 11s 5 Varieties Reg. 2 Hine 3e--BAVE 8e Westminster Goloured--4e OF Deal Rog. 4e--Save an Emira 4 in the basement of Whitby Town- ship (Hall, Brooklin, Program ar- rs Pn 'HI-C DRINK 2 sorins 39¢ CLARK'S SOUPS y worm 1,00 TOMET TISSUE pig of 4 role 3 Qe wii Mis. Ym. Vedizha. Why not let ws give you en estimole. ors ond odiostments completely free. | Rose Brand Reg. jar 3e--SAVE 40 Dr. BaMard's (8 Flavours) Reg. 2 tins We--BAVE Be Jubiles (AN Varieties) gation. Guest speaker "wil be SWEET MIXED PICKLES won 29: CHAMPION DOG FOOD 4 wos. 49 rai 710 | LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED § ..... "Women's Role in Polities". = | MoBorm ols Rog. phy Me--SAVE %e ARG Reg. 2-lbe 400--BAVE 16e Nraft Cracker Barrel Lugeh committee: Mra VI 43 xine ST. SNA sorpks 19¢ MARGARINE Me phe 8c MILD CHEESE m' Medland, Mrs. Arthur El- M 3 t, "Mrs. E. Acton. abisco Meg. pg Me--BSAVE 20 Candyland (AN Varieties) The Brooklin Bridge Club met" : : _? gl | a) - SHREDDED WHEAT worphg 27 ¢ CANDIES ---- MARVEL ICE CREAM WA le |) Super-Right Quality Meat Features | EE PAN GRADE A OVEN READY, This Wek' Boku Feature a Be RA 8-6 221 Bit Yolo MISSI Tak tow pk Bn . Fr. + BONELESS RUMP ROAST od ken mpi | GEANISH BAR CAKE "36: me MLSS OWT mio Lixin sean en isi | ROASTS «somuesssomonaasr ~ VISUALINER ! CHECK-UP SPEOIAL "» Boneless | MERRIMOOD NYLONS ROUND sTEAKs oat Pie es | MINCED BEEF Sips dig 8 HOW LONG SINCE YOU CHECKED 30: OFF i oo Me | YOUR CAR WHEELS? ; | | AVAILABLE AT MOST A&P STOMES CORNED BERT Pas MOKED Frid SOTTAOK ROLLS b 9% : ; Sweet Pickled OAS Mitchell's Vitaminized BEEF TONGUES SLADE A J ® a The best Insurance against bad tire wear, vibration and Imported, 16-0x 8; MVER shimmy is to check wheel alignment regularly. The APPLE JUICE ron | [] CORNISH ROCK HENS shi L$ DAGON Lida 8-01 chub 20 John. Bean Visualiner checks and corrects faster and Lean Shoulder Cuts RINDLESS SIDE BACON more accurately than other methods. ' GROUND CHUCK Maple Leaf, wp sac 14b phg 59¢ Special 20: OFF Deal PEAMEA AOREAIMIIOR. oo PLUS BXTRA SAVINGS AT Asp Worm, SIDE BACON 1-4 phg Sle I cello pkg 48 SMOKED BACK BAGON y i \ ane) ¥ %-lb pkg 4% - 146 acho pkg 3% GOD MALE 2 Out Of Every 5 Cars | =) Pl by K VEL AD iin iS AMA CoD miles 2-Jos 49¢ Have Unsafe Tires : 3 : : $b: 69¢ €OD PORTIONS b are ORILETTES . S-ox phg We it hos been proven by surveys thet tire failure due t : to bald, unevenly worn or eut and bruised tires, is one of the greatest causes of highway accidents. Have your tires ehecked regularly for any of these Buy Quakity Son) pa Five vor oe ormamcsory INTERLAKE- WHITE CROSS 15.5% ow comme = nit "Safety through Quality" PABLUM . 16-or pkg 45¢ ---- SPECIAL 8 7 TOuET li gi 5 3c MORTON'S MEAT PIS an WAXED PAPER F00-#. roll 29 ND A AMMAR Vath Rin SONA KB AM Purpose, Liquid > PRICE Hambly Tire Ltd. |----r noone m= TOTAL SAVINGS 28: MoVitie & Price 534 RITSON RD. SOUTH RA 8.6221 AM Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Threugh Sat, June 18th, 1960 DIGESTIVE BISCUITS pkg 27¢