THE. OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 16, 1960 3] 45---Real Estate for Sale (45--Real Estate for Sale DON HOWE [Ermaoa ai ot 'modern conveniences, small barn, 15 VLA. Orono + REALTOR files from Oshawa, $8000 RA 5-7732 67 KING ST. E. $10,900 income home du- plex, four rooms down -- three up -- oil heated--low taxes, $1000 down payment. 45--Real Estate for Sale: |45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale THREE lots on Farewell Avenue, Dial | EXCELLENT building lot, between yy AJAX -- two - bedroom bungalow, OLiver 5-3055. {Oshawa and Whitby, 78 x 200, very nice |one large lot, good location, total price JONES Avenue, select district, priced | $1700. Apply 255 Athol Street. $9000 Take over 5% per cent NHA $12,000, with $2000 down. One pe mortgage. Phone Ajax, WH 2.2075. for balance. Ideal family or income NEW six room ranch bungalow, pote, Swosorey OF beisk, Jivisg rom URGENT double garage, on King Street East, hn also ravine lot on Kaiser Crescent. Will ? sl We need homes for sale, any |consider exchange. Apply 238 Kaiser area. Cash clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. W. T. LAMSON private drive, garage. 0 fro schools | Crescent. REAL ESTATE |44--Houses, Apts., Flats =-loisen, Apts., Flats pol For Rent For Rent FOUR - bedroom house, unfurnished, n vicinity of Oshawa or Whitby. Call [SIX . room house, 89 Nassau Street, THREE - "= room apartment, tiled kit- dasire in Oshawa area. RA 8-5181, Room No. 3 after 9 p.m. $50 monthly, no furnace. RA 58421 chen, has stove and frig, central, all after 3 p.m large rooms, available July 1. Adults position _ Write Box 727 Oshawa Times _| WANTED -- an Foo for B only. Apply 21 Athol East. CHA 5 e pens 3 Tarnished fs n- va" Jiniox, stadent with senior ma. awa 1 oes, Wet box i i pis long Ye Very a, SIX - room house, available » now, all or four willing to| conveniences. Phone RA 5-2533. 5-9595. Junior nt with senior na awa Times. lation. Britnell and - Moore, 1 A i share. Phone RA | THREE . room pn private en- THREE - room apartment, being newly| trance, heat, hydro, TV outlet. No ob- wants two unfurnished fous, als RAS 5.4521, While Wofuet works. decorated, private entrance. RA 5-4918, | jection to child. Telephone RA 8-4263. - room apartment, re- THREE - room "apartment, unfurnish-| JODERN ii stove, Boi vs dryer, ed, sink, central. per bie 10 TV outlet, pasiing, | Jor monthly.| Phone RA 8-5394. -- district. ONE large furnished room and ictchen, 0 large - nl a ye , sink, [suit couple, Also single furnished roo ras, stove and cupboards. for gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street 43--Wanted To Rent 37--Male Help Wanted SALES advertising, single man, with Jayout, copy, radio, experiences | view, TE brick, six - room bun alow Setaciied storms a month, Whitehall 2-635. LOT 45 x 176 sewer and water, close Jo south GM and bus service, $1950. RA THREE-oedroom solid brick bungalow, newly decorated, Pie Ria East. RA or RA 5-6382. Eo Ee A McQUAY & KIDD DON HOWE | Rk Ernie olmes, Realtor, 204 King Street REALTORS . pl Child welcome. 61 Nassau Street or North. hone RA 5-8660. second floor, modern North. Phone RA 5-452. or, ecup-| two CO 3-2756. wo COUNTRY -- three room apart. FURNISHED apartment, ment with garden, school close, one Or| ,.. "central, close to shopping, bus at d 402. [SUBLET _two-bedro men | 5-5787. = room apartment, level, | Aditlt home! central. RA 5-5676. | arate entrance, private bath. RA 3-3: refrigera Rent - room apartment, three ground floor, private entrance and bath. Parking space, School. near North Simcoe RA phone REE - room unfurnished apartment, vate bath, suitable for couple. Tele- RA 5-8923. Lin couple, adults only, heavy wir- ing, heated, central. RA 5-2817 after 30 p.m. FOUR - room, unfurnished apartment, sink in kitchen, private bath parking, heat, water, ete., included, $65 monthly. RA 84723 THREE - floor, also mewly vate bath, gas fi Mog abstainers, adults. RA 5-8352, room apartment, ground t corner, G Avenue. RA 8-8 ~NEW bungalow, 9 Seneca Street No three = bedroom, and bathroom, $80 monthly, immediately. Apply 836 Simcoe No: |RA 8-520. SEVEN - very central, ed, separate driveway, Available July 1. RA 5.7295, room 'two-storey modern Kitchen, oil he "House $100 monthly. "street strictly private 3. piece bath, yrtment, | stove refrigerator supplied. Abstainers. sep: 237. tor, t for men AVAILABLE July 1 -- One or two bed-| June and July. Call RA 52161 or RA|' room apartment, Jo JOOnd Hoos, stove, sink and refrigerator, mecoe Street Attractive 3 FURNISHED two - heavy duty stove, boards, parking, near bus stop. Call RA [Two or thee nice, clean rooms, rth, living room, kitchen available 3 rth. eat: h pri- OFFICE space available, feet, downtown location, able rent. RA 5-6165. MODERN apartment, iness couple, FURNISHED centrally located, RA 8-0717 sink in kitchen, private bath, heat, water, etc., included, $65 monthly. Phone RA 8-4723. TWO - frigerator, No children. 253 Athol East. ator, Street South. RA 8-5888. over 600 sq. very reason , suitable for bus- centrally located, $65! RA 5-5433 or RA 5-2267. two-room apartment, thly, conveniences, centr adults preferred, Phone RA 3.2100 or | apply 162 Ritson Road South. FOUR - room, unfurnished apartment, rking, room furnished laundry private entrance, apart week. | per [ Rosehill 137 LEADING E - bedroom two la- | -- le with one hid | WANTED by coup) ro SERVICE | student employed at GM requires room land board for summer months, Mon- 44--Houses, Apts., Flats SALES & SERVICE central, available immediately. RA Wen Phone HUdson 1-9552. ~-- VACATION WITH PAY is Wanted 5.8702. frigerator and stove, central, also 40° '41--Room & Board ia .JXOOM and board for gentlemen, single ei room ho ed. RA 56727. | FURNISHED room th bachel ROOM and board, $13 "OR RENT central. Apply 180 Bruce Street after 5 2 El Street East. To apt Phone MO 8-5273 WANTED For Sevtember 1. by busi 2-bedroom Apartments, elec- stove and refrigerator, Write Box | floor, near. washroom, in or near city, RA 8.8676. HRE' by DEPARTMENT STORE de: oveteramty north. of King Street. {three - bedroom house. SALESMAN days to Fridays only. RA 5-0026 be- For Rent WE OFFER 3.9800 after 6 p.m. - TWO - room furnished apartment, "+ == HIGHEST REMUNERATION OSH DETAILS IN FIRST TWO - "apartment, self-con- . PART-TIME desk clerk wanted, for| FOUR - room apartment, private bath ladder. RA 5-7936, and board for gentlemen, nice THREE - "room house for rent at 490 s, good home cooked meals, close Bloor Street East. contained apart ROOM and board rr gentlemen, to ment, all privileges. RA 5-9630. Lunches packed. Apply Three bedrooms, full base- Pm. | ROOM or room and board, pleasant | GARDEN Home for retired or convales- BUCKINGHAM Oshawa Times. trically equipped, best loca- references, Phone RA 3-2445 0s A WwW A References if requested. Write Box 617, |p.m. RA 38-0229, tween 6 and 7 p.m. any night this Must be fully experienced in [THREE - room furnished basement ~-- FREE LIFE INSURANCE FIVE-room new bungalow, close vate entrance, parking space, cen For Right Man. oi REPLY, PLEASE tained, .very central, garage included. Ahree days each weekend. Apply Mr. and entrance, very central. RA 5-1829. ROOM om fur orien close to downtown. Abstain apartment, private bath and entrance. hed: Apply at 76 Harris "to North GM and bus stop. 148 Ritson|Avenue. os room, m, self - ROOM apd "board for gentlemen to nent, immediate possession, near Shop- share, Yome away from home, 97 Albert | Boulevard. De emis ---------------------- ment, school one block. Mov- ROOM and board for gentlemen, close yoom in private home, day work- eent person, Phone MOhawk 8-5746. MANOR UNFURNISHED housekeeping room| ion. $100. Apply: 498 FIVE - | three |decorated. Apply 730 Simcoe South. FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom apartments, vision Whit! facilities, Craydon laundry tele- Sg Roa antenna. 4 r00 i e apartment, also| room private apartment, newly Street TWO modern, private parking, close to down- town, MODERN upper duplex, large Ning, diaing and bedrooms, kitchen and bath tiled, new 'frig. and stove, plenty cup- | boars. decorated, laundry TV, parking space, THREE clean unfurnished rooms, third separrte entrance, shade trees. RA 3-9114 or RA 3-7202. SMALL two - furnishea, ind housekeeping. RA 8-8125. room furnished apartment, ults. July 1, $70. RA 8-0369. All rooms newly painted and sundeck, lawn and 'For appointment phone Toom cottage, partly suitable for one or two for room furnished apartment, quiet |' district, central location. Child care for |FOU! working mother if desired. RA 8-6034. |20 THREE - apartment building. Apply 103 Wilson Road North, Apt. sion. LARGE two-roomed, ground floor, fur-| nished stove, private entrance. Parking facil-| ities. Also single furnished room, Very | cluded. RA 5 1454. central. Jony 96 Centre Street. room basement apartment in 3. Immediate posses- frig, | apartment, washroom, | Oshawa es. |HAVE you an extra room? week. SEWING MACHINE | apartment, private bath and entrance, bl on - == FREE HOSPITALIZATION lake all conveniences, reasonable cud 43 Nassau Street. a le or Female Help Reasonable rent. Call Mr. Horner, RA Hodgson, Genosha Hotel. |TWO - room, furnished apartment with ~. room furnished basement ers. Phone RA 5-5565. ply 202 Huron Street. . Road South. THREE share, ciose to north plant, lunch pack- Ping Centre and bus, RA 5-6106. Foou awe i WHITBY HOME ROOM and board, good meals, very rey Poa Not aa A a3 m| ing West. Must rent nov. @r only. RA 5.3808. 43--Wanted to Rent APARTMENTS wanted for, elderly woman, on ground | Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; '53 STUDEBAKER THREE .' bedroom unfurnished apart- Champion, very ment, centrally located in Whitby. Ap- ply 273 Riston Road South. RA 5-1841. EXPERT rolotilling for gardens and paint. job. Phone MOhawk 8-2261. | Hopkins Street. 118 ood condition, good as new motor and | lawns. Don't call unless you want the best. Di¢k Devnich. Phone MO 8-2614 «BRICK, block and cement work, Yor by free estimates . call MOhawk 8-2294, | 8-5124. . 1110 Centre Street South, _ Whitby. |siNLE ar light hou desires room, with c00k- room, th private entrance. |onesee cold wave $6.95 (Reg. $12.50) style, cut, shampoo and imaginative stylist. MOhawk a RA 5-01 NEW di after 5 p.m, apartment, t frig, Close ti RA 5-0482| two-bedroom ve, washer and dryer. Centre. , Phone TWO - room furnished basement apart- ment, bed - sekeeping | close to hospital and North Apply | 5-2134. sitting room and kitchen, GM. wi "ng privilege: 'Hone Mi kk 8-3023. {3 Mary Street East. Phone = USE for rent: Modern Tive-roomed | & Sentral los in Whitby. Avail- WANTED Zable July 1, Phone RAndolph 5-4998. "FOR RENT __ Threeoom apartment, Tiarge Sonveiianty located, stove, refrigera- by July 1, 3 room apartment, Whitby, handy to school. Phone MO 1 FURNISHED Bed kitchen, large (boards, stove otiierator, TV outlet, centrally in |bus stop Bi Lin bd apartment, or RENT -- Fay furnished aig and telephone. Apply 820 Sylvia Street. room 'and cup- - sitting uipped, built-in t, unfurni vate bath and entrance; TV laundry, Jarking Provided, Avail: | ment, ideal for newly July 1. MO 8 RE furnished | MO_8-5379. couple |new triplex, in nice location. Phone Ca fuitished apartment, tw ghia one or two young d, + [for two refined ' are, built-in cupboards in kitchen. |44a--Rooms For Rent -- | ROOM for young geltleman in bache- {lor apartment. RA 5-3309, | CLEAN, furnished, housekeeping ro | | central. | veniences. | FURNISHEI double room, light ho om, separate entrance, girl preferred, very Telephon RA 3-9503, All eon use | keeping, sink, refrigerator, suitable for | girl. 475 King Street East, or RA 5-9683. lady, board if pequired. Apply 300 La le Avenue or tele phone RA 5-2913 NE, pik and double room, central quiet, Church Street ONE - ladies ileges, in new 8.1882 after 6 apartment _ |Hotel. TWO furnished bedrooms, also kitchen | THREE - ROOM apartment, self- CON | FURNISHED room, suif gentleman or tained, all E, two - room apartment, also one | and | Gentleman preferred. Apply 1781 APARTMENT with stove and refrifer- 360g py the week, filed shower, and | 43 Grandview| pan, maid service. RA 3.4641, Genosha | room furnished, board optional, All priv- Phone RA | for light housekeeping. RA 3-5683 or 261 | *{Celina Street. TWO bedrooms and kitchen "for two or | three gentlemen, close to Centre. 63 Grenfell Street. RA 5-8721. {TWO nice bedrooms business men. | ences required. Ten minutes from down- |town, North end. Apply Box 714, Osh-| awa Times. THREE unfurnished rooms, adults, vate bath, abstainers, tral. RA 5-1607 heavy duty wiring, Apply floor, tral, $45 monthly. Street. AVAILABLE now -- rooms, second floor, $70. (rooms, third floor, available July $60. Heat, lights, central 143 "three King Street West, couple a ilable i immediately. | FOUR ~ rc ~ room apartment, |trance, heavy duty wiring, |King and Wilson, adults only. | RA 8-6279 evenings. RA 3-4992. unfurnished rooms, heat, light and water | THREE for couple, 38 Nassau Street. pri-| reasonable, cen- in private home| Refer: | Shopping | adults, cen-| Agnes | "furnished | Two furnished | 1,| RA 3-9180. room unfurnished apartment, | only, in- | TWO partly |rooms, couple preferred. Apply Drew Street or RA 3-4152 after 5 p. RA 5-0575. __|SINGLE room for gentleman, central tw poth LITRE pore July 1 and required. Montrave 8 Bu furnished housekeeping 91. 48 0 | ROOM to share, large furnished room. | ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail {able in private home, 82 Park Road th, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671. TWO rooms for light housékeeping, will 165 furnish. Apply side door, upstairs, Ritson Road South after 6 p.m. TWO furnished rooms for two gentle- men, close to Shopping Centre. Apply | 63 Grenfell Street, TWO rooms, partly furnished, thing supplied. Children welcome, 7970. sink, Every- RA built-in sink, "pad-sitting room and kitchen, {ridge FOR RENT -- One., and two-bedroom | and stove, ground floor, private en- apartments on Mary Street East, $85, E france. 21 Street, 390 and $100 Adults preferred Whitby. 591. Apply Palace and pater, $55 monthly. heat, lights and | A apartment, all conveniences, FOR BENT -- Two unfurnished rooms, {Fob ground floor, with garage; suitable for | Walnut. and board for gentleman at 01 contra Apply 303 Hillside Avenue. RA couple. Phone MO 8-5149. _|FOR_ RENT -- Furnished light hi 80D, 20¢ square yard. Delivered to [keeping room, home privileges, ¢ Port 'Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa, tral. Phone MO 8-5176. Bowmanville, Ajax, Pickering, d Dostd for mel nat | ATTRACTIVE unfurnished basement ment, self-contained, reasonable, stainers, near South GM. 3 Sun Valley Court. West v -- ROOM and board for Hill, and surrounding districts. Phone |g, MO' 8-3015 Whitby. 'Walnut Street. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOR RENT -- Smal cottage, ge. Apply 84 840 shes position as | Dundas Street East, Whitby. ime. Phone MO 8! ee. FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com- - 3 Tor sale post, dortess and Weedless for flow- e 3 or rent, $130 oh near high school. Me bio 5, 1awns and gardens. Phone 12. Appl; Bowmanville, MA 3-25 TORE 1 Samah a etn etm buncrl galow wanted, Good $00, 22 Sausre "hun: Oona down payments W McAuley Realtor Bown snville, Ajax, Pickering, West| MO 8:3231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 and surrounding districts. Phone SEPTIC TANKS cleaned fhe sanitary Mo 8-3015, Whitby __|way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, SODDING and landscaping, 2304 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. Free estimates. Call WH 2.5134, Ajax, SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep Treeies after 4.30. {from only $270.95. For special prices LIVE poultry also feathers wanted. Tao ey ere and' dry: Highe = market prices pal dake Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby. Parker, MO 8:3644 collect. ~~ ™ Ino 8.4081 or MO 8.5740. NEW office space tn Whitby. 800 89. ft.,| was cree er Chevrolet, & Lady | , part good motor, Phone MODERN SUITES | BALCONIES ONLY TWO LEFT One bedroom $90 One Two bedroom $100 A building you would be proud to live in, paved park- ing, fully equipped, laundry room, building has just been painted inside and out. Close to shopping. Ypu should see to fully appreciate the extras in this apartment. Phone MO 8-4547, Whitby ONE room and kitchen, private front | decor: ed with sink and |range, Frigidaire, use of washing poly 586 Bloor 204 Dak entrance. Apply 27 Park Rd. ma | chine, suitable for couple or two girls. 248 Toronto Avenue, TWO rooms, refrigerator and | Fairbanks, RA 5-2389. | Boulevard South. | FURNISHED room, two girls, 0 | 988 Ee Tents self - contained hem large f furnished room rooms, ns, freshly cupboards, stove, RA 5-1336. | furnished or unfurnished, share bath. 15 HOUSEKEEPING apartment, "suitable | for three gentlemen or girls, also single | | rooms available, RA 8.0852. 74 Oshawa | living emia separate en- | vicinity Phone suitable | REAL ESTATE Bh 5-7732 7 KING ST. EAST INCOME BUNGALOWS We have just listed two 3- year-old brick bungalows, 6 rooms g@nd basement apart- ments. Choice locations and appearance together with reasonable listed price and terms will sell these homes. Call me for further informa- tion and inspection of these ond other properties in any district -- Jay Goyne, even- ings, RA 5-5378. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S RA 5.6544 $3,800 FULL PRICE Four-room insul brick bunga- low with 3-pc. bathroom. Located in good area. Good size' lot. City sewer and water. Will take low down paymeni. Must be sold. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, $1,600 FULL PRICE For this good building lot Located in North Oshawa area. Lots are very scarce, and a large lot at this price should not be overlooked. Call. Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544. $3,250 FULL PRICE For this insul brick" bungalow, very well kept. Willing to take $1,000 down and repay- able only $50.00 per month. Be quick for this one. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, ° IDEAL LOCATION 2.storey white frame house. Located on Taunton Rd. E. Nicely modefnized. Large living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 3 'bedrooms and 3-pc. bathroom. Hard- wood and tile floors through- out, Forced air oil furnace in basement. Owner very anxious to sell. Make on offer, Also there is a store with born at rear, situated next door, for sale or lease. Coll Ted Cunningham at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358. SELL OR RENT Large lock-up store, fully equipped as a butcher ond grocery shop Central lo- _. cation, good equipment, Very reasonoble rent, or see un- der easy terms, Phone Jack Appleby ot RA 5.6544 or RA 3-3398. Members of Oshawa ond _ District Real Estate JOHN F. DE WITH Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle--Phone 3341 DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with. machinery, milk cows, etc, @s a going concern, Good barn, drive shed, bulk= cooler; 8-roomed brick house, running water. Price $30,- 000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 12 miles from Oshawa with oll machinery, milk cows, as a going concern. Modern barn, silo, bulkcooler, etc; 8- roomed home with all modern conveniences. Price. $35, 500. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 3... acres with 50 milk cows, 15 cans quota, good barn, bulkcooler, new silo; B8-roomed brick house, running water. Price $40,000. Reasonable down payment, DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, L-shaped bankbarn, stream, drive shed, etc; 8-roomed brick house, all modern con- veniences. Price $25,000. Terms DAIRY AND POULTRY FARM with 34 milk cows, machinery, 1,800 laying hens etc., as going concern, large L-shaped modernized bank- barn, sil t 8-roomed brick house, all modern con- veniences, All buildings in A-1 shape. 10 cans milk quota Hatchery contract. Price and terms arranged. 78-acre ORCHARD FARM, near Bowmanvillg, 40 acres orchard, large barn; 7-roomed house, running hot and cold water, Asking $32,000. Down $8,000 120-acre farm near Mill- brook, 110 acres workable, L-shaped bankbarn, steel stanchions, waterbowls, drive shed, garage, etc; 7-roomed brick house, all modern con- veniences. Price $14,000. Down $6,000. > 92-acre farm, all workable, 2 ponds, good soil, L-shaped bankbarn, water on tap, drive shed, hen house, gar- age; 8-roomed home, running water. Buildings in good shape. Price $16,000. Down $5,000, 95-acre farm near Oshawa, all workable, facing 3 roads, lorge bankbarn, drive shed, silos, etc; 7-roomed home, heavy wired. Will take house for downpayment 200-acre farm, 160 acres workable, stream, good barn, drive shed, etc; 8-roomed brick house, heavy wired. Price $14,500 with $5,000 Board. down. Donald H. Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 RA 5.2974 Frank Hunter, OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE room, TV and kitchen accommodation. | Ap- |Free parking at rear. References. |ply 193 Simcoe Street South. | BED |and stove, close to hospital, | suitable for lady, RA .5-5228, furnished room, ONE single, behind "sitting room with refrigerator Jowntown, Ritson Road School, for gentleman RA/| 3-2439, 201 Banting Avenue | TWO rooms, partly furnished, King | Ritson Road, Phone RA 5-9870. and | | COMFORTABLE front bedfoom, clean, |private home, near North GM |downtown, continuous hot | home. Apply 101 Ontario Street i and vater, adult or less, parking lot (facilities call Whitby Professional Building, MO & | Mohawk. atsonr 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003 F Feb ad FURNISHED single room in private home. Telephone MO 8-4864 before p.m. TWO rooms And kitchen, light wiring, share bathroom. Also one furnished | HELP WANTED -- Bookkeeper Mo Tapher required by H. Goode Way between 5 and 7. "0 Son Limited. Five-day week, all -- PRIVATE SALE or MQ | 8-29 PRIVATE room, good food. Near St. 3-bedroom brick bungalow. Well located on mature treed John the Evangelist Church. Phone MO lot in Whitby. Many extras 8-4928, Whitby. including garden. Early pos- GRAVEL session. Apply owner, MO Cement Gravel -- Driveway 8-4117 ofter So FOR SALE -- 6-room bun, pletely finished and landscape 7! accept building lot for down payment. 118 Hopkins Street, Phone MO 8-2261, Gravel coarse or fine -- also fi Delivery Monday to Sat ATTENTION "ERIC C. BRANTON . MO 8-2660 HOUSEWIVES |... ¥ ee tore row | FORC.IL. PAINT CALL the HOME ECONOMICS "Dodd & Souter | FOOD AND FREEZE PLAN. Paint & Wallpaper Store Approximate cost for family of three os little o- $13.80 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 per week, including food and freezer. SPECIAL | THIS WEEKEND ! For Information CALL BAILEY MO. 8-5381 CLIMBING ROSE 'TRIUMPH' bright blooms, all summer | through late fall. Regular ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING {45--Real Lots For Sale Fully Serviced N.H.A. Approved (King East ot Athabasca St.) Modelaire Homes BY FRED R. JONES RA5-6412 RA 3-3383 <ontact T. L. "WILSOI Phone RA 3-3474 APPROXIMATELY 2500 SQUARE FEET ON SECOND FLOOR IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA On a busy corner, suitable for offices, At present en- tire floor is open -- no par- titions. Will lease entire floor to reliable tenant or will divide. Apply BOX 719 OSHAWA TIMES. # No. Obligation $1.50, Approved by Good Housekeeping SPECIAL 75¢ 10% OFF On all Evergreens Shrubs Shade Trees PICKERING NURSERIES on Highway No. 2 | mile west of Dunbarton Phone Temple 9-2111 Reserve your holiday equip- ment now, outboard motors, boats, cor tops, canoes, boot trailers, cabin trailers, tent all camping equipment We also rent Lawn and garden equipment, power tools, cement mixers, ete. , WILDE RENTALS "SERVICE & SAI ES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-3226 WILSON RD. NCRTH AT-LANDSDOWNE One and two bedroom apart- ments for rent, $75 to $105. Large living: room, dining area, beautiful kitchen, tiled bathrooms and good bed- rooms. Two bedroom apart- ments with balcony, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, TV outlet. Immediate passes- sion. Call Frank Hazlett RU 3-1733, 3005 Bathurst Street Toronto. 7-9387, Evenings RU WANT TO SELL? LIST WITH US! WANT TO BUY? CALL US! ~We speciolize in farms, businesses sults, call: "JOHN DE WITH Realtor--Insurance NEWCASTLE 3341 OSHAWA F. HUNTER hon For re- RA 5.2974 A BOWMANVILLE D. MOUNTJOY MA 3:3950 DON HOWE. Invites You To-- TONIGHT DRIVE EAST ON ROSSLAND RD, Estate For Sale | | { | ones Sub-Division! See Our Furnished Model Home .| U. JONES, Realtor | SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. REG. AKER, Pres. BILL McFEETERS, Vice-Pres. THINKING OF RETIRING? DREAM COTTAGE AVAILABLE Modern 5-room brick bungalow with breezeway and attached garage, and babbling brook Stinson a call, located on a picturesque lot with lovely shade trees Truly a home to be proud of, and terms that will amaze you evenings RA 5-024 At a price Will sell fast, so give Henry 3. N.H.A. RESALE -- ROSSLYN ESTATES $13,200 -- 4 year old, 5-room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms and good size kitchen and living room, 4-pc. aluminum storms and screens heating, 5% est mortgage. tiled bath, oil Lot size 56 x 145', Monthly payment $50.00 principal and inter- Call Russ Reeve, evenings RA 5-4840. BROOKLIN -- 4 YEARS OLD + 5-room brick bungalow with attached garage. Taxes $178.00. For a real evenings RA 8-8423. 3 bedrooms and 4-pc. bath ment. Balance like rent eall Don -Stradeski, 20' living room, Low down pay- buy in suburban living, EXECUTIVE HOME 7-room brick ranch style bungalow, 2-car attached garage, liv- ing room features stipple and moulded ceilings, built-in valonce. Large Tennessee marble-faced fireplace. with view of back yard. Large family or T.V. chen is 11 x 18' boards. with exhaust fan, closet space. features 2 bathrooms, includes light evenings RA 5-1726, LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS Hoffman furniture, Built-in oven and counter Separate dining area room. The kit- finished cup- Copper hood top stove. and 3 good size bedrooms with plenty of ceramic tiled, Slidemaster windows complete with storms and screens. fixtures and decorating. 1 5-pc. and 1 2-pe. Price McFeeters, Call - Bill OFFICE Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board RA 3-6225 - "OF ---- RA 8-1624 LAKE SCUGOG AREA Frome, 2-bedroom cottage with fireplace and bathroom lake frontage. Price $7,800 Winterized cottage at Port View Beach. room house with modern kitchen and shower Beautiful pletely" furnished, bathroom. 100 ft. Frame, insulated, 6- $6,800 shaded lot on Scugog. é-room cottage, garage, com- Price $7,000. PORT PERRY HOME Frame house, fairly new. heating, bathroom. Modern kitchen. Large living room, 3 bedrooms, close to shopping, bus; school, See this at $10,900. Full basement, oil BROOKLIN AREA Country Retreat pénd, creek, 2 ate dining room, unit Approx... 3V2 acres, $27,500. Terms arranged. ldyllic. setting in peaceful rolling hiils swimming pools, valuoble pumping equipment. Magnificent trees and landscaped lawns. Trout Five bedrooms, separ- large living room with fireplace, new heating about 1 acre cedars, 80-ft. high. MERVYN BIRD, BROOKLIN OL 5-3159 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LIMITED, REALTORS I 191 Scugog Street, Bowmanville Members of the Oshawa and District Real Estote Board. 25 scenic wooded acres near Burketon. $5,000 with $1,000 down. 50 acres with two fast - run- ning streams, good pond sites, near Tyrone, $7,500 with $3,000 down. 140 scenic acres with fost- running trout stream on good road near Orono, ideal for club or summer camp. $100 per acre. Easy terms. We have over 100 farms of all types for your selection in this area. Call Walker Frank MA 3- 3393 Bowmanville PETER FEDDEMA REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, 4-room brick house, small barn, 35,000 Christmas trees planted. Price $10,500. Terms. 50 acres with 1320 ft, loke frontage, nice shade trees, excellent for Summer resort. Price $7,000. 20 acres with 6-room fully modern bungalow. A-1 or- chord, 1100 trees planted. real investment, Price $25! 000. Terms. Contact Mrs. Tierney, RA 5-5207. 2, storey brick home, gar- oge, paved drive, oil a Contact Mrs. Tierney, RA 5-5207. JOHN A. J; BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS---INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 NEW--6% 3 ONLY 3 Located in Apple Hill area are these lovely 6 room brick bungalows. Features:- alum- inum storms and screens, 2 aluminum storm doors, com- pletely decorated, finished recreation room 12' x 20°. Sodded front and rear. Iron railing on porch. 4-pce. bath with vanity. Exhaust fon in kitchen. Vegetable Carries for $102.00 monthly -- interest, principal and taxes. Move into this house with- out spending a cent to finish the work. Don't wait call im- mediately for Jack Appleby ot RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board spray. ron ravine lot. 6 per cent NHA, $1000 down, $12,500 full price, 6 per cent second mortgage available; RA 59557. SALE LA rent, seven room house, 5% ars ud, parage, paved drive, large ot. on' Wilson Road South. Apply 24 an Street, 200 ACRES hunting camp, cise 30 to lake, north Peterborough, six log house road to dpor. RA soste FIVE - Jom} brick bungalow with garage, oak and tile floors, like new { it, $500 down. RA 8.0513 after 5. FIVE-room bungalow with garage, paved driveway, close to south GM, school, bus. Low down payment. Sandra Street. RA 5-3640, $300 DOWN. Sacrifice sale six-room NHA bungalow, immediate posses- sion, sun-splashed family kitchen, large living room, NHA 6 per cent mortgage, no qualifications, private drive. Mr. Lauzon, MO 8-851 Brethour Real Es- tate Limited 40-ACRE a garden farm with 10 acres in - Asparagus, fast running trout stream, miles from Bow- manviile, a VLA, $10,500 with $3700 down. Call Walter Frank Me- Quay and Kidd Realtors. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville. $600 DOWN NHA resale, only $12,900 sodded back and front, fenced, rec- room has floor and ceiling completed with smart bar included. Three bed. rooms. This is what you are looking for. Call Howard McCabe at RA 5-6544 3-4164. John A. J. Bolahood $77 MONTHLY payment includes taxes. \JAn extremely well cared for six-room brick bungalow, completely decorated, storms and paved drive, NHA resale with 5% per cent mortgage. Priced below market value for quick sale. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. RA 5-9870. STORE FOR RENT CENTRAL LOCATION, suit- able for beauty parlor, record shop, variety, or any type 25 acres, 6-room house, barn 30 x 80, implement shed, garage. Owner will sell or trade. See us for information. 10 acres with never-failing stream, good location, - Price $5,000. Easy terms. 2% acres at Maple Grove. Price $2,000, down $500. Lot 90 x .280, near New- castle. Price $600.00, 2-bedroom bungalow at New castle. Bath, full basement, furnace. Price $7,500. Terms. Phone MA 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blylever 'Phone, MA 3-5300 INCOME HOME Choice location--Agnes St. 8 room brick home in excel- lent condition. Two bed- rooms, dining room, 18 ft. living room with fireplace, $2100 DOWN 6% N.HA. $88 MONTHLY : Includes everything Principal, interest, taxes. LOOK! Aluminum storms ond screens, aluminum storm doors, beautifully decorated, large kitchen counter bar, extra cupboards, walk out basement with huge picture window, large fully landscap- ed lot. Cut stone planter box. Ranch fence. Many extras. Only $88 a month for inter- est, principal, toxes. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-8831 of business. Reasonable rent, parking. RA 5-0081 RA 5-9544 $400 DOWN Large Brick Bungalow Pierson Storm Windows - Decorated Huge Kitchen Only 3: Years Old W.T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-8831 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 5-SUITE APARTMENT ONLY $4,000 DOWN $4,000 Asking $43,000 for this 9 kitchen and 4-pce. bath all on main floor, 3 large rooms up with private entrance and 3-pce. bath, recreation room in basement, forced air oil heating, a steal at $12,500 cash, Shown only by appoint- ment. N.H.A. RESALE Attractive and well decorated G. NEWELL REAL ESTATE 216 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY MOhawk 8-4703 and landscaped, large 3 bed- room brick and stone 'bunga- low on lot 52' x 143', No. 1 oak and tile floors, forced air oil heating, 4-pce. bath; a beautiful home and priced to sell at $13,200 with rea- sonable down paymen' BANCROFT AREA NO. 1--50 acres of hard- wood and softwood bush with about 1900 ft of lakeshore property (no buildings). A steal ot $3,800 with $2,00 down. NO. 2--100 acres, no build- ings, hardwood and softwood bush. Full price only $1,200 with $500 down. Good hunt- ing area. NO. 3--9 room insul brick home on 100 acres of land-- 75 acres workable, plus barn, machine shed, cow shed. Down payment $500. Full price $4,900. WE ARE IN URGENT NEED OF BUILDING LOTS ANY PICKERING WH 2-5770 WHITBY -- 3-bedroom brick bungalow, modern, oil fur- nace, full price $9,950 -- $700 down. PICKERING bungalow, double $8,500 full price with down. UXBRIDGE 'arm, 7-room house, barn. $18,000 full Terms. OSHAWA -- $13,000 with $1,500 down 3-bed- room brick bungalow. Alu- minum storms and scerens, Wilton rug with pad, full- length drapes. WHITBY -- New NHA 6% homes. Starting at $13,950 with $2,420 full down pay- ment. 2-bedroom arage. 1,000 100 - acre large price. Member of the Toronto Real Estate Board, and the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board month old apartment build- ing. Will consider house trade as down payment. All suites rented. Don't miss this opportunity. Call Bill Millar, 8-5123, Aleve Realty Ltd., Realtors RA 8.5123 -- RA 8-5124 RA 8.5125 101 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS G. MILLER REAL ESTATE RA 5-2993 INCOME HOME Athol St. E. Seven room brick home with garage, close to G.M. North plant, Bus and schools. Modern kitchen and bath. This home is in ex- cellent eonditibn end has many extras. Vender will hold. one mortgage. Call Phyllis Jubb at RA 3-3240. HAIG-ST. Low down payment takes this six room home with private drive and garage. Venetian blinds, drapes, stove are LOCATION. GIVE US A CALL IF YOU CAN HELP. LLOYD AYERS REALTOR---RA 3-2254 Stephen MACKO Realtor 187 KING ST. EAST RA 8-466! Modern 5-room bungalow, one block to school, east area. Oil heated, decorated, landscaped, good size lot. Storms and screens. A real buy with $2,000 down pay- ment, Six-room, 2-storey brick, on Stacey. This large fomily home is in excellent shape. Close to Fittings Ltd. Few blocks to Ritson Road: School. Excellent buy at $11,500 with low down payment, 8-room, 2-storey brick on Athol Street," just off Ritson. In excellent condition. Large living and dining room, gar- age. This large family home must be sold! $2,500 down payment, Truly an outstand- ing buy. - $1,750 for ao lot 125 x 125 in Westwood Subdivision, sit- uated on high ground. See and compare! Half down pay- ment, Have You A House To Sell ? We Have Buyers DOUGLAS L. GOWER Realtor Nestled between two beauti- ful maple trees, an attrac- tive four-room bungalow, a large lot 94' x 244', features oil heat, garage, sun porch, all services and large rooms. For the ' gardener, perfect! Want to expand? Ideal for children, you can't beat lo- cation, Within walking dis- tance of downtown and shop- tng centre, . Full price $10,- 500 -- $1,500 down, long- term mortgage. Shown by appointment only. Phone 8-4651 WHITBY Five-room frame bungalow with four - room basement opartment. Styled to suit any person. "All large rooms, modern kitchen, separate en- trances, large lot with all services. Best of financing with $70.00 per month, 6% interest, Only $11,900 with a reasonable down payment. You can afford to miss this one. Check today. Phone 8-4651. HORTOP 8-room duplex, four up, four down, .0il heat, large lot, wonderful location. Live rent free. Owner needs more rbom. Full price $13,500 with reasonable down pay- ment. Terrific financing of $65.00 per month principal and interest, Taxes $180.00 per year. For more details, phone 8-465]. Office Location-- After Six Please Call Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775° Steve Macko © RA 8-448] Member of Qshawa and District Rea] Estate Board 41 GLADSTONE AVE. Phone RA 8-4651 Doug. Gower Sally Wallace John Rowe Pet Petterson just a few extras. Call Jan Miller RA 5-2993. Cottage fully equipped on Lake Scugog. Must be. sold, for further details call Phyllis Jubb. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? We have clients waiting. Call Jan Miller at RA 5-2993 or RA 3-3240. Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WILSON Realtor Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 $2,000 DOWN Balance on one N.H.A. 6% mortgage, buys this immac- ulate one-year-old home with extra large kitchen and 14' x 20' living room, 3 good- sized bedrooms and 4-piece ceramic tiled bath. Complete with storms, screens and TV antenna. Nicely landscaped lot with large shade trees. For full particulars, call to- day. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $1,250 DOWN Balance on one mortgage with payments of only $70 per month, buys this ideally located 6-raom home. All newly decorated inside and out. Complete with storms, T.V. ontenna, paved drive and garage. Call to inspect. OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY (Continued on Page 32)