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The Oshawa Times, 21 Jun 1960, p. 16

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36 JHE GSAAWA TIMES, Tuisioy, Juse 31, 1960. City Council [Women in the Nude boosie omer, of dscivutine yoyelonment Groupie, "eres ut tis was ; In view of the confiscation nsidered Obscene tons. ee moo 'he Polio ation Still Going Strong ikl ease the son jdick's fine to $50 and costs. Consider (CP)--Municipal | W ill Sell Court Judge Pascal Tare A recent amendment to the! OTTAWA (CP)--General man-| Cents. ruled Monday - that any publica- Criminal Code defines obscenity ager Harry Callan of the Eastern] The association now Ab attoir tion consisting entirely of photo- as the undue exploitation of sex. Ontario Development Association bers. Ki raphs: of women in the nude| said Monday the or ? |grapl Court! authorities said judge; stron g "despite a lot of bad "pu [two years ago. Sruptior {must be considered obscene un-| : TORONTO (CP)--Cit il der a recent amendment to the Lachapelle's ruling is expected to licity.™ will not renew this year. : --Lily council ~hinal Code. establish jurisprudence in sich There has been talk oF, one. or Hréw County came in |voted Monday to sell the civic abattoir to Quality Meat Packers He convicted Joseph Rodick,|cases before Canadian courts. two municipalities dropping out, bithis year. Limited, a private company, for $1,505,000 with a down payment of $150,000 | The company will pay the bal- ance over a period of 25 years in weet. quarterly payments of $26,000] 7 oore {vith interest at six per cent. le The council voted 15 to 6 in favor of the sale after a four - hour debate. Board of conirol had earlier recommended acceptanc of the MAR offer though it M E R C E D E S- B E N Z was below minimum standards, set forth in advertisements call-| - - Lo 3 . ing for offers. | Eo J The three pointed star is your ; -m The standards. drawn wp by| : ee . assurance of finest craftsmanship ond . UR Si Cn hie board of control, required that \ ton drivi 5 iia A SAA ERP 1 NR the down payment be a quarter gh g term driving pleasure. The KINSMEN PRESENTED AMBULANCE TO FIRE DEPARTMENT ~~ (*'C Sault Vue nag carter A 7 = I wae ys 160 5 Ye ois RAW offered to buy the abattoir for Since ils inception the Osh- | projects. In June, 1959, the | mmet. This type of work is sup- | carnival which is being held to- $15 3 yi es . - awa Kinsmen Club has taken | club presented this ambulance | ported by many Kinsmen Club | night and all dav Saturday at $1,501,000 and had created a dis-| Bs dependable gasoline engine gives rh : 4 \ i : ep turbance at a meeting of board 2 _an active interest in all civic to the Oshawa Fire Depart- activities, including the annual the Kinsmen morial Stadium, b pio iy 3, Teste 2 pe | you more miles per gallon, and is suit against city council en the semarkably low an maintenance, matter, Double's Club becuse he's not prepare to MERCEDES-BENZ , ee meet the minimum standards set i fom $3,380 to $12,500, Holds Meetin ivi Sage ILI ANDY NAGY MOTORS were not mandatory he would 408 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA RA 37132 have tendered. J COLUMBUS -- On Saturday David's spent Sunday with the evening the members of the Col-|Rev. and Mrs. Ronald Love. | umbus Double's Club gathered on| Mr, and Mrs, Alan Scott and the church grounds where they Mrs. Wallace Scott visited with| enjoyed an evening of baseball | Mrs. Myrna McCulloch of Orono . and horseshoes. After the games on Sunday evening. they retired to the Lower Hall of] npc Bar ry Johnson and fam- the church for worship and busi- ily of Courtice spent Wednesday O ess, afternoon with Mrs, Donald Wylie During the worship period, the ana family. Scripture lesson was 'read by/| " . 4 >. of Toronto called Wednesday was led in prayer by the Reve: evening at the home of Mr. and Stanley Webber and the group and Mrs, Norman Legerton : "an Ronald H. Love. : | The presidents, Mr. and Mrs, | MIS. Walter Dowse. . Qe Lance Beath, presided for the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and a business period. A report was family visited at the home of given by Mrs. Beath on the sale Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge of home baking which took place of Haydon on Sunday afternoon, at the recent auction sale. A total b of $94.71 was realized to be put toward the organ fund. The group Delegates Urged would like to thank all those who |donated home baking for this » : ' sale and made it the success it] Not To Sing Blues /was. A picnic is being planned for July 23 for the members and. OTTAWA (CP)--Delegates to, their families, Further announce. the Canadian Trucking Associa-| ment will be made at a later date, tions annual meeting were urged Following the business, the Monday not to spend their three- members gathered outside/ day annual meeting "singing the around a big bonfire to enjoy a blues.' wiener roast and sing-song. "Not everything has gone the |way we would have liked it to| ANNOUNCEMENTS go," said President Frank Me.| The Sacrament of the Lord's|Callum of Oshawa in an opening-| AN ONTARIO department of | in Northern Ontario. Experts Supper and reception of new day address. tangs and forest conservation | are often called upon to devise members will be held on Sunday, «gui we are going to make a officer prepares to dynamite a | methods of frustrating repeat- morning, June 26, at Columbus yery poor impression on the puib- Beaver dam flooding a highway | ed dam-building by beavers, United Church. lic and industry if we spend this The Columbus Suny School meeting 'singing the blues about 8 ' Anniversary service will be held | SHOCKING EXPERIENCE lon Sunday morning, July 3, at Agenda topics include discus: 11.15 a.m. The Rev. C. A. Mus # oy sion of the railways' eairy into) tard, BA, DD, from Toronto, will highway transport. be the guest speaker. 3 Electric Fence ee 31128 Go Blast Causes Church on Sunday, July 10. Par- ents desiring to have children Tames Beaver baptized are asked to kindy con- Philadelphia Scare PERSONALS PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP) -- he touched the wire once more. Mr nd Ms George MeCul- hydrogen gas explosion shook a What do you do with a beaver Again, Daddy Beaver was dis- Toons I ob d th 30th wed two-block area of south Philadel- that insists on building and re- couraged enough to stop. dch celebrate er 30th wed: oi; Monday, smashing hundreds building a dam that floods a! 'The unit, when in operation, 41m Fivorsary 20, Tuesday of windows and causing a bomb road? keeps ticking and during one of iy Sen Lizzie, Katie and]®°2T® The township of Oliver, 44, visits it was believed the Maly he d and Will Elford, all The blast was in a 20-foot-high miles west of here, endured the heaver associated the ticking | BLY in i' metal tank at the General Dy- frustration of repeatedly destroy- ith the live wire. The beaver Of Oakwood. namics Corporation's Liquid Car- ing the dam until it.decided t0'iyas seen in a motionless position -~ Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith and bonic Division, It unleased a ball call on the Ontario lands and for- with his head cocked to one side family attended decoration' serv- of fire that could be seem for ests Sepaitienl for help a REC though he was listening. ices at the Hampton Cemetery miles in the pre-dawn sky. FRA re oar nop af "The unit was shut off for ajon Sunday BHSIIOON, a: | Despite the intensity of the the beaver a few shocking exper- '€St and this proved true. The Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Dring plast only one person was known iemces with human ingenuity, and Peaver started to rebuild but still and Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- {o be injured. lly sent him and his family K€ePing a short distance away Culloch were Sunday dimmer ) Y from the wire Twigs and guests at the home of Mr. and swimming off in search of a new A i 2 ar grass were placed about one foot Mrs. Murray Vice and family of *The story of the beaver's reac- high: once again this was re- Solina NO PAYMENTS tibn to the fence is related in moved and the unit turned on Mr. and Mrs. Ken (Brown and Sylva, the department's publica. LS evidently was the last straw, family of Oshawa were recent TILL tion, by K. J, Tolmie of the Port The beavers finally decided the visitors at the home of Mr, and SEPTEMBER Arthur office. trees were much sweeter up- Mrs. Ken Powell. . SEVOLE. 301s stream and a dam there could Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love of St , ™E GUESWORK. is Te oe helps A - LL J " y a S. - 1 i ots on Fn you get 12 gdod every film! e little drama took place last 'The electric fence was taken sémmer. A department represen- away Aug. 5 and the wire left ¥ ifijve sat in on a council meeting as a reminder, 'a YY = ey and 'suggested it buy the fence ------------n " 1e S i rel and have it installed by the de- WE HAVE THE NEW Brownie partment. The dam was removed, a cul- Beaverton fawver -» TN BROWNIE is YOUR vert was cleaned and the water lowered to its natural level Faces 4 Char es - 2 StakeS were cut and placed on TORONTO (CP) -- ges |} = £ A Starmeter | BEST BUY { Built-in meter helps you oot. either side of the dam. Insulators t Completely automatic=--actually sets it- were placed 1% inches above the ite, a lawyer from Beaverton, y J i i i water with the wire strung be. "@me to New Toronto's magis- Dat Camera éa good shot every shot 2 self! Electric eye makes the lens "squint" in bright sunlight neath them and the unit set for ry sles som Monday to ask for ' { { and epen wide in dull light. Even tells you when to use flash! ons we ee tn he BG RODAK A HH EATS M G Now get veally good pierures -- one after another -- the way expérts do! ? See the remarkable Brownie Starmatic--Kodak's lowest-priced . "On attempting to replace the ¢harges. He was ordered to ap- . dam, Daddy Beaver got his ini- Pear Wednesday as scheduled Shown in the BIG KODAK AD What's their secret? They don't guess at how much light there is. They automatic camera, $3250 a sensitive electric eye that tells the \ tial introduction to the electric Mr. White then called crown Camera Porade Headquarters fence. This jolting experience counsel Mames Crossland an ig- measure it with an exposure meter | was quite a shock. After shaking noramus,Yand Magistrate Joseph . N | proper exposure. With this new Brownie Starmeter Camera, the electric hig. head a number of times, he Addison made. him apologize. ! i ilt right in! dfided this hou : eye is built right in! ed this mystery should be, My white is charged with ( ) or cloud instigated again to satisfy his stealing Magistrate Fred Thomp- N= Pl) 4 3 It gives you the correct exposure to use. Shoot on sanny or eloudy ego. t TC iooom_ jolt, answered son's official signature stamp, | : days: take color snapshots, black-and-whites, and eolor skides -- confident illegal possession of liquor, . pos- ! 4 woo lighty but just right, our days .later, he decided sessing stolen goods and pos | shat they' come out not too dark, not g } g tgfireturn, scouting the wire but |ssing an offensive weapon -- a ¢ / The Brownie $tarmeter i the lowest-priced eamera with a built-in x ng ih gp vi is jo het United States Civil War pistol. | exposure meter Kodak has ever made. Handsome, too, in two-tone gray. ly gathere A \ gi@ss and, incredible as it seems, _ H¢ #aid he wanted the remand i | Get yours at your Kodak dealer's in time for this weekend' s pictures. Also loMsit float downst 50 he could appear in court the | 3 : h holder, bulbs ofshorting Ie Heo same day for a client, Gerald 28 KING ST. E. see the new Brownie Starmeter Outfit -- camera, film, flas ? this first attempt failed paired dvi charged with im-| RA 3-4621 pute, : batteries -- a grand gift idea at just $28.75. ving. KEEPS TRYING | NOTHING DOWN Prices ave suggeed het and mebject so change withont notéee. "One week later he started to Hasy menis over place twigs and grass ahead of de 4 pay the wire. Possibly, in the process | * » 5 YEARS us: 3 ] 15S WE HAVE THE NEW' on monthly gos bits YES! * BROWNIE § | M14 Bi Ei: KODAK 1960 CAMERA PARADE T= own [DPW 4 = Movie Camera +s. = AT KODAK DEALERS DISPLAYING THIS SYMBOL... + and all the other new products ---- Tek CHANGE-OVER CA SHOWN IN THE Big Kodak Ad DONE IN A eR Sh oe CITY AND SUBURBAN Jury & Lovell Ltd. North Simcoe Pharmacy BOWMANVILLE : | Wits for al types of home heating 528 Simcoe Street South Corner Simcoe 'St. North | FREE BURNER SERVICE OSHAWA " ui at Robert Street. Jury & Lovell Ltd. Yow Gas company goss net ampioy : arn Drugs Ltd. a Sameiny Sais | Jamieson Drugs y Oshawa Camera Centre L=T =) 3 241 King Street East 28 King Street Kast Oshawa Shopping Ceritre WHITBY CS Jury & Lovell Led. Mitchell's Drugs (Oshawa) Ltd. Powell's Drug Store Allin's Drug Store OSHAWA CAMERA 8 King Street East 9 Simcoe Street North 35)2 Simcoe Street North = Jury & Lovell Ltd. CENTRE |" RA 33468 19 R . (Photographic Specialists) RA n Oshawe Shopping Centre + NAR ng Hind And at all other retailers displaying the Kodak Camera Parade symbol MCTURE IF NOW -- Soe it again ond agetnd Camera Parade Headquarters

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