'WHITBY IOOF Hears Report On Dart Playoffs The Independent Order of Odd, The inter - district shield, an- Fellows (IOOF) held its regular, Tuesday meeting in the IOOF building lodge room, Noble Grand | Brother Stevens presiding. {was won by Whi Due to the inclement weather,|and 1960. winners of district No. 24 (Ham- thy in 1958, 1959 the attendance at this meeting] On Saturday, June 11, Whitby | © as below par and, with very| played host to Linden lodge of Jitle general business to. be|district No. 24 for the honors of transacted, lodge was in session|becoming inter - district cham- for a short period only. pions for the season of 1959-1960. Vice Grand Bro. Swain, re- This was the best two of three porting for the visiting commit-| play-off series which found Lin-| tee, stated his recent visit with|den winning the first game by a| Bro. Charlie Gay was very con-|29 to 24 score. genial and, while Bro. Charlie] With some changes in the line has been somewhat confined|up, Whitby, realizing they had to to home lately, he does expect to| Win this one and the next also, be back into circulation and| showed improvement in their attending lodge and other activi- | Placement of darts in pay-off tar- ties very shortly. | get areas, started to click and Brothers Swain and Wickett| plated 18 runs by the fifth innings also reported on their visits with|against 11 by Linden. For the Brother Jim Hoar in the Oshawa balance of this game Whitby was hospital and found him in good never headed, taking the game spirits. 30 to 24, to tie the series. Bro. L. Northam was reported) In the meantime the convening @s being about the same as dur- committee had been working at ing previous visits. a game of their own, that of pre- An application for bership| paring an extremely fine supper was this evening favorably bal-|for the two teams, guests and lottéd on and it is expected this other spectators. : applicant | will receive his initia-| The start of the third game pually competed for between the| iiton) and local district No. 41, § Now officially completed, the Roman Fund, which strove to raise $1000 to pay off a second mortgage on the house of the late Kenneth Roman of Whithy, has been deemed a complete suc- cess. A The fund, which was spear- ded by the Park Vista Gar- dens Ratepayers Association, re- |ceived contributions from the people of Whitby and many or- | |zanizations as far away as To- onto. At a future date Mrs, Kenneth Roman and her five children, |ranging from 14 to 2, will take special pleasure when they see the official burning of the second h 7 41 Home League ~TO APPEAR ON TV Joan Conibear, 14, will dp- 'Makes Plans wan sure ne | SUMmMer Camp 19, Joan is the daughter of Mr. | .and Mrs. William Conibear, of Brooklin, WHITBY PERSONALS | Salvation Army Women's Home League Qeld its weekly meeting at the Citadel. Mrs. Cap- tain Zwicker was in charge of {the meeting and gave the spiri- tual. A short business meeting fol- Roman Fund Pays Off Mortgage On Monday, June 13, Mal Femia, president of the PVGRA gave a cheque for $1000 to the town solicitor, Terence Moore to finalize the proceedings for pay- ing off the mortgage. Lawyers R. M. Heffer and T. M. Moore have donated their services for the completion of the legal details. On behalf of the Ratepayers Association, Mal Femia extend ed thanks to the people and or- Vimy Lodge Plans For July Parade Vimy Ridge Lodge No. 639 held its regular monthly méet- ing last Monday evening at the I00F Hall. Worthy Mistress Sis- ter Madeline Ashmore and Dep- uty Mistress Sister Beatrifce Dalby presided. Sister E. Wood was in charge of the devotional in the ab of the chaplai Sister Lilian Kirk, During the business meeting plans were arranged for the July 12 celebrations to be held this year in Peterborough. Local | members will be taking'part, also discussed the at- the members tend 1 meeting to ganizations who made the R Fund a success. Kenneth Roman died in motor accident in February, leav- ing no insurance and the fund's purpose was to help the widow laud her children get re-estab- lished. of be held from July 9 to 15 to be held in the King Edward Hote], a Toronto. Sisters Dolly Anderson, Eva Virgin and Madeline Ash- more will be attending. ~ The church parades were dis- cussed for Sunday, Jume 19, in Ajax and Sunday, June 26, in Canadians Urged To Support Home CHATHAM (CP) - Canadians can have their choice of a high standard of living or foreign cars and other imports, a Canadian economist told Chatham Rotary Club Wednesday. Stuart Armour, economic ad- visor to the. -Steel Company --of Canada, said the 165,000 cars im- | ported largely from Germany thy' Members are urged to attend both church parades in Whitby. The members -are re- uested to meet at St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby. * The' meeting closed in regular form. The "Cedar. Chest. and Contents" main project for the ladies will be drawn at the Sep- tember meeting when various lodges will be invited to join in this meeting. --_-- PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 13 | FOR OTHER WHITBY NEWS Adjourn Case While Accused Seeks Counsel The trial of Raymond E. Gal- lagher, of Ajax» charged with breaking into Frank's Food Store, Pickering Twp., on April 8, has been set over to June 24 before Judge Arthur Willmott, of Co- bourg. Gallagher was brought before His Honor in the Ontario County Criminal Court on Wed- nesday but asked for the adjoura- ment in order fo obtain legal counsel and witnesses. Acting Crown Attorney Bruce ted for trial ay a magistrate: had not been notified that the trial by judge would be held on Wednes- day. He said the accused had asked the adjournment in order that he would have time to notify his witnesses and get legal advice. 4 Bail of was - continued. The court was told that Gallag- her had been in custody since last month and as yet had been unable to obtain bail. Affleck told His Honor that the accused, who had been commit- THE OSHAWA TIM ES, Thursday, June 16, 1960 § Enjoy Picnic At Last Meeting Whitby Baptist Church Ladies' Aid "held its last meeting of the season last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Dick Adams in the form of a picnic supper. Fol- lowing the a busi Sarawak Township Votes Out Liquor OWEN SOUND (CP) -- Resi: dents of adjoining Sarawak Township voted Wednesday: against both liquor lounges and: |dining lounges. Votes were cast' . o® ' N supper imeeting was held presided over by Mrs. E. Rivett. Miss Ann Miller presented Mrs. Norma Hunter with an oil paint- ing by a lopal artist, Mr. Sid Dalby. Mrs. Hunter is-Jeaving for Peterborough where she will establisi residence. Miss Millar very ably review- ed the numerous activities in which Mrs. Hunttr took part dur- ting her nine years' association with the group. She expressed the group's best wishes for happiness in her new surroundings and mentioned how sorry the mem- bers are, at the loss of such a valuable member. The meeting closed with the Benediction. The group will re- Sune their activities in Septem- by 516 of the 625 eligible voters. The vote on liquor lounges to- talled 201 in favor and 315 against. Dining lounges serving liquor were outvoted 318 to 198. Doctors Win Right' To Smoke At Meet : TORQUAY, England (AP)--By! a king-sized majority and a Show, of nicotine-stained hands, British doctors won the right Wi wy! to smoke during sessions of annual congress, The doctors threw overboard | lighting up during long sittings. Then they lit up cigarettes with filters and with a 1 | GASOLINE | lowed at which time the mem-|a,g the United Kingdom in 1959 TWIN SUCCESSES tory degree in Oshawa on Thurs- found team captain Reader Jr., bers discussed the summer camp day evening, June 16. DECORATION SERVICE The lodge was once again fou | ™ not entirely satisfied, had| again gone to his reserve| strength to further improve the} hitting power if possible. Mrs. E. Finan is general con-|to be held at Roblin Lake from vener for the CWL home baking|June 21 to 24, Mrs. Fran Locke, sale to be held on Saturday, June Mrs. Captain Zwicker and Mrs. 18 at Steinberg's. She will be as-| Dorothy Archer will be attend- | cost Canadian workers 33,000,000 man-hours of employment. OLIVER, B.C. (CP)--Three sets of twins received diplomas in the AT THE MOST Mr. Armour said Canadians graduating class of Southern Oka- can only continue to have high pagan high school. They were {incomes as long as they support/Hans and Imar Kuehn, Joyce | reminded of the annual decora- Shortly after the start of the tior day services to be held in third game it was noted that] the Union cemetery on the after- Whitby appeared more at ease sisted by Mrs. D. O'Hagan, Mrs. WE the Home League Camp only 0" ro faciuring which makes and Juanita Dekteroff, and Pat H. Watters, Mrs. M. McDonald, ose favs, | them possible. |and Mike Stevens. OF FOUR y 4 iti "land Mrs, M, Mallon. | e meeting closed with pray-| noon of Sunday, June 19, at|and were not hitting so many| 0] Llu is ph ARN | LD S CORNERS which time several lodges of the black. target lines which are auto-| ae and Mrs. Jack Gallagher Kay Reid, Mrs. Jardine and Mrs. | Leg Rst. , 85¢ district will participate, matic outs. and their three children, Mr. and|Linton, off on Saturday, June 11, between Whitby plated three against one( or "of whithy, were guests of ers for their fine co-operation| Ip the sixth and seventh Whitby | irr aslo ob Wie double weil it " Whitby Drive Jean Wickett, who convened the|] Whitby winning this game 30 Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dalby| Sel Yacht Loin Rst.,, 79° TENDER Bro. McLean, in the absence, There were 16 runs put across yr ; hei | of the dart baseball captain, re-|in the first four innings by Whit- ot "Toronto. and. Mr and. Mos. 2 5 Linden lodge of the Hamilton dis-| by Linden in the 5th, making the|,, y Have $ { 00 ithe i8le yen . [their parents, Mr. and Mrs. trict and Whitby lodge of this|score 19 to 6 for Whitby at this Charles Currie of Henry St., on during the season. {was outscored 10 to 1, however, : ry The committee appointed to|came right back in the eighth nos Shier and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Whitby Salvation Army Red | ini ' hield Campaign for this year) supper, were also congratulatedito 17, thus gaining permanent yisited friends at the Cedar G vist for the fine manner in which all| possession of the inter-district| convalescent at the Lecar uroV€ aimed at a target of $4195 and| Turkeys » 49¢| Front Qir., 45¢ SLICED RINDLESS BREAKFAST BONELESS ». 69° SIRLOIN | LARGE FRESH REASONABLE PRICE Call VIGOR OIL 78 BOND WEST * OSHAWA Telephone RA 5-1109 JUST 115 NORTH BROCK ST. N. FARM TANKS AVAILABLE FRESH GRADE A Boiling Fowl ,, 39° istri been donated. handled. District Deputy Grand Master : : : Under the good of the order, Don. Keeler presented the shield| Last Saturday evening, Mr. andj ora cr TL gl Jas ire. Wm. Wickett, who is the|to the Whitby dart baseball cap- Mrs. Gordon Richards, of 217 Lee| yin he reached in the near fu- test | to become a member, tain, J. Reader Jr. |avenue, entertained at a farewell |; eo ported on the inter - district play-|by with five only by Linden.|o wor poe ell and their daugh- | ield district, and thanked the broth-|point of the game. the occasion of the double weil. In Red Shie handle the play-offs, also Sister|and ninth outscoring Linden 10 to . # x a details were so satisfactorily|shield. hain home of Columbusiat the present time $3500 has Bacon w. 49¢| Front GRADE "A" PRIME RIB ROAST ws presented with his Grand|------ barbecue party in honor of Mr.| towent. to ros lodge certificate along with best) and Mrs, Peter Pick, of Peel St.. Capt. Zwicker. said that hose | wishes for continuing happiness Mrs. G. Anderson who are te establish residence in|who wish to donate to the cam- and Sm fellowship by'the Noble E cu G Montreal. | paign can forward their dona- rand. | , p Expressions of congratulations ntertains Group | yu. wr. meiachern, of Juck{H0NS, 10 AI _CONGA, menage were extended to the Dart base-| The Young Woman's Group of son's Point, and Mrs. Harry opr to the Whitby Salvation Army ball team and members general-|St. Andrew's Presbyterian|Markland, of Toronto, were visi-| Corps, ly for their fine display during|Church held its last meeting for tors on Monday at the home of] He gaid that he wished to ex- | | can-| the season, climaxed by winning the season last Monday evening. Miss G. Macpherson. the local district league shield | and the inter - district shield. The two trophies now perma-| nently belong to this lodge, due/ ¢o being won in three comsecu- tive years. district shield was home. gue local uring| In the meditation that followed and |the supper, won by the Whitby lodge di the seasons of 1957-8, 1958-9 + 1969-1960. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. G. Anderson -and the ladies enjoyed a delicious pot luck supper which was eaten out of doors in the very pleasant sur- roundings of Mrs. Anderson's | of Liverpool, their sister-in-law, Mrs. Florence cess, Tavener, 224 Brock St. N., over) the weekend, |press appreciation to the can |vassers and donors for their Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tavener, ook and contributions in mak- England, visited ing this year's campaign a suc- A list of the canvassers will ap- | pear in the press at a later date. voz 37° Mrs. A. Andrew, At Little Haven The Fireside Evening Auxiliary held its last meeting of the sea- son last Monday evening in the form of a picnic supper at the home of Mrs. J. Richardson, RR 2, Whitby, "Little Haven". The supper was greatly enjoyed by a good attendance. It took place in the garden. Following the supper, games were played and a short meeting was held with Mrs. A. Archibald, president of the group, welcom- ing the guests. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. D. Tutt who opened with these words, "Be Doers of the Word and Not Ears Only". Mrs. W. Hewis was in charge of the Scripture reading and spoke on Sunday rleigion and daily religion. Mrs. W. Winters read a story on refugee children, Mrs. R. J. McKendry read a story on a Tillsonburg couple who adopted a Korean girl. Mrs, Tutt also gave a report on the group's adopted child. Mrs. Archibald spoke of an exhibition of hand hooked rugs which she attended at Vineland. It was mentioned that every- one in Whitby would be contact- ed for the Red Cross Blood Clin- ic of July 6. Donors are asked to volunteer and present themselves at Whitby United Church, It is hoped that all Whitby residents [resident of the ho! L4H red the ladies Ruxiliary Meet [= cio of scripture and Mrs. W. Mowat her me for the meeting and refer- to the "Wonder God" revealed in Miss B. Wilson read a portion led in prayer. After a short busi- ness meeting Mrs. Spratt, organ- ist of St. Andrew's, introduced to the group a replaying on the tape recorder of the Easter Can- tata "God So Loved the World", which the St. Andrew's choir sang at Easter. Mr. R. Riddell assisted Mrs. Spratt with the re- corder. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The ladies and all look forward to September when the monthly meetings will re- sume. Mrs. Wm. Hewis Is Hostess To Explorers Groun Whitby Baptist Church Explor- ers Group held its annual picnic last Monday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hewis, Mrs. H. Crawforth, Mrs, Wm, Hewis and Miss Mary- ann Hardy, the three counselors, were in charge. A barbecue supper was enjoy- ed by the group, games and con- tests took place. Afterwards the members were invited in the home to view the colored slides of the Explorers banquet. will respond. At the close of the evening the| group thanked the hostess, Mrs. | Richardson, for her gracious hos-| pitality. | Miss Carol Clark expressed a vote of thanks to Mrs. Hewis for opening her home and garden to the group. The next meeting will be held in September. petal pink canary yellow sky blue ocean green BROC Now Playing Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee aot WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 Dvd 1:30 P.M. wuW ren Beringer - Roberta Shore Wonangioy | semen than «Suet we 6 cond by Sof See Jay Souter + ny Peck Sosatiar. JS yeh i - Sucked SOON N re GUEST STARS #200000 eaed James Darren- Duane Eddy ms se Rebels Ser Jame' Darren ting "Bocsse Tray're Yow" Aroftable mn Coipir Decode -» LAA A EL EEE ALT LLL LT TT Tr os ea = PLUS--Travelogue -- Cartoon -- Adventure You can see the pastel shades you want through the dainty cellophane wrapper. And you'll discover the new Ballet Tissue combines the two most wanted features in a toilet tissue--softness and firmness. For luxury quality without a luxury price tag-- choose Ballet! WTERLAKE TISSUE MILLS CO. LIMITED 'wniare of fre Same since 1913 RECOIL STARTER $58.95 LUST. 18" POWER MOWER ® 2 CYCLE CLINTON ENGINE, 2% H.P. ® ROPE TYPE STARTER ® SOLID SAFETY BLADE AS ABOVE WITH * FULLY GUARANTEED ONE YEAR - DELUXE 18" MOWERS: 4 CYCLE CLINTON ENGINE, 2% H.P, IMPULSE STARTER $69.95 ER -------------- RECOIL STARTER $45.95 To Make Glass Rods -- SPALDING MATCHED SETS Golf cluding Bag 9.95 "i SPECIAL VALUE Pappy Happy from 1.89 and up andup FROM THE FAMILY WITH LOVE Lo Wright & Ditson MATCHED SETS 45.95 the popular Cart 13.95 TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY ASSOCIATE STORES Use Western Tire Budget Plan -- Easy Payments Shopping Centre WH 2-0502 | MA 3-3134 Bilt Mason Al Boyd Bowmanville 85 King St. W. 145 King St. W. RA 8-1607 John Kent YU Joe - Port Perry Queen St. 5-2242 Turbist