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The Oshawa Times, 21 Jun 1960, p. 12

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12 , THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 21, 1960 £3 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS ir ---- - 13 Gardening & Supplies|13~Gardoning & Supplies] "= ------ EES Tf CLASSIFIED AD RATES LANDSCAPING lis, Bote H) | NEW BUSINESS 3 CONSECUTIVE 4 = Ea Weed goed, fold RIrSE*y fo? ls HS TELEPHONE LISTINGS Nettie; 2 | ui to ie sre, Vieed GARDENS S50 ound RACAL walt P ic ready for spring planting d 31 RTiONS 376 414 Phone RA 5.8995, DUMONT BARLOW i rt paid wiki 7 dos we || "ED KNOWLTON RR Ging Gost A Fo | roe fate will app oh of 5.6047 Call J. Mulligan, OLiver 5-4659. ALUMINUM MOTORS My rates apply § only to buat for v LOAM--GRAVEL RA 8-165) 428 KING WEST CALL GRANT FILL--STONE tor information. or interview, || QUALITY USED CARS ob -| BOUGHT AND SOLD FO ASPHALT PAVING HOME RA 8-6175 AX Aid Cort : iéfion, Finest lity. FREE ESTIMATES . Ee one LE King roe 15¢ A Réasoriable prices. PHONE RA 3-3162 IMPROVEMENTS TRY OUR i i i No down payment, 36 months fo poy. . BAR-B-QUED Stree! Bas, '0 ,m. Pi hr Mi -. 1 SE mmm : PHONE MO 8-3015 Flowering and Trapi€all Aso commerciol work done. CHICKEN For thot extra room op Bankruptey, 64 King Foliage Plants, Fish & Chips 35¢, Hombtrgs aw BL I aie OA | REGULATIONS. otiage ' CALL MO 8-8611 Hot Dogs, Milk Shakes: gyn, Jht Qhawa va, Times thall oot os et TOP GRADE We still have a good selection Tore ol is " MODERN GRILL ponsible f 2---Barristers Stent by Everoreens RA 5-3887 a alles sorth Ea a GIREON and BASTEDO, Ba "1 p SANDY LOAM OF Both Dorel Sean al lies (rubber goods), We Deliver No, for fandy citors. Clients' Somas available for 5 005 shade trees and potted roses, met Pha im pian sesled ene! Lr i tages pre rex ek me. Son first pr iy coé Street North. harged ete, Hist. x samples, Rl S estoc $3506. Charles C. McGibbon. QC; |} 0" oop : RA e] : ' sents $1.00. Mail Order a ro" i 30--Lost & Found 'E@wr F. Bastédo, QC. g VAN BELLE GARDENS gr 2S we Nov aver Go. pox 9, ost ity, Telephone RA. 2788 nd one camers, ; Cop 0 gan . me easter, Aviv J6uN 4. . MaADONAUD, BA. Baris 3 Street |} its 3 i Oshaw Seugog Rd, and North: Soler i ¥y Th 1 in he case odvertise: CHOICE LOAM 2 vies Xo8 oF : poste og pn a ret {26--Farmer' s Column ry at HUMPHREYS, Boyehys snd Hillman, AND TOP SOIL MA 3-5757 13 Bigin East, RA 5 {SMALL herd of Holstein cattle, also one wallet between Bimiooe and qustnesions. ite cons Barristers, Songltores R. H Bugs which the FOR SALE calves and herd sire, RA 8.8067, be- ms sess, vilasle papers, réward, Fines Piers, QC: G. LX Boychyn, BAs W, 4 our tween 6 and 7 p.m. D fou 7 Hilman, Ls; so co Fad Ea GRAVEL - SAND - FILL BOWMANVILLE ELECTROLYSIS DEAD farm stock picked up pro te 6 1; and ru 4 i A pours PTE it 1) = £5 or Whitby, MO s3701; RA 59305 buf assumes no _fiability Also Back Filling OPEN EVENINGS) ) Phone collect, Hampton, COMax TH a oe io same Ad LE gs or Withy, if any. ingecuracles in' any form Lots Levélled OF : Ranaut of sure rf its heir. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Children's pet. a of adver . i " if ur w in 5&0, bunéhe d trailer Wagons. TOF -- R= Dewi Fortius oof, | fH Ouses JOUN x CAMERON, barrister, Jou | herein, RA 52156 14--Houschold Repairs __| Oshawa, June 28th and 2911. fiomty Ragin welding $005, "ane brown bic, re x SADIE -- 388. Aina Hast, .RA 3-220. NHA and private SEPTIC (anks amd weeping bed - Genosha Hotel on |Brooklin, OL 5-4701, a Anyone supplying brow a fon Tead. Shi uatfieationn. gn stalled, for free estimates, on RA ig dates for gppointment, | WANTED -- immediaiély, §00d used (ing' to the feturn of his eat will re. *¥A Lime y ig se RA mortgages HARDSAND wo - row corn planter wi ) GRIER and el Barristers; Solicl 8--Building Trades LANDSCAPING dns ll and decoratin, needed? 20--Cartage sitachments ins" oh y+ Wh a Sat. So, : WANTED fais, otc., 714 Street South. | ory Joi BE Fou Tor caren. by 5 Finest materials uséd, Wi goargn- cash price. Phone OL 5-3019 A Dial RA 3278. Residence phones. and Randyman. Work guaran: Power Rolling teed, Reasonable rates. Also wood fin. PXOR-UP or stake fruck for hire, eve | Gumus for horses 6F catlle, Ponty |3 Tass fricles For Remt a worsen. DAs Be on BA 2308. Xe Ter- k -- - Fertilizing ished. Phone anyfimé RA i bo ud - fac to Fons RA sam. : [ot water, COMax 3-252, = |CEMENT mixers, sidewall Hniehing HOUSEKEEPER: Yeactor Roto-Tilling FURNITURE repaired and re-u 1 gar - , Top Soil « Sod - Manure tered, See qur materials for re-Covet: SER, er rtiey" avicd| 21 --Fuel & Wood ro ac nastous, sump Pius, Por. gore 130 Bing Siredt Fae fing. 255 Simeoe 3 Flogstorie - Patio Slabs if4. Bites 8, Pane; 75 Ba {fogally, BA 88535. DRY Trdwood Jamber ends, suilable| Windlass, Aldo for sale, cement mixer f uanion for Slderlv Scotch 1208 Moridase loans 3 and excavating. RA 5.1721 ' FIORE er wii Tail se \for fufnaces and wood 3 b¢ and strawberries, RA 51165, lady, wages, live in, & H P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, (yo 3.5612, Free estimates, Taylor) of CHESTERFIELD and Te qarniture, appliafices, frailers, boats large 10ad, delivered, Write a Oshawa h solicitor. Money fo toad an. 14% (Brothers, 2 Hillourt Drive, Whitby, covered a I for Jess etc., 10 or 16cm, sonable |About cottage deliveries, Fy 8-0818, Imes; King st, Or BAIL ern Uphols . King Street ast, Oa awa, PLUMBING and heating bipes, | fittings, Flowering and Tropical Street North. Call RA 86451 for #666 Tor PE Ere ve 28---Summer Properties SALES RENTALS DONALD BLAKE DODDS, BAarTISter septic. fank to sewer ho Shansing | In Foli Plant | estimate, ETO TORSO et, Race. moving. IF. furnifire and appl FOTEAGE ae Lake Chen Tents, comp stoves, éamp RECEPT IONI - and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. [granu nic "0 Torr LO tes. Infor. oliage Plants CHESTERFTELDS febutit, fosovered; | Lith, J day oF might. RA 84498. completely furnithed with moior boat,| €O5, tarpaulins, sleeping SECRETARY Telephone: Business RA 55501; Resl-|nation and estimates free on any type fe Sew. hy So norer 4 $50 weekly, RA 3-4363, bags, lanterns, dence, RA 8-5373, of Dial RA 54241, J, Foley. tats e 3 r Bais RvB SN MANNING 7 SWiSH, Brrigter, ST FAIRE, fersiing Wali Roses (40 varieties), Mevirerses rebuilt Oshawd ohtary 21--Personal Services IOTAEREEPING cottauty on Be va OSHAWA HARDWARE AND FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE i ai Mackeys rv ry | an. ten aan Stubs, (29 Varictien), S491). inners deo ned. pe a om: Bar frigerators, good swimming and fish. ELECTRIC Experienced, conscientious 1 y x pts , gates 26% King Street East, RA 3 (ork, Suara ed. Free Shade Trees (15 varieties A ie a onl & or | Joh Jesghed, he Bath Road North, ing. Tameworth 4RB1 Jamés O'Nélll,| 8 __8 Church RA 3.7624 WHITBY DISTRICT Residence, dial R. I PLASTERING repairs, chimneys, roof- Evergreens (25 varieties) decorating, wail FOR RENT -- Georgian Bay, a / MAN. David L., Barrister, Folic | ing, work and paint: INTERIOR, exterior decor: A WRITE BOX 547 Eno Simos Sou RA 5.9500. Rest | may' fn $9168 os Virie Ground' Covers; steoping, gnster sepurs, Sorpentey 4 LAWNMOWER xr VE Beach, three - bedroom cottage. lf com WEBBING S OSHAWA TIMES isi - Sor CR Phone MO 83233, Whithy, Ee A a od ZT. SALMERS, BA, barrister, #olici- FREE ESTIMATES FOR VAN BELLE GARDENS [OUR iocil chimney "as ngs mn] Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til |3AHEN houséiecding collages a Ken HARDWARE $100 MONTHLY % neys built a x tor, etc 13% Simcoe Strect North 3 Miles East of Oshawa stalled. furnaces vacuumed. ésti-| lers, Used Engines Bought |netec Lake, two and three : J z 4 > oifice RA 5-3741; Residence RA §5542.| Bylldozing, éxéavating mates, RA 3-200 ond Sold, Authorized Clinton, |n3dro, good fishing, swimming. RA RENTAL SERVICE Relidble women 10¢ houses THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli- " 0 51769 a ctor and Notary Public, 26% King and grading, call MA 3.5757 | PAINTING and papering. Rooms paver:| Lauson Power Products, Pin | oom i i ig ~ OF TOOLS hold position, live in private |immeds rd ots Bret HO Street East Phone RA 8-1763. Bowmanville |ed, $8 and up. RA 5-7297 dor Service, 81 Central Park , ig A Rad alt GREER, Murphy and MacDGnald, Bar- FRANK LAWLESS |PATRTING and decors. Fide Si Bla, S. Phone RA 5-4633. |thingics, suitable. for small immer room. Must be fond of ehild: Ld ster. Solicitors and Notaries Public. Contractor (OPEN EVENINGS) {mates, work guaranteed. Ei a a cottage, 143 ¢ East. . en. 6 King Street Bust, RA RA 5-617, Russell a WEIGHT REDUCING FOR RERT = Tent Traer by week 1. SCAFFOLDING BUCKINGHAM pas: APARTMENTS rion FRAREE. PETRA wi RA 8.8204 G AT I ENTION FURNACE SALES Yes, you can te on a gliet JOCOMMOGEER HE VEOPIS: FH 2A % And Other Coristruetfion RA 57704 MURDOCH. Barristers, NERAL CONTRACTING| Por weed kililng, sprayi easily with our help 6nd lose |e sees " : ; tary Publié, Bank of Commerce BI merce Bldg. GE pis ira po fb AND SERVICE up 16 20 Ibs, In two weeks, |FOT RENT Cottage af View ake, Equipment. B-H Paint 37<Mals Help Wanted 2-bedroom Abarimink elec. Mo A 85-4521, N Tor mews gam Pron Phone Bryman G.I Marden NEA mort, ments arronged: Alerations 8-6366 this summer, FOR RENT .. Cottage, all comvenien SHAMPOOER -- VAC trie Britnell and Simece st. Rorh 4 ists concrete work, stone fire- abot plus parts Hypnosis 8-8 od) Dent i yl plus 1V Ontario St., Oshawa Open evenlugs by appointment. 359 ! Simcoe oth, i Large two bedroom apariment § Stee Sion & oC praser, GC; G. K.| Free estimates and pay and evergreens, call RA H. BA rE 5544 Ltd. Look your healthiest best |ing. RA 5.6197. | UPHOLSTERY AND RUG Se, scoomintati's office re: Healy + Yipped As, 4 9 ma or OSHAWA AS Sorvie-- The Institute of Evhieat [cos at Lake, Kushot, Sais, sandy Deseh Soak RA places, etc. Custom building, re | " To Restore origina! beauty to Faz HN 7 réqired by Toga mand, Bi. G7. SCIUK. Ofies hous 9 W8| ROL SLE CECT HOME 15--Instruetions RA 8017) LITTLE BUCKARQO | your furniture and rugs. |sreund pesion vit sdvapeemins gn TINT * South. hone BA S58) | yMES CONSTRUCTION | LANDSCAPING I i i A ee 33 Radio Repairs RANCH 282 KING ST. W, [Bust hui % ide : Optometrists RA 8.6228 TE 9-2224 |..for complete Garden Service [16 yeltis' exp ER CE I TU x 6:-O0p Act gow: ne. wm DAY CAMP OSHAWA RA 3.4873 __ (wiser For ppomiment; hole BR| chen: sduioped, bon Jt CH TUCK. BO, optometrist, Please TALLIAN oh MARSH. Dance Edu. (Mikes. Thompgoh . Blestron y pay 'accounts at downtown Toronte HOME IMPROVEMENTS OSHAWA ACME cator;, Dancing School atlet, No Elliot Avenue. RA 3.79 CF (Fred). __ $10 WEEKLY 32-<Articles Wanted pro 8 ie a "i North, $95 iv. Dominion Bank or 7 Burk treet] REMODELLING=--ADDITIONS school _actobatle, charaater TELEVISION, radio, Fi-Fi_ tepairs. 5-4587. , Mi Ti le, no HA 3 d El \f Pecans BCE PW On| FAMILY ROOMS HAULAGE LTD, [fst Wisni Tony Eigen. 6 ond sv Wen INOWATION RA $2737 \CRVIRG. [ps Jogo wil os ach ff, 00 Sb Sofityl ~~ RA 5.3302 tact x he Rospiialiaatio hid or gy Sm Roc, Co Tile, Hordwasd Fioon, LOAM -- GRAVEL LEARN TO DRIVE POW « WOW [iu ahr 8 Tw a B11. oss Fe. oe eveiffigs by appointment. 34191 - EN YOU WANT 55297. PUREE Je Lots Avia At fhe Oshawa Driving Schosl | SERYICE Wii : AY NIGHT! d enjoy the f t |P1 F=--Surveyons HUGH CROSBY RA 3-3528 Licensed by the Police Commission TH Vand RADIS Come, jan enjoy Vi Lado, Wil pay eah: State Sharad ru, NO CASH BOLAHOOD sp GT. HOWION and Associates, OF RA 8.3937 Fully trained instructors Huntsville. = Alf Summer 8%, Oshawa Tired, INVESTMENT o Land Surveyors, F Standard, Automatic cor CALL RA 8- 5286 sports, delicious méa ls. Immediate opening available LIMITED nin. "sa son, Ages Pr we, CARPENTER CROSS TOWN RA 8 0091 All HAA eed ; American Plan, $39-$58 SHAW for reliable man fo eall on REALTORS=--INSURANCE weekly. Wrtie direct or éoll PoNALD B_TROLLOFE, oataticl CONTRACTING SOD SUPPLY . J ELECTRONICS Huntsville 8443. ATRO | AUTO WRECKING CO, | !eteries, schools, hespitals, 167 SIMCOE $T. §. 216 Adelaide Avenue al Remodelling of Kitehens, " 16--Insurance » tesort, | Wants éars for wrecking, also flicting. High bathrooms, recreation rooms, A-1_ rolled fertilized sod cut scrap iron and metals, ete. oid a orders received with RA 5 6544 GONEVAN ANF FUBIOIMIAN, On / ; i ger [| 7 livery. |ALE#E Bave _up age FEB | fina, slonbios ond tren | fh da, rant Lele. |SEFRATE i ei 0 ve LEN-DAVE LODGE | boty, "oven" soy a | 895m oes iv year Con be financed. Whitby, . persons? service af your home, eH BALA MUSKOKA day. Phofie round at full commission, Full MO 8.8611 -- Toronto RA 5.8504 RA 57813 / RA 5.2311 par sornmissien. Fu NOW LEASING AMhurst 1-0197, Taney 1o - 40:4, self supperting tower. (Children Free) 89 BLOOR E field, Mehager waiting our New; 2 bedroom Spdrmantd, p " --Money to Loan Kioto galvanized, No paint. Main lodgé, Sleeping cabins, ; a ferview you, Write The Cere includes fridge id, Sos CLIFF BROWN ROMPT DELIVERY [GiienTs' money to oan on first mort. Complete | with new Skychief sale Sud baoEn hore: ote Yuille Ti Con Wosher and dy | all antenna. Total cooked meals, dancing and WANTED _ das, Ontario, y Siuaied on Pork Rod 2 YOUR Burciased. "NHA morlghges srfanged. gh) GRAVEL & SAND FOR YOU Purchased, LL, i and Mr. price, installed and guaran- all water sports, hot and eold rent of $100 per doch _.| teed for 1 year, $59.95. i ter with showers, SCRAP" IRON, POULTRY session by July 1 walks, a . RY LOAM COMPLETE FIRST and second morigage, sale TV Enterprises nied iii your life == AND FEATHER TICKS To inspect call Ay) Fer prompt Delivery |GARDEN SUPPLIES [iu hth Steers 9 Kin 253 Drew St. Wiite of Phone Il. TURNER D umo nt or RATS 4504 or RA 3.0958 Fk das "RA 8.8951 CALL RL, RA 3-3553 LEN-DAVE LODGE | RA 32043 RA 3.3374 OSHAWA estima = ia and second mortgages. Mortgages and PHONE BALA 397 (collect) ; ALUMINUM og oT Ry agreements of sale purchased. Apply Georglé| M. F. Swartz PER I . remot, Ra SHTE 6 BA $405 W. WARD BEVERWYCK Pinte, a ng Ean. Ommawa. BA| © qv 11 RADIO, Ere | BALA, ONTARIO CEDARDALE IS starting @ new SHOPPING BUILDERS WELL DIGGING BY GARDENS WE HAVE clienis monies available 18 NONTH SUARANJLE ON 28A--Trailers SCRAP Sales Training CENTRE ao. oans " Tat an second mor by + N em > = = 5 . YO at ar: SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE NO. 12 HIGHWAY remants. of Salt. Lows 3. "yma T.V. Enterprises 2 Na re Tk IRON AETALS Course Only 2V4 miles away from with four fitfings. Large WHITBY, ONTARIO OL 5.3570 BROOKLIN [35,2 ¥o8 Suest Ean, Oabava. B 253 Drew St. 2 EE NO experience required. this modern, centrally logs Edler range. 906 4, ' ft. MO 8-2563==MO 8-3809 Li RA 5-2905 i RINE Loi PAPERS--RAGS 'A sincere worker can realize | ated apartment building, bole First class tradesman. e 204 CHESTNUT ST. Ww. MO 8.4735 WHITBY |crs. LP bottles and parts, hitches, level OPEN SATURDAYS 4 DAY good earnings for his efforts. 3 oarmert a nd py a me. 0. ling ja ks, portable toilets, mantles, o conies, @ : RA 8 1177 PROJ SELIvERY MONEY 10 Qn SERVICE CALL Arar, witilehall 89401. Yodor " rtee, FREE PICK-UP nothing, WW torn, nantly equipped irc po . HOME IMPROVEMENTS FOR YOUR . INCLUDES ALL THOSE ax, 23401. RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 REMODELLING --ABOITIONS ' COMPLETE EXTRAS COOK'S TRAILER SALES [met 02 NNIS STREET Dumont Makes Rents start at $88, J 00RD & SOUTER FAMILY ROO ROOMS GARDEN SUPPLIES | LOAN vs. Same day service See the new 1960 Glendettes |34--Auction Sales You No Rash PHONE MO 8.4547 PA PAINTING & DE TING Tile, Hoeduesd | Fleors, | + Money for all types of mort- « « + All tubes checked 16-ft. custom deluxe, Also Promises FE CR ACTORS. OFFICE SPACE CALL | gages; for first and second « « Picture tube cleaned self-contained. New and mortgages on all types of reel + « Tuner cleaned, if used. Location: Mighway Ne. AUCTION SALE But they do offer: For Free Estimates coll os "Kirged i c C e. O 0 " 3 4 x Gav mo ass | MUSH CRS BEVERWYCK | sioner ioniond | 5... Soot avap | im ond weakens how | ova, ceed nets | Sorento raw RENT EVENINGS RA 57426 1 " builders; first and second 3 months quarant down paym t, executors e «=lelephone Leads 0--Sharpening Service DE S uilders; firs "oe guarantee | Estate of the late Mrs. Jomes --Good financing L$. mortgages and agreements - 107 Suen $0.8. Wit (cam es | GARDEN for el purchases: Apo. | DO IT NOW pp Properties | iv, Lui oncoy Bib | arene oo chops | pangs eevee sen, del NO. 12 HIGHWAY M. Swartz, 26Y3 King Street Auction, Sai -- New building. W. WARD En TN Mv Mat wis OL 5:3570 BR KLIN East, (shave, Telephone RA ] Blauvity Your Home. b ow waterfront cottage or 10f| at I ig" m piri fe 2g TY ses an Cherie? 1) cated in > WELL DIGGING BY FIRS} tiass sharpening, mowers, Jaws, MO 8-4735 WHITBY | 3-46 mp iture Quality Linds ay, dray. of phone TA 4 orl pm. No) household contents: -- You Will Earn Moderate rent. Leases now MACH Mosier 850 Wilson Road South. RA TEA Morasees HAVE A TOWER |- tere | 3WpieCe _ chesterfield suite, While You Learn! available. . Admiral "television Victrola, be +7 NG IN 30" TILE [3-506 dak Call us for a free estimate 112.86 PE +. Wekomsdontiuil GARDEN enn all us ee estimat STURGEON LAKE! end tobles, large wall mirror. INVEST A HALF-HOUR THE TIMES Pigs a £34 pair and shafpefiifig Service. osslana floor lamps, rug and runners, OF YOUR TIME FOR 404 CHESTNUT ST. W, [meen 8 Rowena send West) S| JPPLIES MORTGAGES T.R.IO: BEEHIVE wall lock, vacuum cleaner A TE CIEE ETI STITRE | NIAGARA BRAND" | FAST CONFIDENTIAL | TELEVISION | PARK ESTATES | theists | pag jee BUILDING tiom, A NEW modern registered chrome suite, elect pod ci kA la BUG KILLERS SERVICE ivision designed k 3 reonke: PRECAST [i1=Susiness Opportunities) "KING CALCIUM" | ANY AMOUNT ro TBler | Hate mate Te ro soe roving moh monte rade, |__ JOHN ZURAWEL Contest T. L. WILSON GROUND Toor siare. L for - | and beautifyl In th rockers, buff : CONCRETE rent, 140_ Simigos Street it WEED py TO $5,000 F--Women's Column Kawartha Lokor, Clean, safe, chosts, drawers, Mg] 41--Room & Board Phone RA 3-3474 8-0836. Repayable as low as $30.00 sand beach, Large beautiful and mattresses, drapes, linens, ROOM ar room and board, Food home STORE, wie Tor pli m er, electri. BIRD BATHS a month, Principal and Interest TA shade: trees. Canals 40-ft. dishes, garden: tools, lawn |000ked meals, close to four corners. SEPTIC TANKS a. Mel sd om. PATIO POTS Up to 5 years to repay ine Avenue, BA 530s TOMI ide with sheltered docks for mower, wheelbarrow, exten- [5 orien f .) ee PARKWOOD SIDEWALK SLABS |12--Dressmaking LAWN SPRINKLERS Call for appointment Your boat, sion loider, step. ladder and | ROOM or foun Sid Bowed fo gen DRESHIRN Te LAWN SOAKERS OSHAWA RA 3-3993 24--Market Basket NEW ivebuih a great many other articles [Street occ: APPly 188 Abert MANOR COLORED PATIO sonable rates, Mrs. Marshall." Tele- PATIO SLABS ANYTIME ot TT a Thomion ma. poe your yo ns Unistous 10 mention. | ROOM and board for gantioman. "lose DURA STEPS es 5| SIDEWALK SLABS ALLIED [anim 27 he, orn | Bi Tak fel Sine EEGWATEITIS APARTMENTS R ANG 0c d to hydro, th bed V8, and hoar< for gentleme WELL Tie [tera TE Eo Ci Ers | INVESTMENT [Moms ey gs evn oi oni (D0 mloyment Wanted 205, 5 5, 65455 TE] SAGUENAY. AVENUE £ : " th stai t + |BAURE advertising, sing roe To r I co Buta Bi. Bend nds Cr ih alt ek GARY retin Ro 3 po io ml. vl PARK RD. & KING ST, CLOSED SATURDAY 3 TAREE months aid Tout sus wii Tr ineseglind n desires d, | gentral, Apply 180 Bruce Street after § DISTRICT) # expert, with i-| living-dining room finished in position in wa , ) BROOKLIN | iif amin 12.30 P.M. 51 KING ST. E. SHA barbed gendine Knotty pine. agi i Guete e ow Sa ren Fen ose) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Prone ior, Bain Baiting. Rates go downtow' and Nortn G - Lx |reasonable, Ph - ; CONCRETE COMPLETE JULY - AUGUST Yo Foroonal ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5.4521. PRICES from $5,780 fa |stsunabie. Phot Ra rn me sha Quikt, sesitontal Crest \ GARDEN bd BEAUTIVUL baby budgies, ready for| $3,950, including large, level CALVENYER -- -- first jai ON and board fof getiemen 5 Children wek J SERVICE COOPER LADY in 50's would like to meet re. training, talking strain. Apply Mrs.| lot, terms at current rates of [Weskends, urn Teor rower Roe cin gy, orth plant, lunch pack-| | & 2.bedroom Apartments. : spectable gentleman, around same age, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, interest, Location 4 miles [board m PRODUCTS Gordens ploughed, disced, bject companionship. Box 730, The MINATURE poodies, ehamplon sired, west of Bobcagaon on the oF hourly. Ploneriny: wa pais ontrae! ROOM. and ooard 1 ont Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outler, landscaping, wood cut, trees SMITH CO shawa Times. beautiful puppies and grown stock. i meme 12 drapes, parking, ete. N A % hk ABE 2 Cod Fenelon Falls highway=<large |ACCOUNTANT, office credit share, nome away from home. 97 albert Pes, parsing, 4 LIMITED removed §avh mone waitin geek arview Kennels, RA $5002 ; redit Manager. | gereet, RA, 14311 Rents from $88 ¢ 16 CELINA ST, a a A a conerd signs at entrance. Owne on RIA degrees, nine vears' experience, [Stroh RA mn mis lem monthly . oo) Shep td pies ,, regleler. desires change. Nib, Wo or Osh- (ROOM and board, $13 r Rok, Avply. 197 ' OLiver 5-3311 RA 8-1798 OSHAWA i sc Wadcsiars a Some 3 Wana wacked [Sumgdeiels" M0" u3isi "or Tatpire Lunches Diced PHONE RA 5.7272 RA 58787

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